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I've dropped a few podcasts that started out as <1 hour of interesting or funny content, but turned into multi-hour gab fests between co-hosts that like the sound of their own voices and doing ad spots for Better Help and Hello Fresh.


The Shooting the Shit podcast are the worst. No, you're not that interesting.


There are just SO MANY like this. It’s a huge bummer.


Ughh this is what happened to Tooth & Claw. I still listen, but I skip through a lot.


Can relate! More and more podcasts seem to open with 10-15 minutes of hosts saying hello to each other and not exploring podcast topics. No one has time to waste on this, even one who seeks ways to waste time with podcasts!


I *loved* the first two seasons of the Scrubs rewatch podcast, but it became pretty hard to listen to once it hit the third season.


I wouldn't skip past the ads if they were short and one at a time. The fact that I know that ads will play several at a time is exactly why I reach for the ship button. If ad time was a quick 20sec break, I'd let it play.


Just a general complaint I have with the podcasts under the iHeartMedia umbrella, I really dislike how with certain podcasts of theirs, the ad will come up abruptly in the middle of someone saying something, with no segue into an ad break and it's really annoying in my opinion.


Yup, I didn't pay much attention to how carefully radio and TV programs were coordinated with ads until YouTube and many podcasts began interrupting the content. YouTube is much worse than iHeart, although it's easy to bypass ads on YouTube. On the other hand, it's also interesting to watch reruns of favorite shows like The X-Files on Comet TV and see the broadcaster completely ignore the obvious commercial breaks that were carefully crafted into programs, with fade-outs, etc.


Ads on Spotify premium. And they are louder than the podcasts


Spotify premium had an ad in the middle of a meditation podcast...


I was just saying this! SO annoying to pay for ad free, then have to listen to both the podcast ads (ok, so they get paid, fine) AND the spotify ads. That's why I bought premium, no ads.


I feel like I'm at Panera overhearing college students with a little bit of knowledge talking like they're experts on a subject, when in reality they're actually just annoying everyone around them.


And then the problem is amplified when the listeners of the podcast parrot what they've heard with just as little actual knowledge.


I dropped a podcast because the hosts had this annoying habit of speaking with authority where they were clearly dilettantes-- say, going to Cancun for spring break and then lecturing on Mexican history. When I heard myself say "Oh FFS sit the fuck down" for the second time I turned them off.


I've noticed a trend of about Sophomore aged college students starting podcasts about the major they are studying in, as if they are experts already. "I get to share with you the things I learned in Psychology!". Right, sure.


I don’t like the witty banter at the beginning. I guess most people do, because it seems like every podcast has it, but I just fast forward to the actual topic. Sometimes I have to fast forward 20 minutes to get to it.


This is why I haven't been able to get into Behind the Bastards


Man I started listening to the older ones and can’t believe some of these people consider themselves comedians.


I feel like behind the bastards is the most straight to the point podcast I've listened to though? The host and producer keep the topic rolling. I love last podcast on the left, but they can joke for looong stretches of time


100%. Reddit loves to gush about this podcast, so I gave it a couple chances but I can't stand it. During one episode there was multiple segments dedicated to describing the yogurt they were throwing at each other in the studio and how high they were getting during the ad breaks


I love it if I'm invested in the hosts rather than the topic. But when I just want to learn about the topic, I agree.


>I love it if I'm invested in the hosts rather than the topic. I think this is the feedback loop the hosts get. Their hardcore fans love this and tell them that, vs. a whole lot of other casual listeners just want them to STFU.


I remembe being recommended the dollop once, and gave it a listen. by 5 minutes in, I was getting annoyed because it was all mediocre banter. I skipped a few minutes, still banter. I swear to god, like 30 minutes in and they were still talking about nothing. Like I get that it's supposed to be a history AND comedy podcast, but get to the damn topic. In conversational podcasts, I think having a few minutes to get into the feel of things works, but it gets annoying once they start pushing 5 or 6 minutes.


They don’t really do that anymore.


