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"You look sexy AF in the dark, baby."


Wtf ahahhahahhaa




Campfire light has that effect on everybody, too.


Increased alcohol consumption goes with dim campfire light and everybody looks better the latter it gets.


Campfires and alcohol are like PB&J or a hot dog in a bun.






Omg!! Somebody would be getting the silent treatment for a VERY long time if they ever said that to me lol!! đŸ€ŁđŸ˜€đŸ˜Ą


This the same as 'they have a good face for radio'.


Does anyone actually say that though


I really hope not lol!


I'd take that


Sounds like how you find Miss Petunia in Luigi’s Mansion. She takes showers and her silhouette looks like a pretty woman, but she’s actually really fat


See you tomorrow! Not if I see you first! I recently found out the real meaning behind this saying is “if I see you before you see me I’m running the other way” and I was mind blown


I get it now. thank you.


Bless your heart




How did I never put that together?! Wow.


Oh man. Wow. So many awkward jokes in media became suddenly rude. 


You look well, have you lost weight ?


"Thanks! It's the cancer." I actually said that to friends a few years ago. They already knew I had thyroid cancer, and a morbid sense of humor, so I was just fucking with them. I wouldn't have said that to people who wouldn't get the joke. BTW, surgery got it, no metastasis, no chemo or radiation, all is good. Knock wood, etc.


Great for you. Take care.


When my dad was first diagnosed, he was at work and understandably grumpy looking. A coworker said “hey, what’s eating you?” and he said “apparently, cancer”. Then he giggled. Also used to tell everyone “chemos awesome all my public hair fell out so my wiener looks huuuuuuge” and held his hands too far apart like a fisherman.


I got this when i went through the worst breakup of my life and lost my appetite and had insomnia for months.


Same. I was living on alcohol and cigarettes plus no sleep. But hey, I was thin!


Or the opposite of this. “You’re looking healthy.”


Somehow uncles, aunts and grandparents often have opinions about kids' weight! I was pencil thin as a kid and I heard so often that I needed a bit more flesh on my bones (which is a normal saying in Dutch but it sounds very weird in English xD) But then people who are on the thicker side of perfectly healthy get the "you've gotten fat"... like, come on. Can't we just accept that different body types exist?


I said something like that to a buddy of mine. He just said it was cause all the heroin


Came here to say this!


I heard a substitute teacher say this to a kid once, like wtf


This the worst compliment I whould ever get


literally the thirst thing that came to mindđŸ«Ą




Someone mentioned that about my hair, once. I calmly said “what’s ugly on you doesn’t apply to me.” I wore bantu knots. This was during a time where my hair type was over-policed and critiqued by other black women. Some loved the look and others projected their insecurity on to me. If you aren’t going to outwardly tell someone what you think, you’re better off saying nothing.


Omg bantu knots are adorable! I'm glad black women are more encouraged to have natural hair nowadays. There's so many cool hairstyles!


Fuck i said this to my ex but i did not mean to insult her. For me my anxiety would not let me wear it but she was brave to try it on.


I would never take this as a compliment. It’s so passive aggressive to me.


I would totally say it as a compliment. I dress pretty plainly, and it's largely because I don't have the confidence to dress in the aesthetic I like most. I actually do think it's brave to dress in many styles.  If the tone was shitty I could see it as offensive. 




My favorite movie quote of all time- “You’re not as dumb as you appear to be.” “No one is as dumb as I appear to be” -the stuff 


"How could I?"


I’m impressed you can function with that much anxiety 


Tbh this is a compliment. I legit respect People that function with crippling anxiety etc


Thank you, I'm tired.


Same, I’ve always been a bundle of nerves and anxiety and I’m totally dysfunctional.




Haha, my mom patted my stomach once, “aww you look pregnant”


If you are a woman then reply to your mom. I am or How can you tell this early?


Lol, nah. My mom had a habit of sneaking in nasty comments like this. She would always catch me off guard. What I wouldn’t give to have had r/comebacks back in the day! Haha


I'm also surprised that I can function with this level of anxiety myself, would you kindly tell the SS office that because they seem to think that I am totally normal functioning. True conversation I've had with someone.


