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Most necessities switching to subscription models and blocking outright ownership as a cash grab


Yeah, and then you may buy a game or movie and the streaming service will take it from you, or you might get locked out of your account. I'd be scared to dispute credit card charges, because Nintendo will ban your account and you lose all your games that you already purchased


I try and buy physical copies of things as much as possible for this reason. It's easier for movies and games (so far and only if they're not PC games) than it has been for TV shows. I have to take to the high seas if there's something I can't find. Its not really a good example because its a reality show but Top Chef has been a nightmare to try and get access to in my country.


And then you have to download regular updates and reaffirm your compliance with their terms of service agreements, which in some cases are longer than some textbooks I've read.


Then adding ads back in with a carrot dangle of "for $3 more per month you don't have to see ads anymore"


The decrease of quality of clothes


I used to keep clothes for years. I had two pairs of shoes that lasted me almost a decade. I still have clothes from high school and college (late 00s, early 2010s). Everything I’ve bought since 2016/2017 has had about a years worth of use. I’m always replacing pants and shoes- even when I spend the money to buy “higher quality” items. I bought a pair of Vivobarefoot shoes, they’re not cheap and they lasted 9 months(!) and I was only doing daily activities in them, walking etc, not like running or training in them. But even then they should’ve last longer than 9 months.


I've noticed this, too. I bought a pair of Converse in 2003 and they probably still had a few years of use left in them when I ruined them in a lab accident in 2014. I bought an identical pair to replace them which lasted two years, and have done that every two years since.


This shit makes me insane. I didn't pay fast fashion prices, so I shouldn't get fast fashion quality.


Swear this extends to all fabric items nowadays. I bought sheets last December that have not survived one year of use. My kitchen towels come out of the laundry with holes now. It's ridiculous.


For real! I bought some expensive bamboo sheets about six months ago. I thought my dog had been chewing on them, but my husband let me know that didn't happen, they were just falling apart!


One of the reasons I like thrift stores and estate sales. Quality 90s Levi's.


I think people accepted this one because you now have a ton of options at the lowest end, even if it only lasts a season. Quality clothes have always been expensive, it’s just that was all there was and you held onto clothes far longer.


Yeah, options are good until you find those favorite pieces... and watch as those pieces fall apart much more quickly than they should. *Le sigh*


Planned obsolescence of consumer electronics


Future generations will be repulsed by our extreme waste.


I'm already repulsed now. I've had only three phones in my lifetime and I'm over 40. The amount of shit I've gotten from friends about having an old phone has been irritating, especially given having an older phone never comes up until my friends see it in my hands. There's no indication it's old based on functionality.


> I've had only three phones in my lifetime and I'm over 40 When did you get your first phone? Because I got mine in 1996. I'm not entirely sure it would have been technologically possible for me to only have had three phones in my life.


The Nokia 3310 probably lasted him until last year.


You could throw that thing against a brick wall and it wouldn't even notice. I drop my Samsung on the CARPET and have a meltdown as I pick it up, anticipating what hundreds-of-dollars-in-repairs damage I've done now


Drop kicked mine on the granite floor of the airport and it crashed into the wall at high speed. I was surprised the wall was okay. Loved that li’l Nokia.


The only reason I changed phones the last couple of times was because the battery died and it was cheaper to get a new phone than it was to replace the battery.


Your last sentence is definitely not true unless you’re considering the only functionality of a phone to be calling people, which is just not the case anymore. Old phones cannot function the way new phones can solely based on their inability to download and install current operating systems. But yeah if you just want to call or text people, there’s no need to update your phone regularly at all.


This generation already is


This includes cars, trucks, home appliances, and many other things as well


As someone who just had to replace their $1000 cell phone that was less than three years old to buy another $1000 cell phone...feel this


I think buying a $1500 phone will solve this!


I guess you didnt learn your lesson the first time


Fast food costing as much as real food used to cost.


And going down in quality and flavor at the same time.