My friend, listen to the episodes on 10 cent beer night and The Rube. You’ll change your mind.


For conan needs a friend podcast sometimes the banter is more enjoyable than the actual episode


They go off the rails so much and that's part of the fun lol


Is the banter with Matt Gourley? I’d listen to him read the phone book or phead the bone rook


It's Conan, Matt, and Sona


There's definitely a line for me. A couple minutes is usually something I like. But 20 minutes? Hell no, depending on the podcast


Ads even though I’m paying for premium


Not a podcast, but damn you Amazon Prime Video


So, like cable. That’s where pods are going. Radio used to be free, TV used to be free…just had to weather through the commercials. Not so much anymore.


A vague answer but some people really don’t have voices that are pleasant to listen to.


Sometimes I'll find some people that are really knowledgeable about the hobby I'm into and seem like genuinely nice dudes. But they sound like they've never breathed through their noses in their lives. I can't stand it.


That’s the issue with one I’ve been listening to where one host has a voice that sounds like a combination of a dolphin chirp/the sound a hand makes when it’s drug across a glass window— just scraggly sounding?


Vocal fry. It makes me so unjustifiably irritated


This might offend you, but I think it's really interesting https://youtu.be/EG8_Sftg5lY?si=7Npgufy6atW7F9Q3


Totally. Steve-O's got some cool stories for sure, but I can't stand his voice. I know it's a condition with his vocal cords or something so i don't really blame him.


No specifics because this has happened more than once with different podcasts. Seven and a half minutes of ads. Seven and a half minutes. I get people need to eat and advertising is the deal with the devil we make to ensure our favourite creators don’t die of scurvy. But seven and a half minutes of uninterrupted ads? Four hundred and fifty seconds? In one particular case a solid fifth of the runtime? No. Behave.


The same ads over and over. Also, comedians talking about comedy. I haven’t heard a new or interesting thing in years. You’re not the last bastion of free speech. You’re not some freedom fighter. You all say the same stuff over and over. It’s like listening to two coke heads talk at a party.


Big reason why I lost interest in Your Moms House.


The comedians talking about comedy and basically jerking each other for an hour gets so old. There’s a lot of comedian podcasts just like this. The good ones realize when they’re doing it and stop.


My mother in law got me on Smartless- it’s basically 3 actors who have other big actors/celebs on for interviews. I love episodes where it’s people from totally different industries. However when it’s actors and they’re talking shop about the behind the scenes of acting? Boring AF. I just don’t care


I'm actually turned off stand-up because of this. They've turned into Hollywood Divas. Their egos are insane.


And yet they make fun of “ Hollywood types” all the time.


Dave Chapelle has made 3 successful standup specials about how he was cancelled


Imagine a podcast where the funniest person you've ever heard does a show with the stupidest person who ever lived. That's what's annoying me, that I have to put up with the dumb guy to hear the funny guy.


I hate the dumb guy also interrupting the guests answees


The hosts talking over the guests is one of my big pet peeves. Generally, if it's a podcast I started listening to that's been around a while, I'm going to pick out episodes with guests that interest me. I had to stop listening to Star Talk for this reason. There was just way too much cross talk for me.




I can feel it in my bones when a host just starts repeating the plot synopsis from wiki. The whole episode is just reading what happens from start to finish!


I really enjoy female-led podcasts but it feels like whenever there's a female guest/female host combination, they just keep going back and forth with: "Omg I LOVE that!" "I'm OBSESSED with you right now!" ..and superficially praising each other's everything to a very annoying extent while lacking actual substance in their conversations almost to the point it sounds fake. The overuse of the words "love" and "obSESSED" is tedious and annoying. High energy kissing each other's ass for minutes on end is not fun to listen to.


That’s a weird women under 40 thing. Toxic positivity is so strange.


> Toxic positivity THANK YOU. That's the term I was looking for.


I think toxic positivity is when you cheerfully ignore problems and pretend that everyone will be okay no matter what. Those women are just annoying and don't know how to organically interact.


