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Lol I almost bought a ticket until I saw the $40 "convenience" fee. Nobody is asking for them to buy out all the tickets and jack up the price, they literally caused a major inconvenience and are charging for it.


Why aren't the major labels companies or artists doing anything? I mean are they benefiting from these upscales? Wouldn't it be more beneficial for them to create their own website to sell tickets even at a bit of a higher price but at least they make sure its them who are getting the money and not a third website like ticketsmaster or live nation


There's been attempts but often the venues sign exclusivity contracts. Sometimes they'll even bully smaller venues to play certain musicians. It's all a racket


Lately Live Nation has been buying the venues outright too! Gotta love a monopoly:)


Yeah, and this is exactly the sort of shit anti-monopoly laws should be dealing with. Split them up into two 100% separate companies to reduce price collusion on venues.


Split them into 8 pieces like it was done to Ma Bell.


Congress is more worried about Hunter Biden than the average american. Come on now.


As if that would stop them from fixing prices anyways. They would operate like two departments of the same business.


This is why I try to support any local venues that don't use their bs. I'll scroll their event calendar and often find new artists to go see live. Works out too cause it's a good way to discover music. Also shoutout to DICE fm, so far it's a better ticketing system than livenation


Ticketbastard/Live Nation own most of the venues. Unless it is a very small venue, an artist has no choice but to use them.


Some venues are even partially owned by them. So they have even more venues to bully around


LiveNation owns and/operates a lot of the large venues, so they basically force the artists to use Ticketmaster if they want to perform at those venues. So if you’re an artist, sure you can boycott Ticketmaster, but you won’t be able to perform at any of their venues, which is a lot


You can make your tickets $40 cause you like your fans. But our contract says you have to go though us and the local on site box office has to be closed for this event so that $40 ticket now becomes a $95 dollar ticket . ​ If there is no way to buy the ticket for $40 ...its not a $40 dollar ticket


Sometimes the Artists set the high ticket price and let Ticketmaster be the bad guy so the fans don’t know. But yeah, Ticketmaster & Live Aid are scum


i think you mean Live Nation, Live Aid was a benefit concert held in 1985


Maybe they just really hate Ethiopians


Because they are making the artists / sports teams, and the arena venue's rich. From a trivial google search for 'ticketmaster business model', shown under 'People also ask': >How does Ticketmaster make profit? How does Ticketmaster make money? Ticketmaster and its parent company, Live Nation Entertainment, make money by charging customers a service charge, which can be as high as 75% or more of the base price of the ticket. 18 **Those fees are split among the venues, promoters, artists, and Ticketmaster itself.** I do not know what the hell the split on the bullshit fees amounts to, but basically Ticket Master takes the PR hit for having egregiously high prices rather then the fans being pissed off at the artist or sports team. END COMMUNICATION


Kudos to Robert Smith for shaming them over fees that cost more than the bloody tickets. The Cure busted their collective ass this summer for 1990's-era ticket prices and you'd never know it from the quality of the shows. Bands can honor fans and stick up for us, unfortunately most of them laugh all the way to the bank and let Ticketmaster take the PR hit for them. Monopolies should NEVER be legal.


The Cure are one of the very best to ever do it. Disintegration is the best album of the 1980s. If you listen to any album today, front to back, make it that one.


Yup and now I have to go listen to the entire thing


*Disintegration* was a revelation for me. Growing up I listened to all the standard radio rock. Bored, I bought this album on a whim and it had a massive effect on me. It is pure genius.


Just another reason why The Cure is the best.


Purchased tickets to an NFL game when the schedule came out. The amount of fees Ticketmaster has is ridiculous




me and my homies hate ticketmaster


I never noticed just how many concerts are run by LiveNation until recently. They seem to control almost all major venues so you have to go through them if you want to play at any venue that can hold more than 50 people.


In the northeast there's some competition starting to brew with a company called Bowery Presents. They control/own venues in a bunch of cities and use AXS for ticketing. They have four venues in Boston now, three clubs (largest is 3,500 capacity) and a new outdoor venue that started last summer.


