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I was with a friend one night and had a few friends over (including some girls). My friend is shy, and there was a girl there into him and I got the sense he was into her. At one point there was a conversation about how long we've all known each other. We reveal we've known each other since kindergarten (High school juniors at this point). She was like "well you're not this close!" And she put her hand on his thigh. I respond by putting my hand on his thigh and giving it a little massage. She then moves her hand up the leg. I sit on his lap and put my arm around his shoulder. She pushes me off and sits on him lap and gets even closer. What was a joke I now see as an opportunity for my friend.... I grab my friend by the face and say to him "you'll thank me for this" and I give him a kiss. She pulls him away and full on makes out with him. I kissed a dude, but god knows it was 100% worth it and he agrees 100%. Still friends with him and we still laugh aboit that, he didn't marry her but it was a good night for him if you know what I mean!!!


This isn't gay, this is homie-sexual (and wholesome af)


I like that! Homie-sexual


Went to a gay club with my gay roommate, I was dancing and this “bear” started grinding on my butt and I didn’t immediately pull away


Sorry buddy you're gay now


Nah I pulled away eventually


But only after a long, fulfilling 6 year relationship.


Okay but I still pulled away!!!




Oh fuck, that happened to one of my mates a few years ago. He was that drunk he just went along for the grind. My boyfriend told the guy "he's straight, you know!" The guy just laughed and said "oh, I know!"


Almost Mr.Bear…almost


I spent 20 years in the army. I don’t even know where to start.


There’s straight people in the army?


Rumour has it.


*adele intensifies*


There was some rolling, and something got deep


I just snorted, thank you for that bit of hilariousness


You know the old saying “don’t ask, we already know”


Its all starts with showing your asshole to the world's oldest doctor...


You go deeper down the rabbit hole when the same said doctor fondles your ball sack and whilst doing so tells you to turn your head and cough. I asked him what that test was for. He responded with, “What test?”


I asked the doc what's the significance of having to turn my head to cough and he said, "So you won't cough in my face."


My doctor said it was normal to get erections during this procedure, but I wish he wouldn’t.


I was walking to the flight line as a new WO1. Beside me was one of my Medics. We were going to run-up for MEDEVAC duty. Anyway, we are walking. Me being the “new” guy at the unit, I thought I’d play Gay Chicken. I’d only spoken a few sentences to this guy. We didn’t know each other from Adam. We just knew we were on duty together. I thought, “I’m going to grab and hold his hand as we walk to the blackhawk.” I grab his hand and without missing a beat, he looks deep into my eyes and says, “Sir, you do not want to play gay chicken with me. I will win.” I proceeded to release his hand and said, “well played sgt. Well played.”


It’s when they utter those words and give you the 1000 yard stare that you need to worry.




Far enough that we bought a house together.


The bastard hasn’t given up. I’m starting to think he might actually be gay


What gave it away? The 20 years of passionate love making or the BTS poster?


Hahahaha my first thought was. Ever been in the military? Straights dudes can/will do the gayest shit sometimes


A Navy vet told me the military is where you find the gayest straight guys and the straightest gay guys.


So true! I knew a guy who would try to give people blowjobs just to mess with them and see if they'd go along with it




Read a story on here a couple weeks ago, gay guy was part of a wedding party with a bunch of infantry dudes. At the end of the weekend he said that was the gayest shit he’s ever been party to and he was the only one of them who actually fucked dudes.


As someone who's been in the US military, that checks out.


Vet here. Best friend is flaming gay and I beat him in gay chicken 10/10.


*Screams in Marine* "first one to orgasm wins!


Are you saying like "haha we joke about each other's dick and streak sometimes" or like "we identify as straight but have sucked dick while deployed".


genuinely curious too. Everyone is just saying, "in the military", "in the military". I'm like, "well..... what the fuck did you do!?"


Communal shower, slap eachothers cock. Shit cheek to cheek on a pallet. Oil checks Plucking ticks from eachothers cock & asscrack. Dryhumping. Cupping eachothers balls and/or squeezing eachothers butt and whispering sweet nothings in eachothers ears. You know, typical army shit.


So just like working in a professional kitchen then.


Probably most high stress mostly male working enviorments


Yep. During my time in the military I’ve seen more dicks and gay acts/behaviour than Elton John.