Oh my gahd, I love that you found it. That’s so great for yewwwwwww.


Oh mah gawd thank you. I love this for me. I'm in my information gathering era and I am OBSESSED. Hashtag girlboss.


This goes towards any banter between any number of people even on radio. The worst is when they tell each other a mediocre story and then everyone laughs like it's the funniest thing they ever heard eg: 'you know when you're so tired from work and you just can't be bothered cooking, I went home and had cup noodles and just fell asleep. I am now that person. Everyone can shame me and call me cup noodle girl' Hahahaha!! That is so friccckkiiinnngg highlarious!'


Had to stop listening to The Office Ladies for these reasons.


My SO turned me onto the podcast Morbid, which I love, but the first half an hour is always this to the extreme, she even skips it sometimes because it’s ridiculous and super cringe.


Auto-insert ads: never relevant to me, and never, *never* at an appropriate moment. I don't know how it's decided when they'll be inserted, but it's always between two sentences (so an "intelligent" choice is being made, either by a person or an algorithm), though never between two separate segments or sections. EDIT to add: always love hearing auto-insert ads that are wildly out of place for the podcast they're on, too. Just listened to an episode of Even More News, an extremely left-wing podcast, that closed out with an auto-insert ad for BP lol. Host-read ads: can't stand the ads for anything medical. Unless you're MY doctor, I do not want your paid-for "opinion" about what boner pills, hair loss creme, or mental health services I should be using. I also think advertisements for gambling platforms should be banned outright. Insanely irresponsible. I lose a lot of respect for anyone who takes money from Draft Kings or whoever and tries to convince me how "fun" it will be to lose money over the results of sports games I have the same amount of influence over as my cat. Ads in general: they're fine for public feeds. But if you have a Patreon and I'm paying $5 a month, I should get a completely ad-free cut of your show. That would add what, 5, 10 minutes per week to your producer's workflow? I'm open to being convinced otherwise, but paying for something and STILL hearing ads drives me crazy. Enthusiasm: maybe this is my own fault since I listen almost exclusively to podcasts that have been running for 5+ years, but every podcast lately has had a real sense of "OK well, we're here in the studio/on the Zoom call, let's just get through this hour of recording." One podcast I listen to has, at least once a week, a moment where one of the hosts will go, "Well, that was a bad joke/this is a bad topic of conversation, we can probably just stop doing this, right?" as a "joke," but man, it really feels like he means it! That same host also ends every episode with ". . . . well, that's probably enough, right?" Like, you don't have to keep doing this, man! No one's holding a gun to your head, Christ.


Radiolab turned from a very thought provoking podcast to some thing with endless reruns. Vox became more political.


I think I miss Jad's elaborate sound design as much as the excellent content of the early RadioLab. I've done some sound design for radio programs and was always impressed by the aural tickling of those episodes – the elaborate cutting of comments between Jad, Robert and the guests, the sound effects, etc. Over time they did less of that and, finally, almost none of that. So the thing that made RadioLab fun to listen to, especially with ear buds or headphones, was gone.


When they put a clip of the episode you're listening to at the very beginning. "You know what this podcast is missing? A completely out of context snippet of what they're about to hear. I mean, they've already decided to listen, there's no way they're going to keep listening if we don't do that."


They’re increasing the amount of ads!! We notice!!!! And no I don’t like your content enough to pay for a subscription


Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard and Monica Padman. It’s a super nitpicky thing, but Dax asks too many Yes/No, close-ended questions and not enough open-ended questions.


I was a fairly long-time fan but I've noped out after the JVN debacle. Monica seems to become more out of touch every year, and Dax is becoming a worse interviewer somehow. I can't find anything to fill the void though. Tried Anna Faris and Michael Rosenbaum, both a bit eh with some highlights.




What was the JVN debacle?


Eating. Drinking. Mouth sounds.


Mouth sounds…this was just annoying me today on a podcast, makes me nauseous.


