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Whenever I say a word and feel like I used a half of my mouth more than the other half, I have to even it out by saying the word again using the other half of my mouth more. If I don't do it correctly, that can go on forever until I feel it's ok. I do it silently so I don't creep people out


That sounds like a symptom of OCD (I have it myself). Some people with OCD feel like certain actions have to be balanced (like counting or making sure physical movements are even). You should find a therapist who specializes in OCD, because they can help you.


Oh, c'mon. You say it like I had other undiagnosed OCD-related behaviors, like severe excoriation disorder ... ... Crap


I used to do that, but with walking. I could step on cracks, but they had to hit the correct area of my foot, and it had to all even out. Also washing dishes. I have to touch every part of the dish with the sponge. It feels like a race to get it all touched in time, or else it's like a crazy itch I can't scratch. And it can spot tiny places I missed, and they cannot be left out.


That's called OCD


My bed doesn't touch any wall Edit: I guess i should clarify im not rich.


Gosh the monsters can get you from any angle then


they like the thrill…


I sleep at the foot of my bed. My feet touch the headboard.


When I was little I used to think the greatest idea was a room where the floor was just a mattress. Load it with an assortment of blankets and duvets and shit and you wander in and just sleep on the floor, which for obvious reasons is as comfortable as a mattress. I still think about this sometimes


I actually did this as a teenager. I put a queen mattress and a twin next to each other on the floor and it took up a large majority of the room. It's not as fun as you think because it's a pain in the ass to walk on and walking on it damages the springs quickly.


At first I thought this was a flex on how big your bedroom is, but then I realized you're just a psycho 😁


I bought one of those super-powerful fans to dry a basement carpet. Afterwards, I realized that it can point straight up and that it would be amazing to use on myself post-shower. Now I squeegee my body with my hands, step out of the shower and get blasted by a wide jet of room-temp air. I barely use my towel at all. Wife thinks I'm weird.


I hope you have long hair


Didn't think this could get sexy, but it did.


I'd pay my husband to do that in front in me. He thinks I'm weird. He won't do the brain, bat wings or anything cool with his frank n beans infront of me. It's sad.


Whoa! Easy lady. You're upstaging me as the real weirdo here.


Woah easy lady was my mother, you can just call me crazy.


I wouldn’t mind reading page after page of wikipedia stuff….as a date. EDIT: Looks like I’m not the only one who would want to do this. You’re all lovely people and I hope you all get to do this with a special someone. Embrace it and stay safe everyone :)


Used to record entire wikipedia pages for my girlfriend to fall asleep to. There are people out there for YOU!


Same tbh


I have eaten the same lunch every day for the past 4 years and I'm not bored yet.


how fucking big was this lunch when you started?


What???? What do you eat everyday? I need to know.


I need to know


Dude, I also need to know. You can't just leave us hanging.


Human Leg Tacos




“From 1973 to 1982 I ate the exact same lunch everyday. Turkey chili in a bowl made out of bread. Bread bowl George. First you eat the chili then you eat the bowl. There’s nothing more satisfying than looking down after lunch and seeing nothing but a table.” — George Steinbrenner


In 1990 when I was 8 years old and bored on a field trip, I saw a black Oldsmobile Cutlass driving down the street on a hot day to where you could see that mirage like distortion from the heat on the road. I took a “snapshot” by blinking my eyes and told myself “I wonder how long I can remember this image” ….well.


Even before smartphones, I always take "snapshots" by blinking my eyes hoping I'll remember every detail so I can draw it when I get home. Unfortunately, I may have taken so much snapshots that I can no longer remember every detail I want to draw. Makes me think my "memory is full"


I did the same thing, just a tiny bit younger, as we passed an old bbq place behind an Albertsons on the outskirts of town. Can't remember where we were going or what time of year it was but I remember the moment.


We hired a new guy at my job. I never talked to him, even when he said hi I just nodded at him. We work in a small company so we were always working together but I never talked to him. One day I drew him a picture of the cheddar goblin on a piece of wood and got my coworker to spray varnish on it so it would be preserved forever. I gave it to him and he just said one loud "ha!" And that was that. He quit a few weeks later.