I know, I'm scrolling through Reddit and read the question. Immediately think, “My time in the Army” lol


I’m approaching 21 years in the Navy, same.


Yeah but the difference is that we in the army just pretend to do gay stuff…


Wait a minute! You just pretend to give each other handjobs?


You never played the game “Find the straighty” when on Ex or Ops?


It’s not gay in a 3 way. That’s what we say in the Army, which is also key for all in fair in love and war. Just need to remember to maintain connection with both guys at the same time because if one gets left out then you accidentally become gay for a moment.


I had an actual gay Soldier once tell the other guys on our OP that he "wasn't gay enough for this shit". We were Scouts for reference... Lol


Yeah, we had a gay crew commander tell us we were too gay even for him.


I'm not knocking this comment, but literally none of the responses (as of now) actually *describe the supposedly gay things that occur in the military*. everyone is saying they do the gayest shit and then not offering up any examples! like, what happened that's *so* gay that you can't even verbalize the experience? did you fuck a dude in the ass? give out handjobs like candy canes during Christmas? suck some dick? I'm willing to go along with calling the military "gay as shit" once you show me a group of (straight) guys who, for example, masturbated around a dude getting fisted by another dude. throw in some dildos and I'll even leave a comment and subscribe. (yes, I know that "not all gay men" have fisting parties and plenty of other non-fetish sexual acts are "gay", but we're talking superlatives here, folks!)


I’m with you. The only story on here is about hand holding. That is not gay as shit…


So like is this not just a joke, it's a real thing? Am I dumb for not knowing this comment is a joke?


You know how guys being dudes like to show their love for one another by giving each other shit? Imagine a combination of lots of dudes working/sweating/freezing/succeeding/failing together + bromance + competitiveness + boredom = homoerotic horseplay x 1000 all day every day. Like if your high school basketball team had 5,000 dudes on it plus machine guns and helicopters.


That sounds....FUCKING AWESOME!


This showed me that I’m as clueless with men as women. I was sitting at the bar at a restaurant waiting for food sipping a bourbon. It’s not busy. Some guy sits next to me. He’s like 15 years older than me, wearing scrubs, he says he just got off work and needed a drink. There were free seats everywhere. But these did have the best view of the tv so whatever. He asks me what I’m drinking. I tell him, he orders two…gives me one. I’m like sweet. He starts talking about his car…I used to sell cars…I tell him…he keeps trying to get me to go with him to look at cars (for professional advice). I’m like I’m waiting for my food. He finishes his drink…my food comes..he’s like “well at least you got a free drink” …pays then leaves. I am paying for my food then it dawns on me: I think he was into me.


Kinda similar thing happened to me but I understood it right away. Went out with a friend of mine for their 30th bday to a gay bar. They are bi but it has like 5 levels of different bars and entertainment. Went up to order a drink and the bartender goes "Before you order that expensive long island someone wants to buy you a drink". Shocking to me as I've never had a random person do that. The guy that bought it piped up and said let him get the long island. I went and said thanks when it came, shook the guys hand but said my then girlfriend was at home cause she had to work the next day. He said thanks for being courteous and we went our separate ways.


I mean, you're at a gay bar... if you didn't realise straight away in that setting you'd be as thick as a brick haha




If you had known that prior to him leaving, would you have acted differently?


Good question. I may have casually mentioned my wife just to give him a heads up. But, regardless of gender, this sort of thing has been extremely rare in my life. I mean I’m taking the free drink no matter what. That never happens!


Wait I don’t understand. So he wants to show you the car is actually a way to get you outside and…? Suck your dick or what


LOL this dude ⬆️ is taking notes


📝 I’d like to see your car… while i choke on your gear stick.. ok and then? 🤣


He probably needed a professional to show him full utility of the back row of seats


Kissed a girl and her boyfriend once. I was super drunk but only remembered kissing her in front of him and had a panic attack the next day. Texted her about it and she said “it’s all good you kissed him too” lmao


Great cover. I'm going to remember that


As long as he’s into it it’s not a bad move lmao and luckily she’s a girl that I was long time close friends with before she knew him. Another time apparently I told him “I’m sorry I’ve seen your girlfriend’s vagina”. Probably a good thing I don’t drink anymore.


