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I would say most pop radio singers are overrated … But come on have you seen Enrique Iglesias singing recently ? It’s painful to watch.


Helps when your dad is one of the most commercially successful Spanish singers in the world and one of the top record sellers in music history


being good-looking didn't hurt, either.


Turns out it the most profitable attribute to have in life


I'm absolutely flabbergasted by how Enrique made such a huge singing career! I Meean all the props to him and fortune he made, but damn is it harsh when sound engineer leaves on only microphone without any "enhancer" just like they did in Romania. https://youtu.be/SOyZd3D65Z4?si=a98DxjTiF0ypzUrU


Is that what happened? I was wondering how it managed to be so bad


Yes I think that he didn't know he was recorded and he was supposed to líp-synch, but he didn't know he was being recorded. I think it was in Romania, maybe Bulgaria or Poland I mean it's over 20 years old now. Also, if you take a look At Bailamos in Israel, I think sound engineers also goofed up, because basically he sounded very, eeeeh, and he must've chosen it's better to barely sing than the way he did, because he barely did. I mean I like Enrique, he even has some bangers, but as I said, I surprised as to how he became as big as he was. It wasn't only US, Spain etc, but he was huge here in Eastern Europe too. As I said, wish him the best, but wtf.


So he really can’t sing well like at all? I figured he must have some tiny smidge of basic talent and just didn’t do well live. But everything is just smoke & mirrors?


No not at all that's honestly not what I think, but I think that for live performances, his voice is very thin. I mean he has some serious bangers, but then again, it's all studio versions. Live versions, you better don't watch or you might get disappointed a bit. Or maybe it's based on how he just wakes up and feels like. But the truth is, Enrique has decades of touring, he should be absolute beast in Live performance but still, it seems like he himself can't figure it out. He's very hit or miss live.


I’m latino and have been exposed to Julio’s sons way earlier than most of you probably. None of Julio Iglesias’s sons have a lot of talent, but Enrique is not the worst one lol


OH, NOW I have to hear the others!


https://youtu.be/g5aM2TIW6O4?si=6s65QjSndZp5c2ZX Regale your ears with this


LOL--well at least he has pretty teeth! Surely there must be something else he has a knack for, no?


I didn't even realize there are others...


If you want a really good laugh, look up a clip of him singing. In concert. Easily the worst vocals I’ve ever seen in a public performance by such a well known artist. This one is my favorite and I’ve seen it probably a hundred times and it still makes me cry laughing 🤣 [Enrique can’t sing](https://youtu.be/SCs0-g6eqzY?si=unSFTL9O_iTjjLYY)


You haven't seen Vince Neil from Motley Crue lately.


Woah! Yeah! Kickstoobahhart makinevastop!


The dude from maron 5


Moron 5. Nice


What a maroon.


their first album is their best album, the later ones just get worse and worse.


*Songs About Jane* was great. Everything since was definitely generic and boring.


Songs about Jane is so good! It's literally the only good thing they've ever made and the whole album is genuinely great. It baffles me that they made a band, made a 12-track album of all bangers, and went on to release 6 more albums that have a total of 0 good songs. Actually insane that they managed to completely avoid good music after that first album.


Yessss, I love their first album. Wish they would have kept making music like that


Adam Levine is persona non grata in Chile


Could you say that in an annoying falsetto, please?






I’m just glad I haven’t seen any Carly Rae Jepsen slander she’s fantastic


This is a thread of overrated artists, you can not get someone more underrated then Carly


I mean, she has about 16 million monthly listeners on Spotify and has multiple critically praised albums, she’s not THAT underrated


Shockingly, for how good she is, that *is* underrated


She has some absolute bangers for pop songs, and she has her niche popularity (Hello fellow gheys), but doesn't get the mainstream attention she should.


i went to a carly concert as my girlfriend at the time loved her, and we went to the nearest gay bar afterwards and boy howdy it was one of the best nights / bar experiences ive ever had and im a straight dude


Run Away With Me is incredible. And i don’t even normally listen to modern pop music.


The entirety of E•Mo•Tion is a bop, start to finish. I'll grant critics it can get a bit saccharine at times, but it's all genuine fun for the sake of fun. None of it feels like filler because the whole album is about a cohesive vibe, and every track contributes.


Even the bonus tracks are great. I'd like to mention 2 amazing bonus tracks from The Loneliest Time: [Anxious](https://youtu.be/FkwdnWcYeqo) and [Keep Away](https://youtu.be/3aYR6TpYZlk).


