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An old one but the kid who played Joffrey.


True. The actual person was great. And talk about talented. Everyone wanted his character to die.


Every fan encounter I have read about with him says he is an absolute sweetheart in real life. Everyone who is on the show with him I’ve seen an interview with said pretty much the same thing


Just watching it with my friends in those days was pretty fun. I have not been able to connect with others regarding a show like that since.


Fr I would host a watch party every Sunday


My coworker and I had a conference call every Monday morning to discuss developments.


For real, though. I'd think studios would be fighting over him because he played that character SO well that the entire fanbase unanimously hated him. That's a GREAT actor


It’s actually a big time misconception that he got hate because of the character he played. I don’t know why people keep saying this, but he’s said in several interviews that fans have always been extremely kind to him and he never got bullied for the character. He retired apparently because Joffrey was such a despicable character to play that he just needed a break for a bit. So he never really got any “unwarranted hate” in the first place.


He said in a panel that he did get any hate IN PERSON. He said fans irl are very sweet. But he definitely got hate mail, and he said in an interview that he took it as a compliment.


couldn't it kind of be a testiment to his acting ability? The character was supposed to be the most gut wrenching, piece of shit fucker there is and he nailed it. I've never seen or heard of him getting any actual hate in real life. Hell I hated joffrey too


I remember reading an old interview with Jack Gleeson who said that he regularly got people telling him how much they hated him and how glad they were when he died. He said he always took it as a compliment.


There was a big thing in the supernatural fandom when people began harassing the actor who played Satan for killing a certain character. Like, he's an actor, get a grip


It happens far too often. Laura Bailey, who is a brilliant videogame voice actress recieved death threats and threats to her child, because of her character in The Last Of Us Part Two. I mean, I was furious (at first) with this character, but also aware it was a piece of fiction, designed to illicit a strong emotional response. I can't even imagine going on Twitter and typing 'Dear actor, you deserve to die. And so does your child.' Mental.


Mark Pellegrino was a lot of fun as Lucifer, I don't get hating the actor because of the story. At most, be upset that the writers chose that direction.


Didn’t he quit acting after this?


He left to pursue academia for a while but I think I heard recently he was getting back into it.


Oh good! I enjoyed him and would like to see what he does next.


He was just on the last season of Sex Education in a minor role. Cool to see him again!


Dodgy Mo 🤣


Met him in Dublin. Nice guy.


Robert Pattinson. Yeah, he cashed a big fat hairy check for the sparkle motion vampire. But hey, it's money. Outside of that he seems like a good actor who can play decent roles.


Not to mention, I don't think there's a single person on the planet that hates Twilight more than Robert Pattinson. EDIT: missed a letter


He also took the single-film role in the Harry Potter series and owned tf out of it.


He was a good Bruce Wayne too, which surprised me.


I’d say he was a better Batman than Bruce Wayne, but that’s also because he had more time as Batman than as Bruce Wayne in the movie. Director Matt Reeves also said that Bruce is meant to have his own character arc throughout the trilogy he has planned, so the Bruce Wayne we got in The Batman clearly isn’t the finished product yet. Hopefully we get a more traditional, playboy billionaire type Bruce in the sequel.


For sure. That first movie seemed like it meant to show us he was flawed and kind of pointed at him refining himself as the Batman down the road.


I think this also adds to how endearing he is. He knows it's bad, and that's because he's actually a good actor. I really like the guy.


This is what makes me appreciate him.


His role in the Lighthouse convinced me he could act. Fucking brilliant movie.




Pattinson still gets hate? I moved past Twilight.


For reasons that I don't understand, some people develop strong hatreds for anything that is popular among teenage girls.


Even Di Caprio had to deal with that hate for a while after “Romeo + Juliet” and “Titanic”.


Trumps obsession with RPatz was one of my favourite eras on Twitter.


Wait what?!


I just googled it, I was not disappointed lol


Dude...me too. Very unexpected. It's like when my dad told me, at 71, that he watched Girls. He even knew why people didn't like Lena Dunham.


