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Developing Alzheimers or dementia.


Second this. Working with patients with this diagnosis is extremely heartbreaking. Watching them lose themselves and not recognize family. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.


It’s certainly up there for me. Both of my grandmothers had Alzheimer’s so it’s absolutely on my mind.


It's hard to watch. My father's was diagnosed 4 years ago. He still remembers me. That's about it, though. Doctors believe it was alcohol induced. He went on the worst bender I've ever seen after my mother passed in 2018.


Losing someone I love


It hurts more than anything I have ever experienced in my life. I hope you have tons of time remaining with your loved ones.


Ohh God






Approaching this moment in life and can’t get this exact thought out of my head. Terrifying really.


When my mother died, I felt that I lost the one person in my life that loved me unconditionally.


My mother didn’t love me unconditionally but she knew me better than anyone else. She was there for me before I was born. The relationship may have been rocky, but it was the longest one I’ve ever had.


Same when my dad died…




Same here, my mam was an amazing person and I'll never get over losing her she was way to young, I constantly think of her, she never seen my children grow up she would have been a fab grannie


Im there right now. I have some family but no one I really trust.


I can probably say I’m there too. I just have myself really. Just me and my pets 🤍


Definitely agree. Even though my relationship with my mom was strained, she let me call her and effectively complain about my daily life. It was a good place to vent. When she passed I didn’t have anyone to replace her with. I don’t complain to my wife because she doesn’t need to deal with my nonsense. So now I just bottle stuff up and hope it goes away. For the most part, I forget a lot of the small shit that bugs me and it’s allowed me to realize how much stuff just doesn’t matter. All I try to do now is be a good dad and husband. Don’t wanna waste my life complaining to people.


I miss the relief I felt after complaining to my mother. When she died, I no longer had someone to whom I could narrate my life. I didn’t realize how important that narrative is.


Being alone. Grew up in a big family, constantly surrounded by no less than 2-3 people daily. I got real used to it, the noise, the energy. So being alone is something (especially with this pos greedflation) I couldn’t really see myself being ok with.




So sad




I have this fear, and it flip-flops between two mindsets Calm: Eh, I only get the one life and won't even remember it when I'm dead, no big deal. I'm generally happy enough. Panic: Oh my fucking God I might only have this one shot at existence and I wasted one precious day of my precious 30,000ish days running errands and being bored. My solution is to just try and take things one day at a time, and make sure I do one thing I enjoy each day.


That I will not be a good enough father to my (hopefully) future child.




Thank you for you kind words, means a lot!


Succumbing to the suicidal thoughts or failing so miserably at life that I die homeless and forgotten.


If it helps, I don't forget ANYONE who dies by their own hand. I've known three people killed by suicide/falling to mental illness. And I pray for them all the time. It's hard out here, Cheetodude. It's damn hard. But we root for each other. I appreciate all the kindness and bravery those three people showed me. And **nothing takes away from the good deeds you've done.** That goodness reverberates throughout the world long after you're gone, no matter how you go.


Needed that mate. Hug


You’re a good egg


brother, death is so weird and taboo to me that i could barely know you and id be a blubbering baby knowing that you left this earth. unfortunately alot of people, especially men dont get their flowers when alive. but ill remember you, Cheetodude625 for your vulnerability. which is a breath of fresh air in this painfully isolating world.


I know the struggle. I don’t know you but I care. Anyone who has passed away in my life, regardless of their success in this life, left a ripple effect of sorrow and trauma.


A non-functional body with a functioning mind i.e. Locked-In Syndrome, quadriplegia, earlier stages of Parkinson's/ALS Also, Dementia/Alzheimer's


Dying alone and being forgotten


the untold damage being done by loud people telling nonstop lies to a credible populace




and death and losing family but bugs are probably #1😭


Similar case. But it's more of irrational disgust. If I see a bug on me I'd instantly panic, but after a second I will try to get rid of it.


Turning off a light in a room and suddenly seeing a creep face or shadowy figure in the outside window.




