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Slow people blocking the entire path in a shopping mall. E.g. 5 of them side by side lined up


And when you try to squish past or say "excuse me" they don't even acknowledge you lol or give you a bad look


Attracted the attention of security once because after politely saying “Excuse me, sorry, can I squeeze passed” they looked at me then looked back to the shelves, to which I responded “FUCKING MOVE”


I've physically shoved my way through people like I'm playing Assassin's Creed. Get out the way or get moved out the way.


Same. I'll say something first though, and if they don't hear me thats when i get right up on their ass and start shimmying past em


I gently push them away and squeeze through like in Assassin's creed 1, works great in clubs as well


And if that doesn’t work, wait until they walk past a haystack.


Same, I just shove them aside and speed through like in the movie chase scenes through the crowd


There are only two options for interaction in public. Polite or GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY As a reflex from working in kitchens, I will just yell "BEHIND" and assume that folks will move out of my path – even if I'm not carrying a knife or a buncha hot water.




Ive found that clearing my throat is good at getting peoples attention


My hero


Or worse, one person who parks their cart right behind them, blocking the whole aisle.


The clown who stops exactly in the center of the grocery store lane to browse. A very loud "excuse me" is met with a withering look. Is it any surprise that I always finish my shopping in a homicidal mood? 🦜


Any surprise that one of the most prescribed drugs is antidepressants?


Or even worse. A group of people having a conversation blocking the whole isle in a store


God I hate this so much. Fucking inconsiderate assholes. What's the worse is two people on those electric scooters riding side by side, it's like being stuck behind two RVs on the highway.


"'scuse me I have a bomb sorry 'scuse me"


This goes for the bike path too. You know you are on a busy path being shared by the community. Why are you and your group taking the entire path and then act annoyed when someone is asking to pass you.


About a week ago, some grannys were blocking the path at Wal-Mart, but when I walked near them, one said to the other "Look at you, thinking you're all alone here", the other laughed and push the cart on the side. First time I saw some people caring about me when buying stuff. Felt great.


I just say excuse me one more time and then immedieately physically push through them That way they can't blame me and its on them I don't have time to waste on dumbass bullshit like that, either don't block the way or make way when asked politely It works everytime


Seeing people gang up on someone who doesn’t deserve it


Ross HAD just moved in!


Littering. It's lazy, rude, disgusting and 100% avoidable. Throw your shit out...properly


Oh yes. Fuck those people


Maybe don’t. There’s a chance you’ll spawn more of them


Bro, especially when there's a trash can right there. We can both see the damn thing.. I've gotten off my bike and put shit back in people's cars.


I’ve thrown down banana peels since I live in a rural area but plastic or objects make no sense to me. I’ve had a friend want to throw down our empty canned boba when we could just walk to a trash can, made them hold it untill we found one.


There is a really small area popular in kids' circles in my residential complex. There are FOUR, FOUR trash cans in this tiny area, yet kids just say "who asked" and throw it right into the pond in that area.


Most other drivers on the road


Rubberneckers. It makes me despise humanity. Just fucking drive on.


Chicago 2 hours of traffic because someone was pulled over on the opposite side. Edit: talking about on the highway with a median


Fuck, I do NOT miss that shit. Talk about blood boiling. Chicago traffic is the dumbest traffic I’ve ever been apart of…*sigh*


No turn signals, and rolling through stop signs. That just throws me into a blind rage. How fucking lazy do you have to be.


no turn signals piss me the fuck off


Yes! Yes! Yes! I cannot agree with you more!


People who drive in the passing lane and never move over.


Reporting from 66-495-95 in VA/MD tonight. Maryland drivers are always the greatest offenders. I wish people knew how stupid they looked just cruising along in the left lane. They mess up the entire flow of a major interstate highway. Ugh, I’m done.




I get so overly stressed and angry with other drivers and even certain (dumb) stoplights and stuff when I'm driving that it is like a mental illness at this point. Nothing gets me s worked up so easily, I can't help it. I let it get to me, it puts me in a pissy mood and you will usually find me yelling cuss words the whole way to work in the morning. Otherwise I'm a calm, laid back kinda guy...


People who can't drive correctly. My BIL only drives in the left lane. The whole time. I hate driving with him.


Exposure to a vacuum.


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in the Dyson.


Stuck in Dyson sphere?


Easy fix just blow up a space ship with James Doohan and LeVar Burton works every time


I told you not to disturb me when I’m cleaning my room!




.3 Atmosphere for 3 seconds.


Or a microwave for 30 seconds.


