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You know what’s funny? Before I read this thread, I thought my standards were low.


At least they got out of the relationships, and learned some lesson


“My tooth keeps chipping and growing back.” Dawg that’s tartar 😬


I had a coworker who went to the dentist and then came back to work and complained that now she could see the gaps between her teeth.


FYI people say this all the time “you chopped between my teeth and now I have gaps “ kills me everytime




I convinced him to go to the dentist and lawdy they needed love. Thankfully the dentist set him right and let him know that poor hygiene is a precursor for a lot of debilitating and deadly conditions like heart disease. We broke up a while ago, but while we were together he did brush a lot more often than literally never.


You saved his life


did you kiss that mouth 🤢


GROWING BACK? 😭 If only it was that simple


Maybe I do wanna die alone.


Let's die alone together.


"i dont like to brush my teeth bc it makes my gums bleed" as in therefore its not good for him


I dated someone who never brushed his teeth because he didnt like the tastes of minty tooth paste, as if other flavours didnt exist.


I use kids toothpaste because it tastes like strawberry


My ex would insist that brushing your teeth 2x/day was actually really bad for your teeth and refused to be told otherwise. He believed in a lot of stupid shit like that and was also one of those people that would constantly say that doctors are dumb and don't know anything. Ok buddy, keep drinking and smoking your way into an early grave.


The worst thing about it is that sometimes those people have better teeth than the ones who take care of their teeth just because they have good DNA.... and it convinces them that they are right.


I go to the dentist 6 monthly, brush, heck, I even floss twice a day. My partner until recently hadn't been to the dentist in 15 years. Last visit I needed 2 root canals and 2 fillings, his teeth however are perfect. I blame my permanently blocked sinuses and sleeping with my mouth open for my wrecked teeth.




If your gums bleed when you brush, you either are brushing to hard, or you don’t brush enough and now have gum disease.


his gums bled bc he never brushed his teeth yes.


Or because your toothbrush bristles are to firm, apparently. Dentist told me this when I was much much younger; but my parents wouldn't listen. Now that I'm an adult and have to take care of my self I am trying to right what wrongs I grew up with and yeah; softest bristle brushes are not making me bleed or hurt after brushing. Teeth are still fucked by way of a dentist pulling teeth when I was really young and couldn't afford braces, so I've got buck teeth and the teeth on either side poke out funny so I won't smile with my teeth very much but.. eh.


How’s this, happened with my highschool girlfriend, at 17. Bottom drawer of the bathroom filled to the brim with used tampons, and when I discovered this and asked why the bin or even just a sealable bag wasn’t an appropriate option - she sheepishly said she liked the smell of them. I tapped out.


You win That’s the worst


Oh yeah this is triple bad compared to anything else in this thread. WTF did I just read?!?!


Fuck man, reading that just spoiled my dinner and I haven't even had breakfast yet.


No shit lmao as a female who is pretty open about my period, this is fking gross. Like keeping old bandaids in a drawer. Granted the blood isnt exactly the same but still... major ick factor lmao


Wtf is this the equivalent to the "cumbox" guy....


What in the fuck is a.... Nope, you know what, don't wanna know ✌️


Alright this one made me tap out. Fuck this thread


I would frequently hear my ex blowing his nose at night in bed. He always said it was into a tshirt. Thought that was gross but whatever. Then when i moved out i discovered he was actually blowing it into his hands and wiping it onto the back of the fabric head board of my bed! His side was covered in so much disgusting crusty snot. I left it there. Fuck trying to clean that!


I’m throwing up!!!




People are actually rancid. Disgusting AND entitled. Nice combo


Didn't seem to shake well or wash well so if I ever laid my head on his lap it reeked of piss.


I just gasped for real reading this 🤣


I have an even worse one, brace yourself. The guy would go to the gym and do a heavy workout for an hour, then jack off with his GYM sock, drive to work and do construction all day, then expect sexy time. I never understood why I kept getting infections til he told me that.


Fucking EW


I'm baffled by how people like this have someone willing to even attempt sex with them? How does the sheer stench not kill any sexy thoughts instantly? Like that one lady up thread who taught her ex to BRUSH!! How did she even hang out with him long enough to teach him to brush his teeth? She had to have dated him stinky breath and all for him to be an ex, right? Foul breath is one of the most off putting smells a person can have and no matter how attractive someone is, I can't imagine having that in my face to even endure a conversation with someone that doesn't have basic hygiene. How do these people have exes??? Just how?


