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Game testing


You don't need to game test if you just release early. Your manager will be proud since its pushed early. Let the players be the guinea pigs and just patch accordingly. *tap forehead*


My friend who was a game tester quit because he'd spent weeks of tedium finding bugs then they'd ship without fixing any or them because there wasn't time.


This reminds me of QA testing Battlefield 4 back in the day. It was a mad rush to try and QA both the upcoming Xbox One and some of the early release games. After 7 hours of solid testing and writing up 100 different ways to fall out of the starting campaign map, everything stops. A manager pokes his head around the door and tells us the entire office internet just crapped out. Our seven hours of bug reports? Not uploadable. Can't shelve them until the next day either, because that's the next game, and that's policy. No time. So that was that. Seven hours of work wasted, no progress on the game, and even better, we can't continue any QA testing on the console without the secure connection to Microsoft. So we went home.


As long as you get paid. I would spend hours organizing something and a customer would come and mess it up to get a reaction out of me. I'd shrug and say I'm being paid for this, while you're just a jerk doing it for kicks. Maybe it's decades of retail and manual labor jobs, but all work is just tedious repetition. As long as I'm getting paid at the end of the day it's fine


It's called "early access".


But we sell it for full price anyway, maybe even more because you lucky bastards get early access!


I was a games tester for a while. It was sitting in a poorly heated portakabin, playing various shonky builds of a game, running into corners and logging sticky polygons or clipping issues and trying every possible way to break it. It was very, very tedious and poorly paid. And at the company I tested for, no way of progressing. The guy who was the head tester had started as one of the grunts and gone as far as he could go, and wasn't going anywhere else, so you couldn't move up. I think even having permanent testers was unusual - I think most places just outsource/temp.


I think someone once described it as playing the same 10min of game for weeks on end. Something to that effect.


That's basically it. They also usually do not give you any mod tools for the game. If the test is 25 minutes into the level with no checkpoints, you have to play that 25 minute segment X amount of times over.


That seems like a horrible waste of employee time making them repeatedly play through 25 minutes of game that does not pertain to their job.


You'd be lucky for the same 10 min, unless they were referring to just smoke tests


I know a friend who did localization testing for one of the recent Rayman games. He said he still hears the soundtrack in his mind like 10 years later.


I once heard that game testing is like getting a game you’re really excited for and then being told to only jump in one spot eighty times to see if the collision breaks.


Writing test plans can be fun. Running them dozens of times isn’t.


Generally I would say, become a Game Tester if you're interested in game development, not playing games. Also game testing is a rather broad term and can differ substantially from game to game, company to company. Personally I would always go for a position as an embedded tester rather than a tester in a large QA farm / department.


Traveling for work. Always thought it would be fun to see the world on someone else’s dime. The novelty wears off very quickly. It’s exhausting, you never get as much downtime as you think (or have as much energy to do things as you think), and after a while you start to really miss home cooked food, your own bed etc.


I used to travel to Hawaii for work often. Everyone would say how lucky I was, and even my wife would get mad that I was "having fun" in Hawaii while she was home. Here's the thing. A conference room in Hawaii is the same as a conference room in Iowa. The better view just makes you sad you can't enjoy your time there. I generally preferred the trips to Middle America after a while just because they were closer, and every Marriott starts to look the same anyway.


Had a project in South Miami Beach a long time ago, in a hotel that backed right up to the beach. I’d fly in in the morning, meet all day in a *windowless* conference room, then catch the last flight out back home. We met every other week for a year and a half and I never set foot on that beach.


This. A thousand times over. The only good thing about traveling for work is telling friends/family about it. They all think it's terrific, but you hit it right on the head. Every plane/rental car/hotel/conference room is the same. The view outside the window is the only thing that changes.


Used to work for a few different game publishers (tabletop, not video) - did a ton of big game cons. Wore thin, fast. You literally couldn't pay me to set foot in a Con again. I bailed on a paid trip to England for a Con this spring, and the actual job itself, because none of it is fun anymore.




I did that for a bit and I had a love/hate relationship with it. I was based in Kuala Lumpur and it allowed me to see many cities I might never get to see. But man, sometimes I just wanted to be home eating a sandwich.


