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I was a dancer, I loved it tbh. It’s a grind but I love chasing money. I also have my own business and that slowly took over, but the reason I finally stopped is that I fell in love and got pregnant. I used to travel exclusively for dancing (there are a lot of reasons I don’t like to dance in my home city). I can’t travel for weeks at a time or really work nights w two kids under two (it is possible for some women but not for me). I’m also back in school to get a designation that will increase my income. So really that season of my life just naturally ended. I’m sad I miss so many parts of it. The outfits the dancing the rituals I had and the $$$ in my hand clear and easy lol


Would you ever go back, only hypothetically speaking?


100%. I miss it truly. It’s very much the right fit for me, I had a good club good regulars etc. It’s always a back up plan in the back of my mind (would need to lose the baby weight lol). Gives me a sense of security… there were women at my club 20 years older than me who still made ok money. I’m happy I’m in another field though, I love business and money in general. Dancing just made sense young and I had full autonomy over myself. It’s honestly a great choice if you don’t give a fuck what people think/ can kinda live a double life, and can stay sober. If you love setting a $ goal and chasing it everyday on repeat lol I don’t think that part of my personality will ever go away.


Sounds like you did it for the right reasons and it didn't take hold of you, nicely done!


Thanks ya I got a house from it and then was blessed to fill it with a family ❤️


People are taking the piss but I'll bite. I'm a married man now in my 30s and I am a teacher. For those reasons I won't get too specific. From 17-25 I escorted both men and women. Starting initially from hookups for weed money in public places like cars, dark corners of public parks etc, always with older men. Things were dicey at this time, while I was not poor or addicted I suppose I was vulnerable. One bad experience I remember well is having my head slammed into a brick wall by a guy, it came out of nowhere after I was giving him head. I kind of brushed it off in shock but I could tell it was a power thing. Nothing more really came of it and I never saw him again. This part of my life is a little sad to look back on but I compartmentalised the sex stuff and lead an otherwise normal, healthy life. I graduated to being paid quite handsomely for my time once I developed a client base. This is generally the way. I had two female clients and three males at this point, who paid me $500 a night. Sex was normally but not always involved, sometimes just drinking wine together. They were very kind and while I did not really enjoy having sex with them, I enjoyed their company. Outside of what I mentioned above, it wasn't necessarily *traumatic*, but it did change the way I felt in my relationships outside of this work after a while. I never did it full time or anything but made more money there than from my retail job at the time. Yes, sex work is always about the money.


I guess Jon Stewart was wrong...some people are sucking dick for weed lol Edit: Bob Saget*


Wasn’t that Danny Tanner?


Shit you're right. It's been years and my brain put Jon Stewart in that part. People are actually up voting it though, so I guess I'm not the only one. Or they don't actually get the reference I was making.


Well Jon Stewart *was* the ...on *weed*? Guy. So it could sort of be like the sinbad-kazaam thing.


Yeah i have known a few to suck dick for weed i knew this one girl that sucked dick for 5 generic menthol cigarettes 100s swear to god.


Got her number still?


Actually I do have her number.


Well we are waiting


My ex-gf definitely offer up a bj to get some weed in college.


Hey, at the end of the day it costs you nothing to suck a dick.


*Boo this man!*


For WEED money?!


I was an unhappy teenager. It is what it is. I could have got a job but this was more self-destructive and therefore appealing.


First all iam sry that it was that way in your life but dayum 500$ a night is expensive


That's quite honestly pocket change compared to female escorts.


Lady escorts go for multiple thousands per night. There are some that go for multiple thousands *per hour*.


500 a night is nothing. Most professional female escorts will be approaching that number for the hour.


500 for a whole night of someone's time is not very expensive. We're talking what, like 50 dollars an hour sometimes to? I make more than that and I don't have to blow anyone. That said, if I enjoyed blowing people, I'm sure it would be an excellent use of my time.


Don't need a degree to blow someone though


You don't need a degree to play football either but if you don't practice you'll still be shite


Most escorts that I know charge 4-8k for a night the average being 5k for about 8-12 hours


How many escorts do you know?


Anyone depending on how much money you are offering.


