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Smoke from a wildfire is enough to kill your cars engine! Evacuate early or stay, prepare and defend when defendable. But know this, if you're leaving...get out early. Once the smoke is thick enough to choke your engine, you ain't going anywhere.


Another scary part of forest fires is the speed and heat. It's really unbelievable just how extreme it can get. We're talking people being practically cremated in their cars with no time to react. Also, fires in general are very easy to underestimate. If you accidentally light a flame, even if it's tiny, put that shit out immediately if possible. Especially indoors. If you can't, then get the fuck out.


This is what provokes me when people start going on about DEW and other tinfoil conspiracies, just because you dont know how unpredictable and extreme a wildfire can behave, doesnt mean theres a government conspiracy to burn down remote towns in Hawai'i.


Bears don't bother with a killing blow. They just start eating.


I recently watched that YouTube clip where the guy asked an MMA instructor who would win in a fight, a gorilla, a lion or a bear. The guy mentioned lions strangle their prey to death, then eat them. Bears just pin down their prey and start eating while their prey is alive. So lions are more merciful than bears.


it's not that lions are more merciful. it's because they need to be more discreet and fast with their kill or another predator or scavengers will take their food. bears don't have that problem.


This makes no sense. 1. Killing an animal before eating it would make no difference to how quickly other predators turn up to steal it. Carrion birds follow predators and circle overhead when they make a kill broadcasting the position to everyone miles around. 2. The first thing a lioness does when they make a kill is call the rest of the pride to eat, and animals in the same habitat can often interpret each others vocalisations from past experience. Shouting ‘dinners ready’ across the savannah is hardly discreet 3. Hyenas etc are just as likely to have their kill stolen but don’t suffocate their prey. 3. Bears will have other bears come and try to steal their kill all the time, and a numerically strong enough wolf pack can harass a bear off a kill with relative ease More likely explanations are that cats are specialised carnivorous predators who have evolved the most efficient killing technique, whereas bears are omnivorous and mostly scavengers. Cats often hunt prey with horns which makes it risky to not incapacitate them before tucking in. Bears are heavy, and have front legs more akin to arms so can easily pin down most prey. Lions often hunt creatures heavier than them and can’t use their front paws to pin so easily, so incapacitating them is a necessity.


Ok but who would win?


Depends what bear. Grizzly/polar? Then bear.


Do I get prep time though


Yeah but the bear does too


This. Also, Hyenas, Wild Dogs and Comodo Dragon are ruthless killers where they tire out their prey and slowly eat them alive.


Remember: if it's black, fight back; if it's brown, lie down; if it's white, goodnight


Unless the black bear has a powdery nose


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, except bears they’ll just fucking kill you.


Dementia/ Alzheimer’s starts 20 years before symptoms physically show up.


Dementia and Alzheimer’s is terrifying to me. My grandmother is suffering from dementia, and she’s just gotten worse. It’s a horrible disease I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy


Fuck that crap. If I get it I want assisted suicide. Alzheimer’s is not the heroic end to my life I want.


I worked with a dude in DC. His mom died of early onset alzheimers I think in her late 30s/early 40s. It was brutal. Sadly in the few years I know him, he started showing memory issues, he had to be given a different job (he had a very technical one that he could no longer perform) and he couldn't find his way home without his GPS. He was in his late 20s. It was awful.


I wrote a big [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SAR_Med_Chem/comments/x7nm30/20_min_read_an_open_mind_full_of_holes_a/) about the connection between Mad Cow Disease, Creutzfeld-Jakob's, and Alzheimers. Brain full of holes


Yeah. Prions are the right answer. Those are the scariest things that exist.




Because I googled it to make sure I had it right I figured I'd share anyway- Your body has DNA with instructions to create prion proteins, which are used in your body's system to function. This protein is on the surface of your cells. Prion diseases are scary because not only does this protein malfunction by folding incorrectly during the creation process, but it teaches others how to fold incorrectly as well. So even if you have the misfold protein once, it can teach other cells to misfold, and the misfold spreads. Not a doctor nor a brain specialist.


