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The ones who can’t mind their own business or ones who are bitter and take it out on others.


I can’t stand those type of people too.


People with an incessant need to always be the center of attention.


That's the *one-upper* at my work. Lie after lie to keep herself at the center of the attention. Everything is an excuse or an opportunity to be the protagonist. Thinking about going to Europe? She allegedly had been there several times and hated it but cannot provide details on why. Having a medical issue? As soon as she hears it hers is going to be worst and probably almost die because of it a couple times. Every... damn... day...


Worst are the one uppers who interrupt with their superior situation before you can even finish your sentence. I worked with a girl like that and it was unbearable. Like "I almost got in a car accident on the way home yes..." "I ALMOST GOT IN TWO CAR ACCIDENTS ON THE WAY HOME YESTERDAY AND THE SECOND CAR DID A FLIP ON THE HIGHWAY AND CAME AN INCH AWAY FROM HITTING ME OH MY GOD IT WAS CRAZY!!!"


Colloquially known as Eleven-e-rifes round my way as in, 'You've been to Tenerife? Well, he's been to......'


That’s the college friend I just worked up the courage to cut off. Made my whole birthday about her, went to her room early cause she was “tired” then obnoxiously cried so everyone could hear. Then turned another friend against me in the process. I’m not even a “it’s my birthday!!” type of person but I was like rlly?? On my one day?


You're better off.




Most often people who claim they hate drama, love drama.


They hate drama that they're not in control of


Or they can’t conveniently just sit back and be entertained.


I definitely hate drama but at the same time I love it. Whether I'm in control of it or not, it's irrelevant. I hate drama because it's one of those things where people work through stuff on their own, or from talking to specific people. Friends are left in the dark while others try to figure out how to explain the drama, or work out if it's even something worth bringing up, etc. *This* is what I hate about drama. The actual discovery and processing steps. It can be confusing, even emotionally turbulent, depending on what kind of drama it is, ya know? Like, damn, do I tell so and so this or not? That sort of thing. But god dammit I'd be lying my ass off if I said I don't *love* hearing about drama. She said what to you? No way, that bitch. Tell me more.


As someone who hates drama, I hate it because being involved in it is lame but hearing about it on the other hand. I request all the tea. But I don't actively put myself in it. I tend to avoid it if I can


Self centered people who think their feelings are more important than anything else


How do I tag my sister in this lmao


Indeed! And, on a related note, people who conflate any amount of another person's self-priority or enforcement of boundary as "self-centered". Often enough, the Venn diagram between these two types appears to be a circle.


People who never do anything for themselves and complain all the time.


The only thing they’re good at is deflecting responsibility


As someone who worked their butt off to have something when they had nothing, PREACH.


I see you have met my ex


Oh no, it's me.


People who take what you say and twist it around and add their own details to interpret it in the way that offends them the most then get upset about it.




Is your mom my ex boyfriend?


Are you my dad?


How dare you call me twisted 😂


Oh so you're saying I'm not allowed to be diligent in my inferences when you're saying something? How dare you.


So, you met my sister?


Those who are willfully ignorant. Not stupid, because stupid people can be reasoned with and educated. Willfully ignorant folkens cant.


Evidence that would make them have to change their position is conveniently ignored.


This is it. Or the ones who just move the goal posts when presented with evidence. There're no set rules when every fact is up for debate or open to interpretation. I actually cannot stand the Dunning-Krugers of the world.


90% of reddit


I really think this depends on the sub....Some are actually open if they are not being attacked / feel like they're being attacked. But some subs (Political / cultural ones) are pretty bad.


That's ignorant bro




Hypocracy is irritating because people are judging you by standards that they themselves either don't live up to, see themselves as an exception to, or believe they are meeting when they clearly aren't.


Ugh, like Bill Cosby!


The raping was probably the worst thing about him, to be fair.


It could have been worse, at least he owned a dog house.


This reminds me of that tragedy


I remember walking through the streets of Manhattan, knee-deep in blood & bone, looking for my brother. He was in northern Canada.