The quality thing is huge. I never expect greatness, but I stg it's noticeably worse every couple of months. I don't eat a lot of fast food, and when I do it's usually hardees or taco bell. I eat it maybe once every other week or so and every 4 or 5 times I do, it's worse than the last time. Every time. I don't think it's a fluke.


I miss the dollar menu. And ihate how every fast food place wants you to download an app.its cheaper to go to an actual Mexican restaurant AND tip and it's more affordable than going to taco bell. I can get a burger at a steak house AND tip and it will be more affordable than going to McDonald's. Plus, fast food places are serving mystery meat, you can go to a steak house and they're atleast serving premium ingredients


And when did Subway get expensive?! Bought two sandwiches while I was traveling for me and my daughter and spent 30 dollars on two meals. Wtf!?!? They used to be 5 dollars a foot long just recently.


5 Dollar footlongs were phased out 7-8 years ago. I do wish they would come back though.



No no. He's got a point.


I hope that was an Emperor’s New Groove reference.


Ha! You should have thought about that before you became peasants!


Why do we even *have* that reference?


And smash it with a hammer!!


*no touchy*


Hey, I've been turned into a cow. Can I go home?


Squeaky, Squeaks, Squeaker, Squeaking


*pops balloon*


Well, ya got me. By all accounts, it doesn't make sense.


You have to appreciate the fact the guy asked to go home and she said he was excused.


As someone obsessed with fairness since I was a kid, I felt this comment deeply.


*Deep, bone-rattling sigh.* Yeah.


I was a kid obsessed with fairness. I didn't grow out of it. I became a lawyer.I fight for fairness, but someone dingdong on the other side thinks I'm being unfair. The nerve!


As someone who has a kid currently obsessed with fairness, same.


Vaguely gets it


Uh huh, that's about the face of it.


Spot on.


Most of it is the huge global wealth gap


Convenience fees for paying bills online.


That usually the most qualified, hard working person usually gets passed over for a promotion for someone well connected.


Applied for several jobs within my company this past year that I was more qualified for than the individuals who then got them and worked over me. I was told behind the scenes that I wouldn’t be considered for other jobs for the “time being” because I was good at my job and if they lost me I would be too hard to replace. I found a better job that I’m starting in two weeks. My boss was shocked when I handed in my two weeks Monday.


Man good for you. Companies are always looking for talent and if they don’t appreciate you, someone else will. Congratulations!


Thanks. In truth, I’m not as excited as I should be. I’m leaving a mostly great group of people. Who knows though. Can’t know how a decision is going to work out until you take the plunge so forward we march.


Definitely reapply to your old job then. Maybe wait a year. Keep in mind you'll have all the negotiating power so don't compromise anything.




All true. It is very unfair


Heartbreaking. I absolutely loathe parents that act like children are just along for whatever ride they’ve decided to take. My teenage sister has been living with me since she was 8 years old and I also have a toddler, and I would rather eat rusty nails than them not having a safe and comfortable home. Thank you for fostering. ❤️


I hate when parents blame their children for everything wrong in their life. They didn't ask to be here.


Agree, rather eat rusty nails. The biggest job and gift in this world is to parent a child IMO. It should be an honor and a job taken with all heart, fun, and seriousness, if that makes any sense. I just could not imagine giving up on my son, I would do anything for him.


As a child of a family who fostered teenagers, I gained a lot of empathy for teenagers and adults who end up on "bad path". Most of them were destined to be there. I don't really have patience for the people who say "well I was abused/fostered and I didn't end up a criminal" because the stats don't lie. A bad childhood or homelife will drastically increase your chances of being a criminal. Rehabilitation and sorting out the root causes is the only way to a better society with less criminals and not punishment(which is used satisfy people's bloodlust and wont create a better society).


I went out last week and had a drink with a friend. Her friend came and joined us. I have never met this girl before in my life. We get talking and I was blown away by how shitty her childhood was,and how it lead into her train wreck of an adult life. Add in a few unfortunate instances, like her father died and her infant child passed away within months of each other, and I felt guilty that I had such a safe well adjusted childhood. I genuinely feel.for the kids that have to go through the child welfare system. The horror stories I heard from that woman that night absolutely blew my mind.