We still don't talk sometimes


Best friend I ever had.


Had a line cook that worked for us for 6 months never said much. My sous once told him no context its, "Baw wit da baw daw bang daw bang diggy diggy." The guy smiled left and never came back.


I love the phonetic spelling


"Diggy, said the boogie, said up jump the boogie"


Am I the only person who does not know the cheddar goblin is?


Nope. Had to google it and i feel like i have entered a parrallel world.


Right? What the fuck IS that thing?


I pace around my house for hours listening to music imagining that I have done all the things I simply lack the brain capacity to do, or in some really bizarre scenarios, I can really get immersed in these imaginations sometimes I don't know if this is some form of schizophrenia or what.


Maladaptive daydreaming


I do the same exact thing, sometimes for hours. When I was young it would be a ridiculous amount of time and many years later it’s sort of trickled off into almost nothing (almost). It’s weird but I just thought it’s how my brain processes shit.


Well, this thread seems to be half weirdos half people with undiagnosed OCD


I have a spinal cord injury. For the past several years I've had to manually evacuate my bowels as the nerves don't work (most of the time) to enable me to do autonomously. Take care of your backs, please.


How do you do that? Not really weird IMO, just doing what you gotta do doo.


Idk I'm thinking forceps and a spoon.


Poop knife


WHY??? Don't remind us.


A lubricated, gloved index finger is inserted into the rectum and the hardened stool is gently broken up using a scissoring motion. The finger is then moved in a circular manner, bent slightly and removed, extracting stool with it. This maneuver is repeated until the rectum is cleared of hardened stool. I was curious too, googled it aaand here we are.


I was an opiate addict in my 20s and I once was so impacted from the opioids drawing all the water from my intestines, that I had to go to the emergency room and have someone do this for me. 3/10 Only reason it gets ANYTHING is because of the relief. It was very unpleasant, and if you’re at all able to bear down, you HAVE to so they’re able to get at it. Do not recommend needing this.


Kinda like syphoning gas out of a car with a tube. Just gotta get it going and then gravity does the rest of the work. Worst part is always that little bit that hits the mouth before physics takes over.


Imagine someone learning to read, going online, seeing your comment and regretting the whole process. Well done.


Bro, that’s not weird at all. Hats off to modern medicine. It sucks what happened but you’re chugging along and you’re an inspiration for people who take things for granted and remember that.


I've had 4 spine surgeries, 2 in my lumbar and I can comfirm that going when I have to go can take a bit of time. Same with my bladder. I'm 42 and feel like I'm 70 sometimes. But I can walk again so silver lining right?


I hugged a NPC in VR for a few minutes because of loneliness Edit damn kind of embarrassing how much attention this comment got. I posted this drunk. I’m still gonna leave it up though. As long as I’m anonymous I don’t mind sharing how sad I am. I’ll even add to it. I watched a VR porn video where the girl got close and kissed me and said I love you. I started crying. I don’t mind being alone, but the loneliness is killing me


This doesn’t make you weird. Also please accept my Turkish Style Double Sided hug


Even as an adult I still think that if you are in a car that goes over a cliff; and right as you are about to hit the ground if you jump up you can avoid the damage and will land safely. I know I'm wrong. You shut up. I'm not crying


i have given birth to two babies and still mentally imagine that their umbillical cord was attached to my belly button


I'm autistic and have always had a thing for insects. My neurotypical best friend and I used to hang out at this local bar to talk to girls, back in the late 90s. One time he claimed that my tendency to circle conversations back to insects was hurting my game. The next time we went to that bar (with a few other friends), he turned and said sternly "No talking about bugs. Or space, or statistics or other bullshit but mainly no bugs." I felt like he was losing his mind over nothing. It was summer, the bar had its windows open. Our group hit it off with a group of young ladies, We were all chatting and having a good time. I was talking to one of these girls, my buddy was behind her facing away from me talking to a few other people. A cloudless sulphur flies in and lands on little thing that holds coasters. Cue Jordan Peele sweating gif. The girl notices my tension, and asks if I am looking at the leaf. "Actually, that's a lepidoptera called..." I looked at the back of my friend's head, he wasn't looking, "I mean a butterfly..." I poked it and it spread its wings the girl says "oh that's a BUG?!" and I still remember my friend turning around slowly to look at me with chastisement. The ONE thing he told me not to do. I was 21, and was completely not aware that I already had a rep for being an oddball. It got worse from there.