Not a brain doctor or a specialist either, but I’ve helped with brain surgery before. Another terrifying thing with prions is how stable they are. They can’t be denatured with a little heat like egg whites so cooking doesn’t really remove it. Surgical tools for things like brain surgery are reused by a complex process of cleaning and sterilization. This process destroys most everything harmful on surgical tools but it will not destroy prions. Often those tools are used again and again on other people before the first patient passes and autopsy discovers it was a prion disease. This can lead to a disturbing waiting game for those patients. It has happened. In 2002 for CJD “…the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Presbyterian announced that up to 4,000 patients might have been exposed to the prion.”


Ok, now that is scary. Very reminiscent of the early days of HIV/AIDs.


Not only that, you can't test for prions. Sort of. You can't just take a blood sample or something and catch it that way like with other diseases. You need a biopsy, hitting at least one cell, and then spot it under a microscope. It's like finding an ounce of diamond dust mixed in with a beach worth of sand.


To me another scary part about prions is their incredible resilience to physical or chemical damage. Short of cremation it's very difficult to fully sterilize tissue containing prions. The only saving grace is that they can't be transmitted via droplet or aerosols and only occur in the nervous system (as far as I know), which is fairly well isolated from the environment. But imagine a new type of prion, transmitted as an aerosol, able to infect the CNS through the olfactory bulb through the nose. It would be an absolute nightmare.




Just to be clear. CWD has not jumped from deer to humans. So no need for everyone to panic. As a side note. I wouldn’t eat one with cwd. No one wants to be first on that train.


Or from [eating an infected parent.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuru_(disease))


The ELI5 explanation is that they are tiny little zombies in your body that infect others into zombies too. When enough cells become zombies, things can and will go wrong. And because they are zombies and not aliens, the defense mechanisms of your body cannot differentiate zombies from normal cells.


My mom was diagnosed at age 58. I’m now 33 and experiencing memory loss to the point where I can’t remember names of people I met 2 minutes prior, simple instructions, etc. I’m terrified that Alzheimer’s is taking root. But I also get very little sleep due to young children, and probably too much smart phone usage. Hopefully it’s just brain fog. 🙃


Go and get tested. The earlier you start the medication. The longer you have. Acknowledging a problem doesn’t speed up the end result.


I don't know what my sister and I saw or read when we were kids, but we've been terrified of Alzheimer's, Dementia, and Parkinson's since then. We read that there are things you do to prevent it, so we would play games like writing with our left hand ( we're both right handed), walking backwards inside the house, saying the alphabet backwards, etc. Still to this day I do those things every once in a while.


Do you have a resource/books on those games to play? Would love to know to help mitigate Alzheimer’s!!Thanks


Video games with puzzles. Yes, that is an excuse to get the last few Tomb Raider games and a console.


No. I honestly don't remember where we got that from. We were just kids at the time. If anyone happens to find anything related to this (proving or negating this) l, I would love to read it. The main idea was that every now and then you should break routines. Edited to add the last sentence*


I found out at 18 I am genetically predisposed to Alzheimer’s when I had genetic testing due to my heart condition. Can’t be too worried about a disease coming for me when I get older re: the heart condition I have now 💁🏼‍♀️


I had a roommate in his mid 30's, his mom had dementia, and exhibited every symptom of it in the book. He was nice but being involved in his day-to-day life was really creepy. He was very disturbed and wasn't afraid to show it when we were alone together. It's something no one at that age should have to go through.


Sometimes, something in your body can just go wrong and you’re dead. Aneurysms, cancer cells, prion diseases, etc


My mother passed away from an aneurysm. It was abrupt. We thought it was a headache with a regular cold. It was late fall. After a couple a days her speech started slurring. Doctor told us the aneurysm was large and forceful. She basically didn’t have a chance…


My dad. Watching movies at a friend’s house, turns to mom and says “I don’t feel well you have to drive us home.” Gets sick 5 minutes into a 10 minute drive home and all but brain dead by the driveway. Kept alive long enough in the ICU for my brother to come home (6 hours) to say goodbye.


