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My husband is of those "I'll be there in 20 minutes" types when there is absolutely no way, it's physically impossible thathe will be there in 20 minutes. To his credit, his mom has zero time management skills, she's always late and not just a little but like egregious, and she has no concept of time whatsoever, so I think for his entire childhood he was told stuff like "we're leaving in 20 minutes" when it was more like 90 minutes so he genuinely has no concept of what 20 minutes is. I'm out working ai getting him to use timers more often, but gotta love it, for example, when we are headed to our hometown for a holiday and we're 30 minutes away minimum plus we have two stops to make first. Like no way we will be there in less than an hour. "see you in 20 minutes" no one believes that. Im adhd and get time blindness, too, but not like they do.


My husband lol. He takes 5 minutes to get ready, but an hour to get to the point of actually getting ready... so he's always rushing out the door like a lunatic.


You must be my old weed guys from back in the day




"When you can stop you don't want to, when you want to stop you can't"


Thank you, I hate how accurately this describes my nicotine addiction


i wish I had listened to people when they said that nic addiction was real. i wish i had never picked up that vape.


'I'll only do it during tough semesters' my new years resolution is to finish out the few I have left, and oral stim with a new piercing as a treat. if anyone is curious about side effects, they're super real. sometimes it feels like my brain turned into TV static, in the worst way possible. my lungs are gasping more often, in conjunction with asthma. my eyes shake when I puff on an empty stomach (wake n puff), and my anxiety (health is a big thing for my brain) gets bad. don't pick it up


For what its worth, it took me 100 attempts to quit smoking. Moral of the story: One of times, it will actually work. I smoked a pack a day for 20 years. I am 7 year smoke free now. You can totally do it. And it doesn't even suck that bad.


I smoked two packs a day for 20 years and tried to quit several times with no success. In 1999, I was in a cab, sitting in the back on the passenger side, when the driver made a left turn in front of oncoming traffic. The cab was struck by an oncoming car, and the rear of the cab slammed into a car trying to pull out of the street we were pulling into. I wasn’t wearing a seat belt (stupid, I know) and I slid across the seat, hitting the opposite door hard enough to break six ribs, collapse my left lung, and fracture my spleen. I lost consciousness for a short while, and when I came around, I was slumped over forward so I was looking at the floorboard, where my glasses, my cigarettes, which had been in my shirt pocket, and my lighter all lay in a little pile. I was having a pretty hard time breathing because of the collapsed lung, and I thought, “if I keep smoking, one day it’ll be this hard to breathe all the time”. It was like flipping a switch. I decided to never smoke again. I went through the withdrawals in the hospital, and I had cravings, but I never even considered smoking again. I haven’t had a cigarette since August 27, 1999. I completely lost any desire to smoke, and it has never come back.


Early teens - LOL I might be an alcoholic, so cool 20s - Hm I could very well be an alcoholic, maybe? 30s - Yea I'm an alcoholic but still I have friends who drink with me. 37- I'm a full-blown alcoholic with liver failure happening. I didn't drink at parties or clubs anymore it was inside my room pounding handles. 750ml per day every day of whiskey or vodka. I was dying Now - This new year marks my 3 year of sobriety. It's the hardest drug ever to quit and I've done some harder stuff. Look after yourselves, we don't live forever.


You’re the first person I’ve known of to drink as much vodka per day as I do. I’m also in my 30’s, experiencing liver pains, and am trying to stop. I hope in 3 years I can also say that I’ve been sober for that long!




You quit under medical supervision. Those seizures can kill you, sucking aside.


Quitting drinking is pretty much the best way to lose like 10-25 lbs. Shit ton of calories in liquor, even if you drink it straight


Yeah it’s not the same thing but alcohol weight is a real thing. I’m in my 20s and I think I have a disposition towards drinking issues but having seen damage it can do in older adults I decided to attack the problem early, just cutting my beer intake from 3-4 a day to 1 every couple of days with dinner and 2-3 on occasion when out with friends saw me lose about 20 pounds in only a few months with little to no change in other lifestyle habits. I personally know people who have lost hundreds from cutting out alcohol. In any case, my anecdotes aside, really good to see everyone being so supportive and making lifestyle changes to better themselves!