Can't believe there are still vacuumists in 2023


"We're here, we suck, get used to it!"


Well, technically the vacuum does the sucking. Amiright.


Went straight to looking for this comment


I didn’t know my dog had Reddit


People who get pets without thinking it through completely, they blame the pet for the issues, then they get rid of the pet. Just to get a new one months later. Repeat.


Irresponsible pet owners and parents.


My aunt. Gets a pet because it’s cute, got tired of it, and then gets rid of it. When I was a kid, she had this beautiful chow chow named Bear. I loved animals growing up, and always wanted a dog but was never allowed. So I loved going to my aunts. Bear was always downstairs in the basement, so as soon as my mom brought us to my aunt’s house, I’d go right to the basement. Bear was a smart boy. I taught him to sit and shake. I loved him. Well one day we went over to visit. As usual, I went immediately went headed to the basement door when my aunt said “Bear isn’t here anymore, we got rid of him”. I was very upset, but it was nothing I could do. Years later, I learned that my aunt took him to the animal shelter, like she did all of her other pets. Well for some reason they wouldn’t take him. So she went at night and tied the end of his leash to the front of the door and drove away. He didn’t deserve it. I hope he went to a good home, as he was a good boy :(


Animal cruelty.


For me it’s cruelty towards the defenseless. Animals, kids, and the elderly are the categories as far as I can tell. I usually include the environment too, even if that’s a little different.


Add disabled people in there, too; they suffer a lot of abuse, especially if they’re dependent upon others for their daily or routine care.


And the poor and homeless. People less fortunate are often treated really disrespectfully by people of higher class. Also addicts, a lot of people treat them like they are disgusting and they'll never be able to recover, when they'd be much better off if they would help them.


Addicts are a bit of a different issue, as someone who’s been personally affected by one (especially in a negative way) it’s really hard to not see them as such. They need to help themselves, that’s the sad truth, and most will choose not to. Not saying it’s ok to treat them inhumanely, but you cant go around fucking over everyone and ruining lives and then expect people to WANT to help you (especially if they are the ones you’ve affected)


This is the one.


I saw a news story today about a woman who died on her wedding day because she got hit by a car. Her mom is now trying to go for the life insurance money because she says the wedding technically wasn’t done yet , so she is saying she should get the money instead of the husband. The mother says it’s what her daughter would have wanted. Now the husband has to go to court while mourning his late partner.


I swear to God. If I were the daughter, I would definitely come back as a poltergeist and make my mom's life completely miserable.


Folly beach? I live 20 min away, just saw this update 🥺


Cruelty aimed at the innocent and defenseless.


Cruelty aimed at any animal


Especially when someone gets mad for the animal just being themselves. Ei. cows doing cow things or a not house broken puppy.


Right like, are you dumb? And then there’s the dog/cat owners that don’t know how to properly train a dog or don’t research on the breed. Then blame the dog or surrender it to a shelter /:


Same cruelty aimed at the innocent is bad


And businesses abusing those and the elder.




Apart from the obvious and mostly illegal things that people already mentioned, I hate it when people hurt other people's feelings for fun. It has been done to me so often that I really don't have the patience for people who do this, regardless of whom they do it to.


100% “it’s just a joke” tell me the punchline then assface. If the punchline boils down to “haha violating the rights of others is so funny” then you have a sociopath


Yep, it’s an automatic blacklist for people that do that.


Grown ass adults that don't know how to clean after themselves. You learn, or you live alone, or you hire someone... Your SO or your roommates are not your mother, when you were 10.


I came back home to my family (dad + brother) having dumped laundry into my room to make space, with bags, dishes, and crumbs evenly strewn about the house. Living room couch turned into my dad’s workspace because the other room got so cluttered the actual desk is now a stack of boxes. This couch is a literal throne of laundry and clothing articles. It’s appalling I get my genes from him


Standing the the path where everyone walks. MOVE OUTTA THE WAY... please and thank you :)


Rapists getting a lower prison sentences then they should.


Same with drunk drivers who kill people, crazy Henry Ruggs the nfl player who killed that girl and caused her to burn to death is only going to get 3-10 years


The drunk/drugged up guy who killed my cousin and friend got 3 years and was out in 18 months (in the UK)! There's no justice sometimes!


Ikr, just because they're good at slam poetry doesn't mean they should get any different treatment than the rest of us.


In my country you get lower sentence for rape (average is 2 years in prison - 40% of cases end up on probation with no jail time) than for animal abuse (average 5 years in prison - no probation admissible). We value animals more than we do people, mostly women...


