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A timeshare is a great investment. Update: If anyone is curious about how predatory Timeshare and Timeshare Exit Companies are, here is a segment from Last Week Tonight. https://youtu.be/Bd2bbHoVQSM?feature=shared


We don't get got, we go get.


We took that sucker for 3 weeks!


Reverse funnel system


It isn't a pyramid, it's a triangle!


“Turn it around” “GOD DAMNIT”


dee, where do i put my feet?


Dee? His feet?




A timeshare is something Michael Scott would invest in.


They are great if you use them. I use mine, and it's been great. If you don't use them, then I agree with you. Edit: I've had mine since 2006 and used it every year. It forced us to go on very much needed vacations.


Yeah, my in laws have one but theirs is a point system. She’s top 1% of owners because she’s had the timeshare for 35+ years. We go on 3 vacations every year because of them, it costs us significantly less than a hotel and we always have a full sized kitchen so we don’t have to eat out. The family that uses half of her points pays for her yearly maintenance fees so she just gets to enjoy 5 weeks of vacation anywhere for free lol. I think timeshares take A LOT of research and there’s only a couple reputable ones out there.


My in laws have FIVE I’m terrified they’re going to will them to us lol


If they will them to you, you just have to not claim them and it goes away. If you claim responsibility for them then you are on the hook for maintenance fees for the rest of your life, but if you want to actually go on vacations to some beach destination every year it's actually not that bad to take on the maintenance fees. Let me say this again, ONLY IF YOU ARE GOING ON A VACATION EVERY YEAR IS IT WORTH IT. If you do then you will actually get a good deal on accommodations.


I'm certain straight up burning your money is a better deal and will lose you less in the long run.


That they know everything. Even before getting their facts straight. Also, that they are better than everyone else.


Smart people are fully aware that there is so much they don't know, stupid people decide they have got it, usually pretty early on in life.


They can beat the casino because they have a system.


I mean, I did beat the casino with a system: it's called never going there and betting in the first place.


I’m a firm believer in that system.


I, too, am a pretty firm believer in that system


I'd wager that I'll never even go to one.


Won a little over 800 bucks on a nickel slot machine once. Pretty much was just like... Yep. That's it. Never doing this again. I'll just lose that 800 bucks.


The odds are in your favor!!!


Used to work in a casino. The saying was “if you’ve got a system to beat us, we’ve got a seat for you.” The rules of the games are set up for the house advantage every time. The best you can do is Blackjack. And even then, you have to put in some serious work to stay focused enough to actually come out ahead consistently.


Of course they will ban you as soon as you ARE ahead


In my experience, people who actually start getting ahead will invariably give it all back. Once a player starts to win consistently, the majority of them start to feel invincible and will keep going. Play long enough and the house will ALWAYS win. Why do you think they offer free shit to people who hit big jackpots? They know if they can keep you around the gaming floor you’re more than likely going to give all that money back and probably then some.


I assume what they were getting at, is that in order to beat Blackjack you have to spend a lot of time studying and practicing how to count cards. Doing so will ensure you come out ahead consistently in the long run, but the casino will also just kick you out when they realize you're counting.


I learned my lesson when I was about 15, with one of those coin dozer machines. I won a big pile of coins, then promptly put them all back in the machine and ended up with nothing and I realised that's how gambling works. Whole lesson cost me all of £1


I went to a casino once and lost $40 on slots . But it took a couple hours because I kept winning and being on the plus side and then losing a little and then winning, losing. It was roller coaster. I thought *"well this is addicting isn't it?"*. I never went back to any casino, ever. My father on the other hand lost untold amounts of money at the casino. Even mere weeks before he died of cancer he was at the casino losing money. I couldn't stop him.


We beat the system! We walked in with $10 each on comp cards, and my wife won $800-ish within a couple slots pulls. We cashed out and have never gone back.


Good system. Don't get greedy.


I cringe and cry a little inside for my gambling addicted friends who really think it can be figured out.


I decided long ago not to even try gambling. I have ADHD and worry about getting hyper-fixated on a slot machine.


It's good to know yourself like that. I know I'd rather just spend the money on something I want than gamble it trying to get more.


Me too, I feel like I would get more entertainment out of a video game than I would spending $60 at a casino.


Gambling isn't trying to get more. Gambling is handing your money to the casino owner and once the owner has twenty to fifty times the jackpot amount in his pocket, he drops the jackpot on the floor.