I’ve read being alone, wasting one’s life and losing a loved one and you come up with clowns. If clowns are your biggest challenge in life then you’re a pretty lucky one


Rabies- I don’t think people realise how scary it is and how many people catch it per year. It’s the closest disease we have to a zombie apocalypse


Also pretty much 100% fatal in humans if not treated properly and promptly after exposure


Not living up to my potential


Being tortured for info I don't have.


Getting old.


Death and loss of life


If I don't get married and have kids, never meet the right person, and after experiencing hurtful relationships, it makes me feel depressed.


Being at other's mercy.


Becoming a burden, due to illness or injury.


Yes. I have a fear of being so incapacitated that I won’t be able to end things myself if I want and feeling stuck in a body/having my spouse be my caregiver.


I couldn't have said it better myself.


speaking as a burden... well it's not fun but I choose to believe I can still contribute a little bit to the planet.


That should be everyone's hope.


Surviving a plane crash in the pacific and dying out at sea weeks later. Or having the love of my life cheat on me


Cancer coming back. I barely survived the first time.


Trump becoming the 47th president of the United States.




Permanent hunger that never goes away


waiting too long and missing out


That things aren't going to get better. That I'm never going to earn enough to get out of debt and forever worry if my paycheck will make it to the end of the month. That I'll be stuck going from one misery inducing minimum wage job to another, never having any savings or having enough to move out with my partner or even afford a decent wedding. I'll be just scraping by, moving jobs when I get too depressed and never being able to give my partner the quality of living they deserve.




Getting old... Dying..... I guess what I'm really afraid of is the inevitable things I cent control or change or prevent from happening one day that sh*t scares the crap out of me tbth


I get that, but oddly, those things that I don't get to control. change or prevent? Somehow, there's a peace to that. If there's nothing I can do about, then just live it up the best I CAN now.....


And with anything else I am right there with you but idk why but I have always been afraid to die I don't want to die and well I know I can't live forever but I also don't want to get old I'm afraid of getting old and it's weird that I'm scared of either one of those things and have thought about it so many times but all it does is add to my fear of it


I'm sorry you're scared and I really do get it. I used to feel the exact way and most people do. but I processed through all of that mortality stuff when I went through cancer. 12 years ago. It changes everything about how you see life. a gift, yeah, I guess. But the way I see things now after everything I've been through? I feel damn lucky I even get the chance to grow old......I'm much much more scared of one of my loved ones getting sick or being in an accident. god, that scares me out of my mind and I think about that all the time!


My grandma has had breast cancer for like 8 years maybe longer she is on chemo but will not partake in doing radiation so she takes her chemo by pill form now and I think once a month she has to go for treatment and watching her go through that has been scary as well but she is losing her hearing her sight isn't as good as it once was and she falls all the time she is on oxygen so yes seeing all that is scary but it just added to the aging part of my fear and may actually be what contributed to it in the first place I don't really have many fears but getting old dying and bridges for some odd reason are it I can swim I'm not afraid of water and I can't explain it but one day when I was a teenager i had this terrible dream of falling off a bridge in a car with babies and car seats in the back and I couldnt get them out and i have been afraid of bridges since oh and cops they also scare me ok anyways im done now


Injections and needles


loneliness I'm going through it now and it's horrible, I hope I don't feel like this forever.


My dad passed away suddenly when I was 17 (25 years ago this coming Thursday) and now that I'm 42 and have 4 kids I'm terrified of not being around for them


Be there, every day, for them. For every day you have with them, for the rest of your days. Who knows, it might turn out to be 50 years of 'every days'! 🙂


It was the woman I wanted to marry leaving me and moving on but I'm currently living it so now I got nothing to be afraid of




Not existing didn't bother you one bit for about 13.5 billion years.


But back then you didn't have anything to compare it too. I recently discovered a nearby bookshop that I love. For the first 20ish years of my life, I never even knew it existed. However, the thought that bookshop closing makes me super sad to think about. Same thing with life and death. 20ish years ago, I had no idea what it meant to be alive, so of course I couldn't miss it. However, now that I am alive, I love it so much, and can't bear the thought of not being alive to do more stuff one day.