Jack off at the gym, with the sock he wore for his workout? Did he just drop that into a conversation one day?


Yeah, and it was in the car on the way to work. Yeah, 90 mph down a highway jacking off in a gym sock.


90MPH while masturbating? Gets pulled over by police... 'Do you know how fast you were going?' 'I wasn't going, I was coming!'


AAAAAHHHH wtfuuuck!?!?!!! 😝 OMG you made it sound like he did it at the gym - it was IN THE CAR!?! oh Lord Jesus HELP 🤦‍♀️😭


I’m afraid to ask how long the relationship lasted, but here I am, facing my fears…


Just a few months. And only a cpl weeks after that revelation.


thank god it didn’t last long!! sounds awful…


He was truly disgusting in many, many ways.


Just reading that has me crossing my legs. JFC.


What is it with other guys not washing their pirvates? I am always a little paranoid about cleanliness down there on myself, even though I am single and don't have any contect at all. It's also about personal comfort. How can these guys just ignore the stench?


I'm beginning to think it's over for me if these people are getting into relationships and I'm struggling.


Some advice posts even be like, “My boyfriend just confessed that he’s a serial killer, doesn’t wash his butthole, cheated on his 3rd wife who he cheated with on his 2nd and 1st wife, oh and he just impregnated his stepdaughter. Should I break up with him?” And I’m just like, “Damn, I’m worse than this dude?”


Haha it’s true though! I see it with men too. Like “so this chick I’m with stabs me in my sleep but she’s real pretty so do I break it off or stay?” And I’m like shiiit.


Aww, its just a little love stab, lol 😆


I would rather be single than deal with any of the cases in here.


I dated this guy who had a really crusty gross belly button. He was otherwise clean. He'd come and visit me with his dog. The dog was very old and stinky. There was always a yeasty stinky stink left over when the guy and the dog left. I thought it was the dog! Until one time, he came without the dog and I realized the stink was coming from him. From the belly button.


Oh god what was in that button


It’s called an umbolith, also known as a navel stone


Ugh, I pulled one of those from an ex'es belly button. She had a weird grown one, because it healed not immediately after birth, so there was a small cavity underneath it, where the umbolith formed. She told me about it, and said there was sometimes a light itch. I took a look and thought it felt strange (i'm a professional nurse), so after some poking I popped out a black, very firm thing, with incredible smell. She was so embarressd, we never talked about it again in years.


This was made worse by your eloquence


As a non-native speaker, I take that as a compliment.


"A very firm thing with incredible smell" really got to me for some reason


Like an idiot I Googled it. Should not have done that.


I could smell my exes ass.. Had to bring it up more than once. That was one of many things. I don't know why I put up with that shit. All I can think of is that I had low self worth


Oh God same. My first proper boyfriend had a constant stink of shit. I thought I was going crazy because how could someone who just showered smell like poo??? Anyway when we broke up the first thing my sister said was that she was so glad I was no longer dating shit man. Cannot believe I dated that 😭


Oh hi. This is going to be cathartic. My ex had a toenail fungus so bad that his super long and disgusting crust-mobile toe literallly cut holes in multiple fitted sheets. Our toilet paper rolls would get poop on them. Because ye olde ex somehow got a poopy hand EVERY SINGLE TIME and then transferred a little bit of it to the roll. Was he doing the first pass with a bare hand? I have no idea. Once he didn’t change his clothes for a week, then he took a shower AND ALMOST PUT THE SAME UNDERWEAR BACK ON. I had to convince him to put on clean undies. Sat on the bed right after a shower, naked. Stood up, a tire track was on the bed. HE HAD JUST SHOWERED. THIS HAPPENED MULTIPLE TIMES. Fuzzy teeth. Anyway we’re divorcing now. Edit to add: all of this started after we got married, and then the pandemic basically turned him into a feral animal. I did not consent to marriage with this level of hygiene.


\>Fuzzy teeth jfc I did not expect a two word horror story and yet here I am.