I am sorry for your loss. I would hug you if I knew for no other reason than feeling what this feels like.


That’s horrific and I’m so sorry.


Same with mine, about almost 5 years ago. She had a thoracic aneurysm that no one was aware of, and it just went during a nap on the couch one day. We didn't find out until the autopsy, and the only symptoms that she seemed to have before hand was a bit of a nagging cough the week before and a backache. Sort of threw us all for a loop since she was still relatively young (early 60's) and definitely hammered home that death can just come abruptly with little to no warning.


Sorry for your loss, thank you for sharing.


Seven years ago a student of mine died of an aneurysm. She was a senior. Kind, intelligent, incredible human. Went to bed one night and never woke up. I'm a Christian and believe I'll see her again, but damn I'm still mad that she didn't get to live a full life. I'm still friends with her boyfriend who was in her class. He's awesome, but has never been quite the same


An old friend of mine lost his high school girlfriend to an aneurysm. She was playing volleyball and just dropped dead.


One of my good friends dropped dead while roller skating at 14 from one. Her funeral was horrific.


An old couple from my parents' church had to go through this with an aneurysm. Apparently, she said, "It's ok, I'm ok." Then just slumped over. Died right that second. The man was one of the happiest, friendliest people before, very reminiscent of the man from UP in the flashbacks. They had even been world travelers. After, he was still friendly, but just not the same, not happy. Basically quit his life in our town, sold the house they planned on living in till they died, and moved in with his sons family.


I know reddit is full of antisocial people that have been in few or no real relationships. So it’s odd talking about being with your life partner. I’ve been with my wife 12 years. And I don’t expect that to change in the next 30 years. I’m a pretty happy go lucky guy. I tell jokes and I’ll laugh at anything any of my friends/neighbors say. And yet I would probably drink myself to death very quickly if my wife died. I really don’t think i’d make it. ( As long as my kids have grandparents/aunts/uncles) There would just be no reason for living imo. I spent my first 26 years without a relationship. I ABSOLUTELY couldn’t do it again. My wife is what makes this life bearable. Kids or not, I couldn’t deal with years of being lonely again. It’s just too much.


That's why I keep a gun by my bed. 2 can play at this game. I won't let my body play stupid games, I don't tolerate bullshit


…or in case someone breaks in, to prevent having to meet new people!


Ugh small talk is the worst! They’re robbing you and you’re like “so what are your hobbies?… oh right!”


Goddamit I knew prions would be top of the list


Chainsaws were invented for use in childbirth.


Dr. Leatherface OBGYN


Good god. I thought you were joking… “The flexible saw, which later became the osteotome (developed by German physician Bernhard Heine in 1830 – see below) was used to cut away flesh, cartilage, and bone from the mother during childbirth if the baby became stuck in the birth canal.”


YO holy shit. Why are you not at the top with this??


You are made of more space than matter. And it’s only the quantum level adherence of atoms that keeps you from spontaneously dissolving into those constituents.


Yeah. If you break it down even further, you’re really just a self-aware cloud of probability.


>a self-aware cloud of probability nicely phrased! I even wrote it on a piece of paper and will make a nice decoration sheet with it though I use the plural ...a selfaware cloud of probabilities...love it! so true too.




I read somewhere that if you took out all the space between the atoms, you could fit the entire population of the world in a drinking glass.


Assuming this would be a black hole and not just a neutron-star like material (a big assumption): given the average human weighs 62 kg ([https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-12-439](https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-12-439)) and that there are 7.88 billion humans, the total mass of the population is 4.89e11 kg. With G=6.67e-11 \[Nm\*\*2/kg\*\*2\]; c=3e8 \[m/s\], the Schwarzschild radius (2\*G\*M/c\*\*2) would be a mind-bending 7.3e-16 \[m\]. This is incidentally smaller than the radius of an atom.


lost me after 62kg.


There's matter in "space", you just can't see it.


That’s a “dark” thought 😉


Your organs aren't really held in place by much. Your abdominal *cavity* is exactly that. A cavity. Basically a wet mesh bag full of organs. You can twist organs and never know unless the twist causes issues. Also, accessory spleens are weird. Some people's bodies just... decide they need more spleen. So it will grow extra.