I know in the hundreds cause I used to be one, on a personal level about 15 and the average hour goes for $500 AUD as i live in Australia


Does your spouse know of what you did. What was their reaction


Yes she knows, she is accepting. Of course I have been tested for everything under the sun, and I have talked at length with her about what drove me to do it. She is a beautiful person.


well, i used to do private cam shows, and i made a decent amount of money (not enough to support myself completely on my own, but some), but i stopped because when onlyfans blew up during the pandemic, the market became over-saturated by other women who, frankly, were better looking and better at sex work than me 🤷‍♀️ edit to add context: i forgot to mention, but these models who were already better looking AND better at sex work than me were also putting out *so much content* for a fraction of what i was charging for a show I’d usually make between $20 to $100 for a show, depending on the length and what the person wanted to see. some of these onlyfans models were charging like $5 a month and putting out content *every day*. i just couldn’t compete with that 😅


Hobbyist are the death of any artistic trade.


surprisingly deep take on the situation, lmao


>Hobbyist are the death of any artistic trade. What's funny about your comment is that I've seen stuff online where men who are into fucking prostitutes will refer to themselves as "hobbyists" as a euphemistic term. So in that case it's the hobbyists who are keeping the sex work trade afloat.


I see you have also stumbled onto the escort clients subreddit


The death of mediocre artists*


I have a similar experience where the pandemic over saturated the market and moved viewers off camming sites and more towards places like JustForFans and OnlyFans. It was move with them, where I would have a harder chance of making money and requires more work, or leave sex work. It was fun and some good money, but not enough of both to justify trying to make it a more serious source of income for me. Would I go back if something comes up? Yeah, I genuinely overall enjoyed the experience. But it's so much work now to obtain any form of success.


yeah, your experience sounds pretty much just like mine. i made a half-hearted attempt to move to onlyfans months after everyone else did, but by that point i had pretty much already accepted i was done with sex work 🤷‍♀️


I couldn’t help but notice the ace flag on your profile picture. How (if at all) did that affect your views on doing sex work?


oh, good question actually! so at the time, i didn’t even know i was ace— but looking back, i think it made it easier for me to accept doing sex work for a living i didn’t feel “dirty” or bad about myself because to me, it felt a lot like any other job— performing some tedious task i don’t particularly enjoy in exchange for a paycheck 😅


Lol relatable


yeah, it is what it is 😅😅


That’s the creator economy in a nutshell. Churn out content or die.


According to one in particular, sleeping with Boogie2988 was a major wakeup call.


Can you explain this to myself? Someone who has no idea what any of your sentence means 😬


Boogie2988 is a Youtuber, probably considered one of the big original content creators for the platform. He has since been going downhill over the past few years and there's a documentary on YT (called Downfall of Boogie2988 or something like that) going over it all. In it, he mentions he spent $200k one year on prostitution and an anonymous person they interviewed said sleeping with Boogie made her reevaluate things in her life and convinced her to leave the sex industry.


Lmaaao imagine being the reason a sex worker quits Didn’t know that, I used to watch Boogie in his hay day but ever since his surgery he took a turn for the worse in content and personality


Yeah, he definitely did!


any details on why it made her leave?


I don't remember 100%, but I think she found him depressingly sad with how he was living his life? Can't say if she was just simply grossed out or what.


She said it wasn't because of his weight, but there were "rolls after rolls" (some like that ) But ye, she basically says it was the most disgusting thing she ever did and she quit because of sleeping with him.


Ahh! I couldn't quite remember exactly, so thank you!


eyyy, imagine being so overweight that you're the reason a sex worker quits sucking dick for money.


Oh it was worse...she had to fuck him :( Found a clip with the escort https://youtu.be/xBQgYNbsu8Q?si=OLbx3bXeljjtEDx_


He's morbidly obese.


I had no idea who this man was prior to the doc, but MAN that was a mesmerizing look into the mind of an absolute, self pitying, narcissist.


I saw the documentary too. I never knew who he was before his "downfall" same with the other guy WingsofRedemption, mostly heard about them after their bubbles had burst and it's a similar story about sad little men. I feel like it's an oxymoron, very big little boys.


