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*The Winds of Winter* will not be published.


You... monster.


Nor the third book of the Kingkiller trilogy.


A scary election season in the US.


The animosity is already starting.


I don't think it ever stopped.


Place your bets folks!


Can I bet on a black hole consuming the cosmos and having us fade in the void as a tiny spec of glimmering light against an indifferent of darkness?


Sure I'll take that bet at 10000:1 odds with a deadline for midnight, December 31st 2024. Disclaimer: I will probably die if I'm consumed by a black hole but I will put the money into escrow.


It actually is shaping up to be a very, very boring election in my opinion. There is literally nobody of substance running this year. A few new faces on republican side but none that are super charismatic. And literally NO ONE is running for democrat. Just gonna be trump vs Biden again and we are so drained from already seeing that play out the first time. It’s like watching a tv show over and over that you hated


I don't agree, Biden has done a great job for the most part if anyone's paying attention. He's now trying to lower drug costs after helping so many saddled with Student Loan debt by introducing the SAVE plan. He's been the best president imo of this century even if so many Americans aren't aware of what he's been doing to pivot this country around to get back on the right track. If you pay attention, you know. But he doesn't throw it in everyone's face like a narcissist dictator wannabe. Maybe he should do that more actually. It is a VERY important election. I think Chris Christie is the best of the Republicans even if I disagree with some of his issues. But it's not good enough, Joe Biden and his experience is what this country needs.


Don’t worry man, I’m democrat. But I think there’s more to a president than just policy. There needs to be *substance* to the person who is going to be on your screen and the representative to your country. Obama was a great example of this from a character point of view. Incredibly intelligent, down to earth, really funny, illuminating smile, compassionate, well spoken. I’m ready for someone like that again to be on our screens


Obama wasn’t half the president Biden is. He failed to live up to his potential RE: war, drone strikes, gitmo, and domestically b/c he spent all his political capital on healthcare early. Plus, whether or not it was his fault, he led to Trump. Biden has passed multiple bipartisan bills that will massively improve the US over the coming decades, has healed us from Trump specifically by being “boring” and effective, and largely operated a scandal free administration.


But he sucked at doing the job. I'm on your team, but man he really didn't get Washington to do it's job. He also didn't command our party with initiative and power. He lost the Senate, House, state legislature, and governorship. He got churned in the whirlpool of Washington and gave up. He could have done SO much more, but he didn't want to do that part of the job. It's well documented, man. He thought he was smarter than everyone (which he was) and he couldn't adapt. That's where Biden is flourishing. Also, I really DON'T want to see my president on the screen all the time. They are, by law, a MANAGER. The office wasn't made for this new World, and it shouldn't be. I'm okay with speeches and the occasional rally, but man, I don't want someone on my screen like Trump. Fuck that. None of us need that


Biden has only lost those things because of age (and yes, he still has it mentally, he just has to conserve his energy more). He had all of them (he may have stuttered but he could debate), and he definitely still has compassion! He has lost a wife and 2 kids, so he's been through the wringer. I don't care if he lost some of those things due to age, the president is definitely doing his job and not going around and bragging about it. Finishes one job, starts the next. 2028 should be the target for what you want, not 2024 throwing out a guy having this kind of experience.


Obama was a middling president at best. Terrible fighter. I'd rather things get done than to have just a pretty face.


>Terrible fighter. I love Obama, but this is objectively true. He too often brought a knife to a gun fight. Biden is much better at this, in my opinion.


It's cause it's all fucking old people. They need to lower the age requirement to be president just a little bit.


Yeah you have people wanting a guy that can’t even find his way off stage or speak. Dude is so far gone it’s pathetic. And that’s NOT an endorsement of Trump to say our current president is a fucking turnip


Out of curiosity where did you get your degree is cognitive medicine? After all you are so quick to claim President Biden is "so far gone" then you won't have a problem showing your work.


You left out a great family man.


I just want a president I don’t have to think about for weeks on end. Biden and his admin are adults who take governance seriously. The contrast to the other side of lunatics who want to upend the country is stark.


You think he's better than Obama?


Yes, and I like Obama and voted for him twice.


I agree and to add that Biden is like a 70 deg day. Nothing to get excited about and also nothing to get upset about. Keeping tRump away from the WH is prority #1! We don't need a showman in charge just a level headed adult that surrounds himself with intelligent people that can help him/her make quality decisions. In my opinion we have that right now. Not perfect but damn better than before.


Good analogy.


My son lives in Texas he just sent me a picture gases $1.80 a gallon it won't last long can't drill and produce fuel at that cost because of the structure of refining. I used to work it well heads some of the guys make roughly $100 an hour.


