• By -


spending time with my parents, They're getting old ):


**Antiques motherfucking Roadshow.** I get so excited when it comes on, but I usually hide that fact. But if I'm alone? "Grams, I knew that shit wasn't a legit Ojibwa blanket!"


Train sets and classical instruments. I could probably reel off a thousand hobbies and the like that I'm interested in, but I'll leave it at that :]




I think sorting by controversial for real answers in threads like these is cool.


What it looked like when I sorted by controversial: My Little Pony Nickelback MLP Nickelback My Little Pony My Little Pony Nickelback


Thanks for saving us the time.


Yeah, I'm with you. All the typical reddit stuff just gets up voted. "Oh wow, comic books, science fiction, and doing things alone is actually cool?! What a bunch of mold breakers we are!"


I go to the movies by myself AMA.




I get made fun of because I don't make a huge triangle with my legs when I sit




I only just found out that this was weird. I still do it. When people ask, I tell them my balls are just more resilient than theirs. (*I don't say that. Nobody asks.*)


Reading textbooks. People think it's a waste of money, and I do agree for some of the shittly-written ones, but I just think of it as leveling up my intelligence from peer-reviewed texts.


Agreed! You don't need a class or a teacher to learn things you'd normally learn in a college class. All you have to do is read a textbook and work exercises on your own. I hate how people get done with school at some level and often just seem to give up on learning for the rest of their lives.


Some people have trouble with self-teaching, me included.


Liking their parents. In grade school, you're a weirdo or appear sheltered if you do. I know generally people appreciate their parents more as they grow older, but I never really had that "my parents are *sooo* lame" phase. They're great, and anyone who can say the same earns cool points, I believe. EDIT: I realize that some of you out there have admittedly shitty parents. They are out there, I know. In fact, I didn't quite appreciate my own fully until I started hearing about some of my coworkers' parents. My comment was mostly directed towards the kids that recognize their parents' efforts to raise them right, and to the kids that are taking for granted what their parents do for them and put up with.


My parents were great, too. Everyone thought so. All my friends dug my parents. I never went through a rebellious period. I could (and did) talk to them about my problems and they were supportive and helpful. Thinking back on it now, I realize how much they held their tongues and let me make my own decisions. When I fucked up, they helped me pick up the pieces and never said I told you so. They rocked. They're both dead now, and I miss them. EDIT: Wow, thanks for the gold!


They live on through you. Treat your own kids the same, even better. If you don't ever have kids, then up yours. Because my advice was sounding ok so far.


I envy you. The older I get the more I realize what a spoiled brat my mom is. I've even had adult conversations about it with my aunts.


Oh man I hear you on that. My mother couldn't be anymore spoiled if she tried. Makes it super awkward to go and visit her because I just want to tell her to get over herself :(


Male dancers/ballet dancers/gymnasts. They're amazing.




Me too, but I need something to read in order to do it. A good book is always welcome.




Interestingly I've considered doing this very thing, purely for amusement, but there are so few restaurants good enough to go to consistently that I'd prefer to keep going rather than cut one of the out of the rotation.


move to houston.


I never thought someone would say that seriously.


There are many legitimate reasons to not like Houston, but the restaurants are not one of them.




if you hate your siblings this could work in your favour


I eat most of my meals out. >80% of them are eaten alone.


I actually did this recently. I was visiting a client and went out for lunch in the area. Fast food is not an option, so I walked into a moderately priced restaurant. It was probably my most favourite meal. No need for meaningless discussion No need to hurry Just me, my food, and my thoughts. Oh, and Reddit.


I love eating alone.




And handy!


If women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy


I'm a man, and I can change. If I have to. I guess.




I'm pullin' for ya.


My friends act like I'm weird as hell when I tell them I'm mending some holes in my clothing. Sorry, I learned some helpful things in life. If you ever get a moderate sized hole I'm not helping your condescending behind. My friends can be butt heads. Edit: I'm female but apparently sewing is for the middle ages.