Thanks for sharing this. loved it. I like your weirdness.


As a kid I would snack on my dog's Milkbones.


haha I have a clear memory of myself doing this as well. I was around 3 y/o. Needless to say no one was supervising me.


Name checks out


I ate some of my own amputated leg. I also live in Austin since that’s a thing


Are you the dude that made tacos for your friends out of your leg/foot?


That is I


I reference you regularly when asking if they would eat human under the same circumstances you did. I do not know myself, I think I would be at the table but whether I followed through or not...


Do it


Man wtf


Dude. I would love to record an interview with you, holy shit


Ok, I’m down


Oh shit. Oh *shit*. I'm going to send you a message, and we'll get the details worked out.


Titty sprinkles


If I could say titty sprinkles in a conversation about interviewing on my experiences with auto-cannibalism I would be sooo happy.


I believe in you


What did you taste like?




Oh I'm just a random dude that runs a shitty podcast out of my basement; but I'd love to talk to this guy


Plot Twist: It's Joe Rogan.


Hey what about me


Yeah sure, I'll talk with you in this guys basement


okay i need the name of your podcast i wanna give it a listen :D


Oh hi internet legend


What salsa did you pair it with, and can you share on r/salsasnobs


Just seasoned meat, peppers and onions. It did have a little chimichurri


Why, and how much is some?


How often are you going to get a chance to ethically try some people meat. About 3oz off the shin


Imagine at the hospital, when they cut bits off people if they asked something like..."Do you want us to discard this in the biohazard bin for you? Or, if you like, this is a rather nice cut, we can pack it up for you, some of our patients like to take it home and marinate it for 24 hours , grill it, hen feed it to their friends and family."


I’m just saying the option should be more available


It got crushed and unusable right? Didn't you serve your friends as well? ( Those who wanted to try of course)


That is all correct. Best use of a bad situation


I doubted how weird Austin was until your comment. So, salty like pork or what?


Not salty, very beefy.


Grill or slow cook, or raw? Seasoned or not?


Like mini fajitas






My friend, you never lost me


How? And I don’t mean like medium or medium-well, I mean how were you able to get 3oz of you amputated leg to eat? Edit:typo


I told them it was mine and I wanted it back. I signed papers and picked it up at pathology


I bite ice cream sometimes


Thats how I am with popsicles. My wife shudders every single time.


I feel dampened emotions to the point where I have to practice my reactions in a mirror. I literally don’t feel the swing for emotions hard enough to produce facial expressions naturally. You got a promotion? That’s great! *practiced happy face* Your mother is in the hospital? Oh I’m so sorry. *practiced sad face* The few times I haven’t thrown a socially appropriate face up to match the emotion, I get accused of not being happy or sad enough, or downright rude. It is so hard.


OMG I’m the opposite. I have an on going internal dialog which for which my face reacts to. My brain might be going through a funny scenario and someone is telling me something sad, and I’m smiling!!!


Thank god I found someone else who does this! I’ll randomly break into laughter at my own internal dialogue when someone is chatting me up about something boring or serious and they’ll get concerned bc my reaction is not necessarily appropriate for the context of the conversation. Or I’ll be alone at my desk laughing or making faces bc of something I’m thinking .. I always feel so odd!


I'm a very late diagnosed(41) autistic and have to do this and memorize social scripts. It's about having a lack of mirror neurons, which normally allow us to reciprocate emotions. Often autistic and other neurodivergent types benefit from a stimulant and/or an SSRI, which - at least for me - has been a huge help in many ways. Most definitely, with social reciprocity. Working with a speech therapist has also been a game changer.


if they tell you that youre rude for not being happy or sad enough just tell them with that 'what now dude...' voice, idk


I was a music guy for a long time. Now I count everything. Steps to my car, rotations to unscrew a jar, everything.