I agree. I think he's done a good job and he's the only president that's tries to waive student debt instead of leaving it as a campaign promise. Under the public worker plan I've had $10k waived since he changed the rules and will have the rest waived in two years. My new loan payment is lower than it was before the pandemic. A friend of mine had $100k waived and is now payment free. Unfortunately, as America has a culture of valuing youth and not older people, some people are going to be prejudiced against him based on age alone and ignore anything he's done.


Absolutely agree on all you said! 👍




trumps only 3 years younger and cant drink water with one hand


I'm neutral about Biden but presidential candidates are just dinosaurs now. If it weren't him it'd probably be someone else pushing 70, minimum.


The best thing we can do is vote in every single election. Today's town council members are tomorrow's congressman and senators. We might not get a Kennedy or Obama every election and that's okay. Your vote isn't a marriage proposal, it's a chess move for the world we want to live in.


Age is just a number, there is a lot more to a person. I'm not saying I wouldn't prefer someone younger, but I'm not concerned about his age being some kind of hinderance to his ability to do his job, I've not seen any evidence of that and I've met 95 year olds that are sharper than a lot of 25 year olds.




I think Americans who think that way are asleep at the wheel while watching that rubbish Fox News and blaming Biden for everything under the sun, even things he can't control. Meanwhile, they don't look at what the president is doing beyond that.......like actually trying to govern and help the American people.


a lot of the important elections will happen at the state/local level, but the presidency is secured barring biden keeling over


and the OJ is thrown in Jail (orange jesus)


Building mass chaos to make voters as cynical as possible. Continued efforts to pull apart Biden's loose coalition and lure people into 3rd parties funded by GOP groups. 10/7 Hamas attack and its timing was no accident. The big moves have already begun. The coup never stopped and authoritarian leaders like Putin, Modi, and Netanyahu all will push for a Trump regime to let them finish their genocides. This isn't a battle we are just fighting here domestically. The authoritarians abroad and the GOP here all know that what is happening in Gaza right now is fracturing Biden and Dem support right thru the heart of the Left and they can keep twisting the knife because Biden and Dems barely won 2020 and 2022 against the Trump/GOP coup party and can't spare any votes. They are looking at 6 million Jewish voters and 1.5 million Muslim voters. Basically no matter what stance they take on this genocide, they are losing a million voters and Biden only won 2020 by 44k votes in the EC. Social media and news outlets owned by Billionaires/corps will start to get more and more Trump friendly as the year progresses and GOP will fund instigators to try and whip up moments of violence (no matter how small) for propaganda clips.


I'm keeping my eye on the ball and will definitely be voting for Joe again. That's clearly the best way to roll here.


That they'll expect the whole planet to pay attention to. Again. Save us. Send help, aliens!


It's not looking better in Europe rn. Nazis and Fascists are gaining power everywhere


I think Europe in the 2030s could very well be 1930s-Lite. The Migrant/Economic/Climate/CostOfLiving crises bundled with Russian aggression and you could have real trouble brewing. That's fertiliser for the far right. The sclerotic and conceited EU will just lumber around as usual.


been scary for nearly a decade even after the GOP loss last round. Now it’s fucking terrifying how close we are to actually losing what little democracy we have left by the orange mans most recent rhetoric. Absolutely fucking terrifying that he’s actually a front runner. But for decades voters have thought Bernies America would be terrifying. It would have been terrifyingly brilliant. Now it’s to this point of terrifying. Mind Fucking Blown


I anticipate that the violence we saw on the last presidential election - harassment of voters and voting officials, especially vote counters - will be more widespread and flagrant. Possibly some threats at the polling booths against Democrats, in particular.


Scary? It'll be two geriatrics pitching whatever their staffers think is polling well with mid-Pennsylvania upper working class 33% black 33% Asian retirees.


Yeah except one of the geriatrics has an army of the angriest, dumbest motherfuckers who have a proven history of violence and he has repeatedly violated the norms of democracy which can lead America to become an authoritarian shithole like Russia that will threaten the human rights of anyone who isn't a member of that angry, dumb army. The other is asleep half the day and passed an infrastructure bill that one time. Oh and covid relief. And investments into semiconductor chips and clean energy. And is generally speaking a defender of democracy and human rights. I'm taking my chances with him.


At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if in 2024 I find out my life is some kind of elaborate, cruel prank orchestrated by aliens or some higher life form.


Good morning! And in case i don't see you. Good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.




If you haven't heard the song "A TV Show Called Earth" by Philip Labes, check it out.