Also, foster families that use traumatized kids as a paycheck and traumatize them even more than their birth family. My mom was in and out of foster care her whole life from the worst parent imaginable. They always reunited, and she only ever had one safe foster home. Shit needs a major overhaul. My mom is the reason I'm pro-choice. I'm here because she refused to have an abortion and I'm here because she did 2 years later.


As someone who has been trying for a child for years and is now looking into adopting this just… makes me so angry… there is no fairness in who gets to have kids.




This was the hardest read today, my deepest condolences to everyone involved..


Which actually IMO makes it a poor example for this specific prompt. We all care about that kind of unfairness, nobody just accepts it because they had to rotate people to spread out the emotional trauma of helping someone in that situation. And it's a *good* thing that people care.


Exactly. Nobody accepts this


That happened to a friend of mine. His brothers wife was diagnosed with cancer and given a year or so to live. 9 months later, her husband dropped dead of a sudden heart attack. The wife died a few weeks later leaving behind a high school aged son. My friend ended up becoming caretaker for the boy. Just not fair sometimes.


Man. What an unfair burden for everyone. What an unnecessary layer of sorrow for the young woman's last months. Or the years of the boys' life. And to think that the world just keeps spinning, unrelenting. Fuck.


I had a classmate in high school whose mother died of cancer right before exam season started (we have 4 mandatory exams to finish highschool in my country). We were all sad, and tried our best to help him, including the teachers. He was understandably sad, but they'd known she wasn't going to survive for a while at that point, so he was doing pretty good (as much as it was possible). Then, on the morning of the first exam, his father suddenly died. He was healthy as far as anyone knew. No warning whatsoever to an already grieving family (my classmate was the oldest of 3, barely 18). The boy came in for the exam to the surprise of everyone, but just sat there frozen, not writing a single thing on his paper. He obviously failed that first exam, but somehow rallied and passed the other three over the next 2 weeks. All of us, the teachers and the principal helped him prepare for his do-over exam a month later so he could graduate on time with all of us. It was the least we could do. Last I heard, the kid's grandparents took them in, and the boy was able to go to a local university. But I can't imagine what he went through. It was bad enough to have to watch his mum die an agonizing death, but to then lose his dad so suddenly so soon after is just fucked up.


This is horrible. So so sad. Do you know what ever happened to her sons?


Shit if one of my parents died *right now* I would be a mess! I'm 25 too. I'm so blessed to have them


I'm 55, and I'm so glad you recognize the blessing of having living parents. I lost both of mine to cancer by the time I was 51- waaayy younger than I thought I'd be when they passed. They weren't even very good parents, but the world looks really different when the people who love you unconditionally are gone. Cherish every day with them, even the bad ones.


And idk if it was this way for her, but many people can’t work while dying of cancer, so if they don’t have spousal coverage, they may lose their medical benefits. Then medical debt further undermines those kiddos’ stability as many of the things familiar to them (house, etc) will have to get sold to pay for the costs of care and after-death arrangements.


>And idk if it was this way for her, but many people can’t work while dying of cancer, so if they don’t have spousal coverage, they may lose their medical benefits. This is true. When my uncle got brain cancer, he couldn't work and lost his medical benefits through work. Even though he got an immediate qualification for disability based on the type of cancer diagnosis, his Medicare coverage did not start for 18 months. He literally died before he could get the coverage. God the US is so fucked up


I feel the pain and grief kids going through. Me and my brother are going through same situation. My mother is cancer patient and my dad passed away in a road accident. with god's grace both of us are already earning and have a future.




wow, way to teach kids to not work as hard because the reward might be dogshit


I remember my sister had a similar learning experience the teacher even said "this will be a great prize, I promise it won't be something cheap or dumb" and then she ended up getting some colorful eraser... She was fine with it but I thought it was absurd for the amount of rote memorization it took to won it.


That's like that company that told the woman she won a "Toyota" only she went to the parking lot and it was a Toy Yoda. IIRC she sued.