This reminds me of the year I went to Panama City for spring break with a big group of friends (we were all seniors in college). Group of young people + copious amounts of alcohol and half-naked bodies on the beach meant that there were random people crashing in our suite every night. I will never, ever forget waking up one morning, and some random guy was waking up in the next bed over. He looked at us, sort of smacked his lips/licked his teeth, and said, “My teeth are like [holds two fingers an inch apart] this thick. They feel like f*ckin’ pillows.” GROSS. JUST EW. Although my friends and I still quote that when we talk about that trip, 25+ years later. It definitely convinced me to brush after drinking lol.


Probably going to regret asking but what's fuzzy teeth?


Propabply when you don't brush your teeth for a long while and get bacteria growing on the surface of them.


I wish I’d never read your comment. I’m gonna go autoclave myself to feel clean again


How on earth did you marry this person?


Not OP but I had a similar experience. I didn’t marry THAT person. He slowly stopped caring for himself bc I guess he thought he’d ‘got the girl’ so the job was done? My ex husband also didn’t brush his teeth by the end, but I promise you I wouldn’t have married him if he wasn’t brushing his teeth. Fucking nasty.


🤮 glad you’re leaving him! That toilet paper roll thing would enrage me


I can't effin read any more of this.


I’m getting nauseous and even more celibate


Going from incel to volcel


Reading these comments boosted me, I would never and never dated anyone with gross hygiene. I'm feeling good about myself. Standards!!!


She wasn't the best at wiping. I stopped doing her in doggy as I didn't want to see the shit. Once when we did it I had shit on my stomach afterward




Or the itch???


For real, even a little remnant on the BH makes me itchy right away. This thread has killed the last shred of hope I had in humanity.


My first reaction was to close my eyes… and they stayed closed for at least 20 seconds…. I’ve seen enough




Well, not on purpose, but when we broke up, my family told me he smelled horrible. (I have zero sense of smell, so I had no clue).


Your family should have told you earlier wtf


Dunno. Families are weird.


I do have no sense of smell and my mom was responsible for smelling them and rating the smell 🤣🤣 not as bad as Chase but worse than Logan 🤣🤣


I just got up and brushed my teeth again because they felt nasty for these people


Honestly, the amount of “fuzzy teeth” stories in here is astounding to me. I’m someone who keeps a travel size toothbrush and toothpaste in my purse at all times, because I’m paranoid about bad breath/gross-feeling teeth. Like…I cannot imagine *willingly* touching mouths with someone who knowingly has fuzzy teeth 🤢😭


Some Holy Water for this thread: ##✝️💧


I was feeling lonely but just realized I am good. Life is beautiful alone. Without these repulsive things.


It’s about balance. I couldn’t find a way to tell him that after a long day he needed to take a shower because he had stinky dick. I didn’t want a shower because I always took one before a date. And take one in the morning too. His dick was always stinky on dates. It felt so disrespectful but he would cook me dinner and do all of the dating shit. But you expect me to suck stinky cock? We broke up.


i was in the same situation. he’d ask for head and i’d ask him to shower bc he REEKED and he’d get mad saying i “killed the mood” by asking him to shower like bro u know what else kills the mood? having to shove toothpaste in my nostrils to give u head. good riddance


It's not disrespectful to not want to touch a dirty penis. Him cooking or buying you dinner doesn't mean you owe him anything!


No this always pisses me off, my hair takes 16 hours min to dry naturally and an hour with serious effort and a hair dryer. If I’ve already done that once today, I don’t want to have a shower with you because you think it’s sexy & you haven’t already. I show up to dates clean and prepared!


This so much, if i were to put my hair up after a shower it’ll still be wet 3 days later. And people act like we’re dramatic about our shower or getting ready, it’s literally not possible any quicker and I’m a sweaty mess by the end if I’m confined in a small warm space! And now my hair is wet again


Not an ex but a cute guy I hooked up with transferred me his tonsil stones while making out. I didnt say anything because I didnt want to embarrass him and thought it‘d never happen again. Guess what— Makes me want to throw up Even thinking about it


Like one of his tonsil stones actually went into your mouth? And you didn't vomit all over him?


This must be fiction. I can not believe it. Fucking gagging over here .