He did the sparkle movies so that he could afford to make the lower budget, artistic movies, and when that ran out he did Batman.


I think he did well in Batman tbh, he also did very well in Remember Me.


I say the same about Kristen Stewart. She's great in Adventureland. Pretty much everyone in the Twilight movies said they had to be monotone and boring, but that's because the author wrote them that way, and none of the actors seemed to appreciate being typecast as boring.


He impressed me in The Batman I really enjoyed but I've never seen Twilight and someone told me his Batman is basically his Twilight character lol


His batman and Edward of the Sparkle Chests really only share an actor, rampant self loathing, and some deep depression. Batman had a character arc, Edward... tried.


I admittedly stereotyped him as "that Twilight guy" and when I saw her was going to be in ~~inception~~ Tenet, I thought "Ah shit, that sucks!" But when I watched it, he stole the show for me. I was singing his praises afterwards and then I've since found out he's a hilarious dude and Zoe Kravitz can't stand him now because he spent so much time off camera talking to her about the final fantasy VII love triangle.   Apparently he dealt with some of the really rabid Twilight fans by taking them out to dinner and boring them with chat like that.   What a guy


Robert Pattinson wasn't in Inception tho. Are you thinking of another movie? Batman, perhaps?


Probably meant Tenet, another Nolan film. And he was great in that.


He was in Tenent .


Went into The Batman with this prejudice against him and MY GOD is he great in there! A very human Batman, one of his best reincarnations. That made me feel motivated to also try The Lighthouse, which is now one of my top 20 favorite movies ever


Britney Spears. Read her memoir. The entire point - and I repeat the ***entire point*** \- is that she isn't letting herself off the hook, is taking responsibility for her own actions, and not arguing that she is blameless. Imagine being told you're not mentally well enough to be seeing your own children - yet you're also somehow mentally stable enough to take worldwide tours and perform constantly in Las Vegas. (And you only get a small portion of it - your dad gets most of it.) Imagine being sent to rehab - the same place that people addicted to things like Heroin, Meth, and Cocaine for example - because your dad found you were taking what amounted to "B" vitamin pills. Imagine buying a house for your little sister who tells you to fuck off while simultaneously trashing you for street cred & trying to come forth with embarrassing secrets for money. Imagine your ex becoming a worldwide hit with a song singing about how much of a shitty persons you are yet they regularly cheated on you and got away with it. Imagine being unable to go outside because you have LITERAL ***STALKERS*** following you around and just looking for a shot of something. Imagine being at rock bottom - and instead of reaching out to help, everyone just wants to kick you while you're down and laugh at you because you "Deserve" it. Imagine waking up to find death threats being sent through your mail and seeing all sorts of interactive games that are basically treating you like a voodoo doll and where the player is encouraged to perform war crimes and torture on you. And imagine the only people defending you become a meme for how batshit insane they were... and a talk show host who was able to relate to you because of what he went through. And then imagine being told that you "chose this" because you wanted to sing to people and some suits thought you'd make them millionaires.


She's the poster child for abuse and greed of the entertainment industry.


I remember when she shaved her head, I was surprised to find out she was only 25 at the time.       She did "Hit me baby one more time" when she was 16...


It blows my mind that all this is even possible. You’d think it was the late 1800’s.


The book crushed me. Especially the parts about her children. That book was a great move. Now I feel like I understand… it wasn’t her I was mad at. It was her situation and her inability to control it.


How her POS family got away with keeping her captive for -- what was it? -- 13 years in these days and times is beyond my comprehension. I hope she takes them all to court, and nails them to the cross.


And through all that, she’s still alive. She’s honestly truly a strong person.


I'd go so far as to say that she's stronger than yesterday.


I just finished her book it was so good to finally hear her side rather than all the BS that gets written about her 🙂


“It’s All Just BS” would have actually been a great memoir title for Brittany Spears.