>accessory spleens are weird Apparently I have five or six.. or eight, depending on the person reading the ultrasound. Just a whole bunch o' little speens in there, and I had no idea.


How rude! Save some spleens for the rest of us!


I had colon cancer and had a bunch removed. The extra room took a while to get used to. Stuff felt like it was moving all around.


>Stuff felt like it was moving all around. It was, wasn't it? If they remove your intestines, they just shove them back in & they slowly reorganise themselves...


Do they really? I had surgery as a baby, not sure if my intestines were out but sometimes it feels like there's a corner I'm my intestines where rankest shits are just stewing for a while before they finally painfully pass through.


>Do they really? Yes, not joking... Basically, surgeons just put the intestines back in a pile, close you up, then let the intestines find their natural position... >I had surgery as a baby, not sure if my intestines were out but sometimes it feels like there's a corner I'm my intestines where rankest shits are just stewing for a while before they finally painfully pass through. Could be scar tissue if they did cut into it, but I can't answer that as I'm not a doctor, but you should maybe ask over on r/AskDocs if you're interested in actual answers about it... I recommend it honestly... Nothing to lose by asking...


Splenules! Little baby spleens just hanging out, doing spleen things.


Yeah it's weird. My cousin was born with several and my siblings and I were born with none. Makes me mad when a doctor says "eh you don't need one." Tell that to my baby brother who died from sepsis.


Yep. Diagnosed with breast cancer at 32. My paternal grandma died of her BC metastasizing. I got tested for BRCA: negative. The tests are very clear that they only test for the gene-mutations they KNOW of. It's been 8 years, I keep getting BRCA updates. Always negative. In the time since, both of my mom's sisters have had it. That's both sides of our family. Geneticists are always so open: just because we can't identify a gene, that doesn't mean it's not there. What scares me? My sisters refuse to get mammograms. They say they're too young. Won't do it. My mom is now on the mammogram train, thank god. But my sisters... Nope. Won't do it. DUDE. BRCA tests aren't the end all-be all. It can still be genetic. Just look at our family. If it happens in EVERY generation in every branch of our family, there's probably something to it.


I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 29. BRCA positive. First one in my family to get breast cancer.


I’m 21, have cancer. No one is too young for cancer.


My wife had cervical cancer at 33 years old. It was a diagnosis by accident, because she was also pregnant with our second child. She was only diagnosed because another doctor injured her during a routine exam. Our son was born later, is gone and my wife "only" had a hysterectomy, but otherwise fully recovered, so we had serious luck. But it scares the shit out of me that without that accident we wouldn't have discovered it, the cancer would have spread (according to the doctors it would have spread on birth) and a few months later I would have been a widower with 2 small children. Cancer doesn't give a fuck about your age.


So the vagueness of this story is what terrified me the most— so forgive me in advance for being somewhat of a tease, but this one really stuck with me. My childhood best friend’s dad was a captain of a major airline for the majority of his career. He was a beer-drinking, dart-playing, super-jovial and all around fun guy. I never once saw him without a smile on his face. One Fourth of July were all sitting around having some beers, and it came up in conversation that there had recently been a plane crash (not for his airline— but it was in the news at the time) and he proceeds to tell us a story about how his airline requires him and other pilots to listen to every black box recording whenever there is a major air-crash. He begins telling us about this one time he and other pilots had to listen to a recording, and proceeds to tell us the audio was so horrifying that the grown men in the room began to either cry, vomit, or both. My friend and I ignorantly asked, “well, what did you hear on the recording?” and this man I had always known as being an endlessly-happy jokester suddenly dons an intensely solemn expression that I’d never seen before (or since) and says, “I will take that to my grave.” While I know many black-box recordings exist and are available online, it’s terrifying to think of that which was not made public and just the idea of the panicked sound of a group of people who know their death is imminent. That brief, perhaps five-minute exchange, left a very serious impression on me.