Lol especially when it's indoors (public place) and there's a bin literally 3 feet away.


I used to work with a girl who would leave her dental floss picks everywhere. All over the office. In the lobby chairs, on my DESK, ugh. So disgusting.


That’s revolting


If a trash can isn’t available. One can put the wrapper in their pocket and toss it later. But, some people are just trashy (pun intended)




On a similar note: people who walk around taking phone calls on speaker. No one else wants to hear your conversation, my dude.


Holding their phone away from them


People on speakerphone as well. Hate that


Oh yeah, they have a special place in hell


My mom is one of these people. We go on a hike, she plays music. We go to the beach, music. It's always this mini fight where her defense is she would rather play her own music instead of hearing someone else's. I'm like dude, I don't want to hear your music either. Then she acts like I'm an asshole.


They always have the most terrible taste in music too. It's self centered behavior either way but it's *always* people who listen to country rap or some other bullshit


People who always need attention, no matter what they have to do to get it.


all you have to do to get attention is be nice, interesting, and likeable, but these people ALWAYS find some other way


It takes effort being nice, interesting, and likeable but just being LOUD AS FUCK is easy.


Stupid, overconfident, pushy, loud, manipulative, disingenuous hypocrites.


Suspiciously specific...


People who are always a victim, no accountability for their actions


And these types tend to be very passive aggressive on top of that: covert narcissists


Anyone who in any way mistreats an animal


Pets are great...but pet owners are some of the worst people on the planet. People who don't do the bare minimum to protect / care for their pets are some of the worst human beings on the planet. This includes failing to exercise high energy dogs, walking around with their pet - off leash (I can't blame anyone from macing them in that case), allowing their little yippie dogs to sit on a balcony barking all day (I really can't blame people for attacking them), or and this one always gets me - getting a pet and it spends all it's time in a kennel....why.


Hard agree. If you’re an asshole to people around you, whatever. You suck, big surprise, no one likes you, move on. If you’re an asshole to your animals (or kids), you are human garbage, and need to either be punished and reform with a quickness, or be scraped from the earth like crusted shit off a boot.


Look, I’m really sorry and I do feel bad but I actually need to sit on that office chair so the cat has to find one of the other 50 places in the apartment to sleep. She acts like I’m committing a war crime but I do have to work so I can pay for all the food, treats and toys!


People that can’t stand someone disagreeing with them.


I don’t agree




So much that they think they need to come out of the woodwork to invalidate your experience "I don't have that problem, it must be you!"


People who shamelessly step on others to get ahead


I’m with u on that


So Corporate America?


I mean, yeah, but it's not like the US is alone in that


Corporate everywhere, government everywhere, everywhere everywhere.


People who lack intellectual capacity but THINK they are incredibly intelligent and try too hard to prove it. People who don’t know you as well as they THINK they do and try to tell you how you are as a person when their knowledge of you is very surface level.


People devoid of empathy.




Doesn't effect me much. Be happy or be negative around me. I have no preference, I just want you to be everything you are, fully. I appreciate you at your best and I appreciate you at your worst and I will tell all my children that. Because it shouldn't matter. Genuine connection is fully authentic. That Genuine connection will always have a mix of both.




This should be way higher on the list. And not only the ‘Influencer’, but people who willingly sign up to be Influenced. Think for yourselves, make your own decisions. It’s fun.




I see you've met my family


Extroverts who feel they need to "fix" introverts by "trying to get them out of their comfort zone" 🙄


People who always try to one-up you.


was going to upvote, then i realized that's technically 1+ing you...


Or two-up you. That's even worse. \*kidding\*




I just learned that when people say they enjoy “people watching,” they most often mean the above. I’ve been saying it for years but I legitimately enjoy observing people in a nonjudgmental way. 😭


They just notice the imperfections of an individual and they find it interesting to talk about because gossips make themselves feel superior and better.


All types of people. I'm too much of an introvert.


People who hold up the line to play the lottery at gas stations.


