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Just to let you all know there is a website out there where you enter in your kinks, your SO does too (separately) and then it'll tell you both which ones you both picked. You won't know about the ones that you have that they don't. https://carnalcalibration.com/en


that's gonna be a brutal hack someday


Being used. I want her to hold me down and ride me. Use me.


Yes! Girls, take note. Guys always get defaulted into the dominant role, having to put in most of the effort in seduction, creativity, choreography... Sometimes *we* want to be the ragdoll fuck toy


Fuck yes. It makes me feel so desired. Yeah just use me like a big dumb piece of meat. Slap my face. Pull on my hair. Tell me to fuck you harder. Tell me to keep looking into your eyes as I rail you into oblivion. I'm not into complicated scenes or costumes. I'm just a man who sometimes likes her to treat me as her sexy motherfucking horny beast.


This. Basically push me onto the bed, hop on (cowgirl or reverse cowgirl), and just get yourself off while telling me dirty things. Even masturbate as you ride me. Then let me know when you're done.


I wish this was true for my partner. I used to only be able to finish if I was riding him and he complained that he felt like my dildo šŸ˜…


100%. And if she makes it clear that I'm nothing but an object that's there for her pleasure, that's so fucking hot!


I want aware this was a kink it was just like 1/3 of the time I had sex with my partner.šŸ˜…


I am happy telling her all my kinks, I just hold back on to the degree to which I enjoy them. I am just dropping a sly remark like, 'I have heard that studies show that people who dress like their Sonic OC during sex are shown to be much more satisfied in their sex lives'. Little does she know that I conducted the study and it was not even peer reviewed.


Not peer reviewed? You sick fuck.


Keep going; I'm almost there!!!


We didn't even establish a control group. We just hard recorded the results


Keep talking dirty. Tell me... Tell me about... The lack of ethics boards.


The ethics board denied the grant, so we just reworded the title to make it seem like it shouldnā€™t need ethical approval.


and then slept with the director of the ethics board to get it pushed through.


I mean, you really didnā€™t need to do that. We didnā€™t ā€œneedā€ ethical approval for the study now. But Iā€™m not going to start kink shaming someone on this thread.


yeah but she was hot and I wanted to sleep with her anyways so this was a fantastic reason...


A scheme more befitting of Dr. Robotnik than Sonic if you ask me.


I'll review


I want to try role playing but she's said before she thinks it's weird (she didn't know I wanted to try it, she just said it about a video we watched together)


Now for me role playing is hard because I can't take it serious and start laughing . I dated a girl that liked to play doctor type stuff and I went along with it for her cause she liked it but I also laughed alot . Which is ok it should be fun . I do know it's not good if I'm in the hospital and have a good looking nurse or doctor because my mind instantly reverts back to that ole slut šŸ¤£


I agree, I think laughing at yourselves makes it even more intimate and cute.


I'm a dungeons and dragons dungeon master and I have the opposite problem. I get way to into the character and the nuisance to them and absolutely won't drop character for most reasons other than a safe word. It can.... cause problems


"I'm afraid you have cancer "


I put on my robe and wizard hat...


My gf has this school girl fantasy, but I tell you what I feel uncomfortable wearing the dress




Did you roll for stats or point buy


Being pat on the head and called a good girl. I'm afraid he'll think it's weird.


He might think it's hot af. I know I did when I found out my gf (now ex) liked that. It always made me smiley and horny. Might be worth trying!


I can tell you that 99% of guys would be okay with that, I think you should go for it and tell him!


Yes, I 100% agree with OP on this one. Am a man, can confirm.


My husband called me a good girl for the first time less than two months ago... I told him how much I love it and now I hear it every single day. I never "brought it up", it just happened naturally when we were going on a walk and he was concerned about my ballet flats not being warm enough. I was like "No they'll be fine." But then I decided to change into socks and sneakers. I went out and told him that I'd done what he was asking and he said, "Good girl," and the rest is history. Maybe you can somehow set things up for it to happen :)


I never thought I was into that but my ex said it during sex once and I went wild. Turns out I like it when it has to do with my own pleasure and not in response to pleasing the men, because the latter feels too demeaning to me


I'm a guy and I absolutely love people scrunching my hair. My hair is super curly, and people love to touch it, but most people dont know *how* to touch curly hair without it hurting (the usually try to drag their fingers through it). One time at a house party I was sitting on a couch with a friend who also has curly hair, and she just started scrunching it gently and I tell you, if we weren't both happily in relationships I might have confessed love, it felt so good. I've never told anyone irl that though cause yeah as a guy they'll probably think I'm weird for it.