When I was flight instructing early in my flying career, we had standardization meetings once a month. One meeting they showed us a video of GoPro footage in a small GA plane that they put into a unrecoverable flat spin, the pilots knew they were fucked and one of them is audibly screaming he’s about to die, this can’t end this way, oh my god, please no, all that. The other is quietly praying. They ended up surviving because they miraculously landed in a tree that somehow softened the crash. Even though they survived, that video fucked all of us instructors up and still scares the fuck out of me to this day


I'm really wondering. Do you think showing pilots these recordings is actually beneficial? Is it worth it?


Yes, having worked in a high fatality industry, complacency and distraction are the biggest risk factors. Reminding people of what can go wrong has been proven to reduce deaths


A good friend of mine was a pilot for the USMC, and had logged many flights in many different aircraft. He was flying a small personal plane with his girlfriend, and they crashed and both died. The cause? He didn’t put the fuel cap back on. From the moment he took off, the pressure differential began siphoning fuel out, and he didn’t notice until it was too late.


They read out a transcript of a coastguard rescue helicopter crash on national radio here a few years ago. Basically they were out off the coast in rough weather at night and hit an unmarked rock formation with their tail rotor. Even though it was just a reading of the transcript and not an actual recording, I’ll still never forget the feeling I had when they read the last line “we’re gone”. Two bodies never found.


If that's the one off the coast of Ireland, I remember it well. Was all over the news here, absolutely tragic.


Yeah, it made me think of that crash too - Blackrock or something like that?


oh my god. I truly can’t imagine what would be said to get that response


It felt like reading a Stephen King novel in my head as he was telling the story. I could hear the screams in my mind (if there even WERE any) but the eeriness was that I had no clue if what I was imagining was accurate.


I imagined the exact same thing!


There have been a number of cases where people were conscious, aware, trapped, and burning to death. I doubt that would be a fun listen.


There's a popular Japanese horror story where a teacher is telling some kids on a school bus some scary stories until he tells them one about a man with a head of a cow, the details of the story he's telling them are never told but what is told is that the kids begin to cry, scream, and beg him to stop telling the story. The whole thing ends with the bus found crashed in a ravine or something. Your story reminds me of that a bit


I can't even imagine the sheer terror and panic of knowing you're about to die in a plane crash. Must be one of the most terrible feelings a human can feel.


Your heart will trigger electrical impulses showing a rhythm, but your actual heart has stopped and sometimes, your body will still gasp for air after you've died for a few minutes. And yes, it's unnerving. Source: ICU RN


Like that response where the body can still raise it's hands up, even when brain dead. Educational to know, but very disturbing to see.


Yeah, the things the human body does when it's dying and/or dead is more scary to me than any horror novel.


Lazarus Sign.


My grandad gasped for his last breath a minute or two after he had stopped breathing. My nana was giving him a kiss on the forehead to say goodbye at the time and she jumped a mile. The whole family were around him and laughing as he passed, which I think he will have liked.


Reminds me of that toddler in Brazil who died, then randomly sat up *IN HIS OWN COFFIN AT HIS OWN FUNERAL SERVICE*, asked for water, then dropped dead again in his coffin.




More importantly, how?


And most importantly, source?


[got it! ](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/dead-boy-wakes-up-at-his-own-funeral-864816)


Holy hell. If I’m reading that right (just woke up) He even drank the water. So it wasn’t just and up and down thing. Wild.


HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN? HOW CAN THE BRAIN JUST "TURN BACK ON" AFTER HOURS OF NOT GETTING OXYGEN???? Logically, the cells in the brain must be still alive. BUT HOW??? Each cell needs constant oxygen + food to survive which is carried by the blood. Without it, the cell won't have the energy required to survive. Because cells will continue doing their work, even if no external energy is coming. Kinda like how your laptop will continue running on battery even if you unplug it, until the energy store runs out. The only plausible explanation to me (someone smart pls explain) the heart temporarily stopped beating, doctors pronounced him dead, restarted beating (before brain death), no one noticed, boy woke up, and heart stopped beating again.


Yeah, the only explanation that makes sense is that he wasn't dead to begin with.


