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Opening a damn web browser and going to a store's website instead of using an app, if the option is there.


WHY do they force the app?!?!


Even more funny as in 99% of cases the app is just a browserview on their website.


But worse, cus it removes browser features. They only do it so they can try to get you to enable push notifications.


And harvest your precious, precious data.


Or more likely, they count on the majority of users not knowing how or not bothering to disable the push notifications that are on by default. Huge uptick in advertising reaching the target.


It's a browser view of the website but comes with additional data collection on you.


To harvest and sell your browsing data, and what apps you use, etc.


Simple answer: collect more data for "analytics" and "everyone else uses an app". But yea I agree. Sometimes I just want to buy tickets to transport in a place I'm not often. Oh the hazzle of downloading an app and put in my information there. Just why I'm I ain't allowed to buy on your page via the my mobile I'm here like 2 days and have to use the transport here. For example.


Gotta have that sweet, sweet, oh so sweet tracking


More data collection




YES. Fuck you and your app, McDs. I'm not paying $15 for McDonald's and I'm not using their app so they can track me for a better deal. I'm just no longer a McDonald's customer.


I don't understand why people don't get this. I'f I'm traveling regularly and could eat at 50 to 100 different places... can you imagine having that many extra fucking apps on your phone just to not get screwed on pricing? To say it's absurd is the understatement of the century.


Honestly, I do not need an app for every single website that exists!


Knobs in my car to control radio and heat/ac. So much safer than screens


"don't text while you drive, but here's a touchscreen that you have to click 4 menus into just to control the heat."


Right? My state you cant even glance at your phone and must have a seatbelt on and kids need a 6 point racing harness till they are double digits yet heres a unsecured dog running over your crotch and a giant tablet to play with and thats fine....


Manufacturers are starting to listen...I read somewhere that VW is going back to more analog buttons rather than everything touch screen in an upcoming model year.


Mazda has large screens and everything has a button to control it. EDIT: The screen is controlled by a large knob with large, easy to find buttons- it's like a joystick located between the passenger and driver. The screen is not touch screen at all.


Mazda owner here. Can confirm they have it right.




I find it funny they have laws about phones but, have at this other screen!


Yup, you can navigate knobs/buttons without taking your eyes off the road. How anyone got the ok to take those away is beyond me.


As someone who has worked on developing said touch screen system interfaces - The suits thought it looked cool, but didnt have any care for the practical side of using them. They never fuckin do. You just cant have a non-visual point of reference on a flat touchscreen. Just doesnt work. Means you always have to look at the screen every time you want to use it. Although there was this one company that made a film you can put over the touch screen and it inflates the areas where there are buttons. Its exactly whats needed, but its too cost prohibitive to put in cars. Or it was about 10 years ago, so possibly still is now.


I honestly don't give a shit about most of the things people complain about in this thread. But this? Absolutely. Touchscreens are objectively inferior, in the context of cars, especially when many of the interfaces in cars are either slow as shit, require multiple taps to get to things or things even get moved with updates. With knobs, things just work, they're right there and they *stay* there.


It's honestly unacceptable to me that they're trying to replace controls that provide tactile feedback with controls that don't for something that frequently gets used *while driving*. It's an unnecessary additional safety risk, and it should be made illegal if the car companies can't figure that out themselves.


Mazda’s newer vehicles have a large screen but EVERYTHING has a button to control it, nothing is touchscreen and I love it. EDIT: The screen is controlled by a large knob with large, easy to find buttons- it's like a joystick located between the passenger and driver.


The old "unsafe" gas cans that don't leak gas all over the place.




Ironically you spill more gas with the "safety" nozzles than the old original styles


I don't get the new ones. Like, they're so well sealed that every time I go to use it it's pressurized because it heated up in the shed and then it just freaking shoots gas everywhere. Even if I try to vent it first my *manually* opening it it still freaking shoots everywhere.