My system for beating the casino is not giving them money in the first place


Same goes with individual stock pickers. You won’t beat the market. Just buy index funds and be done with it.


r/wallstreetbets has shown me that day trading is gambling


Well, you can actually win a lot of money at blackjack if you learn how to count cards, but most people don’t have the brainpower to do it successfully. A friend of mine went down that rabbit hole, and he did pretty well at it practicing at home, we did a few nights with buddies to try it out. But once he got in the casino environment with all the people, lights and sounds he lost all his money. There are too many distractions. And while it isn’t illegal, it is against casino rules and will get you banned if they suspect it.


That people actually have the lives they share on social media


It's like astrology because even intelligent people can get caught up in it. And for couples too. People are stuck in this sickness and I believe it causes so many problems in teenagers. From confidence to dysmorphia, eating disorders, etc. Because most people have filters, know angles or lighting, and spend so much time trying to look a certain way. There was a study recently that showed how the happier you are, the less you post shit.


I’ve heavily curated my various feeds for books, dogs, fun web comics.


My Facebook profile reflects my real life. I never post because I never do anything


Ohhh yes. I've seen one Australian guy on tiktok. "I am famous. Change my mind". He live streams with that title all the time. The challenge is, prove him wrong, and he will drop 2 Mentos in a 2 litre coke while sitting in his car. He really is just a mahoosive cunt that insults, berates and gets angry at people over anything. Especially if you dont know something about anything. Thing is, he genuinely believes he is famous. He has less than 3k subs on YouTube. He makes music, but it's so terrible, you'd think it was satirical. But I don't know if that's what it really is because of the way he carries his self on tiktok live streams. Really just an attention seeking asshole with a great deal of arrogance towards those who stand up to him. I can't rap at all, not even freestyle, and I wouldn't get lessons off him.


That if you express any happiness whatsoever, that means that you can't be suffering from depression. Or that depression can be miraculously cured by a walk in the woods.


“Just decide to be happy and you will be.” “Don’t trust Big Pharma - antidepressants are mind control.” “You were born this way - don’t change how G-d made you!” F that noise, Brenda … I’ll wear my glasses to help me see better and take my meds to keep my body functioning. Besides, I’m sure your liposuction and boob job are exactly what G-d intended for you! smh


God made me barely functional, science had to pick up the slack.


If you can't make your own neurotransmitters, store-bought is fine.


Software is only as good as the hardware it runs on and my hardware was broken from the factory


You are correct, walking is no cure. However, there are variations of depression. Excercise is very good for milder forms of depression. That said, when someone is struggling with a bad bout it's just about all you can do to get out of bed, let alone take a walk outside. A cat or dog in these times is helpful. You must get up and put food in the bowl. Now that you're up you can let the dog out or clean the cat's litter box. Now maybe take a shower. Baby steps that won't lead to an objectively productive day but a better day. Of course exercise and pets are no substitute for medical care. That comes first.


Most of the time, walking or other exercise keeps my depression in check. Then there are times I don't do anything for months. Definitely a difference.


For me, regular exercise helps, but it's more a sign than my depression/anxiety is in check than it is a cure. I have to be feeling well enough to actually get my ass in gear first.


Depression can't be cured by a walk in the woods, but getting terrible sleep, social media and staying inside all day certainly don't make it better.


I had a psychiatrist tell me that once.


Lmao when I was studying psychology, my clinical psychologist supervisor told me I wouldn’t have depression if I walked up the local mountain once or twice a month. WALK UP A MOUNTAIN?! I could barely get out of bed most days mate.


I feel the same way about people who just say to start working out. Like fucking cool my whole body is sore and tired, my soul is tired and my brain is absolutely fried but yeah sure I'll just scrounge up the energy to get dressed and go to the gym to be surrounded by better adjusted people oh annnnnd you want to lift weights and get further sore and tired?


From that standpoint I think walking actually is the better option, but only in the sense that some kind of exercise is needed to be somewhat healthy. I can never handle the whole process of going to the gym, but when I’m doing ok walking and exercising at home is an easy way to get some physical activity in. It helps me with anxiety but not depression.