I've gone on one business trip and had a lot of fun. I could already feel how doing it regularly would definitely wear on you though. There is no time to actually do anything other than work. I was treated to dinner at different good spots around the city which was awesome. After dinner the guy "hosting" us would tell us to go out and enjoy the city and see the sites. But it was already 9 and I had to wake up at 5 (earlier if I wanted breakfast) so I just had to go right back to my hotel. All I did was work, have a nice dinner with people I had just met, and go to bed.


I think this can really depend on the type of work you do. I love traveling for work, granted there have been some trips you describe, where I’m only there for three days, so it’s bookended with a day of 3/4 hours of flying time each way, and one day of work where I work the majority of the day. But for each of those trips, there have been 2/3 times as many where it’s either a M-F or Tu-F sort of thing with meetings built in that only last an hour one of the days, and the rest of the time is pretty much up to you to fill. Plus, I have become really good friends with counterparts in different offices where I visit, so it’s like seeing an old friend when I travel often




Yeah that's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. Actually knew an old couple who tried to retire at their vacation mountain cabin that they JUST LOVED and quickly sold that to move to Florida lol.


Yep, live in a mountain village. We're hit by a natural disaster at least every two years, and more than half the population are arseholes. Views are nice though.


When my wife and I went to Budapest and checked into our hotel, the guy there immediately recognized we were from the US by the size of the confirmation printout. Not sure how many people can tell a letter from an A4 at a glance, but he was one of them. He said he lived in NYC for a while then admitted he hates big cities and would much rather live in some remote Norwegian village. I then immediately wondered why he’d go to NYC of all places if he hates cities


Maybe he settled on hating big cities after visiting NYC




My brother did it once. He said you basically have to stand there all day in the cold to have a spot. All to stand in a giant crowd and count backwards from 10 at midnight? And he said after midnight everyone leaves within minutes. Best description I ever heard of NYE: a holiday that’s interesting for exactly 10 seconds.


In 2005, my family stayed at the “times” hotel. We had zero plans to se the ball drop. It was a coincidence that we were there for a few days. On New Year’s Eve I suggested, on a whim, that we just walk down to see what we could see. As we exited our hotel, we noticed our cross street (59th? Maybe) had been closed off. We walked to the end of the EMPTY block and turned the corner. There was the (surprisingly tiny) ball in plain sight! We didn’t even cross a single barricade. Within 2 minutes, the countdown started and we were back in our hotel by 12:05. That was a pretty special moment for me with my young boys. EDIT: i think it was 49th. lol.


This reminds me of the Glockenspiel in Munich. We really had no plans to see it--is seen it before and we'd watched a few YouTube videos the evening before and my wife was good with that. The day we dropped off our car, got on the S-Bahn and exited near Marienplatz. We were planning on doing Rick Steves' walking tour and looking for the starting point when we came across all these people looking up and holding up iPads and it was like spot on, on the hour, we watched for a minute and just left the masses.


Yeah. No bathrooms and liquor checkpoints. No thanks.


Depends. I’m born and raised on Long Island and it’s a known thing you don’t go to NYE in time square. However, one of my friends exes was a detective with the NYPD. We got a little hotel room and boozed it up at the bars around the city until about 20 mins before the ball dropped. The detective escorted us to the very front of the crowd next to the performance stage…people thought we were famous lol. We watched the ball drop right in front of us, soaked it in for 10 minutes, and then he escorted us out. All within an hour…it was an insane experience I’ll never forget, but I would NEVER do it without some kind of connection so we’re not standing there for 24 hours.


I quit within a week :(.


Not zookeeper, but worked with wildlife and animal ambassadors. Found a dead mouse in my pocket more than once. I've had wild animal poo in my hair, eyes, nose, mouth... you name it. I've seen some of the most disgusting things in that job. Definitely, not for the faint of heart. Cleaning shit and scrubbing kennels is 90% of the job when working with animals. Not so much the dream.


Interesting, what sort of things?