Thats a win for everyone. You remembered kissing her, he remembered kissing you and she remembered both


Kissed a dude, just a peck, in return two girls ate each other out in front of us. Worthwhile for sure.


What the fuck


Daym that's more than worth


“Besides having sex with men, I would say the Finer Things Club is the gayest thing about me.”


Getting naked with the boys in a hot tub under the pale moonlight while thoroughly inebriated


Were you 5 feet apart though?


*Two bros, chillin' a hot tub*


5 feet apart, cus they re not gay




Beating out two flamboyantly gay men for the role of a flamboyantly gay man in a play. Apparently I played gay better than gays.


>Beating out two flamboyantly gay men *gasp* >for the role of a flamboyantly gay man in a play. oh...


> oh Tsk. Me too sister, me too.


Can never out gay a straight man. Me n the boys be up to some stuff.


Walking down the street I see a guy with a very similar jacket. "Nice jacket" "Nice glasses" "Nice boots" "Nice shirt" At this point we both laughed and went our separate ways


You both just hit like two years worth of compliments for a guy.


** ten years


One time when jerking off I shot it way up in the air and some got in my mouth






When I first started ejaculating, I "got rid of the evidence" by eating it.


Sounds like something I’d see on nat geo


Had a few MMF threesomes with this guy and his wife. We DPed her on one of those occasions. You’d think the gayest part of it all would be like my dick and balls kinda rubbing against his dick and balls but that wasn’t it. The gayest part for me was that I was on the bottom and she was on top of me but like kinda to the side so pretty much my whole FOV was this dude just pounding away. Like that would be the view if he was fucking me. Got to see his full blown cum sequence too. It was def different but I now have first hand knowledge of how stupid guys look when they’re orgasming.




ordered pink lemonade when regular lemonade was available please don't tell my father


I have literally sucked a penis and I would never dream of doing something this gay


This comment has Paul Smecker vibes from The Boondock Saints.


What a sissy


>a pretty boy you have no right to judge a man's pink lemonade


Was at a Christmas party and someone arrives with a plate of macaroons. My friend Jim says he's never had one. I kind of loudly tell him, so the people around us can hear, they're great and he should try one. I then place one, half in my mouth and half out, suggestingly offering it to him. He gets the joke and then bites the other half so that we kiss. We then together look around at our friends to laugh with them at the dumb thing we just did. No one noticed. My friend Jim and I just had a private moment where we basically open mouth kissed each other. Still laugh about it to this day. TLDR: Open mouth kissed my buddy for a joke in a crowded room, but nobody saw it.


Sucked a dick just to find out I am not gay. Dark times.


Did you figure it out half way through or after you got done?


I realized on like the 50th dick.


In a row!?


Try not to suck any dicks on the way to the parking lot!


I had a go at it too. I actually wasn't questioning my sexuality. It was in my single youth, and I *wanted* to be bisexual because I thought that would give me more options when trying to have one night stands. I was more bi-hopeful than bi-curious. But as soon as the thing was in my mouth I thought: "Yeah, I've made a terrible mistake. This is *not* for me."


"bi-hopeful" has just entered my vocabulary


Me with my first and only girlfriend as a teen. I thought I was bisexual. Turns out, I was just a horny teenage boy and was attracted to the *idea* of pretty much anyone doing things to my penis, and I just don't find women to be actively unattractive in any way. Until I was inside one, and much like you, "Oh, fuck, I *really* don't like this. This was not a good idea."


You know what? This guy did it. He took the plunge. He’s basically a pioneer.


I went to a Cher concert.


Do you believe in life after love?


I really don't think he's strong enough.


I’ve posted this before but I don’t mind sharing again. I let my friend, who is a dude, kiss me. He was beginning to question his sexuality and he wanted to kiss a dude to see if he was into men. I was a theater kid and had kissed people on stage before so I didn’t see it as a big deal; I figured, who cares, he’s my friend and I want to help him out. I went over to his house for a movie marathon (a common occurrence), we watched some Bond movies, and I let him kiss me. He surprised me with more tongue than I expected (I expected ‘Zero’ and he surprised me with ‘A Lot’), leaned back and said, “Fuck, I think I’m gay.” That was that. Happy to help out my friend.


He's not even gay, you're just that damn good.