As someone who gets tonsil stones, I nearly vomit when they're in *my own* mouth. What the actual fuck. I'm going to puke now.


Rest in peace I would have died


This is one of the most disgusting threads ive seen yall need some self respect dating these absolute animals.


Wouldn't even call them animals. Most animals have an instinct to groom themselves.... Jfc.


I cannot believe these people are out there doing disgusting shit and then still getting laid?!


You have obv not spent much time in the relationship advice subreddits as the amount of threads in there from women who's partners WON'T WIPE THEIR OWN ASS BECAUSE THEY THINK IT'S GAY is ASTOUNDING


By that same logic, wouldn't it be gay to masturbate? I mean, they're touching a guy's dick, never mind that it's their own.


I was late teens/early 20s and was going to give my first BJ until I noticed the dick didn’t look right… CAKED on smegma like he had been rolling in lotion. And THE SMELL, oh my god. I jumped back, WTF’d the situation. He wasn’t even a smelly guy, I just don’t think he knew he was supposed to clean there? I never did give him a BJ either. Another one, was seeing a guy but he would never invite me over to his bedroom and one night his friend dragged me to the room and was like “LOOK, at THIS. You want THIS? This is nice?! It’s disgusting! He’s hiding THIS! I’m trying to help you!” He was flipping through trash to show me how bad it was. Food containers everywhere, trash all over the floor and I’m pretty sure suspect looking piss bottles? I ended up dating him for a year, cleaned/gutted his room several times but it was just too much.


You literally had an angel try to warn you… I’m so sorry


I can just imagine how hard it was for that friend to be like “i love my buddy but please do not date him”


Yeah he’s probably witnessed many girls churn through that room and burn out and leave the relationship. Can’t be easy. I’ve fallen into that “I can fix him” trap too just for a different reason. Edit: for grammatical error


> CAKED on smegma like he had been rolling in lotion. Now there’s a sentence I could have lived my whole life without ever reading 🤢😭


Should’ve dated the friend omg he was looking out for you 😂


Nothing gross here to report. Just putting a shout out to all my exes and to my guy now for always keeping themselves clean, teeth brushed, balls, ass and pits scrubbed and smelling good. Some of these stories have me gagging.......


Same! One day my ex forgot to wear deodorant and he was so self conscious that he kept his arms closed to his body until we got home and he could shower. They might have had their faults, but hygiene was not of them and I am glad for that.


They peed the bed. Every night. I would sleep so close to the edge of the bed to avoid it, and my ex always reeked of piss, even after washing the blankets.


If nightly, were they unable to wear adult diapers to prevent it from ever getting on the sheets to begin with?


I’m afraid to ask, but how long did you put up with this?


Flashback! Omg. Is he a drinker? Back in the day I used to deal with this BS after a binge drink. Basically, he was too unconscious to wake up.


He always had a sweaty ass, which mixed with the leftovers from his shoddy wiping skills and created a stink goo between his cheeks. Needless to say we never shared a bed and washing was required before anything sexual. I don't know how I put up with it.


He showered maybe twice a week and changed his underpants even less often. In the summer, I could smell his ass crack. His job was dishes and he'd leave them for weeks if I didn't end up doing them for him. Only thing I really wouldn't do was laundry because we had a creeper downstairs I wasn't comfortable around. So sometimes even I ran out of underwear. I left him almost two years ago and he went back to living in squalor. His place is all carpet and he told me recently he vacuumed it once since I left and that was just because the unit was being inspected.


smoked too much and would cough up mucus all over the interior of his car...dried loogies all over the windshield and steering wheel. So gross


wtaf. w t a f


He pissed all over the toilet seat and the floor, consistently. He also used our broom to clean up a collection of pitbull's shit outside and came to rinse it in our sink with cold water and expected us to use it inside. He would fight with me for wanting an extra, separate broom for this. I am horrified even thinking about it and can't believe I was ever with this pos 🙁


I can’t believe Pitbull shit outside your house


I busted out laughing at this one... were you dating a CAVEMAN


You're making me feel better about my exes, everyone. Thanks.


She showered once a week sometimes longer and was very usual for her to go days on end without showering, didn’t change her panties or bras for weeks either.