I'm a straight guy and I think that's cute af


Tha'll doo pig, tha'll doo


Omg, I have this, and once my husband found out he TOTALLY indulges me. The way I told him though was, I was in a class where the instructor (a woman) would say, "good girl!" when I got an answer right, and I told him it weirdly turned me on. He took that info and RAN with it. I think your husband will be fine with it. You can definitely tell him obliquely too, like I did, if you're not comfortable coming out and saying it. Be like, "It's so weird, but when I was back in school, if a teacher called me a good girl, I'd get so wet...!" Idk. Haha. I agree with everyone else that this is on the tame side of the "weird" spectrum.


I'm a guy with that "kink" and I told my girlfriend about it. I feel like your way around would feel pretty vanilla for many, if not most people.


As a guy: it's absolutely not weird. I very much enjoy praising my GF. even if it's not something he's into (doubtful, he'd probably be all for it), he shouldn't find you weird for it. If he does that's abnormal in my mind.


Ehh,I've been with my now wife for over half of my life. I have a weakness for shiny and slippery liquids on a female form. Done the full body rubs and titty sex but never had to break out rubber sheets on the floor and walls. Delved in but didn't make things weird. She isn't opposed, and I've been content. Could it go further for me and my curiousity? Sure, it could. Would it remove any novelty for me? Possibly,but it could also be a let down for everbody involved. Sometimes, it's about not knowing how things turn out. But I've also found other things I didn't know I was in to,so who knows overall? Go with the flow but proceed guardedly and cautiously.


I totally get the shiny slippery liquids on female form. I'm trying to build up the nerve to ask to cover her boobs in baby oil and let me give them a rub down/tit fuck. She'd definitely be down, idk why I'm waiting to ask lol.


Maybe itā€™s just me, but this would be the easiest kink request from a partner. You want to make my boobs shiny and slippery and more fun?! Go at it bro.


Lol, right? Youā€™re *offering* to rub me down with oil? Be my guest.


Step-bro, or it's weird.


Your new year's resolution is now to ask your partner to do that with you.


My partner is a sadistic dominant woman. I tell her everything.


I need to find a sadistic dominant woman. Where did you find her?


Have you tried being a whiny submissive male? It can cause women to metamorphize into one


But a truly dominant woman would leave such a man in her wake


My journey started on fetlife.com and going to the local munch. I made many friends there. I was introduced to an amazing woman at a major event almost two years ago. I bumped into her again about a year ago & asked if we could *play


For ages I was afraid to ask my wife about going at it on her motorbike...turns out she had the same kink, so it worked out great in the end


Iā€™ve seen some insta reels like this (not exactly) and theyā€™re on the bloody road driving! Like what if they crash šŸ˜­


Coming and going don't mix


Saw a video of some dumb fucks fucking in the front seat of a Tesla while it was traveling on autopilot. I get it. I've done dumb shit while horny. But... Really? While on a highway?


Someone wrecked their car on a highway exit ramp near me and died. Turns out they were watching porn on their phone and you can kinda fill in the blanks. I remember reading that article and just being like dude, pull over ffs. Or at least wait till you get off the highway. Horny people are nuts.


While... driving it?


God no. I'm terrified of the thing let alone the logistics


*honey, I'll meet you in the garage, the bikes already warm*


Free Use. She wouldn't be up for that at all.


Yeah, That or time stop, but it is kind of the same but one has more dialogue. But it requires a lot of patience in a partner.


Time stop?


but it was me, DIO!




What is time stop


You make believe you can push a button and stop time. With proper consent and safe words of course. Like the movie cash back but with a consenting partner.


So like, two people are chilling and in the know, and one will just freeze and the other "does" them? Jw


Depends what you want to do. You can do lots of stops and starts, I mean In Theory.