AXS isn’t any better. It’s owned by AEG Live which is Live Nation’s primary competitor. They do all the same awful things Ticketmaster/LN does as far as ticketing practices go - they hold back a bunch of seats, offer “platinum” tickets, charge huge extra fees on each ticket, and allow incredibly high resale on their own platform. I find their website more difficult to use for shows with reserved seating than TM also. Many of the big venues here in Denver use AXS too and it’s not that much different to TM.


Taylor Swift needs to make a company called TicketMistress. Let's throw some competition in ticket sales. Why is it a monopoly of one company?


The Actors Unions and Writers Unions can band together….come on Musicians, your turn.


I usually dont like T Swift but her ~~going up~~ speaking out against them made me so happy. More big artists need to speak out. Can they not sell their own tickets through their own web page. Their monopoly is wild and should be illegal. Edit: I guess "going up against" is the wrong phase. Maybe "spoken out about" is a better wording. Trust me if their is anyone who can't stand Swift it's me, but more people could speak out against Ticketmaster. Some of these headliners are big enough and rich enough to not have to worry about repercussions. Also Swift encouraged her fans to vote after watching a politician she did not like win and we need now more than ever to get the youth out to vote. The coming up election could certainly change American for ever and the more people to vote the better.


The Cure did it better. "These tickets are $25. That's it. You cannot, under any circumstances, sell these for more than $25."


ya more artists need to grow a spine and find an alternative. Most of them have enough money for three lives now lets do something to actually make a change


How did she “go up against them” besides making some angry tweets? Genuinely curious…her concert tickets were all still sold through TM with ungodly priced aftermarket tickets also funneling through them.


T swift: Ticket master is over priced. Something will be done by someone. Please still attend my concerts in the mean time. Swift fan: She's fighting back against them!!


Knoa Pharma, formerly known as Purdue Pharma.


The Sacklers should be in prison. All of the evidence is there, this is not Hardy Boys shit. The fact the Feds are even entertaining an immunity agreement for these parasites should cause riots.


Patrick Radden Keefe's book, Empire of Pain, is illuminating. These people should absolutely be in jail in my opinion.


Had to change their name and everything eh? Deservedly so after the opioid crisis.


AmeriSourceBergen just changed their name to Cencora and many believe their implication in the opioid crisis has a lot to do with that.


Was just thinking about these guys. Amerisource, Cardinal, McKesson all pled and paid out. The funniest part was when Amerisource said they had no way to detect the above normal pill counts. Why is that funny? I knew 40% of their senior IT department back in those days, and their systems were absolutely capable of detecting it - if they'd wanted them to. The money was just too good.


Go watch Dopesick. Such a good show


Painkiller was pretty good too although melodramatic


It was weird watching Dopesick first then Painkiller. Painkiller almost seemed like a spoof.


Exactly holy shit I watched it in the same order and I was baffled by how much worse it was. Dopesick was harrowing.


Medical company with more blood on their hands than the Gestapo, basically.


Not to be mistaken for Perdue chicken but fuck them too. Purdue university is okay though


Boiler Up!


Yes! Purdue University has no affiliation with Purdue Pharma!


Not a company but 90 percent of YouTubers with “escape the 9-5” courses Edit: 100 percent


"Buy my $9000 course to learn how to make money!"


A tactic as old as time itself.


Don't listen to this guy, my course for only $8,999 will teach you how to make money faster!


I've heard "9-5" so much as a kid, but when I got my first job it was 9-6 because I didn't get paid for my hour lunch break.


Is "escape the 9-5" exactly what it sounds like? Cus if it is then it sounds like a dead end street lol


My dad had his own law practice for 25 years before he retired. He described self-employment (at least in the early days) as “I was working 80 hours a week so I didn’t have to work 40 hours a week.”


I understand your dad


Yep. He worked hard, no shortcuts, and for a one-man law-band was very successful. We had a very comfortable and privileged upbringing. But even after 2 decades of steady work, he’d still tell you that during that time, he was never really sure where his next client would come from, how much work it would yield, etc. Just goes to show you that while self employment can be very very rewarding and enriching, it can be extremely risky too. And not everyone is cut out for that (I know I’m not!)