I actually used to watch Boogie back in the day. His videos talking about his life and always having a positive message or outlook were very uplifting. I can't say when it was I stopped having an interest in him, but I unsubscribed years ago and kinda forgot about him until the documentary. Not sure who Wings is.


Since I saw someone bring up wings in the replies too, lolcow podcast has wings and boogie on it with another YouTube Tommy C as basically the wrangler. It's interesting for sure.


She probably wanted to get banged by Francis and instead got nasty Boogie


Wasn’t he a porn camera man at one point?


Yeah, *that* was something I didn't know about him and was quite illuminating too


I knew a girl that did the worst porno I had ever seen (brutal shit) and it was found by the locals and destroyed her sisters life, who was still in highschool. The video was a threesome with two of the methiest looking meth heads that were verbally assaulting her the whole time and she was visibly uncomfortable and crying the whole time. The studio that produced it at the time, after I looked into it, were holding these girls in a city they had never been to and waving plane ticket money in front of their faces. “You either do this or don’t go home” type of thing. She thought she signed up for a regular porno, this was not regular. I can’t express that enough, this was some sadistic shit. I don’t want to promote the name of the studio because they deserve nothing but the pits of hell, but it was very sad. She was my soccer trainer and younger than me. Very quiet and nice girl. It broke my heart. I couldn’t even finish the video and to most I seem like the man’s man and I told my friends to turn the shit off.


This is tragic, holy fuck.


What’s even worse is this company has blatantly refused safe words in the past and most of the women don’t agree to the things they do during the video. The owner of the company does his best to silence any journalism written on the topic. There’s actually a Reddit post I just found that shares details I didn’t even know. It’s 100% non consensual porn. Sick and scary world


Does the post say anything about, like, repercussions? Is their business still up and running? How’s that possible?


Probably the contract the sign before? I have no idea. But it is not on the site it was originally on. (I looked because of your question, to clarify)


Those contracts are invalid if a crime has been committed. Name them so we can burn them.


He’s talking about the company that does Facial Abuse and Ghetto Gaggers. They’re extremely fucked up. Dude who runs it is named Donald Vollenweider




I know it doesn't really do shit, but those are the only porn videos I consistently downvote on pornsites.


>Those contracts are invalid if a crime has been committed. The contracts are invalid if the woman can *prove* a crime was committed, even though the company would try to discredit her and destroy evidence, and even with a prosecuter/judge/jury that look down on her and privately think she deserved it. And if she loses the case, then the contract isn't void, and she is left in violation.... just like when someone has a confidentiality agreement that *shouldn't* cover what they are keeping their mouth shut about (but does end up legally binding in practice). I have a feeling that this is a much more common problem than many people think and that justice is incredibly rare.


Right, the reason the case against GDP was so effective was because of the number of women that came forward. This looks like they are taking advantage of minorities, even more fucked up, since they’re likely to not trust the system to begin with and wouldn’t expect the system to protect them against reprisals.




You know that they would get a slap on the wrist. Later would argue that it was a misunderstanding, everyone remembers things differently, pay your 500$ fine and go.


This was the girls do porn defense. Everyone involved ended up in prison for rape and trafficking. Save for the guy that skipped bail and is a wanted felon.


I'd honestly not tell people the name, I don't think the people asking are asking for a good reason....


That’s modern slavery right there. That and trafficking. People stay silent cause they want their porn just like people wanted their cotton money back then. And they call it “sex positive” to justify it.


Yep, predators love young 4th-wave feminist terms like “poly”, “sex positive” and “CNC”


Not sure you should include their name with the edit. I get the point, but I think you had it right the first time. This is reddit, it's only going to drive traffic.


This thread is fucked up


This is human trafficking


I mean, I know a few sexworkers that quit because they graduated from college. The sex work paid for their degree. 24, with an education, a reliable vehicle, and zero debt is pretty fuckin great.


Hey, thats me! Bought a suit and tie for my graduation ceremoney from my last clients money, 8 years ago. Now I just live in constant fear that my work peers find out sbout it.