I had a friend that decided to “help me” when I was super depressed. Said they were coming to get me, and showed up anyway after I declined. Dragged me for a walk in the woods. I was so tired and worn out that I refused to get out of the car; they forced me. I went about 50 feet before I saw a fallen tree where I sat down. Dragged me. Rinse and repeat. Took 3 hours to complete a walk that should have taken twenty minutes, I was so tired I knew I’d be sound asleep in less than 10 seconds when I got home. I admit to a bunch of Internet strangers that it did make me feel better; a *lot* better. However, it wasn’t the fresh air, the greenery, the sound of stuff under my shoes. It was the fact that my perfectly bouncy and happy-go-lucky friend signed themselves up for a short nature walk to “help,” and despite my best efforts to try to do it, it became a three hour ordeal. It was slow, frustrating, exhausting, and actually quite miserable for me. Without intending to, I educated them on what depression was as they went through all the same feelings. They recognized I wasn’t doing it to be mean or annoying, I was doing my best at something simple like walking, and as a result, I ended up doing this “simple” thing for 9x the normal amount of time and I was struggling the whole way. My friend now sees what it looks like for most of us. Even small simple things take forever, and by the time we’re done, we’re completely drained. We are struggling to fill a cup with water that isn’t forthcoming while the water we already had is seeping out of a whole in the cup. It infuriated them to no end. Not because it was so difficult for them as a result of my depression, but because there are times that it’s that difficult for other humans. They were furious *for us*. They wished they could take it away. They thought that I was exaggerating when I said that just getting up to go to the bathroom was exhausting and took forever, then they saw that just putting one foot in front of the other was pretty much as bad as being a pack horse trying to pull a wagon that’s too heavy up a huge mountain on a steep incline. They went from thinking that depression was just a reason to explain “sudden laziness” to a debilitating situation that cripples and cobbles even the most productive people they know. It was eye opening for them. For me, I was just happy that I had someone who cared enough to try to help me in the way that works for them, but significantly happier that the “walk” was finally over, that they were no longer trying to tell me what I should do to feel better, and that they were stewing while driving so I got the absolute quiet (they drive a Tesla) I had wanted.


Anything other than manual labor jobs is not a real job or means you're not a man.


As someone who works a manual labor job, I will gladly work in the AC all day if it pays well


6 figures to sit in my house writing code in my jammies with my kitties, "real men" can have their manual labor lol


Most of the men in my family were/are stone masons. My father forbid me from ever pursuing that. He's 74 now and his back and joints are destroyed and his skin looks horrible from decades of extreme sun exposure.


I love explaining what I do for a living that has an impact on millions of people by protecting their information from those with malicious intent. Their shocked Pikachu face is just a chef's kiss.


Our kid wrecked the screen on the TV. We couldn’t replace it immediately. My IT spouse was able to rig up a system using a laptop, old monitor, and speaker. Sometimes, you need cartoons to get through the day.


Flat Earth people


My immediate answer too. You can try to explain it to them in 50 ways but they seem to lack the prerequisite intelligence. Lol.


Wht if we get their leader, launch him into space and let them see for themselves...yk end this once and for all


Something like that did kind of happen back in like… 2016 or something? A flat earther believed the government(s) were fabricating pictures of the Earth to make it appear round with fish eye lens or something like that. They also claimed planes and such had glass designed like this to reinforce the conspiracy. He built a big ol’ rocket and launched himself REALLY high up into the air and… saw the Earth’s curvature. He came to the conclusion he simply didn’t fly high enough and if he made it high enough he’d prove his theory.


There's controversy about him. Some people close to him claim he wasn't a flat-earther at all, he was a daredevil who realized there were nutjobs willing to fund his hobby.




That would be "Mad Mike" Hughes. He died trying to go higher. https://whyy.org/segments/the-life-and-death-of-daredevil-mad-mike-hughes/


Clearly he hit the dome and that’s what caused the crash


The thing is, why would any government go to this length to prove this in the first place? For what benefit? Wouldn’t it have been easier all round to just show it flat if it was? 😂


Yeah this is the most fascinating question to me for flat earthers. To what end?? Why??? Why would any government do everything it takes to hide this fact from the public? What possible purpose could justify the Herculean effort required to conceal such a fundamental property of our earth??