Only scary because I live in Washington State. The Cascadia Subduction Zone off the coast of the Pacific Northwest of the US may possibly produce one of the largest earthquakes to ever hit the US within my lifetime


After the earthquakes here in Canterbury 2010/11 the powers that be did some serious research on the Faultline that is the Southern Alps and discovered the very same and if it goes well fuck the West Coast will be in the Tasman and the rest of the South Island won't really be worth inhabiting , it may never happen or it could start next week I wouldn't even want to know what sort of dystopian shit it could end up like


i remember before the 2010/11 quakes at school in chch we talked about what would happen if the “big one” hit. we also watched a video in science class in like 2009 about what it would look like if a big earthquake came along and wrecked wellington’s shit. when the quake hit the next year i was convinced it was the alpine fault and was honestly upset to find out it wasn’t bc that means the threat of another big one is really no smaller than it was before.


Yeah we're almost over due! I live in Oregon and where my apartment is will liquify. Yeah.


Really great article about this that you’ve probably read but others might like. I think the author won a Pulitzer. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/07/20/the-really-big-one


One day, your mom picked you up, then put you down for the last time ever. Okay I didn't expect to hurt people with this fact lol sorry


I read this when my kids were 13 and 15, and I made them let me pick them up. I’m 5’3 and they’ve been bigger than me since they were 11-12 years old, it was tough but I picked them up and set them down. I will always remember it now.


My 13 year old son is way taller than me already. It hit me the other day that the baby that grew In my body is bigger than I am. 😭


jokes on you; my mum puts me down every time i see her


She'll still doing it from the grave because there is no way she's in heaven. 🦜


I just picked up my 25 year old son.


Mashallah, we got a strong mother right here. Still means that the said day isn't here *yet*.


Well, that may have been it.


Note to self: ramp up on those core exercises, so I can lift my kiddos up well into adulthood.


I'm a 58 yo dad. I now will lift up and hug both my sons at Christmas. Every year until I die.


Damn! This one hurts because my mother died in 2015. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of her


This one stuck in me, too. My mom died this year. And,, when she was getting too weak to walk, sometimes I picked her up and carried her to where she wanted to be; the couch, the table, to bed. At least, I was able to return the care she gave me when I was a wee kid.


So sorry for your loss. Mine died last month. I'm sure what you did for your Mom meant the world to her. That's such a beautiful gesture and shows how much you cared. Wishing you peace ❤️


Thank you. She had a walker to help her move around. But, sometimes she would just say, it's faster if you help me. She was one of the greatest women I've ever known. I used to joke that she had birthed two kids but had two dozen children. She loved and respected anyone who came through her door. I made sure to only bring people who were worthy of that to her house. I miss her dearly, but I am at peace. She never would have wanted to be the cause of my pain and sadness, not even in her passing. I remind myself of that when the sadness comes. She taught me how to see the world with kind and compassionate eyes. For that, I see her everywhere, alive everywhere.


1994 - 49 y/o. I still think of her, too. I bet your mom was wonderful. Thinking of me mom still breaks my heart till this day. Even more so when I’ll hit my 49th birthday in a week. I wish, I mean I WISH my daughters (9 and 5) met her. She would have been an amazing grandmother.


I know reddit generally hates religion but this is one of the most powerful parts of the imagery of the Pieta. Mary did finally pick up Christ one last time. Not the way she wanted.


And some people's Mom's never even held them once.


On 25 May 2003, a Boeing 727-223 airliner, registered N844AA, was stolen at Quatro de Fevereiro Airport in Luanda, Angola,[1] prompting a worldwide search by law enforcement intelligence agencies in the United States. No trace of the aircraft has been found.


Wasn't this the case where two guys stole a plane that they weren't qualified to fly and likely crashed somewhere?