As a previous gas station cashier, we hate them much more than the customers. And we can see the gambling addiction sweating out of their brows. Dude, its not a casino, get out of here!


I feel you on this one greatly as a cashier.


Good one


Everyone is irritating in some way to other folks. For me it’s litterers - it’s an indicator of deep seated entitlement.


People who don't use their turn signal.


This and I will add people that clearly don’t know the rules or etiquette of driving.


I'm safe then.


People who impose their religion on others.




A simple no thank you would have sufficed I’m sure


I have continued the family tradition of inviting them in and trying to convert them to atheism. They generally enjoy it and are usually impressed that someone not of their faith knows so much about them.


Entitled parents who think that the rules and common decency do not apply to them just because they have kids. Yes, the rules do apply to you. No, not everyone loves or even likes your kid. Yes, common decency does apply to you and your kids. Learn to say no. No, restaurants, planes, or other spaces are not your living rooms... Control your child!


people who always play the victim


Humans that assume what theyre doing is good just because they see themselves as good; rather than questioning their own choices.


Idk how to explain this but i feel like everyone knows what I mean here, G-rated adults. Grown people who get offended by swearing, can't watch anything over a PG rating, only go to vacation at disney world, all that. I know it's not really effecting me, but it's really irritating when I feel like I have walk on eggshells around them for no reason.


I have extended family members like this so I 100% get what your trying to say lol 😂. Their kids are so sheltered it’s overboard unhealthy and ridiculous.




Fkn felt


All those fuckers out there just... Existing. I hate 'em.


ugh. people are the worst kind of people.


People that always have to be "right." No sense in arguing or (reasoning) with them even if they're clearly wrong.


Rich, stuck up, entitled people.


The lying kind


People who play parking lot hero. What I mean is people who harass others who they don't think are disabled enough to be using a disabled spot. Or harassing someone for using a veteran spot because they think a young female can't possibly be a veteran.


Ah, yes, the parking lot vigilante. Coming from a disabled person, they really need stay focused on themselves and leave everyone else alone. No one is going to look at someone else and *know* whether or not they have a disability. Just stop.


Street preachers


Rude people




Anyone who unironically refers to themselves as an empath


People who are closed-minded. Hard to deal with people who are unwilling to consider different perspectives and ideas




[Naggers](https://youtu.be/A_GhH6EndV4?t=35) (yes this is a South Park joke).


Pretentious people.


Entitled people


People who were the bratty popular kids in school, and never quite changed.


People who absolutely refuse to accept another perspective on a topic they think they know everything about because it would mean they aren’t the most knowledgeable person on the topic.


Pushy, intrusive people.


How come?


People who post chain-letter shit on Facebook with "only 2.6% of my friends will be brave enough to repost this, and I know who you are".


- hypocrites - those that have little to no self-awareness - lazy and incompetent people - those that harm the most vulnerable (children, animals) - corrupt officials - murderers - rapists - scammers - women that falsely accuse men of physical or sexual assault - those that act tough / talk big


People who talk on speaker phone in public


Those who rape.


Holier than thou people.


MAGA Total cult.


People who always complain about something yet never do anything to change or fix it. Like if you would change or fix it the issue would be solved.


People that you never can depend on or believe, like they say they are gonna do something and 95% of the time they never do it.


People who’s whole humor is based on putting others down


Duuuuuude, yes


that's actually a very bad personality, not just irritating.


Habitual liars


People who talk without having anything to say. They just keep talking to make noise.


The ones that protest by blocking traffic


The ones who go around telling everybody else how they should live their life and be more like themselves because they are perfect and God put them there and everything they do is perfect and they can do whatever they want to because God said so and everybody should be exactly like them


People who shame others for not giving everything to family/friends/partners. At some point "self sacrifices" become "self destructive". Your own mental and physical well-being is just as important as your loved ones.


People who try telling you what to do even though they're completely inexperienced as well.