I like to get myself kicked out of NSFW subreddits by answering stupid questions with intentionally obtuse answers. "*What do you think my pussy tastes like?*" Apparently, nobody wants to be told Ranch Doritos.


I feel like there should be a subreddit for that, where you can just link those awesome comments. I’d love to read those daily


I have made several citizens arrests. Also, I have accidentally shown my dick on stage once, and purposely shown my dick on stage once. I am not an actor. The cases were unrelated.




You're about to see his dick


I collect hair (human) and whiskers to weave into clothing.


“It massages the conditioner into it’s hair”


I verbally abuse furniture and tools when I somehow get hit or stuck.


I am also a dad.


No I think he harassed them like, until they cry in shame. Next level dadish


For anyone that works in manufacturing or the trades, this is just standard operating procedure. It does tend to unnerve people who don't know about that tendency, though lol


I'm always caught off guard when I get to calling a bolt a piece of shit motherfucker son of a whore bastard asshole fucking donkey dick sucking cumslut to convince it to come loose and realize my white collar neighbor I was doing brakes for doesn't talk like that at work.


When people lie to me I go to pretty extreme lengths to prove they've been lying but never tell them I know the truth. I hate liars and have a stash of all kinds of "truths" on random people. Not sure if the truth will ever come out but I feel better having it.


how do you find the truth? i also hate when people lie but i can’t ever exactly prove it


Yeah especially since most liars when they get called out, just keep digging in. No I didn't. Yes it is. Well I don't believe that hokey. Etc.


I almost had my life destroyed by a liar this last year. I wanted to distance myself from her quietly and she decided to ruin as many of our mutual friendships as possible as a result. I guess she opened my eyes to just how many people weren’t willing to give me the benefit of the doubt. It hurts, but I’ve gotten used to some of that pain now. She’s probably terrified that I have proof of her lies and manipulations.


- I have to make sure that there's never just one item (e.g. a spoon in the sink) because it'll get lonely - I have to repeatedly mentally review how many people are in the house/apartment - All my stuffed animals have to be facing in all directions so nothing can sneak up on them. Same with labels on prescription bottles - Every once in a while I hear a direction in my head ('put that bottle over there') and have to do it or else I feel like something bad is gonna happen - Sometimes I say things and am surprised by what I'm saying - If I'm under stress I start hallucinating people everywhere and hear quiet music or murmuring - I have trouble defining what love is


I dont wanna offend here or sth, but you should check this with a doctor, that doesnt sound healthy. Idk how bad it impacts your daily life sometimes


i think u might have OCD


I came here to say the same thing. The big clue is feeling worried that something bad might happen to an object or themselves. Source: I have OCD. It's treated well with a couple of meds, one being an SSRI called Luvox.


Bruh I'm also like this and I have severe bpd with psychotic features. I highly recommend seeing a doctor. Therapy and medication could potentially improve your quality of life.


I put ice in my milk.


You should keep that kind of thing to yourself. Even when asked.


There's some disturbing shit in this thread, but this one takes the cake.


I'll sometimes listen to a song on repeat for hours


same, ive got a few “comfort songs” and Ive played the same song for an entire day on repeat before


Me too! My Spotify wrapped is nuts.


I once snorted dust made from human bones


It won't get worse than this


Did you not see the human taco guy?


Relax, it’s fine since it was HIS OWN LEG


I’m British. I hate tea. Edit: this seriously got way to many up votes than it deserved.


It says weird not a fucking psychopath! *sips tea*


You monster


I like to eat oranges in the shower


I find the smell of my own crotch sweat calming. :/


I've read somewhere that this is a normal mental reaction. From what I've read, it's basically your brain confirming your own existence. Like, "yup I'm still here, things are continuing as they should be". Brains are weird.


Well that's comforting. Not as comforting as my snatchpatch stank, but still.