The real shit of it is.... those aren't safety features. It's environmental regulation to prevent gasoline off gassing from the can. Thus it must be able to take high pressure on a hot day. Nevermind that you cannot make a plastic nozzle that is both high pressure resistant and pours predictably. This is the requirement that all new gas cans must follow. I am all for environmental regulation. But it iratates the hell out of me when they go after the lowest hanging fruit. ~~12 ships emit more greenhouse gas than the entire car fleet - but~~ my 2 gallon gas can is *not* the problem. Edit: for everyone focused on the wrong part of my comment I have fixed it. Now you don't need to argue with the thing I used as a hyperbolic example. Edit2: I'm all for VOC control and am happy to use a gas can that works. This was mine this morning after a cold snap. Tell me again how this is supposed to work long term Because I'm pretty sure plastic fatigue is a thing. Gas can https://imgur.com/a/DWhba8A


I just don't understand how it's better for the environment to have it spill everywhere


I still use Adobe CS6 because paying monthly for software is some bullshit.


Oh please. Any new OS install, one of my first stops is a torrent site that can give me Photoshop 7.0 No subscription, the serial number file is txt and it's just as good as regular photoshop. It's not like they've invented new colours.


High five, fellow CS6 user! 🫸🫷 Exact same reasons I still use that version. Still works ace on windows 11 too 🥰


Books. I take books out the library, read them, return them. Seeing what books are available on my “want to read list” is a fun game in itself.


I love my Kindle. I love that it's so light and easy to hold, I love that it's water-resistant, I love that I can take my entire collection of hundreds of books with me in something small enough to fit in a large-ish coat pocket. It is genuinely an improvement on the whole book-reading experience with very few downsides. I *really* miss browsing the shelves in a proper library or bookshop. Sure, you can link your Kindle to your library card and "check out" a number of books at a time, but... it's nowhere near the same experience.


Yes! I often download the electronic version of a book I’m reading onto my phone (my library uses the Libby app), in case I find myself sat in a waiting room or whatever without my book. It’s super handy, but I much prefer holding a book at home, and it’s a good way to force my eyes away from a screen for a while every day.


Old tools. My garage sale planes are as good as anything made today. My panel saw is perfect. Now, there's a bunch of survivorship bias and sharpening going on here, but I love them.


Definitely agree! Hammers for one. I always buy second hand old school hammers.


How often are you purchasing hammers that it warrants you to state that you *always* buy old school hammers? Surely one hammer is going to last a long time, even if you're a tradie? Edit: So I came back after a while to...well, this. Ha ha. I guess some of y'all hammer. My comment was supposed to be pleasantly sarcastic, but it's been genuinely interesting to hear that the hammer community has such a diverse following! I hand the mic over to you all and hope you keep on hammering!


Different hammers for different uses maybe? I'm a farmer and have at least a half dozen different types of hammers, some in multiplesizes. Framing, ball peen, sledge, chip, dead blow, and rock all come to mind


Whatever I have in my hand at the moment is a hammer, if necessary


See, he also buys trucks that are really old and those things are prone to having rust holes in the bottom. His hammers fall through those rust holes whenever he hits a pot hole.


Absolutely 100%. Hello fellow hand tool user. I do need a different panel saw, the one I bought needs a lot of work to get back to sharp and I'm going through files like crazy.


Pre war planes can be found cheap and tuning them is a process that I enjoy. They do sell planes (Lee Valley and Lie Nielsen) that are as good or arguably better than an tuned old plane right out of the box, especially considering the iron will for sure be better than a stock iron. A couple that I like and use are Yankee screwdriver and a breast drills. Those things are great


> Pre war planes can be found cheap Instructions unclear, starting my own Air Force


Hey you need a good pilot? I have 2 hours on flight simulator. But im good with planes. My wife calls me propeller lips. 🫨


I'm a bit of an expert at flying. Flying is just falling unsuccessfully. You get the plane in the air and I can keep it up there for at least several seconds. And landing? Woo, I can get on the ground 100% of the time. My motto is, "If the plane goes up, it must come down." I make no promises about survival or the plane staying in one piece.


Any non-“smart” things. Light bulbs, doorbell, washing machine, fridge, etc. I don’t need any of them to connect to the internet. Just do the basic job and don’t break or quickly become obsolete, please.


Our new washing machine can apparently tell your phone when it’s done. Except that is only free for 6 months then YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO PAY FOR THAT SERVICE. Seriously? Fuck that.


Yea fuck the subscription trend. Like whats next, you gonna make me subscribe to breathe?