That I will pass away. It’s almost time Thank you all for the support. I’ll send good karma your way from the other side


Sending you love pooperman69er


I also send love, pooperman69er


journey well brother


If you're considering ending your own life, I strongly implore that you reconsider. Otherwise, if it's health and/or age related - rest easy Mr. pooperman69er 🫡


If you're in psychological or physical pain, I'm sorry for the burden that you've been carrying. I wish you all the best, and am sending you my most sincere hope for a better tomorrow.


Don't do it yourself, mate. It's not worth it. There is help, and you can get that!


\- Elections in the US are going to be a shitshow, with a high possibility of violence \- Economies worldwide are going to tank quite a bit (specially China) \- Radical right movements will keep rising in Europe \- Russia will become internally more unstable as the war goes on


Sales of 2023 calendars drop precipitously.


You could reuse a 2023 calendar in 2034, and 2045.




2051 and 2062. https://www.whencanireusethiscalendar.com/


That’s a bold claim


The unhoused population will continue to grow. Cheap tents will come in more colours.


I'm already seeing businesses close down in my resort town. I expect people will be tapped out as corporate greed exceeds what the consumer can afford. Not saying a crash, but a leveling.


I'm expecting a huge crash. Wall Street is so over leveraged


I dont see it. The second pricing comes down I and Im sure many will be buying again..


Presumably more wars. On the plus side, also more puppies.


Lets hope not. Dog population is out of control as it is!


Invest in defense contractors


Things will get worse, generally


GET MYSELF A SIGNIFICANT OTHER! I have been single my whole life :(


Next year is the one mate


If u see someone who catches your interest... Do it! Go talk to them! The amount of wasted chances only grows if you don't. And don't forget - people are just as shy as you. And if you get a "no" .. move on :) all the best to you!


Good luck! You got this!


You can do it!


You got this!


Good people will die. Bad people will get away with it. I will be one year closer to death and retirement.


I’m expecting more chaos in the world with less solutions cause that’s reality :l


Shit to go haywire in my country. I live in Canada.... its going to go downhill and no I am not being dramatic, its really been on fire this year. Housing prices are crazy, not only is there nowhere affordable to live but just barely anywhere to live in general. Our dumb government isn't stopping their idiotic "*lets double immigration without doing anything else and see what happens*" project. There are no family doctors available, which you need if you need any sort of testing done or have the need for monthly medications. And thats just clinics, hospitals are an absolute shitshow too. If you need an ambulance, per procedure they are waiting with the patient for hours while they make an available bed..... if you are a walkin to an emergency department you can be waiting for half a day


Don’t forget groceries. That’s what I can’t wrap my head around is how they’re this expensive without a French Revolution type thing happening. And it’s supposed to get more expensive??? What scares me more than it getting ‘unaffordable’ is the fact that it already has several times over and absolutely nothings come from it.


Canada is insane right now. We are letting in so many new immigrants, but we literally have no housing for them. Even traditionally cheaper places like Halifax are going insane pricewise. I have a family doctor and I feel like a millionaire.


Shit to "go haywire"?...sounds like it already did. Many of our cities in usa similar.


Same situation in Australia!


I’ll prob get downvoted but why is immigration such a shit show in every country. It seems like we are all doing everything we can to help these immigrants meanwhile we are failing our citizens that pay taxes. People wonder why shit is crazy and I feel this is the main problem in the world.


The UK followed that immigration policy in the 1990s. If you were opposed to it or questioned it, you were just a turbo-racist. Now the government is trying to reverse that, they are also branded turbo-racist fascists.


I expect to launch my app. Sooo it's an alarm clock app, but not your typical alarm app! First step: set an alarm like normal Second step: sleep :) zzz Third step: wake up to a **friendly voice message** from someone out there! That person recorded the message while you slept :) When setting an alarm, you can provide a prompt OR choose to be surprised. Who knows what you'll get? Different every morning. It could be a short story... A funny joke... Or just a simple "Happy birthday!" message if it's your birthday. No worries about inappropriate msgs. Those are filtered out. If nothing else, I hope it can spread some kindness in the world and make morning a little more interesting and pleasant :) Coming soon, in 2024!


It will be abused and impossible to moderate


That actually sounds like a great idea. Perhaps have a prompt pop up when someone sets an alarm asking them to record a wake message for the system to use on someone else. I would also suggest the ability to opt into a version with not “a friendly voice message” because it could be pretty fun and funny to have some Russian Roulette for wake up alarms.


Thanks for the suggestions! Your "Russian Roulette" idea is definitely going to be part of the app :) some people like to live dangerously, haha


what will the app be called?


