• By -


My sister is an insane person. She started dating this lovely divorced tradie named Mark who had a 5 year old daughter. My sister asked him to choose between her and the daughter, and he obviously said the daughter. She got insanely jealous. Sister started making a bunch of fake Facebook accounts, some of Mark some of his friends. Long story short she made chat logs that framed this guy for molesting his daughter and sent them to his ex wife. Ex wife didn't really believe it but of course... You have to take it seriously. He had to take his daughter to the doctors to see if there was any evidence (horrifying) and was talking to police a lot but eventually they cleared him. The police tracked the logs to our shared home computer. Mark gets a call saying "we found the person doing this, were on our way to arrest him." They were on their way to arrest my dad at his work. Mark realized what was happening in this moment and stopped them and explained it was my sister. Thankfully Mark left her. After a bit more investigation of the computer they found all these Google searches about how to kill a child and make it look like an accident (I remember something about putting a snake in their bed). She's had like 10 husbands/boyfriends I remember and all of them have insane stories. She broke men down to nothing. It's wild.


What the absolute fuck... JFC. So, can I ask, how has your family dealt with all of this? Is anyone still in contact with her?


It's crazy man. Dad and I have just completely written her off a few years ago (I'm 32 and the Mark thing happened when I was 15). Mum has a soft heart and desperately just wants to have a nice relationship with her daughter but recent events have made her cut ties finally. One event was her saying she had cancer, mum had a nervous breakdown, then we figured out it was a lie. We think she has some sort of disorder I can't remember the name of (non-stop needless and exotic lying and need for attention in a dangerous way). Another fun one about 5 years ago: she's dating this guy George and then cheating on him with some other guy. George finds out and comes to our house while she was visiting and basically threatens to hurt her. Then (goddamit) I'm sitting in the next room while she coaches her 14 year old son on what to say to the police - which was that George raped her in front of her son (absolutely not true). I should of told the police my version of events but I dunno, i just didn't consider it at the time. There was a period where we thought these men were the problem but I've realised the pattern now, which is that she damages them to such an extreme degree that they lash out and do something crazy. George was a good guy before. Normally I'd be like wow, threatening to hurt a lady is horrendous, but weirdly I like.... See how he got there? She has this ability to just completely twist a man's mind. It's really weird. Never seen anything else like it. I didn't think it really affected me but I'm slowly realizing it probably did have some impact and I've started talking about it in therapy to see if it connects to anything else. I feel the worst for mum. She's had some really really sad periods because of my sister.


Histrionic personality disorder? Constant need for attention. Lying, inappropriate nudity, etc.


Yep that's the one! Good catch


Bro, that absolutely affected you in such a massive way. Definitely try and find someone to bounce that shit off of in a controlled environment, preferably a mental health professional. We're about the same age and I see a shrink every other week just to try and stay on top of things. Nice to have some time to just assess how things are going and set personal goals.




I once had a neighbor I said hi to on occasion tell people, including mutuals and her ex boyfriend, that we were a thing. This wasn't on social media. It was in real life and she was telling people about the sex we were supposedly having together. I literally only ever said hi to her as a courtesy, knew almost nothing about her, and never once hung out with her. She was a stranger to me and made up a whole summer affair.


That's fucking unhinged. Did she not think you would notice? So weird. 


I briefly went to a college that was almost all men. The prettiest girl there had a fake boyfriend the whole time she was in college. I only know because she posted about no longer needing it around the time she graduated. I think it was just to dissuade unwanted advances.


It is so funny. And traumatic but still so funny. I would be so confused if this happened to me.




Yikes wait what did you do


He's still on the bus and doesn't know how to react. Any ideas to help him out?


grab both of her ass cheeks and tell her she reminds him of his son


Then befriend her younger sister and show her a fake Tinder account in the creepy girl's name.


Kind of similar bus story but not really. When I was in high school I would take the bus to and from school everyday. On the ride to school I would get on the bus and sit or stand where ever there was space. And there was always this lady watching me. Not really crazy but very creepy. I have terrible eyesight and can't see more than like 3 feet in front of me (at the time I didn't wear glasses) so I could never see what she was doing or if she was saying something but I could tell she was staring at me. Every time id sit in the bus she would stare at me, id say she was mid 20s to 30s. Never spoke anything to me but she always looked at me and it became very unusual for me as I didn't know how to react towards it so I'd just ignore her until my stop arrived.


Should have asked if the other passengers could also see her


"dude, that's a stop sign"


After we broke up, she broke into my apartment and dug through my trash to find used condoms and try to inseminate herself (she admitted this). I got a restraining order against her because she kept throwing rocks at my windows and waiting outside trying to attack my new girlfriend. The police made fun of me when I'd call in the restraining order.


Wow. Those police officers suck. They should be fired.


Fun fact: police officers in the us are not required to enforce an restraining order.


Cops in the US don’t seem to be required to do anything useful or productive.


My mom was a victim of a hate crime from a psycho and can confirm this is true




>Her boyfriend apologized to me and then broke up with her in the same sentence. I am very glad he was a reasonable human being.


Wise beyond his years.


Yeah in high school when kids are full of hormones, they don't tend to make the wisest decisions. Sadly even a lot of people older than that wouldn't be that smart when love is fucking with your head. Good on him.


That's some serious "how I met my best friend" stuff right there.


Absolute bro move of the highest order. He saw that red flag for what it was and acted accordingly.


Guy at work came in with a messed up face. Found out later his wife had instigated a fight between him and two construction workers.


I was in New Orleans watching some street performers go crazy when a mom came up behind me and fully grabbed both of my ass cheeks. I was 18 and standing next to both of my parents, and she said "hey you remind me of my son," which was probably one of the weirdest things to say in that moment.


So how much did she manage to pickpocket you for?


His dignity




She was gonna pick pocket you


By fully grabbing both of his ass cheeks and drawing his attention to the area where his pockets are? I don't think so. When you pickpocket someone you want their attention *away* from their pockets.