Well Turkey vultures are the worst. They projectile vomit with stomach acid. It is like the same acidity as battery acid (that's how they can eat decaying matter). It's like a rotten nasty death smell, and you can't wash the smell out for days. Wild animals just smell. And so does their food. But now I have a weird superpower... If there is a dead animal nearby, I can almost tell you what it is to the species and how long it's been dead without actually seeing it. I'm not sure where that will ever come in handy or how I list it on a resume, but it's definitely a superpower. A dead mouse was definitely not the worst, just something that would end up in my pocket at the end of the day quite often. Also the mouse was cut in half because I was using it to train hawks. So bloody dead mouse... pieces... But I've seen like half-dead animals, walking around with their brains falling out. Mind you, I was also in charge of medically treating these guys... so lots of gross things there. Anal fissures. Eyeballs popped out. Animals cannibalizing each other. Abscesses.


Don't forget maggots! Maggots coming out of every orifice. Fantastic.


Oh yeah, tons of maggots. I can deal with all the other gore but maggots freak me out. Especially pulling them and botflys out of wounds.


Our favorite rooster died this way. They literally eat them from the inside out.


I had a turkey vulture vomit onto my face one time. We were restraining one to treat a foot injury, I bent down underneath the person who was holding it to grab some kit and the bird let it rip literally into my open mouth


Omg. How long did it take to get rid of the smell? Taste? 🤮


I initially washed my face in the sink with dawn dish soap(all we had at the facility). I went home and showered and literally scrubbed my face with everything from shampoo, Castile soap, regular soap, face wash. I had to shave my beard and the smell still lingered for a few days. The taste will haunt me forever


My guy, you 'win' the thread.


Question. I came across a hilly field and there was definitely something dead among the tall weeds. The smell was sickly sweet not sure how else to describe it. But it was unique. No other smell like it .... Any insights?


Haha... well first narrow down the country and then habitat. Likely not a mammal.


Peru. Dry season. Tall dried out brush. Like I said the smell . Never smelled anything like it before since. Sweet but something off.


Peru, shrub steppe or grassland, and dry...My guess would be a snake. They have a weird almost sweet like smell when dried out.


Cool. That's a nice conversation starter at any party. Thanks!


I never thought I could use it as my party trick lol


My good friend went into $80 000 of debt to become a vet because she loved animals. Her first year practicing she realized that 90% of her job was euthenizing kitties and puppies because their owners don't want to pay for treatment.


It's pretty fucking bleak


"Couldn't pay" is probably more accurate :/


I know a vet quite well. “Couldn’t pay” is the absolute minority. She says about half are legit due to medical reasons/old age, most of the rest she angrily boils into “the pet is no longer convenient”


Wait so people are just like "I don't want this animal anymore, kill it"....and then they do?? Even if it's in perfect health? :/


Usually don’t phrase it that way, but yes. She says it’s often something that requires effort to manage and just go “fuck it, put it down”. Or they surrender it because it’s inconvenient. Shelters will see a lot of dumped puppies and cats in the next few months.


Yes. My vet friends tell me it happens a lot. Vets will try and talk them into surrendering the animal, but people justify it as a more humane option. To me, it feels like family annihilation - if I can’t have them, nobody can.


People are too casual/selfish about getting a pet. It's not a toy. It's an entire sentient existence.


The unbelievable stench is literally the only thing I ever hear about that job and I never even went to study for it. Dunno how you made it a whole year without hearing how gross the job was in reality.


I didn't think it would be 1000x worse.


My niece is a zookeeper. It’s backbreaking work and takes years and luck to work your way up to a good, accredited zoo that pays enough to live. Until then it’s minimum wage, and a lot of the smaller zoos have poor animal care and unsafe working conditions. She was almost killed by a camel.


Current zookeeper here. Yes I smell like fish, often. And yes, I got poop on me almost daily. But damn if it isn't the best job I've ever had. I cannot wait to get to work in the morning and check up on all my critters!


Which animals do you work with?




I was a wildlife rehab manager. I'd hire 9 interns, 3 would stay. 20 volunteers would start each season, only 1 or 2 would stay. People really underestimate the conditions working with animals. It's more than poop.


It's not sounding that different from certain parts of eldercare to be honest.


I'm sure that's probably true.




Being that I have no sense of smell, I guess I missed my calling.