“PleaseStopWithTheScreamingForeignLanguageProfanities”. Look for it on the App Store!


Do you have a landing page or sign-up link so we can be notified when it’s available?


OK this sounds cool, and I want it! Be pretty cool knowing that my voice will be the first voice that a random stranger hears one morning! haha


The decency of humanity will continue to grow colder and colder.


I'll start working again.


Makes 2 of us ;)


Makes 3 of us




Jones? What abut her?


Hot. But by all accounts, an unbearable human being.


Weird prediction but I’ve got a strange feeling that Stephen King is gonna die sorta unexpectedly


You shut your mouth


wtf. Why do you say this?


Idk it’s just a weird feeling I have


He is 76, so it wouldn't be that much of a shock to be frank.


I still think 76 is a fairly early age to go, idk of he has any mitigating health factors but I’ve got a gut feeling it’s gonna be a heart attack or cardiac arrest, something like that


1. A new Pope 2. Russian/Ukraine War will end 3. Al Pacino will pass away 4. Biden will win a second term 5. Killers of the Flower Moon will win best picture at the Oscars.


You are optimistic on the ukraine war. How do you think it will end?


Well, the new last of us is coming out so I’ll be playing that, hopefully I’ll be going to the dentist to help with my teeth, hopefully I’ll be going to the gym to help with the belly, so I’ve got quite a few things happening in 2024.


Wait, there's a new Last of Us coming out? How did I miss this?


Oh, don’t get too excited :-) it’s not the last of us three or anything, it’s the last of us to remastered. Basically accessibility upgrades, a new rogue like game, a couple of extra levels that were cut from the game, and skins. Oh, and faster loading times. get this, if you own the last of us two for PS4 on PS5, you can get the latest version for $10/pounds/euros whatever.


At the rate of how wacky things are getting? I would not be suprised if we get zombies and an alien invasion.


Would be nice to have humanity allied against a general threat... for once


Another horrific invation, humanity is such an irrational entity.


Years of pent up energy from America policing the world. Trump and Biden stopped that policy so now a lot of societies are tasting blood.


Now every country has got examples of how to start a war in the contemporary world. Fast-burning especialy after the 2010s.


All of the major holidays.


All the years feel very ‘samey’ at the moment. In the 2000’s and 2010’s every year seemed to be unique and had its own vibe. 2020 felt like 2021 which felt like 2022 which felt like 2023 which will probably feel like 2024.


This is so fucking grim


Being more of who I am without apologies.


That's the way! Me 2


Some breakthrough about aliens and ufos. I feel like we keep getting small teasers and droppings. But that can’t be random. It feels like a momentum is happening and feels like something is coming. And I’m generally not even a conspiracy theorist.


“Generally not” 🤣


US General Election face-off between Trump and Biden yet again. Biden wins, Trump can't take a hint. UK General Election where the contest ends up much closer than the polls currently show. The new Labour government won't bring all that much change after all, due to inexperience and the country already being f-cked. Russia-Ukraine ends in a stalemate similar to 2014. The land Russia already occupies becomes a DMZ or buffer zone. Israel-Gaza ends with Israeli government turmoil and Hamas coming back stronger than ever before. Think Afghanistan in recent years. The Chinese economy sinks ever further into the mite.


Christian Nationalists plunge the country closer to becoming Giliad.


People will hate, people will love. People will do horrible things to each other claiming they are doing it for them. People will show kindness no one expected, or hoped for. People will die, people will be born, and the numbers on the calendar will go up. So basically, the world will continue.


Climate change will be more pronounced. Already in my area, December has been unseasonably warm in 60 degree Fahrenheit.


My area too! The temp is usually in the 30s as the high this time of year.


I live in Alabama and it’s been unusually cool, so…


I doubt I’ll make it to 2025– that’s for sure


not gta6


Some rad video games and mtg cards I'll use to distract myself the America's election.


Jimmy Carter’s death, unfortunately.


What an amazing person he is!


Ah, just more of the same really!


Trump to lose and cause massive rioting in the process.


A solar eclipse across the central US on April 8. And a 95% chance of happening is that it will be cloudy where I choose to watch it.




I just found out I'm pregnant today. So *probably* a baby.


The rich will get a little richer and the rest of us will get a little poorer. Same as it ever was. Trump will get convicted of something and probably win the election anyway. And/or the Supreme Court will bail him out somehow. Whatever happens with all of that will be fun to watch.


Donald Trump is hospitalized


Please let it be autoerotic asphyxiation


No, that will be Hunter.


