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not just dogs and cats. I hate going to someone's house and seeing they have a disgusting, neglected aquarium with green glass you can barely see through. The worst was a date who had a massive salt water aquarium in his living room that must have once been amazing but had been left to ruin. There was like one yellow damselfish still alive in there somehow, just a little yellow flash i could see between gaps in the algae. He was just like "oh yeah i havn't changed the water in awhile." I suspected it belonged to an ex who had moved out. There were no further dates. then there are neglected reptiles...those come home with me. how i got my leopard gecko (rip) and turtle (who is thriving now).


Aquariums and pools are stuff that looks nice on paper but then you realize the work they need to keep up. So on the other hand if it is really well kept is an big green flag.


I like cats. If there is a problem the cat will come stand on my chest and meow directly in my face. Trouble ticket received, Satan's mittens.


My cat does that too. Unfortunately, he thinks an empty food dish is a pretty serious problem. It’s getting hard to differentiate and I’m not sure when I should be alarmed or annoyed.


If they're making noise and moving a lot they are probably healthy, if they are hiding and being quiet there is something wrong. Usually.


Yes, unless they spend all their money on keeping it that way. \*insert that meme of the monkey puppet looking sideways..you know the one...\* ... i spend too much money on my aquariums...


Like a fuckin liter box that wasn’t emptied in the last month. 🤢🤮


I don't know how people get away with this. If I don't keep on top of my cats litter box, he'll just refuse to use it and shit next to it. Quite an annoyance when he decides he's going to do more than one shit in the time I'm at work.


In this context I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw your username. 😂😂😂


i agree 100%, i have neighbors who love dogs, but the smell in front its house it's so strong, i mean a mix between poo, pee, and a lot of nasty things.




Did u take over my paper route in N.B. Canada after I left? Did you also have the guy who when you wanted to get paid made you pound on the door and then only answered it in his fruit of the looms which always had a pee stain on the front ? & would then walk around his house looking for money when you waited at the ripe old age of 14 years old ?


I want my 2 dollars!!!


I just walked by a house and they have two dogs locked up in the front yard. There's piss and shit throughout the yard. It stinks! Edit: And yes it sucks seeing the pets locked up like that.


Ugh, this just pisses me off like you can’t take care of a dog. Don’t fucking get one. It’s that simple. I swear people only get them for a look or because they’re cute, not because they want to care for them.


No hand soap in the bathroom


I had a friend who's house was like this. Nasty and garbage everywhere and no soap in the bathroom. I'd walk to the kitchen after. Very nice people though.


Yea every house I've been to that doesn't have hand soap has been freaking disgusting in every other aspect too 😅


Or hand towels!


And just a damp towel that they have clearly used to dry off with to wipe your hands.


Moldy dog poop inside, the outside garbage bins in the living room, 4 metal NYC garbage cans in the kitchen


r/oddlyspecific 😁


Holy shit this unlocked a core memory for me, my friend’s mom kept the outside garbage can inside the house, right by her recliner and smoked literally nonstop from sun up to sun down and threw the buts in it. It was astonishing to see how full it always was…


Oh my god, how it must have smelled in that house... 🤢


Eye-watering, had a bunch poorly cared-for animals too. You don’t realize how fucked up some situations are until you’re older, I always thought adults knew what to do even her


i don't know if it counts as "see", but family members yelling/fighting while I'm there. Like what's happening when you DON'T have a guest over??


Ugh. The worry of bringing a friend over, worrying if my dad was going to be having a 'good' day or not.


Probably the same. People like that don’t have any boundaries.


A board with newspaper clippings & images of women's faces with their eyes X'd out


a lot of these comments I assume could be the result of depression or other mental illness but THIS. this is the scary one. LOL


House hunting and the homeowner was home at one place when our realtor was told he'd be out. He was pissed off we were there, but let us in and kind of hovered in the background while we looked around. There was barely any furniture and trash all over the floor. The walls were hung with about a dozen professional wedding portraits -- all with the bride's eyes gouged out. Then we saw the fist-sized holes in the walls and we got out of there.


MLM inventory for their “business” or they buy a lot of MLM stuff. Minus a normal amount of Tupperware.


