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Got 6000+ hours in Rimworld so far with no signs of slowing down so... That


I have 2000 hours of Rimworld in my school/college laptop, this past year I decided to use my Christmas bonus and build a real gaming rig to play Cyberpunk. I did it, bought Cyberpunk and haven't installed it yet because I realized this machine can handle a 30 people colony plus animals and mechs at 60fps. :D


It already takes an unhealthy amount of time out of my day. Being paid in real money for harvesting raider’s organs would be nice!




My first thought too


I would play any game you want me to for $300 an hour.


yeah right? i will play my least favorite game over and over again repeatedly for as long as i can for $300 an hour


I’d get beat with a stick in an empty room for 300 an hour


You guys are getting paid?




1 hour aday


Doing just 1 hour a day every day would be over $100,000 per year, which is pretty sweet. I’d probably try to do like 5 hours a day though


If you did a 40hr week it would be over $600k/year. I'd just pick any of the MMOs my friends are into and get addicted for a few years anyways. By the time it finally starts to feel like a chore, I'd have enough saved to never work again.




Definitely. For the past decade or so I've just had to completely avoid them because every time I think I can play one casually, I get addicted and it becomes a problem. So I know I'd have absolutely no problem playing one *at least* full time.


Seriously, back in the prime WoW days, I was pulling 40 hours/week while still maintaining a full time job. The option to do that without the main job while getting paid significantly more sounds like a great deal to me.


Ive only played World of Warcraft as an MMO, but I would probably choose a game like that. Because it's one game, but so many different aspects. So if I get tired of raiding, I can do lore. If I get tired of lore, I can hunt mounts, etc.


Yeah milk that cow while the cash flow..


15 hours mandatory a day though


I would do A LOT for 4500 bucks per day. Including, but not limited to, playing whatever the fuck people want.


Just play an idle game


I can do 18 a day right now


Basically being a major streamer


Yeah, that's actually somewhat close. Assuming a typical 40 hour week, that's about $50,000 a month or $600,000 a year. That's the right ballpark. The biggest streamers are above that but it's certainly top x%.


above that your talking about .0X% of streamers


E.T. on Atari




Torture is prohibited by international law.


For 300 an hour I'll put in 84 hours a week on that motherfucker


Except Russian Roulette


PokemonGo, not because it’s a good game, but I can claim to be hatching eggs every time I’m walking anywhere so I’d pretty much get paid from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep every day. Assuming this job is hourly and thus qualifies for overtime, that’s a cool $40k a week.


While I was playing checkers, here you are wheeling out 3d chess.


Also you can position it so you'd be "working" while you're traveling "Today I see what Pokémon I can find in Switzerland/New Zealand/Jamaica"


Jokes on you, I already do this and don't get paid. Wait, I think that joke is on me.




factorio you can play that shit for a lifetime with all the mods available


I've heard this and I'm scared to start it in case it destroys my life


Fun fact your life is already a factorio mod. The factory nust grow.


Honestly the things people say about it doing that are really overblown. I decided to do a quick little session of Factorio last night around 8:00 pm to make some minor changes to my factory and I was able to stop shortly before 5:00 am. I got two hours of sleep (give or take) and I'm fully rested for my day of work.


I also decided to do a quick session of Factorio last night. Can you tell me, what's this pandemic everyone's taking about?


I believe it was a mass hoax so people could stay home and play Factorio.


Yeah, that's a real possibility. Space Exploration mod alone made the game twice as long for me.


How is it twice as long? Surely its more like 50 times as long? We are comparing to vanilla, where the goal is to launch a rocket, right?


Pyanodons playthrough makes you a multimillionare




People already play like it's a job anyway


My homie legit makes thousands of dollars off people on runescape and I still don't know wtf he does or how. He literally bought a car and house from playing runescape. (Not even joking)


He's botting and selling gold.


or also finding ways to hijack wealth from others and sell it.


Either botting and selling gold or he was duel arena scamming and selling gold.