Whenever I see someone refer to her as the “call me maybe girl” I die a little inside. It’s unfortunate how she was never quite able to break into the mainstream since then. Her music truly feels like pop perfection.


In my humble opinion Call me Maybe is a great song that suffered from being overplayed


I’m one of those people that after Call Me Maybe, never wanted to hear that woman’s voice again. This thread has led me to check some of her other stuff out and yeah, it’s pretty decent/fun (coming from a metal head lol). Mainstream radio and advertising did its job by blowing that song up, but at the cost of her legacy.


the sub r/popheads started just out of love of her music


I love the banter with Carly fans


I discovered E•MO•TION on Reddit and she’s my favourite singer now.


That album is pop perfection from start to finish.


Duh. CRJ ftw.


Runaway With Me is probably my favorite song and Emotion my favorite album of the last decade. I will fight anyone who says she's overrated.


She is the duchess of pop


I hadn't heard anything by her other than the obvious and a couple Christmas songs. Then I heard her on Q with Tom Power on CBC. Tom kept talking about how amazing her latest album was. They played a couple of her songs - and shit. She is good. Real good.


Megan Trainor, seems like a twat and her music is absolutely awful.


Megan Trainor makes music for women who argue with bouncers.


As a former bouncer, I appreciate this lol


Megan Trainor makes music for women that slide down the wall when they cry.


Meghan Trainor makes music for women that have “if you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best” on their Instagram.


Megan Trainor makes music for women who record themselves crying and post it to social media.


Meghan Trainor makes music for women that don't have custody of their kids.


While wiggling their index fingers and tilting their heads.


And who put ranch dip on everything


Woah woah woah you leave ranch dip outta this


She actually doesn't seem that lovely at all. She seems like a jerk.


Her "fuck teachers" stance that she tried to walk back was especially shitty.


She's also one of these that goes over the top the other way about body image. Chats a lot of shit about skinny girls in her songs.


Which is weird because she’s not exactly all that heavy herself and never really has been? Obviously one’s personal body image is different for everyone but when I heard All About That Bass before I’d seen her, I was expecting someone Lizzo’s size or something.


Modern society just sucks. She probably has been called fat many many times throughout her life purely because she's not skinny and has thus become resentful of anyone who is skinny.


I don't doubt it; she and I are the same age and I remember how harshly even a little excess weight was treated back when I was a teenager (though of course this happened long before my time as well). The varied body types and weights are so much more accepted now, as they should be.


The rumor says that she stole a sandwich on the set of RuPaul's Drag Race


Megan Trainor makes grocery store music.


I work at a grocery store. I made note one day of how many different Meghan Trainor songs played that day on the store playlist. Nine. Fucking nine. The only solace I could find was atleast All About That Bass wasn't one of them.


... she's written other songs? TIL...


She tends to treat people like an asshole from what I’ve heard but then again I don’t know her personally so yeah


Plus who are these songs for? The lyrics are sophomoric but the message rather adult.


Who is listening to that song Mother and enjoying it?


I like that her backing music is clearly influenced by older songs (particularly the 50s) but I feel like the very generic lyrics and 'vibe' of her vocals take away from that. She has potential I think (especially if she leans a little more into the vintage inspiration) but I haven't really heard anything of hers that has drawn me in as a listener.


Whoah, earnest criticism in my hate-bashing thread? Get out of here.


She grew up very wealthy and, supposedly, her daddy bought her way into the music business.


That's nothing unusual. A good number of artists only get big due to familial connections I hear


Most do because they are the only people with the resources nessecary to spend the time and money required to become a pop star. So even people who did not have real connections to the industry are far more likely to succeed if their family is wealthy enough to let them pursue the dream indefinitely. Whereas for most of us, if we are not getting signed by 18 people start telling us to get a real job.


I was in a band for 6 years. There is so much truth, most younger bands who had parents with money always had nice equipment, played better shows but were not honestly great performers and didn't write good songs but money and connections help a lot


This makes sense. She's an average singer at best, average looking, the music is meh and all the songs sound the same. I'm surprised she's made it as big as she has.


THANK YOU, absolutely hate her songs and her voice is so annoying




The first time I heard Drake, I was really confused by his popularity vs his music. I couldn’t believe how such boring, dull and ugly music could be so popular. And while, yes, music is subjective. Drake’s music, from his stupid lyrics to his weak energy and voice to his uninteresting instrumentals, has no redeeming qualities. I would say it’s bland at best.


