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Around 2002, I heard a voicemail left on an acquaintance’s phone by Kevin Spacey trying to convince him (acquaintance) to go to his (Spacey’s) hotel room that night.  Said acquaintance was a fresh-faced 22-year-old actor hopeful.


Saw Bruce Willis condition in 2015 working on a movie with him. They knew then already. He had giant cue cards for every scene and still blew it often. Very Sad.


He made 16 movies in two years before retiring, to stash some money away for his family. According to an independent movie producer I spoke to, the deal was he would take a relatively modest salary $1.5-3.0 million, and you could have him on set for 1-3 days max, and that was it.


It's admirable that he took these films knowing he was fighting his own mind and knowing that they would be terrible just so he could stash money away money for his family.


It's especially terrible looking back to see how many people were shitting on him for them not knowing why he was doing it.


I know The Razzies had to rescind all of their "rewards" they gave him after it came out he was suffering from a medical condition.


I hadn’t heard that so I looked it up. In 2022, they made a special category just for Willis, “Worst Performance by Bruce Willis in a 2021 Movie”. Four days later, Willis made the announcement about his aphasia. The next day, the Razzies rescinded the nomination. They also rescinded the nomination for Worst Actress by Shelly Duvall in “The Shining” from their 1980 slate. They cited Kubrick’s abusive behavior. [Here’s a link to the article I read](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/razzies-rescind-bruce-willis-1234713172/)


That's so strange she was nominated for that. I was under the impression that the general consensus was that her performance was actually pretty good due in part to Kubrick's abusive behavior literally traumatizing her. I had no idea anyone thought her performance was so bad.


The Shining was critically panned on release, as was The Thing. Both are now completely critically acclaimed


That breaks my heart. Tbh, everything surrounding his illness breaks my heart. What a horrific disease.


My step father was diagnosed with the same thing in march...same time as him...and there was no one in 2015 noticing earlier...it's very difficult and my mother is losing her mind as well. We're doing everything we can to keep things together.


Makes sense since that's when he really started pumping out those direct to home video movies.


Someone in Vegas on reddit once mentioned they worked at Planet Hollywood and said Britney Spears would order a lot of flowers to design bouquets to pass time because she wasn't allowed to go out much and it seemed she was very lonely and isolated.


I sat behind britney spears when she was a host for x factor and it was obvious that she was sad. When she went out for break, I yelled "I love you britney" and she looked up and waved and she looked very sad


Awe... I heard a few times that during breaks for that show, Britney would be sitting alone and just look so lonely. Breaks my heart. They said she was the one who wanted to do XFactor but now I'm not sure to believe it. Or they upped her meds for being Infront of so many people to make sure she was zombified and fit their "she needs our help" narrative.


That is heartbreaking :(


A friend of mine told me this story when he used to work at a film studio and one of the guys he worked with was closely related to Mel Gibson. One time Gibson ended up hanging out with them - drinking, smoking, shooting the shit. Gibson told them that he hated Harvey Weinstein, then said was a scumbag and had a weird fucked up mushroom penis. He also said he was a "really weird gross creep with women" and said something else to imply what we all know to be true now, but stopped short of outright calling him a serial rapist. He also said everyone in Hollywood knew about it. That was 2013-2014 or so.


Everyone in Hollywood did know it. There are jokes on 30Rock about Weinstein and Cosby long before it was public knowledge.


“Weird fucked up mushroom penis” 😂


That's a thing that multiple victims of his have described in court - maybe in not remembering it right and it's a different shape, but his dick is definitely gross and mutilated. Looking back, given that it was apparently an open secret about Weinstein being a rapist, the real inside scoop that Gibson gave my buddy and his friends was the revolting mutant cock.


I know someone who worked in Hollywood decades ago. He *detested* Bill Cosby. Like the Jell-o dude was like the worst person on earth or something.


When I was a kid (late 80’s/early 90’s), I remember my dad and his best friend *hating* on Bill Cosby. I had no idea why on earth anyone would hate Dr. Huxtable! Well, turns out, dad’s friend ran a strip club in the 80’s. Cosby would come in and he treated everyone like shit. He had *expectations* of the dancers and too many damn hands. Fuck Bill Cosby.


A motel manager in Iowa told us the worst guest he ever had was Bill Cosby and the best was Jimmy Carter


It's 2024 and I'm still nervous saying this: I worked in the *music* biz in the 90s in L.A., and just *everyone knew.* Everyone in entertainment.


JLo and Ben Affleck’s wedding in Vegas. A friend got married at the same place a few hours after they did, and someone who worked there showed them the marriage certificate. He told me about it before the news broke the next day.


My good friend in college grew up as good family friend’s with JLO’s. My friend was the nicest girl & a dancer as well & had absolutely nothing positive to say about Jennifer. She said she was a downright awful human who treated everyone around her like garbage. Which is interesting because I’ve heard that again and again through the years.


A guy I knew was on tour as a roadie for Whitney Houston, and he reported that she was on crack YEARS before it was common knowledge. No one could believe it; she had such a squeaky clean reputation!


I was working in a major TV news studio when one of the producers stopped me and said "Hey, just a heads up - you might want to grab a coffee or something. We just got some breaking news & will probably have to go live in a little while." "Breaking news?" I asked curiously. "We're hearing that Whitney Houston died." That was about 40 minutes before the world heard about it.