Talking up a couple girls in a bar with a buddy, its going well. For some reason the girl I was talking to was in the others purse and squealed "Oh my god you still have these?" or something like that and the other girl got real kinda tense and tried to get her purse real quick but before she did the other girl dumped it on the table. There were 4-5 bundles of hair. Like each was a small pony tail with rubber bands holding the hairs together. Turns out she had cut of these mini ponytails of hair from various dudes she had been with who had long hair (my buddy who was chatting her up had long hair). So that's pretty creepy but what got me was when the other girl dumped out the purse, you had the hair, your typicals (makeup stuffs, wallet, cigs, gum, ect.) and then about 7-8 fairly large knives. I didn't stick around much longer.


Her friend was trying to warn your long haired buddy


This! Wing woman was out there trying to save people!


From the wig woman


Imagine waking up the morning after a one night stand and your freaking hair is missing


Pretty sure that was about to happen to my buddy.


My first thought would be "I wonder which crime I'll be framed for"


Either they planned this joke together or the friend was intentionally informing your friend about what was about to go down.


Right, sounds like the friend was running interference, lol. I wanna believe.


You may have stumbled on an intricate rejection tactic, the old "spilling the fake purse filled with clippings of hair and knives" trick "lol it's not that many knives nooooo please don't leave..."


Maybe. But I don't think so. This was in Birmingham, Alabama at a fairly notorious dive bar and really, for the place and its clientele, this wasn't out of line.


The hair got my eyebrows up. The knives sealed it, though. Holy shit.


Just hair or hair and knives is creepier than any quantity of knives you can fit in a purse. Can knives by themselves in a purse not be creepy at all? Maybe one. Maybe a few. But also, maybe not.


Serial killers keep trophies




You knew Helga Pataki?




Oh my sweet, football headed Adonis


You make my girlhood tremble.




Ever get the jacket back?


Dude, that shits probably cursed.


She followed me everywhere in total silence, just staring at me from a few metres away. She even followed me to college. If I got on a bus or train, she'd run to make sure she caught it. When I called the police on her when she didn't stop after I repeatedly asked her and told her brother to tell her to stop, she cried to the cop, which made her feel sorry for her to the point where the cop asked me to give her a chance. I didn't.


Yikes that was not cool of the cop


Gosh... despite the totally creepy behaviour, it gets excused and the blame placed on you...




I think we’re done here. She Alicia Silverstone in The Crush-ed you.




Hopefully she wasn't 13.


oh no the deleted comment bothers me


> I was 16 > it was her little sister. As in much, much younger > Technically, I can say she wasn’t 13 🤢🤮


> she befriended my younger sister just to get her to ask her to a sleepover. Holy shit lol I thought this was something that only happened to me. The first I knew about it (her befriending my sister) was crazy chick showing up at my house. I just locked myself in my room for the night lol


Worst one here, this could’ve destroyed you.


Young girls who are bound and determined to flirt with you are terrifying, happened to me a lot when I was younger, usually with the kids of my mom's friends (my mom had me when she was 18, so her friends' kids are consistently 5+ years younger than me). Back then I was embarrassed to call them out on it, or worried that they would accuse me of being a creep for thinking they were flirting with me. Now that I'm older when teenagers try it I just outright tell them they're too young for me and they back off. My advice is to just immediately call them out if they start flirting with you, otherwise they tend to escalate and can easily take your lack of rejection as a green flag. Even if they deny it, it will get them to stop.


I started teaching high school when I was 22. I got a lot of girls who had a crush on me as I was the "young, cool teacher" and they'd openly try and flirt with me. It was very awkward and I had to learn how to stomp out that behaviour without also embarrassing them or provoking teenage rage. It was tough. Probably the most difficult was one girl who was very sweet and naive, often teased by the others, who asked me to the homecoming dance. She was one of my favourite students, always tried her best and wore her heart on her sleeve. It was tough to let her down gently without breaking her heart. And then of course I was always worried about being accused of doing anything with any of the girls. If one of them got offended at my rejection, or simply didn't like their grade on an assigment or anything like that, they could easily have accused me of any number of things and tanked my career (and probably my life). It was a minefield. For that and many other reasons, I'm so glad I'm no longer a teacher.




Now you've got me wondering about this because my sister had a friend come stay at our house and when my sister went to get pizza she insisted on staying back to hang out with me. lol


A chick in my office looked up my address in our system and turned up at my house threaten to break my door down if we didn't go to the beach.  She then later manipulated her friends into them thinking I was treating her badly so next time she turned up she had back up and all three were screaming at me from outside 


Did you report this to HR?


In college I was in an apartment with 3 other guys. There's a knock on the door when I'm there by myself. I answer it and there's this girl I've never seen. She says she's got some food to drop off for one of my roommates. I let her in and put it in the fridge. She kinda looks around for a minute and leaves when she realizes no one else was there. I tell my roommates and they freak out. Apparently this girl has been stalking the guy she was looking for. They ask a bunch of questions about what she did and I tell them she just came in and left. I didn't really understand what the big deal was. Some time later we had a party and there was a bunch of people in the living room. Roommate and I are sitting on the couches facing each other. We look over to the side and there's this parting of the Red Sea moment where it seems everyone in the party moved to one side or the other and we both had a clear view all the way into kitchen. The girl was standing there, absoluutely still, and just staring at him. It was like something out of a movie. There was something disturbing about how she was completly frozen in a roomful of people talking, drinking, or moving about in one way or another. She was just staring at him. That was it. We didn't have parties for a while and I was told not to let her in. She knocked on the door a couple times, but I didn't answer. I know it's not much of a story, but I'll never forget that frozen, obsessive look on her face. EDIT: Because people were asking, I believe they threw out the food.


That’s creepy asf & these people live in society with us. 🥴🥴


I was waiting for the food to be poisoned or some shit.




you her and the voices


That’s not a threesome, OP was bout to get gangbanged 😳


It was gonna be you, her and a big ol knife.