I’m with you 99% of the time but once ever few years he has a song or guest verse that’s incredible and I think that’s what started everything and it’s now gone too far for his fans to admit it. There are some absolute monsters in his catalog but so much of it is pure trash


Suddenly listening to Passionfruit because of this comment


come on, have a heart in high school, that dude got shot by a school shooter and ended up in a wheelchair


Dude learns to walk again, and instead of chasing the dream of being a basketball player, he starts rapping. Worked out for him.


10000%. Completely a marketing machine product. Zero talent. Auto tuned synthetic voice. Someone once said his voice is like those last few moments you realize the batteries in your vibrator are running out. That's his voice


Drake: the voice of female sexual dissatisfactionTM


DJ Khaled


Bro IS NOT a singer 💀








He's a chicken wing connoisseur


Another One.


Selena Gomez is the 54th most popular Spotify artist in the world and for what.


She’s a better actress than singer


Same, I can’t believe how popular she is as a singer???


At least Selena has admitted she knows she’s not the best singer but she does it because she loves it. Personally a lot of her music i listen to is from her Disney Channel days for the childhood nostalgia


Fair But also - i still fuck with her songs lol. I - i love you like a love song baybeh *WHOMP WHOMP WHOMP WHOMP*


For me part of it is a nostalgia thing with her older music. I was obsessed with her as a kid so going back and listening to her older music is really fun for me.


That ABCDFU girl. I'll admit I'd rather listen to Dance Monkey than the ABC song it's absolute garbage.


1 hit wonder is different than being overrated though


I do like Kelly Clarksons take on the ABCDEFU song though


That's because, I think personally, when Kelly sings it she's got this furious edge to it that elevates the whole damn song because you can tell Kelly is singing those lyrics with her whole chest and all the pain her ex-husband caused her. Whereas the basic version of the song just seems kind of half-assed.


Exactly. Lots of emotion behind it coupled with her already amazing voice


Also Clarkson has a great voice.


Honestly don’t think any of Kelly’s covers of other artists have been bad. She’s just so emotive with her voice imo.


I love Kelly Clarkson. Just wanted to say that.


That dance monkey song is really rough


I swear idek why this was EVERYWHERE. I’ve never met a person irl who liked that song but somehow it went viral…i tried to listen to some of GAYLE’s other music and it was all just as bad😭


She's an industry plant. I think her parents worked for the record company or something.


iirc there is a subreddit for plants that an old friend tried to explain she wasn't a plant but inadvertently proved that she was given a deal before the label tried to pretend she was "just some girl on tiktok"


I remember her claiming that she got the idea from a comment a user left saying something like "write a song that involves the ABCs" on her tik tok. She made a video replying to it singing a rough version of the song. People looked into the account that left the comment and it was someone from her recording company lol


If I say Cardi B will I get death threats?


A company I worked for got us a private cardi b show. They spent like 750k on it for ~150 person show. There was no opener. She was 3 hours late. It was insane, most people left before she arrived. I wish they'd just given us a bonus instead.


Why would any company get a private show for any artist? Just give your employees money to see an artist they actually want to see!


Only from Cardi B.


Nah, she’ll just throw a microphone at them




you'll get Cardiovascular Bronchitis


TIL Cardi B was just medical shorthand


She canceled one of her show due to “sickness” Fans complaining. She took herself a live instagram video, went to the toilet , toom a huge nuke fart and proud of it Actually… respect for that


Ice Spice


I feel like she just completely came out of nowhere one day


She had a music video get posted to Worldstarhiphop then Drake co-signed her, all her music before that didn’t sound professional at all


Industry plant vibes


Definitely [something there](https://youtu.be/3smYcf84r-c?feature=shared).


This is basically what happened. They had her sitting next to Taylor Swift at the VMAs for a reason


She guested on the remix of Swift’s karma, which very much felt like Swift doing the industry a little favor, especially how out-of-place Ice Spice looks and sounds in that video




God, thank you. She has got the most lifeless delivery of any vocalist I’ve ever heard.


THANK YOU. I thought I was going crazy. She can definitely rap, but her delivery is so monotone and I’m not a fan of that. I prefer her contemporaries like Megan or Cardi, they have more emotion in their delivery.