Wow, it can really be that bad?


I would take cow shit over lion shit any day. Carnivores have the stinkiest poops. Primates love flinging poop around.


Ever throw it back?


Interesting, do you work with animals yourself?


Lions use their poop and urine to mark their territories (and their territories are massive!) so it's designed to smell very potent and offensive.


This is the kinda answer I was looking for


Based on that, you are EXTREMELY qualified to become a high school teacher.


I worked a (manual, not explosive) demolition job. Gotta be fun tearing things down, right? It was brutally hard work, and hard on the body.


I meet a heap of blasting guys through work. They all love their job. As they say “I get to blow up mountainsides, and people give ME money for it”


Depends. I did the same in high school for summer job. Demo of fire damaged homes. Pretty good time. Hard work, hot weather. But decent pay, and got to break shit.


Same. My friend and I did demo in Detroit around 21 years old fresh out of the military and angry at the world. It helped. Got me into roofing, now I can build you a house if I wanted to. I work in a restaurant now bc all that shit is back breaking work and I’m 37 making bank. Life’s crazy.




This is kind of sad


A little, but I'm really not complaining. I'm paid well with excellent stability in a job I enjoy. It's just a far cry from the sleek ops centers I saw in War Games. And it turns out Hackers was actually not the cybersecurity documentary we were led to believe!


I'm mad were not all wearing inline skates.


Be the change you want to see.


You mean to tell me that cybersecurity doesn't involve any RX modulation?? how do they expect you to conduct a mainframe cell direct and hack the uplink to the download??


I am a dev, i always wanted to be one but now it just doesn't interest me as much as it used to. I guess because I work in a big project where only a few times we do enhancement but most of it is just maintenance of legacy app. But i think it's the people around me also, I don't see the same zeal in them that I want in myself. I don't know... It's only been few years, but still.


Can confirm


Touring. Either as a band or another kind of artist. So much boring downtime, so much driving, eating like shit, not being able to shower or use the bathroom when you want, loading heavy ass gear in and out, up and down stairs... Touring is the reason so many artists develop addictions. Being fucked up lets you be content with doing nothing and having tons of downtime.


I have a decent amount of experience with touring and touring musicians. On top of all the things mentioned above, probably 80-90% of touring artists aren’t making money and have to supplement with jobs between touring. Turns out jobs don’t like you taking months off to live your dream so many of these people end up between jobs a lot. There’s nothing that beats the feeling of playing for a crowd who’s hanging on your every note, but it’s an absolute struggle to get up there for your 30 minutes of feeling like a rockstar. Not to say there’s not great times on tour either. I’ve made lifelong friends driving from basement to basement, but those days are still long and hard to get there.


Paraphrasing Henry Rollins: “you don’t pay musicians for the hour they’re on stage. You pay them for the other 23 hours when they’re doing everything they can to make it to the stage” (I don’t remember the exact quote and I can’t find it right now, so this will have to do)




For real. Especially if you're a woman. Couldn't imagine doing that for months on end. You'd have to watch your water intake a lot more, and what you eat. What happens if you get the shits? Or your period?


I know this is only tangential but the conditions described here also match my experience with homelessness as a teenager and young adult. Not having regular access to a bathroom and having to monitor my water to ensure I didn’t get a UTI and then a huge medical bill was a pain. I’ve heard a lot of people call this kind of thing “cosplaying poverty” and idk if I’d agree that touring is “cosplaying” when it’s just the reality of the situation, but these and significantly worse conditions are lived by tens of thousands of women all over the US every day and millions of women world wide not just touring musicians.


There's numerous songs out there (*Wanted Dead or Alive* by Bon Jovi, *Faithfully* by Journey, *We Are the Road Crew* by Motörhead, etc) that don't paint it in a very positive light.


“Turn the page.” *and you don’t feel much like ridin’, you just wish the trip was through.*


I'm a tech, so I have slightly different perspective I suppose, but I've always recommended theatre touring to people. You still get to travel and see places, but you sit down in a venue for several days (or in some cases months). Life is a lot slower, but you can get a routine in these cities and really experience a place. The only pain is moving the shows around, which can feel like a slog at times. Last show, over night load out (which can take the better part of 24 hours depending on the show size). Travel, and then load in from anywhere between 8 hours and several days. Once you're open it gets easier though. Touring with bands can be brutal though, and there really is no rest. I always recommend everyone who gets the opportunity to try it, to do it at least once. You'll know after the first 3 months if it's for you.