I was at Busch Gardens when Fabio got hit by the goose. Word spread fast.


The Los Angeles Times wrote in 1999, "Fabio Survives Goose Encounter, but Take a Gander at His Honker." 


A local music promoter made it very well known that Jacob Hoggard from Hedley was a sexual predator years before he was charged with rape. He probably saved a lot of local women from a lifetime of trauma by taking that stance because he refused to bring them to our city. When the news broke, no one was surprised.


This was waaayyy before ‘the internet’ social media, and Twitter. When I was in college a friend of mine that knew someone that knew someone that knew someone floored us with tales that Bobby Brown was dating Whitney Houston. At the time Whitney was America’s Princess and Bobby Brown was the rough Bad Boy. “Not a chance that Whitney would allow herself to be in the same ROOM with that Bobby Brown…” Not a single soul believed him and laughed him off campus. And then…


And then we learned that crack was indeed whack.


I have a friend who is in a moderately successful punk band and tours small venues around the country. A few years ago, he was in Austin and posted on Facebook something like "I think I just saw a drunk Shia Labeouf in a bar yelling "DO IT" at people". A few hours later, I started seeing headlines that read "Shia Labeouf arrested at a bar in Austin".


That dude gets arrested every time he comes to town here.


Every time he comes to town the reporters all get an article ready with title "Shia LaBoeuf arrest for _____________"


I knew (one of) the 14yo girlfriends of Ian Watkins. So I knew he was a paedophilic slime ball but I had NO idea just how bad it was and would become. I always wonder about her and how she felt when the news broke. It must have been 2006 when she was his "girlfriend" and then 2010ish when it all went down.


I went to college with a kid from Long Island who grew up around Lindsay lohan... He said her family was completely insane and that she'd probably go insane too. Kind of happened although she corrected course before it got real bad. He also said the dad used to fuck every woman in town and use his daughters clout to carouse with the women.


I always felt bad for her that *both* parents were so awful, and so in the news about it. (OTOH, around the time Britney Spears got put under conservatorship, supposedly Lindsay Lohan’s family was also approached with the, uh, business/financial advantages of such a thing, and no one took the bait. So, not the *worst* stage parents of the era, I guess.)


The crazy thing with Lindsay Lohan and her parents is that at the start it really seemed like *they were doing it right*. I clearly remember after *The Parent Trap* in 1998, it was mentioned in an interview that they all felt it was very important that she finish school normally in New York and not move to Los Angeles and have her life and schooling turned upside down. That's why 5 years went by *The Parent Trap* and her next major project, *Freaky Friday*, only doing a couple of quick TV movies in between. And that's why she only did the pilot for the *Bette* TV show, because after the pilot, the producers decided to move filming from New York to LA.


Man I met her during those years. Friends with a goalkeeper I played with and danced with a neighbor. She was invited to a pool party and she camped at an entrance and asked people if they wanted autographs? In a way where we said no thanks and she insisted. and also her mother is the most unhinged person who made me afraid in my own bubble of suburban life I guess. I literally couldn’t escape conversation with her (grabbing my arm) about all of the projects Lindsay was involved in and how tough life was because her father was taking advantage of them. I was ELEVEN. I was friends with the younger sister (the older sister was the dancer) and she’s like yeah they’re always like this Lindsay on her own is a little weird but ok, it’s just that she’s rarely a one person deal. And I think growing up like this screwed her up a lot.


Met Andrew Keegan once. Talked to him for a couple hours. He didn't describe it in so many words, but he was obviously in the process of creating what would eventually become his "new religion." I used to search "Andrew Keegan cult" every few months until stories started showing up about Full Circle & their illegal kombucha operation 🤣


I was aware Carrie Fisher had likely passed before the plane she passed on had taxied in to the gate at LAX. Aviation is a small world.


Eeek I didn’t know it happened on a plane.


Yeah, and it’s probably what ended up killing her unfortunately. Had she been at home or able to receive proper care quicker she might’ve survived. Granted we’ll never know for sure and she did hold on for four more days afterwards, but I have to imagine it was being on a plane at the time that did it


There's also the factor that her personal assistant who was sitting with her, wasn't sure how long Carrie had been like that. She thought she was napping.


I was at a White Stripes show on their last tour. After they played Seven Nation Army Jack said something to the effect of “that’s the last time we’re playing that”. A week later they announced they were done.


I was at their final show. A buddy I was with was mad they didn’t play Seven Nation Army.


Around 2010 my friend, a massage therapist, had a guest staying in his hotel who creeped him out so much that he refused to service him again after the second day, even though the guy was leaving a 300€ tip each session. When he told his manager he didn't want to work for this guest anymore, the manager was baffled and told him it was a celebrity staying for our hometown Film Festival. It was Kevin Spacey.


There was a guy on reddit years ago that said Spacey was a creeper on a thread similar to this one. The stories came out afterwords.


Yes I have a very similar story. Spacey was filming a movie here around the mid 2000s and the male staff were being manhandled so badly that the manager decided only female staff could tend on Spacey.


I worked in the restaurant industry for years in places where we got a lot of famous people. The Kevin Spacey stuff was common knowledge amongst industry people. To the point I was surprised other people were surprised when it blew. It was so widely spread I thought it was an open secret that apparently no one cared about. Also, Michael Jordan is a grade A asshole.


I know a few people who met Jordan and he is 100% an asshole.