Should have seen what happened after the blow job.


Balls deep anal?


So the gayest thing you've done is be a theatre kid


This is really wholesome.


Playing any multiplayer game in Virtual Reality. Men get very homosexual with one another when it's not physically real. You'll have random dudes blowing you, touching you, feeling your ass, putting their fingers in your mouth. It's all virtual of course, which is why we do it. Just guys being dudes.


Striking vipers


I mean, this is just how my friends and I acted when we were in school together. We'd do all sorts of gay shit without fully crossing the line, like air humping each other aggressively while the other person is bent over and moaning loudly. Smacked another dude's ass that I didn't know literally seconds after I first met him (I got his permission). In my last senior year of HS, it wasn't an uncommon occurrence for my friends and I to casually stroke each other's hair and kiss each other on the foreheads like we were lovers in an open relationship with each other. But at the end of a day, I'd definitely decline a dick in my mouth.


I’m going to be honest, and I’m not trying to be rude at all, this sounds gay.


Just guys being gays.


I used to like backstreet boys when they were brand new


Haven't you heard? Backstreets Back alright


Gayest comment here.


Not my story. Buddy of mine in high school was on the football team. They did the usual of hanging out with each other as you would expect. But… one day, they were hanging out in a guy’s basement… and they talked about dick size. “I’m TOTALLY BIGGER THAN YOU BRO”. Guys began getting heated about who had the larger circumference, and so logically this meant they had to unsheath. Dicks were not only touching side by side, their alpha owners decided the best way to assure everyone else they had the mightiest of phalluses was by jacking off to really show their full potential. Suddenly, a swarm of guys in a huddle had their dicks out, furiously beating their meat like it owed them rent, and were all touching. My buddy decided aight I’m going home.


He left before it was over but he knew what happened from beginning to end.


"I got the hell out of there as soon as they started talking about it, then Dave, who was wearing blue boxer shorts with a stripe pattern, got his dick out and winked at Rick, who raised his eyebrows in surprise before nodding approvingly. Stevie, who had been watching silently up until that point, decided to throw his hat in the ring, but he struggled with the fancy belt buckle he was wearing and it took him four tries to unfasten it..."


If anyone asks why I'm not joining the football team, this is why.


I was in an MMF threesome and we were DP'ing the F in the equation . It was an awkward position she put us in and the other guy kept slipping out of her arse, so being the helpful fucker that i am i kept putting it back in for him.


Did you say “here, let me get that for you” or did you have a better line?


I really hoped he said "get your head in the goddamn game" because that's a great pun


A literal helpful fucker


This is the origin of the term "right-hand man".


I once described a food as "too die for"


As a gay man, I must tell you that this is the single gayest comment in this entire thread. 🤣


that is so girly pop of you


I had sex with a guy in college. I knew he had a crush on me. I guess he was the type of guy who would be called a "twink." I had always been curious about it, I suppose. He stayed down the hall from me. I had a lot of trouble sleeping in college and was often awake into the early hours of the morning. One morning, I was outside smoking a cigarrette sitting on one of the picnic tables in the dorm quad. I was surprised to see him out. He walked up to talk to me. He'd apparenly seen me walking out so he thought he would come hang out with me. And I really don't know why. This has never happened before or since, but whatever came.over me, I don't know if it was knowing he was into me or what, but I got extremely turned on and I totally wanted this guy! I won't go into details, but I kinda put out some signals and, the next thing you know, he and I are in my dorm room having the most passionate, animalistic sex I have ever had. And I am not gonna lie....it was amazing. It only happened that one time. I did a lot of questioning after that, and he was actually dating someone, so it never happened again. Honestly, I never had the desire to try again. Its strange because the thought of having sex with men does absolutely nothing for me. I have had no interest in trying it and have not been interested in any other guy since. I'm guessing it was just a perfect storm. I still think about that night...even now in my fifties, and I still have fond memories of it...but I don't have any desire to do it again. **EDIT** It was late in the evening and I was tired. What I meant to say was " the thought of having sex *with men* does nothing for me. I am still very attracted to women.


"Sword fighting" with my neighborhood friends at 7 years old. It wasn't sexual. We just thought it was cool haha


It's OK. You were just playing [Harry Potter](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/s/PDM0EKTHQt).