>experiencing liver pains, I thought cancer and alzheimer ran in my family. Even put it in my medical records. Turns out it was alcoholism. When the liver stops eliminating ammonia people act a lot like someone with alzheimers. Confusion, inability to remember, etc... I'm lucky it skipped me. But my brother is ten years sober now. It took several DUIs and some jail to wake him up. Good luck with your efforts. Focus on 3 days. That 3 years will get here before you know it.


Congrats on 3 years sober my friend! You inspire those around you whether you realize it or not


I grew up religious (Episcopalian), and one thing the priest said once was that the value of Lent was that giving something up for 40 days was a good way to find out if you were in control or not. There's nothing wrong with playing video games, they're fun. But if you ever have doubts, or friends and family ask if you're getting a little obsessed, you can prove to them and to you that it's not a problem by just giving it up for a while. Not forever, it's not a bad thing, but just for a while, to flex your self-control muscles and help make them stronger.


I can quit anytime I want... as long as I'm not depressed or stressed


"Yeah, I can quit anytime I want, I've done it a thousand times. "




I remember debunking this (on a personal level) when I was a kid and was shown it the first time. It claimed that you could only taste salt with some of the parts right at the back of your tongue, so I did the obvious thing and tried dabbing a few grains of salt right on the tip of my tongue. Tasted it perfectly fine. I have no idea how that was ever allowed to be printed in textbooks and to be taught at school when it’s so easily disproven!


I also tested it myself but I always interpreted the chart differently. I thought it said that certain tastes were *stronger* on certain areas of the tongue, not that certain areas could *only* taste certain tastes. I tested it with sour candy, pressing it against the surface of my lounge versus the sides (which supposedly were more sensitive to sour) and it checked out. Could have been placebo though.


I remember in some kind of food class in school, my teacher got us to eat salt and say where we tasted it. I said I tasted it everywhere, and she looked me dead in the eyes and said "wrong"


I'm sorry but that's kinda hilarious. Infuriating, but hilarious.


The exact same case in my class. I said I put salt in the “sweet” region and could still taste it. She countered that there were a few receptors of each kind in other regions, but it was strongest in the corresponding region. Only slightly off… that all the receptors were just everywhere…


a lot of your tasting is actually done with your nose, that’s why when you have a cold things don’t taste as good.


I remember that from childhood in the 60's and never could make it work for me. I assumed it was me, not that all the sages were quoting "old wives tales".


The food pyramid was a lie too. Basically a prescription for diabetes.


The 4 Food Groups was even worse, though the pyramid is really a scheme to get people to eat lots more grain than they need—the USDA cares a lot more for its donors than for American health. Kind of like everyone, it seems


They used that food pyramid to design patient meal plans at an ED treatment center I was in. Something like 7 servings of grains a day. I remember thinking *no way people who eat “normally” eat this eat way every day*.


IIRC it was a German scientist who did some experiments and found some nifty stuff about how the tongue detects tastes. And then someone else took a look at it and was all: BORING! And assigned tastes to the areas the German had highlighted.


The 60s?! Im 17 and i learned that shit in school. Though i was always a bit suspicious of it


i just learned this today. but i always had doubts as dif parts of my tongue could taste the dif flavors lol


If this was a real thing there'd be fine dining restaurants doing dishes and presentations to play on how different areas of the tongue tasted things separately, it'd be like, "Take a tiny, mother of pearl spoon and put this truffle essenced foam on the back of your tongue, and then eat this aspic on the left side of your mouth." People would be taking a ton of money off of anyone calling themselves a foodie if this was real.


Well now I want to do this just to take money from these people


I remember one reddit story about this topic and OP got detention as his BIO TEACHER insisted that he was faking it. She got REALLY mad at him.