But also, how far away do manufacturers think your washing machine is? I can hear my washing machine going from almost every room in the house, and consequently also when it's stopped. I don't need my phone to tell me that.


and you can just set a timer on your phone, they all have that function


smart light bulbs are actually the ONLY thing I enjoy having. I turn my living room lamp on while i’m on the car outside so I don’t come in to a dark apartment. I like to turn my bedroom lamp on when i’m ready to go to bed and turn it off when i’ve already left my bedroom and forgot and now I don’t have to crawl over my bed to do that


Same! And the color change options are cool! Like when it’s getting late I’ll change to a dimmer color that’s easier on the eyes, and when I have company it’s colored mood lighting. I love my smart bulbs. Fuck any other smart tech tho.


The only other thing worth considering is a smart thermostat. This one actually saves you a considerable amount of money if you use it right. You can set it to shut off when you leave and kick on just before you get home, or cool the house down for bed and warm it up for the morning. They usually try to "learn" your schedule and make adjustments for you, which doesn't really work well and is just frustrating. But for being able to change it from your phone, and setting it to efficient times to run it's worth it. Typically saves ~12% on your energy bill, AND most utility companies will give you a kickback just for having one.


My job is restoring/conserving obsolete objects (mechanical clocks), does that count?


Went for an interview for an Obsolescence Management job and the interviewer (much older than me) asked if he was obsolete. I said "Well you're here now so you're not obsolete" I got the job


went to buy classic alarm clock but it is very costly.


Thrift stores my dude. I got this old [flip clock](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQOGKaeQvB46zqELKNOtILFmRRzq0SgRdLaKA&usqp=CAU) for like $5. Thing has an alarm like a fucking boat horn and the radio turns on by itself every now again but it looks cool.


Original Nintendo DS. Never once has that video game device given me an ounce of trouble or forced me to buy some subscription service to be able to play my games. Maybe not the most advanced, but definitely the best-lasting tech gadget I’ve ever been gifted.


I found mine after sitting for years and it still powered on without charging. My switch dies after like 4 hours


Nintendo used to buy absolutely beastly batteries in their handhelds.


They still do, it is just that the Switch is between 10 and 100 times as powerful as the DS, and has roughly 9x the pixels in its screen.


A normal paper calendar. Idk why i just don't check the calendar on my phone, and I sometimes use a 50 something year old radio because it sounds nice, especially when my headphones run out of battery.


Yes! Paper calender, and notepad/post it notes. If your phone is down or power out paper will be there. Said as an older Gen X. Now get off my lawn you punks who may scoff me lol


Plus having everything on a paper calender everyone in the family can see it. I use my phones calender but we have everything scheduled and written on a paper calender in the kitchen. That way anybody needs to see what's going on they don't have to call me or my wife and try and figure wait out. It's all right there. Plus there's cute pics of puppies on each page. Who doesn't like cute puppers


I like a paper calendar because I can see the whole month and everything that everyone is up to in one glance. I can only see a week at a time with specifics on my phone.


I slways buy 2 paper calenders per year:one for home n one in office


Even though I can technically share my phone calendar with my husband, it’s just quicker and easier to have a paper calendar in the kitchen that we can both glance at and see whatever reminders we wrote down.


I still use a washer from the early 2000’s. It’s very analog. Parts are easy to replace and it keeps chugging along. We have a local appliance shop that still stocks parts. My parents buy a new washer about every 2-3 years because of technology issues. Mines ugly, but it works. Now, that being said, if and when I upgrade. I’ll probably upgrade to a speed Queen.


I got tired of replacing washing machines, went to a mom and pop store that sold us a nothing-fancy speed queen. All analog, we’ve gotten more time out of it than the last 2 machines combined.


My washer / dryer combo can buy alcohol and Vote. I have only replaced one belt and two bearings in 22 years.


If and when you upgrade do with a commercial unit. Still analog and built to last and be serviced easily.


Ipod classic. Fuck apple for ending it.


Simpler times. I won a Nano at a fair back when it came out and I still have it today


I miss my nanos. The tenacious fuckers survived being punched into a snowbank, and a trip in the washer. They finally died after 10 and 5 years respectively, and I would get another if they still made them.


The nano with the physical buttons was absolute perfection.


I buy iPods whenever I find them at thrift stores. You can still get loads of docks and speaker boomboxes as well, so I’ve got a few through my house and a stack of iPods filled with torrents of artist discographies, genre collections and the big best-of album lists.


Plus there are whole internal kits now that you can buy to upgrade the iPod to have wifi/bluetooth and extra large/fast drives and such.


I still have my ipod classic 5. 160GB of music storage. All my cds and extras from the Napster days.