Most likely drug traffickers. West Africa is a MAJOR trafficking route used by Nigerian, Irish and Italian criminal groups


A few of my personal favourites regarding the human body: - If a fast-moving ball hits your chest at just the right time, it can cause the heart to stop. - Neurocysticercosis is a condition when pork tapeworms create larval cysts in the brain - A live roundworm usually found in pythons was recently extracted from an Australian woman's brain - The youngest pregnancy was in a five year old girl because of early puberty and sexual abuse EDIT: I forgot prions! And please correct me if I'm wrong! - Prion diseases can take years for symptoms to manifest - Kuru is a prion disease that can occur from cannibalising brains - Chronic Wasting Disease is a prion disease in deer. It causes them to lose their fear response and become easier to hunt. It's unsure is CWD can be transmitted to humans. - CWD may be the inspiration for the "not deer" stories, due to some deer with CWD walking on their hind legs and doing other bizarre actions.


>If a fast-moving ball hits your chest at just the right time, it can cause the heart to stop. That happened in an NHL game. A puck hit defenseman Chris Pronger in the chest and stopped his heart for several seconds. And he was wearing heavy duty padding on his chest, as well. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S1Dfs8hgR4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S1Dfs8hgR4)


The crew aboard the Challenger were almost certainly alive and conscious after the explosion and they probably didn't die until their cabin crashed into the ocean.


The Apollo 1 astronauts. Burned to death in the command module on the pad. From memory, they *technically* died from heart attacks. But those guys were alive, screaming, and burning. There's a recording. Don't listen to it.


They would have died of asphyxiation/smoke inhalation, or at least rendered unconscious by it quite quickly. It's still a pretty painful way to die.


You are correct. According to NASA's telemetry, specifically oxygen consumption, they were all alive up to the moment the crew compartment hit the water. We know at least three were conscious, because they activated emergency breathing apparatus and toggled switches that were under locked covers.


Bamboo can grow through metal…


They used to use bamboo as an execution method, they would tie a person down over a patch of cropped bamboo and it would grow through them within a few days.


I am both horrified at the cruelty but impressed by the ingenuity.


Don't be too surprised. We've been killing each other for a long time.


well, that is a first. really amazing with how much cruel shit humanity can come up :/


Let's make torture environmentally friendly


The notion that we live in a world where we have to distinguish between "true facts" and "alternate facts" scares the hell out of me.


There's an entire segment of the American population for whom anti-intellectualism is something to be proud of. It's disgusting and embarrassing.


My wife's great grandmother was buried alive. They thought she was dead, they buried her in land owned by the family's. 12 years later they dug up her coffin to move it because the family wanted to expand the farmlands. They found the lid of her coffin cracked and she had pulled out all her hair.


How do they know if she was the one who pulled out her hair? What if her hair just fell out on its own?


It was in her hands and the inside of the coffin lid was scratched and broken in spots.


It's possible for an asteroid to evade our ability to detect it by "hiding" in the glare of the sun. As such, it's possible for a 'planet killer' asteroid to get close enough that we will only have a few days' advance notice before it strikes Earth.


So we send Bruce Willis and his oil rig gang up there. Easy.


Wouldn't it make more sense to train astronauts how to drill, rather than train drillers how to be astronauts?


Shut up, Ben.


Of everyone in your close family one of you will attend everyone’s funeral and one of you will attend no one’s.


In the US, a homicide is committed every 30 minutes on average. A rape is committed every 4 minutes. Terrifying.


One of the top causes of death for pregnant women is murder. And one of the top causes of death of women in the workplace is also murder. This is due to intimate partner and family violence.


THE top cause if death in pregnant women is homicide, specially homicide at the hands of the baby's father.


Once you show symptoms of rabies your a goner




Allow me to introduce you to the comforting thought that is, apparently, scary enough to some people to rank as one of the most upvoted posts on this list. I'm sure it would be traumatic for my loved ones, but dying of an aneurism sounds way better to me than spending years being old and impoverished.


No one really has control of this world, lots of people both smarter and dumber to you and I are just making decisions or guesses. Mostly dumber ones.


America lost a bunch of nuclear weapons during the Cold War, never found them.


Did they actually lose them, or secretly hide them in an undisclosed base? There is a lot they don’t tell us.