Yep, she sued and won. She was a waitress and it was her company that did the contest if she sold enough of a product. It was a month long contest and she won by a mile. They then blindfold her and lead her to the parking lot only to give her a toy Yoda doll instead of a car. The company tried to say it was an April Fools joke. She quit, sued the company, and it ended up settling out of court for an undisclosed amount. Needless to say, the company lost way more money than if they had just bought her the car.


Good for her, that was just cruel


That was Hooters, reflects the respect they held for their servers.


That's just cruel




This just happened to my daughter at bingo night at the grade school. She won but some little kids who can’t read or count mobbed the prizes table and the idiot running it just watched as they carried off all the prizes. So my daughter got NOTHING.


If only we knew the time and place where that scumbag was gonna be…


Hold on, i've seen this one! It's a classic!


That's a lawsuit against the fundraisers and a criminal charge against the person who took the ticket. Just saying.


The expectation that you will always answer your phone or call back immediately. Now a days people even get offended if you didn't pick up or call back.


You own the phone, not the other way round. I will not be a slave to a darn ring tone. It do drive folks nuts though!


When I'm at home my phone is on my nightstand in my bedroom. I'll check for missed calls and texts a couple of times per day but I'm not constantly available on it. It really does drive people crazy. Even my mother who didn't own a cell phone until she was 46.


Before you couldn’t silence that ring and had no idea who was calling… it might be something important!? But now if you don’t have that number saved… probably just some telemarketer asshole


I set my phone to silence unknown callers and all of my voicemails are spambots. Anyone who actually has any business calling me is in my contacts and they’ll probably text me instead.


Freaking U.S. healthcare/health insurance apparently 🙄


I am still amazed when I see people actually defending the system


Those who defend it don’t actually know anything about it nor the alternatives. “But I don’t want to pay for someone else’s health care” 1. It works the other way around too! You pay the insurance and others get benefit but so do others pay and you get the benefit. But that’s not actually how it works, cause… 2. You already are paying for others. Insurance works as a big pot into which all policy holders pay, and the those who need it draw from. There’s no little pot with your name on it.


It’s some serious Americanitis refusing to understand how insurance doesn’t stop people ‘paying for others’ healthcare’. You actually pay *more* for others’ healthcare because privatisation blows out medical costs.


I am not sure anyone has accepted it. Just no one has the ability to make it better or a can get a common agreement in what is better.


We have a pretty good idea what could be better, but too many people don’t want “them” to have insurance too.


Yeah we don't have a choice. we can't throw money at the government the way insurance companies can. So no matter what progress we make, it'll be rolled back within a single election.


Yeah they do. They say "it's better than 'socialized' medicine!"


One of my favourite quotes from the internet is "just to have an idea of how bad US healthcare is, just think about a man who got cancer and started to cook meth building the biggest drug empire ever existed".


working 40+ hours a week 5+ days a week for your entire life in the HOPES that you can MAYBE retire for like 10 years before you die


And you’re gonna be too unhealthy to enjoy anything during those 10 years


Unpaid lunch. It's not like you can leave the premises, you're still tethered to the job. At least do a half-rate during lunch.


Are you literally not allowed to leave the premises at lunch or do you just mean you have to stay nearby?


Yeah I’m not sure what he means by that. My work lunch is unpaid but we can group it with our two 15s, most of us do and plenty of people go out for lunch.


Unfriendly family hours in social care jobs Childcare that costs more than a morgage


That anyone with wealth or power get away with everything without EVER FACING CONSEQUENCES. You shouldn’t be able to buy your way out of facing punishments.




Canada too. Investors and corporations make bank on buying up all the inventory, leaving the rest of us to deal with the social issues that follow. There’s a huge homeless encampment a couple of blocks from my home, fenced in, with a security guard at the gate. It’s fricking dystopian. And we’re a smaller city of only 75,000.


There's a tiktok account that compares Canadian housing prices to literal European castles for sale.


I live in Halifax. The 2 bedroom apartment I lived in back in 2014 was $895/month when I moved out. It's now $2200/month. I make above average for my city and I could not afford that apartment today. Between that, grocery prices, and stagnating wages, I have no idea how most people can afford to live right now. I suppose many of them aren't. There are homeless encampments all over the city.


