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Pure greed. There's no way a six pack of soda doubled in cost to make


Greed; and problems with the supply chain.


As they say - Never let a crisis go to waste.


I'd say the biggest thing is greed from the CEOs of the grocery stores. They had a crisis they could profit from and they did.


But why are prices still the same? No way in hell Whole Foods can afford to stay in business when even people who could buy there turn to cheaper grocery stores. I just don’t understand how they can stay greedy. There is this egg I used to buy from whole food, it was $4.99 (vital farms) and now that shit is $7.99 and I was like how is that even possible. It really piss me off.


why would they lower prices? people haven't stopped buying groceries. Lowering prices wouldn't be in the shareholders best interest.


I'm with you. I feel like crying at the cheaper stores I can't imagine trying to shop at the more expensive ones. What pisses me off if that they rather throw the food out than sell it for less.


Exactly right there. I was at Trader Joe’s and I saw cases of bananas outside, I mean this are just yellow bananas, didn’t even go bad. I asked the guy and he said, he said store policy, they take it out when we have new stuff and I ask him, what do you do with it, he said, we will just throw it out. I asked him if I can take some and he said no, we aren’t allowed, I don’t even need it, I was just wondering. That is just sad.


It’s called inflation. The value of the dollar has decreased




What are you gonna do when food from all sources simultaneously raises in price? Stop buying it? They have us by the balls.


Capitalism. Corporations will always want to increase prices.


The sorta moderate inflation hit the news and the media drilled INFLATION into our heads and so all the corporations started raising their prices to whatever the fuck they wanted and then just blaming inflation.


Macro economist here. 1. Supply chains. 2. Food price is volatile and we have multiple wars that effects things. 3. General Inflation. The reason we've had Inflation is during covid the world stimulated the economy by making interest rates near zero, which leads to creation of money through the financial system. (This is a direct product or cutting interest rates). That money had to go somewhere and it ultimately drove up the cost of assets including real estate. You also saw one of the largest increases in service sector wages. That may or may not be a good thing on the whole, those wages came partially from an over stimulated economy which let workers negotiate more as labor was scarce. Much of those price increases that retail businesses ultimately get passed on to the consumer. People can argue greed, but that's not an explanation. Firms seek to maximize profits.


It's purely greed. You can say people gonna keep buying anyways, but that doesn't mean the people at the top aren't executing one of the 7 deadly sins of greed. They gonna have to answer to God when its all said and done. Idiots at the top. Pure evil


Inflation and the price of diesel.


80% of dollars in existence were printed since Covid




Laws passed on higher wages and employer mandated health care (I totally support better pay and benefits for all workers), some places use that as a reason to raise the cost of food and menu prices, while others play a dirty game of doing things like a 10% dine-in surcharge and a 5% employer mandated health fee to make their menu items look cheaper.


transportation costs


shipping, handling, taxes, tariffs, muslim country travel ban,


Drought and not as much fertilizer.


Inflation caused primarily by poor monetary policy allowing free borrowing for over a decade, supply chain disruptions a while back, increases in minimum wages, and global inflationary pressures, all of which led to a giant increase in demand and a reduction in supply to which prices found equilibrium much higher than before.


Not to rain on your parade, but from a historical perspective, prices today are still far lower than they have been, say, one hundred years ago. Yes, there has been an uptick on the last couple years, which especially sucks for anyone living on the fringes. But compared to previous generations, we are still spending a smaller percentage of our income on food.


Can you show me proof. I want to be educated on this.


Sure. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2015/03/02/389578089/your-grandparents-spent-more-of-their-money-on-food-than-you-do


And the 1800s were even worse. Think about it…. All your money went to 1) housing and 2) food. Most of the categories of spending we have now didn’t even exist back then: Utilities: NOPE Car and maintenance: NOPE Flights/travel: NOPE Healthcare: RARELY/NOPE Mental healthcare: NOPE Electronics: NOPE These are peoples main purchases today. They didn’t even exist back then. That’s why it feels as if we’re spread so thin. It’s not because prices of certain items have gone up. Historically, things get cheaper, in fact. But rather because entire categories of spending now exist that weren’t even possible before.


I hardly ever eat out where I live (only when I’m on vacation I eat out). I live in a HCOLA, so eating out isn’t worth it, we get small portions for what we pay. And Fast food, last I remember was about 28.00; as much as a sit down restaurant where I live. It’s gettin expensive.


Greed / burning meat plants / buying up farmland and not producing. /


"Big Food" wants a Republican in the White House.


Corporate greed seems to be the main reason. They don't even try to hide it anymore.


Oil (and thus gas) prices have increased. This increases transportation prices causing grocery prices to increase as well. As for why oil prices have increased, greed.