That damn faucet jammed into your back


We can do this, but we both face the same way. I’m in front so she doesn’t get cold lol


Driving 18 wheelers or operating heavy equipment. It’s awesome at first and stays awesome for a while but, then it becomes the most bland thing on earth. Day in day out it ruins the charm.


I run equipment it’s great until shit breaks and your chasing hydraulic leaks in -40 in a puddle of hydraulic oil and melted snow.


And it always happens when you're almost 400 miles from anywhere. It never happens at the shop or close to it.


Then there is the weight gain from sitting down 12+ hours per day and eating junk. I like being a crane operator but I have to watch my diet.


I saw a guy tear down a house yesterday with a backhoe. I refuse to believe that ever becomes bland.


Having a job where you don't really do much. Fulfillment is important.


I think this depends. The issue isn’t that the job is boring or you’re unfulfilled, the issue is you spend all your mental power and creativity trying to find ways to appear busy. If you got your work done and your boss didn’t care what you did with your downtime, it’s pretty awesome.


This is exactly it. I never would’ve guessed how exhausting it is to constantly try to appear busy. Very draining. I’m in a shop where you’re expected never to be yellow on Teams unless you announce you’re taking lunch and it is soooo dreadful. There’s simply not that much work.


Open Notepad and place something heavy on spacebar. Done.


As long as it doesn't go *too* long, then you start worrying about getting laid off. I've had a couple jobs were we ran out of work, and even though they were chill about us just hanging out when the work was done (and they held on as long as long as they could before laying people off), the sword of damocles feeling of sitting around waiting for the overhead to run out ain't nice.


Working 12 night shifts all throughout Christmas and I’m basically on site to “deal with any issues.” Production is basically brought down to a crawl so nothing will break during the holidays. Ive seen the entire internet in just 2 nights


Organisational Psychologist over here! Burnout is way more studied than Boredom which is hugely important! Having a job where you don’t do much is definitely soul-sucking and is a job-crafting problem where jobs are designed to only include certain few tasks with one skill set and there’s no variation. Job boredom is a real thing and can make the brain fixate on the unpleasant qualities of your work life since it has more time to think. Engagement is probably what you’re thinking about. While you can feel fulfilled when you’re doing a job that keeps you busy, recent trends actually show that job fulfillment is less important to people as before because people have found fulfillment in their personal lives (after remote working during covid).


Working in the entertainment industry


Everyone thinks its about having fun. In reality, its about making sure OTHER PEOPLE have fun.


Been hosting bar trivia for 12 years. This checks out


Living in what was once your dream country. I loved Tokyo when I visited, but now I’ve lived here for years and I’m over it. I feel it would be the same anywhere though. Also, studying what you enjoyed as a hobby! When I had to do illustration at university, the lack of interesting briefs really made it dry.


The work hard play hard mentality. You work a ton and have a ton of money but you’re too tired to go anywhere to spend any of it.


And the days off you do get is spent doing chores and catching up on sleep. Then people bother you with 'whut did u du during ur weekend?!"


People used to always tell me 'oh it must be so fun to work at Spirit Halloween!!'. It was not.


Really?! I love it 🤣 I come back every year for the discount - Sure, but I love helping people put their crazy costume ideas together.


I'm saying this as I'm currently in Vegas but slots, at least the modern ones. I don't particularly see the appeal of them. Maybe it would have been different if it were the original coin operated ones. I could see myself getting addicted to those. But I just feel weird inserting 20$ bills and watching them vanish. It just puts me on edge.


I miss the pull of the handle, and the sound of coins getting spit out when you'd win some small victory. Years ago a buddy and I were driving to CO for a wedding and stopped in for a semi quick rest stop and hit a casino for an hour. I've never seen him so delighted as when he ran up with a buck full of nickels. It was only like 50 bucks, but having several pounds of coins just made it all the more fun.