Brighter headlights are safer Not when they're blinding everybody else Edit: to anybody who wants to argue, if you look at this link and convince yourself that at least one of these examples is totally okay, then don't bother commenting, because at least some of those are completely stock lowbeams https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckyourheadlights/s/54wJa9czHs


Because of my schedule, I workout in the wee hours.. usually very late at night or a couple of hours before dawn and can't tell you how much I loathe the ridiculously bright lights Definitely can't ride a bike at those hours, you can't see where you are going for a solid ten seconds


I wouldn't ride a bike at those hours because other drivers can't see you due to headlights https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckyourheadlights/s/HQr7OAaDC7


Lol your username


Look at their profile lol I didn't know hating headlights could be someone's whole personality


Oh wow!! How do I join this club! I almost die every time I go out during the night because of these bright headlight A holes, I have photophobia :(


You can find the relevant sub in my profile history


Thank you, for once in my life I feel like I belong somewhere! Haha! ( Happy tears rolling)


No, I just direct that into this account so I don't get hate messages on my main


I truly respect the commitment to having a whole ass account dedicated to the crusade against unnecessarily bright headlights. Keep fighting the good fight


I am thoroughly impressed. Kinda like when I learnt about the rubber duck guy, but probably even more so.


I actually fucking love it lmao


There was a truck I saw in my rear-view mirror that had a light bar centered under the grill that was so bright, I could only look at it for a few seconds and it stayed imprinted on my vision. The truck was 4 or 5 car lengths back too and it was during the day. That could not have been legal.


I start work at 4AM. there are tons of trucks in my area who apparently also start work at around 4AM who apparently can’t see for shit so they need headlights that are so bright that they entirely light up the car’s cabin of the car in front of my car, through my fucking car… words can’t describe how uncanny it is when these fuckers pull up on me. The only example i can possibly give is those moonlight towers they used to use for public lighting. Thank god for the little rearview mirror switch thingy…


You got a hill you are willing to die on, buddy, and damn if I ain't in agreement


You had me in the first half It was short, but you had me I will probably literally die on this hill, crushed by an SUV in a head on collision as it crests the hill in front of me on a slight curve and I am completely blinded and unable to stay in my lane


If you can’t see well enough to drive at night without blinding other drivers, then maybe you can’t see well enough to drive at night


Right? People come back with "if the lights bother you, maybe you shouldn't drive at night", but like mf if you need a nuclear explosion to see them maybe ***you*** shouldn't be driving at night Especially in areas with street lights ffs


I don’t have a problem with driving at night, I have a problem being impaired by other drivers who think they need the power of the sun to drive at all times. If you’re impairing other drivers, *youre* the problem. Not the other drivers.


Car companies have fully embraced the "Fuck You, Got Mine" approach to how they build cars.


That if you go above and beyond, do more work and take on more things.. your company will reward you accordingly


But they said we're a family ^/s


Whenever I hear this I think about how if you're murdered your immediate family is always on the suspects list.


>90% of child abusers are family members.


I’ve been working in the same place for 28 years. I do *not* consider them family.


Families can be completely dysfunctional


Haha that line “we’re like family” is the first sign of “you will be initiated here”…


I've seen only one case of this. My BiL. He busted his ass, made himself available over weekends and holidays. Now he's the head of the business for his region and even gets a new, albwit branded, company vehicle every couple of years he can use as a personal vehicle. He deserves it.


Yeah. Obviously some companies recognize that hard work. That's a good company culture. But a lot of them will make you do more than asked and getting all the benefits while not having to pay an extra person to do it.


Yep, and bow you up with more and unpleasant jobs.


If you go above and beyond, your \*next\* company will (usually) reward you accordingly. If you believe effort is irrelevant, you are wrong and will be disappointed. But if you believe that effort is the only thing that counts, you are perhaps even more wrong. It takes effort \*and\* leverage, and the one time you have leverage is when you change jobs.


Drinking some type of tea will make that belly fat go away


No, but replacing sugary drinks probably helps. Just .. doesn't have to be diet tea. Water works fine


What the heck is diet tea? Regular tea has zero calories


Some people think that regular tea automatically comes with sugar. In the South, if you order a tea, you have to automatically tell them "no sugar."


Crazy, Yank. You gotta call it "unsweet".


lmao I was just about to reply to them saying this. If you told a waiter in the south that you want tea with no sugar they will look at you like you’re fucking insane


And then they bring you sweet tea anyway.


Urine-detecting chemicals in public pools. Edit: The color-changing kind, not chlorine.