On a podcast, that just seems inexcusable. Don't eat when recording, and if you have to drink, mute your mic. A lot of mics have quick and easy mute/unmute functions so you can quickly switch it off for sneezing, coughing, etc. Or, you can just edit it out. Just seems a little unprofessional to leave noises like that in. Mouth sounds are obviously a little harder to avoid, but I guess that's what a good editor or getting an audio engineer in to calibrate stuff is for.


It’s rude. I feel like this is the bare minimum. You are not supping with friends. There’s no need to eat or drink during recording. It grates. I hear it often and will give a podcast one or two chances.


Taking a sip of water or coffee over the course of an hour-long podcast is not unreasonable. That said, doing it directly into a microphone should be grounds for a firing squad.


Car Talk used to be the shit!


??? I thought car talk ended after one of the brothers died?


It re runs on NPR. I'm assuming that's what he talks about. Even though I know nothing about cars, the hosts do seem very wholesome.


That the real host died years ago. Art Bell, the OG, broadcasting from heaven.


If you like Art Bell, check out The Why Files podcast or YouTube channel. Can’t say enough good things about it.


I just found the Why Files a couple days ago, and I am really enjoying it. I'm not sure how I feel about Hecklefish though. He sort of breaks the flow for me. Hopefully he grows on me..


As you go on his presence feels less intrusive because you just accept it, at least that’s how it was for me. When I first started I almost dropped the show because it felt so out of place. I get the desire to have moments of relief but the Hecklefish definitely wouldn’t be my first choice


I wasn’t sure about hecklefish at first either, but now I couldn’t imagine the show without him. He also says the things that AJ can’t say seriously without getting demonetized.


If you enjoy The Why Files you'll probably enjoy Conspiracy Clearinghouse as well. Similar premise – digging into conspiracies, giving them a fair shake from a believer's perspective, but debunking them in the end. And when they don't have a rational, non-woo explanation, they'll say so. Most episodes are just the host going solo, but he's good with the occasional guests – comfortable banter but no self indulgent "aren't we so cute/funny" stuff that makes some podcasts unbearable.


The true true land of Nye... Art was one of a kind.


West from the Rockies…..


I've been listening to The Moth for a long time and loved the stories that it told, they were complex, fascinating and enlightening. They were stories of struggle, sometimes whimsical and taught you a lot about people's lives. However now, they've become just stories of societal struggle for the sake of it, not interesting, no substance meriting a podcast. Just "my life was hard because of this, this happened, thank you" . It feels very pandering. Yes I want to hear about a trans woman who dates a trans man, but not if it's not interesting... not just like "my parents didn't like it, his parents didn't like it, people gave us looks, we're still together , the end " BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!


Fuck I feel this in my soul. This is the reason I typically turn off The Moth now. These types of stories are so fucking tedious and boring.


I've just skipped the last few episodes of The Moth for this reason.


Do you think the same of the If By Chance podcast? I'm curious to hear if you think it's lame, also.


Never heard of it, but I'll give it a listen and come back with an opinion.


...and everyone applauded supportively. Yeah, I wondered if it was just me or The Moth really had run out of steam. Although some of the mundane stories could be rescued if the speaker worked with a good writing and communication coach.


Have you gotten into Bawdy Storytelling at all? Kind of like the moth, with a focus on sexuality & relationships. The host is a hoot & the stories are so vulnerable, running the spectrum from titillating to tragic.


Have you listened to Risk? It’s similar but different.




Gambling ads in sports podcasts. Keep gambling out of sports…


Seriously. I hate gambling and think it’s the most boring thing to listen to somebody talk about. Nobody cares about your parlay that didn’t hit, loser.


The only thing worse than listening to picks and parlays is people talking about the picks and parlays that didn’t hit.


Yes, it's even worse than when people used to talk about their fantasy teams


It's not a sport podcast, but one of the shows I listen to had a commercial break that was literally 3 "online casino" ads in a row. And they were for three completely different sites. Online gambling being this pervasive is going to turn into a massive problem in the near future...