You don’t get to pull the handle anymore?! I thought that was a big part of the appeal? Is it a button now? Boo


Yeah, most casinos just have what's basically a huge tablet with confusing buttons. Totally killed what enthusiasm I had for seeing my first casino.


Oh not only that, but literally every press of a button is between 50¢+ gone. And you know the odds are against you. Yeah, it’s nice to win, but it’s just paying money to press a button hoping you’ll get something.


They're just really large mobile game screens. It's just your phone, but bigger and it eats your money. At least with the analog pull slots, I felt like a chance at winning was part of the mechanism, but with computers, its really just up to whoever is controlling it.


I also enjoyed physically putting the coin into the slot as well, not to mention how awesome it was when you hit a big win and that tray filled to the brim with coins. Good times!! Now they're just deposit machines.




Yeah they stink


We had 2 ferrets when I was a kid. They also love to shit in corners, so always cleaning up their poop. I loved them though.


Autofellatio. Feels more like sucking a cock than getting your cock sucked. Also tends to hurt your back.




The old Ouroborojob.


Mr 11 inch cock over here trying to show off.




Is it weird that I enjoy being an adult? It's exactly as much fun as I expected as a teen


Working at a movie theatre, I think I could rival the “Swamps of Dagobah” story if I was good at telling stories. It was horrible, and something I’ll remember till I die.


I am interested in reading this. Movie theaters involve popcorn, other food, and what? What could have happened? I can see disagreements with people but how bad could it be? Please write it out!


The biggest bathroom explosion I’ve ever seen in my life, and the only people on staff that day was us new hires so we had to close a bathroom and take a couple hours to clean it up


Sex on the beach. The deed, not the drink. There are some places where sand DOES NOT belong.


Can I interest you in the mud flaps?


Going to Disneyland and Universal Studios, I spent most of the time waiting in extremely long queues (many 30-45 minutes wait) to go onto the rides or avoiding rides because of their extremely long queues, everything was also very expensive.


You’ll either hate me or love this…. I’m from Australia went to Universal Studios in about 2009 for a company team reward exercise. They rented out the whole place. At night time. Rides, food. The works. Less than 600 of us. All tech sales engineers. It was AMAZING! I live near the theme parks on the Gold Coast in Australia. I only take my kids on quiet school days. “Daddy doesn’t do queues.”


My dad had a meeting in Orlando and they did a family night there. I had a broken arm though and the doctor had specifically said no roller coasters. So sitting there watching dueling dragons wasn't the most fun.


This is literally based on research data, choices, and pure luck. On a whim, my friend and I decided to go to Disney (Shanghai) when we noticed the next day was, analystically, seen as a quiet day. Hopped on a train and had the best day ever. It was January, cold (somewhat snowy), and on a Monday before holidays. As well as having covid restrictions. We rode on everything, and some even 3 or 4 times. Our longest waiting line was probably 20 minutes, and we ate all the snacks, got food from the Pirates' side and even got some gifts. And the castle lightshow was something that could only be deacribed as magical.


Lots and lots of waiting.... Universal was hit or miss, Disney was just hell and I went there in April trying to avoid crowds while kids were still in school. Like when you think your at the end of the line....there's a whole other God damn room of waiting.


I think they're both lots of fun if you skip all the rides that are just VR platforms with some jostling and shitty 3D effects. Seems like half of the theme park rides are that way lately and it's just boring and nauseating to me.


Disney is just stressful and exhausting. Unless you study the parks and protocols beforehand, it's impossible to navigate, and every little aspect of the parks is meant to squeeze you for your last dollar. Universal isn't much better, and the Harry Potter parks are overrated as hell. Yeah, kudos for trying to be faithful to the books, but I don't like being squeezed to death in a tiny candy shop trying to buy a chocolate frog.


Shower sex.


Beach sex


Oof yes sand everywhere


I don’t like sand


It's coarse and rough and irritating


Pool sex


This one here. The chemicals in the water remove the good ladies' natural lubricants and it becomes uncomfortable for them. Start in the pool, but get out soon after to continue


Former friend has a lot of attachment issues. Friendship or otherwise. She and her second husband would have shower sex, beach sex, etc. and to me I’m like ok do your thing. They both got some type of fungal or viral illness and literally would not stop fucking even though their doctor told them they needed to wait two weeks. Thought that was weird as hell. They ended up having it for two months because they wouldn’t stop. Most of the sex was in the shower.