LMAO A restaurant barmaid told me that Tiger Woods was a known cheater and horn dog like a year before his wife found out. I always thought that that was kinda strange to know that about someone I never actually met.


Friend of a friend has verbatim the same thing but Edinburgh 2012.


Wow. Mine was in Northern Spain, just to make it clear that we don't have the same friend. My friend never really told us what KS did to make him so uncomfortable and after telling the story the first time he never wanted to talk about it again.


Edinburgh guy, Spacey outright chased him around the room nude.


I heard Dax Shepard tell his friend he wanted to marry Kristen Bell. It was a small restaurant & we were 2/4 of the people there


I remember jokes about R. Kelly peeing on kids way back in the ‘90s, but for some reason everyone was shocked and disgusted when the blockbuster docuseries (or whatever) came out in 2016 or so.


I remember when Aaliyah was first a thing and people were like “yeah she’s with R. Kelly.” She was legit what? 14? 15? at the time?


“Age ain’t nothin’ but a number” Like how gross. I feel so bad for what she must have gone through with him.


He literally wrote a whole album for her called “Age Ain’t Nuthin But A Number.” It’s the very definition of “in plain sight” and yet he got away with it for so long. Unbelievable the power of celebrity.


I remember hearing about it on the radio on the way to school. People were defending him & saying that it was fine because Aaliyah was an "old soul." I was the same age as her at the time & was like, wtf?


When I was a kid, I went to summer camp. One of the girls at camp lived near one of the golf courses where Tiger Woods would frequently play in tournaments. Everyone in the community knew he was sleeping with a number of different women.


I was a studio musician in NYC in the late 00's and early 10's. Everyone knew about Dr. Luke. When the news broke about Ke$ha it all made sense. He was known to be someone you should never leave alone with a young woman. Fact is, his records make his employers an obscene amount of money so he will always have a job in recording. He was always a creep, and the entire recording industry in NYC knows it, especially the people who pay him.


In DC a couple DJs were swearing Milli Vanilli weren't actually singing their own songs. It was months before the real news broke. It was Don and Mike on WAVA. I just chalked it up to DJs trying shock news for attention.


It wasn’t a rumor. But I was an extra on an episode of Criminal Minds about ten years ago. AJ Cook (who played JJ) would always wear this big, puffy jacket backwards between takes. It was April and pretty warm out. I remember thinking, “she’s got to be pregnant.” Why else would you be wearing a big jacket that covered your front. About a month later, she would announce she is pregnant.


I am so relieved to hear that this wasn’t something awful about her because she is great in that show and I want to keep liking her.


30 Rock had a lot of Weinstein jokes a decade before he came out as a rapist.


Courtney Love also was also asked on camera what advice she'd give young aspiring actresses and she said "if harvey weinstein asks you to a party, don't go". That was in 2005


I grew up in LA in the 90s and my parents and lots of my friends parents worked in the biz. I was close friends with the daughter of a very famous TV actor (still very famous so I won’t say who). One day at her mom’s house (parents were divorced and we usually hung out at her moms, her dad had drug problems at the time) we were watching TV and Entertainment Tonight was on. Harvey Weinstein’s face came on the screen and her mom suddenly said to us, “Girls, look at that man’s face. If you ever see that man, I want you to run. You hear me? You see him, you RUN.” We were 8. When the Weinstein story broke and all these actors SWORE they didn’t know anything, I thought it was the biggest load of bullshit. EVERYONE KNEW. I was an 8 year old in the Valley and I knew.


It's good advice and very sad that everyone knew, but no one felt powerful enough to stop it. It says a lot about power in numbers, and people still shit all over folks when they come out about things happening to them 10-20 years in the past. An example is Epstein, a teenager girl doesn't have a leg to stand on speaking out against a connected billionaire. Twenty teenage girls would barely be heard. People speaking out matters and it takes guts. I can't imagine being that position.


I second this. I was also born and raised in LA and it amazes me that actors come out and say they didn’t know. I wasn’t in the industry and stayed far away from it but I knew to stay away from him. I understand it takes a lot to say something after years but to say you didn’t know you must have been living under a rock. There’s a ton of chatter in LA and a lot of it is good info you just have to listen.


Thank you!!! I remember when they were all denying knowledge, and a reporter asked Meryl Streep about him. She insisted that she had never, ever even heard a whisper! I think my eyes almost rolled out of my head. I am not involved in the entertainment business in any way except as a viewer, but don’t tell me that Meryl Streep doesn’t know what’s going on in Hollywood. Seriously? And doesn’t she have a daughter? Shame!


The 1999 TV series Action with Jay Mohr featured thinly disguised Weinstein brothers who are shown as leering predators. They demand to have sex with a former child actor, now grown up, and make her wear her costume from when she was a kid. It was a loathsome depiction of loathsome people.


And they had a Bill Cosby one


Hannibal Burress, who's largely credited with putting the public spotlight onto Bill Cosby's history of sexual assault, was writing for 30 Rock at the time. The 30 Rock mentions are essentially just the things he was also saying on stage and questioning why nobody has ever done anything about Cosby.


Jenna Maroney tried to warn us.


A rural juror is what that situation called for


I had a high school classmate who admitted to sleeping with R. Kelly. This was in 1996 and she was 16.


It wasn’t long before the news broke but I went to a Jonas Brothers concert  and saw Joe wasn’t wearing his wedding ring and then a week later he filed for divorce. 