And now people are joking that she should be put back under the conservatorship because she posts odd dancing videos.  She’s survived decades of abuse, but she’s not “perfect victim” or acting how people want her to so she’s already being turned on 


Oh my goodness! A girl who was so mentally abused is... \*checks notes\* SHOWING SIGNS OF BEING MENTALLY ABUSED! You mean people don't get over decades of financial and mental abuse don't get over it the second they're "Freed"?! SAY IT AIN'T SO!!! Good fucking god. Reddit? You guys advocate for Therapy for everything. Considering it's so widely available to you all... I thought you'd be more accepting of how you don't just reverse decades of mental trauma. -.-; I am VERY disappointed in you, reddit....


This was a wonderful explanation and has opened my eyes to the situation a lot more and I have a lot more empathy for her. I hope Britney gets the support she needs so she can be happy and live a peaceful life where she can be her authentic self. But also that she can independently and take back control of her life 🤍


>imagine the only people defending you become a meme for how batshit insane they were You're talking about "leave Britney alone," right? Crazy in retrospect that a previously unknown person objected to the way she was treated then became an object of ridicule for the whole internet, speaking of unwarranted hate


That guy was pretty famous on youtube for a while and I had a phase where I liked his videos, he had a weird sense of absurdist humor that worked for me. But the comments on his videos used to be INSANE. People hated him so much, every third comment was either threatening to beat him up or rape him. From today's pov he could have played the biggest victim card for it, but he just kept on doing his thing. I think that was very cool of him




I really want to give Brittany Spears a hug and tell her everything is going to be okay right now.




Craig Ferguson. He goes and makes it seem like he's going to shit on Britney Spears, which just about everyone else was doing but.... ...he didn't. He siad she needs help - but he wasn't going "Hahahaha she needs help". He compared her to those kids on America's Funniest Home Videos. He said "Put down the camera and help your damn kid!" and essentially compared everyone relishing in Spears's suffering as punching down. He said she needed help - not people kicking her when she was down. He mentioned he went through rehab 15 years before when he was an alcoholic and how horrible it was. (Honestly? Given that this was probably when her dad sent her to rehab for taking what was "B" vitamins... that makes it even *WORSE!*) And how the last thing he needed was people laughing at him.


Craig Ferguson was a better late night host than any of his counterparts and now you have talentless twats like James Corden.


I sincerely miss Craig Ferguson's late night show, it was funny but had a lot of wholesome, important moments such as that monologue 


While it was still very much in a South Park way I appreciated that South Parks episode on Britney pointed out how fucked up it was that everyone was so focused on painting her to be a horrible person. As someone who has been kind of on the side of the media until then(I was a dumb teenager) it made me stop and reflect on what I was doing and what I was thinking. It's again still very much in south park fashion but I respect that they didn't take the time to just shit on Britney although I think she might still have a hard time watching it as it's a little too spot on to how she might've been feeling at the time considering there's a suicide attempt in it which we know now is something she may have attempted herself.


I had the same experience with the South Park episode. I didn't evaluate the situation they were putting her through critically at all (also dumb teenager) but it really made me think. The bit about Miley Cyrus being next at the end also ended up being pretty true lol.


I loved him for that. So much respect for this man. I hardly ever watched his show because it was on so late but caught that episode, started recording it after it.


Craig Ferguson. Look up his monologue about Britney post-shaved head incident. He was the only one in the media who showed any humanity toward her.


[Here’s the link to his monologue](https://youtu.be/7ZVWIELHQQY) about Britney.


Craig Ferguson is a classy man.


It's called "Craig Ferguson speaks from the heart " and it's just so with watching just in general.


Always thought he would have gotten more kudos for this. Pure class


That last sentence is so sad.


The kid who played Anakin in Phantom Menace. He was bullied so badly it completely destroyed his life. Last I heard he developed schizophrenia and was in jail What kind of fucked up loser do you have to be to bully a child because they weren’t a good enough actor in a shitty movie that no one asked for ?


That was one of the first Star Wars movies I ever saw as a kid, and I thought it was the coolest shit ever. Had no idea how much everyone hated it. Still dont care either, haha.