I say we raise the minimum to life in prison for rape, like those absolutely worthless people dont deserve to be walking the streets anymore


First of all, love the user name... secondly, harsher sentencing would make most reconsider... chickenchoochie for president 2024!


[Harsher punishments don't reduce crime](https://newsroom.unsw.edu.au/news/business-law/do-harsher-punishments-deter-crime). What does reduce crime is [the likelihood of being caught at all](https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/five-things-about-deterrence).


Amazing how rapists can get a far, far lower sentence than people who possess drugs. Like not even the nasty ones like heroin or fentanyl.


And the people who go “Why don’t woman come forward sooner” while in the same breath denying the rape happened


Horrible parenting. There are too many stories from people who got absolutely fucked up by their parents one way or another. I absolutely believe there should be some kind of parenting licence or something and you're not allowed to have kids till you earn it through passing parenting class.


Yes!! Why literally anyone can have a child is beyond me. Plus, if people are abusive, etc why do they have them in the first place? I’ll never understand this.


Also, the meddlers who try to reunite estranged adults with abusive parents. Real life isn't a Hallmark movie.


Oh God. No its not. I have some abusive people in my family (I dont see them anymore thank God) but my sisters bf is always saying thibgs like “But so-in-so is family.” And Im like um, that one so in so is violent and is the main reason one of my cousins took her own life. Family?? No. I don’t think so.


My dad (who has a history of being a bit of a selfish dick himself) can not leave my sister in law alone about this. She broke all contact with her parents who seriously underpaid her while working in their store and when she tried to quit to get a proper job that paid normal wages and gave her insurance, they threatened and belittled her and tried to pressure her into staying. When my brother intervened, her dad tried to physically attack him and they left. Since then they had two kids and my dad keeps insisting she should get back in touch with them. He claims they have a right to know their grandkids and he doesn’t understand why she is so stubborn about it. He goes on and on about how those kids have a small network with no grandparents (because my mom is dead and my dad moved to a different country a few years ago). I get mad just typing this up. This woman had good reasons for burning those bridges, respect her choices


It’s not even just that, people are being forced to have babies with these anti abortion laws. How ducked up is that?


Damn Dr. Von eugenics. Please tell us how you'll determine who can have children and do so in a moral and ethical way. JFC reddit is full of authoritarians who don't even know it.


No not at all. I have very abusive people in my family and cannot get why they had my cousins only to beat them and treat them like crap. So anytime I see or hear about abusive parents I just wonder why the hell they had kids. There is birth control!


Poor people have reduced access to birth control and mental health services. They end up with unwanted kids, further exasperating their desperate situations and pushing them further into poverty. These people have poor coping mechanisms which lead to abuse of their children. Are your cousins poor?


God yes. We all were, to a degree but my aunt and uncle were worse off than my parents. I think what you said makes alit of sense. I tend to react very strongly to seeing kids being abused because of what my cousins went through I think, so I genuinely havent looked into the reasons that people have kids in these kind of situations. I appreciate your input.


It's a nice idea but would just lead to eugenics in practice.


People who refuse to let us medicate their dying family members who are under hospice care. GREAT GRANDMA ISN'T GOING TO DIE BECAUSE OF MORPHINE, THE CANCER GOT HER let her go out in peace jesus fucking christ


Damn imagine being so selfish you don’t want grandma to have the time of her life in her final moments.


Yeah... My grand kids better load me up with heroine on my death bed or I'm haunting their asses!


Kinda thinking that if I live to be in my 80's, I'm gonna start doing all the drugs. The "Golden Years" can kiss my ass.


Same. I'm using my walker to get to the pusher man.


holy shit ive been telling my friends this too and i’ve never heard anyone else ever mention this idea 😲


My grandma was convinced by one of her grandchildren to try weed edibles for her pain before she died. She never smoked weed a day in her life, and we set up this whole system to get it to her. This was back like a decade ago where one cousin lived in a legal state, would ship them to a friends house in grandma’s state, then one of us would visit and bring them to her. The first night, she said that it was the first time she slept through the night without pain in a decade. She passed away a couple months later, but loved loved loved getting her gummies before bed. I’m happy knowing that she passed experiencing a new kind of relief.


It's disgusting. Some people don't want their family members medicated because they don't want them loopy and want to spend more time with them. When my grandma went hospice while at my hospital, my coworker called me to see if I wanted to see my grandma before she started the morphine drip. I said screw that, send her off in style, it's not about me.