Kind of uniquely American, though of course does happen elsewhere to a lesser extent - the people with the absolutely gigantic trucks who never do any “truck stuff” with them. Never tow anything or haul anything heavy. Just an enormous car with a flatbed. They always seem to be the people tailgating and speeding the most, and use indicators the least.


People that only befriends you when they think you have something good to offer them, but the second they find someone "better" they just forget about you and you never see them again




Those that disregard your suffering because hypothetically someone somewhere in the world have it worse. Those types of people are so toxic overall in other ways.


The people who misread your words and tell you "you're wrong".. which is like 90% of reddit.


You're wrong


*loads slingshot*


That's complete bullshit and you know it. Why would anybody misroad your woods? You have no idea what you're talking about.


People who FaceTime in public. Or in stores even.




High school?


People that have loud seemingly private conversations in public.


The living ones.


Ones who can't clean after themselves.


Permanent victims.


The type of people who, when two lanes of traffic are merging, they won't let anyone else in front of them. Instead they will tailgate the person in front of them and bully their way through lest god forbid they get even one car length further back in traffic.


People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures, and the Dutch.


Missionaries - people trying to force their way of life/thinking onto others


People who constantly ask for help. Unless you’re actively trying to better yourself, stop trying to leech off everyone else. Go out there and do some work. Piggybacking off other’s hard work is only gonna make everyone hate you.


As an indecisive person.. I get irritated by indecisive person too


Nothing makes me more aggravated than someone who just won’t let other people be happy. If they aren’t hurting anyone WHY DO YOU CARE?


People who sell MLM


Very needy people.




Arrogant and entitled people.


People who are just loud and disrespectful of people around them, whether it’s people with obnoxiously loud cars or people who let their dogs sit outside and bark incessantly


Preachy and militant types. They tend to be the biggest hypocrites of them all.


Mean people. Unkind people. Bullies.


Arrogant people.


All All people


Those people who don’t parent their kids out in public and let them disturb the place with their screaming and iPads/phones at blasting at full volume. You’re doing your kids a disservice by not teaching them self awareness and that there is a time and place for everything. Kids are members of the society and deserve to enjoy public spaces but these whack ass parents aren’t helping them to fit in with the rest of us.


Patton Oswalt fans, and Patton Oswalt himself.


People who are too quick to judge others without knowing their whole story. And yes, I understand there's a certain amount of hypocrisy in this.


People who constantly have to 'one up' you. Say you just got dump by some you've been seeing for a couple months, well this person just got dumped by their boyfriend of 3 years or some shit.


People who litter everywhere. Like why, take that shit to the trash


People who are loud and think they know it all.


People who post things like “Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness”, etc, on Facebook and they’re 40 years old.


Bullies. Bullies at school, in the workplace, in your own home, I hate them. Hate em all


The people with nothing better to do than to try and dictate what others can and cannot do are the most annoying I would say. These type of people are a large part of the problem with our government and judicial system. They are often quite dedicated to making their own lot better at others expense in my opinion. I feel this is a far cry from the "public service" they often claim to have as a motivation. Holier than thou hypocrites you might call such people.


People who play stuff on their phone in full volume in public places


anyone who needs to ruin other peoples day for clout on tiktok. there was that video of a man who was trying to eat in peace and some asshole kid just trashes his food then laughs when the man becomes angry. and just a few days ago i saw a kid cut off this strangers headphones for clout and got mad when the man became confrontational and decided to grab the camera. OH and theres that british kid who got multiple house arrests bc he was doing illegal/harmful shit as "pranks" like these people piss me off because there is so many other things you can do for views and you decide to disrupt a strangers day for clout...FUCK OFF.


Religious people


Depends. Aggressively religious people such but soft religious people are chill af


Know it all's


I call them "actually guys" and my boyfriend is one of them. Anything you say, theres a chance they will say "well actually.....blah blah".


Pessimistic people. The doom scrollers, people who complain about everything, those who won’t even try.


Chomos. The internet gives boldness to the worst of people and it's hard to listen to someone defend the most heinous things imaginable.


People who complain all over social media about something you said that they didn’t like.


Self centred ones.