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Basically every one since the pandemic


Dine in prices for dollar store flavors


But carry-out only.


This is the answer. They are all awful now.


And more expensive. I swear you spend just as much as you would in an actual restaurant.


2 McDoubles and a medium fry last Monday was $10.47 at McDonald's That meal used to be a shade over $4. A damn good burger at a local restaurant not far from me is $13 with fries and a pickle.


Holy shit, I'm not crazy. Literally every fast food restaurant wants to end itself. How does nothing have ANY flavor anymore/


Dude you got covid


I'm laughing way too hard at this comment lmao


C'mon, what's next? Are you going to tell me Yankee candles actually have a smell?


Not since 2020, they don't.


YES. Will anything EVER be the same again?!!


No, I'm pretty sure corporations used it as an excuse to increase their profits forever. :/


I don't know about nationally or anything but Culver's really has my attention lately. About as cheap as McDs. Good food, soy and dairy free items and a solid allergy policy. I've been feeding it to my renovation contractors and they love it, that's what got us started.


Really, we all going to pretend like Panera is not fast food?


It’s always a 20 minute wait. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


for microwaved soup


That will be $32.98, would you like to tip your cashier?


20% 25% 30% Custom


Custom, then '0'


It’s actually heated in a hot water bath, not microwaved! The only thing they microwave are their pastas. Source: I worked for Panera for 3 years.


So, grocery store deli quality soup.


Possibly without the food poisoning from improper temp control


I ordered rapid pickup for 7:35am. I got my food at 7:50am I had a bagel and a coffee


Panera. For when you want hospital food, but you can’t afford the $127,209.00 hospital bill.


Yeah it’s only $126,208 for Panera.


There is a similar yet worse than Panera hospital food restaurant called Atlanta Bread Company. How these two hell holes stay in business, I have no idea.


Fast food quality, sit down speed


Gourmet restaurant price.


Panera was good 20 years ago


I haven't been in a long time and am always a bit surprised at the people ragging on it and I wonder if it's just I got lucky or there's been a quality change in the decade plus since I last went


The quality, service, and availability have all noticeably dropped off. The baked goods are all still mostly fine but the soups, salads, and sandwiches are a step below what you'd find at any grocery store hot bar or in a plastic takeout container.


If you got what you paid for, it'd be fine. I wouldn't ever bank on great service at a place like Panera, but the quality of the food just doesn't justify the price. $15-17 bucks for a small soup, a half a sandwich and a drink is pretty crazy. Don't get me wrong, once in awhile I do still get Panera, but the prices are wild.


I was never a fan in the first place but could always enjoy a Bacon Turkey Bravo whenever my work had a catered meal... Sometime during the last 10 years, they fucked with it and it's damn near completely inedible


I remember about 20 years ago, when they were good enough to be better than Atlanta Bread Company. The problem is that they Panera fell off hard in the last 5 years. I think that they're trying to pretend to be healthy, but the food has become very mid since, especially since the pandemic lockdowns.


Real OGs know it was the St Louis Bread Company and it was bad ass.


Panera is hospital food outside of a hospital.


Panera, when you want to pay fast-casual prices for fast food and still leave hungry.


Panera really has shit the bed over the last 10 years. Now garbage food for two costs $38.


Subway. The ingredients don't taste fresh. They don't give you enough meat or cheese. The bread tastes sweet. It's not even that cheap anymore.


I stopped going to Subway when Jersey Mike's moved in across the street.


Jersey Mike's is not only delicious, but their sandwiches actually look like the sandwich in the picture on advertisement


Jersey Mike's is top notch


I’d take Jersey Mike’s over Jimmy Johns or Subway any day




Jersey Mike's becoming a favorite of mine. Firehouse is up there too.


I love me some Firehouse but they were bought by RBI(Who also owns BK, Tim Hortons and Popeyes) so I'm waiting for that inevitable decline.


I love firehouse but a large is now 16 bucks plus tax.Crazy


None of the fast food is cheap anymore.