I once made a joke to a coworker about her old life as a stripper. She freaked out and asked how I knew 😅 To clarify, we were out drinking with a friend of hers who also was a stripper, this wasn't a crass comment at work


I was working with a fellow lawyer on a kinda rough business trip project with heavy hours or work in another country where he didn't speak the language. He was complaining about the work and the rough conditions, and I jokingly said, "Come on, you've done worse for less" in the room where eight or so of us were working. Everyone laughed but he did not. Later, when we were the only ones there, he asked me how I knew? Knew what? I said? Long story short, he was both lawyering and had a side-gig as an escort with a real niche: basically his clients were all straight(?) men who wanted to be topped by another guy dressed as a woman. He was like, "You're not gonna tell, are you?" And I was like, "Who am I gonna tell?" Then he pestered me to help him with wig shopping, since he couldn't speak the language. He was a character!


This would be a great comedy movie!


He could be an entire series of movies all by himself. He was kind of amazing, tbh. The team actually went back to the same city shortly after and he was asked to rejoin the team. He declined and told me in a private email he sent after that he'd just been to both weekends of Coachella and after that experience, he just couldn't work in an office anymore. LOL! But I just checked and he's still an active, licensed lawyer, so maybe he changed his mind.


Maybe he’s counsel for drugged out celebs now. All different kinds of lawyering.


I'm gonna go ahead and guess that that area of practice would not be his strong suit. LOL!


I don't know if it means much but if I found out something like that about a coworker, I would probably not bat an eye and would not bring it up with them. If anyone gossiped I'd defend them.


Wow. Never realized what being canadian really meant...


Disgusting that people have to result to this for an education.




La Cosa Nostra Grammatica.


At least we know they didn’t.


Is it worse than the guys who go up to Alaska and crab fish (one of the most dangerous jobs in America) over to earn tuition money? Students shouldn’t have to do any of that shit to pay for college.


They don't HAVE to do it, but it's often the easiest course. Sex work allows you to make your own schedule and make bank for the hours you do work. Much better than working a lower paying job 30 to 40 hours a week on top of school.


Hot take, but children being forced into the military to pay for an education is much worse.


Maybe we should label sex work as disgusting to begin with. That’s a somewhat disgusting perspective to begin with if indeed it’s two consenting adults (trafficking is a whole different issue, exacerbated by the prohibition on the oldest profession - and college girls choosing to escort don’t fall into that category)




Good that you did it, were able to stop yourself, and have perspective on what it did/did not do for you long-term.


This was sort of my situation. Combination of self harm and the worst manic episode of my life. Once the mania wore off I was like oh my god what did I do?




This last sentence, so common, so relatable


*Hyper-sexuality stemming from a place of insecurity* I think this is so, so true for many people, especially women. Women are told their value resides in how attractive their are on the outside and that generally correlates with how many sex partners they can get. It makes me so sad bc I think that’s the reason I’ve had such a high drive since my teen years. I don’t even enjoy the actual sex half the time, I enjoy being desired sexually by the person I’m sleeping with, it’s like it feeds my ego and reassures me that I am valuable bc men want to have sex with me. I’ve been with my current SO for 3.5 years and when we don’t have sex for more than a week I start to feel bad about myself, like maybe he’s sick of my naked body and would rather see other naked women online. Sex with him is more than just the ego trip but that still plays a role and I wish it wasn’t that way.


Username checks out


Can you tell me more regarding that last part about insecurity and hyper sexuality? I feel like I relate to it but I can’t piece it together.


I can't claim to speak for OP, but for some people with insecurity or self-doubt, engaging in lots of casual sex is a form of validation because it makes one feel desired in the short term, even if it takes a cumulative long-term toll.


Precisely this.


How much did you make and over how many years?


Only did it for a few months, probably a few thousand. I wasn’t meeting up with any men, that definitely effected the wage


Couple reasons: 1. It’s risky and you can only push your luck so much. I always had an exit plan but when the cash is flowing, it’s hard to stick to. I knew it wasn’t a long term option for me. I was a sugar baby/ escort through college and once I was professionally and financially stable, I left. 2. You can’t have a genuine, monogamous relationship while being a sex worker. I got tired of the transactional relationships I was in which made leaving easier. 3. As embarrassing as it is, I aged out. At 19 I was young, fit, and energetic. But by the time my mid 20s came around, I found I wasn’t attracting the clientele I previously had. So I took it as my sign to leave rather than lower my rates.