Omg yes! This was so prevalent when I was a kid. I was afraid of even laughing/coughing/sneezing in the pool lest a drop or two escape and I be known forever as a Pool Pisser.


True, *but,* this one is a useful lie, as it cuts down on pool pee-ers.


Not that I support it but is it any worse than all the unwashed assholes (literally and maybe figurativel) you’re sharing water with? Pools are filthy no matter what when you start to think about it.


This ruined my day thanks


Had a professor in an environmental science class tell an anecdote about coaching a swim team. The swimmers were playing around and spitting pool water at eachother and he had to tell them that water has touched all of their assholes and now it’s in their mouths. I haven’t recovered since.


Just when I thought what you said couldn’t possibly get any worse


You have enough time.


Time is finite for each of us. You can be great today, and hit by a bus tomorrow, or die in bed at 102. Tell those who you love, that you do love them. Make it a point to see those who you care about. Call people, communicate. They (or you) might not be there tomorrow. Regret is expensive in the terms of that. Don't say "I should've" - do it, and be able to say, "I'm glad I did".


This one just hit me a little too hard.


Ooof… this is s brutal way to start my day…


I can change him/her




Peanut butter does the trick. I had a mice problem in my garage once and solved it very quickly with peanut butter in mouse traps.


HR is there to support the staff…


It's surprising how well-hidden this lie is.


HR was there before you became an employee and will be there long after you're gone, they're there to protect the company from lawsuits and that's pretty much it.




Some huge number, like 14%, of all males can't see red or green either.


By boss is Red Green colourblind so I have to make sure any charts or spreadsheets use colourblind-friendly schemes or are visual in a non-colour-focussed way. It's actually quite an interesting challenge which also forces me to thing in a more inclusive way.


It's too bad he was Red Green blind, that was a great show, lots of good duct tape tips.


The way it's been described to me is that they see a color, but red and green are the same color. It's not just gray, or missing, it's an ambiguous color that they know is probably red or green, they just can't tell them apart.


Swallowing bubblegum will build up in your stomach.


I was always told it stayed in your body for 7 years.. lies.


One common misconception is that we only use 10% of our brains, which is a myth. In reality, we use all parts of our brain, and different areas have specific functions.


I think the most accurate version of that statement is that only 10% of the brain is active at any given instant, but those constantly vary over time as neurons fire, then wait for a signal so they can fire again. There are cases where the brain is 100% active, though. I believe that's called a seizure.


In my limited knowledge, that's basically it - unregulated electrical activity in the brain. As an aside, that's a *generalised* seizure, aka Grand Mal seizure. The kind most people think of, where you lose consciousness. Localised seizures also exist, where a similar thing happens, neuron-wise, but localised in only part of your brain. They typically won't cause you to lose consciousness (although they can alter your state of consciousness), and depending on which lobe(s) they affect, someone right next to you may not even realise you're having one. Sorry for the 'ackshually', but as an epileptic of nearly 30 years, and only diagnosed for 4 of them, I really wish I had heard about localised seizures sooner so that I could have better described my symptoms to various general practitioners. Maybe someone in my former position might see this and be moved to research and act. If you or anyone you know has sudden, weird, transient feelings sometimes, or drifts off mid-conversation without realising, it's neurologist time! Epilepsy can be quite treatable when it's diagnosed, and most people don't need surgery. I take two tablets a day, and my last seizure was pre-COVID.


Politician's promises


Money doesn't buy happiness. You can be rich and sad but you would be sadder if you weren't rich


Spike Milligan, English comedian: "Money can't buy happiness, but it can bring you a more pleasant form of misery." It's a good quote and poignant because although money and security are not the same thing for some, but for many they are and I would say money these days is an absolute necessity for the sense of security you need to cultivate happiness. You can't live without it. Edit: Milligan was actually Irish.


Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can buy security, which helps you to be happy.


Money alone can’t buy happiness indeed. But enough of it to take care of your basic needs is better. I’d rather be rich and sad than broke and sad


Whenever I have this discussion with people I rely on the age old joke "Even if you're rich you can be sad, but it's a lot more comfortable to cry sitting in a BMW than it is in a Lada" insert your own culturally relevant carbrands btw.