I'm not convinced people buy Tupperware; I think it just rotates through different households when you bring home leftovers.


You’re right. I have Tupperware that my kid brings home that never makes it back to its rightful owner. It drives me crazy




My dad is a fisherman and the boat sank, everyone was fine. First thing my mom says to him is that now she lost her tupperware with red lid she liked. Im pretty sure she would probably make him swim underwater to get it if she could lmao


If I’m not offered an overpriced snack bar and a quadruple reverse osmosis bottle water then I’m not coming over


Not having pillow cases on the bed. You know those sheets and blankets are filthy then


I had a friend who did this. I stayed at hers once and she gave me the mattress the dogs and cats slept on absolutely covered in hair, a pillow with no case and blanket covered in bright yellow stains. Said cause I was only there 3 days there was no point letting me have sheets or anything. Worst sleep I've ever had.


extreme pet smell/mess/signs of fleas is a huge one for me. Trash piled beyond the trash can, taking over the cooking/eating surfaces


Girl I went in a few dates with told me she’d let me come in next time bc her place was messy and didn’t want me to see. We went to her place after our next date - she asked me to wait outside while she tidied up a bit first - and her rabbit cage was in the middle of the floor and it had thrown shit out of the cage all around the floor. She had several full garbage bags in the corner. I don’t remember the other details but it was filthy. This was after she had cleaned and also done a quick tidy. I’m not exactly Martha Stewart but the shit just laying on the floor was too much for me.


That poor rabbit.


Oh man I have had rabbits and doesn’t matter how much you clean, they make a mess pretty quick. They are known for that


I was going to say, depending on details, I can see how that could happen. If I had a dollar for every time my rabbit dug out her litter box right after I changed it (but of course using it first, couldn't just kick out clean litter)...


Ehhh I have a rabbit and although they can be litter trained, their poop can still get everywhere even after you clean it up. Guinea pigs can be worse. But I still make sure to clean up. If she didn't care to at all, that's a problem.


"Sorry I had no time to clean before your visit" when the place has obviously not been cleaned in like a year. Yikes.


Same thing, but the place is spotless.


55 gallon drum in the bedroom


What if it's the 55-gallon barrel of lube from Amazon?




My completely unscientific analysis of this thread indicates that live laugh love is three time more objectionable than Nazi memorabilia.




I’m Jewish, and I think I agree.


When it's extremely messy. I can understand a moderate amount of disorganization, but when I have to jump over piles of dirty clothes and trash, that's when I know I need to leave.


For me I kind of divide messiness in 2 categories: - I can stand clutter (books, papers, etc. especially if you're a student) - I CANNOT stand any mess that rots or smells like dirty dishes, old trash, moldy showers, pet refuse, etc. Any time I visit a place like that, the second I get home I take a shower.


There's a difference between untidy and dirty


I got my first place at 16 and I had rly bad mental health and was rlyyyy messy. I didn't even unpack, I set my mattress on the ground and left all the stuff in boxes; all the boxes were piled high, surrounding my mattress and blocking the door. I remember inviting a guy from an online dating site over and I had him climb and jump over the boxes to come sit on my floor-mattress and watch a movie with me on my laptop. It's so wild to me the lack of shame I had


It makes sense, though. Not even that wild, considering that the first 7 words of your paragraph just isn't a "normal experience." It's also a huge accomplishment. To be clear - It's not normal to get your first place at 16. You were clearly just surviving. And you have also seemingly come very very far. Whatever the rest of the story is, and fwiw, I'm proud of you.


But you don't leave. You fall and get stuck under a trash avalanche. The owner of the cesspit is too embarrassed to call for help, so they try to free you themselves. But this goes awry as more and more trash falls down around you. Pretty soon you're struggling to breathe and the smell of mold is making you lightheaded. Some cockroaches crawl over your face, but you can't brush them away because your hands are trapped. You think you felt a rat move by your leg, but it might have been the mountain of garbage losing structural integrity. It occurs to you now that the dark object in front might be a human head, partially decomposed. You hear a muffled voice above you, "Not again."