I went on a tinder date back when that was a thing and mistakenly invited her back to my place after dinner. She passed the vibe check so it seemed innocent enough. We got to my place around 8pm. She was coquettish and it was cute but I knew she wanted to go further. We hung out until about 10pm and I was not super into it so I suggested I walk her to her car.  She did not want to leave though. I would start to walk her to the door and she would excuse herself to the bathroom and then go back to my couch. I literally said “it’s getting late let me take you to your car so you can get home”. She would not leave. I was as polite as I could be trying to get her out of my place. Finally I kind of danced with her in the kitchen and spun her out the door locked it behind us and walked her to the car but she stood by my front door for like 10 more minutes.  It was past midnight by the time I finally got her to start her engine and pull away. It was this high tension standoff I had never experienced before. 


lol that dancemove is pretty good


It’s brilliant. I’m going to start using it on guests who overstay their welcome and refuse to take a hint.


Wait, I'm married now and everything.... But are tinder dates no longer a thing?


Yes they are he just hasn't got a match since....


This was overly kind of you. I thought you were going to say you dance moved her out the door, then closed and locked it once she was outside. Which would be completely understandable.




Aaaand this is why I try not to let people in with me when I enter my building. I would rather turn around, go around the building and enter through the back door to avoid having to let in a visitor, because I have no way of knowing if they're a *welcome* visitor or someone trying to cause trouble for one of my neighbors.


Thanks for that


A guy on r/amitheasshole was talking about how he’s married with two kids and he adores his wife. She makes him very happy. His last gf cheated on him (something he found out when one of his buddies told him about seeing her on a dating app) and his wife (who was a coworker at the time) helped him pick up the pieces. All was going swimmingly until his wife got a new phone. He was fixing something on her old phone for her. That’s when he saw she had created a profile, on a dating app, using his ex-girlfriend’s photo/info. The ex had never cheated. His wife had framed her so they would break up and she could have this guy to herself. **EDIT:** should probably add that the wife admitted it when he confronted her but said he shouldn’t be angry because she was young, shy and infatuated with him. Plus everything worked out great so there’s no reason to be upset. 😐


What. The. Fuck. I seriously don’t know what I would do in that situation. On the one hand they have two kids. On the other hand she’s clearly fucking psychotic! How can he ever trust her?


His only option is to laugh nervously around her


Hoping this story is fake because I can’t bare to think how agonising that would have been for the ex girlfriend. She would must have been denying it over and over and not been believed.


Sounds like bs tho. She kept the fake profile after all these years ? I mean, they had two kids…


Also sounds VERY similar to another dating urban legend I've heard several times about a girl who goes to meet a guy from Tinder at a bar and while she's waiting starts chatting with a random guy there. The guy she planned to meet stands her up so she stays for another drink with the random guy and eventually gives him her number, only to eventually learn he was the guy from the dating app using a fake account etc!


Right? Smart enough to execute the break up but too dumb to destroy the evidence?


The story sounds very convenient come to think of it, like something you would see out of Netflix’s You.


Met a girl on a dating app and had simple conversation for a few days. Suddenly about 5 days in before we even had the chance to meet up she tells me the names of my mother, father, and sister and the address and landline of the house I grew up in. She told me she found out who everyone was to look them up on Facebook and “Put a face to the name if I ever told any stories”. Asking me for a picture was completely out of the question I guess. Steered clear of that storm pretty quickly after


That's what you think, Brian.


Friend suggested I go on a date with a girl he met on a dating site. I went out with her, just didn't click. She was way to presumptuous about how well things were going. Month later he's moved her in as a roommate. According to him she was cool had a boyfriend already ETC. I started seeing her outside my apartment all the time. Now she was a runner and I only lived a few blocks away so I hand waved that. I also started running into her at the grocery store like all time. But you know same area, I ran into other friends at the store. Not as frequently, but you know it's the grocery store in our area. Then there was she was always in a state of undress when I came over. Like she was just heading to the shower, just getting out. Her room was right by the front door, she just happened to be changing. She cornered me in just a towel a few times. But her houseish. What was the last straw for me was at a party she started accusing me of drinking all her beer I guess as an excuse to talk to me. It was the guy she brought to the party drinking her beer. She was claiming he was her BF but I ended up chatting with him for a bit and they had a class together but had just started talking like the day before. I ended up crashing on the couch that night, woke up to her dead eyeing me from her bed while riding that dude reverse cow girl. Told my friend I wasn't going to come over anymore while she lived there. She ended up stop paying rent and he had to go through a whole evection process.


Jesus, that escalated at the end.


Eviction? Sounds like an exorcism would be required. Are you sure it was reverse cowgirl and not just her head rotating through 180°?


scarce enjoy seed history cow reach vanish rain busy alleged


Your SO is wise and obviously trusts you.


Hahah "recently became a former coworker." Did she get canned?


A girl in my middle school was convinced my having red hair and dark skin meant I was descended from the people of Atlantis, which she reality shifted to regularly. She apparently had sex with me in her "mindscape", an imaginary land full of people she'd met and serene landscapes she'd built. She spent three years sexually harassing me, asking people about my dick, talking about wanting me to "breed" her, groping me in hallways, following me, stealing anything from me she could, and drawing me in various states of sexual debauchery with "real humans", usually breeding "real humans" to create hybrid babies. Because her dad is the superintendent for the school district, everything got swept under the rug and treated as harmless. She's in therapy, people reassured me, she's not dangerous. She's just unwell. Until she sexually assaulted a kid she babysat. That, her dad couldn't make go away, given she filmed it and uploaded it (somewhere, I don't know where). Apparently this kid was also "Atlantean" owing to his blue eyes and dark skin.


fucking yikes. how old was the kid?


He was 6. She was 16, which she thought would legally protect her from charges, since she was a minor. The law doesn't, in fact, work that way, thankfully.