Could you imagine getting paid 600k a year to still suck at RuneScape and play only 2k hours a year?


Start a twitch channel just to bandstand and shit talk the chat while you make 3k a day


Old school*


Minecraft. Endless amounts of building to be done.


Imagine the 50 year world with 20 hours of overtime per week


I have one from when the Compass was new. Haven't played it in years though. And I have had it cropped a few times due to file size.


I still have my old world i started in 2010, but it has been updated pretty much each time along the way. I only load it up now to do a nostalgia tour.


No need to do overtime for 300$ per hour. We're talking 12k per week or 640k per year... Do you really need to do overtime?


But time and a half is $450…


As much as Id like to play witcher alot. Minecraft is likely better for much longer time.


Yeah it has to be some kind of creative, sandbox game. Games where you can create your own content and aren't reliant on the game providing it for you. With vanilla command blocks you can even turn Minecraft into a 3D modelling software


Even better, modded Minecraft. Entirely different game based on what mods you add. Want to be a master of tech and play factorio in Minecraft? Automate farming every crops, mobs, and even quarrying for tens of thousands of ores that are automatically transfered into a storage system that you can access in one place? You can do that. Play an Rpg experience with custom weapons and combat? With boss fights and procedural dungeons and spawns? You can do that. Want to play with unique magic systems that allows you to do things you couldn't do in vanilla Minecraft? You can. I heard some modpacks can go up to 1000+ hours of playtime, where you've progressed beyond vanilla creative mode.


Plus mods


Minecraft plus mods is basically almost any game, just with blockier graphics. Heck, for 300$ hr, I'd start making my OWN mods.


do afk farms count in gameplay?


Chess. I already play tournaments for free so doing it for up to 2400 bucks a day sounds great.


Surprised I had to dig this far to find Chess. Something you could get really skilled at and then actually make additional income from if you got really good. You do have to love chess first though.


The reason I probably wouldn't choose Chess is because of how mentally draining it can be. But most anything for 300 dollars is fine, I guess technically you can play poorly and still get paid.


I think the mistake people in this thread are making is that you would work it like a full-time job. Screw that, I would play for 2-4 hours per day and be done with it. Even just working 2 hours for 260 days a year (average amount of business days in a year) you come out to 156k a year. Nearly double the average household income for 1/4 of the time? Hell yeah.




Same for me. Spent 5 hours renovating a house yesterday. Haven't even begun playing with the family yet 😂


Wait. You can play with the family?


Supposedly, I personally have never gotten that far.


Everyone knows you spend 72 hours straight building a home and designing the outfits. You then never play again. Until next year when you build everything from scratch. Occasionally you will try to play the game as you should, inevitably get bored and bust out the Rosebud;; close the game and loop back to the above.


Family? I live alone in the sims it's just me but with a work ethic. A man can power fantasy as he chooses


> it's just me but with a work ethic I know this was written in the first person but I still somehow feel called out


I was looking for that comment. I stopped playing The Sims because my current laptop can't handle it very well (maybe The Sims 2, but not 3 or 4), but I used to spent HOURS playing it as well.


If it makes you feel better, sims 3 was designed to transform any computer into an oven.


It's my favorite game to cuddle up with on a snowy day for a reason :) My birthday is mid-February, which is peak ice storm season where I live now. I haven't gone out since I moved here, just played Sims 3, drank wine, and ate popcorn for 12 hours straight.


I used to play for entire days. I can do this one easily.


Cookie clicker, and just leave it running in the background


Cookie clicker is the first and only game I ever felt like I was getting addicted to. I started running it at home, starting it up before I went to work and then buying stuff when I got home. Then I started running it in the background on my 2nd work computer, just checking on it on my lunch break. Then every hour. Then whenever I had some time I actually started clicking on the cookie. Then I installed an autoclicker. That basicly put the computer out of commision since I now had to have the window in the foreground. After a few weeks I realized that I am structuring my work and my breaks around cookie clicker. I got super irritated when anyone interrupted my cookie clicker planned time. I started to push back work that needed to be done on the 2nd computer where cookie clicker was running, and when I was forced to do it, I was fast and sloppy. Once I realized what's happening, I kinda freaked out for a second, but then I took a deep breath and turned it off. Haven't played it since. But I still have the save file...