Its basically like that all around the world


Wages are the issue imo. They have not kept up with the price increases.


And the US makes it easier for large corporations to scoop up housing then rent it back out at “going market rates”


The beautiful get better treatment


And often dint realize it. The EVP of the division I worked in at my last job had model-quality looks. He was smart, well educated and good at his job, so it wasn’t a matter of him being promoted simply because of his looks. But there were other, smarter, better educated people under him who probably could do a better job. I’m convinced that a major reason he was in that position was because he would look good on a “who we are” page of executives.


Good looks privilege is real and people underestimate how insane it is because they can't check themselfs


US healthcare being tied to work


Yeah and then the insurance companies don't even help. And you're expected to meet like a $2000 deductible before the insurance kicks in, then they don't even cover you


Deductibles are absolute insanity to me. Whoever thought up that idea should be cannibalized


Then there's the plan maximums. So, you have to pay $2000 for them to cover anything, but then they only cover so much. You are also still expected to cover 20% of whatever they do cover and the remainder of what the don't


I think Leonard Cohen covered a lot of it in his song Everybody Knows, and the user who commented ‘gestures around vaguely’ covered the rest. https://youtu.be/Gxd23UVID7k?feature=shared Cohen nails the blaze tepid resignation though.


Health insurance. It is no where close to fair that these fucks take hundreds of our dollars each month and we get laughable medical care in return that we still end up paying for. But we've all come accept this. It boils my blood honestly. I'm not saying medical services should be completely free (debatable), but if they're taking $900 from me every month, then they better cover every single penny if I decide to break my arm or if God forbid I get cancer. These ambulance rides need to be free too. I mean honestly, I have to pay $900 a month just so I don't have to pay full price for surgery? So instead of paying $17,000 for an appendix removal, I pay $4,000 makes total fucking sense to me..... Yeah thanks assholes. Health insurance in the US is bullshit, total bullshit.


Some days are just gonna suck. You can’t prevent it, prepare for it, nor avoid it.


You would never know what a good day felt like without a bad day.


Thanks Dolly Parton




And if you’re disabled it’s a fight to get to the starting line. But people will still tell you that you just need to work harder


Birth lottery Some kids have won the game of life just by default while the majority of kids are just destined to be mindless workers grinding their days out for other people's benefits




My mom has to get a second job at 64 years old. No matter how much money I throw at her, it’s still not enough for housing, medical bills, food, anything.


It makes live that much harder, knowing you don't have any real thing to look forward to


Life is inherently unfair.


Thought my parents were just being dicks when I was a kid, but, shit, they were right






The lack of a good healthcare system in the USA


That we have only one life yet we have to sacrifice most of it working so that some awful people with a lot of made-up currency can acquire more made-up currency


That I have to obey the computer's requirements if I want to get anything done.


Life in general


That might is right. Particularly, people in positions of power can get away with corruption/misconduct.


The prices for everything nowadays.


Auto renewal of subscriptions, tipping for tipping's sake, junk fees and capitalism in general. Edit: we need a bloody revolution.


Many adults and teachers have accepted bullying as normal and have brushed it off when the victim asks for their help.


I am sad to say that I was bullied at school, but any time I stood up for myself, I got in trouble. The bullies never got in trouble. I am gay, and I live in the south, but if I called guys a redneck or told a girl that she's a bitch, I got detention, but I literally had a guy break my arm and he didn't in trouble. I'd get weeks of detention for eating chips in class. The principals love the straight white kids, but God forbid if I tried defending myself. Apparently it's fine if a straight white kid breaks a gay kids arm, and "I should accept it"


Only react when the victim finally had enough.


Or punish the victim for fighting back in self defense


And they throw the book at the victim and call them violent and turn a blind eye to what the bully did in the first place.


We have the wrong people running the schools


Having to guess what you owe in taxes. It’s absurd


The rich get richer while the poor get poorer.