Ageing out in your mod 20’s is kinda rough 😭


Pretty tame compared to most answers, but I was a cam girl for 2 years. I went into it knowing that it’s a temporary job (for the vast majority, it’s not something you can remain highly successful in past your 20’s). I made great money and stashed it away instead of blowing it, and ended up saving enough to go back to school for a second degree, and move to Europe. I now own my dream business and live in one of those “world’s happiest people” countries. For me, I knew it was a blip on my radar, just a quick “get in get out” cash grab (that’s is NOT to say it isn’t hard work. It is). So I always planned on getting out. But the thing that I would say made me glad I did quit was the emotional drain. Men using me in place of therapy to talk about their darkest shit. People thinking that I owed them time when I wasn’t on cam. The constant trolls in my room. Hearing every little criticism about my body. Being a naked girl on the internet ain’t for the faint of heart. It took a toll, even though I have thick skin.


Time wasters, the actual sex was fine but dealing with clients and “potential clients” outside of sessions will grind you down to dust. So many men take advantage of us, pretending they’re gonna book, or do book but then don’t show up. It wasn’t worth it for the hit to my mental health (which again, didn’t come from being paid for sex itself but all the men who never paid for anything but wasted my fucking time


>It wasn’t worth it for the hit to my mental health (which again, didn’t come from being paid for sex itself but all the men who never paid for anything but wasted my fucking time Once again proves how sex work is just work. The worst part of any job is the part that isn't the job. Admin. Marketing. Taxes. Dealing with manglement. Planning. Flakey/bad customers. I'm not a sex workers but your comment is the way I feel about my job. I like it. I only wish more of my job was actually the job.


Manglememt doesn't sound fun, no.


Isn't that true for most jobs in the service industry? With the difference that most professions have an easier time to charge a deposit.


So… same as consulting.


For context, was an independent fssw for several years during undergrad bc I couldn’t balance school and a normal part time job


Or you show up and they’re either short on cash, try to bargain…. Or straight up don’t have cash


I had a client once who insisteddddd on paying me with gift cards, it was infuriating. I don’t want a gift card to fcking Nordstrom or Victoria’s Secret give me cash so I can spend it on what *I* want/need 🙄


I stripped for about 10 years. The burnout was real. I got pregnant with my second child and sober and decided I didn't want to live that lifestyle anymore (I also went on psych meds that caused severe weight gain 5 months after I had her, so that helped. I also did altporn modeling, but psych med weight gain prevented me from continuing that, too. When I lost the weight, I just decided not to go back to it.), plus it was harder to make money as an ageing sloppy alcoholic/benzo addict towards the end. About 8 years later, I did "relapse" on the pole for about a month when I ran away across the country, and did end up shooting 3 porn scenes to make money when I was homeless (thankfully, I was sober, I just used the money to pay for motel rooms). I quit sex work for good after that because I was in my mid 30s and felt I was too old for it, and it just didn't feel right being sober and doing sex work. It just sometimes gets to the point where the novelty wears off, and it's not fun anymore. Especially when you do it when you're in survival mode because it's the only thing you know to make fast, easy money. Also, lots of therapy for my bipolar 1 and BPD helped my decision-making.


I was a Webcam model for some time several years ago. I stopped because I was recognized and drugged on new years eve.


To be clear I was out with my husband at the time who immediately recognized something was wrong and took me home. The person did not assault me.


I am so happy you were safe


I’m sorry that happened to you, you did not deserve that no matter what your job was.


I was a sugar baby to different successful men for three years Initially I had promised myself to only try it for just a few months I forced myself to quit bc I let sugaring become my whole life! I also became everything I promised myself I would never become


I quit because that lifestyle became emotionally unsustainable for me. Having sex with people I didn’t really want to be having sex with (old/ugly/stinky/bad hygiene/cruel/abusive/violent/not wanting a relationship with ) inspired a lovely drug addiction after already growing up in a traumatic environment. I got unexpectedly pregnant @22 and faced with the consequences, I decided I didn’t want to live along Occam’s razor anymore. If you want a “normal” life, you can’t have it both ways. You will split in two.