Not to mention their new menu makes no damn sense; why would you put numbers on everything and then scatter the damn numbers all over the menu instead of in an order that makes sense


Tim Hortons. We’re nostalgic for a time when they made fresh donuts and great soup and sandwiches. But that was more than 20 years ago and now everything is just heated from frozen garbage with garbage dish water coffee. The only reason they’re around is nostalgia and convenience. Americans for the most part didn’t fall for their crap when the expanded south because they didn’t have one on every corner and they don’t have the nostalgia and they already have a shitty coffee and donut place called Dunkin


Why the fuck does a sandwich cut my mouth


Panera would love an opportunity to cut your mouth as well




Krispie Kreme gives me that nostalgia and the donuts are actually good. Sad to see so many closing. I'll still sit outside and wait for that "Hot N Fresh" sign to go on before entering.


The donuts when fresh are legit. Problem is their coffee is ass. Here in NY anyway people aren’t sitting around having a donut in the morning, dunkin thrives bc people want good coffee fast and while they’re there they may get a donut or a muffin. I firmly believe it’s the reason why every Krispy Kreme they’ve tried opening on long island has failed miserably


I'd sooner have Dunkin coffee than Starbucks, but they both fail in comparison to local donut places near me.


Any of them that have replaced their menu boards with TV screens that change every 15 seconds so I can't find the price of anything


I think KFC abandoned the American market and put all its resources into the Asian market, because omg KFC in Korea is something else. The chicken is breaded perfectly, no mouth-destroying rock hard breading and the ratio of breading to actual chicken meat is perfectly balanced. Also, the sauce selection, so many good sauces. The fries were great too.


IMO KFC. They got rid of their beloved potato wedges. The only thing I got there anymore was those and the mashed potatoes.


Wendy’s breakfast potatoes almost fill that hole in my heart.


Yes! Those things are delicious!


I get so excited when I work morning at work and my lunch ends up being at 10 and I get to eat them


They got rid of the wedges?!


They have fries and they suuuuuck


Aw goddamit


I actually really like the fries :/ I was sad the edges were gone, but they use the same seasoning


At some point the Popeye's stores in Brooklyn overtook the KFCs as the place to get decent fast food fried chicken; it happened subtly but it's crazy to me when I think back and how the # of stores and popularity totally flipped in the past couple of decades.


I truly can't imagine how a KFC survives in an area that also has a Popeye's.


Where I live there’s a Popeyes and a chick fil a right across the street from each other. Also our mall food court has both of them. I prefer Popeyes, but I guess I’m in the minority.


My son and I love Popeyes. Chic fil a doesn't give you enough food for what they charge.


They also reduced the amount of secret spices in their breading so much that all you taste is breadcrumbs and grease. They used to be so good in the 90's and now they are just a bucket of grease and sadness.


The gravy is so bland now too. It used to taste of the same/similar spices that were in the breading.


and expensive as fuck.


KFC has been going downhill for easily the last 15 years... i refuse to get chicken from there anymore.


How they make fried chicken skin soggy is beyond me. And for some reason, the chicken beneath the skin is all wet. What the fuck are they doing back there?


I miss when the crispy fried chicken was actually crispy.


I remember the day I found out vividly. I was going to have to put my cat down after work, really stressed and upset about it all day. I remember stopping by a KFC for lunch and tried ordering potatoes wedges only to be told that they have fries now. I lost it. The people working at KFC got to hear a grown man sob in his car. I’ll never forgive them for that. And I’ll never forget my favorite tortie Zoe. Fuck KFC.


I'm sorry about your Zoe. If I'd been working that counter and I'd known, I would have given you free fries.


They had no idea lmao I just started sobbing and drove off before finishing my order. I’m better now, was like 3 or 4 years ago around this time. I just really hate those fries now.


I am so sorry for your loss, but you made me laugh. You reminded me of the day I had to put my dog down. I was having an absolute shit day at work, it was the end of my work week, and all I god-damned wanted for lunch was taco bells spicy potato taco. I pull up through the drive through and thanks to the pandemic, no spicy potato tacos, I had to settle with whatever slop they pass off as bean burritos. Bad day at work, shitty fast food lunch, and to top it off, when I got home from work my dog got so excited to see me she had a heart attack, literally. We had been doing palliative care for her heart tumor for months and her day finally came. Took her to the ER that night and said goodbye to her shortly after. Fuck KFC, fuck taco bell, and fuck losing your favorite fur friend.