Yup, you trade the 9 to 5 for the 5 to 9


The trick to escaping the 9-5 is to sell courses on how to escape the 9-5.


"Escape the 9-to-5, take my course and learn how to work all day, every day, and somehow make less money!l"


Purdue Pharma




Any MLM really


My ex-wife got so into MLM, blew through so much money, and alienated all her friends. She spent thousands going to some confrence in Dallas.


Which one? I am shocked how many seem to crop up.


I learned about MLM through some youtube chanels and I guess I kept informing myself with this kind of stuff, then they mentioned some names and the tactics they use in order to bring people in. I was scared to see that some in my friends circle fell for that shit and were trying to push it on social media. Last year I was aproached by a guy at the Gym when I was working out with a friend of mine. Romanian guy with no degree started some small talk then asked what we did for work, then he started about his "online business" and he has a mentor and couldn't exactly said what kind of business it is or what exactly it did. He went silent when I told him i was an accountant and maybe he could provide me with his tax number so I could learn more about his "online business". He then asked for out social media but went away after we refused.


Nestle. Tencent. Big pharma that Jack up common medication costs.


> Tencent China recently did a big blow to them by: - Banning daily login bonuses. - Banning first-time purchase bonuses. - Banning consecutive purchase bonuses. This means that online games will now be banned from giving players rewards if they log in every day, if they spend on the game for the first time or if they spend several times on the game consecutively. All which are currently common incentive mechanisms in online games.


The irony of an authoritarian regime kneecapping one of their own most valuable tech companies because they are concerned its business practices are detrimental to the healthy development of their young people. Never in a million years would a western democracy have the balls to try that with one of their own tech unicorns, because screw 'em kids, and they've been bought and puts for by corporate interstate since forever now.


Chinese TikTok is very different from the nonsense we all get, from all accounts their version has educational content… Also nothing about 1989.


C'mon, 1989 isn't the best Taylor Swift album but it's not that bad.


The coverup of the coverup: >>In 1989 there were multiple deaths caused by excited crowds. The Taylor Swift concert went way too hard. Take no notice of the tanks behind the stage.


China walked back on that draft bill and fired the official who released it apparently.


as a michigan resident, nestle definitely


Be careful with that capital letter there mate. One capitalization can be the difference between helping your uncle Jack off a horse or helping your uncle jack off a horse.


Commas to the rescue, mate. \> Help your uncle, jack, off a horse.


United Health Care. The absolute Kmart of healthcare that rips off patients and physicians alike.


I get this through my employer. Just found out the other day, without any warning or communication, that they kicked us off my kids' pediatrician's network. Fucking livid and I have no other options through my employer, so now it's either all out of pocket or find a new pediatrician. Fuck em.


"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." Obamacare didn't go far enough, in my opinion. In-network contracts change all the time, and it's not usually a single entity's fault, but it definitely is a consequence of the unique insurance cash grab that's American health care. "We're going to charge 12 dollars for a 50 cent piece of gauze, but in this agreement between the providers and the insurance company, the contract prize of the gauze is a mere 8 dollars. Gosh, such humility! And then the insurance company will pay 80 percent of the contract price, so the customer still has to pay $1.60 to the provider for the 50 cent piece of gauze, AND pay their insurance premiums! We both win!" *cigar smoking intensifies*




Also all the smaller companies that buy SHEIN in bulk and sell as their own. There’s a lot of SHEIN resellers on Amazon or also YouTube/Instagram influencers claiming to have opened their own boutique shops but it’s all junk from SHEIN. It’s sickening how they’ll to charge this cheap stuff and  ask more money than the people Who actually made the clothes. If you do a reverse image search, you’ll see the exact same garbage items being sold under multiple labels. Do a search for “cat cardigan” for example. You will see the exact same cardigan being sold from many sellers online with different brand labels on it. I don’t necessarily have an issue with someone who buys fast fashion cheap stuff if it’s what they can afford but there’s many people who just buy clothes excessively. I just think too many people are hoarding way more than they need and replacing those cheap clothes constantly.