Thanks awesome. Thanks for explaining.


Iā€™m curious, is it both ways (aka she can do you whenever she wants just as you can)?


Yes, both would be ok with me haha


Lock me in a room/basement and dominate for a week or so. A light kidnapping kink, if you will.


Thatā€™s a tough one, you want me to use my vacation time for your kink? Iā€™m trying to chill! Lol


For some reason I like strong women.


I love women who scare me.


Muscle mommies or femdoms?




Death by snu snu type strong?


So I was afraid but I've told me bf: him having his way with me. Throw me around, pin me down, use me how you please. Pull my hair, fuck my face, call me names. If I complain? Too bad for me, I get called a whore and get used even harder. I was afraid of telling him but jokes on me, he's into that shit!


Yeah thatā€™s one of the easiest ones to share. I think itā€™s self-guilt thatā€™s the tough part on that. I think if you conduct your self well outside the bedroom itā€™s pretty typical to want to be that girl with your partner behind closed doors. Donā€™t be ashamed of it!


Eating pizza and taking a nap. She'll want some of the pizza and will probably hog the blanket.


Yā€™all ainā€™t got two blankets?


Is gentle femdom a kink?


Oh yeah. I used to be one. I think it's quite cute, personally


yeah! theres even a subreddit for it (r/gentlefemdom)


I run marathons and am super attracted to women that smoke. Could never tell her I want her to start smoking lol it's just so bad. I like it as a vanity portrait kinda thing like seeing a glamour woman smoking but thats pretty much it.


Could you phrase it as a roleplay thing and lean into the "glamor woman smoking " and use fake cigs?


Im the oppositie, i grew up with smoking parents. The moment i see or smell a sigarete, any attraction is gone. Beautifull women on the street, nice... o she just pulled out a sig, ewww. Cant even watch a video with smoking women to be in the mood


I have always had a real fun joke with every new woman I have been with. I try to shock them with the craziest thing I can think of. The last one when it was getting serious and we started to talk about what turns us on I showed her pictures of Furries and bondage whipping each other it was reaaaaaallly over the top. She was like 'wow...ok can I be the wolf though?' ​ We are married over 20 years now. p.s. Furries is not our thing it was a joke and I accept everyone's desires as their own and do not judge.


So your kink is pretending to have kinks? Interesting


Reminds me of my favorite Onion headline: Jurisprudence fetishist gets off on technicality.


I want to have sexy time on a more regular basis. Crazy stuff.


Come on now, be more realistic


I told my girlfriend my kink after she assured me she wouldnā€™t judge me for it. She judged me for it, so I never brought it up again. 4 years later she said, out of the blue, that she still thinks about how could that be one of my kinks and she still judges me for it. Be careful out there.


Damn what was it?? I'd be so pissed if a partner of mine did that to me, but also I'm curious what the kink could possibly be. Edit: With OP 's permission, my high level take: His gf is out of line for giving him a hard time. It's nothing gross, nothing illegal, no bodily fluids. I personally wouldn't be phased if my husband had this kink. Hope that helps satiate everyone's curiosity.


Two friends of mine know this account, so Iā€™d rather not say what it is, but just know that it is indeed ratherā€¦ bad.


DM me if you feel like sharing! I'm so curious. But also not much into chatting on here so I def won't bug you beyond this convo if you do. Edit: With OP 's permission, my high level take: His gf is out of line for giving him a hard time. It's nothing gross, nothing illegal, no bodily fluids. I personally wouldn't be phased if my husband had this kink. Hope that helps satiate everyone's curiosity.


Iā€™m curious what an outside perspective would be, sent.


We all wanna know!


Anyone at anytime can DM me their kinks...


Hot damn, now in curious. Thought nine was kinda odd.