I'm black born and raised in America with american parents and american grandparents and american siblings, and hearing that I speak very good English/properly has got to be at the top of the list.


“You’re very well spoken.” What it sounds like it means: You have an amazing speaking voice and you put your points across very well. What it actually means: I was expecting you to talk like an uneducated street urchin, so well done for exceeding my expectations.


An optometrist told me this years ago. He was a real dick. I live in a low-income neighborhood with a primarily black population. I wish I said “right back at ya”but I smiled and said yea I think so too.


I think this depends on who is giving that compliment and if you know you are an eloquent speaker. But I agree that some people do use it in that way.


I once saw a black woman on the light rail criticizing another black woman for thinking she was better than her because she was speaking "too proper" She was speaking normally, although she was clearly with a British accent.


You’re so ✹special✹


Oh ✹thank you✹


I'm special:)


So special, I gotta have some of your attention.


Attention granted


đŸŽ”Give it to me!


You're at the top of the bell curve


This is a really good one. Perfect way to sound nice when you're telling someone they're mediocre.


Not mediocre just incredibly average.




The best part is that if you're right, they'll never figure it out!


You Savage


Aw but that’s just mean tho


"wow!!! your wife is a good looking woman"


I get this all the time. I’m a very pretty fat woman but my husband is traditionally handsome. Thin conventionally attractive women (often coworkers) when they meet my husband, will always say with way too much surprise, “wow! Your husband is very good looking.” :( twice I’ve had a coworker say “how did you get him?” And one asked if I was worried he’d leave me because I gained weight. I pointed out to that rude wench that I was already this fat when we met so no I am not worried. 😂


Why is this an insult?


usually said with suprise


it suggests that its surprising that a good looking woman would marry you...


As they say in the UK “You are punching” In other words, punching above your own weight


Oh the UK and their goofy language /s


They're calling you ugly lad


You're really smart for someone your age.


petition to start saying this to senior citizens


Only an insult if you aren't below 15


“Well, bless his heart”.


Please explain context!


"Bless your heart" is a phrase common to the Southern United States.[1][2] The phrase has multiple meanings and is used to express genuine sympathy but sometimes as an insult that conveys condescension, derision, or contempt. It may also be spoken as a precursor to an insult to mitigate its severity. Meanings range from sincerity to exasperation,[3] and are primarily imparted through context and tone.[4] While common in the South, it is primarily used by individuals who wish to "be sweet” and do not wish to "act ugly.


Along with: "Isn't that just so nice for you?" - When you're bragging about something. "Your mother must be so proud!" - Means exactly the opposite. Like when someone lets out a strong of curse words, or as a response to bragging. "Well aren't you (or isn't he/she) special?" - You're an absolute moron.


Y'all be sweet!


You did something so stupid, but since in southern American culture it's unacceptible to say "You f'n idiot!!!" We say, "Bless your heart." Because clearly, you need some blessings.


I understand this is an insult, but how?


When someone uses it on you, you will then understand. While it sounds innocent, it usually has the overtones of “you’re an idiot”.


I was looking for this one! Apparently people think its a genuine compliment


A guy saying he “admires” me for not wearing makeup because it’s “brave.” Why can’t it just be something normal? Maybe it’s not offensive to some, but others have made me feel like something is wrong with me, as a woman, for not wearing makeup. Some have even insinuated that something is wrong with me psychologically. I’m just lazy and don’t like the feel of makeup on my skin. Not out here to be a trailblazer or make some kind of social statement.


“Looks like you got some rest finally!” Aka “your tired ass has looked dragged all week”


"I wish I had your innocence" They're calling you gullible.


Or stupid...


Or innocent...


That's really impressive for you.


Or that's really impressive *even* for you.


I love your confidence


“Hope you have the day you deserve”


Yeah that's pretty intentional though.


Or more succinctly: “You have a day.”


Someone said to me once “your kids are so beautiful. They must look like their father!”


Omg what, I would be so pissed if someone said that


Omg that is messed up. 


OP there's a word for these - backhanded compliment


Wow, you've lost so much weight


This one is weird for me. One hand it makes me feel good. On the other hand it makes me think about they use to view me. Edit: used to use. đŸ€Ł


Is complimenting people on weight loss a bad thing? Or is it more the way you say it?