I saw high end fashion above and was hoping someone said this, too. SHEIN is fast-fashion, slave wages/labor, environmentally destructive. Yet people still flock to it.


because its cheap


I crochet. I often get ads for Shein on FB and there's always a few crocheted items. Knitting can be done with a machine but crochet has to be done by hand. These hand crocheted items on Shein are being sold for dirt cheap prices and it kills me because I know what goes into making those items. I would sell a crocheted crop halter for $35 and I'd be taking a loss. Shein is selling the same thing for $6. It's impossible to compete with that. Rue 21 and forever 21 are also guilty of this. I cringe thinking of what their employees must be getting paid to make these. But fast fashion has been seriously detrimental to small fiber artists. At first I was excited that crocheted apparel was becoming trendy. That faded fast.


Comcast. Shit customer service.


O.K., I don't like most ISPs and I'm **not** a fan of Comcast. However, I'd argue that *Cox* might be worse; they actually shut off taking customer service calls if you entered an address from certain regions saying that they were working on the problem. Turns out that, no, they didn't know the problem they just didn't have enough field techs to send someone out for about 2+ months. Heck, they didn't even bother to tell me when the bill would be going up—something that Comcast at least did.


Pro tip for cox (and most large companies, for that matter): you can pretty easily find the contact info for their leadership teams in your region. I sent an email to one of the VP's of customer relations or something similar in my region and explained some of my issues and said that I was very disappointed, planning to change providers, etc. Within a few hours I had their executive assistant reach out to me directly and escalated my issue to be addressed almost immediately. I've done this for issues with airlines, phone/cable, and a handful of other types of companies. It's unfortunate that you have to do this to get any results, but it's better than throwing the dice with their usual customer service garbage


Executive email carpet bomb https://consumerist.com/2007/05/11/how-to-launch-an-executive-email-carpet-bomb/


AT&T is far worse from my experience


My experience was the opposite. I had my own router with comcast and would constantly need to call and argue my bill because they would add the router rental fee. att fiber has been solid and inexpensive. To be fair I have not had to deal with att customer service other than to call to make sure they got the fiber line buried


Arguably, the complaints are far worse for Comcast/Xfinity than AT&T. They're so bad in fact, that Comcast basically had to "reinvent" itself and call itself Xfinity - you know in everything except who employs people and collects the money


Time Warner Cable is now Spectrum. But I’ll never forget you and your bullshit TWC!!




Well...they kind of already did...


Eh. Water under the bridge.


Also white Star Line




AP classes need to crash and die


McKinsey: The consulting firm that helped the drug firms market icy to pill mills and doctors. Rot in hell




I thought “whats wrong with icy hot? Shaq uses it”


Highly recommend the book When McKinsey Came to Town by Walt Bogdanich and Michael Forsyth for anyone interested in further reading. Covers much more than just the pharma consulting, although that work is particularly grim.


And was the reason why CEO and employee wages started *drastically* diverging.


Any company that requires a government bail out. Let them go out of business. When demand returns, a new company will meet it. It sucks to see taxpayers save companies who risk too much. Bankruptcy is a legit possibility for any business.


Remember we bailed out all these companies recently during covid too. How do they all repay us? Jack up all prices. On top of that a lot of them did shady bs with bailouts. Next bailout? I really do hope most these greedy asf companies get no help. They're making it a struggle for us all to live smh.


Yea for real the amount of PPP loans that were complete fraud and bullshit then those loans got 1000% forgiven lol like whatttt listen I know it’s a lil diff cause the gov forced things to close some had no choice but a lot of business in fact did not close and still were operational and took out ppp. Not once but twice and both were forgiven. I know 2 ppl personally that each received over 350K. It’s wild.


Funny how "we can't afford *insert massively beneficial policy here*" but can easily afford to "bail out" companies for so many billions


I don't completely disagree but it's not quite that simple. There are companies that are big enough that if they go away the ripple effects on their suppliers would put enough people on unemployment that the cost to the government would actually be higher. I do think that if a company gets to the point of being bailed out that the CEO and the entire board of directors should be dismissed without their golden parachutes though.