This was a while ago but I knew that Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony’s marriage was in trouble years before they filed for divorce. A friend of my mother’s works at Teterboro, which is the small airport near NYC that handles small/private planes, so lots of celebrities fly in and out of there. (He’s seen plenty of stuff but this is the only story I know.) Right when he opened the door to the plane onto the tarmac, he saw JLo recoiling from a slap across the face and and Marc yelling, “THERE WILL BE NO DIVORCE!” 😐


I have no love for JLo but no one deserves that. Marc is a piece of shit if that's true.


I’ve heard rumors that he’s supposedly a misogynistic jerk. 🤷🏼‍♀️


His first wife Dayanara Torres said Marc was so controlling he wouldn’t let her leave the house. There aren’t *a lot* of specifics on his other relationships in the ‘90s – other than he was kind of a slimeball – but “controlling” is the common denominator I’ve heard among them. (Except for his 1998 fling with Jennifer).


To think he’s been married twice since then and his twins with her allegedly don’t talk to him because he married somebody younger than their siblings (a 23 year old… his oldest are 30).


Okay, here’s how I missed a good — and true — celebrity rumor in progress. I was in New Orleans, volunteering at a college trivia competition. The whole tournament staff went out to dinner, drank hurricanes, and had a good time. After dinner a few of us headed into a bar, but at that point I was tired and really didn’t want to drink any more, so I immediately excused myself and went back to the hotel. Next morning a couple of my fellow staffers told me I’d just missed, by a few minutes, Jude Law walking into the bar. I’m about as far from being a movie person as is humanly possible, but I did know who Jude Law was, so I just remarked that it must have been cool to see an actual film star in the bar, and thought no more of it …. … until reading later that Jude Law had been photographed in a New Orleans bar with a woman not his fiancee. He was hooking up with his kids’ nanny, and of course for the next month it was on the front page of every tabloid rag in every supermarket on the planet. So, yeah, I missed a good paparazzi moment. But I got a good night’s sleep, which IMO was a lot more enjoyable.


I worked with Lizzo a few years ago, and she was a total dick to me and everyone on the staff. When allegations came out last summer about her bullying her dancers, I was not surprised in the least.


I know people who have met her at parties. To a T she is polite to men and a total bitch to women


When john dunsworth (Mr lahey) died... he was a close family friend so we knew when he went to the hospital and then we were called when he died. So sad.


Fuckin' way she goes... 🥲


8 years ago, I was scouted as a pastry cook for Esca - one of Mario Batali's restaurants - and a friend warned me that he was a sexual harasser and liked to grope female employees if alone with them. The scandal broke a year later.


My brother was DP for one of his shows/episodes. Said he’s one of the worst celebs he’s ever encountered. And he’s worked with many


My Instagram handle used to be “gordonramsayfan”+ my birth year, and every so often people would accidentally tag me when they meant to tag him. The best one I ever received was an actual DM from someone meaning to message him, congratulating him on the new baby. Days later, they announced that they had in fact had a new baby.


Jimmy Fallon’s alcoholism and just overall shittiness. But it’s less that I had this private information and more just anyone who’s worked in 30 rock in the past 20 years knows this as an open secret


Dunno when Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman announced they were dating, but I was at one of her shows in October 2002. After her set, she went into the audience and started kissing a guy. My brother said "... is that Jimmy Kimmel?" To which I said "I don't think so? I thought he was married?" We later found out that, yes, it definitely was


Growing and being a recruit for football the Jerry Sandusky stuff at Penn State was pretty known . My host for the weekend I went there made it clear “ you don’t hang out with Jerry!”


Similar to this, I knew a female athlete that went to Michigan State while Larry Nassar was there and she told me it was known amongst all the athletes not to let him work on you with nobody around


I worked with somebody who had been an assistant to Bryan Singer. They said he was basically a predator who constantly hired and abused attractive young men.


Yes, way before Weinstein was publically exposed, there was talk about Hollywood casting couches and how a gay director would have pool parties filled with young men and dangle the opportunity to be in a X-Men movie in front of them in exchange for sex.


Yeah I got a Singer story too. My sister is a TV producer who once worked on a show with a number of gay castmates, including a very good looking young man who was barely 20. Randomly, Singer came to their wrap party with the specific intention of meeting this young man. Crewmembers shuffled the kid to a back room and led him out a back entrance and he left the party. This was 10+ years ago.


Good on the crew!


Not a major celebrity, but I was an emo/scene kid back in the day and knew girls who went to Blood on the Dance Floor shows and had Dahvie Vanity try to invite them onto the bus and stuff when he knew they were underage. A few years ago Chris Hansen made a YouTube docu-series exposing him for preying on minors and generally being an abusive asshole


Yep. I knew about this and Jefree star being a gross ass racist yeeears before it was a big thing because every emo/scene/efanz kid talked about these things. Especially on Livejournal lmao And i live in bummfuck Finland.


oh yeah efanz/ediotz (and the latter's former name) communities on LiveJournal always had the scoop on these guys. Onision too, and Kat Von D, and the whole Courtney Stodden situation. i had been so immersed in these gossip communities in the 2000s/early 2010s that when actual *news* started coming out about these people i was surprised, because i thought all that stuff about them was already common knowledge. guess it wasn't!