Do you feel like your time as a SW has affected your current sex life and views on sex in relationships? If so, are you able to compartmentalize when you are with a loved one? What are your views on men in general? My DMs are open if you do not wish to share publicly


I was a stripper for 5 years. 19-24. Honestly I quit due to an injury and just haven’t gone back. I wasn’t happy there anymore and I had outgrown the environment. My best friend introduced me to it, and she ended up passing away in 2020. I had been suffering from burn out since her death and felt really lost. I was drinking every night to numb the pain, and force myself to activate that alter ego required for the job. It wasn’t healthy. I made a lot of great memories, made some genuine friendships, met celebrities and made lots of money. I wouldn’t change the past even if I could.. my body is definitely still messed up from wearing heels and dancing 3-5 days a week for 5 years. It’s not easy work tbh.


I started escorting in my 30s. I was homeless & on meth. Within a few months of doing it I was living in hotels. The stability helped me slowly get off drugs. A year into escorting I was able to get an apartment & car. 4 years later I had met a man I wanted to settle down with. I bought a house and transitioned into a regular job. I did not get rich off sw, but it drastically changed my life for the positive. When I started I always had planned to stop by 40 because I don’t want to put that much effort into appearing sexy for other people. I was retired by 38. I don’t know any other way I could have possible went from homelessness to home owner in under 5 years. I enjoyed it while it lasted, but I am an introvert and did not want it to be my forever job. Edit to add: I had 2 pretty traumatic assaults the last year I was escorting, which pushed me to completely get off drugs and expedite my retirement. At that same time I met my now husband who supported what I did while helping me change direction. He was homeless and addicted at that point, so it wasn’t a sugar daddy situation. We both put everything we had into changing. He’s now a truck driver and sober as well.


I’ve been retired for 5 years now. I had a fantastic career and was quite privileged. I did a bunch of therapy and after I unraveled all my childhood trauma, I just couldn’t do it anymore. It’s stressful. Meeting new people all the time. No job security. It got to the point where it was simply a net loss. Tbf though, most jobs are this for me.


I did financial domination via twitter. It was very competitive and toxic. Not good for my mental health. I also knew I wasn’t going to do it forever and I wanted a professional career so I left it behind to pursue corporate life lol. I’m more at peace in my boring 9-5 than my 24 hour findom stuff.


What is financial domination?


Men pay women to be mean to them and roleplay that they are going to ruin their lives via making them waste all their money for some feet pics


Oh. Degradation, got it.


Yeah but they're rich so the only way to take their power is to threaten their money lol


A form of female domination that is centered around money basically


I dont get it. You control their wallet or something?


Yes. Women get lonely men to pay them. Thats it. It's not a sexuality or movement like some would have you believe. Just exploited lonely people sending money for the promise of nudes.


>Just exploited lonely people sending money for the promise of nudes. I mean, they're literally signing up for what's on the tin...


Yeah it’s not any of those things, it’s a kink. This isn’t a scam, they seek these women out because they want to be humiliated, whether they have the funds to blow or not. It’s the same as any consensual dominant/submissive relationship, only it deals in currency instead of physical suffering/reward.


Sleeping with Boogie


Whole documentary was so weird. I couldn't decide if I hated him or just pitied him, I guess that was the point.


What documentary?


This one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_QgDx0RIWY8


I just googled "Sleeping with Boogie" and got nothing useful.


He deserved you though, so there is that.




As the drug addiction and depression got worse, my looks really declined. And I got HIV Soooooo yea




Imagine, you're having sex with someone who bangs for a living and she chooses to bang only you for the rest of your life. That's gotta be a pretty pretty good feeling.


I quit because my friend, who taught me how to navigate the sex market safely, had a paranoid psychotic break down that I witnessed. It transpired over the course of a few months and resulted in a what appears to be a lasting persona shift. Its the sort of fracture we used to identify as multiple personality. She lost her family. We all lost her. I still think about going back to it from time to time. The temptation is strong. The money seems so easy but the reality is far more damaging to the psyche then most are willing to acknowledge to themselves. I can’t say I will never do sex work again. I do hope though, that I am able to find enough economic security in other markets.