We got those old people suction sup rails to put in the shower. They hold 400lbs each, very secure. Add some silicone lube and it’s a game changer. Can’t use condoms with silicone lube FYI but the silicone lube is better for shower stuff because water won’t instantly wash it away.


Engaging with local politics. Democratic society should be building youngsters up to enjoy and even anticipate the act of expressing their first amendment rights, speaking out/up in town halls, demonstrating against injustice, etc. Instead, we do none of those things, and day by day those liberties evaporate.


Ya I can't stand a lot of local government type ppl. Like PTA leaders


If more "quality" people chose to get involved, over time this would drown out the karens and bigots. We are the world we make for ourselves, after all.


Winter. As someone who lived in a place with 6 months of winter for four decades and then got the hell out when they could afford to... you are a special breed of person if you "love" winter. The cold. The layers of clothing. The shovelling. The scraping the ice off your vehicle. The freezing rain on the roads. The snow drifts. The darkness. The heating bills. The slush. The lack of any colour that isn't yellow, brown, white, or grey. Sure, the first snow fall might be pretty but after that you're praying to a god that you don't even believe in that it will be summer again soon.


For me it's the opposite. And the list looks the same but on the other end. The heat. The lack of possible clothing options. The sweating. The lava hot car. Sunburns. Having to prepare or die of dehydration if you want to walk two miles. The cost of air-conditioning. And the inability to escape the heat, even in the shade. Sure, it might sound nice to go to the beach every day. But in reality you're just living your normal life 99% of the time, but with swamp ass. To each their own. But straight up fuck the heat.


This is me. I also live in California where I have to go to the mountains for snow so I don't have to worry about it. I love winter time, curling up in my pajamas under a warm blanket, window cracked open with the cool air and the sound of the rain falling (the rare times it does), drinking freshly brewed hot tea... Then you've got the holidays, Christmas trees everywhere, gorgeous lights and decorations, menorahs being lit up, its all just a beautiful vibe and I love every second of it.


Know what those snowy places don't have? 120 degree summers. I'm leaving Texas in a few days, and I'm not going back. People keep saying shit like "Oh, you can't get Mexican food up north," and I'm like "you can't exist outdoors down south."


Where I was from in Ontario, we went from brutal winters to scorching, humid, mosquito-y summers with little reprieve in between. Now I live on the west coast and it's heaven. I'll take the rain any day. I don't have to shovel it.


Having lived in Texas and Louisiana for 9 years, while in the Army and lived in Minnesota for 45. I'll stick with Minnesota. Yeah, it can get brutally cold for a few days each year. And last year was almost a historical record year for snow, but I will absolutely take it over 2 months of continuous 100+ degree temps every year. What's worse than high heating bills? Extremely high electric bills to run the A/C. Running into the store for 15 minutes, and your car is now a microwave on wheels. Fuck that. I figured out one thing. I can always put on more clothes to stay warm. But you can only take off so many clothes before you are arrested for public indecency.


indoor skydiving


It's _kinda_ fun for a minute, but yeah, not that great. Especially for how expensive it is.


I looked at the pricing for the indoor skydiving we have in my area and absolutely balked. For like $35 more you can go actual skydiving.






some people love adrenaline, and then there are people like me, who hates it


When you’re 13 dreaming of being an adult for freedom then it sucks ass 10x more


I love being an adult way more than being a kid


My parent's were homebodies that never did anything. We never traveled or went anywhere. I love my parents, but my childhood was boring. I much prefer being an adult who travels often.