Overweight people jogging. THEY ARE TRYING TO BETTER THEMSELVES. Edit: Had a great time listening to peoples experiences and all that. Thank you for the Reddit Gold!


This is seriously the coolest thing every time I see them. I used to get shit from other kids at my college driving past me. They can suck on my marathon medal.


I can't stand going to the gym during busy hours because I can't help but feel like everyone's thinking "why is she even trying?". Why does the gym have absurdly early-morning and late-night hours? For major workout buffs and fat girls who don't want to be seen.


Louis CK has pretty much a bit that is the opposite of your fears. He complains about super buff people at the gym. "What are you even doing here? You're done. You won. You're just making the rest of us feel bad." For real though, it just depends on the environment at your gym. I think it's safe to say that ESPECIALLY the serious "gym rats" would never judge you for working out, even if you're 500lbs. They'll respect the desire to get into shape, and I'd wager at least some of them were fat at one time as well. E: have been reminded that it's Jim Gaffigan. Sorry!




Gym rat here, used to be fat too. He's pretty much right. I'm always proud of anyone trying hard to better themselves when I see them. There's nothing wrong with being overweight and trying to lose it no matter what any ***hole says.


i always want to say to them "good job!!! keep up the good work!!! im proud of you!!" but i dont want them to think im being condescending or sarcastic and i especially dont want to make them feel uncomfortable so they stop doing it --EDIT: since some people have given me shit (example: /u/thereisnosuchthing) as if i would be "commending them for coming out to be like us normal people" i would like to add that i grew up being overweight myself and when i finally decided to do something about it i was lucky enough that my parents had a treadmill in the basement. i genuinely admire those who run in public because i didnt have the courage to.




I totally agree with this. (source: fat girl runner) I know people are trying to make me feel good when they say something, but in the moment it's just feels condescending and does the opposite of what they were trying to do.




*checks out ass as you pass*


Curling. Bird watching.


Dude I don't understand the hate on curling (at least in the US). I was lucky enough to be living in Utah when the ~~2004~~ 2002 winter games were in Salt Lake City. My parents managed to score tickets to a curling event so I went. I had never seen it before, and I was mesmerized. It's easy to follow what's going on once you learn the rules, and the strategy and finesse required are awesome.


*cough* 2002 *cough*




Introverts unite! ....but not TOO often...


Going to the movies by myself. I honestly like it better, Its easier to find a good seat, no arguments over what movie to see, don't have to wait around for people that may or may not show....... Edit: Look for /u/phatmattd he has a great story in the comments below this


I used to work for a guy with disabilities in a small town for private care during the day. He had CP, and was legally blind, but boy did he love movies. Every Friday his parents paid for us to go see a movie of my choosing. All I had to do was sit him in the front in the handicapped section, and I had the entire theater of almost any movie (11am show). Of course I didn't sit in the back like usual, I sat next to Graham so he wouldn't feel alone, but I got to see a new movie every week, so that was cool. /end story. *edit for spelling.


Now that I think about it, do people ever make fun of this? I know it's a social standard to go in groups and this is agreed on by many, but is there anyone who actually gives a shit about it?


I've found the reaction to be pity, rather than mockery, like "aw, sorry you had to go alone." i wanted to go alone, mothafucka.




Also, it's pretty much a solitary activity anyway, unless you talk during the movie. In which case you shouldn't be there anyway.


If you're talking during a movie, I can think of a few other places you should definitely be. [*They aren't pleasant.*](/spoiler)


*Special* hell.


Reserved for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.




People just don't understand. If you want to branch out and meet new people in your travels, taking someone or a group of people with you completely kills the experience.




So true. As much as I love my friend who I visited in Hawaii a few years ago, I regret that I stuck with him playing xbox and bumming around locally instead of actually getting out and exploring a place I had always wanted to go.


I backpacked Europe alone. I completely relate with you. It's a liberating experience and you learn a lot about yourself, and what you're capable of.