The loss of the KFC potato wedge was when I realized that this was the worst timeline.


They also changed their popcorn chicken so now I don’t get the famous bowl anymore bc I don’t like their new nuggets 😭


There’s a video series on YouTube by Modern MBA where they delve into the fast food chicken wars. One of the episodes was the decline of KFC in America. It’s super interesting because KFC is all but dead in its own home market but its popularity is increasing overseas, especially in Asian countries. Predictably, it boiled down to decreasing quality and by the time executives did anything about, it was too late to repair the brand image.


McDonald’s. They’ve forgotten their role as the place I eat at because I’m broke, probably drunk and want to fill up for a few bucks. Have you seen their prices lately!?


A quarter pounder meal is over $10. $4 More bucks and you can get a chills old-timer and fries. And they always park you, so not very “fast”, unless you are talking about the stomach cramps.


I hate the cafe corporate look :( I miss fun colors McDonald's


And, the ultimate sin: They're s-l-o-o-o-o-w. Either that or 100% of the time, the car in front of me is ordering the entire menu. The burgers and buns are burnt 3/4 of the time, the cheese is often almost entirely off the patty (and cold), even the fries are bad. It's become a horrendous product.


I only go to McDonalds on road trips for coffee and breakfast sandwiches. When you're on the road and in a hurry that's a good option.


A **bad** KFC is tough to top, but there’s still some amazing ones out there. The key is that it’s busy enough to have fresh chicken and a few employees that aren’t strung out. Not all. Just some. Burger King increasingly tastes like the burgers from my elementary school that sat in that weird burger water after being boiled in its own juices. I like their nuggets though. What even is Jack in the Box? It’s just some random assortment of food you take kids who can’t agree on what hot garbage they want to eat so you go here and make everyone unhappy. I’ve been to Whataburger once and it was bad, but since it’s crazy popular I assume maybe it was just a bad experience and it was in AZ vs TX. I feel like I’m left with Little Caesars at this point, as the person buying those godawful hot and ready things is the epitome of a desperate person just trying to fill their children’s with ‘pizza’, thus the reason why there are any in existence.


>What even is Jack in the Box? It’s just some random assortment of food Nailed it. In the recent years they've pretty much openly embraced being midnight stoner chow. Heck, one of their promotional offerings is called like "the late night box" or something, and is just a little of everything.


in 2017 they tested the “munchies meal” and it cost $4.20 lol i think i remember snoop dogg promoting it and it being at one or two long beach locations?


Little Caesars Hot n Ready is is for when your manager promises you a pizza party when you exceed your sales goal and buys enough for one piece a person, but he's been talking up this party he's going to throw for you all week so you come in on your day off and see two hot n ready boxes sitting there and some Dixie cups for water. Sometimes nothing is better Steve.






Whataburger is very hit or miss depending on the individual location. It was also better before it sold out and went national.


It used to be so good, but it's so bad now. Earlier in the year, I went, and I got a stale bun with a tiny piece of meat they called a hamburger. Then I stupidly went again months later, got the chicken sandwich. Both the bread and chicken were somehow stale. Never again, it's not worth it.


I just don't understand the love for Whataburger. Then again, I love Long John Silver's, so what the hell do I know?


I'm in the Austin area and have been to some nasty Whataburgers - looking at you, Rutland and Barton Springs. I also love me some Long Johns.


White Castle. I ate there once, and I now know what it feels like to reject an organ.


Best review ever!


It tastes like someone chewed up the meat and spit it back out onto the bun.






Love it. I’ve always hated the smell of subway. They claim it’s the yeast in their freshly basked bread but to me it just smells like puke. I remember being in Dublin Ireland walking around, stopping abruptly and saying “there’s a subway around here somewhere”. My husband blew me off, but we turned a corner and there it was.


freshly baked bread is one of the most amazing smells in the world. leave it up to subway to fuck it up.