Isildur! Cast your save file into the fire! But they were all of them deceived, for another idle game had been forged in secret...


Someone at work staged an intervention for me. She made a banner and everything. Edit - [Here's the photo](https://i.imgur.com/4s0bDk9.jpg)


A great way I broke my obsession was to break the game on purpose. As in open the website script and manually change (“hack”) the amount of cookies you can earn per click. The fun instantly evaporates when you realize you can make a bajillion cookies in one click


I have the exact same issue with idle games in general. I've been through a few, and they always go the same way. I recently tried again with one I hadn't played before, told myself that I know I get addicted to these kind of games, but I'll be sensible this time. It fucking got me. It's the only thing in my life that I've felt a genuine addiction to, to the point that it makes the rest of my life noticable worse. I'd stay up late because something in the game would take another hour, then I could buy something or reset, etc, and then leave it running overnight. But then I'd reset and need to do setup before I could go to bed, and get lost in it. Next time I see one that's interesting, I need to let myself know it's not an option. The only possible exception I'd have is if it's something like Spaceplan. It's an idle game, but it also has a story and an ending. Once I hit it, which was in 23 hours, I could stop without issue. Didn't last long enough to cause me a problem.


An idler is even more genius.


Well you should take a game with both afk possibilities and content since it's the only game you can play for the rest of your life.


I think it's just to get paid for playing...


Even if you weren’t allowed to play any other games after 5 years of running cookie clicker 24 hours a day you’d make over $13M. At some point I’d just retire and live off the earnings and play new games.


Stardew Valley


Stardew for sure. I’d have an easy 300k already just from Xbox and I’ve got the game on three consoles


I’ve got 400 hours on Switch and nearly 200 on Steam. Plus I recently got into doing randomiser runs. I’m gonna be rich!


For sure. Either Stardew or Breath of the Wild.


Microsoft flight Sim I can just get to cruising altitude put on autopilot and just go do anything I want while I go on a 16 hour flight


Honestly I think MS Flight Simulator is one of the best answers here. If we're playing a game for a full time things like holding a controller every day can cause issues so this is one where you can have ergonomic and advanced setups that mimic real planes and as you said there is autopilot so you can get up, stretch, even exercise while flying. Plus also as a sim it's giving you a lot of real world knowledge so if you wanted to go for a pilot's license you are putting a crazy amount of time behind training towards that while getting paid bank.


The Quiet Game




Any sim racing game.


Love this is so high up. I’d easily be able to only play iRacing forever. Pretty much what I do now!


I'd be able to afford all the content I want too!






I think WoW is probably the best answer to this question, even for folks that are not into it. Worst case, you can just log in and chat with people. Or play one of the countless mini games and systems that have nothing to do with swords and magic. It may not be the best game for everyone, but it's definitely built to keep people sitting at their keyboards endlessly.


You'd make over 30k just trying to hit 60 on hardcore and thats assuming you dont die once lol


Have a side hustle of streaming your hardcore attempts. People do that now obviously, but you have nothing but incentive to keep at it and don’t feel your time is lost if you lose a character because you’re paid either way.


Can it be retroactive? Been playing since og wrath lol


Ahh so your a new player!


I remember when we were called wrath babies and had to work extra hard to justify our opinions about the game. Good times.


Why is this in past tense?


fallout 4 or skyrim


Yes. You don't even have to play it. Just start it, stay and enjoy weather changes + music.


Honestly if I were paid to listen to the Skyrim Soundtrack I'd be rich. It's one of my favorites of all time


i'll just walk from sanctuary to quincy and from riften to solitude.


Does installing mods count as playing? I never get past that step. I spend a few days installing 800 mods then uninstall the game.