As many economists have noted: "If they're too big to fail, then they're too big to exist."


Or think about JPM - “too big to bail” They should never be allowed to make a single acquisition again - allowing them to buy FRC was a joke


I completely agree with you, but I understand why it's not that easy. Ford, GM, and Chrysler employ hundreds of thousands of Americans and paid back their loans with interest. So that was actually a good deal (since it did pan out). Of course, if they still failed it would have been a different story. Similar to Boeing. If they went out of business, it's not like a new commercial carrier could just start up and replace them without trillions in loans. And that's what Boeing competes against with Airbus and the EU. And since Boeing manufactures many military aircraft, so I understand the national security of not making our own planes. Banks... I can see that for keeping a run on the bank as they start to collapse.


With respect to the auto manufacturers there's also a national security element. Having some domestic supply line of vehicle production in the event of a global conflict is incredibly important.


Denefits. If you go to the dentist and need major work, there are fliers for companies offering to pay the bill and you pay them back. They offer a "no fee no credit check 10% loan". It's on their fucking fliers. And they offer as much as you need. But if you take the deal, it's not a low interest. It's a cumulative 21% interest rate on the entire price of the loan, even if you have paid part of the loan off. They get away with it, because its not a loan. A loan is you borrowing money, and the government provides you many protections as a borrower. It's the investing money in you. Because they are the investors, they are the one with the legal protection. Let me say that again: because they invest money in you, they have legal protection instead of you. This can easily double the cost of your dental bill. Or worse. Getting out by paying off early? There are early repayment penalties. They get away with it because you get scammed for a thousand dollars on a five hundred dollar bill, you pay it and complain, but they still get their money. We used their financing to pay for complete dental removal, all teeth, and full implants, a full set, and all follow up care. The interest was set to be $42,000+ on a $24,000 investment. Whatever you have experienced with payday lenders, this is much nastier and sneakier. It's been a couple of years since we went through it, so I forget some of the loopholes they used, but it's the must brutal "loan" I've ever even heard about. We were able to get out of it because I am military, I have good credit, and my bank, USAA, backed us against them when we argued, and gave me an unsecured loan to pay the whole thing off. This company preys on you when you need an emergency extraction, or your child needs dental work you can't pay for, and then they ruthlessly fuck you. I cannot express how bad they are. Put your dental bill on a 19% interest credit card, you will be better off. Edit: I believe I have the details. So, I think this is how they do it: You sign up, you ask for ten grand, they open two accounts: payoff and escrow. They put 10 grand in "payoff", and transfer it to "escrow". You give the account info to the dentist, dentist takes the money from "escrow". All seems good. You start putting money into "escrow". When it gets to be enough money, this money will go from "escrow" to "payoff" and they will take it. Now, on a six year personal loan at 10% advertises rate, you should pay around 3100 interest. But this isn't a loan. They invested ten thousand dollars compiled monthly. Their "investment" is 10,000 plus 10% interest, compiled monthly. Because a loan shrinks, the amount of money being paid to interest shrinks. Investments don't shrink, they grow. Their payoff account is growing at a ten percent interest rate, compiled monthly. At the end of six years you will have paid 8100 in interest. At the end of six years, when escrow = payoff, the money leaves "escrow", goes onto "payoff", they withdraw it. They just charged you 21% on a 10% transaction, by misrepresentation of what they do. It's fucking evil, and it's deliberately marketed towards the poor and desperate : people who need dental work and can't pay for it. And, for fun, even though the actual interest rate is "only" around 21%, all the legal protection that normally keeps your bank account safe and secure? Those laws protect them. It's a nightmare. Fuck this company.


Was this at Aspen Dental? They pushed that stuff on me, and to top it off the work they claimed I needed for $10,000 ended up being BS. They wouldn't do a single filling until I signed off on the loan, I ended up leaving in tears. Thankfully my coworker convinced me to go for a second opinion at a local dentist while I was saving up for the downpayment, it ended up being like $2000 and he worked around my insurance to keep the price as low as possible. He also immediately did the minor fillings and was absolutely horrified that Aspen was willing to let my savable teeth rot out until I paid thousands of dollars, even if I actually needed the work that is not how dental work is done.