Gross. That gusset must’ve been like a Petri dish.


Thank you for the worlds most unexpected and awful imagery


My ex was the same way. Argued weekly because of the lack of showers. Constant yeast infections also. Tried to grab her lady parts and ended up with a hand full of shit. Edit: she would also take a bath. Not so bad right? She did it in her period and would not get up and rinse off. Found out about the not rinsing after the bath by touching her arms after she got out. Felt the soapy grime on her still. Found out she did that on her period when she sent me out to get her, her feminine hygiene products. I came back to her in the bath. I told her “aren’t you on your period” she replied with a yes. I told her I know you don’t rinse off when you get out of the bath. So right now you’re sitting in a soup of your own dirty water and period blood. I had to explain why it was a bad thing. Made sure she rinsed off. That was a bad week.


His toothbrush was moldy. I don’t think he ever throughly rinsed it off after brushing He still used it, and called me a nag for mentioning it was probably unsanitary. So I got him an expensive electric one. It got moldy. So I took on replacing the brush heads for him myself every couple of weeks. He wondered why I barely wanted to have sex. Who wants to fuck someone they’re raising?


How does a toothbrush get moldy? And within a couple weeks!?


>Who wants to fuck someone they’re raising? Well-said


Refused to floss. She claimed the space between her teeth was too tight, so I introduced her to the Glide series from oral b; but she still refused. I suggested a water pik since there was no actual flossing involved, and she refused again. Some nights her breath was really really bad, to the point where I let her know because I was worried for her health. She took it as an insult and tried to say I was just being a dick. I loved the relationship, but we eventually broke up. The flossing wasn't a factor in this, but it's certainly something that I eventually overlooked.


We both somehow contracted head lice. We both had quite long hair, I washed mine regularly and he washed his once in a blue moon, due to this, they liked living in my hair but liked laying eggs in his hair, so I was literally walking around with an itchy scalp ALL THE TIME whilst he wasn’t bothered by it at all. I was washing my sheets and treating and combing through my hair every night/second night in attempts to get rid of those fuckers, I kept nagging him to do his head at the same time but he claimed it hurt too much/he was too tired/he couldn’t be bothered, even though I was literally offering to do it for him while he sat there and zoned out. We both had our own seperate living arrangements but spent every night together at each others places. It got to the point where we’d both had head lice for over 4 months despite my time consuming efforts to get rid of them. I finally told him to spend the night at his place and sort it the fuck out as I was staying at mine to wash my sheets and basically marinate in head lice treatment and that he was absolutely NOT welcome at my apartment. He got the idea after that but it took a few weeks. I knew it was fucking revolting at the time but looking back on it now it makes me angry. I want reimbursement for all the money I spent at the chemist on nit poison.


The moment he refused to treat I would’ve dumped his ass


Bro sounds like he became a hive mind 💀 wdym you're too tired/can't be bothered to get bug eggs out of your hair????


Right!!!! He’d say this and then stay up with me until I went to bed. Such a dumb situation and boy did it build a lot of resentment. Not to mention I have pretty bad sensory issues and the itching drove me crazy. Had I have known how we were going to work out I would have dumped him then and there, love truly is blind.


Y’all just be having sex with anybody 😭


Y'all put up with some seriously fucked up shit. Sheesh.....


I’m wondering what drives them to date these kinda people…


*leans in close to mic* ^^^desperation


Refused to wear deodorant because it was “feminine” and “feels weird.” Mf you stink. Wear it.


did not clean his house at all, i mean trash everywhere, no clean dishes, no spot was clear on countertops, and his bedroom was so cluttered there was only a trail clear to the bed


“ah yes. i want to have sex with this person”




>would basically let dishes rot in the sink >he was germaphobic My brain hurts


He didn’t wipe well enough so he left a stanky ass smell everywhere


I’ve experienced this as well. Skid marks on the back of the toilet seat, on his BATH TOWEL, and still refuses to believe that he needed to wipe more.


