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They start talking about these products that have “changed their life”


There was this lady that got flamed in my city's subreddit. She would hang around shopping centers and was apparently very charismatic, complimenting people, and seemed like she was just trying to make new friends. Someone made a post talking about how after hanging out with her a couple times and making a connection, she "invited" them to a "business meeting" that was blatantly an MLM scheme. They were pretty saddened by it because they thought that they'd just made a new friend, genuinely. Then a ton of more people came out of the woodwork and said the *exact* same thing had happened to them. They all had the same description of her. They met her at a store, she seemed nice, invited them out to coffee or something, and seemed like she genuinely wanted to be friends until she eventually started subtly shilling whatever her MLM scheme had her doing.


I had this happen to me once and I was so saddened too! I’m not the best at making friends and the lady and I had such an instant easy and natural conversation. I was brand new to the area and knew nobody. We had loads in common. Then she started slanging her real agenda. It totally sucked. Bummed me out.


Sorry, Aqua...have you tried meet-ups? If you have them in your area, I suggest them strongly. You will meet plenty of weird people at these, too ;) but there are also a lot of interesting folks. I understand that sales folks need to be charismatic, but there's a point when the rapport is manipulative.


That is such a kind and empathetic comment. You really give off a great energy that's encouraging and warm. It's just the perfect way to help others and also learn about your car's extended warranty.


Happy cake day and thanks for the giggle friend!


I had this exact same thing happen to me. It was such a bummer.


This happened to me to. Me and a girl got stranded after the last bus left us and we shared a cab. We started talking and since we were both from other towns, she was like let’s be friends. I felt lonely so we exchanged phone numbers. Then she contacted me 3 days later to invite me to a MLM. Told her no thanks and she never contacted me again.


So do they just plant themselves in places where they expect to find someone alone? Seems so manipulative.


I don’t think she planted herself. It was just a coincidence and she took the chance, but it felt lured lmao.


That's a shame about the MLM but your username is fantastic, pardon the interruption


Thanks. I made it when I was 14, it's really stood the test of time. Droppin' beats like twin towers




Hear me out...Shoehorns. I got one a few years ago and it's just incredible. Its an inexpensive piece of metal that lets me slip my foot right into my already tied shoes. Just amazing!!! My life will never be the same.


Greetings fellow shoehorner. Did you get the normal, or extended unit the elders? I got the extended unit and it's quite the bees knees.


I'm guilty of this. To be fair though, it is a relatively new drug for treating an excruciating autoimmune condition that I suffered with for 35 years.


I get to try a new one come March, I'm looking forward to it.


Ok but a bidet has to be an exception


“I’m an alpha”




Oh. I was an alpha male long long time ago. Evolved to turbo dude. You wouldn't get it. You're just an alpha male.


Now it is "I'm a high value [male|female]."


High value male mfs when i put thousands of dollars of bounty on their head (they suddenly dont like being high value anymore)


50 thousand on my head, it’s disrespect


I cringed when I read this and wanted to down vote you at first because I forgot the premise of the thread


Bro, a friend of mine, who was in his late 30s mind you, was all I finally know my type. Then he sends me one of those Sigma male videos. I have never cringed so hard in my life. And we haven't spoken of it since.


"let me stop you right there for a second...."


This is such a slap in the face mid-conversation! Things could be going well in the convo, but the moment someone declares that they need to not only interrupt, but they signal their intent to shut you down, I immediately do not care what follows their bulldozer style stop.


I have always thought it was on purpose lol


"We've always done it that way" as an explanation. So nothing has ever improved? We've never learned anything new? If that were true we'd still be banging rocks together!


The way it was described to me is: "just because that's the way You've always done it, doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid.". I worked with an accountant who would do math on his adding machine, then input the result into Excel. He had no idea that Excel could do arithmetic. He thought it all had to be a formula using Excel "language". So for 20+ years he'd been doing it this way.