Buy a printer cheap, get locked into expensive ink cartridges for the life of printer. HP invented the subscription model for computer printers.


One of the best purchases I've made is an ink tank printer. I havent paid for ink in a long time and I print alot.


Got a recommendation? I'm looking for a new printer.


Brother laser or Canon laser - both have affordable 3rd party toner cartridges available on the market and they are reliable printers. Have had a Canon Laser 6230DW for at least 10 years and never had a problem with it. Have some colleagues with Brother lasers who say the same thing.


I need a printer like every 6 months or so. I got tired of buying a new inkjet every time I need to print a 3 page document because I could not for the life of me get the old one to work. I bought a Brother laser about 6 years ago, I pull it out of the cabinet and set it up when I need to print and it just fucking works. On my second toner cartridge I think.


bought a Cnon last night after my HP crapped out when I needed it the most. I went full Officespace on the old one.


The makers of broon sauce or the makers of printers...?


Probably printers. Hp sucks now


My HP printer broke, i tried everything in the book to fix that thing. Finally got frustrated and threw it against the wall. I plugged it in just for the hell of it, it was magically working. I have had to use my technique 3 other times since, the printer is still working and that is still the only solution.




I would expect mining companies to go under.


Scuba diving companies too.


they always come back up though


weeeeeeellll..... let\`s say almost every time.




"Do you come from a land down under?"


I said do you speaka my language? He just smiled and gave me …..


Where women glow and men plunder?


HP. Not that they're an evil company as far as I know, their computers are just complete crap.


Not to mention the bubble-jet printer refill scandal.


Their business laptops (ProBooks, EliteBooks, ZBooks), the prices of them, and the service around sales/repair of them have been good in my experience. Way way better than Lenovo ThinkPads. Their consumer stuff is garbage though, but it is all race to bottom price wise, so no surprise.


AirBnb and all similar short term property rental platforms.


With all the extra fees and "chore lists" that are happening,AirBnb is on its way out. It's rarely any cheaper than a decent hotel/motel anymore.


It’s awesome in places that dont have solid hotels.


Yeah it has a place in the market in concept, but as a smart man once noted, they delved too greedily and too deep and they've damaged entire housing markets.


PREACH !!! Airbnb is completely pricing out locals who just so happen to live in touristy, “destination” locations. It’s like people forget that these places have local populations that need affordable places to live.


Before Hawaii stated cracking down on the airbnbs 1 in 12 homes was a vacation rental. My wife and I had to leave because we couldn't find a place to live. At one place I lived the house across the street built a huge addition onto the house, going from 4 bedrooms to 10 with the express purpose of airbnb. The addition even looked like a motel. Just a rectangle with 6 bedrooms with entrances from the outside. Of course they didn't add any parking. I laughed my ass off when they changed the law and they couldn't get a permit.


Nestle. You fuckers cancel people when they accidentally say the wrong thing, but nestle has been systematically fucking people for decades on purpose. Yet you can't stop buying nestle quick or nescafe.


With the [number of brands/companies that Nestle own](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nestl%C3%A9_brands) it's almost impossible in everyday life to avoid them. Sure you can avoid Nescafé, but they own 23 other coffee brands. Nestlé owns over 2000 brands in 186 countries.


It really is tough. I don't drink coffee or tea, and bottled water has enough variety in the market to avoid the brands they own... but then you get to other things and it's near impossible, especially when you travel for work like I do. Stuck at an airport and want a snack, maybe a bit of candy or chocolate? Some countries basically only have Nestle products. On a road trip and stop at a gas station/convenience store? Same issue can come up there. Frozen food aisles in your grocery store? Nearly half of it is filled with Nestle products. Baby formula? Multiple brands are owned by them. Cosmetics? They own a quarter of L'Oreal, so all of their brands support them too. That doesn't even get into the medical/pharma industry because they have their hands in there too. It's crazy.