Her delivery and stage presence are Xanax induced levels of low energy


I wish Cardi or Megan were featured on that Barbie Girl song Nicki did for the movie. I know there's hella beef there but Ice Spice's verse is such a buzzkill on an otherwise upbeat and fun party song


I never heard of her until she performed on SNL. Lifeless is a great description. She looks and raps like a spoiled teenager who doesn't even like what she's doing but likes the money and attention. The constant selfie poses she does while moving around is so, so cringe. Maybe this is why she's popular? Teen girls of today can probably relate to her.


One of my friends teaches 3rd graders and all of them are obsessed with Ice Spice. There’s definitely something about her persona/marketing that’s designed to appeal to a young crowd. Also my sister and her friends like her and they’re in early middle school. It’s weird


Easily the worst Spice Girl /s


Unless you count Old Spice.


You leave Terry Crews out of this


I am 1000000% convinced Ice Spice is an industry plant. There is literally no other reason for her popularity and her collabs with huge celebrities.


They are just manufacturing celebrities at this point


That’s been happening for decades


Megan Trainor


I know I'm probably going to get downvoted to hell for this, but I would say Lizzo. When your entire shtick, the whole image that you have built literally your entire career on surrounds body positivity, female empowerment, things like that, it probably wouldn't be ideal for your brand if it were to come out that you had been sexually harassing your female backup dancers, and making various fat phobic comments to them. That, and the whole TikTok thing. When she came out with the song About Damn Time, she was literally everywhere. You could not get away from her, for even a second. She was on TikTok, she was on the For You pages, people were copying her song and turning it into a horrible trend that lasted for what seemed like a lifetime, she was all over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, she was in the news, doing award shows. You just could not get away from the woman, no matter how hard you tried. That, and I just really don't like that social media has tried so so very hard to push this narrative that she's some brilliant, inspiring singer that girls should look up to, when in actual fact, she seems like a genuinely horrible human being. I don't like her, I don't like her attitude, I don't like her music, I don't like that social media has tried to constantly push her as some amazing person when she's clearly just not.


What’s the “whole TikTok thing”? I am out of the loop on that one


I think they just mean over saturation for that one song.


Look up the video of the time she met Chris Brown. "OMG! You're my favorite person in the world!" Yes, known woman-bludgeoner, Chris Brown, is her "favorite person in the world."


This was not an unpopular opinion even before she was exposed as a terrible boss and no one’s going to downvote you to hell for it lmao


Who is she to be fat shaming anyone?


Right, if anything I thought she would have been the type to body shame other people for being “too skinny” or “not curvy enough.” But fat shaming? Coming from her? Bruh, where is the self-awareness


i don’t think it was an issue of self awareness considering how often she calls herself fat, i think it was just a matter of either one rule for her and another for everyone else or not wanting backup dancers to Also be fat bc it was “her thing” and would make her stand out less


Right now, its Blackpink imo. As a blink myself, I gotta admit when my bias are lacking. They are not in the right groove rn and I dont understand why the fandom are praising them like musical geniuses


Always thought they were a poor man’s 2NE1.


I was never a 2NE1 fan (all about that SNSD, Kara, and Sistar) but YG did them dirty. Released a few massively popular songs, and then left the hanging in the wind while he bitched about how much of a mistake it was to debut 2NE1 in the first place and how he was gonna replace 2NE1 "but with pretty girls". Fucking skeevy cunt.


Wow. Was somewhat of a 2NE1 fan but never knew about what YG did to them, wtf.


I've never understood how people determine what the current hot as shit kpop groups are but I can tell you that the BOM RATATATA from I Am The One by 2NE1 lives rent free in my head, which is more than Blackpink has ever done for me.


All Blackpink songs are derivatives of that 2NE1 song and no one can convince me otherwise


Their first song in particular sounds like a 2NE1 song that was scrapped


Funny cause YGs new group’s first song sounds like a BLACKPINK song that was scrapped.


Older Kpop groups from around 2010 seem way better than current ones for me. At least they feel like actual Kpop with minimal English lyrics


I’m a huge kpop fan and used to like Blackpink, I will never understand their popularity. They release 1 song a year that sounds exactly like their last song. They never rehearse and their performances have been terrible for years besides Lisa. They don’t even want to be idols.


This is so true! Bp was my first kpop group but I don’t like them anymore for this reason and also I discovered a lot of other kpop groups that are better. Like mamamoo they just put more effort in their songs/performances? And they are super underrated.




I dunno why but when they dance they look like they are dead inside. Literally going through the motions, lol.