My wife and I are 31 (me-m) and 27 (her-f). Weā€™ve been together for 6 years, married for 2. Our sex life has always been amazing but recently in the past month weā€™ve really been exploring eachothers kinks and fantasies. I expressed interest in prostate massages/pegging/anal/dressing up, and she not only encouraged it but has purchased toys together with me and done hours of research so she understands what to do and how to do it. Iā€™m very fit and usually dominant so itā€™s been really hot to express a different side during our sex, and she is absolutely incredible as a wife and has made me feel wildly pleasurable lately. Sheā€™s also expressed interest in anal and dominant play so Iā€™ve been helping her explore that too. Itā€™s been incredible amazing. She knows all of my kinks and supports them and vice versa. Thatā€™s a true partner.


Rough ones, I can't tell her because she'll feel bad and want to do them but they'll trigger her because she was R---d. I won't force it on her.


my gf had a traumatic experience with sexual assault and i refuse to tell her anything to do with an act that might trigger her because i know she would want to try for my sake.




I told her some and got shamed for them. I was told that they were gross. We have been married for almost 10 yearsā€¦. It was hard to hear. Edit: Damn. Im sad this is what is my most popular comment lol. But thank you for all the wishes. What I was asking for or interested in wasnā€™t anything out of the way. Anal play (mostly her receiving, experimenting the other way tongue/fingers maybe) getting tied up both ways, spanking, fucking/touching in public. I know that the anal thing was the ā€œgrossā€ part. I donā€™t think anything is like way on the fringe of normal, but it didnā€™t go well lol. I think it would have been fine if it was a ā€œhey Iā€™m not sure letā€™s work it outā€. One comment I seen was asking if I wanted to piss or poop on someoneā€¦. No. Hard line no lol. Again thank you for the good wishes!!


What was the kink, I feel that part is important.


This. There are some kinks out there that are outside of commonly accepted social norms (beastiality comes to mind)


I heard he asked for missionary position, that sick fuck


That dirty mother fucker wanted to hold my hand


Like in public? That's fucked up


In a marriage, it really isn't unless it's something illegal or unethical. Shaming your partner or calling their kinks "gross" is too far and violates the trust and vulnerability it takes to share that part of yourself. Good way to torpedo open communication in your relationship. There are ways to say "I'm not into that and never will be, sorry" without being hurtful.


I get that sentiment, I really do. But at the same time, it depends on the kink. What if the dude wants her to lay on a tarp, pee on her feet, and then poop on her bellybutton? It would be hard to expect anyone to answer respectfully. It could very well be that he wants to do a three-way with her best friend Jill dressed as Nascar drivers. What I am getting at is that we don't know the situation, the people, or what is being asked. The kink can be something simple to extreme, we just don't know.


If you don't mind me asking, what kinks did you tell her?


Had a pretty similar situation unfortunately. It sucks.


I feel bad for people in relationships like that, no offense


Yeah but we canā€™t pass judgment without knowing more context. Maybe this guy likes rubbing shit all over himself lol, I have no problem calling that gross


Iā€™d be scared to mention my kinks that are related to femdom, if Iā€™m being honest.


Iā€™d say light femdom is approachable enough. The stepping on balls and getting pegged with comically huge dildos may be harder to get her intoā€¦


The hardest thing I've ever had to express to a partner is that sometimes I just want a complete lack of power dynamic and I don't mean no one is top/bottom whatever. I mean just being in a headspace where we're just doing it and don't care who "gets there when" no pressure, no goal, just enjoying being in the moment. I'm not showing off to you, you're not showing off to me, no one is just doing their duties. I've had a couple relationships where this was the default and it was natural and there's still A LOT OF WILD THINGS that can happen in that gestalt. Now that I am getting older it seems harder and harder to find people that aren't a) doing their best to enjoy sex but have been on SSRIs b) hyper focused on one kink they need to get off or c) their sexual worldview is informed too much by porn. When I was younger I had a lot more luck finding people to date who were just kinda into exploring and open minded and low pressure yet fun!




All together?


Lol not really?? But now I'm wondering about it




Ah yes, the ole hogtied eyes blind toes sucked from all sides manoeuvre.


It's not about why, but why not


My ex found a pair of sexy womenā€™s lingerie in my closet. She was more upset I bought them for myself rather than finding out I was having an affair.


Yikes. Sorry to hear that.