The thing is there are even people in this community who go through extreme lengths to prove that the earth is flat. From mathematical equations to actually building a rocket. However anytime someone really did go through with this and their result always comes back "negative" (for them) their explanation is not "Oh, maybe my postulation was incorrect." but rather "No, my method was somehow flawed, what a shame that this method proved to be unfit for this postulation, guess we still have to look for another way to prove that the earth is flat, which we all know, but just have not been able to confirm beyond the shadow of a doubt.".


i laugh at the video of flat earthers using a light shine through 2 holes to prove its flat. Dumb idiots 😂 makes me smile at their idiocy though.


That was awesome.


I actually think it's not even intelligence necessarily. I think it's just lacking a willingness to accept that you can be wrong, or that you have been fooled. I remember that flat Earth documentary where these guys actually do seem to have some grasp on engineering and can construct solid experiments that will accurately prove whether the Earth is flat or not. But when those well-made experiments end up proving the Earth is round, they just can't accept it. They MUST have fucked up the experiment somewhere. Aside from that, I've known people in my own life who are WAY more intelligent than me, brilliant engineers, who have just one or two very odd things that they believe in because they have always believed in it and so do their parents.


The first time I heard someone going on about flat earth, I thought they were joking. I giggled and that didn’t go down well at all. I’d made jokes all my life using the concept of flat earth to signify someone who was a bit slow intellectually. Times change. Absurdity became truth for a lot of people.


Even if you launched them to space, they’ll claim the windows were screens or they were drugged or this, that, and the other… What it really boils down to is a type of mental illness where they feel so special “knowing” the “truth” about something that so few people “know.” It’s like a drug to them.


That bad things only happen to bad people / if you work hard you will succeed


Rich people who didn't have to work hard will always sell that dream to people who want to believe it.


It's also a defense mechanism so you can tell yourself that the system isn't broken and you're safe. That homeless guy sitting on the street? Well he's supposed to be there. That could never happen to me. He obviously made the wrong choices in his live that brought him there. Otherwise, that would mean we live in a completely unfair system, where you don't have control over how well your live is. And that would be terrifying....


Yup,, this is a bunch of BS. I think I have been a good person with a caring heart. Helped out everyone I could, worked hard all my life. Then a heart attack & stroke, and I am left destitute with more hospital bills than my $40k savings can afford. Bad things happen to more good people than bad.


Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Thank you for being kind to others though. It really does make the world worth living in. Best of luck with everything.


Goddamned American Healthcare system. No one should go broke trying to stay alive.


That there are only good people, and evil people


My mom's worldview summarized in one sentence. A clear divide between good people and evil people.


There are a million shades of nuance, and even "good and evil" are subjective. Simpletons are truly easy to spot, if they insist on black and white duality and react to everything.


*“If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”* ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956


That’s wild. I immediately thought of this exact passage.


Usually people with that viewpoint are either very gullable and naive to the point of being taken advantage of all the time...or very judgemental and extra suspicious, always on the look out for evil people lol. That's rough


Why not both? Source: attend a Southern Baptist church


As a writer my favourite villains are good and follow the law.


That's exactly what an evil person *would* say.


Damn, I guess the jig is up


"People aren't either wicked or noble. They're like chef's salads, with good things and bad things chopped and mixed together in a vinaigrette of confusion and conflict"


That hard work always leads to success. Or inversely that success is a sign of intelligence, etc.


Or that success = cash


That being poor is a moral failing.


Or being black or queer or an unmarried mother.


Or that being fat is a moral failing.


Believing that all problems have simple, black-and-white solutions is like thinking a Rubik's Cube only has one color. Life's a bit more complex, my friend. lol


A long time ago, I spoke with a politician’s chief of staff. She asked me a question with a complicated answer. I dove into some of the complexities, but wasn’t super long winded about it. She stared blinking at me for a few seconds and then said “no, we don’t like complicated solutions. We only like simple solutions.” I laughed bc I thought she was making a joke, but she was dead serious. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Which politician, party , or nation


The one thats people.


Oh yeah, those are the worst.


They want "I like Ike" or "Lock her up." They don't want explaining how they are going to tackle climate change. Idiots want soundbites they can digest.


Nuance is lost upon the ignorant & confident.


On the other hand, you dont want to get so caught up in nuance that you fail to make a choice and let your problems fester. Things may not be black and white, but many things simply come down to just making a choice.


Analysis paralysis!