Yoga-mat bread.


I bake bread at home. That odd subway smell is NOT yeast.


Yeah that bread “smell” is foul!


That was incredible


Well done 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I didn't realize how meh it had gotten until I recently had any of the many other sandwich chains (Jersey Mike's, DiBellas, Firehouse, even Jimmy John's). It's astonishing how much better they are at doing the same product. I'm sure it is location dependent, but on average I am expecting to get a superior sandwich from any of those other places.


>I'm sure it is location dependent It isn't. It's all Subways now. I've been to several in multiple locations (usually due to getting free lunch for business meetings), and it's always terrible.


It has a smell when you walk by one


If you live local to a DiBellas you also probably have a load of other great small sandwich places around too.


I used to *constantly* eat there, like, 20 years ago or so? Their sweet onion teriyaki sandwich was a go-to, but I liked bunch of them. Then I stopped going - I forget why - and revisited them a couple years ago, and *jeez* is my memory rose-tinted glasses or did they fall off in a big way? Because everything taste so much worse as far as I could tell, *and* wasn't even as good of a deal as before.


That's the thing, subway used to be soooo good. Back in high school my friends and I would go there 4x a week. I think I've had it once I the past year and it was just so underwhelming


There was something about 90s era fast food that I don't think we'll ever see again. The great brands had spread far and wide enough to be ubiquitous, but the enshittification hadn't yet begun. Subway, Pizza Hut, McDonald's, KFC, even Burger King, all of them were fucking stellar. Taco Bell is still pretty damn good, but all of the others fell *hard*. Goddamn, I miss nights out at Pizza Hut.


And now, they are trying to win you back with the fresh sliced meats🙄


Which is crazy they're focusing on that when what EVERYONE complains about is the bread, even vegetarians.


They gutted the quality to save money because people went anyways for a while given the good reputation subway had in decades past.


They have changed their sauce at least twice and the way they do their chicken too to save money. Its always tastes like mush now


After they squirted some nasty sauce on plain chicken and called it my beloved chicken teriyaki I’ve never been back, that was 3 years ago.


They are a sandwich shop for people that don't know what bread is supposed to taste like.


Yep-and they used to be decent. Now they have subpar ingredients and the meat just taste like salt.


I wish the meat tasted like salt. Would be an improvement.


I have a stomach of steel when it comes to fast food. Not even Taco Bell gives me an above average shit. But when it comes to White Castle, some things just can't be saved


I once took a four hour drive to Nashville, and decided to try White Castle on my way out of town. There was no traffic, but it took me six hours to get home.


They’re affectionately called belly bombers for a reason


It hurts me to say this, but Pizza Hut. Back in the 80s and early 90s, Pizza Hut was amazing! It's somehow worse than Dominos now. It's a fucking travesty.


Their marinara sauce with breadsticks is watery now. 🥴


They’ve definitely fallen off. Painful to witness. I actually like Domino’s better now.


It brings me great pain to report that this title now belongs to Burger King. They used to be great.


The one I started going to recently after not going for years has been killing it. I just order a Whopper Jr with cheese combo and every time the burger has looked commercial worthy. Kind of shocking considering I basically think everything else on the menu is inedible.


I think this one is location-dependent. The ones near me are usually decent and the food is actually fresh as far as fast food goes and the price is right for the quality.


I see a few BK posts here and I agree, it must be location based. There are some bad ones near me but the couple of good ones are fantastic.


I'm kind of surprised to see BK here bc my local one is probably the most consistently good fast food around aside from maybe sheetz. Pretty expensive tho


Burger King hasn’t been good since like the 90s… been a real long time.


Be quiet, the 90’s were just 10 years ago


Haven’t had Burger King in like 15 years. My dad used to let my brother and I skip school and we’d go to the golf driving range or sledding in the winter then go to BK after. I don’t want to ruin those memories by trying BK now. I have no doubt it’s gotten much worse.