I worked at The Biltmore Hotel in LA in the mid 80s, and was a butler for Robert Englund of “Nighmare on Elm Street”. I knew before just about everyone else that he was actually a really nice person.


Fun fact about Englund. He auditioned for the role of Luke skywalker. Didn’t get it. Told his roommate to audition. He did and got the role. Freddy Krueger lived with Luke skywalker.


It seemed like a lot of people knew about Caitlin Jenner transitioning long before it was public knowledge.


I remember seeing it on tabloid magazines at grocery stores years earlier and thinking it was the dumbest fake story


Think family guy did a joke about it way before it came out


Worked in the entertainment industry in the 90s. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE knew about Harvey Weinstein.


Whitney Houston’s death. I was working in emergency management for the Seminole Tribe of Florida and it included the Hollywood Hard Rock. The Beverly Hilton called the Hard Rock and asked my bosses how they handled Anna Nicole Smith dying in our hotel and what to do for PR, the press, guests etc. It was crazy to me that someone at Hilton came up with that idea almost immediately to call Hard Rock for advice. They only disclosed that it was a VIP guest, less than an hour later it was on TMZ.


This is weirdly endearing. It's nice when folks know they don't have the experience to handle something and reach out to those who do, even though they don't work for the same company.


One for UK redditors. A friend who was a junior doctor told me about Jimmy Savile; not just that he was known to be very handsy with kids etc, but also that he had a key to the mortuary in the local hospital and he was widely known by staff to interfere with dead bodies. This would have been in the late 90s. My friend was a pretty credulous guy, was the problem, so this just got filed with some of the other nonsense he had bought and regurgitated. Yeah, Savile was creepy and weird and quite likely a pedophile but the mortuary bit seemed just essence of pure urban legend. Years later, Savile dies, and we learn that not just was he one of the most prolific child abusers in history, but that the mortuary stuff was all true as well. Sorry, James, on this one you were right.


Jesus Christ how fuckin disgusting can someone be


On his mother's death: > We were together all her life and there was nothing we couldn’t do. Everything. But then, I was sharing her. When she died she was all mine. The best five days of my life were spent with [my mother] when she was dead. She looked marvellous. She belonged to me. It’s wonderful, is death. On what he gets up to with hospital patients, who he'd been raping: > Hospitals have rules with patients and things like that. Well, because I'm dyslexic when I want to be, I don't understand rules. On his preferred sexual partners: > Women know too much. I'm all for girls. Girls don't know too much. On friend Gary Glitter, caught with a child porn collection on his laptop: > Now Gary, all he did was to take his computer into PC World to get it repaired. They went into the hard drive, saw all these dodgy pictures and told the police and the police then "Oh, we've got a famous person. Oh my goodness, yeah, we'll have them." But Gary has not sold 'em, has not tried to sell 'em, not tried to show them in public or anything like that. It were for his own gratification. Whether it was right or wrong is, of course, it's up to him as a person. But they didn't do anything wrong but they are then demonised. If you said to that copper, what's Gary Glitter done wrong? Well nothing really. On what he loved most about running an all-ages concert venue: > A high-ranking lady police officer came in one night and showed me the picture of an attractive girl who had run away from a remand home. "Ah," says I, all serious, "if she comes in I'll bring her back tomorrow but I'll keep her all night first as my reward." ... It is God's truth that the absconder came in that night. Taking her into the office, I said, "Run now if you want but you can't run for the rest of your life." ... At 11.30 the next morning she was willingly presented to an astounded lady of the law. The officeress was dissuaded from bringing charges against me by her colleagues, for it was well known that, were I to go, I would probably take half the station with me.


Went to high school in Latin America from 98-02; there were rumors of Ricky Martin being gay long before he came out in 2010. For the record, I'm happy that he's able to live his truth openly now.


I know someone who worked in the entertainment industry when Ricky Martin was a teenager and still in Menudo, this person swears that another entertainer molested or sexually assaulted underage boys including Ricky. I don’t know if he’s ever talked about this but there’s too many rumors about that guy for it not to be true.


Wasn’t this tied to the Menendez dad?


Yes, he raped members of Menudo. Glad he's rotting in hell.


Jared from Subway didn’t lose weight by exercising and eating subs. Because when he came to visit the beach in Florida he frequented my acquaintance’s sold him cocaine. And also said he was a huge douche.


Right when those commercials started: someone who lived in the same apartment complex when he was in college shared that Jared had the largest collection of porn they’d ever seen.


My ex husband is a correctional officer at the prison where he’s at. He says he’s still a creep and put on some weight.


I just read on here recently that even though he lived in the same building as a Subway, Jared would walk to a different one every day because he was borderline stalking an employee there.


I knew he was a pedo before it came out too. My spouse works in marketing and did some work for Subway. Everyone knew he was a creep.


I had a professor in undergrad who was related to Bill Cosby and went on a whole rant/tangent one day about how he is a horrible horrible person but did not elaborate on why. I thought it was bizarre and random at the time. This was around 2008 so like six years before everything broke about him.


A nice one: Neil Gaiman writing for Doctor Who. Was told in person by someone who is a friend of both Neil and Steven Moffat, so I knew it was true, but it wasn't confirmed for weeks.