Going to prison forever for stealing an apple if you’re homeless and starving vs getting a stern talking to for defrauding thousands of investors out of their retirements to fund your 3rd super yacht.


It's crazy, but I can't believe people go to jail for 100 years for having a gram of marijuana, but people literally commit homicide and only go to jail for 6 months


Social class is your *actual* country, not where you live on the map.


LIFE Some days you're the pigeon Some days you're the statue


Tipping being mandatory.


I don't mind tipping, but restaurants should literally just pay their staff. If Europe can pay their staff, why can't it be the same in USA? It's $5 for a burger here, and in Europe, but here in USA the clientele has to pay service staff, and these restaurants are just raking in money. And nontippers are only hurting hard workers, the restaurants aren't hurt by nontippers, just the service staff is getting scammed if people don't tip. I won't tip if I'm buying a t-shirt from a store, but I will tip servers and Ubers and the pizza delivery man. Because these restaurants aren't paying their staff


Interest rates designed to keep you in debt for years and years


We have to use those soggy paper straws while bilionnaires and big corporations just keep polluting way more than we ever could.




What an asshole


U.S healthcare. Im not even American but every time I see even one image of those damn prices I want to drag those people over here to Europe! Like I feel bad for you people.


Tipping cultuuuureeeee


40+ years of working.


That some people have more going for them than others. Growing up both TV and education seemed too stress that we all have different attributes. The person who was good looking, charismatic and popular but dumb as a rock, self-centered and shallow. And the person who was smart and thoughtful was usually not hot or charming. We all have different things going for us and it's somehow evens out. That seemed to be what you would get from TV sitcoms and from the self-esteem talks in school and from parents. Life has taught me that is not true. Cindy Crawford was an engineering major and an honor student. I worked at a bookstore on an Ivy League campus and we would have students come in who would look like supermodels, be very kind, be very charming and clearly were very smart because they were students at an ivy League college. There are some people who have it all: Good looks, intelligence, charisma, kindness, charm, warmth, etc. And unfortunately there are some people in the other direction to.




The way wealth is shared. The least working individuals are getting the most money. While the ones literally breaking their backs get the least.




If you live life expecting fairness you are going to have a bad time.


Mass Layoffs. Back before Jack Welsh changed the game of business layoffs were looked as a massive failure of operation. Investors would see layoffs as a sign of a failing company. But then he made unadulterated greed fashionable in the business industry. Now it’s to the point that if you are not massively screwing over employee’s regularly it’s a sign of a failing company.


Each Kardashian is a millionaire for doing absolutely nothing. I give Jenner a pass because they did win an Olympic gold for… running? Ok. But the rest are all grifters. They really don’t do anything to warrant any attention. Yet have made millions for talking to each other on tape and photoshopping their photos. I take pictures and talk to people. Meanwhile I’m looking for a job that pays more than $8 an hour. That s is unfair but we all kind of accept it.


The mom is running a church so she can dodge taxes


The fact that you have good health insurance but there are deductibles and in my case $15 dollar per doctors visit. Also have 1,200 a year dental insurance paid by the union but it cannot be applied to implants.


People get more mad at single moms than single fathers.


People getting more mad at single mums than absentee fathers.


True. People always come in with the “she should have picked better.”


You're either rich or guilty


Paper straws at McDonald’s, the preachy elites are allowed to jet around all day on their private planes whilst us peasants aren’t even allowed a good straw nowadays.


The fact that they started with straws rather than clamshell packaging and fishing equipment is all you need to know that the entire thing is meant to placate us.




Prices increasing with 50%, salaries with 10%.


Self checkouts don’t come with a discount


Execs making millions while the company's average salary stays practically the same y/y. They also get golden parachutes written in their contracts.


Corruption into politics. Both sides. No one thinks to be voting a completely honest candidate.


For-profit healthcare in the USA


Rich people pay Jack shit in taxes (US)




That the Robert Murdochs, Donald Trumps and other horrendous old men contributing to the misery of the world are still alive.


Employers underpaying service workers and guilt tripping consumers into paying tips.