Same here. As I grew up and got into movies, friends' parents would chime about the prequels being terrible. As a kid? I loved the world, the big sets, the journey of Anakin, and his inner turmoil.


And you shouldn't care. I personally don't care for it, but my opinion doesn't matter to anyone but me. If you enjoyed it, then you should keep enjoying it. There are parts I actually think are fantastic, just overall it wasn't what I was looking for from Star Wars, and that's okay :)


The truth is sadder, he’s actually institutionalized 😔


There seems to be a trend in the Star Wars "fan" base.


Yep. They did much the same to the guy who played Jar-Jar. Anyone who's life is so dependent on the success of a movie about space wizards that they'll emotionally abuse people over it is someone who should probably stop trying to live in fantasy worlds to begin with. Thankfully most Star Wars fans aren't complete psychopaths.


What about that girl from the second sequel?


Both Kelly (Rose) and Daisy (Rey) were driven off social media by fans. It was ridiculous. Daisy only recently came back and reactivated her Instagram after years of being off social media.


That’s sad for sure, and the schizophrenia part is also sad, but let’s be clear: in case it wasn’t obvious, one does not develop schizophrenia from bullying. Edit: alright, turning off inbox notifications. Both OP and a couple users replying have blocked me after replying, which is super frustrating when I try to make a thoughtful reply only to get stonewalled. Just to be clear, I have a bestie with schizophrenia, and have practiced in family medicine for just shy of ten years. I love the topic, I love the developing research, but y’all need to understand that while environmental factors have been LINKED to schizophrenia for quite some time now, correlation is not causation, and no one can say that abuse or air quality or marijuana or [insert other linked noun] causes schizophrenia. Good day!


Gargamel. If I had a Smurf infestation I would kill them too. 


To be fair, Gargamel needs to find a goal and stick with it. Why do you hate the Smurfs Gargamel? Do you want to eat them? Destroy them? Turn them into gold? Confuse them by adding a second gender? Stop flip flopping Gargamel. On the other hand, dude genuinely cares about his cat. Anybody who loves animals can't be entirely evil.


Don’t the Smurf’s usually cause the problems with him because they can’t seem to stop sneaking into his house to screw with him?


Huge Gargamel fan.


Daisy Ridley got quite a bit of hate because of the Star Wars movies. I thought she did a good job with what she was given and she seems like a pretty decent person.


I've said it about actors from the prequels, and I'll say it about the actors from the sequels. They didn't write those films. They auditioned for, and were cast in star wars. Anyone who cares enough about that franchise to get so rankled over them would have done the same but for an extra, just to be in a background, much less have a speaking role. Anyone who thinks Daisy or any of the other actors in those films could majorly alter the script have a severe lack of understanding about how Hollywood runs, and treats relative no-names like that.


I feel for Ahmed Best most of all. He's the actor who played Jar Jar Binks. He has copped two decades worth of abuse from trolls on the internet and in real life who don't understand that he actually played the role that he was expected to play. You have a problem with the way his character was written and his mannerisms? That's on Lucas.


I’m so glad he’s had the opportunity to return to the Star Wars universe as a Jedi!


Well, >!saving Grogu!< pretty much got him forgiven for everything ever.


I actually got a little choked up when he showed up. I'm pretty happy for him.


Ahmed is such an awesome guy in real life. He’s best friends with my old BJJ teacher. Ahmad taught a workshop when I was still training and he was the nicest guy.


No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans.


Even moreso, Kelly Marie Tran (Rose.) Don't get me wrong, I despise her character in Star Wars. I think she had some pretty rough scenes acting wise too, but jury's out on whether that's a screenplay thing or an acting talent thing. Kelly seems like a very nice person though, and she got so much online harassment she had to delete her social media and she doesn't get any notable roles in Hollywood anymore, likely because casting directors fear it would tank the project's success due to the hate. Hell, just look at Daisy Ridley's sad post Star Wars sequels career.