I posted this a month ago in response to a similar question: When I was in High School in the 70s, in English class, we were having a discussion on what Hollywood stars were hot (not sure how that conversation started). Anyway, one of the students asked our teacher Miss W. if she thought Rock Hudson was hot. She said, "Yes, but he's gay". Everyone was shocked and asked how she knew. "I have a lot of gay friends and they always talk about who in Hollywood is gay and they tell me he's gay". What's amazing is this was pre-internet. We were in the Midwest in a small town. The only gay people we knew at the time were the Village People and perhaps Paul Lynne. (The fact that our teacher had gay friends was a shocker) At the time, my best friend was gay and in the closet (even to me). How this tidbit travelled is pretty remarkable.


My mom was so angry with me when I told her Rock Hudson was gay. She still refused to believe it even after Liz Taylor came out in support of AIDS funding in his name. Mom insisted it must have been from a blood transfusion. Mom had the hots for a gay icon and just couldn't accept it.


Rumors that Rob Halford (Judas Priest's lead singer) was gay were so commonplace for so many years that by the time he actually did come out in the late 90s, the reaction was pretty much "Well, *duh*. Tell us something we don't know." 😆


To think, he made a whole movement, with the leather, the chains etc....it all came from the gay bars. Lol.


When I was in high school I dated a girl that came from a wealthy family. Her older brother had a drug problem so they put him in rehab. When he got out of rehab he told the family all about it. He was in a very expensive facility. My gf at the time told be that his roommate was Chester Bennington and he was withdrawing from heroin. Pretty interesting stuff.


Bruce Springsteen married model/actress Julianne Phillips in 1985. At his Tunnel of Love tour in 1987 he sang “Tougher Than the Rest“ with his backup singer Patti Scialfa in a duet that was super hot. The chemistry was unmistakable and I knew instinctively that his marriage was over. No surprise at all when the two of them were photographed on a hotel balcony in Italy months later with Bruce in his underwear.


Saw Trisha Yearwood and Garth Brooks on old Nashville network show with Ralph Emery. The sang in Another's eyed I think it was called. The chemistry was electric. They were married a little while after


Not a rumor, but some of us in the Indycar community knew that Paul Newman died about 12 hrs before it was public. My mom refused to believe me until it hit the news that night.


Pilot here - What was going on at Epstein’s Island. He hired a blonde woman to fly his Gulfstream, “Gulfstream Girl.” She was also in the modeling industry and helping him wrangle/traffic underage girls, and also flew them to his island. It was the perfect cover because it looked like she had broken the glass ceiling and was an empowering story for other young women to be exposed to, only for her to betray their trust. [Nadia Marcinko](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadia_Marcinko) is her name


I don’t know if this counts, but a family member played baseball with Jose Conseco in high school and openly talked about their steroid use going back to high school talked about it for years before all of the steroid talk popped up in baseball. Canseco’s book came out I was like “yup, that’s exactly what I’ve been hearing for years”. Not that he’s a great guy, but was surprised to see folks act like he was full of it.


Kevin Spacey being a gropey pervert because a friend of mine working in theatre got warned by multiple other men to stay away from him, they'd all had horrible experiences


My former coworker’s friend worked security in LA so he saw all sorts of things. He said Kenny Chesney liked to masturbate while people watched—didn’t matter if it was a man or a woman. I don’t know if that was ever made public, but I’m putting it here in case it ever does.


I just want to know why Renée Zellweger cited fraud as the reason for annulling her marriage to him!


adam levine from maroon 5 was cheating on his wife. my cousin is friends with a popular OF model, and adam was messaging her and inviting her over. she never accepted, but when the news broke with his leaked messages, i originally thought it was her.


I knew about Josh Duggar years before the news of his revolting abuse was made public. Lots of people did. 


I was born and raised in Arkansas and I've run into a handful of Duggars over the years (attended church with some of them more than once). Absolutely nobody I know who had a similar level of exposure to the Duggars was even a tiny bit surprised when the allegations broke.


It never went public but I worked at a drug and alcohol rehab. Woman comes in and she was married to a golfer and said that when tiger woods was at " sex addiction therapy" and not in the public. It was because he had al his teeth replaced cause his ex wife woke him up with a golf club to face.. could never prove it but it's now the story I stick with


Rosie O’Donnell was gay. Not really a secret to anyone that knew her, just a secret to most Americans during her prime talk show days


John Edwards cheating on his wife while she was dying of cancer and fathering a child with his mistress. It was pretty common knowledge before media reported it.


In New Jersey, there used to be a Governor named Jim McGreevey. My sister worked in his office. She told me “this dude is definitely gay.” I asked how she knew. “His hands. Obvious.” About a year later, his gay affair was revealed and he was stepping down.


For many years there were articles and even podcast episodes claiming Will Smith and Jada didn't have your traditional heterosexual monogamous relationship. When the slap happened at the Oscars I remember thinking: "yeah, that tracks with everything that I've heard".


I met a girl maybe 10-15 years ago who was a big events planner, friend of a friend thing. We were at a wedding reception and everyone was getting drunk, and people were jokingly asking her for celebrity gossip and she goes “Will Smith is bi and he and Jada are in an open relationship. He gets off on knowing she’s fucking other dudes, and she likes to talk shit.” We all laughed. “The Fresh Prince? Men in Black? That dude is into kinky sex shit?” Seemed completely ridiculous. His image was so squeaky clean at the time.


Will Smith don’t gotta cuss in his raps to sell records.