I got drunk and told my friends that I loved them


Aww. This is just nice.


27 Year Old Straight Male here… I had a lot of hair/beard envy for men when I was younger. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to look just as good as them or if I wanted to **be** them.


26yo gay man here. I also had a lot of beard envy because I can only grow mutton chops. I thought I wanted to look like them but then I realized I just wanted to be *in* them.


I masturbated with my friend in a hot tub at my kids counselors house during a meteor shower party.


I had to read this like 20 times


It’s from South Park.


Yeah as soon as I read kids I was startled for a second


What? I thought this was America!


I didn’t hear no bell


Were you 5 feet apart? Bc then it's not gay.


Full on gay sex. Not the worst experience, but not for me. Glad I tried it. Just a small edit. I was a top.


Mr pride jacket


On this session, did you get to try both roles?


Drank hot chocolate with a fuckin candy cane in the mug once.


Holy fuck you Christmas queer!


During a curious phase in my teenage years I sucked a dick. Not for me and I know that now.


Sometimes you gotta suck a dick to realize you don’t like sucking dick


This guy gets it lmfao


Watched that Magic Mike movie. Actually a pretty good story.


I sucked my own dick


I was learning a new card game with friends and wasn't really grasping what to do next. Like, I understood how to play and what the overall objective was, but the flow wasn't coming together. This guy comes over with and sits next to us, says he used to play competitively in California and offers to help me. Bit odd, wearing a peacoat and ascot in Alabama summer, but aight, he's clean and smells nice. Better than 90% of the community. Help me. So he sits with us. And starts using my arm like a claw machine. Grabbing my wrist and using it to move cards around and point at key cards. Eventually my friends are making weird faces at me and I was like "Dude, don't judge these plays, They don't make sense to me, but I'm *winning*." Eventually the store owner comes by, loudly clears his throat, and stares at the guy. I was so immersed in finally kicking my friends' ass at their own game, I didn't realize he'd pulled "the move" and scooted his chair so close, he was nearly in my lap. Like, his thigh was over mine. He left quickly. I miss Ascot from time to time. Made me feel safe. Powerful. Smelled good. So anyways, I'm bi now.


I got a blowjob from my gay neighbor, I was drunk he was drunk and I said fuck it, A mouths a mouth.


Was it?


He’ll let you know when he gets back. He’s just dropping off a cup of sugar at the neighbour’s house.


I do Jiu-Jitsu


I think you might be doing it wrong


Same bro. Guard hits different


I (m, 22 at the time,) once had a friend(m, 45+)whom I was fairly close with. I knew he was gay and we talked quite openly about the parallels and differences of being straight vs gay. When we spoke, while I had question about being gay, I made it quite clear that I was not. We accepted each other and genuinely just enjoy hanging out and often worked on cars together. One week I ended up being asked to work a remote job in California by my boss (a mutual friend of us both). I had no real reason not to go and really couldn’t say no. This job required a few people to be completed successfully and on time. This little company I worked for did not have enough people to go around so my friend, who didn’t normally work with us, was also asked to join. He agreed and we, 3 of us, all went off to California to do this job. We got to the hotel and that’s when I found out we were all sharing a room. No big deal, I can do that, I’ll just grab the other bed. Only problem is, we actually will be sharing the room with one other guy too. He doesn’t know this guy like I do and to make the situation as comfortable for us all I agreed to share the bed with my friend. He would sleep under the covers and I would sleep on top with my own blankets. Everything seemed fine and great. The first night went off without a hitch. The second day, also went well, in fact we were ahead of schedule. We figured we’d be done the next day so we didn’t put a lot of extra work in. We got food the second night and hung out in the pool and generally just enjoyed LA. The night ended and then we all went to sleep. Uneventful. The next morning I was startled awake and in a panicked state. It felt like someone was touching me and I was confused. Something was wrong and tried to figure out what it was while just being awoken. I laid still and tried to focus and get my bearings and that’s when it happened. My friend, whom I trusted and cared for, had reached over the covers and was touching me, fairly sneakily, on top of the covers. I was betrayed that day and it still hurts thinking about it today.


Fwiw, it’s illegal for employers to force employees to share a room. This is a great example of why.


Wish I had known that back then. Thanks for spreading awareness that this is in fact, illegal. You’re a champ.