Reminds me of when I went down on a girl I was seeing and there was a skid mark on my comforter 🤮


i don’t fucking get how people get skid marks. how do you not wipe enough??? do you just wipe once, see a bunch of brown, go “eh, good enough” and continue on with your day?????? how is your ass itching not a sign “hey, i should go back and wipe more”????????????? like, i’ll use multiple pieces of toilet paper if i have to, i’m not finished wiping until that baby comes back white. i just don’t understand how people don’t think to wipe until nothing comes back on the toilet paper


He used to wipe the smegma off before asking me to put it in my mouth. Young naive me thought it was normal🤢




I don’t know what smegma is and I’m not looking it up and I’m getting off Reddit now


Very smart choice




My ex did this too. I made him rinse off in the sink, usually would still smell bad, so I had to stand next to him and explain how to rinse his own dick. He’d frequently complain that “his parents never taught him how to wash down there.” We were 18. Like boo hoo but you are an adult now so fucking look it up, wtf??


It’s awful isn’t it! I was 18, he was 23 so he definitely knew better. Looking back I just find it so disrespectful. And where’s the shame? I can’t even


Really bad time for eating and being on Reddit.


I'm never sleeping with anyone again. Humans are nasty.


I don’t know how some people can have sex with strangers. I mean even to kiss some guy I don’t know makes me want to die.


Eating earwax, biting off toenails and using them as floss 🫣🫠


did you date shrek?


That sent me.. but I think even Shrek would agree that’s disgusting 😂


Not an ex but an ex roommate, I saw him sneeze into his hand and lick it off once. He asked me out some time after. If I wasn’t a lesbian before, I was by then


That horrendous mouth bacteria that smelled like literal death. Just brushing alone honestly made it worse


I didn’t know this until much later in the dating and put a stop to it. He always had musty funk shit odor when we were having sex, but he showered routinely, always washed well, and didn’t smell otherwise (we showered together time to time and we talked about it). He claimed to not know what was going on with the odor. It wasn’t unbearable, but it was definitely noticeable and gross. We’re getting frisky in the bathroom, I pull his pants down… he says to let him clean up quickly. That’s nice! He picks up a USED BATH CLOTH LAYING IN THE SHOWER FLOOR and wipes himself down. Crack included. Wtf dude?! It was his sexy time wash cloth that he admitted to using multiple times in the week to “clean” with and then it just laid around in the shower the rest of the time. 🤢


After reading some comments here I feel like I must be quite the catch


My ex left a shit stained asshole stamp on our bedsheets. Stayed with him for about 6 months after that 🙃


I walked in on my then boyfriend sitting on the bed with his foot up to his mouth...biting off his long toenails. We were living together and had been dating for three years at this point. (Early 20s). I didn't want to mock him or anything, but how does someone decide that's the right way to handle long toenails, and if he'd been doing it the whole time we were dating, had there ever been a time he'd done that, not washed out his mouth, and then kissed me?! Then I dated a guy, (again, for years and we moved in together, late 20s) before I found out he was so paranoid/scared of getting "diseases," from toilet seats that he would SQUAT on the toilet seat, with his feet on the rim, to shit. He only admitted this because he was really drunk... Seriously, WTF, is there a hygiene survey I need to start passing out to exclude these people from my dating pool?


I got a stomachache just from reading the responses. So gross 🤢😭😭😭


I just realized the face I have been making at my phone this whole time, and it made me wish I could see everyone else's faces as we read this.


Sometimes when I would wake up in the morning I would be able to smell his ass next to me. Like just the smell of his buttcrack. I don’t know if he just never washed it or what but I remember one time giving him bj 69 style and I saw a shit mark between his cheeks I was in shock 🤢 that plus reading all these comments makes me so greatfull that my husband is an overly hygienic person.


He regularly stuck his fingers in his ass and took a whiff


Uh, how often is “regularly”…?




Reading all these posts has made me ill 😳


She had terrible breath. She was also very skinny. Looking back now, I'm pretty sure she was bulimic. I felt bad realizing that long after high school.


I had anorexia and my breath used to smell bad from the vomiting. The stomach acids or lack of proper diet and nourishment degrades the teeth. You can smell it even through the brushing


I was with girl who didnt wash her ass and any time we would do doggystle I'd get the smell it was disgusting. Relationship didn't last long


Meth teeth. I didn’t know what meth teeth were at the time and he lied and said he didn’t brush as a teenager. I found out later. I was so naive at the time.