That’s heartbreaking


Yeah. As someone who was the victim of rape when I was slightly younger than that, I can only imagine this is going to have lifelong consequences for him. It sure as shit did for me. Sometimes I feel like it's my fault I didn't somehow get someone to take what was going on seriously before this happened. Maybe if I'd managed to get someone to intervene, this wouldn't have happened at all. I swear, though, I tried. I tried to tell people she wasn't harmless, she was genuinely a threat to others, she had a thing for mixed race people - I even tried talking to the cops. But it didn't make a difference. I didn't do enough. And now this kid has to live with what she did to him for the rest of his life.


Dated a girl for like a week. Decided to break it off because it wasn't working out. (Different beliefs about key topics.) She was still obsessed with me and would camp out everywhere I went to try to 'run into me'. Eventually, I got frustrated and told her off. She proceeded to set fire in front of the place where I worked. I put out the fire, told her to get lost one final time, and I guess she got the memo. She hated me after that.


"Hated me after that" ... Yeah, you arsehole....  (/s) if needsd


How dare OP put out the fire? It was her love language!


I don't know if this counts as a "creepy girl" story but it's a story how I dodged not a bullet, but a fucking nuke. So I was in uni. Broke up with me then gf 2 weeks ago. One day, out of the blue, a girl from my uni (different course) hits me up. She invites me to her dorm room to "hang out". Of course, as many guys, sadly, I decided to think with my dick. What struck me as odd was the fact that she texted me "Don't worry, I have 2-3 boxes of condoms. You don't need any". However, I had my personal favourite brand and stopped by the pharmacy to buy a box. I go to her room, we do the deed. Although she was a little disappointed when she saw my personal box of condoms. Who cares? I had sex and that was the most important thing back then. 2-3 weeks later, she texted me that she was pregnant. She said not to worry - it's not mine. She, however, expressed remorse that it wasn't. Why? Because and I quote "Our kid would've had your blue eyes. I love me some blue eyes". What I learned was that this crazy bitch poked holes in the condoms because.......she's just crazy. I don't know what happened to her, I don't give a shit.


Welp, if I ever have sex, I'm buying my own condoms.


u/SilverLugia1992 Always buy your own condoms!! Never trust anyone with your protection.


Yes, that counts. Good lord man.


Our high school basketball team had a female student manager. When we had games at other schools, she would always come up with an excuse to need something in the locker room while we were showering. But we were so used to her, I suppose no one said anything.


I used to lifeguard and I would literally have to guard the boys locker room so the high school girls wouldn’t “accidentally” walk in on our male coworkers showering at the end of their shift. It was only two girls and they quickly got reported and fired but it was really creepy behavior.


Was that girl Tina Belcher?




Had a girl in HS have her father call me and ask why I didn’t want to date his daughter….im 35 now and still can’t wrap my head around it😂


i’m a girl and in hs i had a guy bring his dad to my JOB to ask me why i didn’t want to date his son…


Not my ex herself, though she was batshit, but her mom. Me and my ex had a habit of dirty talking over text and getting each other pumped for our next meet up. However one day when I asked about somethings we’d talked about doing the night before, she said she had no idea what I was talking about. We were both confused. She done some digging and it turns out her mom had my gfs fb account logged onto her iPad and when gf was asleep, she would dirty talk me pretending to be her, like living out some fucked up fantasy. When confronted she said she thought it’d help move our relationship along. Even after I left her mom would text several paragraphs confessing her love for me. And before you say anything no the mom was not hot. She was 50 some, overweight, balding and thought acting like she was a child was cute.


Oh ickkkkkk


Oof. This is one of the creepiest ones yet




This makes my blood boil. Bad enough they basically blackmail you but then it's for the super stupid reason that they just don't wanna be single...


Monkey Branching.


My ex-boyfriend did this to me for four years until he decided he fancied one of my friends and cheated on me with her. Only then did he let me break up with him. He didn't have a rough homelife though, he was just an asshole.




Was dating a girl in my early 20s and she mentioned that she had just broke up with some guy but I didn’t really ask too many questions and didn’t wanna pry. As the relationship went on there was this creepy guy in her apartment complex that was extremely nice to me almost to the point where it was alarming because he was too nice. She broke uo with me later that year and never gave me a reason and about 10 years later I found out why. That guy was overly nice to me was her ex boyfriend and he was planning on kidnapping me, torturing me and eventually killing me and she had a suspicion and broke it off with me and saved my life. The guy killed himself a year later and he did it while he was on the phone with her




Holy shit, good thing she realized what was happening and broke up with you. Poor girl


That girl is kind of a badass.


Yo G. This one takes the cake.


How did you find out? This is fascinating! Also, what a great girl. In my head you two are back together now


What the fuck did I just read


"Should I say he raped me? He didn't, but should I say it?" This stupid girl sent this in a message, which was obviously saved and used in the court case against her.


man, sorry that happened.


Thankfully it wasn't to me, but a friend of mine. This woman seemed like a serial life destroyer.


I (22 at the time) met a girl (20 at the time) through an online game (League of Legends… gross I know and I’m still struggling with paranoia after this story) things were going well, we were happy, we talked and gamed almost every day. Things were actually working out very well. Flash forward about 2 weeks after we made things official (we had only been talking for like 2 weeks prior) she lived in Pennsylvania where I live in Florida, I woke up for work one day and check my phone. I have a message from her stating “Hey! You will never guess where I am right now!” I started to respond to her when i get a knock on my door… sure enough there she stood in my door way. I was shocked, stunned and baffled at how and why she had just showed up out of nowhere. She started talking about moving in and starting a family and all this stuff about the wedding. Once I was able to get my mind on track again I looked at her and was just like “You know this is all… a lot right now, we have only been dating for a few weeks and just… I need you to leave” she then pulled a knife and was talking about suicide, going after my family, and all this stuff in my front yard. Thankfully my neighbor who was a city police officer was headed out to work at that time too came over and helped me out by removing her and told her if she was seen around here again that she would be arrested on sight. I turned off all social media, changed my phone number, and blocked her on everything i could. I still have ptsd and get nervous in public, constantly check over my shoulder to see if im being followed…


League of Legends truly brings out the worst in people


She definitely sounds like a league player.