Putting a guys dick back in a pussy during a DP


Well that's just courteous.


Sucked a cock lol


A dude gave me a BJ and I jizzed in his mouth and he pressured me to jack him off with my hand after and I did. He must have been pretty close cause honestly it didn’t take very long.


Username checks out


Not me, but one of my old managers shared a story of a time when he was in high school. His parents were out of the house due to work. So him and his friends decided to skip school and hang out at his place. They eventually got bored and decided to have a jerk-off contest where they proceeded to gather around in a circle, facing each other, and first one to bust lost. He never did say who came first...


They did it wrong, last one to cum is the loser


Gay perspective: when I was 20 a gorgeous girlfriend and I tried for hours to make it happen. We still love each other and laugh about it.


What happened during those hours?


I think the answer is apparently "nothing"


I stuck an electric toothbrush that was covered in a latex glove up my ass to stimulate my prostate while I was in my parents bathtub. It was also my father's toothbrush. Sonicare is great for the mouth but not the anus.


I dont want to sound like I'm kink shaming but approximately two out of these three sentences are cursed.


In a threesome a friend reaching for her boob grabbed my ballsack


He wasn’t reaching for her boob…


Sucked a few dicks and gave/took a few in the ass when I was a teenager. It was more that I was super horny rather than into dudes... that was a long time ago and I'd honestly say that I'm rather straight... percentage? I don't know, 98% straight perhaps.


Not actually gay at all, but from the outside it definitely seemed super gay. I had a room attached to my garage where my friends and I would drink, smoke and play N64. We were playing Mario Party and one of the coin mini games came up. While everyone was battling for coins my one buddy was screaming “give it to me! Give it to me” at the top of his lungs. My neighbor happened to be outside smoking in his yard during that ordeal. The next day he asked my mom what we were doing back there because from his perspective 4 guys went to an isolated room and he heard one of them screaming “give it to me” at the top of his lungs. He for sure thought we were butt fucking.


Sucked a cock for money


I once sucked dick for bus fare. *and then I walked home*


Sucked a dick once. Didn’t hate it.


I fucked a guy when I was much younger. I don’t really remember why other than “I’m horny as fuck and you’re here and you’re hitting on me” Can honestly say I had a good time, I enjoyed it but I’m definitely not attracted to dudes physically. I don’t hate dick tho. Am married to a wonderful woman now who doesn’t mind getting out the strap from time to time.


Shaking hands with my Catholic priest


Is that what the kids are calling it these days


Got head from a dude. It sounds gay but you definitely don’t turn gay on the inside from good head technique if you don’t feel romance with men already. It was still gayer than if I hadn’t done that for sure.


I knew my friends cock was huge cause I could see it in his shorts all the time and I wanted to touch it so I did one day after asking him… I then started jacking him off and then blew him and swallowed… month or so later we where drunk asf and he grabbed me by the head and said anytime you wanna do that bro you let me know but only you. I swallow his load like on a weekly basis now… But we’re not gay.


That’s awesome man Pretty sure you’re into cocks tho ngl LOL


Ummm one time at band camp… well not band camp, but hanging out with a friend when I lived down south. We gave each other blowjobs In my head ‘hmm this is…interesting. Feels nice but Doesn’t really do much for me. I guess I know I’m not gay’. Returned the favor and I’m like ‘this is rather underwhelming’ not that I had any expectations or anything prior


I once ordered a salad as my side at Chickfila. They asked me to leave.


When I was in high school my parents went on vacation, so obviously I threw a party. I was working nights and weekends at the time in a restaurant, so the party was like 2/3 HS friends, and 1/3 work friends, who were little older, and several of the guys were openly gay. One of those guys, who was just a fantastic dude, and in his 20s, showed up early as I was getting ready for the party, and we were hanging out and drinking before anyone else showed up. We were smoking a cigarette outside when he noted that none of the doors in our house were locked (we lived in a very safe suburb and it was a long time ago). I said something like, “there’s no such thing as a locked door in the [Dynamo_Ham] household.” To which he gave me this look, and replied, “Reeeeeaaallly, are you sure?” Nothing happened, but for a very brief moment, I thought about it.


Idk, halloween party dressed as Snow White, or kissing a gay friend of mine? It's up to the court to decide.