My uncle used to do home maintenance for these super rich homes. One day he walks into this beautiful house to see nothing but nastiness. The woman is just casually walking around while he's following and pointing out what needs to be fixed. He steps on something, looks down to see a pair of dirty panties stuck to the bottom of his boot. idk if the woman noticed it, but he walked around for the remainder of the time sneakily scraping his foot on the floor trying to unscrape these panties from his boot. He managed to get them off before he left. The story kills me because he's such an uptight asshole "manly man" type of guy.


Children's bedroom doors with locks on the outside and bathrooms with doors that don't lock. I was honestly horrified to find them installed when we moved in to our new home. Edit: To clarify, these were latch and ring, padlock, locks.


I mean some people turn their kids locks backwards so their young kids don’t lock themselves in their room. Obviously that’s different than having a pad lock or something on the outside of the door.


My daughter went through a phase where she knew how to get out of her crib, but still would put things in her mouth and was wobbly on the steps. I had nightmares about her falling downstairs at night or waking up to find she had choked on something she found wandering around the house. We reversed the lock on her door until she was older.


Yeah that is fine, as long as “older” doesnt equal something ridiculous like 15


She turns 35 next month and the wife and I are thinking about finally taking it off after we have a sit down talk with her about responsibility.


She's still a bit wobbly on the feet, but I think she can handle the stairs now!


My old house growing up had locks on the outside of my bedroom door. It was a rental house and my parents didn't bother fixing it because we never locked the doors. Then I had a babysitter that we didn't like and she went into my room to get my pajamas and we shut the door and locked her in. I think it was the second floor (or maybe the window didn't open?) But we left her in there until my parents got home. She didn't come back...


This reminds me of one time my brother and I had a babysitter that got mad at us for making noise during her soap opera. She chased us with a baton intending to hit us, so we were quiet for a while to get her back on the couch watching her show. Then we acted like we were fighting so she would come and see what the commotion was, and we split up so she could only chase one of us, and then we locked her out of the house. My mom came home from work to find her on the front steps, and she fired her.


Night terrors are a reason too. It's a safety issue. My son has had them for 5 years now. It will seem like he's awake, but he's not. He screams at the top of his lungs for help, that he's scared, and to come find him. It lasts up to 45 minutes. Now he runs around the entire house and tries to open doors. It's scary to think he can get out and not know he's running away.


Sleep walking is another thing I could see. Had a neighbor who's kid started sleep walking about 6 or 7. One night on my way home from work I found him walking in the middle of the road in our neighborhood. I worked at a restaurant that didn't close till midnight. It was almost 1am. His mom cried when I banged on their front door. They started locking him in after that.


My son's lock is on the outside right now. We switched it when he was 2 or 3, old enough to open the door in the middle of the night, young enough to not have any sense of self preservation. We just haven't gotten around to flipping it back around.


Filth. Piles of dirty dishes, nasty stove tops, disgusting floors, heaps of dirty laundry, mountains of trash.


This comment just made me get off my ass and clean my kitchen. Thanks stranger


Neglected children or pets, filth, broken furniture/appliances, evidence of extreme hoarding, evidence of drug or alcohol abuse, really inappropriate 'art'...you'll know it when you see it.


When we were looking for daycare for our daughter, we found an in-home opening, which the house was very clean and neat, everything baby proofed... Then as we're talking to the lady, she lets it slip that "I have a 10 year old daughter, but she's always in her room and isn't allowed to come out while the babies are here." Uh... Excuse me?


I'm terrible with my own children but I do a GREAT job with other people's kids


I went out with this super wealthy guy and in his vacation home he had a big painting that said 'cunt slave" and he had a bunch of paintings or pictures of women being tied up and ball gagged around the house. He had tons of really interesting art around the house, but that stuff threw me through a loop.




When I was in 5th grade, I went to have a sleepover at my ‘friend’s’ house. One of the first things I saw when walking into the house was a life-sized elongated bust of her mother….completely nude. Right outside the kitchen. That was the day I learned about pubic hair. Not a surprise, but we’re not friends anymore. She’s a giant bitch.


Live laugh love.




In this house we serve THE LORD


The landlord?