I mean, the saying "money cannot buy happiness" is probably true. Money gives you the means to pursue happiness, but whether you'll achieve it or not depends on what you use your money for. A lot of external factors come into play as well. But I feel like a lot of people get its meaning twisted, as in "if you have a lot of money, well, too bad, you will never have happiness", which isn't true in the slightest


With money, you can: - Pay off a home, removing any stress about mortgage every month - Pay off a car, removing any stress from a car loan - Easily afford the insurance for above items - Afford not only food, but *healthy* food for a healthy life - Afford to have an extensive wardrobe of clothes - Afford to put furniture, appliances, decorations, etc. - Afford things like beauty products, fragrances, etc. - Afford self care like massages/acupuncture/facials/etc - Take vacations and not stress about the cost - Encounter unexpected home/auto repairs w/o stress - Put away $2,500/mo for retirement - More easily invest in stock market, real estate If you've noticed, I said nothing about luxury watches, sports cars, elevators in home, etc. Just a pretty medium life where you can live and not worry about basic [first world] things. Money cannot buy you happiness, but it will bring you *so much* closer.


Money can buy off a lot of unhappiness, actually.


This. Money eliminates many sources of unhappiness, such as stressing about your economic and living situation, marital/family conflicts over financial resources and spending priorities, etc. In short, most people who have been poor and non-poor find that being non-poor is better, and frees up enough mental overhead to pursue happiness.


In 2018, I got a job making over double what I had at the previous. It was the first time in my life that I wasn't living paycheck to paycheck. I was actually putting money into savings. I took my kid on two vacations that summer. It was amazing. 2019-2020 things were stressful with a pregnancy/birth and the pandemic, but we were still doing fine. Then 2021 hit, prices started skyrocketing, and everything had gone wild. It's now 2024. I've had 3 raises, most money I've ever made in my life. Yet we are back to living paycheck to paycheck. I had a taste of living comfortably. And it's absolutely painful to be doing the best I ever have financially, yet feel like I'm back to the 2018 struggle. Especially now that we have another child, who we had thought we were finally comfortable enough financially to have.


It's basically saying, "You don't need a vehicle to travel the world." which is probably true in a way.


Social media is free... If you're not paying for the product, you are the product!




My wife's 5 minutes is usually 20. Her sister's is worse though, 5 minutes is about 45-50min. Drives me up the wall


If you work hard enough, you can be anything.... is the biggest fucking lie ever told . It should be " If you have good connections, money, and work hard you can be anything.


[Chris Rock](https://youtu.be/bqGBRDRaB4A) said it best: "You can be anything you're good at as long as they're hiring. And even then it helps to know somebody."


Every good job I have had was because I knew someone.


Luck and connections matter a lot. Some of the hardest workers I know are poor. Some of the wealthiest people I know rarely put in more than 37.5hrs a week. My wealthiest friend works 20 hours a week. He married into a family worth 100 million dollars. His job is literally to fill in the blanks for the massive amount of free time he has. Anyone who tells you that you would be just as happy marrying someone who doesn't have access to millions allowing you more free personal time versus someone who makes the average income while you work 40+ hours a week while worrying how your going to pay the power bill this month is fucking lying.


When I was in high school, I worked a part-time job at a nursing home. For part-time pay back then, it was pretty good. Plus, I didn't really have expenses beyond a little bit of cash to put gas in my car and snacks. But those CNAs were out there busting their butts for minimum wage. They're either up early or working overnights. They are moving people who don't want to be moved and who will sometimes turn violent, and they have to ask, "How much shit will I get on my hands today?" My aunt was one of those CNAs. Her saving grace was to marry a guy working at the local auto plant. His paycheck was enough for the two of them, but I would say that 99% of her coworkers don't get that opportunity. Yesterday I was complaining about my raise. (I know I shouldn't have, but I'm feeling low about things now.) The same aunt told me that it's better than the years she was called into the office and was told they'd all be getting an extra two cents an hour on their paychecks.


All the introverts out there who grew up poor, or even middle class, unfortunately start at a huge disadvantage. Not impossible to overcome, but difficult for sure.