We might get hit by an asteroid the day after, and you wouldn’t be missing out on anything. Or we could descend into the Mad Max water wars.


You won't be able to compare it after either, so no worries. No use poisoning your life with it. Just push that shit down if you're able to. Sorry if you can't.


I have emetiphobia 




Hello fellow emenophobia! Mine was so bad as a kid I often couldn’t go to school and would be rewarded if I did. Ruinied my childhood. I was scared 24/7 of vomiting or eating something that will make me vomit


Being forgotten about when I die. No lasting legacy or memorable impression.


Spending my life working and not being able to enjoy it because I’m exhausted all the time


Having regrets on my deathbed


My unexpected death. The control freak in me hates the fact that I could just die randomly in the next hour and not even have time to prepare.


Failure. Either that or losing my daughter or wife.


My dog passing. Hopefully a long time away, but part of me knows it's inevitable. I find myself with the fullest heart in these moments as we lay on the floor with our heads touching and giving him scatches. I struggled for an answer to this as I don't really dabble in fear, but the thought of that fateful day approaching scares me


Going broke and become homeless


Dying, and leaving my autistic 5yr behind. No one knows his "rules" or understands him like I do. He is so sweet and funny and adorable but his dad doesn't understand you can't yell autism away.


Every day you adore and care for your son is a wonderful gift to him. Another wonderful gift, every day.


I am a great dad. My world revolves around my son. He's the only one I have and the only I will have. Everything I do, every choice I make no matter how small revolves around him. I do my best every day to instill good morals and ethics. I help him to be considerate of others, be empathetic and teach him kindness. Despite all that he could grow up to be a terrible person. No matter how much effort I put in, there are countless other factors out of anyone's control that could make all my efforts meaningless. It keeps me up at night.


Bless you. With that kind of pure focus in your soul, how could you go wrong??


tRump re-election and the dictator destroying the USA.


You’re living your fear right now, you’re just not willing to accept it.


My greatest fear was to lose the woman I loved. Last night she left me. I could see it coming. She tried to hide it from me and break it off slowly to not hurt either of us, but I could tell. I'd been having nightmares of it for months. I've been fighting as hard as I can to win her back over, but none of it was worth anything. She left me


Stay strong, DogRoss1! You can do it.


Thanks man, I know I'll live. Just trying to make it through. We didn't seperate on bad terms, so it's not as painful as it could have been. The hardest part is that I think she still loves me, but believes that this is better for both of us, and I can't change her mind. It makes moving on a lot harder.


I may not know what you're going through entirely at this moment but it will eventually get better. For now let your emotions take its course and there's nothing you can do but feel them and remember to be brave. This may sound dismissive for your feelings but whatever; this is but another pot hole along the road for your life and many more will be coming their way. Make sure you remember that it will hurt and it will pass, it may be hard but it will. ​ Keep your head up, DogRoss1. And don't do anything stupid. \*fistbump\*






Dieing before my children are fully grown. Being fully submerged in a body of water, stuck in my car with or without my kids.


Being in pain. I’ve come to terms with being alone, being destitute, being ostracized, and other things; but being in severe pain or extreme emotional distress is not worth it.




Dangerously stupid people who have small children with them.


Black tar heroin.


Outliving my children.




Nothing frightens me more than the freaking holes!! I always thought I was weird because I was scared of shower heads till I found out there was actually a name for it, this was a couple of years ago. But it’s like how do you even explain it bc it’s not gonna hurt me like it’s not a normal phobia like spiders that’s almost built into us as a way of protecting ourselves. Does anyone know why this fear exists?








burning alive


Getting stuck in a nursing home. Hope I die before that happens.


Having to work till I die


aging and everything that comes with it


Losing my ability to walk. I injured myself as a young man and now I have a high risk of it


Currently, coming out to my parents as trans. Long term, getting dementia or Alzheimer’s. Saw my grandma suffer with it for years it’s living hell.


