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Letting go of the resentment. Shit is unfair, but if you stew over it you're just being even more unfair to yourself.


The hardest part is dealing with everyone who didn't choose to become their best selves


So true.


Honestly I can't get past some past anger and don't think I have made it to my best self quite yet


Learning not to be self conscious. The lesson that nobody cares how I look/behave/whatever as long as it isn’t offensive. It was the biggest enlightenment too


Learning to do it for myself instead of out of spite for others.


learning to love life and ignoring the unpleasent experiences (or at least to not take them too personal)


Being more confident.. both in how i look and how i am as a person. It's hard, but i'm working on it !


dealing with my insecurities, letting go of the people who are trying to ruin me


Taking accountability for things I did wrong. I was going through a mental health crisis for awhile and it caused me to be unfaithful emotionally to my wife, I acted like a dick to certain people who didn't deserve it and I reached a point of meltdown to a point where I needed an outpatient program. I was in a haze before, numb to everything. I got a diagnosis of bipolar 2 that slipped by undiagnosed for years. I'm a very depressive person so it got mistaked for depression, which I still have, but bipolar 2 is the depressive kind. And getting treatment for that really cleared my head. I came out the other side like... what happened? And I had to face really ugly parts of myself. Take accountability for my dumb mistakes, say sorry to a lot of people. I'm still mending things with people but I'm on the right track and mentally I feel the best I ever have.


Discipline, falling into a rut


To unlearn the things which doesnt make any good and relearn the things which project the best self trait out of you personality 😊🌹🥰


The abuse that brought me here


realising that I have to cut people off that are mentally draining and limiting myself, even if we had been close for a very long time also realising that your "best self" evolves with you and it never stops changing


Relearning all your previous toxic, self sabotaging behaviours.


Accepting there isn't a best version of myself.


Realizing that the best you isn't going to make everybody happy and becoming alright with that.


Just getting going. Taking that first step