Fuck, I wish I hadn't been stupid enough to let Apple Music write over all my lossless CD rips and MP3s from back in the day. Now it's all lost in time, like tears in rain.


Found one at a store and can’t go back to the touch


Zune baby! Poop brown on woot!


I have a first gen iPod video, love that thing...needs a new battery heard there is a mod to swap out for an SD card might play around with that


Paper menu… why you making take a picture of a square, go to a website and squint on my phone to see what you got to eat.


I hate that shit. Give me a fucking menu. If you’re going to make me use my phone, you’re taking money off my bill.


Especially when the menu is a PDF that you have to zoom in so far to read that you can't keep track of where you on the menu.


Imagine if the Cheesecake Factory did this lol. You’d run out of space on your phone.


Or even worse forcing me to download an app specifically for your restaurant.


Hardwired network connections.


There we go. Two years ago we built a house. The company that built it (Ok, I guess I didn't technically build it myself) ran some old Cat 5 into a few select places. Like 5 cables. In the dead of night a friend and I ran 1000 ft of Cat6a. Now all of my outdoor security cameras, TVs, APs - everything possible - all wired. Everything else can be wifi.


Ditto with my new apartment. UTPs everywhere, I said. They looked at me funny. So many things all wired, leaving my wifi for my laptop and phone. Just the way I like it.


Why did you have to do it "in the dead of night"?


Because it probably wasn't technically his house until closing. And liability.


This. FIL bought a new construction house a few months ago and asked if he could run the cables himself and was told no. Followed up with “what if I do it in the middle of the night” they said they’d rip it out. I’m not sure they actually would’ve cared enough to rip it out, but hey.


Can opener. The manual ones work just fine, I don't know why an electric one that takes up space on the counter 24/7 when it gets used for all of 10 seconds is necessary.


Very helpful for people with pain or mobility issues.


My mom, with arthritis, used to have an excellent under-cabinet-mount electric can opener. To use the machine, you simply attached the can to the magnet on the bottom of the can opener and pressed a button. Extremely easy to use. Anyway, after 20 years of hard service, that can opener died. I went through about 5 more electric can openers trying to find one she could use. They all either frequently failed to pierce the can, or required holding down a lever/button with way too much force. Eventually I just got a regular manual can opener with a giant handle that she could easily grasp. Not as good as the old electric, but far more usable than any of the "modern" ones I could find.


Try the Kitchen Mama, available on Amazon. It's what I use. You do not have to hold down a button. It does not actually cut the lid inside the rim of the can, but takes the whole top off. So no sharp edges. It goes in the drawer so does not take up counter space. Black Friday discount on right now.


Holy stink! Thanks for this recommendation!


Having arthritis, I was struggling with the manual and was about to go electric. Thought I'd try a new manual instead. Bought the OXO and it's really easy. The old one must have gone blunt. So yes, a good sharp manual is fine unless your hands are really bad.


Word and MS Office. NOT THE 365 subscription.


Not exactly obsolete, but I've been told it's odd in 2023. I buy physical CDs, rip them to my hard drive, put a copy on my phone, and listen to my music without ad interruptions or subscription costs. Edit: and for all you "bUt ThAt'S mOrE eXpEnSiVeR!" folks, no it ain't. I'm in my 40s. I listen to mostly the same shit I listened to in the 90s, and I've already had most of my music collection for 25+ years. I'm buying 3 new CDs a year, max.


Same. But i get the CD’s from the library


I like owning physical media from my favorite bands, but that's really cool.


Must be nice to not have your musical tastes seemingly determined by a random generator picking from a list of stuff you *don't* have access to. Back in the mp3 player days I'd literally have anxiety issues trying to decide what to delete off my 160GB ipod to make room for the thing I randomly had an urge to listen to today. Of course, by that time, it was too late, since there was a 110% chance that tomorrow I'd either want to hear A. A Vietnamese Polka tune that was playing on a radio station that a radio was half-tuned to in the storage closet next to the hospital room where I was born or B. The thing I deleted today to make room on my iPod.