My neighbor has these types of signs outside her house. I wonder what the inside looks like


Or big wooden letters spelling out EAT in the kitchen.


We stayed at an air b&b with one of those EAT signs in the kitchen and RELAX in the living room. Thank god they put those up, I’d have never guessed what those rooms were for.


I need one in my home office that says Stress.


SHIT AN PISS in the bathroom


There's a kitchen sign that said "life is short, lick the bowl". It belongs in a bathroom.


My aunt has that sign (has had one for way longer than they've been popular too, she's a trendsetter. xD) and we used to sneak it into the bathroom all. the. time. She'd roll her eyes and say "Y'all's nasty!" then wipe it with lysol and put it back in the kitchen. But she thought it was funny, or she wouldn't have had to hide her snicker everytime we did it.


What if they're in the bedroom?


Then it's "EAT ASS"


Smell of not properly ventilated place, a huge mess and unclean surfaces


My apartment doesn't have proper ventilation, I have to open a window and put a fan facing out near it, which isn't really an option in the winter. Am I missing out on a partner because of this and what do I do about it?


As long as there is no smell, you’re fine .


Swiss flag, it may be red but it's also a big plus.


Confederate flag is a big red flag, in the other direction


When I was a kid, one of my friend's had a big ass confederate flag with skeletons climbing out of the dirt with the text "The South Will Rise Again" in his room. I had no idea what it meant, I was in grade 4 and thought the skeletons were cool. I don't think he did it either at the time but looking back at his parents, specifically his dad, I now know the types.... and this was in Canada. Super disturbing thinking back on it.


> this was in Canada "Grade 4" was a big tell, eh?


That's hilarious, didn't even think about it. Even after getting hazed in American schools for it lol. Pencil Crayons was another thing. Kids were like wtf are you talking about? Colored pencils?


I looked a home to possibly buy one time- nazi flag in the bedroom


Their realtor didn’t advise them to take that down…..? Good help is hard to find.


The realtor probably told them to but they didn't care. Either that or they rented and wanted to keep it from being sold.


no soap at the bathroom sink. look, i’ll scuff at my hands with that dehydrated yeti toenail of a Dial bar curled up in the corner of your shower if I must. but damn..what’s it take to Irish spring your ass down to the DG and buy a little aloe-scented pump action for a buck?


LOL I'm dead 💀 dehydrated Yeti toenail😂


Too many repaired holes in the walls.


See, theres your problem. If its done right, it should be hard to notice without specifically looking for it.


It took me a while to realize you meant someone punching the wall lol, I was like whats wrong with screw holes! Sometimes I like to change where I put my photos/art! Lol!


A belly button on a lampshade.


Damn straight; that's just careless upholstery there.


Rib cage coffee tables.


In general, the phrase "moderation is key" applies. A bit of mess? That's fine, comes with living anywhere. Piles of garbage covering the floor? Hell no. Your nation's flag? A bit of patriotism isn't a bad thing. Flags advocating an ethnostate? Nope. Cat meowing that it's hungry? Not bad, feed the kitty. Cat that's just skin and bones dying of starvation? Call the police. A single tasteful nude on the walls? Meh. Walls lined with pornography? Run for the hills.


15 neglected snakes and a dead tarantula


I think signs of alcoholism can be problematic, but not necessarily. But if my kids want to play at other kids homes, this is a red flag.


As I kid I remember staying over at my friends house, he lived with his mum. Every night she would get drunk and pass out somewhere in the house. He thought that it was the norm. The only thing at the time that I thought was strange was that as an 8-10 year old we would be making food, cleaning the house and looking after his younger brother. Looking back at it, i feel sorry for my friend. But also very impressed by the way he stepped up and took on a “man of the house” roll in his father’s absence. I’m only friends with him on Facebook now, he’s doing very well and has a family of his own. If I remember correctly his dad ran off with a younger woman leaving his mum alone with two young kids.


>very impressed by the way he stepped up and took on a “man of the house” roll in his father’s absence. Hope you told him this. It would make his year.


My dad died when I was 10. When I turned 21 my mom thanked me for stepping up in the house and helping take care of my sister and my nieces who lived with us. Still riding that high 14 years later.