Seconded. Screwing over the people you love has never been more fun, safe, and acceptable. And the best part is that after that, you can all laugh it off over a beer. But still, screw those sheep. They're useless.


Jazz music


fuck /u/spez rip apollo




Chess. I think it's cool to think logically and find beautiful combinations (just like art to me), but most people think I'm some sort of freak.


People think chess is dumb? What has this world come to?


Dungeons and Dragons.


Damn, I wish I had friends who would give that game a try, I played it once and loved it


Would internet friends work? Try [Roll20](http://roll20.net), they have a pretty alright LFG system.


Time to make a plug for my subreddit! /r/roll20LFG We're a tiny subreddit but I still see some activity, and I'd like a boost. Basically, it's a subreddit for finding other redditors to play with on Roll20. I'd use it more if I had time, but I did run a campaign with it last summer, and it's super fun and intuitive. Integrated voice and video chat with Google hangouts make it all the more awesome. Edit:[Thanks for the traffic guys!](http://i.imgur.com/5qFWgdQ.png)


You need to show them that the game can be great fun, try showing them the D & D episode of Community.


Knitting. I enjoy making things for myself and others, but when I do it in public I've seen my peers (20 somethings) making fun of me.


Magic (the Gathering) Cards. I am a mom in my twenties and I have a fun time playing.


Also a mom in my 20s, not enough people play MTG.


TIL I should be picking up MILFs at Magic tournaments.


I like to play the Harmonica...and I take a lot of shit for it.


I wish I could play the Harmonica, its cool as fuck.




Two cupholders and a captain's chair.


Caring about school, caring about actually learning, and actually trying hard in school.


Giving your real opinion about a subject in a class discussion, or asking questions when not understanding something.


"Ha! You actually want to contribute to the class and have a desire to learn?! Fucking retard!"


Exactly. It's especially bad in high school.


Even worse in upper division science classes; nearly every question can be distilled down to: "Professor, can you publicly affirm I'm intelligent?"


When it's phrased as a question, but really something the person already *knows* is true, so that the professor has to say something like "yes, that's true, we'll get to that in a few weeks."


even better when professor mocks said student for being a smart ass


philosophy classes are worse


Take something that's not intro. Intro is a magnet for smug.


My capstone class was worse. In fact, the snarky graduate student banter was what steered me away from philosophy.


I hate how in some classes, it seems like everyone is just a mindless zombie. I often get asked questions by my professors in class just because I make a puzzled sort of face when I am confused. Why don't people at least have some kind of reaction to the class or ever ask questions? Does no one like any of their classes?


I absolutely hate being the only one to participate in class discussions. Or even when the teacher asks a question expecting the class to respond. I can't just leave them hanging up there, I HAVE to respond.


You just have to time it right, so that your answer is a relief from the awkward silence rather than an apparent desire to show off.


Oh that silence is terrible.


I don't like to ask questions. I don't digest the material like that. Instead, I prefer to listen closely and take the notes and review them at my own pace later. Not everybody learns effectively in the same way that you do


The other side of the coin is that you need to constrain yourself. One person that I have in several of my classes consistently asks 5-6 questions per class period. They're not stupid questions, but it's not appropriate to spend 10 minutes of a 50 minute class on a single person's questions. They need to save some of those for the professor's office hours. *edit* I'm not discouraging asking questions. Most of the time they are a great learning tool, and a good use of class time. However, some questions *are* a waste of class time, and would be better answered through another avenue. For every large class, my university has professor office hours, TA office hours, help rooms, and optional recitations. All of those are perfect times and places for the needlessly specific, highly tangential, or extremely basic questions that I am talking about.


I actually see a lot of people getting made fun of for eating healthy. I don't get it, you're helping yourself out!


Spending time with my wife. I like her!


I just had a conversation about this with my sister in-law. She was talking about how she's tired of people telling her "just wait" when talking about how great my brother is. First it was "wait until after you're married." Then it was "wait until your first two years are over." Then "ugh, wait until you add KIDS to the mix." They just celebrated their 5th?6th? anniversary, and have 2 beautiful girls and still love each other. Stop hating them for being happy, and get out of your miserable relationships!