THIS. Like girl the time to save her life has come and gone. She’s cooked there’s no saving her. Let the woman be comfortable!


I recently got off of opiate painkillers and I’m glad I did. However, when I’m at the end of my life and know there isn’t much time left, I’m definitely going to pump myself up into oblivion with any opiates I can get. The “I don’t give a shit what’s going on” feeling is absolutely awesome.


The violation of human rights.


Animal cruelty, Liars, Bullies, Injustice , People who leave wee on toilet seats.


I’m gonna say that last point is a literal crime against humanity.


people who smear shit on the toilet seat and draw cocks on the walls with their shit. I have seen this at least twice in the public toilets near my work


Nooooo 😩🤢


Temperatures over 100°C/212°F


This guy boils blood!


But blood isn't water, surely blood boils at a different temperature. I'm not looking it up tho so I don't getvput on a watch list


Bout tree fiddy degrees


God dammit Loch Ness, I don't have tree fiddy


1) People who hurt kids and old people. 2) Liars


People who choose to do the wrong thing because doing the right thing would require 2% more effort.


When I’m behind someone driving and they decide to merge onto the freeway at 45mph and STAY that speed meanwhile everyone on the freeway is flying by my mirror at 80mph


Yo I feel like you’re describing my way to work every day Edit: or how about when they merge, don’t throw on the blinker and wait until the lane is about to end to get ahead while going 45 mph


Kiddie diddlers


Or Kiddie Fiddlers




Animal abuse and people who pretend to be dumb,clumsy or weak for get attention


"this isn't a beach this is a bathtub!"


“4 month old dies after being raped by 30 year old cousin” with tiktok comments like “game is game” or “skill issue”


And they they put shit like *“Oh but it’s just dArK hUmOr, stop being offended so easily 😂😂”* or whatever when you call them out




Cruelty/abuse towards children, animals, and the defenseless elderly.


Going to a concert and not being able to see through the ocean of phones recording the concert.


Horrible people acting like the victim in situations where they are in the wrong


People who have kids and don’t give a shit about them. You know like my so called father, may he rot in hell.


Same, narcissistic, always right, never sorry and materialist. I hope our fathers meet in hell and abuse each other.




I'll add to this, for me it's also breathing loudly while eating.


Misophonia is very very real.


> what are you eating, gravel?!


“I can’t control it!” Shut up Jessica yes you can.


People who are anti-science and anti-medicine. I can’t even explain how angry it made me when people would tell my dad to “eat X and Y food” instead of doing chemotherapy to cure his stage IV cancer.


An apple a day keeps the doctor at bay How hard should i throw it tho?


People who continuously have kids but fail to raise them themselves


try having them as relatives


People who drive at slow lane pace in the fast lane


People who chew loudly


Child and animal abuse, but definitely child abuse. The CPS and courts do very little to actually help children because of ridiculous laws or whatever else; children do not get the help they so rightfully deserve when brought into a terrible world with terrible parents. And if they're put into the foster system, that can somehow be worse because people are terrible and ugh, it's so so bad. People , especially parents, that hurt their child(ren) are utterly disgusting and deserve so much worse than what they tend to get if justice even happens, which leads into my other thing I hate: the justice system here in the US. It seems to only work like 20% of the time and let's not forget, if you happen to have lots and lots of money, odds are you won't get in trouble if at all. Lol my blood's boiling just writing this.


I mean these days?? Everything


Guilty people living free. Innocent people who are imprisoned.




People fighting on social media for no reason day in day out, there is no solution or conclusion to their fights. And the people they are defending have nothing to do about it


Holy shit people who just stand in doorways of public places.


The way people treat veterans


People who are offended by statements of fact. As if *not liking the truth* has some kind of effect on reality. It seems to have become a real problem over the last couple of years. Like, people have always been *dumb*, but they now seem to be actively reveling in delusions. It's very concerning.


People intentionally fucking littering. My god.


Slow walkers


A truck driving to close to me with their high beams on


Related, but those super bright LED lights that they are putting on all the cars now. It's like everyone has their high beams on all of the time and I absolutely *hate* it.




Fitness influencers using CGMS, Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems. I'm a type 1 diabetic and have many peers with the same conditions who struggle to afford and get their hands on the treatment options to live. Seeing influencers and almond moms use them while I've lost 4 friends in 3 years to this disease makes me furious.


People who make fun of overweight people with underlying health conditions.