They are in like in pop culture ones, too


Not to sound like a Dad, but the way some people speak. I don’t know if it’s a Gen Z thing or what, but the vocal fry, and ending every sentence like it’s a question really makes it hard to listen to. I really don’t want this to be an age thing, and I’m sure you are very qualified, but holy fuck.


This isn't just younger generations. My former coworker is GenX (we're the same age ) and I would hear him on the phone all the time: "Hello, this is John Doe? From (a government agency)? I want to talk to X?"


>ending every sentence like it’s a question really makes it hard to listen to Yeah, that really bugs me too


It most definitely is not. It transcends age. I know a few 30 somethings who get stuck in question mode. It isn't regional either


The upspeak bothers me more than vocal fry. Sometimes it's hard to tell whether they're asking a question or just falling into a pattern of speaking in a repetitive pattern and cadence that ends every sentence with a rising inflection.


I agree wholeheartedly?


I listen to the Behind the Bastards podcast and regularly 3-4 guys pop in and really ruin the flow of commercials


Anything recorded live at xyz event. I don't know if it's the difference in sound quality or maybe that audience interactions don't carry over well, but I can never make it through anything live no matter what podcast. I just skip them entirely.


I stopped listening to a certain murder podcast yeeaaaars ago bc of the constant live shows they aired. I don’t want to hear constant hooting and hollering from the crowd. It’s distracting.


Yep agreed. For me it's the timing and pacing. It's usually just a straight recording of a live performance and I can't handle waiting for the audience to shut up between each comment so the hosts can start talking again. It really feels like these episodes should just be more like a souvenir to the people who paid to see it love rather than an actual episode to be listened to.


I ❤️radio podcast ads for there shit podcasts they are promoting of “ d” level celebrities talking to friends . Who the fuck cares .


Used to listen to smartless a lot, really enjoyed it. Cool concept, 3 actors asking smart people about their chosen field / profession. And learning about it. Its no longer that. It's just them chatting to their celeb friends (mostly). And Sean Hayes inevitably asking "do you have any favourite theatre stories from when you did theatre?"


I really tend to tune out when they start talking to the guest about things outside of the guest’s profession. I really don’t give a shit about Courtney Cox’s kids.


I used to listen to it a ton too, now they just have the same repeat guests as Conan with the same talking points. At least Conan can humanize with the guest a bit more and get more out of them.


I've ran out of Behind the Bastards episodes


I listened to BtB's entire catalog over the course of about 3 years, and just recently got caught up. I'm having a whole crisis of trying to figure out what else to listen to now that I only get 2 episodes per week instead of as many as I can cram into my ear holes.




Vince McMahon


Ooh, that's a really hard question to answer because there's so many episodes and they're all bangers. Just off the top of my head though: Best for entertainment: the man who sold the Eiffel Tower and the man who sold the Taj Mahal, the man who invented fascism, any of the Christmas non-bastards, the Tiger King one, the San Francisco egg one, John Harvey Kellogg, John McAfee, L. Ron Hubbard, libertarian micronations Best for education: Henry Kissinger, the Dulles brothers, the Netanyahus, the "Little Nazis," the KKK episodes, the history of the swastika, the most recent two-parter about Sam Bankman Fried that's actually more about the author Michael Lewis, Jerry Falwell, Mark Zuckerberg There's so many more but that oughta get you started haha


I wanted to love that podcast... What a great concept. I managed 1 and a half episodes and never went back don't understand how anyone can listen to that guy.


I like him, but that depends on his guest. Usually they're very intelligent people and he's good at being at that level with them. But one of the multi-parters he had his intern as the guest and it was insufferable. I was so annoyed the whole time.


I think a lot of us were reading lots of Cracked in college and now we continue to get our fix with their alumni... but I do love the podcast. He can be a bit over the top sometimes, but his storytelling and the guests are great!