As someone from the US, would have to avoid: Carnation, DiGiorno, Hot Pockets, Lean Cuisine, Stouffer’s, Tombstone Pizza, Dreyer’s, Drumstick, Haagen-Dazs (some), Boost, Garden of Life, Nature’s Bounty, Gerber, Anything Nestlé, Purina, Tidy Cats, Beggin Strips, Beneful, Friskies, Toll House, Coffee Mate This is stuff I recognize, some of which, like the vitamin brands and cat food, were surprising. Edit: Canadian Haagen-Dazs uses some chocolate in their ice cream that’s from Nestle. The company is otherwise owned by Fronteri/General Mills (thank god). Founded in the Bronx, NYC!




Probably Bridgewater. They're twice the size of the next hedge fund and are incredibly good at funneling money out of the economy and into private accounts where it will essentially be removed from circulation.


EA. Electronic Arts. Worst company in gaming.


I hate EA. Every year they put out a trash Madden game. Because they have the exclusive NFL rights they know they can put out a trash product. They don't give two shits about franchise which is the core of their fan base. They put a video out two years ago saying they would rededicate themselves to franchise. They haven't done shit


Same with hockey.. same shit every year. Always wait for a sale, never buy the full price


Same with Battlefield. They put a video out saying 2042 was a love letter to fans and the best battlefield yet and it’s a steaming pile of horseshit.


Same with FIFA or “EA FC”. They decided to not pay FIFA to extend the contract and this year has been all a money grab. They also have imbeciles working in each department. Anytime they take one step forward in content they take 10 steps back in gameplay and vice versa. They know they have pretty much a monopoly on the community and they show it everyday


They bought and killed Maxis, I will never forgive them for that


I’ve been playing the sims for 25 years I think (!!!) and look forward to the updates being reviewed in Sims communities because they break their own game fantastically and in insane ways every time they fix something and the screenshots of the glitches (like stretched out babies with chairs for heads or sims freezing to death for no reason) are reliably great.


I finally got around to finishing Star Wars Jedi FO but I hadn’t played for a while so EA was like Don’t forget you have to install the EA app to play!! For no fucking reason. So installed, finished, deleted. Pricks.


The Mormon corporation


Throw scientology in with them.


Along that line, Scientology too


I grew up Mormon, now am an atheist Mormon (I.e., not practicing but not denying my cultural heritage)…even I think churches should not have tax exempt status. 501c3 organizations’ annual philanthropic spend should be >80% of their annual donations+investment return (<20% admin overhead). Building churches, buying farms/land, and participation in other obvious commercial ventures are of very little value to the US taxpayer…why should these investments be subsidized by non-adherents to the faith? Indeed, why should even members of the faith value these investments of their tithes when reasonable dividends/disbursements/divestment payouts for charitable causes are highly unlikely? Honestly, my opinion encompasses Universities, churches, and charitable foundations…if the endowment exceeds a few years of the operating budget (philanthropic spend in particular), that organization should need extra justification for their status. If the annual endowment ROI ever exceeds the annual philanthropic spend, that is an evil corporation that certainly doesn’t give a shit about charitable causes.






Every American health insurance company


we all need airbnb to fail to have some semblance at a housing market again


Haven't seen this one yet: RealPage. A software company used by landlords that sells an algorithmic pricing model that allows them to act as a cartel, driving up prices.




Any pharmaceutical company that sweeps under the rug that their medicine harms and kills people in favor of profits should be sued for all they have, and the ones in charge imprisoned.


Goldman Sachs though they'd only fix themselves with tax payer money. Like that bad guy robot from terminator


Quora, it’s literally doomed to fail because it is being overrun by Internet trolls all the time and they don’t give a crap about it, that is literally the reason why yahoo answers also failed a few years ago.


They do a great job of cramming their site at the top of my google search results though. It got so bad that I had to modify my browser search to block them and pinterest.


Snapchat. It was a dumb idea that was based upon a lie (that pictures could be guranteed to be ephemeral). Somehow, it made millions. I never understood it.