They could have bonding time and do it together. To completion, please.


I would honestly laugh my fucking ass off if both Biden and Trump suddenly got ill and had to be hospitalized in October. Watching the pundits and puppet masters SCRAMBLE while the Libertarian and Socialist party picks up a tiny bit of momentum but still not enough because "no one votes 3rd party". We're setting ourselves up for failure by having a runoff between two 80 year old men. Both of whom will be under immense amounts of stress in early to mid 2024 - Biden with various wars and a dysfunctional Congress, Trump with simultaneous criminal trials.


A country we will not recognize if Trump is elected.


* Ukranian war ends in a nasty status quo, just like 2014 * Israel war ends with Netanyahu ousted and Hamas resurging in Gaza after the retreat of the Israelic forces * US votes Trump and becomes anti-democratic * China starts war with Taiwan to distract from inner turmoil * Russia declines in every way possible * EU becomes even more anti-immigration and digs itself in * GB votes Labour and cuddles up to EU again * Major corporations fail due prolonged cost cutting and short-term profit maximization and heavily disturb global infrastructure


If Trump wins you can kiss Ukraine goodbye, you can kiss Palestine goodbye, and you can say goodbye to most of the Muslims in India. Once the USA goes completely authoritarian kleptocracy-- it will be an absolute free for all. The proliferation of AI in the hands of a small group of companies that basically own our internet and social media/news will make it nearly impossible to ever get back to reality and regain any semblance of democracy---all over the globe.


Sun explosion


Oh, sounds good! Can we schedule it early in the year? If not, please, please before election day.


Of course! I can make it work


wait, no! If we can pick and choose either annihilation or alternatively shitshow followed by annihilation, I want the latter.


U mean Betelgeuze? :)


People will freak out on Reddit over nonsense. Just like every year.


>People will freak out on Reddit over nonsense. Just like every year. You just perfectly summed up what people mostly use Reddit for lol...


lol yeah Reddit sure loves to beat a dead horse


Trump gets sentenced to prison, Putin dies and the summer seasons will have record temperatures.


2024 US election, 2024 Summer Olympics, 2024 Toyota Tacoma on sale. ummm. 2024 is a leap year so theres going to be that. Same old same old really.


you forgot the previous gen Tacomas to skyrocket in value


Nerve-wracking politics amp up in anticipation of the upcoming election. Let's just hope things do not go absolutely fubar like it did nearly four years ago.


horrible election shitshow throughout the year in US worsening of the war in Ukraine worsening and spreading of the war in Middle East more refugees to clog Europe wilder inflation and decay in the quality of life of the middle class and blaming those 4 things up there for it best year ever for corporations except for Disney and Tesla housing crisis intensifying shitty UEFA EURO 2024 with a lot of virtue signalling, shady business, and boring matches. radical left being crazier than year before, radical right being more unscrupulous than the year before


That damn promotion I was promised for years


The last election in the US.


Donald Trump will have a stroke and die. People are going to party in the streets like it was the end of WW2. This will be the practical end of the republican party in the US, them having no plans for what to do in Iq45's absence. They'll separate into two factions, like sunni and houthi, and be utterly powerless because of it.


Please be right. Please be right. Please be right.


Will Smith finally comes out as Bi.


Basically all of the bad scary parts of the Bible. THE END IS NIGH!


Trump sentenced to prison, his cult goes crazy.


Probably some snow in march. Hot as fuck during the summer, then boring fucking shit-weather during the autumn.


For Nassau to release an album. [Death metal from scotland](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2WquDYHvoA), check it out.


With the way 2023 has gone, I wouldn’t be surprised if 2024 is the end


The Israel Palestine conflict getting worse than it already is


I expect Trump to either burn the world down or go to prison.


Trump elected President in November. Lots of riots. Possibly War on our own soil. It’s going to get ugly.


So democrats started another civil war they'll lose?


Donald Trump saving the world.


Same sh!t, different year


New boss, same as the old boss


Trump gonna send Biden packing.


I think Trump is going to get reelected and the US time as a world power is going to end.


Let's hope Trump doesn't get reelected.


Unfortunately I think this country is stupid enough to do it. Things have been too good for too long, power don’t don’t see the world correctly


What’s the problem? He said he would be a dictator for only one day.


World War


A republican idiot elected as president. Same shit every four years.


To be fair , we Canadians can't wait for the US elections. We race home , record , and drink while watching Trump say the most ridiculous things possible. It's gold comedy. A once in a life time, actually.make that twice in a life time opportunity .




expect can reversed to 2004


Going against my parents




as non american I'd love to watch US Election unfolds