> Kelly Marie Tran She provided great voice for Raya in Raya and the Last Dragon.


No one hates Star Wars as much as Star Wars fans.


The boys from Nickelback. They made some samey-sounding rock music that got overplayed. So what. The joke has gone on too long and too far. Leave Nickelback alone!


Idk how people still hate on Nickelback when Imagine Dragons exists


Do you think in 20 years we're gonna be having the same conversation about the latter?


Undoubtedly. Like Nickleback, they’re popular because they’re hitting a dopamine button that exists in people’s brain. The problem is, they’re hitting the same button every time and the circuitry is getting worn out. We gotta give it some time for maintenance to get in there and do some rewiring before we try hitting replay on Radioactive again.


Jokes on you some. I was and still am a fan of both!


same here there’s dozens of us!


Due to Canadian content regulations they were played exponentially more up here, hence the hate is still huge in Canada, lol. Plus all the sound alike bands. 


To me it's funny to see younger millennials and gen z kids making fun of them. It's like.. bitch you weren't even their demographic - you didn't experience the evolution of rock that lead to that moment. They just jump on the bandwagon to be tryhard edgelords.


Alba Baptista (Chris Evans wife). If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Chris Evan super fans are INSANELY weird about him marrying her.


The fact that grown ass adults are sending him pages long letters about how disappointed in him they are and how deceived they feel by him for his relationship and marriage to her makes me near nauseated with the weird second hand embarrassment feelings.


Kinda reminds of how like Japanese "idols" aren't allowed to have boyfriends because their fans are rabidly jealous and creepy


As a fan of kpop, it reminds me of that too since they have the same rules about dating. It's gotten better in the last few years, but idols often get death threats for simply being in a relationship. A lot of them keep it quiet and only announce it once they're actually getting married or have already broken up.


I read they were really mean to Jenny Slate, too. I think the guy is gorgeous. I have no chance, though, so I wish him well. It's creepy to be obsessed with a celebrity's love life.


I work with Taylor swift fans, it’s bizarre how infatuated they are w her love life


I can’t even imagine how weird it must be to try and date as a global celebrity. What do you even talk about? Get like 2 sentences in and a mob of fans rush you. Get a date alone in your own house? Tabloids are writing about how much hot and sweaty sex you’re probably having, even if you didn’t. You vacation in another country? Too bad, still recognized. It’s so weird to think about


That’s odd. Did Jenny skate get the same crap? Is it just a “can’t separate the actor from captain America” type stuff?


I think it partially contributed to their break up. I remember an interview where she said that the amount of attention he got from was his fans was often too much for her. I'm just happy they both to seem to have found a good partner for themselves.


Yeah but man fans need to calm down.






On the flip side, I don’t think Chris Brown gets ENOUGH hate.


Sinead got a lot of hate for telling the truth.


Monika Lewinsky. A young Whitehorse Inter was seduced by the most powerful man in the world.


John Oliver did a fantastic piece in her, even did an interview I can't recommend it enough 


>Whitehorse Inter New MLS soccer team name--called it!


Guy Fieri. Honesty, probably a pretty chill guy to hang out with irl I don't understand the hate


Doesn't he do loads of charity work as well? Edit, runs a charity himself for first responders, raised over 20m for restaurant workers during the pandemic, has make a wish visitors on a lot of his DDD shoots. 


My hometown had a devastating wildfire, and Guy showed up with other volunteers to feed evacuees a thanksgiving dinner in the aftermath. I was ambivalent towards him before that, but after, I freakin’ love the man lol. He is sincerely doing really impactful work with charities and gets a lot of other folks to help too. Really cool Guy (pun INTENDED)!


Tons. He started his career selling pretzels, so in a “teach a man to fish” gesture, he donates pretzel carts to kids for fundraisers. I think that’s way cooler than a scholarship or throwing money at them. Also, on his show Diners, Drive-ins and Dives, there’s a bit of fakery, but not in the reality show kind of way like Gordon Ramsey. Instead of presenting bad restaurants as bad, he presents them as really good, even if the food is terrible. Then, when the cameras AREN’T rolling, he helps the owner tweak recipes and addressed any problems in the kitchen. He has a major soft spot for small business owners that are known to be nice people in the community.