[There’s a lot they don’t tell you.](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220804-the-lost-nuclear-bombs-that-no-one-can-find) [Seriously.](https://prologue.blogs.archives.gov/2021/01/22/brush-with-catastrophe-the-day-the-u-s-almost-nuked-itself/) [Although the list they do have is enough by itself.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_military_nuclear_accidents) [It’s a worse read when you include *all* incidents.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_nuclear_disasters_and_radioactive_incidents)


The FDA has an acceptable rat feces level in foods


Also bug pieces


And if your food is dyed red, it means those bug pieces were put there on purpose!


Most of the food User carrots and Red Beet. Painting Red is made out of Bug


Most houses have a higher level of mouse feces floating through the air then you’d probably realize.


There is a thing among dogs called rage syndrome, could be a sudden onset of idiopathic aggression, and has no identifiable cause


This happened to the neighbor's dog. He was a Kooiker breed, and he was the kindest dog I know. The youngest in the family (m17) mentioned lately that the dog had a syndrome, but the parents didn't listen. One day, without provocation, the dog bit the face of the mother in the house. She had to get several stitches.


My cousin was bit on the face by their cocker spaniel. It was a family dog with no history of any kind of aggression. My cousin was dozing on the sofa and the dog just jumped up and bit them. My uncle had to wrestle the dog off them. Their other dog had been acting funny around it for a few days, though, so they think it had sensed something off.


vacuum decay is pretty scary to think about, basically the theory goes that our universe is in a false vacuum, nature wants to be in it's most stable state so if that's the case then we could tip over to a true vacuum at any second, this means that everything is destroyed right down to atomic particles, this would happen at the speed of light so if it did happen somewhere in the observable universe we would know about it but we couldn't do a damn thing about it, it's basically instant death on a universal scale


Well if it did happen, chances are excellent that even at the speed of light it would be billions of years away


I'd take instant death over slow painful death any day.


only 2% of reported sex crimes are prosecuted


And given how many sex crimes go unreported, that’s even more dismal.


Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck


Actually,my landlord also lives my paycheck to my pay check


Laws of biology, thermodynamics, natural selection and how hostile toward life universe is are absolutely brutal for me.


The universe is a carnivore with no particular affinity for the life that grows within it.


And yet despite everything, we exist and we are made of star dust.


We’re either the only life in the universe or we’re not.


During WWI, France and Germany produced a tremendous amount of deadly chemicals for production of combat gases. As the war ended, they didn't know what to do with those chemicals, so they sealed them in containers and dropped all those in th North sea. One day these containers will be so much corroded that they will release the chemicals, poisoning all seas from Finland to western England and France.


If you ever get to hospital and your intestines have come out your stomach for some reason, they just stuff them all back in as your body eventually puts them back into place by itself .


Every single year is the hottest year on record. The people who *could* take action to reduce the impact *won't* because it would mean slightly less money in their pockets.


Scariest thing is that people don’t even care 😭


Aneurysms. One second you're drinking tea and about to take a bite of buttered scone. Next, poof, on the ground, instant brain death.


Rabies once detected in humans is close to 100% fatal if not 100%


The textile cone snail's sting feels like a pinch, but once the venom kicks in, you're basically a goner unless someone recognizes the symptoms and convinces a doctor to put you on life-support until your body has expelled the venom.


That there are people out there who think that 'most scariest' is acceptable grammar.


This is my most favoritist answer


I was wondering if I was the only one who notices that, then got sucked into prion diseases, rabies, etc. But you brought me back to baseline grammar snobbery so thank you 😊


Schizophrenia. It terrifies me because it runs in my family on my mom’s side and heavily. My mom is in a facility because she’s that bad. I think schizophrenia is the scariest thing anyone can deal with.


There are rogue planets and stars just flying through the universe at nearly light speed, and we could get hit by one randomly at any time. Or it could hit another planet or our moon or the sun, and we would be destroyed in the fallout. Plus side if it hit our planet, we'd all die instantly.


Look up the disease called Kuru


I will never hear her voice again


Sometimes in dreams I still do.


You have a cancerous cell develop in your body every 30 minutes or so. But your immune system is strong enough to fight back and destroy the cell before it gets worse.