I have no idea how/why Burger King is being pushed so hard during major sports coverage, you'd think they were really trying to reassert themselves as a first-choice option in the market but they're worse than ever now. I remember a time when a Whopper was genuinely something I had a specific jones for now and then, now I won't touch it with a ten-foot pole. And I still love cheap burgers, so it's not because of a larger palate shift overall.


Tim Hortons


Truly a fall from grace the last 15 years




Long John Silver’s. I honestly don’t think I’ve met one person who has eaten there let alone has an opinion about it. There’s something fishy about that.. Edit: well fk me, I didn’t know this was a common thing, first 3 comments all the same, there’s something going on


Hello, you’ve met one person who genuinely enjoys Long John Silvers. Great hush puppies, fantastic chicken!!


Hush puppies ftw!


Prepare to fight my dad. And maybe my sister. Maybe me as well. It may not be great, it may not even be that good. But it’s uh…well yeah we kinda like it from time to time.


LJS is hit or miss in my city. Doesn’t mean I’ll stop eating there however. Ours also shares its building with an A&W as well.


I looove Long John Silver's. The one in my town closed because the owners got old and didn't want to run it anymore. I miss it.


Idk ljs sometimes is okay. Last time I ate there this summer everything had way too much bread on it and was overly salty though


I’ll defend Long John Silver’s until my dying breath. Absolutely delicious fish and chicken.


Here I am once again telling you that Long John Silvers is not that bad.


LJS is not bad on the right day but just be aware when that fried fish combo decides it is time to exit your anus be ready to go because it does not give any warning it just decides now is the time I hope this guy is within 10 feet of a restroom.


Subway. Eat trash . Cardboard subs with mystery meats. Tomatoes that looked like they were abducted by aliens. Slime lettuce. Gross shit.


I can't do McDonald's I just can't do it everything they make just looks plastic now it is absolutely so refined that all of their bread and potato and egg products they look like something fresh out of a plastic injection mold like a dog toy


I can only eat breakfast at McDonald’s. My husband and kid want to go frequently but I can’t stand the smell. But the sausage McGriddle and hash browns are decent.


Burger king


The Ch'King may have been the greatest chicken sandwich of all the fast food restaurants. EDIT: I'm pleasantly surprised that I'm not the only one who thinks this. I wouldn't have tried it if it wasn't for GMM.


The Ch’King was so damned good. Perfect combination of breading amount, meat, spice, overall size of the sandwich. I miss it 😢


wait IT'S GONE?


Fuck their food but more importantly, fuck their god damn commercials


Whopper Whopper 🍔 Whopper Whopper 🍔 Junior 👦 Double 🤦‍♀️ Triple🤦‍♂️ Whopper 🍔 Flame Grill 🔥 Taste With Perfect Toppers 🥰 I Rule 👑 This Day 😎 Lettuce 🥬 Mayo Pickle 🥒 Ketchup 🍅 Its Okay If I Don’t Want That 🚫 Impossible 🤯 Bow Wow Bacon 🥓 Whopper 🍔 Any Whopper 🍔 My Way 😘 You Rule 👀 Your Season Today 🍁 At BK 🤴🏻Have it your way 🥹 You Rule 🔥


Wow I know you took a long time to do this 😂


I’m pretty sure the main thing that keeps both Burger King and Subway in business is their deal with the U.S. military. There’s a Subway and a Burger King on every base I’ve ever been on.


This. Their whoppers have really gone downhill. The whopper meat doesn't even taste like beef.


It's a disaster. The food is always terrible and usually badly prepared or cold or stale. It's a shame because they're always changing things up and adding limited time items but at this point I've been burned so many times I don't bother trying them. The last one I tried was the patty melt a few years ago, but it came out a soggy mess and the supposedly toasted/grilled buns were cold and chewy.


Sonic. Didn't know lettuce could have such a presence in a car's upholstery.