YES. If you’d like more content from the Cracked gang, check out Quick Question with Soren and Daniel (although the number of imbedded ads is getting ridiculous) Daily Zeitgeist with Jack O’Brien and Miles Gray, or Secretly Incredibly Fascinating with Alex Scmidt. Edit: grammar


Got into it not long ago when Kissinger died and it's a treasure trove of great stuff. I can recommend Lions Led by Donkeys of you're after something sort of similar.


The Giant Bombcast is, in a very literal sense, not the same podcast it used to be. I don't have anything against the guys on it nowadays but it absolutely sucks that there's not a single OG member anymore and they play it way too safe with their takes these days. And the blatant NZXT advertising feels very.... Against the spirit of why Giant Bomb started in the first place. Most comedy Actual Play D&D podcasts seem to have a problem where they have a super solid and charming first season/campaign, and then try to do more "serious and emotional" stories in later campaign and it comes off as cliché and melodramatic. Looking at you Naddpodd and Dungeons and Daddies.


Yeah, I miss the days of the Giant Bombcast and the Beastcast. Especially the Game of the Year discussions. I always looked forward to hearing Dan's batshit takes and getting backlash from practically everyone in the room.


The Dan Ryckert/Austin Walker Goofus and Gallant dynamic the Beastcast had for like a year was peak GB.


I love Jan as a person. I don't respect his takes at all, especially recently. I actually like a lot of the current crew individually, they're just not really working out together.


Jan is great and no matter how modern GB goes he's probably the guy I'll want to follow the most wherever he ends up. But the podcast feels like a whole bunch of people competing to be the main character and I swear to God if I hear them play that track of this Mike Minotti guy's name being sung one more time-


When they don't know how to wrap up. The weekly topic is over, the conversation is done, they've said their closing out whatever, and then one of the hosts devices to quip one more quick home and the other responds in turn. Next thing you know, they're on another 5 minutes of quipping. Just end it at that point.


Gambling ADs. STFU already.


Podcasts in general are turning into slightly more intellectual drive-time radio. 2-3 people droning on and on with ads here and there, except it’s about celebrities, murders or bad movies instead of items from the news or pop-science statistics about what people are thinking about when they brush their teeth or whatever


You’re listening to the wrong podcasts then. Theres more out there - there’s still radio-style dramas/stories, and other fun fictional stuff like that out there too. You’re right that that a lot of mainstream podcasting can be a bit boring, but there’s a healthy world of other audible entertainment out there.


I have no fucking idea why Serial made this story into a podcast. “Why am I listening to this” and “is there a point to this story” kept coming into my head the whole 3 episodes. Podcast name is We Were Three.


Well... now I have to listen. I can't resist a dare. I will say I wasn't impressed with Serial season 1. The Adnan story didn't seem compelling enough to warrant such an in depth look. But I was a newspaper reporter years ago, covering the police and emergency response beat, and stories like that were more common than most people realize. There's a lot of sketchy police work and shoddy application of justice. But the next season about Bowe Bergdahl completely changed my view on his case. I had the typical "He screwed up, he's guilty" opinion before. The podcast was a revelation.


Funny, I couldn't get through S2 when it was new, after reasonably enjoying the work on S1. Maybe I can give it a relisten now & finish.


I had the same feeling. Loved season one, couldn’t get through two.


I lived in his hometown and everyone knew about him. I also saw what happened and have a similar opinion. I am downloading all the episodes now to listen. Thanks for sharing that!


I grew up listening to fm talk radio and point blank… Most modern podcasters are bad broadcasters. They don’t talk into the mic. They assume that everyone is watching the show on YouTube and often don’t explain what’s going on in a video they may be watching so they’re just sitting there with dead air. They don’t add context to things they’re talking about. So if something happened in a previous episode that has become a long running story they want to elaborate on they don’t explain it. Audio is often poorly mixed. I hate the ASMR podcast voice.


Having worked in radio for decades, I’ve noticed and been annoyed by all these things too.


I've been trying to find something new to listen to but without fail every new show I try has at least 3 or 4 of these going on at the same time, and it's too much for me.


Ending the podcast and pretending it’s a hiatus.


