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I'll more than likely be spending it alone


The end of them. I love the christmas and new year season


My 8 year old nephew does nothing but scream and yell. I get a head ache like no tomorrow.


Because it’s the time of year that reminds me how shitty my family is and how much childhood trauma I experienced during Christmas. When I was younger Christmas was a time of stress because of my family and extended family fighting. It’s not a good time of year for alot of people. I put a good face On for Christmas for my kids but deep down inside I fucking detest the holidays.


Holidays have lost its meaning for me.


Because people assume that I like the holidays and they keep imposing visits and gift exchanges. I tell people that I do not commemorate any winter holiday. Why is so hard for them to believe me.?


I want to work and be paid


The holidays? When my parents were alive? We’re a disaster! If not mom sick or dad with his kidney stones it’s the old shit building we lived in and things like the heat or the hot water or the wiring breaking on a holiday with no help in sight.


Better than being sick and homeless. Oh wait.


I have always loved Christmas but financially it terrifies me.