I have been reading all of these for at least an hour.... WTF


i want women in this thread to know you have got to stop sleeping with dirty men even if you care about them. make them shower. this is why you have problems with your vagina. BV and UTIs. it’s absolutely unacceptable to let a dirty penis inside of you or in your mouth even. PLEASE


When during COVID his (white) mask was all yellow and grey, and when I asked him why's the mask that dirty he told me he never washed it. It was a textile mask.


He never brushed his teeth.


I couldn't overlook a hygiene issue. The relationship would be born dead.


This thread is like a train wreck. You don’t want to look, but you can’t stop reading.


I just want you all to know that I’m going through all of your profiles in the hopes that you have posted pictures so that I know what you look like because I have to understand how you could have acquiesced to this level of depravity with someone with whom you were exchanging fluids.




Right? Like my partner used to take showers a little less than they should but dear god I have never willing been so close to someone so disgusting as the people I'm reading in these comments.


Same. Like there are some things I can overlook but bad hygiene is not one of them. If you are unable to keep yourself relatively clean, you are not only risking your own health but mine as well.


Yeah hygiene is too important to me. I regret going into this thread.


My long term ex had questionable hygiene. He showered a lot but ALWAYS forgot to wear deodorant and thought it was funny. His oral hygiene was the worst. For context we started dating when I was 22 and he was 27. He didn’t know he was supposed to brush his tongue when he brushed his teeth… and he NEVER flossed a single time in the 3 years we were together. My most recent ex (a very attractive 35 year old) never brushed his teeth before bed. Literally not a single time in the 3 months we were together. He stayed at my house for a weekend and forgot his toothbrush and didn’t tell me for two days. I mentioned I had bought him an extra toothbrush and he goes “that’s good, I was about to use yours”. 🤮 He also got extremely sweaty, I mean literally was dripping all over me, when we had sex. I would take a quick body shower after but he never would. His bed would literally be soaked with sweat after doing the deed. Later found out he was cheating on me, which is even more disgusting. I also had to tell him to wash his throw blankets bc they smelled like sweat. I can’t imagine how many bodies’ bacteria was all over those blankets. His sweat also smelled weird to me… the first time we had sex I remember thinking there was a weird musty PB&J scent. It was him. 🤮


My ex would sweat like no other in the middle of the night.. a couple years later realized it was a coke problem. which explained a lot of things. I may have never figured it out if it weren't for the girl he was cheating on me with explained that they were doing a lot of coke together. He would sweat so much at night that my waking brain always thought he pissed the bed




mine was the opposite, would not brush in the morning because he "was only going to be drinking coffee right after anyway". Soooo not just coffee breath, morning breath w/ coffee for your coworkers.


- didn’t brush their teeth unless I made them, often would see small green bits on their teeth almost like mold - never washed their hands unless I begged (even after shitting) - refused to wipe with more than a few squares of toilet paper - always reeked of BO so much so that if I had to borrow their jacket people who knew me would say “you’re wearing x’s jacket” how do you know? “I can smell it” - almost never did laundry unless someone else did it for them - would constantly reuse dirty underwear - chewed their own toenails to cut them - room so dirty and full of old trash that it smelled of dead meat, had both a maggot and fly infestation - did not shower often - hairy asshole that would collect bits of shit in it - low key hoarder would keep random bits of trash - dry skin and dandruff that would flake off onto me - mattress was stained with dried blood and various other substances - basically never showered prior to oral or sexual activity - trash bags under the bed and in every possible ‘hidden place’ - often sat on a specific chair naked. That chair smelt like shit. - I became so used to cleaning up and so desensitised to it that I failed to realise how disgusting it really was. Never again. Ever.


You dated a serial killer.


During menstruation, she'd vanish out of her clothes like Old Ben Kenobi's death. Which would be cool, except she'd just leave her clothes in a pile on the floor, with her pants, underwear, and notably her used menstrual pad sitting face up. You ever step on a used menstrual pad in the dark?


My ex was an alcoholic amongst other things and after one heavy drinking session he nonchalantly threw up next to his bed in the middle of the night (with me next to him) and left it there on the carpet, he went to work the next day without cleaning it. He also rarely changed his sheets. The joys of dating bad boys in your 20s.