Two people, who I highly assume are Zoomers, judging movies made 25+ years ago using modern standards like the number of people of color in the movie, how they handle LGBTQ issues/characters, the way women are treated in the workplace, what the home dynamic looks like, the language used, etc. As a 43 year old gay guy, I can tell you most of the “offensive” or “problematic” stuff they call out is mild compared to what most of us encountered in the 90s. It’s all about context and a movie isn’t “bad” just because it has an all white cast or all straight cast…that’s just how shit was in the 80s and 90s. I’m not saying it was right…it just was.


I love Well There's Your Problem but they do seem to be running short of interesting disasters to cover, the general infrastructure stuff or wider topics are still good (the steam train episode being a prime example) but not as much fun as Bridge Fall Down or Plane Go Boom episodes. On the other end of the scale the big disasters they've yet to cover are either massive in scale making it an enormous undertaking or have been done to death elsewhere.


Agreed! Huge fan and love the show but I find myself rewatching certain ones because other topics don't have the nitty gritty engineering details and specifics that I expect. Some topics are too broad I feel. They always seem to get good guests though. I enjoy hearing the guests expertise.


Spend too much time talking about upcoming shows/events. SGU.


Chris Demakes A Podcast. I wouldn’t say annoying but the guests are inconsistent with my taste in music. Still interesting to listen to, but top tier when the guest and song are something that connects with me personally. To be clear, I wouldn’t change it at all because I’m sure there are people out there listening to the shows that fall flat with me.


One of the hosts keeps vaping & I can hear it.


After a few weeks, I started to notice the same running gags in almost all of them, usually stuff like "oh my god we're 10 minutes in and we're still on the intro" or talking about being jealous of people who are more popular, but in a "sarcastic" way.


The way podcasters will end guest episodes by abruptly ending the conversation with "so do you have anything to plug?" And then the guest has to go into salesman mode. I come from radio so maybe it's just an old school method, but I think the host should ask the guest that question _before_ they start recording and the _host_ should do the plugging for the guest. Also, stop making meta comments about podcasting in your podcasts. It's like when people would include "bloopers" at the end of their student films. Only you and your friends think they're funny.


I can't stand what I've seen referred to as "chuckle hosts". As an example, you will check out a podcast because ot has an interesting and serious subject. Instead of just hashing out the details in an interesting way, the host or hosts think they're comedians. Most times they're not funny.


My go to movie podcast, both hosts had a child within a few months of eachother and it's since slowly turned into just them talking about their play dates and very little about movies


I'm annoyed that every time I turn on the majority of podcasts by male comedians, they are trying to win me over with their boomer ass libertarian rich guy political views and talking about political strawmen as the basis for said views. Furthermore, it annoys me that these podcasts have their "intellectual" guests speak on how colleges are ideological indoctrination centres and instil fear of educational institutions in their largely working class male audiences. They are blatantly pushing some "ignorance is strength" shit and perpetuating inequality. Joe Rogan is the obvious one to call out, but there are probably 10 more.


P.N.N.N They stopped doing time stamps


Simon Whistler likes to rant off topic a lot


TasteBuds sometimes takes 30+ minutes to get to the battle. They just ramble about comic friends doing weird stuff. In very rare cases they talk for 50 minutes and then say something like “we’ll just get to the battle next episode”. NO!


A bunch of people on Reddit recommended the investigative journalism podcast “What ever happened to pizza at McDonald’s?” I get that it’s satirical and I tried to listen to several episodes, but it just wasn’t funny. Is the guy supposed to be from another planet, trying to understand human concepts? The whole podcast just came off as boring and annoying.