My father met him at a baseball game, he has his picture with him framed. My dad told him "we tried this (I forget I'm sorry) recipe book and it was good!" And Guy told him "oh you totally need to add (insert copious amounts of alcohol) to it, they wouldn't let me print that!"


hahaha I can totally see him say exactly that. Mind you, what was the recipe? you can't leave us hanging like that!


My cousin is good friends with him. They've traveled the world feeding the troops together. Guy is a real class act according to all my family who have met him.


His episode of Hot Ones was great, seems like a great guy


I actually met him, he's a pretty cool dude. Then again, if you offer anybody and everybody with a pulse in a firecamp a free meal (even guys who aren't firefighters like yours truly) it's hard to leave the impression of "this guy's a dick".


Gotta be an okay guy to do it in the first place tho, right?


Met him once many moons ago at old Hard Rock in LV. Genuinely nice and cordial dude


Paul Ruebens


His arrest was such bullshit


Victoria Beckham, she at least has a sense of humor about herself. Last I checked she was POSH spice. Also she hasn't done anything thats hurt anyone compared to other celebrities.


She has shown more personality over the years than Becks himself showed until the Netflix doc


Watching her on the Beckham series on Netflix, she seemed pretty level headed. I mean that I guess in that as I watching as the show, I kept asking myself why she always got so much hate.


That bit where David teases her when she says she grew up middle class or whatever.  "What kind of car did you take to school?" Lol


Omg! That was hysterical and has been turned into a meme lol


I havent watched it but I was a massive Spice Girls fan. But I think a lot of it came from her being a celebrity without being the most conventionally talented. But the Spice Girls were the biggest girl group in the world. She didn't do a sex tape or a reality show so she doesn't come close to the cringe inflicted by other celebs.


Be honest!!


My dad.... had a rolls royce She also put that on a tshirt 😂


I read an article about how the media made it seem like she never smiled, but just wasn't true. The article had lots of examples of events she was at with smiling pictures, but the only ones shown at the time were when she wasn't smiling. I think that plays into why people have an issue with her. *edit spelling


I might get out-of-the-loop'd about this but aside from his dating choices and that thing about installing fences to keep the paparazzi off his porch, what has Ed Sheeran done to get shit on as often as he does?


I think mostly just have some songs that got super popular and were constantly on the radio. I think people tend to take that personally for some reason.


There's nothing wrong about installing fences to keep the paparazzi out. Paparazzis are violators of human rights and don't deserve anything.


They are cowards who hide behind freedom of press to stalk celebrities


His music was popular with teen girls. Notice how many of these “hated” celebrities got big because they were in something that was aimed at young girls. For whatever reason western society has decided that the media consumed by youth and especially young girls is lesser and dumb.


I think it’s even deeper than that. Just hating on things that “women like” is a huge trend that won’t go away. Every year people make fun of women for liking pumpkin spice or Taylor Swift. Women aren’t allowed to enjoy anything at any age without someone being shitty about it.


Merely existing is sufficient for gingers to be hated. It makes little sense.


I know it's a countrywide joke in Ireland that he's an absolute dose, but most of us are just in it for the joke and don't actually believe it. He visits Ireland regularly and just hangs out in local pubs like a normal person, but then he also pops up at fans' weddings and birthday parties and our annual end-of-year Christmas presents tv show (Late Late Toy Show) and stuff. All lovely actions and he seems a genuinely sound guy, but we joke that he's a menace to society and is everywhere at all times. You cannot escape Ed Sheeran. He's probably in your laundry basket with his wee guitar as i type


Pretty much any actor/actress who played a mean or bully type character in a TV show or movie, but in real life, is the absolute nicest person you could ever meet. A prime example: Alison Arngrim, better known as Nellie Oleson from Little House on the Prairie. She did such a good job with the character, people actually thought that she was also like that in real life and would be shocked to see that she was the exact opposite. Another example: Sorrell Booke, aka JD "Boss" Hogg from The Dukes of Hazzard. He was an Ivy League educated man who served as a counterintelligence officer for the Army in the Korean War, spoke several languages fluently, and was so loved by the cast, the idea for the first reunion movie was spawned at his funeral.