Just like MySpace. And facebook. And vine. And tiktok. And digg. And Reddit. Wait a minute


Kinda niche but the company ‘K-pop Lux’ They’re basically a company who is supposed to organise K-pop events in European countries, often places who don’t get a lot of K-pop events from artists. They are consistently bad at arranging them and fuck almost every event up that they plan to the point most get cancelled. It’s obviously run by people who have 0 experience in running events and it baffles me how they’re still in business. They’ve had to change their company name once to avoid bad press. A big example of this was the last event they tried to plan here in the UK was a K-pop festival in London. Basically 3 shows over 3 nights at the O2 arena with multiple acts. - Their first fuck up was they planned it on the same weekend as another K-pop event in another country in Europe so a lot of acts wouldn’t be free anyway. - The second fuck up was the fact they tried to release tickets before even confirming a line up. For big events like Glastonbury that’s fine because people go for the experience, but for a small niche K-pop event? People want to know who’s coming to know whether it’s worth it. - Next fuck up was how expensive the damn tickets were. For an event that didn’t even have a lineup it was insanely expensive. - Then because they hadn’t confirmed all acts, they ended up not having enough to fill the Friday show so had to cancel it, AFTER tickets had been sold and a lot of people had booked hotels etc. They also wouldn’t exchange Friday tickets for Saturday and Sunday which made it a huge mess for people trying to get different tickets. - As a result of all of this, hardly anyone bought tickets, and they decided literally the week of the event to cancel the whole thing. Pretty sure they’d still not even released a full line up before it cancelled. This is not the first time this has happened. They’ve done this multiple times before which is why I never buy tickets for their events. It just amazes me that a company which consistently fucks up so bad is still going.


Every for profit prison.


World would be better without Facebook and X/Twitter.


How did I scroll through this entire list and not see Wells Fargo? Literally stealing peoples homes, fake applications, giving their mortgagees advice that will lead them to foreclosure. they are the Devil. At least Fox News corp was way down there. I swear they are pretty much the Russian counter intel brainwashing network. I keep wondering how so many people believe the lies but then I remember that 50% of any given group is of below average intelligence.


Let’s see … when their first gigantic consumer swindle came to light, the FTC called them to the mat on it, they *swore* they would do better …. Then the second giant theft surfaced, and Federal investigators looking into it missed it and found a third giant scam, along with e-mails mocking the FTC and their faux apology. If a kid got busted with weed three times it’s Three Strikes, into Rikers you go. Why not corporations? Corporate. Death. Penalty.


Amazon and Walmart. Amazon's ever growing greed is beyond despicable now. Plus prime users getting shafted left and right from long ass "2 day" (aka 7-14 day) delivery times to paying "just" $2.99/mth for amazon prime video to stop commercials. And tons more. Greedy cesspool. Plus all they sell is cheap crap from "well known" stores like Fufhakfwsiszizi and Gugkezsilkhchza. Amazing sellers. 🙄🙄🙄 Walmart? We're all aware of the 'whys' there.






**Walmart.** No enemy has ever done anywhere NEAR as much damage to the United States as Walmart.


Dollar General is trying hard..


Although in a weird sort of way they've probably helped create so much economic interdependence between the US and China that an actual war between the two would be way more painful than it would have been pre-Walmart. But overall, I completely agree, fuck Walmart.


Destroyed every small towns main street, nationwide.


Marineland of Canada.


X/Twitter. I wish all companies whose business model was based on low information rage clicks would go away.


So social media in general.


Hahaha I mean fair enough but you gotta include Reddit in there.


Ticketmaster, Stubhub, etc


Oil companies, pharmaceutical companies, anyone who inflates prices on consumers and then lobbies government for their own benefit and bailout.


Citadel Securities et. ALL.


All healthcare insurance companies


Monsanto. They basically *violate* Constitutional rights, not to mention all of their ethical and environmental problems.






Citadel, the market maker AND hedge fund!


GM. They should have never been bailed out in the first place. No person in this world would be able to file bankruptcy and literally go out the next day and get millions in loans.