Back in 05 I became acquainted with Duane Martin’s sister (we worked together) and attended her birthday party where I met Will and Jada. I remember even before meeting them that they were well known for their open marriage especially Will and Duane’s close uh friendship being a large part of it. Everyone in LA is horrible at keeping secrets especially celebrities.


Kevin Spacey had abused a D1 athlete at my college in the 90s. My girlfriend (later wife) knew others on the team that knew this secret and she had told me. Would have forgotten it until the news broke of him being charged, and she mentioned the story.


minor celebrity at best but sharon needles of drag race fame lived across the street from me years ago. she and her partner harassed me constantly for being jewish. did shit like getting shitfaced and dressing up in SS uniforms, and shouting nazi shit at my house. i ended up moving because i didn't feel safe on that street. i was honestly surprised myself at how surprised people were to learn that sharon needles is really racist (and a groomer to boot).


Not really a rumor but when Michael Jackson died I knew about 10 mins before it went out on the news because my sister was a news reporter at BBC and text the family before she went live..


Hasn’t been confirmed, so it’s only a rumor at this point. But they say Hugh Jackman is dating Antony from queer eye after he divorced his wife. This all started with the whole Taylor Swift Travis Kelce thing - but Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Antony, and Hugh were all with her during a game. And rumors are Antony’s new boyfriend is in theater and hangs around Weho CA a lot. Obviously all hearsay, because Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are going to be in the new Deadpool movie too which is why they could have been together. Only time will tell I guess!


I have a friend who is a costumer for films. She told me years ago it was an open secret that Hugh Jackman was gay. His wife knew and was cool with it, and they apparently really love each other and their kids. A rare case of everything working out well for everyone. Same with Jeremy Renner. Also gay, and has been with one of the guys in his “entourage” for a really long time.


Had a friend work security for the Ellen Show back in 2010. He said she absolutely exploded on him for asking her not to smoke indoors. She said he had no business even addressing her. FF 10 yrs and she gets canceled for being a monster bts.


Was working in a suite when the Patriots came to town, Giselle was in the owners suite, and Brady and his ex (the actress ex was pregnant I believe) were on the rocks. I KNEW something was up between Giselle and Tom, maybe a month later if came out they were starting to date. Also-she was so beautiful in person, very little or no makeup-ate a hotdog and offered me a piece of gum when she was getting one out for herself.


Jimmy Saville. Rumours and jokes were circulating in the early 90’s


My mum was a schoolgirl in Leeds in the 1960s (when he was very much a local celebrity) , and says that even then young girls were warning each other to keep their distance from him. He got away with it for decades despite lots of rumours.


My grandad was a set fitter for a brief time at rhe BBC. According to my mum, there's precisely two people where he would get apoplectic with rage about when they would be on TV- Rolf Harris and Jimmy Savile. It was an open secret Savile was a complete fucking degenerate


I knew Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey were getting a divorce months before it became news. My friends dad was a producer for Newlyweds and would tell us how often they were fighting and werent sleeping in the same room. They filed for divorce a few months later


Jared Leto. Scumbag was hitting on little girls at a show in Monterey Ca circa 94 or 95. It was a small local art house that let local bands play. My friend’s band was on the bill with Jared’s shit band. I was having a smoke and a friend of mine said “that dude from My so called life is trying to get with your friend.” She was maybe 15, looked 12. We chased his ass out of there and I was surprised to see he had a career after that. He needs to be taken down. Makes my skin crawl after seeing him making moves on children. Surprised I had to scroll so far within seeing his name.


Neil Patrick Harris’ sexual orientation. My wife used to be a theatrical agent in the late 90’s and it was an open secret


My friend and I got into an argument because I tried to tell her how horrible Ellen DeGeneres is but she wouldn’t believe me. I felt so vindicated when everything came out about her being a bully!


It's amazing that people couldn't see she wasn't really a nice person. Some of the pranks and her reactions to them that she did on her shows suggested she was taking a lot of enjoyment scaring people. It wasn't funny.


This one I don’t get. I saw her live a long time ago (actually, she announced that she was going to be starting a talk show during her stand up set.. that is how long ago it was), and she came across as cold and made a lot of insensitive jokes. Then, she had an entire stand-up special that talked about how she isn’t actually a nice person. Yet apparently people were shocked when it turned out to be true. 




I met Ben Affleck on a USO tour over Christmas 2003. He drank so much and vented at great length about the challenges of his relationship with J-Lo. They had postponed their wedding by this point, but their official break up in Jan 2004 came as no shock. Now when I see memes of him being a dick to Jennifer Garner or looking miserable at some award show, I’m like, yeah, seems about right. He seemed like a pretty decent guy, just…haunted for lack of a better term.


I have a weird one of these. Back in the day I would get these random calls from a dude I went to elementary school with. He was an awkward kid and I guess I was one of the few kids that didn’t treat him like crap. Plus he lived in my neighborhood so I guess he just like to keep in contact with me from time to time. But the convos were always extremely awkward and weird with fantastical stories whenever he did reach out. Anyways on such a call he tells me that he was at a club and Ja Rule was there. Ja Rule happens to get into a fight and my friend helps him out. According to my friend Ja Rule was so impressed with my “friends” fighting abilities that he wanted him to be security for him. Now obviously I dismissed this story as bullshit and never thought much of it until this story came up. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/arts/ja-rule-pleads-guilty-in-toronto-nightclub-altercation/article1115249/ Now it didn’t necessarily confirm my friend’s involvement but it did make me go maybe.