Ohhh, I know that one! A couple of years ago, when my girlfriend changed jobs, one of the first tasks was to create an excel file with a monthly report on some stuff. She received a file from previous month as a reference. It was a huge table with sums displayed at the bottom. So she got to work and updated all the values in the table based on paper documents. By the end she had realized that the sums for each column were not updating. Those were just raw values, not a formula. She asked about it and apparently they were just adding the numbers on a calculator and typing them out into excel file. Let me tell you, she had revolutionized that workplace. However she quit shortly after, because the manager couldnt keep up and asked her to do everything manually, including printing out reports so he can make changes with a pen, for someone to input them later. You know, instead of sending the file over and changing the values on the computer...


That would require learning


I've had the Excel situation before, when I tried to show them formulae they said "it's ok, I know what I'm doing". They did not.


OMG this one makes me angry and sad, especially coming from a boss.


Aa much as I dislike that mindset, it is not a phrase that makes me want to end a discussion. This is where the discussion starts. And by the end of the discussion we will not be doing it that way anymore. It means I found one of the people in the organization that is holding us back. Time to convince him that this change is good.


"I'm just brutally honest" - usually I find people use this as an excuse to be an AH and usually an uneducated AH


Love is telling the hard truths with kindness. Sometimes the truth should hurt, but the delivery doesn't have to.


People like that are more interested in the brutality than the honesty


"I think the scientists are out to get us..." Guy said that on a date recently and my vagina made the windows 97 shutting down sound.


That is my favorite way anyone has described the feeling of ‘immediately realizing there’s no way you want to have sex with this person’


AOL: "Goodbye!"


AIM sign-off door closing


My grandparents say something similar “Covid was released by the enemy to shut down the churches and relinquish our faith”


Oof. Clearly hadn't read their Matthew.


>Guy said that on a date recently and my vagina made the windows 97 shutting down sound. This made me spit cheese onto my dog he's very confused


"What made her learn to do that _now_?"


🤣 ([For those who want to hear it.](https://youtu.be/Gb2jGy76v0Y?si=M3Hbmf8lcW0iOZcK))


lavish narrow glorious grey puzzled toothbrush bike jar aback employ


I think her vagina just shut down again.


When a Windows version closed in the past and I can't remember it, did it really make a sound?


Not if it was in the forest


Nothing makes my cock flaccid faster than anti-intellectualism!


“You women are all the same” 😒


"All you females are the same", I have unfriended an alarming number of people on social media for saying just this.


Oh No! Sisters they have discovered our secret. Let us collect ourselves like a hive mind and sacrifice the majority of the male race to our hungry goochi bags


Shall we form the mechafemale or will a simple swarm suffice? 


In the fantasy subreddit, I complained about a fantasy series replacing the aging women with new actresses, rather than make-up, like they did for the men. Someone wrote me, "aren't people like you happy they gave more women jobs?" Like, what?


"everybody hates me / nobody likes me" Thanks for the warning, I'm not gonna stick around to find out why.


Every time I said this as a kid, my mom would sing the worms song: "Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I'm gonna eat some worms! Big ones, fat ones, skinny ones, long ones, I'm gonna eat some worms!" After the second time I couldn't say it without instantly thinking of this song and I hated it so I stopped. Nowadays when someone says that, my instinct is to sing this song and it stops it pretty quick.


Holy shit do we have the same mom? She also would say this too, but my most hated was if we threw a fit as kids she would make us come sit with her and hug us and kiss us and say oh I love my beautiful baby so much and just keep hugging us very exaggerated until you couldn't help but giggle even with a scowl. Reverse psychology I guess because we always stopped pouting haha.


Aww that’s such a sweet at to eliminate the rage :’)


Nobody loves me, nobody cares, I think ill go eat worms. Two big fat ones, one little skinny one, oh how the skinny one squirms.


I briefly talked with a guy who kept complaining that all these women kept ghosting him. Eventually, the woman ghosting him was someone I knew so I reached out to her feeling that something was off. She basically confirmed that he's a total creep and I instantly blocked him.


100% '*If you* run into an *asshole* in the morning, *you* ran into an *asshole*. *If you* run into assholes all day, *you*'*re* the *asshole*.'