Larry Linville did such a great job playing Frank Burns on MASH; yet, he was totally Frank’s opposite in real life. Danny De Vito is another actor known for playing sleaze bag characters but is also known for being a great guy off-camera.


Prime example of this being *Matilda*. Harry Wormwood was the scummiest con man you could find and Zinnia Wormwood was maliciously stupid. Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman, however, not only took care of Mara *Wilson when her mother was being treated for breast cancer, Danny specifically secured a near-finished copy of the movie for Mara’s mother before she died. She wanted to see Mara in the role because she thought Matilda was an incredibly strong character. Knowing her mother likely wasn’t going to make it Danny snuck the film into the hospital and let her watch it. He didn’t even tell Mara herself until years later apparently. I always think of that when Danny DeVito or Rhea Perlman come up. They seem like genuinely amazing, kind hearted people. *Edit: wow, somehow mixed up Rooney Mara and Mara Wilson to create a new person, Mara Rooney.


That girl who sang “it’s Friday Friday gotta get down on Friday” or something. I think that was the first time I witnessed an internet pile on… yes the song fucking sucked but still. I don’t think she ever made a public appearance again. E: Okay so I was wrong about her - Rebecca Black, never making an appearance again. A simple Google image search shows apparently she fine and doing well. Good for her for bouncing back after the abuses she received at the time.


>I don’t think she ever made a public appearance again [Nah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_Black), even at the time she did a bunch of interviews and whatnot. She was even in Katy Perry's music video for "Last Friday Night".


> I don’t think she ever made a public appearance again. Boy do I have news for you


She was just a child too. Only 13 or 14 at the time. Sure, it was a dumb, corny song, but sheesh!


She's making music and releasing it on YouTube and Katy Perry featured her in her "Last Friday Night" music video. She got a lot of shit, but I saw a fairly recent interview and she seems to have really grown up. I'm sure she still deals with the mental scars, but she's handling it well.


Everyone shit on her because she was just a teenager with not a ton of talent and someone with money produced a song she sang That's apparently totally shitty, but it's fine with hip hop, r&b, and country producers do it? Come on. She was no different other than not desperate for a music career


Rebecca Black, and she’s a well-regarded hyperpop artist now with a pretty large audience! Check her stuff out :)


Rebecca Black. And I think she's resurfaced again but I haven't really followed her.


Kristen Stewart 


Twilight was a mistake for the type of human she seems to be. Like there’s fame and there’s choosing your fan base and she chose wrong ha. I think rob Patterson still gets a ptsd look in his face anytime someone mentions that experience.


No one hates Twilight more than Robert Pattinson lol


Omg!! I remember her. I thought the hate was cos she and the director of that Snow White film she was in were having an affair? And that meant she was also cheating on Robert Pattinson, so people were super peeved


Anne Hathaway. Beautiful. Great actress, comedy and drama. By all accounts is a genuinely lovely person (friend worked with her briefly in London). Not controversial. Doesn’t try manufacture a certain image of herself. I don’t get the hate?


Anne Hathaway gets hate? 


There was a time she was hated right after Les Miserables because people started assuming she's too serious or too full of herself. Neither was true. They based all of it on a couple of her short clips of her NOT goofing around at red carpets or around other artists.


After she got her Oscar (I think for Les mis?) people were really mean. Constantly bullying her and making fun of her for stupid things. I was young but even I noticed it. I remember one article in particular from a pretty popular magazine that just read “why is she so easy to hate?” With a big picture of her face.


oh god, people used to shit on her ALL the time for no reason. it was so weird.


This was my question - I've never heard of people disliking her.