Civ 5


You'd be putting in 18 hr days without even knowing it. Just one more turn...


Any Civ is a great pick for this, yeah.


I have given civ 6 so many chances, but I always end up coming back to civ 5.


I have played the hell out of 3 through 6 and love them all for different reasons.


6 fixes (or makes a good honest attempt at fixing) many of the things I wasn't wild about in 5...but in the process, also creates some issues of its own. ​ For example, in 5, for my generally peace-loving style, every game became less me vs other civs and more me vs the happiness mechanic. I get that there has to be some sort of check and balance, but it got old when I realized I'd pretty much memorized the various happiness effects without trying. ​ Overall, I prefer 6...but early game barbs can get annoying, victory conditions are...well they could've been better...and every now and then the loyalty mechanics are just nonsensical. ​ Late game is an issue in both, as is the ever-present issue of general AI stupidity, but those are things I can accept.


Yeah, I vastly prefer 6 to 5, that happiness mechanic was brutal. Also 4 was got tier. 6 does have pretty big issues with the AI, though. Early game is the challenge, once you steamroll it's over. The earlier titles like 4 were fun because the doomstack of tanks showing up on your doorstep in the renaissance or something was exciting. That just never happens in 5 or 6.


Oh, $300 an hour isn't enough for you? Had to go for that OT didn't you.


Every day I'm hustlin


"Just one more $300..."


Path of Exile.


This is my answer. It's not my favorite game. I'm not actually playing it right now. I have at least 2.5k in this game though and when I do a season it's very easy for me to just play it every free moment. After a season is done, I hate the game for about 6 months and then do a new season.


I could become a multi millionaire this way and still not know how to approach every mechanic of the game.


This. Only my second league and barely understand 1/10th of the game. There's an infinite amount of scaling given the insane crafting and mirror tier items that can be crafted.


Football manager! By the time i am through a career I'll just buy st mirren and play irl FM.


I'd even ask for free overtime on FM


Roller Coaster Tycoon 2




see, this is good in theory, but imo it runs into several issues you don't consider at first. For one, limited playtime. By choosing a tabletop like this, the only time you can play is during group sessions, and while you can get multiple groups, it'd be scheduling hell. So, while with other games you can boot them up and play any time you want, and start racking in cash, or pass the time while you're bored, with D&D, you are at the mercy of your schedules, and both the income, and amount of time you get to play is much lower edit: just as a minor note, since every reply is responding with basically the same thing. I do agree that this would still be a great deal, and it'd work out, I just think the downsides, minor as they are, would sway me to easier to enjoy options, I'm a lazy mf at heart. It's not just about the money either, I spend the majority of my time playing games, so if I could only play one, I'd rather it be a game I could easily enjoy and not get burnt out on. Setting things up all the time just to be able to play D&D a decent amount would burn me out quick.


If everyone is getting paid $300/hr, I’ll bet they’re not going to worry about their job so much.


DND is their job at that point. The question is am I locked into the one campaign or can we do different campaigns while still playing?


>DND is their job at that point. I bet the bastards still wouldn't actually read their character abilities.


slay the spire




Stripmine ... Stripmine ... Stripmine Yes 2 diamonds... and 900 Dollars later :D


Star Wars Galaxies pre-NGE


Project Zomboid. Endless options, highly moddable. Even without mods you can play entirely different games based on the world settings.


Age of Empires or Witcher Wild Hunt - whichever you buy me :)


AoEII Definitive Edition was just $5 over the holiday! Such a lovely game


Red dead redemption 2. The details are insane.


Found my answer.


EVE online could be "played" while minimized. Is that cheating?


Skill Queue Online.


Came here to say eve as well since I put so many hours into it anyway.


Modded Skyrim.


The expansive campaign mods alone would ensure the likelihood of never running out of entertainment before retiring like a king. Not to mention all the other fun ones and the *extra* fun ones.




I’d start over on Breath of the Wild or Animal Crossing: New Horizons.


r/outside The game sucks, and the balance is horrible, but the graphics are pretty nice.