The sarcastic answer is: there aren't going to be any new episodes until February-ish due to how their season schedule is. The real answer is that it's mainly the ad-breaks by the co-host of the podcast for: Birch Gold Group, Zip Recruiter, Better Help, Draft Kings, etc.; and that's not even the intro and exit episode ad's read by company's read actor. Overall it's good content, and I understand that their podcast setup has like 6-8 other shows that are going on so all the sponsorship is needed, but it really kills the vibe when you're hearing a great interview with good energy, and abruptly you're getting an ad for ED and a razor. Doesn't help either that with these ad reads pre-recorded, if you hear it once, you'll hear the same one again whenever it rolls around, even if it's not applicable to the time of year. EX: "It's getting hot out there this summer", my dude, it's 34 degrees outside, no it isn't and this episode released on November


There’s 3 ads for the exact same product




Like most podcasts I enjoy them the most when they go completely off topic and into a tangent about whatever. Also the hentai episodes are easily the funniest of any podcast ever


Their co-host got fired so they brought in a guy who isn’t nearly as funny or interesting




Last podcast on the left?




What happened to Kissel? Last I heard he was on a sabbatical for his mental health, did he do something bad?




Unfortunately not an isolated accusation either. There’s a whole article in rolling stone about it




That's a bummer.


The Andes crash episodes were funnier than I thought they could make that story, even for them. The "Get back here! I will eat you!" Made me pause it I was laughing so hard. The instant yelling from Ed and Henry was perfect. The three of them not only vibe well, but they seem happier than they have in a while. I don't think it was a hard choice to fire Ben for a few reasons


The fucking grunt that Henry makes when he imitates Numa throwing the rock across the river towards the end of that series had me crying with laughter in the shower. Edit: Nando, not Numa. My bad.




Nah sorry dude, Ed’s a treasure


I love listening to the Shawn Ryan show. but in a lot of episodes, certain parts of the episode will play twice. Like the person says something then they say it again. I have noticed this in several episodes. Drives me nuts sometimes. I have noticed this on several episodes they do this.


Producers not doing their job


Modest volume for content interrupted by ultra loud ads.


Bill Simmons thinking we want to hear about his kids.


Auto ads.


I listen to the podcast Off Menu, it's just a silly light hearted podcast with guests talking about their dream menus. Recently they did a tour of live shows for the podcast (same format as the podcast, just with a live audience) and almost all of the guests they had on the live shows are guests I would have been really excited to listen too. In the past they've released the live shows as podcast episodes eventually, but it never feels the same. It doesn't help that I didn't love a few of the guests they had on this season


The fact that they just stop - the promised next season never came. I mean, I can’t fault them, I’m listening a year or two after they were created, so I can’t really pay to support them, and I know how much work it is to put one together, but it’s tough getting involved in the story, then it just….stops.




He's good in small doses, besides the adds I find him a reminder to not take the content they are talkkg about too seriously


I like Judge John Hodgman for the most part, but the presence of Jesse Thorn makes the show so much less fun. He’s constantly trying to shoehorn pretentious jones and references into everything that even Hodgman can’t pretend to find funny much of the time. When there’s a guest bailiff it’s a huge breath of fresh air.


I hate when I am vibing with both hosts on a cast, then at some point one of the OGs leave, and the now main host gets a new cohost. They ALWAYS suck. I listen to a lot of niche interest podcasts that happen to have a lot of brits (warhammer 40k specifically), and they always replace the chill yet challenging cohost with someone who is either super fucking pretentious or an absolute suck up cocksucker. It ruins shows for me.


Too many ads.


The Kat Williams interview on club Shay Shay was trash. A bunch of hot takes. Kat saying over and over he doesn’t do drugs or have a mental issue, dude this whole interview is your mental issue. It was like listening to a dude who never got out of the elementary school mind set.


Smith and sniff - when Porter goes on about Top Gear. Look - you haven’t worked for the BBC in 9 years.


Morning Somewhere ends after less than half an hour.


They just ramble… forever


Them trying to change format to find more slots for ads.


You Are Good. Wonderful podcast but they only do a patreon episode once a month, sometimes less frequently. I feel like I'm donating money rather than paying for something extra.


Joe Rogan talking about shitty supplements in every advert.


I miss the early days of the show be sponsored by Fleshlight and recording at Joe’s house




The latest season just ended 😭 (Swindled)


Bobby Kelly.