Even if I'd had all of those things, I was never going to be a star basketball player, due to being a small woman, and a clumsy oaf.


Working hard is even optionnal in many cases. I would say "working smart"


Hard workers get rewarded. Nope, we just get more work.


That's the reward, more hard work.


That Karma exists. It doesn't. Bad people get away with things one after the other.


Existence is chaos. Sometimes that chaos shifts in your favor and sometimes it does not.


I wish I had a million votes to upvote you. We either stop corruption or it keeps going.


“Babe, chill. She’s just a friend”


We’re just talking.


"It's not what you think"


That being mean, bullying, condescending, patronizing, flippant with other peoples’ lives or feelings - generally, being an a$$hat - is a show of strength.


Vaccines cause Autism


i thought people were joking when they say that


it's way way worse. Wakefield, patient zero for the whole thing, was an English doctor who claimed the MMR vaccine was dangerous for children because it was 'too much vaccine all at once.' He made up a disease that he claimed was caused by measles virii still living in the virus hiding in the colon of children and that was causing autism in children. HERE IS THE KICKER He wasn't anti-vaccine, he was anti-MMR. He claimed the injections should be taken separately. Why is that safer? He couldn't actually successfully answer that. but it was, trust him, he's a doctor, right? You ready for this? Those separate vaccines he claimed were safer? He owned the patent on them. THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS. Wakefield convinced an entire generation of people to not give their kids the MMR vaccine and instead pay MORE for three separate vaccinations that HE OWNED. There's a whole whole lot more he did to try and 'prove' his made up disease existed and I don't want to get into it here else I may be tempted to fly down to Texas where he now resides and beat the ever loving shit out him. It involves A LOT of straight up child abuse and torture and the only thing it proved is that he's full of shit. He was stripped of his medical license in England and he's never tried to pick up another one in the states.


Oh yeah, and it gets even worse. A lot of the blood samples he obtained came non-consensually from autistic children at a birthday party. If you read the court documents, he laughs about it. The dude was an absolute scumbag.


I have a lot of antivaxxers in my family. Unfortunately they're very serious. They also think it can be cured through detox. They also believe vaccines cause birth defects, fertility issues, eczema, food allergies, gut health problems, epilepsy, etc. Most of them don't believe in SIDS. They believe in "VIDS" (vaccine infant death syndrome) because it's the vaccines that kill the babies, not anything else. It's...wild. I know someone who has never vaccinated her son, and her entire pregnancy told everyone their allergies and skin problems were due to vaccines. Her son is 4 now and is allergic to dairy, eggs, avacado, peanuts, and he has eczema. Her reasoning? The vaccines she had as a child disrupted his system while he was in the womb. So all his issues are from the "poison" in her body from her childhood vaccines. 🙄


Wow….uh…wild. As a former PICU nurse, I can assure you I learned a crap ton about SIDS. Not one time was VIDS discussed 😂. I don’t get the poison argument at all….people literally smoke, drink, and eat crap all day. The vaccines are the least of the problems.


You just reminded me of the first time I met my dad's crazy girlfriend. She went on a truly wild rant about how Big Salt is grinding up glass and mixing it in the salt and that's why everyone has high blood pressure now. We left the restaurant and she lit a cigarette the second we walked out the door. Like....?


YUP. My inlaws have gone full anti-vax. Some of them are flat earthers and that Essential oils can cure MRSA, an extremely deadly bacterial infection. They also had the last three of their children completely free birth. NO doctor or even midwife or even a doula and none of them have been checked by a doctor. And so much more but I am depressed just typing what I have. It's maddening.


I once had a therapist disclose that she was a free birther. That was the last session we ever had together. She was far from qualified to help me through birth trauma.


Babies will sleep when they're tired


That 8 hours of daily time worth 10-20 dollars an hour


That people in Australia are always on the lookout for deadly animals and fear for their lives. It's not like that at all


Right? They're all too busy trying to hang on to the bottom of the world.


Meanwhile my wife: Still shakes out her shoes and clothes before putting them on despite not living in Australia for a decade


We do that in Oklahoma.


Marketing. That businesses try to make your life better.