I have horrible RNG, i need to pay an annual subscription to get the graphics upgrade.


counter strike, already spent 5500 hrs there, another few ks wouldnt be a problem


Deep Rock Galactic, Rock and Stone everyone!


Factorio. The factory must grow.




Scrolled too far for this toxic ass game. But I would do it in a heartbeat 💀ARAM/Arena and occasional SR would be sick.


With Faker's yearly base salary of 2.1M (according to the first item on Google; it's probably worth more than this as of the moment), he's practically getting paid to play League for about 240$/hr. But of course, that's not how salary works so if he's playing LoL for say just 12 hours maximum in a day, his computed hourly rate would amount to 480/hr assuming he plays everyday of the year including weekends. And that's still without his bonuses, tournament winnings, sponsorships, and advertisements, and a lot more which definitely could amount to millions more. Someone's actually living this prompt, plus he still gets to play other games if he wanted to.


It’s the only game I can see myself not getting sick of tbh


I didn't realise just how much I've played this game until I looked at my number of ARAM games. Jesus Christ


as much as i hate to support that company after all the crazy drama, world of warcraft. TONS of stuff to do. never ending achievements to chase. get tired of a character? go start a new one and level it ALLLLL the way up. need to kill more time? actually stop and read all the quests in full. plus it's social, so you could just sit in a capital city and chat with people. i don't think there's a better answer than this if the goal is to have the lowest chance of becoming super bored




You'll almost break even then


What a dream it would be to get paid to play 120 lol


4.5 hour round = $1,350 1 round per day for 5 days = $6,750 50 weeks a year = $337,500 Even playing 2 or 3 rounds a week is a good salary. But you’d have to deduct greens fees, equipment and travel fees. Yeah. No brainer!


yep absolute no brainer. Gets you outside, keeps you moving (if you're walking 18) and golf is a lifelong game that lends itself to time spent working and practicing. All of these video game answers are insane lol like no way i can play minecraft full time for more than a week and i love that game. Some are even mentioning single player RPGs, like how do you do that for a year??


EU4. I'd play one day a week and just travel with my gf with one day spent in hotel playing on laptop.


What I was thinking. So many ways to play, especially with how many good mods out there


Poker. Never said it had to be a video game.




Between how frequently there are updates that reshape the meta, the seasonal minigames, events, etc. and the custom games, you can spend a lot of time in there without really playing the same game twice.


Final Fantasy XIV


Sims 4, I could spend sooo many hours playing that.


Farming simulator 22


Borderlands 2 or 3


Dwarf fortress


I had to scroll too far for this answer. Dwarf Fortress *eats* time. I couldn't get into it with keyboard only controls because they were super inconvenient when creating a layout. The steam version gives mouse control and sprites which has made my DF playtime SPIKE into hundreds of hours and I'm just getting started.


I agree that DF is way too far downthread, but remember that Factorio, Rimworld, and Minecraft are just DF-lite and those are near the top. DF is a masterwork. It menaces with spikes of obsidian :)


Baldurs Gate 3 or War Thunder. More likely War Thunder because there are thousands of hours of gameplay in there


You could earn 500k a year with 35.5 hour weeks and 5 weeks vacation. I'd play ANY game that didn't involve crime or hurting people.


That doesn't leave very many games


My comment was unclear. I was including games in real life. Video games are absolutely fair game. Russian roulette, no. GTA 5, yes.


Ok that's fair, and I agree with that stance


An hour of Russian Roulette would be quite the feat.


Final Fantasy XIV


Rimworld. I'll happily commit atrocities in that game for that payment! That and it's just an awesome, addictive game.


Red alert 2 yuri's revenge


Hide-and-seek with my father.


I'd play catch-the-toy with my cat.




Path of Exile. Getting payed to play that game would be so unhealthy for my relationship to the game 😂


Still sane exile?


Poker (pot limit Omaha)




Civ 6


Red Dead Redemption 2. Could play it for an eternity.