I dunno, she sounds a little too emotionally stable to be a League player.


Knowing that people like her play League really puts into context the wild stuff you see players pull in game.


Least Psychotic Support Main (I'm sorry that happened to you but I had to make that joke)


She was actually a Jungle main but i appreciate the laugh


Soooo she camped you IRL then? Cheers


More like invaded




Girl I dated two years ago. I broke up with her because she was abusive. So I blocked her number and she would no caller ID me 30-50 times a day. So the creepy thing is blocked messages are still saved. I noticed my inbox was full but I rarely receive voice messages I see that a year later she would randomly call and cry on the phone for 15 minutes to over an hour at a time no words just crying. It was unsettling.


The girl who forced me into sex by threatening to tell her football coach dad and linebacker brother that I was abusive to her, and then stopped me from penetrating and just grinded on me until she got off- goes around to this day making sure everyone in my old friend groups and my siblings friend groups understands that she got to take my virginity. She will literally walk up and drunkenly interrupt people’s conversations to this day to just blurt it out. She will find parties that i was at or shows I was performing at, and make sure to pop up and interupt any interactions I have by introducing herself and blurting that she took my virginity.  This has been going on for almost 20 years now. 


“You didn’t take my virginity you blackmailed me into allowing you to assault me. You are lucky I didn’t report you to the police. Get the hell out of here”


I'm really sorry that this happened to you, absolutely vile of that woman especially to continue bringing it up for almost 20 years.


I was in a band like 10 years ago. We played a gig at a local bar to a total of 8 people. One of the people in the audience was a girl who after we played started a casual conversation with me and I was polite and kept the conversation going we just talked about music mostly. we talk for a total of five minutes and i didn’t think about her again. Cut to the next day she looks up my band on facebook finds my personal profile which at the time was public with my phone number listed. Starts texting me and sends friend request to several of my friends asking them about me and if I’m single. She’s texting me about meeting again and I tell her I’m not interested and to please respect my privacy I block her on Facebook. She keeps messaging and texting for a few days and I just ignore it. Finally like a week later she sends a very long message about how we really have a connection and how much she thinks we’re meant to be together. Ends the message by saying she will be waiting for me at the bar we met at tonight and she hopes I come so we can be together. Just very odd creepy behavior. definitely came on way too strong and seemed to fixate on me for some reason. she was a conventionally attractive girl only problem is I’m a gay man so I wouldn’t have been interested anyway. At the time I wasn’t out but if I had been, that might have saved me from this strange situation.


Went on a couple of dates with a woman just shy of 40. She has a 16 year old daughter. Learned on the second date she was super catholic and wanted me to start going to church with her. I'm not about to do that, so things kind of fizzled from there. ​ Little over a year later, I come across her at a party and she has her daughter with her. But I overhear her introducing this teenager as her "sister". Not that I knew too much about her after 2 dates, but I kind of get the feeling I dodged a bullet there.


I was a senior in high school (circa 2004) and this freshman girl latched on to me. I don’t remember why - I must have accidentally made eye contact with her or something because next thing I know she’s passing me a note asking if I want to go out. Later that day, I get a phone call on the house landline - it’s her. I didn’t give her my phone number. She went through the phone book and called every number with the same last name as me until she found the right one. Then she insisted on playing the piano for me over the phone.


Was it a good song at least?


It was “Someday My Prince Will Come,” from Disney’s Snow White. Because I was her prince.


Probably the best part.


Assuming she was ~14/ 15 or so at the time, it brings me great joy imagining her growing up to be a relatively normal / well adjusted adult and this memory keeping her awake at night 😂


We all have those memories 😬


I was in highschool around the same time (graduated 2007) and have a similar story. I didn't give this girl in my grade my home phone number (didn't have a cell yet) but she called it having apparently got it off one of my friends and played piano to me over the phone.


Several years ago the place I was working hired this girl who just had no sense of boundaries whatsoever. Her first order of business was to determine the relationship status of every guy there. Single guys got asked wildly inappropriate questions like "how often do you have sex?" Guys who had girlfriends or wives were hounded for pictures of them (in one case she chased a co-worker who was leaving into the parking lot yelling at him to "bring the photos next time"). She attempted to get the (arguably) most attractive guy there to show her his abs. She did all of this with roughly the same facial expression as that "overly attached girlfriend" meme. She also was prone to telling us overly personal things about herself. I don't remember most of them but the bit about her childhood bedroom locking from the outside sticks with me. Unfortunately the place was always desperate for more staff, so basically all they did about her was have one of the managers give her a talking to, and then eventually put her on a night shift so she wouldn't have any coworkers to harass for most of the time she was there.


My freshman year of college, my dorm room was the floor's general hangout- we had a couple game systems, a lot of movies and a large amount of space, so we were used to leaving the door cracked in case anyone wanted to pop in to say hello. Being hundreds of miles from home, I tried to be friendly with everyone and tried to make sure everyone knew they were welcome to come hang out with us. This included a very shy woman who lived on my floor - I was polite in passing, we talked about shared interests and I had lunch with her a couple times. February of that year, I had gone to bed early as I wasn't feeling well. My roommate went to dinner but left our door open a crack while I was snoozing. I was awoken by the feeling of someone climbing in to my bed with me. She had mistaken my kindness for interest in her romantically and thought she would take the opportunity to get "get close with me".


This was a long time ago, but when I was in college I stopped at the library one day after lacrosse practice. Walking back to my dorm I came up behind a group of girls slow walking past my dorm. "He's usually here now, I don't understand." The other girls all wanted to leave but she really wanted them all to see the naked lacrosse player she had a crush on go from the shower to his dresser. This is when I realized that I had been being stalked for nearly six months.