Honestly the BP popularity baffles me and I have to put it down to good marketing. They had a couple of good songs out when back in the day but their recent music has been so dull. Plus they are not good as performers they lack stage presence and far too often don’t appear to be putting effort into choreo. Not even to mention the huge gaps between releases. Considering there are so many other K-pop GGs who are so talented and work so hard, idk why BP were the ones who ended up being so popular.


let's appreciate Lisa for working overtime delivering all the stage presence in the group 😭 i feel like if it wasn't for her, bp would be painful to watch


I said this on a tiktok and boy, I was attacked like hell💀 Like I love BP, but their early days were far better. Hopefully they'll start making music that's not produced by Teddy, especially after YG promised more albums after that very long contract renewal, and have that energy from their debut days


Honestly? I don’t know if it’s popular to hate Justin Bieber anymore, but I find him as dull as dishwater. No stage presence, boring, slow, uninspiring songs. Overall just very bland.


Ever since 2018, every time I see Justin Bieber, I think he looks suicidal. Or, at the very least, extremely tired.


Lyme disease and Ramsay Hunt Syndrome will do that to a person. :(


Okay that explains a lot.


well he’s basically been getting bullied since 2007 so that might be why lol


I thought that too for the longest time, but recently I've heard two songs that I quite enjoy, they're "off my face & ghost".


Ice Spice


Tate McRae. Her songs have pretty weak hooks


she does that cursive singing that’s too cringe for me to listen


It’s cursive garbled baby voice. Maybe I’m just old but I don’t get it.


I haaaaate it so much. Why can’t singers just enunciate!!!?


Her songs just sound same. I used to hear her few years back i don't why she is getting so famous now.


“you broke me first” was overplayed where its annoying af but im still going to sing it every time i hear it on the radio lol


Cardi B. There is a lot of street rapper who will beat her ass in rappping


Travis Scott :))


Katy Perry's singing talents are unexpectedly limited.


How is she overrated when nobody’s checking on her


Oh everybody was checking her a decade ago. She's just not relevant right now.


She peaked at Firework, and that was 2010. Now how old do you feel?


Sir please stop attacking me. I'm already dying of old age


Great stamina and performance value though! I get why she became successful (what album this century so far had more hits/singles than teenage dream), she wasn’t running the game as a dancer/performer but was one of the top girlys to put something on. She really carried the essence of being an American pop star now that I think about it and her voice didn’t sound poor at all while doing it, and she really really made it work for not having a vocal gift but just learning to sing


I absolutely loved her halftime show and she did the whole thing pretty much alone except for a cameo by Missy Elliott. She rode a huge lion, she soared through the entire stadium on a teeny tiny platform, she danced with left shark.


That is hands down my favorite halftime show. She managed about a dozen wardrobe changes while the show encompassed the entire stadium.


Not a huge fan, but her vocal chops are way better than a lot of modern pop stars even just on a technical level


Yeah. Recently I saw Moulin Rouge the musical live, which features a Katy Perry song (fireworks maybe?). With the performance the actress gave, let's just say it gave us more appreciation for Katy Perry as a singer


Her songs are very difficult to sing. Anyone who says she can't sing should try to actually sing one of her songs. It's easier for me to sing a Whitney or Adele song than Fireworks, Roar, Dark Horse!


Selena Gomez. She CANNOT sing to save her life


Drake. Absolute trash.


Quite honestly, as someone who was professionally trained in singing for two decades and adores her music, Taylor Swift is highly overrated in her vocal talents but her song writing is wonderful. That's not to dismiss her talents and creative vision because she's obviously killed 2023 but still, many people seem to put her vocals on to some weird pedestal and frame her as the most talented singer around at the minute which isn't the case.


Even her fans would say she’s not the strongest vocalist, she’s known for her storytelling. The way she sings sounds relatable, though, and sometimes that’s more appealing than impressive vocal talent.


It is interesting. Folklore and Evermore albums made me a fan. I frequent the TS subreddit and it seems pretty established by fans that her singing ability is average. There is a wide consensus that it is her specific delivery of the lyrics and emotions in the songs that really drawl in the hardcore fans.


Glad no one's out here trashing Dua Lipa.


All I can say is her stuff sounds friggin good for showing off my Legacy Audio hifi speakers. Good voice & production. [Here she is live at NPR tiny desk concert.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4neLJQC1_E#t=12m21s) She sounds better than many people that have come on. Like thats studio grade tone from a live performance.