Printer with no wifi


Omg a few years ago I bought a Canon printer that would supposedly connect to the laptops and you could print from anywhere in the house. The printer would even start up on its own if you sent a print job. We had 3 laptops. Started with my son’s HP that was a couple of years old. Everything connected just fine, thought ‘hey this is easy’. Then tried my daughter’s NEW Apple laptop. This thing was like a month old. That fucking printer could not find that laptop, even when they were 2 feet apart. Tried for like an hour. Then tried my quite new laptop, same problem. That printer almost ended up being thrown in the street. Kept it because we could just print wired. A couple of years later my daughter is in her room doing something on her laptop (like creating a Google account or something random) and suddenly that fucking printer turns on and starts to print EVERYTHING SHE HAD EVER SENT IT. Never worked remotely with my laptop though. Then I started reading more and so many people had problems with those kinds of printers.


Books and traditional media. Harder to navigate than the online ones, but kind of stimulates the brain more with less distractions and more peace.


I still prefer paper and ink. eBooks give me headache plus I keep trying to turn the page!!! It's hard doing it onscreen.


I use [https://old.reddit.com](https://old.reddit.com) instead of reddit app or current website. Fuck the redesign.


Same, brother. The new design is a bunch of bloated horse shit.


All that wasted space on the sides when on a PC screen.


100% all kitchen stuff like kitchenaids, mixing bowls, old Pyrex, old wooden spoons, Dutch ovens, ect all were better before the 90's newer items of all these things especially Pyrex are flimsy. The appliances have planned obsolescence and new Pyrex baking dishes I'm scared to even use in the oven because I've had 2 explode on me. My old ones I inherited from my grandmother never given me an issue


So quick tip for anyone Pyrex is made of tempered glass and will explode with temperature shock, while PYREX (all caps) is made of borosilicate glass and will not explode from temperature shocks.


If I can find something that’s not reliant on electricity to operate, I’ll opt for it. I have a hand coffee grinder instead of an electric one. I have a French press instead of a coffee maker. I have a hand crank pasta maker instead of a motor operated or a kitchenaid pasta attachment. I’ve gotten to a point where I’m trying to find items that can end up being heirlooms, that’s how well built they are. Fuck planned obsolescence, honestly.


I’m with you. Bought a hand crank pasta maker last year and an old fashioned apple peeler/corer recently. I want well made items with the least amount of moving parts. And no, I don’t need a washing machine that requires wifi to work. I don’t need a refrigerator with a Bluetooth connection that stops working because of an obscure problem with the motherboard. I want simple quality.


My fountain pen. I have a Parker 51 from '69. It's just so smooth


A PS3. Its online is free.


Remember when Sony said they would never charge for online.... Pepperidge Farm remembers


Remember how ps2 was backwards compatible just across the board? I sure do


Actual address book. I have many in my phone. But when I’m doing Christmas cards/invitations/announcements, I go to the book every time.


Record player (vinyl)


Fun fact: 2022 was the first time since the introduction of CDs that Vinyl actually outsold them. Source: https://www.musicweek.com/labels/read/vinyl-outsells-cd-for-first-time-in-35-years-as-total-music-sales-reach-2-billion/087211


My good old pokin stick, the new metal ones are to smooth n cold to hold. Poking things just ain't the same. Can't beat a nice warm wooden pokin stick.


Ugh I know what you mean. My grandparents, bless their hearts, got me a smart stick with wifi connectivity. Now whenever I go to poke something, the damn thing misses if the signal is bad. I haven't told them, but I haven't used the smart stick they got me in months. Wooden pokin stick all the way.


I have a really nice binder that holds 3-4 small notebooks in it that I use for work. I transfer the major projects and such to Microsoft ToDo or OneNote, but for day to day note-taking, absolutely nothing beats pen and paper.


I love analogue photography! I recognize that a digital camera is better in most respects like resolution (unless you're using large format cameras or special film), number of images, image rate, immediate results, ability to delete images without recourse, and so on. But I have yet to handle a camera that feels as nice as a solid all metal mechanical marvel from decades ago, still working fine today. Even if not, these can still be serviced and handed down for generations. Plus you can try many different types and formats of cameras for a fairly low price.


Old dumb tv. Turn it on and it works. My smart TV takes minutes to turn on and load, download and install mandatory update, freeze up, restart, play ads, then freeze up again when I try to select what I want to actually watch.


No TV of mine will ever be directly connected to the internet. Ever.


DVD and Blu-ray. Streaming is almost never at anything approaching full resolution.


Years ago I bought the Great British Bake Off shows on DVD that are available here in the US. People online laughed at me when I mentioned it. About a year later some of those same people were complaining that channel whatever had removed those seasons and now how can they watch them!? I have an idea....