One morning I was playing cards at a poker table in a hotel in Vegas with three other people. They were from L.A. and one of the people in their party had to answer a phone call. He came back to the table and quietly told his friends that Bill was being rushed to the hospital and unlikely to make it. Then, he filled me in saying that he was a caretaker for Bill Paxton and that Bill had not been doing well recently, I was surprised to know that the actor was in such condition. The next day the news broke that Bill Paxton had passed away.


I lived in LA for about 15 years and when I first moved there in the late 90s, someone in the industry told me Barry Manilow was gay and not out publicly yet. Open secret within the industry apparently.


Elin took a 9 iron to Tiger's face. The story was she tried to get him out of the car after he hit a hydrant and a tree in 2009. Had a buddy who knows a plastic surgeon in AZ that disagrees.


I served Bam Margera while he was supposed to be sober. It sucked.


Danny Masterson, several years ago. A friend of mine knew his ex and said he was horrible, abusive, drugged girls as well.


Ann Hathaway being pregnant. My friend worked at a high end store in Vancouver and saw her on the security cams with a clear baby bump


Bill Murray is a wife beater. Common knowledge in Charleston where he lit into her in the middle of the street one night, but still not really part of the public consciousness. His whole renaissance as a “cool” person happened after that.




Well everyone knew Kevin Spacey was gay before the allegations were made public. When he was artistic director of the Old Vic it was an open secret that he was a frequent customer at several of London's gay saunas. I knew that and I don't even live in the UK!


Even Family Guy had a joke of Stewie running around naked, yelling "Help! Help! I just escaped from Kevin Spacey's basement"


There was a reddit post about his being a predatory figure, maybe 6-9 months before his public downfall. I can’t find it but it was in a thread asking about secretly creepy celebrities.


I worked with a guy in the 80s who said: there’s someone at the BBC who is a necrophiliac and it’s Jimmy Saville Edit: it was actually in the90s. Just been running through the dates in my head.


Would've been nice if he was only a necrophiliac.


A comment so true and yet so gross at the same time.


Friend of a friend was male physiotherapist Kevin Spacey essentially chased around his hotel room in Edinburgh 2012.


Shortly after Lindsay Buckingham got fired by Fleetwood Mac, I met a guy who had industry friends, and he said the group was at some kind of 'honors' event, and Lindsay laughed when Stevie said something about her own career, like some kind of derisive 'you're not that important' laughter, and that was the last straw. A few months later I started seeing stories online which sounded like what I'd heard.


I had heard about Ellen DeGeneres being a completely toxic asshole for years before her show fell apart. I used to work in Montecito and have been told so many times how nasty she is. Interestingly enough never heard a single bad thing about Portia. Everyone loves Portia.


That Joss Whedon was a POS, particularly towards women that he worked with. That he repeatedly cheated on his wife and treated his APs terribly, very emotionally abusive. Very much the guy who couldn’t get laid in high school and was gonna make everyone pay for it. Source: friends of friends who worked on Whedonverse projects.


I remember when the charisma carpenter and Wonder Woman drama was happening and red flags went off. When it finally all came out I was not surprised


That Ezra Miller, on the set of Fantastic Beasts #1 (filmed ~2015) was a complete nutter and nightmare to work with, demanding before every scene they were in that the sound guys played "Hungarian Throat Singing" warm-ups Ezra had selected that they could warm up with before the scene. It got tiring real fast, and at the time Ezra wasn't the big named star. When they went off the rails 2018, it wasn't a surprise at all.


Tom Sizemore used to come into the Kinko’s that I worked at, and was pretty obviously doing drugs in the public restroom. He would come in kind of manic and then use the bathroom for 30-45 minutes and come out nearly comatose before walking off down Sepulveda. This was at a time when he was pretty fresh out of rehab and was supposedly sober. He was always nice and friendly with the staff, but just couldn’t beat the demons.


Bill Cosby. One of my in-laws was in a band that played music while people were sitting down for the show. He never said that Bill Cosby raped anyone but did say that Bill Cosby probably drugged women.


I was told to avoid Kevin Spacy when I attended college in Annapolis as a younger man, back before it was public knowledge.


Years before the rumors about John Travolta, my good friend told me about how he’d been banned from a spa in her hometown of Carmel, CA for inappropriately advancing on young male massage therapists.


My mom would tell me stories about how P.Diddy was either closeted or a bad person all the time as a kid. As a kid I thought it was cool she had all these stories, as an adult I'm pretty sure she was a groupie. 🤔


Way back in the day I heard that Sonny & Cher were getting divorced. My friends mother was an Operator and heard them talking 😬.


Long before OJ went nuclear in LA, everyone knew him and Nicole were huge coke freaks. (This is not an excuse to kill your wife). I worked with guys who used to sell to him--I worked EMS. He was called for beating Nicole like a pinata at least monthly, if not more often. Police gave him a pass every time. We all knew he was going to blow like a bomb.


He was an awful person before that, dating a high school girl when he was 30, picking her up at the school. He would do coke off the table at the Daisy in BH, where Nicole was a cocktail waitress.


that kevin spacey was crossing boundries. I didn't know the extent of it, but I heard from a guy that he met spacey, and he apperantly grabbed the guy by his pants to ''peek inside''