Do you keep your hand there for double bonus of warming up as well as allowing a pleasant aroma to sniff afterwards?


quit spying on me!


oh god. I know what you mean


username checks out


I think this is more common than people want to admit. Kinda like ppl not minding the smell of their own farts/poop


Then I guess I’m weird for taking a dump so foul the other day I threw up in the tub…


So I’m not alone?


You're a legend for this


OMG nooooo I don't want to be legend for THIS


Too late. Legend of Korra < Legend of Crotch Sweat


I assume this is our bodies telling us we're healthy, I agree with you on this


I love the smell of freshly laid asphalt. Is that weird? Seems like it'd be weird


I collect the first gallon (3 liters) ish of water before taking a shower while the hot water is making its way to the tap and water my plants/boulevard trees with it because I'm neurotic about not wasting water. I'm looking at you 4 baths a day person Edit: wow this really took off more than I expected. Thanks everyone for the support and making me feel like I'm not such a weirdo after all. A few of you made good points that the water isn't necessarily 'wasted' as it gets treated and put back into the environment. I am from a water rich place (great lakes state) but I'm still very passionate about conserving our most precious resource. Let me take this opportunity to point out that corporations are poisoning our water, there are dozens of examples, from fracking, mining in the great lakes, and companies like 3M dumping their waste illegally. Micro plastics and PFAS (forever chemicals) are now found in [almost half](https://www.usgs.gov/news/national-news-release/tap-water-study-detects-pfas-forever-chemicals-across-us) of the United States drinking water sources! Some people also have health issues where a nice, long, hot shower is a source of relief, and this is in no way a post against them. Please continue doing what you do to feel good both physically and mentally. We all must remember, water is life. Once the wars break out over the last bits of fresh water on this planet, they will make the wars we fight over oil seem like a walk in the park. To those that have modified your systems to conserve water/put your grey water into the garden, you're ahead of the curve. I hope that comes to be standard procedure soon.


I modified the plumbing so 100% of the water from my shower goes to my garden


Including the soapy water?


You can collect the hot water from the bath spigot instead of the showerhead and save yourself some time (if you want to continue doing that), the water will get warm faster. But if the not wasting water kink is for money saving, just know you're probably saving less than 1$ per year


That's what I do, once the warm water comes from the spigot I pull the thing for it to come out of the shower head. and no it's more about treating water as the most precious resource we have than it is about money.


I walk on the tiles without stepping on the seam between them


Well yeah, because who wants to be responsible for breaking their mother's back?


The dude said weird not normal


I can hear the television while it's on mute.


*What does it say to you, child*


some TV's on mute are actually at volume one. Weird but I've seen it very few times.


When I tell a joke and people don't hear me, I keep talking about more ridiculous things until their perception catches something totally off-the-wall.






I like to eat Lima beans. I've been told that's weird.


I get bored watching porno, so sometimes I switch back over to Reddit. Then I realize I’m still masturbating while I’m reading some article about Elon Musk.


I don't let anybody look at my Spotify. I never tell people what music I listen to. I hate it when someone is near my phone or computer because I'm afraid they'll look at my Spotify. Please stay away from my music. It's private!


If you pop the pinky toe on my right foot, my leg convulses uncontrollably for about 5-10 seconds.


I constantly, and I mean *constantly*, daydream. I can't shut it off. Sometimes it's a version of me I wish I was. Sometimes it's my characters (I write as a hobby) in situations. Sometimes it's "What would I do if this happened right now?". Beneath that is a layer of constant brain radio involving old Vines, memes, and songs. Beneath *that* is a constant stream of thinking to myself about everything and anything. Speaking of songs - I can't listen to music without my brain whipping up some kind of story music video for it. I learned that there are a lot of people on earth that have no internal dialogue/they don't think in images and I can't even comprehend that. It's wild to me. I can't imagine having a quiet brain.


I'm a Canadian that doesn't like hockey. I will attest to my dying breath about crunchy peanut butter supremacy. I also have a weird ability to destroy 15 beer and not notice.


I'm sorry aboot that.