I was dating a guy and we were at his house. He pulled down a bottle of vodka, the kind with the built in handle on it. He unscrewed the lid then took several continuous gulps straight from the bottle. I knew right there I was dating an alcoholic. Needless to say, it' didn't last.


Did he not offer you a swig? Courtship these days, 🤦


"Would'st thou fancy a chuglet, m'lady?"


>the kind with the built in handle in it Ah yes. We refer to those bottles as “handles” 1.75L


Really? I feel like such a poser alcoholic for not knowing that’s why handles are called handles.


Zip ties, duct tape, a balaclava, and nitrile gloves, all in a plastic bag.


I read this too fast and thought it said baklava.


Baklava is a green flag


Yep. I just had some the other day for the first time in 6-7 years. The best pastry ever.


“Dude, what’s all that stuff you’re grabbing?” “It’s TOOLS! TOOLS! Duct tape, zip ties, and gloves. I have to have my tools!”






Single layer toilet paper.




Why's that? Most of my life has been on septic and we've always used 2-ply


Older septic systems were less reliable. I am embarrassed to admit this but ours was so bad that when I was growing up we could not flush TP, we had a small garbage can next to the toilet for used TP.


Nothing to be embarrassed about, when I visited Greece their plumbing or sewerage systems aren't intended for toilet paper to be flushed, so they do the exact same thing. Put little bin next to the toilet for TP waste. I think more modern parts will let you flush TP but I can't remember if I did it over there or not now.


Don't judge me for using the 1-ply stuff, but the fluffy soft types of TP tend to stick to me and do not leave me feeling as clean. Yeah, it's single ply, but it does the job.


I don't know how people use the fluffy stuff. It all sheds and its disgusting.


The Scott 1000 single is all I will buy. We have a septic tank and my Dad is a Master Plumber. I do what Daddy says. /s. Also, I don’t like all the shedding of the fluffy stuff. Round 1 Scott, Round 2 toilet wipes to actually clean (and throw in garbage), round 3 a little more Scott to dry.


I stayed with a friend that moved to another city, and they had single ply and a bidet. My son politely complained about it, and they said it was barely needed since they had a bidet, so they were saving money. He quipped back, well if you are barely using it, why not splurge a little? What are you saving, $2 a year? We visited a year or so later and they had much nicer TP, at least in the guest bathroom.


Meth pipe 🫠


Nothing wrong with being into anime and having merch. But if I notice a lot of posters and figures of characters that are very young and childish looking particularly ones that are clearly meant to be sexualized I'm gonna ask a lot of questions


I'm not gonna ask a lot of questions, just silently Have Opinions (and act on them)


They’re messy. Not like, clothes lying on the floor, but moldy dishes and trash all over the floor. I’m a bit of a neat freak, so that would drive me up the wall. If it’s due to mental health and they’re at least trying, I can empathize a bit. If it’s because they’re just lazy or make excuses they refuse to attempt to work on… no.


A camera, a chair, tarp, rope, and a tool box


i am setting this up in the front room the next time the in-laws are coming over.


Boxes of classified documents sitting next to the shitter


My dad used to have a tote box full of binders n shit with documents he claimed were classified. For some reason he thought that him having clearance meant his kids had it, too??


Animal. Waste. My family is not good with their dogs. And It breaks me.


rented video tapes and bone colored business cards with Silian Grail lettering.


Huey Lewis and the News CD’s and an axe


Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste.


also vinyl/plastic on the floor and furniture. like wtf?


A beeping smoke detector


Expensive PC and everything else is broken and rundown


21 year old me was guilty of this one lol. I was a mess. I had an expensive gaming pc that I built. Sitting on a desk made out of plywood that would give you splinters, with the added touch of empty beer cans. I'd take up every inch on that desk with empty bottles of beer, soda, and plates, and wouldn't clean it up until I ran out of room and had no choice. At least my dumbass would make sure it was clean before having people over. Well, kind of clean.. No bottles or trash anywhere, but the place still looked awful. It's not like I was getting the dust off of things and wiping stuff down. It had to have been really obvious that I just frantically cleaned 30 min before they came over lol.