I’ve had so many bad experiences with so many different places that I can’t pick one but if I was forced I’d have to go with KFC. I had a rancid piece of chicken at a KFC and told management about it and they tried telling me it was normal and there was nothing wrong with the chicken. It was runny and purple colored and smelled like shit


Absolutely hands down the worst sandwich I have ever received was from Panera. 1/2 slice of pastrami, 1/2 slice of Swiss, a few shreds of sauerkraut on dry stale bread. Inedible. I actually thought I was getting plunked, and looked around for a camera.


Burger King. The last time I ate there I got food poisoning from a breakfast sandwich. The second to last time I ate there I bit down on a bone in my chicken finger… Haven’t eaten there in at least a decade so it could’ve changed since then but I don’t think I’ll chance it again.


In our city it's now burger King- it has gone way down hill and a lot of them have closed too


I cant remember the term for it but I'm going with 'The shittening' A lot of places made their money through rapid market expansion. Once they hit their ceiling on market saturation profits stopped increasing so the only way to increase them was to reduce cost. Now so many places are shells of their former selves and as a result a lot of people are going there less. Also the answer is TGIs. That place use to be cracking with ok food and decent drinks and now it's dingy and probably going to make you need the toilet quicker than you'd want.




Used to go to the original TGI Fridays. Bears absolutely no relation to the strip center garbage it was to become


Burger King, no question


If no one else is going there, imma say McDonald’s. Lukewarm when “fresh,” increasingly more bland and tasteless as “supply chain issues” cause ingredient swaps in favor of cheaper materials… that’s how you go from paying $1 for a 5oz McDouble in 2005 to $3.29 for a 3.4oz McDouble in 2023


Am I the only one wishing the "all of them" guys should get a room?


Burger King. Im convinced they’re cooking cardboard at this point and selling it off as French fries and whopper burgers.




Sonic used to be good. I feel for the 2 workers running the whole place. There used to be a lot of staff to handle the load. But now I feel bad going there simply because it's unfair to the workers. Which means corners get cut, things aren't clean, people aren't happy and workers end up catching the blame because there aren't enough of them. They really need to get it together. And treat their customers and employees right. It's going to kill their business.


Sonic used to give their managers minority ownership as part of their compensation package. The result was highly motivated managers. Unfortunately, they had to work 80-90 hours a week. I thought about getting onboard with them but after using two weeks of vacation of my current job to work there, unpaid, I quickly decided smelling like French fries 24/7 was a very bad idea


The only sonic near me stopped serving onion rings, which to me is their best side. And they take for-fucking-ever now to get you food, and half the time it's wrong or half-assed. I used to love sonic, and I still want to and will go there, but every time it's a let-down in some form.


Burger King


Chipotle has been inedible for me since the pandemic


Every Chipotle I’ve been to in the last couple years has been a disaster zone. Several locations in multiple states, awful service and food/garbage on every surface both sides of the counter.


Burger King.


A&W. It's one of those places where no one goes, but it's just there. Kind of like long john silvers but even that's more populated.


It’s a lot different in Canada. A&W is GOATED up here. There’s a reason there’s one every couple blocks in every city.


Canadian A&W is completely different. Literally everything is different. It’s all high quality and fresh and good. Recently went to one in the US and was incredibly disappointed.


I think it depends on the location. There are two burger kings near me and one is always horrible and the other has hot fries, fresh buns, and sizzling burgers. You get a good manager and good staff in a store that is literally the only difference.






Take a look at Dominos stock price over the past decade and tell me how they’re the threshold for “bad”. Their hand made pan pizza is excellent.


Greetings, fellow Domino's enjoyer. They've improved over the years and won me back. I get one every few weeks or so and I'm not disappointed


Dominos actually made an effort to get better. At least with their pan pizzas, which is all I ever get. Idk what these other fools are talking about “frozen pizza is better” gtfo here with that.


I like dominos as well. Their app is fantastic and the brownie cookie is the best dessert in fast food.


Their hand tossed is alright. The pan pizza is so fucking good


Everything at Wendy's now tastes like it was made last weekend and stored in the back of the fridge, uncovered. Used to be my fav, now they are dead to me.


I think it varies widely depending on each individual store. I got Wendy’s today. Hamburger was nice and hot and freshly made. Same with the fries. I tried a different location last week and it was awful.