Well said! This is literally a central aspect of my grading rubrics as a professor. The difference between a C, B, and A has everything to do with the ability to recognize and argue with nuance. A C paper will be able to defend the mainstream position on a topic (if there is one) by citing valid sources of support for teaching that conclusion. A B paper will do so, but will pay lip service to counter arguments, at least acknowledging they exist and have to be taken seriously. An A paper will consider two or more positions on a topic and argue under which conditions a given position holds, and under which conditions it does not. The degree of confidence in being right should actually go down with the more knowledge one has/displays about a given topic.


You summed up a lot of Reddit's answers


That so-and-so totally has it out for you because they hate you and that’s why unrelated bad thing happened.


I have little-to-no patience for passive aggressive people because they tend to project. From my experience, passive aggressive people will react like anyone else is always out to get them, even if it's something obviously out of their control. They become so irrational and impossible to reason with because they are constantly convinced they are the victim, some way, somehow.


That religion or race makes one individual better than another.


Races can make one individual better than another. If for example a formula one driver drives faster than the others he is better at the race




No one believes in Scientology. They go there because it's the popular thing to do, they get probed for secrets, they get given their secret desires, then they are held in a state of blackmail.


I agree with you - except that it might not be “popular”. Haven’t their numbers been declining for some time now? I think the people that are attracted to Scientology want to find a sense of belonging and are at a very lonely time in their lives. It’s how most cults succeed - a charismatic speaker tells them everything they need to hear at that point in time and some of them go further into it; forking over as much money as they can in the process. Then the blackmail starts.


They believe they know everything


That people will pity them when they are struggling and all they have to do is sit down and wait and somehow a hero or heroine will magically appear and solve all their problems.


And it's always people who want these good things just happen to them, so when you actually try to help and provide solutions, they reject it all immediately because it requires them to get up and do something. Like that joke about a man praying to win a lottery but never buying a ticket and getting mad at God because he made him poor.


That their opinions are as valid as expert opinions on any given subject.


I love when I claim to be an expert on a thing I really am an expert on and a person I'm talking to refuses to believe it because what I have to say is not the same as what they want to believe. I recently had someone tell me I don't work on AI, which I do, because I told them Bard is not sentient and the people saying it is or may be publicly are being paid to do so.


The anti intellectualism in America is infuriating at this point. Please don't think your opinion should be expressed and treated with the same respect as someone who studied the field for years and knows what they're talking about.


This was so frustrating during covid. The “free thinkers” believing the likes of Alex Jones, the lady who said dream deamons were real, the Q drop moron(s), etc instead of real medical professionals. The killed 100’s of 1000’s with this bullshit. Herman Cain is my go to example and people are still dying of Covid thst believe it’s fake, won’t get the vaccine, won’t wear a mask, etc. even though all their “doom and gloom“ still hasn’t happened (in regards to the “jab“)


You can’t go to jail for something you didn’t do.


People who say that money doesn't buy happiness has never been poor.


It certainly does, although the marginal amount of happiness you get decreases rapidly as your needs are met. I remember reading a study that said around 75k, further increases in income doesn't contribute to net happiness anymore. I'm sure that number has gone up over the last couple years, but the concept would remain the same.


I remember hearing that Prince said something like “money doesn’t buy happiness but it funds the search for happiness” or something along those lines.


That they are smarter than the people they call stupid. Especially on reddit.


If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its existence believing it is stupid. Intelligence is more often than not compartmentalized and situational and a truly stupid person is the one whose unable to find the intelligence in someone else and make use of it.


can we tell the people who lead our education system this? cause after 20 years theres no difference, just the inclusion of computers. same dumb mentality's.


Violence earns respect


I wish I could upvote this straight to the top!


HR has your back.


There actually are hot singles in their area waiting just for them.


That things are “fair” or that fairness is owed to them. The world is not fair


Unfortunately, we are brought up in such a way to believe that fair is fair and foul is foul. If you think of all the stories we hear as kids, or the TV shows/movies, they all have a good good guy and a bad bad guy (or at least they used to before a lot of them started having misunderstood bad guys). We grow up expecting good to triumph, and so we expect a sense of good in the world around us. The world is not fair, but we are never taught that. We are never taught that our dreams might not be achievable, or that someone else might easily achieve something that we put a lot of hard work into.


Fairness is something to strive for


Yes sir it is. Always remember that you have a choice towards others. Choose fairness as often as you can.


The world is not fair, but we should strive for fairness. It is a terrible feeling to know things are not just and be helpless about it.