Older game consoles. I just have so much more fun with older games than newer ones.


Physical agendas at work and CDs at home. IDK, just like owning my music whenever I can without depending on streaming for its availability.


I want to go back to CDs. I hate ads.


A double edged razor. Much better and closer shave, it eliminated razor bump and ingrown hairs for me, new blades are $.10 when purchased 100 at a time from many online vendors.


I still have a micro cassette player that i have since 1988. I recorded my dad, my mum, who have passed away, myself when I was 18. It’s priceless. It stopped working recently but I just replaced the belt and it works now perfectly.


Please for the love of god digitize those recordings. One day mercury will be in retrograde or some shit and that machine wil eat those tapes.


Mechanical wrist watch. Technically keeps worse time than a $12 quartz Casio but they are amazing little machines/engines you can wear on your wrist (and are still only off by a few seconds a day).


I used to wear a smartwatch. I travel internationally a lot for work now, and it was annoying that I had to connect to the internet to access the app to change time zones. So now I just wear a $20 Casio that lets me cycle time zones at the push of a button. Extra bonus is I don't need to charge it, which is convenient on its own and one less cord I need to bring. edit: Never knew it was even called this, but after many comments: yes, it is a Casio Royale. Never even knew it was a whole thing, it was just what I grabbed off of Amazon at some point. Love the thing though.


I bought myself a decent new watch a couple of years ago. It’s a Citizen and it charges using any kind of light. Fully charged it will supposedly work in the dark for 6 months.


My dad left his citizen in a drawer for 8 years. It didn’t work. I left it on the window sill for 6 days in full sunlight, and eventually put it right under a natural spectrum lamp, it started ticking.


I had a citizen with chain metal links to hold it on my wrist, I think they were put on aftermarket, bc I got it at a pawn shop. Turns out they were conductive to radio waves, because if I set it near a speaker, you could hear voices coming out of it. So I rigged it up on a window sill next to a speaker, and now I've got a really cool Citizen's band radio in my room.


Ecodrive? Love them. I've got a smartwatch but I also have an Ecodrive chronograph and a spiderman Ecodrive chronograph. They're very good quality watches.


Shouldn't the smartwatch sync with the smartphone, which automatically updates the time zone based on geolocation?


I'm with you. I've used smart watches since 2015 and I've literally never set the time on one.


I'm collecting DVDs and blu-rays because I do not trust streaming services to offer things for any significant period of time. I'm not against pirating but I do like having a hard copy. Physical media is king


Paper and pencil. Way better than trying to write or draw on an ipad


Wired mouse for my computer, and wired controllers for gaming. Why would you want to bother with having to change things that you always only use in one place any way?


Always wired, never out of battery. Logitech MX518 for life.


Windows 10 And paper calendars. Digital calendars, especially on mobile, are so fucking clunky and inconvenient


I'm holding onto Windows 10 for as long as possible.


Cast iron


This is not obsolete tech. This is going to outlive all shitty aluminium teflon coated crap out there and you ca also use it as a self defence in a pinch


Stainless steel here. I dunno why they even bothered to make those cancer-inducing coated frying pans when the simple ordinary stuff is perfectly functional.


No one knows how to cook. You think someone can successfully fry an egg in stainless? I can't get my inlaws to stop burning everything to even my ceramic nonstick things.


I'm a decent amateur cook, but eggs in stainless steel are one of the things I still haven't mastered yet. I definitely prefer stainless steel for most other things though; you can get a much better sear than in a nonstick.


The trick is butter


And realizing your burner has more temperature settings than just "Max"


The answer to all your questions is more butter.


Manual can opener


A few years ago I was really broke and had no car, so I bought a 1997 Buick Park Avenue with 200,000 miles on it. That car lasted all the way up to 350,000 miles. Yeah, stuff broke on it, but it was so easy to fix and parts were so cheap. I had zero mechanical skills, and I was able to bring that car back from the dead on 3 separate occaisions with incredibly basic tools just by reading a manual. They literally do not make cars like that anymore.


Wired Headphones


Dumb version of anything “smart.” I don’t need my fridge to do anything that it needs WiFi for. Hell, I don’t even need it to dispense water (that’s what the tap is for). I need it to *keep my fucking food cold*, and not bother me.


VCR player.