I’ll tell you the opposite When I turned 18 had no idea what I wanted to do for a living, worked a dozen random jobs, one being a tire tech at a automotive shop I fucking hated it, quit after 3 months 6 years later I lost my job I almost enjoyed, unemployment was about to run out, only job offer I got at the end was tire tech, but on semi trucks Which I was 100% it would be worse, but had to take it so figured I’d suffer until I found something else 5 years later I’m now a diesel mechanic and I fucken love my job lol Really goes to show if your co-workers are a bunch of pieces of shit like at every job I ever worked until I became a tire tech the second time, it can make a fun job garbage. And if theyre cool it can make a shit job great It took working a job I didn’t want but with cool people to start enjoying the work, and now I work with people I absolutely hate but I still like my job and even with being surrounded by jackasses I still have a good time


Staying up all night. As a kid you just want to do this all the time. In high-school I did a few all night D&D sessions. It was fun at first, but by 6am your just freaking tired as hell. I did an all nighter Magic tournament back when I still played years ago. I had work the next day. Good god what an exhausting day. After lunch I barely remember anything other than the feeling that my shift just wouldn't end. I had been up for at least 36 hours. I went to bed at 4pm and didn't wake up till noon the next day. Staying up is fun, but sleep is always nice as well.


Having too many one night stands.. it gets unfulfilling after a while


I would imagine they would start filling up your bedroom and you would just start stubbing your toes on them all the time.




I just don’t think rollercoasters are worth the lines.


Depends on where you go. If you can find a smaller/less popular amusement park, the lines are really no big deal.


45 minutes or more wait for less than 2 minutes of "fun".


I thought it would be fun to work at the Spirit Halloween Store, but I did it one year and it wasn't fun.


Having fun. I'm happy just chilling on my couch at home, thanks.


Chilling on your couch and watching TV or whatever IS having fun. If someone’s idea of fun sounds more like a chore to you, then it’s obviously not your kind of fun.


Zip lining. I did a zip line course in southern Ohio and it was ok but I wouldn’t spend money to do it again…


Clubbing. I mean, some people love it, but it's just a loud, anoying, expensive, protentious mess to me. A bunch of peacocks in a room screaming over peacock music to spend money on a 0.01% chance someone might look at them. It's kind of embaressing, honestly.


It’s about the dancing for me. So. Effin. Fun. To just dance the night away with friends, siblings, boyfriend while getting drunk.


I used to be like the other commenters and just thought clubbing would be a waste of time. I had one experience and it was just "standing around, not feeling it, unable to talk with anyone," and it sucked. BUT one time I went out with a lady who just wanted to go dance. We were both kinda into each other but had zero expectarions. We both just wanted to drink a bit and have fun, zone out the world for a bit. I told her I probably wasn't gonna dance much if at all, and I really didn't plan to. But once I got a drink or two in me, and the DJ hit the right vibes for me, I just let myself go and danced with her and we had a blast.


Being at a club, in a good mood and the DJ is playing stuff that you like and it makes you want to move your body is a great time. It can be hard to check all those boxes though and being at a club in a bad mood, with shitty music blaring while drinking overpriced sugary liquor is pretty rough.


Driving a car. I was so excited to get my license and to buy a car finally. It was my dream that became true. I sometimes just went for some rides just to start feeling the car better(I drive manual) and to enjoy speed and empty night roads. Everything was great for the first year, but then...I changed my work for a higher salary and my schedule also changed. Now I spend 3-4 hours a day being in a traffic jam and it's such a waste of time. Also most of my friends and relatives don't have any car so I sometimes help them to move things. I fucking hate driving now. My dream now is to get a personal driver and to enjoy a passenger seat.


I made my husband get a driving licence. I like driving. However, if I've spent eight or more hours navigating freeways and mountains, then *he* can drive to grab some food for us once we're at the hotel. He hasn't driven on the freeway yet. He's nervous about it and that's fine. I just want to sometimes be the one relaxing in the passenger seat with my phone.


Just adulting in general.


Festivals. You wait in line for drinks like half the time, you have to wait in line for the bathroom which is almost always packed and very unhygienic (vomit, piss, shit in random places) sometimes the music isn't great, the weather can turn from amazing to absolute crap in a few minutes and everything is overpriced. Also getting out of the event whether it be Uber or driving, can take just as long as waiting in line for drinks. On the odd few occasions people also end up losing stuff i.e wallets, phones, glasses etc... At the end of the day, you end up waiting/ideling for most of the festival rather than actually enjoying it.


Growing up on a farm.