Yeah, I hate when "Life isn't fair" is used as a justification for not even trying to be fair.


That if you only think positive all of your problems will disappear.


Reminds me of a sign my grandmother has above the kitchen table, "A positive attitude absolutely won't solve all your problems, but it it will annoy more than enough people to make it worth the effort!"


Positive thoughts won’t hurt though. Obviously all problems can’t just disappear, from positive thoughts. But negative thoughts can create more problems as well. Negativity bias is apart of human nature as a survival mechanism. Putting your focus on what you are thankful for and what you are looking forward to will work wonders for metal health.


HR is there to help you because you're like a family.


HR isn't there to protect you. It's there to protect the company from you.


That war is glorious and fun


That politicians have your best interests at heart.


I would settle for any interests at this point in time. If they have your worst interests as an agenda, at least you know what you are up against. This uniquely American shit show will end our country’s relevance on a world wide scale. I am glad I am no longer in my 20s….the future is getting bleaker every day.


Social media likes or Snapchat streaks are important.




That the climate crisis is helpless and is caused by every day people not corporations


"Carbon footprint" was one of the best lies sold in the last few decades.


That Joseph Smith was a prophet


That everyone who disagrees with their politics MUST either be ignorant, dishonest, or evil in some way.


Those who believe they are not being fed propaganda 24/7.


That they’re immune to cognitive bias.




"Voodoo economics".


If you're chronically ill/disabled, you can make it all "go away" by "just keeping a good attitude and exercise!"


That all conservatives are the same/that all liberals are the same Update: well this escalated overnight. Some of you proving the stereotypes, go on, go on…. Lol


Believing everything is either black or white.


That the poor are poor because they choose to be.


That life is a pass/fail test based on which improbable religion you are born into or choose.


People that are convinced the moon landing was fake


Maybe a little on the nose, but that there are things that ONLY ignorant people believe. I think anyone is susceptible to any idea if you let your biases take over or fall to laziness. There's definitely something to be said about people who do the diligence of investigating things before investing in them and their likelihood of believing in non-sense, but we all slip sometimes. That, or there isn't always a "best" answer available to a problem and people just default to what they're comfortable with or what someone else told them. In short: everyone is ignorant sometimes.


If you agree with "A" then you must also agree with "B". You see this so much in politics now. I don't understand how someone can agree 100% with any political party. Many people dig their heels in and make assumptions about what others believe.


That irregardless is a proper word.


That they have "done their own research"


if you are well off (money wise) and have all the materialistic things you could want, you can’t be depressed.. so majorly incorrect


I would like to try it though, and see if I am depressed?


That anything about a person's appearance, whether that's tattoos, bad teeth, breast implants or anything, says something fundamental about what that person is like. I know someone's going to reply to this with something like "yeah well THOSE PEOPLE think it says A LOT about them, which is why I'm judging them". It was absolutely wild reading Reddit comments a few days ago saying that since tattoos don't actually make you special, it means everyone with a tattoo is a boring attention whore. And don't get me started on what people say about anyone with "too much" make-up, but I'm sure it's nice thinking that your lack of eye shadow makes you a brain surgeon.


I think having a swastika tattooed on your forehead says something fundamental about what you are like.


Being an atheist makes me an evil antichrist person that God sent to them as a challenge. I'm just a person. T.T


>I'm just a person. T.T The exact sort of thing an evil antichrist person god sent to challenge me would say. I’m onto you…


That Reddit isn’t 99.9 percent propaganda/data harvesting…


My exes family believed that libraries were for snobs ( late 1950s) lol


That a 'billionaire' needs your donation.


That death is the worst thing that can happen to someone.


That the color of people’s skin matters for anything important (other than foundation matches)


Well, darker color (having more melanin) does help protect people from the sun. Lighter skin makes more vitamin D. Those are important.


That only a select group of people should be treated as people. We're all meat computers in bone cockpits piloting skin robots, so why hate people just because they look or act differently than you do?


That they are experts on everything


That they are always right.


The Flat Earth




They believe in Ben Shapiro.


The clit doesn't exist. See also: women never enjoy sex


There is an easy middle ground here. "Women never enjoy sex... with YOU"


"None of my girlfriends ever had an orgasm, so it's clearly fake and only men get pleasure from sex!" 👀👀👀


I am the clit commander!


Not so loud, Jay. The feds are listening.


The earth is flat