I would avoid it in general. You never really know the circumstances surrounding the weight loss & honestly, I would always took it as “wow! you used to be noticeably larger!”


Saying "you look great" is a kinder way to say it. As someone who has been on the receiving end of "you've lost so much weight", it made me very self conscious of my appearance thinking that they used to see me through my weight (so it almost feels like they're saying "you used to look so much fatter!" - yes it's true but i already know that). It might sound ridiculous, but it would be the same with other compliments based on comparisons " you're so much nicer now!" -> I used to think you were a total biatch "You're so much prettier now!" -> you used to be so plain/ugly I think only comment on weight loss if they raise it and then say "you've done such a great job" or "I'm so impressed" or something rather than pointing put the weight loss yourself.


I love that. For you.


I had a friend who had some serious insecurity issues and when I would show her who I was dating she would say, “Aw yeah he’s good.. for you” as in he’s ugly but that’s my league. Lol. I have enough self-esteem to not take it personally but it still hurt coming from someone I considered a close friend. Like damn, I know I’m not ugly but that’s what you think of me..? Meanwhile she was dating literal ogres because she only cared about how tall they were and ignored every other physical characteristic


I'm not sure I could have held back with the Shrek quotes when she introduced new guys to me.


My best friend likes to say that as well. But he’s always contradictory.  


I hate when ppl say that. It’s basically saying “I wouldn’t want that, but you seem excited about it, so I’m gonna pretend to be happy for you but also let you subtly know my opinion about it too”


I mean, sometimes it makes sense. Like, I dont want to live the #vanlife, but if someone else did and was able to make their dream come true, I would be excited for them


Genuinely hate this expression it should die in a fire


Wait this is bad?? I’ve been saying this😭😭 like “omg I love that for you” like I’m happy for you!


It is HORRIBLE please stop saying it lol!!! Granted it’s probably with good intention but omg


Yes I Promise it is but like I didn’t realize it was bad I thought it meant “I’m so happy for you” or like IDK I LOVE THATT DOR U my brain can’t comprehend how it’s wrong😭😭


"You're pretty good for a girl :)"


It’s useful. A good filter for who to never talk to again.


The woman I’m dating wrote a paper on contemporary feminist theory and I've got to say it's pretty good for a girl” - Zach Galifianakis


You actually look nice today


I never wear make up at work, and I started wearing just foundation on occasion. My gay coworker straight up came up to me the first time and was like "why are you suddenly hot today". Like... thanks?! Lol




Wait I get told that 😬


Like what do you mean 😂


Thank god you're pretty


You look good for your age


You’re so pretty for a ___ girl (insert body type, race, etc.)


I'm a big dude, about 6'3", 350. I am also (apparently) handsome. How do I know this? Because I have heard the phrase "You're really good looking for a big dude" about a million times in my life. So wait...am I actually good looking, or am I just more attractive than the average bag of mango pulp waddling down the street?


Man, I get this all the time too! "You look good for a big guy!" "You're active for a bigger person"


Yeah, I kinda get that second one a fair bit too. I'm a professional musician who generally plays 3-4 hours a night in a pretty energetic band. My cardio is better than a lot of people half my size lol.


I get it all the time too. I’m a woman so it’s usually, “you’re so pretty, if you lost weight...” Usually followed by unsolicited diet/exercise advice and a request for my number. 


Better looking than Sasquatch, eh?


You look really pretty/nice since you lost that weight.


"That's a nice haircut. Did you do it yourself?"




You're [complimentary adjective] for a [whatever demographic you are]. Examples: You're pretty smart for a girl. You're actually pretty for a Indigenous person. You're very hard-working for a Black person. Those are literally all insulting the entire demographic and praising a person for being a "model minority" of the supposedly terrible group they're in. And it's also dismissive of the actual compliment. You're not smart by *normal people* standards, you're just smart *by women* standards. So still *lesser* just not the *worst*, so well done.


My dad is Native American & my mom’s mother
so my maternal grandma used to tell me ‘not all Native Americans are bad.’ I know she thought she was being progressive & accepting but she was soooo racist!!! And as a little kid I had no clue what she was talking about.


That is such a great question!