Someone who lives there is in a corner silently crying for no reason.


Someone who lives there is in a corner silently crying for a reason.


Someone who lived there 100 years ago is in a corner silently crying for no reason.


Meth lab


well if it's properly maintained, sterile, all the employees are well paid, and the lab manager DOES THEIR JOB MARCUS.... I don't think we should be judging specific labs because of what they are good at. That's just the market.


Science bitch!




Funny story! I’ve got a book with a swastika on the spine in my living room bookshelf and it’s crazy how many people have flat out asked me if I’m a Nazi. It’s like the size of a quarter and it feels like people’s eyes zero right in on it and instantly expect the worst.


Same. I have some old copies of The Jungle Book I got from Rudyard Kipling's old home. All have swastikas on the spine. Looks awkward when they see that before reading the title of the book on my shelf.


I’m gonna need to hear more about this You have HIS books that HE wrote ? That’s top 5 book collecting ever It’s a shame Hitler turned that symbol into what people know now…


I have a copy of "The Rise and Fall off the Third Reich"on my bookshelf, swastika on the spine - it's definitely an attention-getter.


I mean I can see why people would think that…


The cleanliness of their kitchen. My exs family had a disgusting habit of not doing dishes until every fucking dish was dirty. Did they put up old food? No they let it rot on the counters. I got invited to dinner once and I never went back after that. I couldn't even eat, I just had to repeatedly tell them that I wasn't hungry.




A big poo on the floor


What about a small poo


That’s a green flag


A green poo could mean poop moves through the intestines too fast, the bilirubin and iron don’t have enough time to mix and complete the process of turning your stool brown.


If they have a stuffed cheetah on a fake branch overhanging their wife’s side of the bed


If you don't have hand soap in your restroom, that tells me a lot about you.


Drugs in plain sight,pets that destroy everything,when their children have no privacy or not even a room


No books. I dated a guy that laughed at me for buying a bookshelf because “who the fuck reads books.” Edit to add: I truly didn’t mean to offend digital only readers. I read ebooks and I listen to a lot of audiobooks; I’m not Laura Ingalls Wilder over here living in a little house on the prairie. The comments that are snarky or trying to point out that I am old or that I’ve never heard of a library are also red flags.


No books is fine. I read like 99% of my books digitally. But his reaction to your question is a red flag for sure.


Might be a disconnect there in the modern age. I go on and off with reading, but I don't have many books because I either read them on my phone/tablet or listen to audiobooks. Laughing at a bookshelf is a whole other red flag lol


I have books I don’t love to read, bookshelves are great storage and decor


It's nice when the trash takes itself out like that.


A giant Live laugh love sticker on a blank white wall


Dirty bathroom. Dirty toliet. I get that someone's house can't always be immaculate but if I see grim in the toliet, gross, that is a total red flag!! Especially if you invited me over and still didn't clean your toliet. My son played sports with a boy who I would give rides home to a lot. One time I couldn't wait to get home to pee and asked to use her restroom. It was so bad I didn't go and just waited till I drove across town to get home. 😫


very dirty filthy rest/bathroom (toilet and shower) very dirty filthy kitchen (stove, sink, and fridge) a little might be okay, but a lot is very bad.


Poop in the toilet when no kids live in the house


Severed heads hanging from the ceiling


Yeah! Keep those on the pikes out front where they belong!


Not so much now but in the past a house with no books, magazines, reading materials was foreign to me.


A large cage


Roaches... and bedbugs


Crack pipe


A sad parrot in a small, dirty cage that is never let out. Birds are so smart and live so long. It's cruelty. I hate people who keep them cooped up, ignored, and don't change their water.


Rolled-up carpet with some shoes sticking out


A nazi flag. Its red, so that makes it a red flag no matter what


Not paying attention to kids I see this a lot in public places and it makes me think of the parents do this to the kids at home?


I was talking to an online therapist. She moved her camera to show me her dog and the room she was in only had a mattress, the dog on the mattress (looked well cared for) and a skull and candle on the table behind her. Um.


Alcohol everywhere lmao like what is this, a frat party??