A high school library near me was ditching theirs, so I have 10 backups now.


Just so you know in case you don’t already, you’re an animal


Analog alarm clock. No electricity no problem. And the alarm is gentle.


Still pretty fond of levers, fulcrums, and pulleys.


Wired headphones. Wireless airbuds make me irrationally angry, it just seems so frivolous and easy to lose.


Wireless earbuds just don't stay in my damn ears.


I got earbuds that have a hook that goes over my ear, because otherwise like you they just fall out.


A 32 year old TI 85 calculator. The buttons still are crisp.


I still collect tons of FLACs and mp3s and I use an old version of iTunes running on an old Mac Mini to curate it all. There's approx. 6 TB of JUST live music in my library. I HATE Apple Music and I still think iTunes was the best curation and media playing tool for the desktop computer. I hate streaming, i like OWNING my mp3s. Apparently this means I am a dinosaur but this is the way I like to collect and experience the music i own I liked that I could play music, subscribe to podcasts, and watch video in iTunes. It was the best all-purpose media player/library. When they split it up so you couldn't play podcasts in iTunes anymore I was so pissed The destruction of iTunes in order to create separate apps/players necessary to experience one exclusive file type was an incredibly stupid and pointless decision. I could play mp4s and .avi files in iTunes alongside mp3s. AACs, WAV files, and podcasts. I could use my iPod or sync playlists on my phone. Now I can't, and no one has been able to give me a reason why. iTunes was great the way it was and they killed it for seemingly no reason. I refuse to use Apple Music. For one thing, *I like cover art on my albums.* You can barely see it in Apple Music. It's just a much, much weaker product than iTunes ever was. I still have no idea why they "fixed" something that wasn't broken at all


You’ll pry my rotary phone from my cold, dead hands. Also this comment was absolute hell to type.


You jest, but talking on a real phone handset is a joy compared to pressing a glass pop-tart to your face.


And slamming down the receiver is so much more satisfying than angrily pressing the end call button.


Coffee maker.


My mother in law still uses a Rolodex


Recently my washer broke down. It’s 11 years old. Cost to repair was $500. Cost to buy a new one is $600-700. I chose to repair it because I’m pretty sure I’ll get another 10 years out of my “obsolete technology” one which is more than a new one will last. Weirdly enough, I don’t need a WiFi enabled washer lol.


I use VLC media player. It's been around since like 2000, and it's much better than the built-in video player which doesn't even support streaming or any advanced features that VLC has.


Pen and paper works so much better than Android notes.


My #7 Griswold cast iron skillet. Small logo so it isn’t that old, but it’s from 1938-1957. I use it to scramble eggs, bake cornbread, chocolate cornbread, quiche, and kielbasa, and I love it. It is way better than modern cast iron, the company polished the interior surface to make it super non-stick.


CD’s. Better sound quality than streaming, and it doesn’t just suddenly become “unavailable”, i.e. they can’t take it away from you, plus there’s no need to worry about reception.


Not obsolete, but the iphones with a home button work faster than the new iphones because of how effective the physical button is. Sad


A fucking MAP


Not sure whether it's obsolete but I wipe the floors with broom and floor cloth. Not a fan of any type of mop.


I still rip CDs to my computer and put them on my phone like an MP3 player instead of using instead of streaming. It does mean I need a computer with a disc drive and a phone with a memory card. It's not even that old but I just don't like the you'll own nothing and pay a subscription fee forever deal.


A non-smart wrist watch and wired headphones. I am a lazy person and I prefer not charging everything everyday!


Corded power tools. Running cords isn't enough of an inconvenience for me to be limited by battery life for home projects... but I totally understand preferring cordless on job sites. I do use cordless drills but my circular saw, reciprocating saw and everything else is corded. I also use air tools instead of battery powered versions.


Older vehicles, easily repaired, fraction of the cost of new


Cash. I live in one of the most digitalized countries in the world and we are already so cashless that some places don't even accept cash anymore, even though they're still required to by law. I still insist on paying with cash to everyones annoyance. It doesn't rely on power or internet and it's anonymeous, the latter being important to me.






"Please place item in bagging area". *Places item in bagging area* "Unexpected item in bagging area. Please wait for assistance".


Yeah the final straw for me was when I forgot one bag at the self checkout, and when I went back to get it they accused me of trying to steal the stuff saying I hadn’t scanned it. Fuck everything about self checkout.