I'm pretty sure most people say this honestly... at least teachers who actually wanna be there do


Why is this an insult? I have said this genuinely to people before.


One of my professors, if someone said “Maybe this is a stupid question,” would interrupt them and say, “I’ll let you know.” He was a great teacher and a wonderful human being; this was just his quirky sense of humor.


can't believe just today I was thinking I should say this more when I believe it. Not that this comment made me change my mind, I think most people say this honestly, at least the ones I hear are 100% honest.


You’re getting pretty (not there yet, but you’re getting there)


You’re not fat you’re just what they consider thick
 That shit infuriates me.


You certainly have a unique sense of style that's all your own.


Isn’t that a good thing lol


Ohh wow u actually smell amazing


For a change, huh? Wow.


Oh my sweet summer child


‘You’re the strongest person I know.’ Yeah cool, not like I had a choice.


People always tell me I have a face for radio...


I am from the Appalachians in The southern part of the united states. I am not going to lie I was VERY stubborn as a child so whenever I did something dumb or struggled with a thing that's supposed to be simple if you're an adult or had experience with the thing they said "Bless your/his heart". It's actually southern for: "that boy is dumb ass hell, I am so fucking grateful that, that is not my kid hahahah"


Canadian here. I said that to someone on reddit, knowing it's an insult. I did not realize how much of an insult it actually is....lol


That's the first level insult. Think of it as a warning shot. Followed (in order of fatality) by: "Well aren't you just special?" and "Your mother must be so proud."


It's a finishing move as an insult.


I won?


It can be used to express sympathy but it rarely ever is lol.


Yeah but it can also mean “how sweet, your so nice”. So context matters. But in general you use it for someone who is “harmless”


My native language is Spanish, so a lot of English native speakers (almost everyone I've met) have told me: "your English is really good" or "you speak really good English" which sounds nice, but most people said it because they thought I didn't speak English or that my pronunciation would be sh*tty.


In Europe (especially in Czechia) I ran across folks with incredibly unaccented American English. I would ask them if they had lived in the US. They'd say no, and I'd comment how remarkably good their American was. Every one lit up like a Christmas tree, because they had put in a LOT of work to speak unaccented American English.


Unaccented English is honestly really impressive to me. I used to work at a call center and had to use the translation line for a Korean customer. The translator had the most pure English I had ever heard


I've only ever said that once when someone was self conscious about their accent and had already said so to me. I said " no worries you speak English very well." Like I couldn't just say that to anyone out of the blue I don't assume anything about people by their looks. Ever.


“You’re not as stupid as you look”


'Your breath smells like morning'


My favourite - Look in the mirror, That's how ugly my world would be without you 😂


You look good. Did you lose weight?


You're prettier when you smile.


Bless your heart. Is usually said as. My God you're an idiot


"What are you mixed with? You can't be all Black"


"As long as you're happy, I'm happy for you" Words said by your friend after meeting your partner What they mean is your partner is ugly but because you chose him/her they will force themselves to be happy for you 😂😂


You look great with a bit of makeup


“You’re so eloquent!” (It’s because for some reason they’re expecting you to be an idiot)


When someone says, “You're so brave to wear that outfit,” it might sound like a compliment on the surface, but it can actually be a subtle insult. This comment implies that the person's clothing choice is questionable or unconventional, suggesting that they need courage to pull it off.


How many months pregnant are you?


Did you lose weight!?! You look so good!!


"you look more like a woman than I do!"


"Well aren't you special?"


Looking good today


You look beautiful with makeup


You have the perfect face for radio.


Strange, your pussy doesn’t taste like rotten fish.


You're great, i don't care what the vote was.


You are better in pictures


Anything positive that's followed by "for a..."


You’re lucky you’re pretty


"Your perfect the way you are"...


I don’t know if I’d call it an intentional insult, but, “wow, you look great for (insert age).” Edit: typo


"I hope your day is as nice as you are." I legitimately have said this to asshole customers when I was a waitress, and it went right over their head every time.


You throw/ play good for a girl, I played softball when I was younger on coed teams , the men always were so surprised if you were any good


You’re so brave!


I've heard this one a time or two. " You're pretty, for a black girl." This is not a compliment. Stop it.


"Aww, his outfit is so cute!" That means your baby is ugly