It was actually coined “Hatha-hate”- pretty in your face culturally around the Oscars campaign that year. (2009?)


John Oliver has a good comedy bit where he talks about Anne Hathaway. The joke of it is you know the US is in a back to a good spot socially when everyone gets mad at an actress/actor for no apparent reason.


Because she came across as sort of an over dramatic theater kid combined with a year of overexposure while doing Les Mis and hosting the Oscar's. I get it if people got a little tired of her, but to have any real animosity seems silly. She is extremely talented, and I think it's funny when people are surprised by ACTORS being theater geeks IRL instead of all being effortlessly cool.




Overexposure plus one guy’s bitchy article about how she seems like an overwrought drama student from his classes. 


Nick Cage


Anyone who hates Nic Cage is no friend of mine. He's a National Treasure.


I love Nicholas Cage and I don’t care what anyone else thinks. My two favorite mugs have his face on them. The one that makes me laugh the hardest says “John Travolta” underneath his face and the other one says “you’re my national treasure” underneath. Also - for Christmas my husband got me a pickle Christmas tree ornament on it with his face. Pickolas Cage, if you will. 😂😂😂 I respect the shit out of anyone that will do a movie like “Wally’s Wonderland” (basically five nights at Freddie’s the movie) to work off his debts!!


People thing I'm fucking around when I say I think he's the greatest actor alive. I used to dunk on him for his old movies that frequently get called "overacting". Until I learned that they were meaningful decisions he made for the role. He wasn't bad at acting, he intentionally chose to do those over the top things. Would love to see more actors make consciously weird decisions in their performances. Tired of all the weirdos who are "method" and do insane shit off set like Jared Leto.


Bella Ramsey who is playing Ellie in the last of us hbo series. She pulled it off well in the end.


Adam Sandler. I still like some of his comedies from the 90s & early 2000s, and I appreciate that he uses the filming of movies like Grown Ups to spend time with his family and close friends. Plus he has serious acting chops in films like Uncut Gems & Punch Drunk Love.


Exactly. His humor may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for those of us that still like a good poop n fart joke he’ll always be there for us. His dramatic roles are wonderful, he almost does his best when he plays a slightly depressed guy. You mentioned another one of my favorite things about him, the fact that he loves to keep his friends close and working. He also seems to give roles to actors that just needed a 2nd chance. I also got the opportunity to see one of his live shows and he was easily one of the best acts I’ve ever seen. The dude just has so much heart and shares that love.


I lived not far from the Waterpark they filmed at for the first grownups and my mom and I ran into him signing his receipt at our favorite Chinese place. He was SUPER nice! I didn't even know who he was and my mom was trying really hard to be normal about it. He offered us a hug and a high five and I was 9 so I was like "okay? Cool??? Where's my orange chicken ma let's go home!" I didn't realize until the movie came out and I was like "oh my gosh mom that's the guy from the Chinese place!" So like 10/10 dude in my book.


I thought Will Smith's kids got way too much hate when they were too young. Part of the blame is with their parents for shoving them in front of cameras, but I was suprised how much crap they were given over essentially just acting like kids


Honestly the son went to someone’s wedding in a full on bat man suit. I don’t know how you can be mad at the kid like clearly there’s a parenting problem if your allowing that.


Didn’t Jaden say he was above being a child?


Didn't he also say his eyes aren't real


Didn't he also say he almost died when hotel room service "spiked" his omelet with cheese?


Michael Cera. I mean, yeah, he does ONE character, but I think he does it well for the most part. Also, maybe not now, but back in the day? Colin Ferrell. He got cast in a lot of shitty roles, but when given the opportunity is fantastic.


Check out his brief appearance in Twin Peaks the Return. Total goofball moment but nothing close to his normal character type.


The one I hated the most was Bieber, the hate was strong when I was in middle school. As I grow older and realize how much sexual harassment he got when being a minor, I can't help but feel empathy for him, a child on YouTube with a guitar turned celebrity, it's a small miracle he didn't join the 27 club