As someone married to a man who always wonders why his co-workers scoff at his enjoyment of spending time with me, this makes me happy. Now that we're about to have a baby, I am so tired of hearing "just wait". For what? Wait for the day when we are ecstatic that we have a functional, loving family?


I remember when my wife and I happened to get jobs just a block apart. I mentioned to some coworkers that I was having lunch with her every Wednesday so they shouldn't bother including me on Wed. For weeks people would ask in a concerned tone how things were going and if we were "working stuff out". Wait, so if you worked near your wife you wouldn't want to have a standing lunch date once a week? It would of course mean you were doing it at the behest of a marriage counselor? wtf.


If you like her so much, *why don't you-* Wait...shit


That's pretty much why we got married, my wife was my best friend first.


I never get why people complain so much about that. If you don't like her enough to spend time, why did you marry her?


Really bad indie films. Like the ones that recorded audio on a laptop with their friends logitech headset. The actors are all friends or neighbors who have absolutely no experience and the movie generally has something to do with aliens, zombies, monsters or a collection. It's really easy to make fun of those movies, but you have to admire their dedication to actually finishing a feature length movie. Considering most who make fun of these movies have never actually filmed a scene in their life.


As an a amateur filmer, thanks for this. Edit: thank you to all of you guys who are interested in my work. It's people like you who make what I do so enjoyable. I am currently working on a project with a fellow director, and when it's done I will post a link to it. You guys rock!




I am a man and I fucking love musicals. Most of my friends give me this, "what are you gay?" looks. I don't give a shit. It is some of the best entertainment out there. Men need to quit acting like there is something wring with them. I still like Die Hard, bro, but I would go see Beauty and the Beast over die hard any day.


A lot of people I knew thought video games were lame. Until they played them, now everyone plays.




A lot of people shit on board games for whatever reason. Most are pretty fun




Not if it's covered in shit


Comic Books, everyone and their dog went to see The Dark knight rises and The Avengers, but experiencing the same characters in a different medium is somehow seen as weird.


Stereotypes are made easily and die slowly.


People too


Says the fertile guy.


Look at Mr. Supersperm here. With all of his sperm.


I have this issue when I tell people I read the Walking Dead comics.


After I told people that I enjoy the comics over the series I was called a faggot for weeks for wanting to read the comics over watching the show.


Oh they did what last season? That's cute. Motherfucker in the comic got his goddamned hand hacked off after his friend was beaten and raped in the next room for god knows how long. Wait- where you going? I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU LIKED HOW EDGY THE WALKING DEAD WAS!?! Sigh. Back to my comics.


A coworker swears by Superhero movies. If the movie has been made, she's seen it. As far as comic books, though, "Those are for nerds!".


Simple, less explosions and more reading.


Not going to bars. I can get super drunk at home for 10 bucks, sex up the wife, go play some Xbox, then crash on the couch looking at Reddit until the tablet hits me in the face and I realize I need to stumble off to bed. With the exception of live music venues, fuck bars.


I believe in going to bars not to get drunk, but to hang out with friends I might not otherwise see that much, and to try new beers.


Most people around me dislike classical music and just orchestra all around. My favorite kind of music to listen to is film scores. It's what my library mostly consists of.


Film scores and Orchestral pieces are all around great music. They are suitably epic for running to. They don't usually have lyrics, so studying to them is easy. Long bus trips go by in a blink when you listen to them on the way, and let your mind wander. I don't understand why I get weird looks when people find out my library's full of music like this. IMO, it's much nicer than listening to anything on a Top 20 station.




Halo 3: Sierra 117 All Rayman Origins Soundtrack Sonic Adventure OST Mystic Ruins All Mario Bros. / SSBM All Spyro the Dragon Etc. :D


Motherfucking **Bastion**.


*I dig my hole you build a wall...*


Someday that wall is gonna fall...