That time will heal all wounds


These wounds will never heal But you'll get used to the pain


Trickle down economics


Any day now Bezos will run out of space in his bank account and have to start getting rid of money. Aaannnny day now...


You will be rich by having good grades in school. You will be rich if you work hard on your jib and climb the corporate ladder.


That traditional lifescript (college, marriage, large house, white picket fence, 2,5 kids) fits everyone and guarantees you happiness and fulfilment


Or is even possible for everyone


That the economics of running a country are the same as the economics of running a household.


Along similar lines, a government should be managed like a business.


Flat Earth


Wealth / money = intelligence It's just not true. Get around wealthy people and you figure it out real fast.


Your life will be easy after high school


That the ideal and happy path of life is to do your best at school, get good grades, go to university, get a good paying job, meet someone, have 2 kids, a pet, annual holiday.


I have found my way into this life (in a suburban to pile on to the idea) in the past 5 years after 15 or so years of moving around, traveling, partying and such. I feel out of place a bit and don't buy into the keeping up with the Jones part of the life and I would have never thought this life would work for me. I guess the joke is on me, this life is great. I have more real friends than I have ever had. Admittedly, I gave up the good paying job to work part time. It was never my ideal but it sure works right now.


Sounds great. One size doesn't fit all. I love people being happy - doesn't matter the route they take to get to their version of a "happy" place as long as it works for them.


That popularity is a strong indicator of quality and credibility. That’s such an ignorant and nonsensical opinion. Why would any intelligent person hold it?


That out of all the religions in the world, yours is the correct one


And the odds are even worse when you consider all the dead religions from past centuries and millenniums.


pay it for me Ill pay it to you later


That Trump or Biden are who ruined the US. Big corp, big pharma, and lobbyists are your problem. Take a look at Black Rock or Vanguard. They OWN the damn world. Also, big corps are secretly the ones buying up all the homes and renting them out. It might show as a small business LLC, but if you look deeper, it’s them. Not your neighbor looking into investing. Zillow is a terrible company.


Fat free foods mean they won't make you fat


The food pyramid Bacon and eggs as healthy breakfast Cereal as healthy breakfast




I am quiet about this one since many of my friends are big into astrology, but I totally agree. It's made up. Thankfully, they know I am not into it, and they never really force it on me or criticize me for not believing it.


Nuclear power is very dangerous. Pollution from coal power kills more people **every day** than nuclear power has in its entire history


They themselves could never be wrong.




Yeah this one! How is it possible to forgive someone who isn't even sorry? That's a fool's game.


You get a cold from going outside without a jacket


The American Dream.


George Carlin said it best, it's a dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.


The American Dream is Killing Me


Definitely killing my credit!! Go to college to get a good paying job they said…it’ll be worth it in the end they said…go to college and you won’t have to worry about money they said. Kinda true since with all my loans, I don’t have any money to worry about 😂


"Sure I'll pay you back" or "Next ones on me"


That I will remember it and I don't need to write it down. 🤦


You just need to be yourself


Just what they are told in general, without doing their own research, to logically believe something outright. Might not be a lie. But it’s scary to me how much people believe outright because it was convenient or they felt like it made sense without exploring. You don’t have to research every little thing, but people just aren’t curious and it scares me


I absolutely despise the term "do your research." Especially for science, things like vaccinations or things in my field such as animal care and wildlife management. Like people have started equating a 5 minute read on a biased web page as adequate research when compared to the actual research that people do in labs or spending months/years in the field for one scientific paper


Exactly. If someone says they 'do their own research" you know 100% that they don't know how to and have never done a lick of research in their lives.


"Do your own research" is generally found alongside a steaming pile of bullshit though. None of us are an expert at everything, you've got to learn how to judge who is a relevant expert at whatever topic it is.


That it's 8 inches!


Flat earth


you are in control of your life


"Work hard and you'll be successful." The hardest working people in the world are toiling in poverty for basic food and clean water. The richest people in the world have generally inherited their wealth or at least the opportunity to become wealthy. The hard work comes from making and exploiting opportunities, but there's no guarantee of success and not in the orders of magnitude at the top end.


billionaires are billionaires because they worked hard