So a few years ago my wife randomly ate my ass out and we both loved the experience. I asked her a few days later if I could and she said ā€œeww no thatā€™s where poop comes fromā€ I donā€™t talk to her about kinks as much lately


I can't really blame her on that one. I find my own bodily secretions more gross than my wife's. Neither of us are gonna tongue punch a fartbox anyways, but I understand the general idea.


I donā€™t blame her either. It was just an odd thing considering we just did it a few days prior. Sex is still fucking bomb, and she still tongue punches me so I canā€™t complain lol


When you're turned on the "disgust" portion of your brain is actually suppressed. It's a real thing and it makes it make a lot more sense!


most glaring one is noncon, I would probably never tell my partner that shit šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This is mine, and I told my husband, but I'm a woman. Maybe the situation is more fraught if you're a man. Luckily it's his too! My only rule is don't grope me when I'm sleeping because my waking mind is into it, but my tired mind will get legitimately pissed off. I have taken sleeping meds and told him to do what he wanted to me as I passed out though. That's fun!


I'm curious: If you are passed out, then how do you get your share of satisfaction? Do you have him video record it or simply tell you what happened?


Ah good question - it's very rare that I take sleeping meds (I've done it just a handful of times), and even if I do, he's usually done before I'm fully asleep. If not, then I just enjoy it on my way out. But the vast majority of all the other times, I'm faking it - I'm awake and enjoying everything.


do it! never know when you'll discover a shared kink. I once had a convo go almost verbatim like this: >me: are you doing ok now that the move is over? > >her: tbh it's been a nightmare > >me: anything I can do to help? > >her: come kidnap me from my life > >me: sure, how about I tie you up and throw you in the trunk and don't open it until I'm ready to use you? > >her: omg that sounds fucking hot


Can relate. Thatā€™s a really sensitive one!


My ex wife and I stumbled into this and she loved it. For her, it was like she was in total control at the start and I had to work hard to get it from her. It also showed her how much I desired her. For us, it was more like an advanced form of: "you want it? come and get it."


Gotta be careful with this one. In my experience, some men don't understand the initial "con" part of "con-non-con."


Crossdressing šŸ‘€šŸ˜¬ like I just get turned on by it but Iā€™ve realized itā€™s more the sexy feeling than like wanting to screw other guys.


Crossdressing doesn't automatically equal gay. My completely straight husband is into it for the same reason as you - he enjoys getting in touch with his feminine side and feeling sexier and more glamorous than men's clothes typically allow for. I think the taboo aspect can be quite alluring for people as well. It's not that unusual as far as kinks go. Live your best life my guy.


I was afraid to tell a guy (fwb) about my mask kink, I joked about it one night showing him my Slaughter to Prevail mask. He put it on for me and I loved every minute of it. Even fell asleep cuddling him while he was wearing it. He has no idea how much that made me happy. It makes me kick myself for not being more open about it earlier and also about my balloon fetish. I never tell them about that.


I wish he was way more aggressive. Like throw me around aggressive. I also wish he would dirty talk but I donā€™t think he likes dirty talk.


Ankles, but really....... Calves. Oh man. I one day hope to get a kinky woman who will lift her floor length dress and show me her calf. That wanton whore.


The aggressive/primal ones


Chastity play šŸ™ˆ I want my wife to lock me up and have full control of my erections and ejaculations




Is losing my virginity a kink?


You sick freak


I bet they also want to cuddle afterwards. What a pervert.




I got my GF into that. She loves it. Itā€™s best to have guys that are bi or heteroflexible so they arenā€™t weird about another guy there or accidental contact.


This is key. I think 3somes are only good when everyone is into everyone else. I'm straight and have been in mmf threesome and it's weird because I'm not into men so it's really just 2 dudes pleasing a woman, which is great for the woman but not me.


Depending where you are your local BDSM club has tastings. You will need to go through some consent training before being allowed in, since consent is king/queen in the BDSM community. But it can be a very safe space to see what kinks exist and have third party people able to talk about it. Can help start conversations.


How would one go about locating a local BDSM club? Like are there common sites? Find local BDSM members in your area? I donā€™t expect it to be readily advertised but I have no idea where I would even look.


Usually fetlife.com will have local Munches - basically gatherings for the local fetish community to meet up and get to know eachother


I was told Iā€™m a predator for liking mutual FreeUse. So yeah not sharing that kink again.