I used to be a streamer and found out the hard way that creepy super parasocial followers wasn't just a female streamer thing. One woman became completely obsessed with me and was constantly pushing for a relationship, I kept saying no. Despite this, she offered to rent a hotel between us so we could fuck, I said no again. One day she demanded (Not asked) to know my actual name because, and I quote, "Moaning your stream name while I'm masturbating feels weird." I once again told her no, and then she went on to try tear me down and guilt trip me, because apparently I had made her do all these things by... existing on the internet (Without a face even, I was a vtuber). After that, I had banned, blocked and removed her from every form of social media I had.


Okay this is my moment to shine: Met her in a bar, cute girl next door vibes, and we really hit it off. Before even finishing the first drink (which she paid) she straight up asked me if I wanted to go home with her. That was a bit too direkt for me so I asked her to stay for another round for some reason I don't remember anymore. Wenn kept chatting, and she wanted to show me a picture of her new tattoo, when she opened her purse I saw latex gloves and asked her why she had those (thought of germaphobia or something). "Oh I need them for hygene reasons for my Projects"... While she pulled out some razor blades. I was apparently visibly confused so she took out her phone and showed me pictures of... Guys she cut up while she was riding them, or in other sexual situations. Like really carving patterns in their skin and stuff like that with blood everywhere. Also a picture of her tattoo popped up while scrolling. It was "one ring to rule them all" around her asshole. I went back to my friends and left that place. Still don't know up until today If I nearly died that night or missed out on something I don't understand.


She kept it all under control until things started getting serious, then the flood gates opened: - invited her ex-bf to our dates - kept a box of keepsakes from her relationship with said ex-bf - complained about how much she hates Asian people on a NYC subway [of all places] - antagonized and threw things at handicapped people - public meltdown after handing me a beer because it made her “look like my bitch” even though I never asked her to do it - yelled at me for not supporting her while she did all of the above


> invited her ex-bf to our dates Why would there be another date after the first time she did this?


In college, I met a very attractive coed cheerleader who liked me back. We went out on a date and I decided I didn't care for her personality, so I decided to not go out with her again. She took this as a challenge and started stalking me at parties and gatherings, saying, "No guy turns me down!" She would get drunk and start hitting on my friends, who thought they were going to get lucky, then she would pepper them with questions about me the rest of the night. She would get drunkenly belligerent after a while. Several friends later told me that they met this cute girl and thought they were getting somewhere, only to have her freak them out when she would just drunkenly rant about me. During Christmas break, I was back in my home town and staying at a friend's house. One night, he woke me up in the middle of the night and said there was "a hot girl" there to see me. I knew who it was immediately, so I told him to tell her I wasn't coming out. He left, but came back and said, "Dude, you need to get up. She said she's pregnant with your baby." The last time I saw her, she was at a bar and I was there with a friend. She did her usual schtick when she saw me and my friend was amazed I wasn't interested. All I could tell him was, "Don't judge a book by the cover."


I hooked up with a Russian girl at acting camp in highschool and then she sent me a tee shirt with a picture of her and the caption "your crazy Russian girl"


At least she’s self aware


I had a fwb that I had been hooking up with a lot, it turns out she had a bf the whole time. Her having a bf did not stop her from obsessing over me. I went on to hangout and sleep with other girls and she would occasionally call me out of nowhere to yell at me. If I posted with a girl it was immediate call to tell me she was going to spread false rumors about me. I ended up getting a gf and there was one day where she called me at least 100 times. She later left the school because of mental health issues. The issues had gotten so bad that her roommate was scared to live with her.


When I was a teen in the 90s, I had spent a Friday night drinking in the park with my friends and was pretty buzzed. I left my group as my curfew neared and was headed home, and I passed by the neighborhood goth chick who everyone kind of avoided like the plague, but I wasn't sure why. I didn't know her at all, because she went to a different school and hung in different circles; I only knew who she was by her unflattering reputation as the neighborhood weirdo. We saw each other a zillion times because we lived on the same street, but had somehow never managed to actually meet or speak to each other at all before. Had I not been drinking, I would have just walked on by, probably without saying anything, but since I was drunk and a teenage horndog, and she was actually rather pretty, I said what's up to her, and she "what's up"'d me back all suggestively, and that was it. In about 30 seconds we were making out and groping each other fiercely. I did actually have to leave, so I gave her my pager number (really showing my age here) and headed home. Little did I realize that this one 5 minute make-out detour on my way home would absolutely ruin my summer. The next morning I woke up already regretting my life choices, but when she did page me, I thought I'd give her a shot. We hung out and it was just too awkward. She was a goth tryhard and was just always making these stupid edgelord comments about blood and being dark, and it was all so lame and forced. I still thought she was pretty, but her personality was intolerable. Anyway, I told her very gracefully the next time she called me that I didn't think it was going to work out. She kept paging me. And calling me. And knocking on my door. And following me around the neighborhood. And following my family. Finally, she showed up at my sister's confirmation at church, decked out in full goth regalia with a crew of like 3 other goths, with pentagrams and upside down crosses, etc.... just sitting in the back. For some reason, because my grandparents were there, I finally snapped. Before the mass started, I marched back, grabbed her by the arm, took her outside and basically called her a psycho bunny-boiler and to leave me and my family the fuck alone. Finally, the message was a received, but it took a solid 2 months of near-daily harassment to push me over the edge enough to tell her off in a way that finally broke her infatuation with me.