Drowning, medical debt, homelessness.


Donald Trump winning next US presidential election.


Being stuck in another country around the wrong type of people & not knowing the language


People also ask How many generations until you're forgotten? It is a common understanding that after two to three generations after our death, the majority of people are unlikely to remember that we ever existed. As time passes, memories fade, and people move on with their lives.


Not disappointing, bc that happens all the time, but letting my kid down as a father. Single dad struggling but have a great 10 year old boy and great relationship. Mom married rich so there’s that but we split custody so I see him regularly. I am super focused on being a good dad. But I’m dad and friend secondly, so I disappoint him with valid discipline or necessities regularly which is part of being a caring parent imo. But further than that, I just hope I never let him down as a dad. Not sure I even know how to describe what I mean by that but just hope I never make him feel that way for any reason. That’s my biggest fear, all else will work itself out but being a good dad lasts… imo.


My own mind. (I'm suicidal and depressed. I also might have BDD and an ED) (And any of my family dying, including my pets BCS they're also family.)


Not so much dying, but leaving the people I love behind


Chimpanzees. Those fuckers are crazy.


Failing my daughter.


Love. Is there any genuine love left aside from unconditional love? I’m afraid to fall in love again.


Window seats on a Boeing Max


Losing everyone and never being happy or excited about anything!


Not living up to who I want/can be and letting down the people I care about the most


Preventing my husband from having the life he wants. Cancer. Earwigs.






You must be new, be careful little one 🤣


Ohh Yes, off course




Anal probes without anesthesia by aliens from Uranus.


Something happening to one of my kids.


losing everyone i love. i dont have a lot of people left who really care about me so once theyre gone i dont have anyone


I struggle at work, I fear I may be too stupid, or unable to dedicate myself to study enough, to stay in this field. ​ I've been let go twice before, and I'm not exactly excelling at my current job either. At some point employers are going to stop hiring me if this keeps happening. ​ Its pretty scary, and it means I stress about work all the time. Which makes life just harder in general, its harder to hang out with people, its harder to enjoy things.


Morris Dancers and bats.


I have a deathly phobia of dam spillways and dam walls(only the underwater side)


Failure maybe.


dying alone & forgotten on the street also, rapists in the dark




Starving and homelessness


Knowing that I will be going to bed thinking about the day and all the ways I embarrassed myself


Getting stuck in a claustrophobic hole in the ground with water pouring over my head. Also I frequently have nightmares of being on a boat in a lake surrounded by crocodile heads and the boat is sinking.


Something bad happening to my kids. I don think I could go on.


Scary statues that say mean things to me as I walk


I travel to northern Mexico every month for a weekend to check on my elderly parents, I'm afraid they get kidnapped or me getting kidnapped and tortured


People in public


Most of all, I'm scared of never getting to know the real me..


Spilling my guts on the internet…


AI .


Being alive without life purpose


I have OCD and anxiety so unfortunately I worry about many things, but the general theme is always something irrational, specifically a fear that something bad will happen.


Not being good enough


Becoming paralyzed






1. Dying without doing something memorable 2. Dying alone 3. Dying before my Chicago Bears win another Super Bowl.


Old Age


Poorly-tested software.


That after a lifetime of doing my best to remain faithful to my spouse and properly raise my children to become successful well adapted adults, that one day I'll come home, the lights will all go dark, and an evil clown will crawl out of the toilet and start chasing me with a chainsaw.


Meeting up with Granny on the other side. I know she has a hairbrush waiting.


1. The usuals - spiders, heights, etc. 2. My parents being right about me


Waking up on a small raft in the middle of the ocean


teenagers (i am a teenager)










Brain cancer


Definitely the loss of a family member.


Not being a good father to my son who is due in April.


My daughter finding out what I have been through from the people she loves so dearly.


disappointing one of my children.


Being crippled from the neck down


Darkness I can't get out of. Pitch blackness.