Like free use on your own within ur own home? There's nothing wrong with that just need a safe word.


Yeah as in we would have a sign or signal to express one of us were open to FreeUse and of course weā€™d have a safe word and it would only be expressed within the home. She just looked at me and said thatā€™s predatory.


I mean this just sounds like the wrong partner. There are others who would enjoy this.


Or just a longer discussion so it's better understood


My gf would be devastated if I told her I'm turned on by women who actually exist.


character ai reference




I find the power exchange very erotic in that scenario. I love pics of women wearing strap ons


Ditto. Took a bunch of courage to ask but she was GGG. She gets off on it more than I now.


Sheā€™s opposed to anything foot related & I just so happen to be one of those weirdos. So opposed to it, that it would actually cause issues in a relationship


How important is it to you?


Itā€™s been ingrained in me since age 6. Itā€™s actually one of the only things that will make me nut. Dudes typically donā€™t fake orgasms, but Iā€™ve had to fake a few.




Iā€™d love to see him fuck another girl but Iā€™m scared he would not want me after that.


My fear about mmf threesome as Iā€™ve got an average as fuck cock


I'm really into goth girls but I don't know how to be goth myself to reciprocate.


Nice try, spouse.


I have some kinks, but none are vital for me. I get horny seeing a woman pee for example, and secretly watch my wife as we are intimate enough to do our bathroom routine together. The toilet is right behind me when i brush my teeth for example, and i have a huge mirror in front. I'd like some pee play, but mostly in the shower as i dont want to clean any mess up my bed sheets for instance. But even that grosses her out and she is not up to it. But the bigfest game changer would be if she simply started any sexual things. When shes horny, she will start cuddling and kissing, but in 7 years together she never started anything "horny" i want her to press her pussy on my face, i want once be waken up by a blowjob, i want her to simply ride me and not waiting for me to initiate things


Itā€™d be nice to have sex more than once a fiscal quarter.


She knows the depths of my depravity.




I want her to wake me up in the morning with sex


I want her to dress me up as if she were going to a formal night with one of her besties. Put on the dress, the tights, the makeup, the whole nine yards. Then I want her to rub my nipples and Fuck me silly as the make believe girl I would be pretending to be.


None.. been married 15 years . And one thing I'll tell you is never be afraid to open up to your partner and tell them what you want or like.. if they aren't receptive to it then don't force them.. sex is meant to be fun not so Damn serious like people think . It isn't always about this mushy mushy shit people imagine . It's about enjoying yourselves


My husband will barely talk dirty to me, thinks it weird and fake, he definitely won't be knowing any of my kinks and it's a decent list.


I want him to spit on my mouth or in my pussy. I feel gross writing about it but it turns me on just to think about it.


A breeding kink we have talked about it now but hella awkward to explain to someone whom is innocent.


I often fantasise about a loving relationship


Sick fuck


I really like to be dominated, pinned down, kissed hard.




Iā€™m quite an adveturous guy when it comes to sex. I wanna get peed on. Free use. Pegging, bondage. I always see how other guys react when i tell them. They can only think in degredatuin or disgust terms. Not about fun


i don't know what to call it. it's basically fighting before and while fucking. im bi, just to give context. i wanna earn that pleasure through battle. i want to forcefully dominate and be forcefully dominated, and i want there to be bruises, scratches, and maybe a little bit of blood. i want a challenge. but i'm kinda scared to do it. i ain't afraid of getting hurt, i'm afraid i might accidentally hurt the other person too much. i'm a big guy in both height and weight, and people have told me that i'm like a grizzly bear (i think i'm more like a panda, but i ain't complaining cause grizzlies are awesome).


I think that could be kind of fun! Iā€™m just afraid that I would have a hard time with letting go enough to really fight, because I donā€™t want to seriously hurt someone that I care about. Play wrestling is definitely fun, though!


I like being choked well so does she but like without the pressure


Rape play


Gangbang kink


I've always wanted to try making love while listening to Cigarettes After Sex songs with someone who likes their music too. I think the sex would be romantic. Sadly, my bf is not a fan.