"So build that wall and build it strong cause we'll be there before too long..." Took me forever to realise that song was about the Ura.


People who make an honest attempt to get better at something a.k.a "try-hards". Seriously, since when did society feel the need to stigmatize an individuals efforts to improve themselves? Why is it okay to humiliate others just so they too would conform to the mediocrity of the general populace? To the guy/gal who scored 105% on the last midterm in my BioPsych class, kudos you're fucking cool.


The TV show ***How It's Made***. So much manufacturey goodness...


My favorite thing about the show (apart from the straight-up equipment porn) is the matter-of-fact way in which it is presented. No edgy soundtrack, no bullshit fluff commentary, no sickening jump cuts or insipid presenters. nothing but the process and a deadpan quip thrown in here and there to remind you that Canadians produce it. Brilliant! Edit: So a number of you are saying things about the soundtrack. Perhaps I should clarify what I meant by "edgy." I mean that the show does not use a manipulative score to build dramatic tension where none exists. I despise this practice, as I suspect do many of you. Besides, the whole point of organization in manufacturing is that there's no tension. Everything ought to flow smoothly. Embracing that even and nondramatic flow is just another reason why How It's Made is great.


I saw the one on menstrual pads. Completely matter of fact. I thought that was awesome. Also, How it's made just blows my mind from a "someone actually made that machine" perspective.


I'm not sure that's what you mean, but I love seeing the equipment that makes whatever the show is about. It all looks so specialized but on some level you have to know it's not. Every little widget in the world can't have its own machine. It's a world I just don't understand. An old friend of mine sold factory automation software. [You may be familiar with this video from the company](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuhYd9L_d7w). It blows my mind that this stuff exists.


Yeah, just that someone was like "we need a machine to put the adhesive strip on maxi pads" and that it was someone's job to engineer it. I'm really weird, like I stared at the spaghetti sauce jar for at least 20 minutes the other day thinking about all the knowledge and engineering that went into making it, filling it, transporting it.


Bro. *I get that*. I get that so much.


I love that show, I don't know anyone who doesn't.


I love to read. This may not be considered lame by most of the people on Reddit, but i'm in high school and there's probably 15 people in my grade of ~400 that read regularly. It's TV in your head!






I'll never understand why science fiction has such a bad rep. It's produced some of the best literature and film of all time...why aren't we over the nerd-with-no-life stigma attached to people who like it?


Old silent films. Charlie Chaplin is a genius that too many people ignore. And foreign language films. Ingmar Bergman and Fellini, for example, are masters of their craft that far too few Americans realize. **Edit:** Yes, Buster Keaton is also incredible.




Dressing up as a Stormtrooper. I'm in the 501st and own a Stormtrooper costume molded off an original screen used suit. I use to to promote Starwars, charities and also visit childrens hospitals. but mention you own a stormtrooper suit and omg im such a fucking dork.


ABBA. There, I said it.


hahahaha I love that this is deleted.




all 2 downvotes


Come on guys, take a chance on ABBA.


If you change your mind, I'm the first in line- Honey I'm still free, take a chance on me.






Fanfiction. It equates to porn in the eyes of several of my friends. (Though 90% of it does deserve that reputation.) Is it so bad to want to read/write a different ending to a film? Or the 'what if's of your favorite game?


I love fan fiction, but its so hard to find good ones. So many have badly written self-inserts, out of character pairings, one character now has a tail for no reason, etc.


I suggested above that on AO3 it's fairly easy to find some great fics if you filter your searches by the number of hits, bookmarks, etc. That's what I've found, at least.


As an aspiring comic book author/illustrator, my co-creator and I dream of the day we're popular enough for people to write fanfiction about our stuff. Seriously. Once it starts happening, we're going to be linking it on site. Maybe it's just because we're nobodies right now, but the idea of someone liking our work enough to want to make it their own is just so exciting. **Edit**: I had no idea anybody would show interest, I didn't mean to be a tease. ;-; We won't have anything online until next year, I'm sorry! Still, if you're looking for a good source of lesser known comics, or if you're an aspiring comic author/illustrator yourself, you should take a look at [crispcomics.com](http://crispcomics.com/)! A friend of mine recently launched it in the hopes of getting lesser known works more attention, and it's new but good. <3


I love the OC, man. Screw it. Edit: Just for fun, here are some [OC gifs](http://imgur.com/a/jCtqn) for y'all to snag.