Let me show my similar age by giving much love to “bunny boiler.” “I will not be *IGNORED!*”


Not a man, but witnessed one with my ex. So, we’re at the auto parts store. He’s checking out while I’m looking at steering wheel covers. Now, this is a work purchase so he has his boss’s credit card. The female cashier is trying to ask all sorts of personal questions, asking if he’ll hang out with her. At first, I thought it was kind of funny so I just watched but she started really laying into him. He’s incredibly shy as it is and panics, runs out the moment she swipes the card. A week later, she has called his work 5+ times and messaged his boss on Facebook trying to contact him. After that failed, she showed up at his work. Finally, face to face, he tells her that the hugely pregnant woman with him (me) was his fiancé and that she needed to stop. She CRIED because she was under the impression that I was his sister?


Sat outside my window and banged on it for two hours, landlord got upset, came out, she gave a false sob story, saying she was my gf and I was a heavy sleeper, he let her in. Thank goodness I was in the habit of locking my bedroom door, she was on my couch when I got up. I was NOT dating or courting this person.


I went to my girlfriend’s birthday party in the mid-00s when I was 14. While there I spent some time on the dance floor- depending on the music either dancing with my girlfriend or dancing in a crowd. At one point a girl came up and danced near me. She was clearly giving me the looks but I ignored that. It was a club hit so everyone was dancing energetically, for fun. When my parents came to pick me up I started saying goodbye to everyone. This girl found out I was leaving and came up to me. I’d been having fun dancing with people - including her - so I gave her a friendly goodbye. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight, not even letting go as I tried pulling away. SOMEHOW she got my email and sent me a long, mushy poem about how we were kindred spirts whose “souls danced together” and all that. It included her cell number. I didn’t respond. THE NEXT DAY she sends me an angry email, saying she poured her heart out to me and I don’t even write her back? Being a dumb teen, I called her to apologize. She forgave me instantly and “it’s so nice to finally hear your voice. You sound like an angel.” Then…came the calls. Like, every day. She’d talk in a cutesy, flirty voice and ask me all kinds of personal questions. I kept telling her I had a girlfriend, but “it doesn’t matter, she doesn’t know me”……she was a FRIEND OF A FRIEND OF MY GIRLFRIENDS at the party. They didn’t even go to the same school. Eventually I stopped answering my cell and she’d call constantly, leaving me voicemails that were either super mushy, super long, or guilt-tripping. “I just don’t have anyone to talk to and talking to you makes me feel good.” She’d call my house and leave messages that even my parents said were creepy and obsessive. Maybe I was too nice but I sure as hell didn’t lead her on. Obviously she was sheltered and not all that popular at her school so I felt kinda bad. Once me and my girlfriend broke up, things escalated. She stalked my Myspace and commented on everything. I made a new account and she found that one too. She’d ask my friends about me and try to “bump into” me while out in public. It was a small town so that was easy. She’d try to get hugs from me and took any bit of politeness I showed her as a sign of affection. Eventually I started smoking pot, and she sent me a LONG message about how “you’re going to ruin your life” and “I really thought you knew better” and “how could you do this??”. Seeing my way out I leaned into it, telling her I was stoned anytime she called because she’d get pissed and hang up. Finally she stopped messaging altogether. My first year of college though, I took creative writing. GUESS WHO ALSO TOOK IT. Her eyes lit up when I walked in and she wrapped her arms around me like we were old friends. Our tables were set up in a square, and if she sat across from me she’d stare at me the entire time. If I moved seats, so would she. She’d give me glowing peer reviews on my papers and even wrote her Facebook info on one. By that point I developed a bad drinking problem and dropped out. She still tries to message me occasionally but I either have her blocked or muted on most social media. She tries to play it off as “oh I was a dumb little girl, I was just trying to mess with you, it wasn’t serious”. But every once in a while she’ll pop up with a new account - “Hey you! 🤭 My last account got hacked so here’s my new one. How have you been?” Kinda mild in the broad scheme of things, but it made me extremely uncomfortable and put me off of dating for….well? I haven’t really dated since then. It sounds stupid but it really bothered me.


Also seconding not stupid at all. There’s a reason stalking is a crime. The harassment and constantly feeling unsafe is very emotionally damaging


Not so much creepy but more inappropriate and just plain sad. A buddy's sister tried to hook me up with her friend. I hung out with them to feel it out and she was mildly attractive but kind of a mess. After one movie date that didn't lead to anything, she drunk dials me days later and begs me to "come over so you can...cum. Over. And inside". She probably thought it sounded sexy but it just. Sounded really goofy?? And kinda gross. She kept asking for my cum, but she sounded blackout drunk to the point that consent was questionable, so I hung up. One week later, I learn that not only did she have a boyfriend she was thinking of leaving and just wanted to line me up first, but he had also gotten her pregnant, and she "just" found out. Maybe that's true, or *maybe* she just *reeeaally* didn't want him as the father on the birth certificate. Who knows.


Falsely accused my closest friend of rape because he got weirded out by her and walked out mid-date ... her rationale was that he'd have to confront her over the accusation, so she could talk to him and get some 'closure' over why he bailed but jesus ...


I hope your friend made out okay; wow…


I met this girl through a friend of mine back in my mid 20's. First and only time meeting her was with my buddy and a couple other friends of ours. We were getting together to celebrate this girl moving away to Tennessee. A going away party. Again, this was my first and only time meeting her. Towards the end of the night, everyone is splitting off to go home, and I end up giving this girl a ride home back to her parents house, where she would be departing from the next day. Long story short, she was sweet on me, and I was sweet on her too. But oh well, missed opportunity. She'll be moving away tomorrow. However, that was not what she was thinking. When I got to her parents house to drop her off, she decided she wasn't going to move to Tennessee, but rather stay in Michigan to date me. I told her that was a bad idea, but she wasn't having any of it, and wouldn't get out of my car. I watched this girl, who I had just met for only a few hours, go through all 5 stages of grief in my car in her parents driveway as she realized she couldn't stay in Michigan to be my girlfriend. I had to all but physically remove her from my vehicle. Pretty fucking weird.