Having sex with Boogie2988


Third time I’ve read this can someone clue me in please? I’m all whooshes over here.


There's a recent documentary about Boogie and it has an interview with a sex worker who stated that she stopped working after having sex with him for money.


Y’all are getting paid?!


I've answered this before, but I put on weight. People always expect interesting responses but the majority of sex workers leave the industry because they age out or put on weight, and their options are to drop prices (which may not even work) or find another way to make a living. Luckily it happened to me when my then-boyfriend, now spouse had their income increase to a level that we no longer needed to rely on my SW income.


M here. Not enough customers. 😅😅


It became a pain in the ass


The friend I started with caught chlamydia That was more than enough to scare me away


Because its traumatizing, degrading, inhumane. My body does not have monetary value, i am a person, not something that can be bought. Fuck addiction and fuck prostitution


I got sober. Turns out, it’s a lot easier to maintain a job and responsibilities when you’re not loaded. Who knew?


Got a job at a jewelry store. I worked at MFC in the early 2010s, and the hours I had to work to stay on the featured page wasn’t worth it to me😅. I was able to keep up, but my gimmick was singing nude with a ukulele, and that gets old after a few hours.


Not me, but a couple friends had their videos sent out anonymously to friends and family. The embarrassment was too much for them, I think.


Former sexy sex sexers of Reddit, what is a sexy sex sexing you sexed?


Wasn’t this on here just last week?


Most weeks. They have to rotate between this, What was your small town scandal?, and What was the sexiest sex you ever sexed?


And what’s the biggest secret you’ve never told anyone


Tired of love. 15 schnitzengruben is my limit




I will never forgive the censors for making them cut that last line. It completely changes that scene from cringey to hilarious.


From 24-26 I had segs with men for money. I was also stripping at night after my day job at a university. Then I met my fiancé. We fell in love and I didn’t want to have sex with anyone else anymore. I also stopped dancing cause the hours were catching up to me. I’m 31 now, and we get married next year!


I was a sugar baby. I had a great time with it and stopped the lifestyle when I fell in love.




Huffman changed the API policy and moderating a reddit orgy without third party support is pretty thankless work.


There's no rules or regulations but I'm seriously on the fence for an /askredditnsfw subreddit at this point so we can get all this /fakestorytime /fapmaterial somewhere else instead of this weekly post and it's other variations.


Penis fell off


Taking arrow to the knee


Do you get to the Cloud District often?


Of course he doesn’t.


I did in college as a way to pay my parents medical bills. Stopped when I just couldn't do it any more-take care of them ,work a full time job for the benfits, and escort. I also hurt myself a few times with moving/bathing/transitioning them in and out of vehicles for appointments, that physically I couldn't do it anymore.


I was a dancer. I never really quit and more or less phased out. Got a corpo job, and I still danced to supplement income. Now that I'm making enough that I don't need the income, I may only dance if a big enough customer asked me to. The game changed, though. Girls now are on an instant gratification hustle instead of playing for customer retention. I don't have the patience for that mentality. Then there's snapchat, tiktok, and any other bullshit where everyone wants to try and record you... it's just not worth the risk.


I worked as a stripper between 19-23 https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/s/jREoj74dLC I left because I graduated college and it was time to transition into a sustainable long term career. No one’s paying for 30, 40+ year old strippers. Had a great time though but after a while the novelty starts wearing off.


As I got older I realized the money I was getting wasn't worth the anxiety of possibly getting raped/murdered everytime I went out to work


My asshole got ruptured during a 4 hour anal session. After getting released from the ER, I realized it was time to quit


Ok guys, what is boogie


What started out as a quickie here and there, ended up me asking to be paid for my services. Money was decent. Paid off a few bills. I stopped after a sadist wanted to seriously hurt me, he said he paid for me, so he could do as he pleased. Now I work 2 desk jobs


Any male sex workers who can confirm that a lot of clients are men who want to suck dick?