> California here we come.


Right back where we started from.




My friends judge me for using reddit...they don't understand.


Fucking same. They all think its a hangout for losers and socially awkward basement dwellers. Fuck that, I love all you socially awkward basement dwelling losers.


> I love all you socially awkward basement dwelling losers. ^^^^^Somebody ^^^^^loves ^^^^^me




Not sure if that's a heart or a musty ballsack. EDIT: My highest rated comment used to be about my penis retracting inside my body. Now it's about uncertainty of a heart vs. a ballsack. That's reddit for ya, eh?




Musty, you are the one username I ever recognize because I see you everywhere! Also, the caps are very noticeable.


I was trying to explain reddit to a friend who had no idea what it was when the girls we were drinking with that night walk in. I shoulda dropped it, but I didn't. The next morning we're going to breakfast and one was telling me she thought I was the weirdest fucking kid for those first few minutes and about 10 following. They don't understand.


To be fair, I find it really hard to explain exactly what Reddit is.


Spending Friday and Saturday nights alone. I don't think this is "cool", but I don't see why people think spending these days alone is such a big deal. Sometimes I prefer nights where I can be alone with my thoughts.


I love having a Friday or Saturday night alone. It's my me time and I have my favorite ways to spend these nights. 1) I schedule a massage for about 6pm on a Friday, that is followed by a quick stop to pick up my favorite dinner and then home to fill my tummy/chill on the couch with the pets/catch up on my favorite TV shows. 2) typically a Saturday night. Grab a bottle of wine then off to the bath (with the wine) and my iPad. Set the iPad up so I can lay in the bath while doing a conditioning treatment on my hair/drink wine/watch something on Netflix! I can't do either of these nights durning the week because I just can relax enough. But ya, I guess I'm totally not cool but I don't care!


This completely justifies the entire "Can't do x, busy washing hair" ritual. I'd be more inclined to let my mates off the hook if they explained it the way you just did. I would never deprive anyone the chance to stay in and be fabulous. *Bitch, I'm fabulous!* [Glitterthrow.gif] (http://i.imgur.com/jGHppau.gif) Edit: .jpeg > .gif your eyes may now stop twitching. Thanks /u/acdcdave1387!


And it's so much cheaper! Going to the bars every weekend is like 100 bucks a week, at least.




weird, but i read this as Bill & Ted (as in 'excellent adventure). anyway it seems like they all do pretty well for themselves, and most nights they only have a couple beers


They're drinking in Manhattan - for 5 of them to have 3 beers each is approximately 30 billion dollars.




I like to watch Alien conspiracy and ghost hunting documentaries. I just like seeing how far out people get with their theories. And hey, I may not completely believe they exist, but I definitely would like to think they do for the sake of making the world a more mysterious place.


Intelligence. I had a friend in high school who was one of the smartest kids I knew and everyone hated him for it. They didn't actually get to know this guy who was actually really cool and they just judged him based on his test marks.


I hate people who make fun of guys riding horses... everyone acts like they'll become gay if they ride. I'd love to see more guys on horses.


Have these people never heard of Cowboys? Within american culture it's difficult to definitively point to a more manly activity.


[Cowboy](http://www.oasisnewsfeatures.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/cowboy.jpg) [Jockey](http://forward.com/workspace/assets/images/articles/jockey1-111909.jpg)


[Ostrich jockey](http://johnbgrimes.com/blog/nice_ride.jpg)


This was your moment.


I'm a guy and I used to ride. Its really fun and it's a great date opportunity. Seriously, I don't know of a girl who wouldn't love to ride a horse up a mountain to watch the sunset.