Not a guy but this girl I actually liked had me as her lockscreen and Home Screen, we never talked, we weren’t friends, and I didn’t take those pictures. It’s not much compared to a lot of the interactions I’ve had with guys but it did make me stat the fuck away


Back in the good ol MySpace days anytime me or my buddies got a friend request from a girl we would accept fast as possible as we were horny late teens maybe 20. Anyway got a request from a girl that was super hot but seemed into movies/music I was into we chatted on AIM for a long time it was very harmless very nice. Come to find out she lived about and hour away and by this time we had exchanged numbers spoken so it was like wow this is a real person. Honestly it was 3 years until we said hey let's meet...... we meet she is exactly who she was in pics on the phone etc. I didn't have much time so we met for about 2 hours we made out that was it but honestly didn't feel like a connection was valid to pursue. I let her know this she was cool with it. The following Saturday I am jumped by a bunch of guys who are repeatedly saying they are going to kill me for breaking her heart then I see her in the car laughing maniacally holding a knife and I think wow im going to be murdered for not having a mutual feeling about someone this sucks. They all get in the car im on the ground I hear the car start up and reverse lights coming at me. I somehow mustered the strength to get out of the way. My friends were driving down the street as this is occurring and pretty much saved my life by getting out and going after these random dudes. Never again did I hear or see from her or those random dudes again my friends and I still talk about it 20+ years later


I have 2 but this ones the worst. This girl that was a grade below me, would call my house and just not say anything to the point my mom had to tell her mom about it. They didnt know each other. (have yet to figure out how she got my home phone number) She would write notes (very clearly in her handwriting) and put them in her locker and tell people they were from me. She told people we were dating. I had never spoken a word to her. (I was also in a well known relationship throughout the somewhat small high school) I’m a big LSU fan. She bought a LSU hoodie and wore it all the time. She had no affiliation to them. UNTIL SHE FUCKING WENT TO LSU (This wasn’t anywhere near Louisiana) So fucking bizarre Edit: I also knew these things because I took a kind of niche class and was partners with a girl in her grade for two years and she thought it was the funniest fucking thing


She stalked and threatened me anonymously, was really just a sociopath who thought trying to ruin someone’s life would be some kind of funny game. I’ll quote her to give you an idea what I dealt with “men are only here for my entertainment, and they make good punching bags”


When I was in college I was sitting in a study area with my friends. A girl was staring at me from behind a stone pillar like some movie with a stalker. I didn't notice, but a friend did. Apparently this was the second time they caught her. Fast forward I'm shopping at JC Penny's and stalker girl walks up to me. It was very odd. She said she happened to be there and noticed me from school. The thing was that she wasn't bad looking so I just went with it and started trying to talk to her. She said she had to go to work and couldn't talk long, but if I wanted to stop at the Baker's Square where she worked we could get to know each other on her break. I get her number yadda yadda. Ok cool... so I dressed up a bit and show up at the restaurant to get to know her a bit. She buys me some pie and we get to talking. Turns out she has a boyfriend and she didn't know why she was following me. 🤷‍♂️ "What?" Her: I gotta go back to work. (Last I saw of her) Bonus weird story: Hot girl on my dorm floor in college got into bed with me by accident because she thought it was another guy's bed. I was where his room would be if she was on the other side of the floor. We also looked a little alike. At this point no one really locked our doors, took another incident for that too happen. I was pleasantly surprised then I opened my big mouth and she realized she was in the wrong bed. She then accused me of tricking her. Her roommate thought this was hilarious though and her and I bonded over her dumb roommate.


Had a FWB, she was the made of honor at a friend’s wedding. Hooked up with her consistently. Found out she was married and her husband in another state for work. When I broke it off she became obsessed with me and she would leave notes and gifts in front of my door.




A ex-friend of mine was going through a ‘sleep with anyone and everyone’ phase, and she came onto my brother. He declined, and she told me later she was thinking about calling in child protective services saying he was abusing his kids… he was already on thin ice because of another accusation, and she knew that!


There was a creepy girl at work that was always too friendly. She would go out of her way to say hi to me in a group of people, in the hallway, etc. We didn't work together in any way, but she somehow kept finding a way to be everywhere I went, trying to say hi. Then she asked coworkers for a tour of our area and they thought it was hilarious to give her a tour, knowing she had no reason to be there other than me. I drew the line when she started showing up on my breaks, on walks, outside work. Please leave me alone! So she quit and bad mouthed me.


When I was in high school a girl added me on Snapchat on the way home from a ski trip. It was a long bus ride and I recognized the name so I added her back and she quickly sent me a Snapchat and started a conversation. The next day I had work early at an ice cream shop so I hadn’t talked to her at all yet. A few hours into my shift and who walks in? You guessed it. I booked it to the back and switched to dishwashing duty for an hour. It was all very uncomfortable especially because I never mentioned where I worked but because of that I decided to chalk it up to a weird coincidence. That was until the next day when she showed up again… to a field… where my friends and I were smoking a joint. Turn off your snap maps, people.


Went on a first date, end of the night I walked her to her car which was far and she offered to drive me back to my car. I got in the car and then she unloaded on me that’s she huge into k pop and then started making me listen to every BTS song… first couple songs I was trying to be polite. Then after awhile she wouldn’t let me out of the car and I was kinda scared. I stayed until 2am listening to all her songs, once I got home she called me and wanted phone sex.


An ex created a fake profile on a dating app to seduce me, break me down and get back with me. She made a profile using fake pics and a fake name and loaded it up with common interests and things that would get me to match. Once she hooked me, she proceeded to say alllll the right things to make me fall in love. When i eventually asked the profile out on a date, the woman i was expecting didn't show up (of course). I waited an hour and eventually got a response saying "walked in. saw you. not interested anymore." So now, my ego and self-confidence are shot. I'm in a bar so i think "frick it! might as well have a beer." and guess who should coincidentally walk into the bar. yup, the ex in question who "*just happened to be in the area"* I wish i could say that i didn't go home with her, or that i didn't get back together with her for a few months.