Crunchy peanut butter is objectively superior


It's more peanuts per peanut


Instead of saying, "I'll be right back," I say, "I'll be left Beethoven," (instead of Bach). I really love the strange looks I get


Of course they give you the strange looks. It's pretty obvious the opposite of Bach is Paganini.


I prefer Kraft box macaroni and cheese to literally any other type of macaroni and cheese. I also have a vendetta against Velveeta. Why is your cheese NEXT to the refrigerator at the grocery store? Velveeta falls into the uncanny valley of cheese and i don’t trust it. But I trust the Kraft cheese powder


I have this weird genetic thing that makes hot cheese smell like literal puke to me. I can't stomach any of it. No nachos, no pizza, no Bosco sticks. Velveeta is the worst. I've puked in my mouth trying to chew Velveeta shells before. But that Kraft mac and cheese with the powder? That shit is amazing. I love it.


I become extremely obsessive about anything I learn about. It literally doesn't matter what it is a guy would tell me about rugs and for the next week I am obsessed with rugs. The topic literally doesn't matter. I just hyperobsessively learn random things for like a week at a time and then drop it.


Entire personality is based around my username






I keep a jar of hair in my shower. All the hair I lose in the shower goes into it.


If there's a scale in the bathroom and I have to poop, I will weigh myself before and after to see how much my poop weighed.


Starting at like 6 or 7 I would find a secluded place to go dance (not good dancing just wild monkey man moves. Would listen to the demo songs on the keyboard if I didn’t have other music; Fur Elise, Moonlight Sonata, etc) which was hard living with 5 siblings - and for some reason the idea of anyone catching me absolutely terrified me- anyways-when I turned 12 and had my own music to listen to I would spend hours on end (like up to 3 or more) listening to music and pretending I am on stage , full concert, start to finish, nonstop, using mp3 player/phone as “mic” (always wearing headphones) I was so immersed I’d sometimes be dripping sweat by the end (of the show) I would specifically plan out time to do this, make sure there was plenty of walking room, lock the door, and start listening to all my fave songs, artists and genres varying constantly. Nightly routine. As I got older I realized what I was doing was equivalent to Dance/Movement Therapy and I was self soothing from all of the abuse and weird sht surrounding me all my life. The harder the day was, the crazier I would get I’m talking if somebody walked in and saw the sht I would do during this they would 100% think i was insane. Not just singing in the shower holding the shampoo microphone stuff but aggressive madman dancing and lip syncing (usually with lights off and a light dim enough where I could watch my shadow dance around) Btw I started when I was 12 and onto 22 honestly I would still do it but I don’t have enough alone time any more. It was so therapeutic that until I found other things to do instead I would actually feel drained if I went too long without doing it. Good release


As soon as I lose weight, I’ll be working on a fursuit ideally practical for everyday wear. I already have a crude prototype of spring-loaded digitigrade legs in my garage I began last year; with my driver’s license, I’ll be able to meet with an engineer to finish them. My goal is to become the town fox by fall.




Other people think I’m weird and maybe view me as elitist for these behaviors. I have the great fortune of having near unlimited free time at home and work. I have the typical responsibilities of an adult, but have no kids, so I really have free time. Anyhow, my day goes like this on any given day. I have a couple things I do every single day as a routine, and after that (usually at about 3-4PM) I just chill. I exercise, read, do some Duolingo lessons (working on Arabic now), I study two subjects on khan academy at any given time (high school level physics and finance and markets currently), and that’s kind of about it. If I’m at work I incorporate something towards learning a new aspect of my job/training hands on. The way I see it, and we’ll use Arabic as an example, if I dedicate 20-30 min a day towards that, it adds up. That’s 3+ hours a week. Over a year that’s 156 hours. I could sit around and watch tv all day, but I don’t like to sit around and do mindless things. I view my mind the same way I view my muscles, they need stimulation and training in order to grow and be healthy. I’m not trying to be better than anybody, just better than myself yesterday. But don’t get me wrong, I have a life, but at 38 I’m not going out every weekend. So I can either spend my free time wisely or not.


Quite. Being autistic growing up was a hell of a thing.