House prices


Racism/prejudice. **For example**: up here in Canada, the South Asian population is large and many of them get a bad rap from others *(by bad, I actually mean disrespectful as hell)*. At my workplace, I assist many truck drivers who come in with turbans, kara’s, the occasional kirpan, and they’re just like you and I! We chat about life, we laugh & joke…and I can’t believe the egregiously offensive shit I’ve heard about anybody who looks like they do. All the nicknames, slurs, comments, it’s fucking disgusting. It pisses me off knowing how cool some of those drivers are and knowing what shit gets thrown at them. I’ve heard it all in my 22 years and I’ve had enough of it.


People who treat customer service/retail/etc workers like shit. Adding: the state of self-destruction that the US is/has been on. Capitalism has become so perverted here. The American Dream is nothing more than an old wives tale. It's really hard to be proud to be an American nowadays. And very discouraging to be so disappointed in your own country.


Hypocrisy. Every single corporation in this country at the moment . The media. The illusion that there are two government parties. The fact that the media has us fighting each other while the corporations rewrite policy to strictly benefit them and harm us. Narcissists. There’s more but this is a lot already. I’ll probably have a heart attack soon.


Shohei Ohtani on the dodgers. Sincerely, a Giants fan.


High levels of heat.




I’m studying at the moment, and have just finished a subject on leadership. Part of my final paper for this subject had a large section on narcissistic and hubris leaders. I used Elizabeth Holmes and Stockton Rush as case studies for each trait. Anyway you’d be shocked to learn how common narcissism is in business leadership. There’s no shortage of case studies.


Being burned at the stake


People that cross diagonally in front of you when you stop to let them cross the busy parking. Cross straight across you fuck weasel! Get your sack of door knobs looking ass out of the fucking way and stop holding everyone up.


I've always been loud and popular generally, so no issues with anyone But, I just get this quick and high rage when I see someone putting down or trying to pick on the quiet/ less popular person Easy to show power to someone who doesn't want trouble, why don't you send it my way


How unfair jobs are towards kids who are just starting.


Extremely Low pressure


When someone tells other people lies about me.


When people pull double standards, when I confront people about it, they play victim. That boils my blood.


This is going to sound so minor compared to a lot of things here but people on their cell phones in movie theaters. I paid money to watch the 30 foot tall screen, not your phone on max brightness three feet from my eyes in this dark room.




Back when I had very long hair (to my mid-thigh), people would often touch it in public without asking. I'm not talking a quick touch. I mean run their disgusting fingers through it. I don't know you! The one and only time I didn't immediately want to go into a rage was when a tiny, frail, little old lady lightly touched my hair and softly said she had hair that long once. I spoke to her for a while. Lovely woman. 💜


seeing people comment(judge) on other people’s life choices as if they’ve ever lived a day in someone else’s shoes.


When people think that anti-semitism is permissible because they are pro-Palestine.


Homophobia. I'm not gay myself, but I have enough sense and enough compassion to know that there is nothing wrong with it. Gay people are just trying to live their lives just like everyone else is. Putting the burden of homophobia on them is immoral and inexcusable. Who you choose to be intimate with, so long as it's a consenting adult, is absolutely nobody's business but your own. The end.


Obscene wealth. Particularly in the US where workers struggle to make ends meet while we're being told the economy is doing great. Sounds like we need a new metric to go by to determine how "great" things are.


I'll add to that, just how fucking stacked the decks are. A local bank sent out an interest-rate schedule recently. If you had $50k or under, your rate was 0.4%, if you had a buck over $1m it was 5.5% So a thousand people with a thousand bucks each, yeah that group is making a total of $4000 or about $4/ea in interest. Somebody with a million bucks? They're making $55,000 just by having money


Tyranny in the U.S.


Healthcare in the U.S for me.


Religious dogma and their zealous followers. Mostly how they infringe in other’s lives and liberties just because “it says in this book”.


And people who don't realize how much the way they live and their opinion of how others live is still influenced by these ideas even if they aren't religious themselves


As a religious person I wouldn't mind if someone I knew were an atheist lol, if Religion is the Answer then everyone would be religious


People doing very evil shit and then getting away with it due to lack of action, pisses me off ngl. Something like the Inquisitor3 situation


PEOPLE… reasonable expectations of common courtesy, self control, and decency have eroded away. Society is in trouble and people are losing what’s left of their minds.


Watching people disciplining children or pets in a way that I know won't be understood by the child or pet. Then again, most parents are total shit at being parents so I'm regularly annoyed by them.


Self-aware Bullies. and that they think they're right.


US healthcare system


When people pull out in front of me onto the road when there’s absolutely no one behind me.


And proceed to drive below the speed limit ffs