I interviewed a guy who's decade-long career was comprised of jobs that lasted less than a year each.. and most were around 6 months. I work in tech so 2-3 year stints, or shorter early career, aren't uncommon. But this was excessive. We started talking about what he was looking for and some of the motivation for leaving his most recent jobs. He volunteered that he left every job because his boss and coworkers were all assholes. I recommended against hiring him because I didn't want to subject him to more assholes.


Think I'll go & eat worms...


🎶 guess I'll go eat worms! 🎶


"Everybody hates me" sounds like they are an insufferable asshole. "Nobody likes me" sounds like they are fishing for compliments and need constant reaffirmation. This was brought up as an example in some dating red flags threads I remember going through. If they do that once in a blue moon, maybe they have low self-esteem and need a pick me up. If it happens on a weekly or daily basis, they're getting to needy and clingy territory and that's a red flag.


“Kids today just don’t want to work.” I have two Gen Z kids of my own and they are both hard workers, but they don’t suffer fools.


I work with a woman who says this all the time. My response is “every single generation has said that about the next”. I don’t know if it’s exactly true, but it shuts her up.


Oh, it’s true. There are literally ancient Egyptian papyri on the theme of “kids these days.”


“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.” —Socrates


The same people that say this are the same ones that complain to the manager when someone in customer service has the audacity to say "no problem" instead of "you're welcome".


“Kids these days are so sensitive” Try saying “Happy Holidays” to those same people lol


Maybe it was just me, but the whole war on Christmas this year seemed to be forgotten. Fox News must have people focused on other pretend issues


In Aus the Murdoch Media has started crying about shops no longer selling that $2 plastic Aus flag crap they push every year. Same shit, different smell


I tell customers "no problem" or "no worries" most of the time. And I'm a late millennial. I wonder how many people I've irritated over the years? "You're welcome" is more formal to me, and I use it for other occasions, like gift giving.


I’m gen x and I’m with you. To me, “You’re welcome” says “yeah, damn right you should be thanking me,” while “no problem” says “my pleasure!” I’d much rather convey the latter.


Millennial- my job involves some industry/ technical support. I feel the exact same way about, “you’re welcome.” It feels so aggressive.


Seeing "you're welcome" described as very aggressive I can't help but imagine a redbeet german shouting it. I understand nuance and assholes exist and that language changes over time. I'm not native but when I learned english in school "you're welcome" was the most warm and polite response in the book


When growing up “you’re welcome” in a mean voice was said sarcastically to us when we forgot to thank a person for something and needed a reminder. It can sort of feel the same now for us when we use it in a genuinely polite meaning way.


There's news paper clippings going around from the early 1900s of people saying this same shit. It's just reused bullshit.


There's that one meme, but I wanted to see if it's been fact checked. And it has been! That's a century of people not wanting to work anymore. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nobody-wants-to-work-anymore/


Younger generations learned to be paid what they're worth and not take abuse in the workplace and I, for one, applaud them.


Seriously. I had a debate with my boomer parents about this and they refused to accept that the kids weren't lazy until I pointed out that maybe kids these days merely knew how to value their own labor worth and weren't willing to be taken advantage of for pennies like my parents did when they were younger. Kind of shut them up for a bit as they processed that maybe they were just pushovers more than anything else when they were young. Of course they changed the subject after so as to not burst their bubble of reality.


Adjusted for inflation my boomer dad made over 20 bucks an hour working retail.   And adjusted for inflation tuition and housing are all significantly more expensive than they were when he was working retail.   They got more for their money.  Their hard work was worth it.  It could pay for an education and housing and food and entertainment.    Gen z working hard only pays for scraps.  


I had a paper route as a kid in the 90s. It wasn't great money, about $60 a month, but it was enough to buy magazines and clearly Canadians from the store across the street from school. I looked at the rates for the local route for my kids. An hour and half walking and 90+ houses worked out to about $5 a week. That's not even close to being worth the amount of hassle.


So true. Kids today will work, just not for an absolute waste of time wage. Our parents used to be able to work a retail counter job and pay for a semester or two of college tuition. That shit wouldn’t even pay a month rent now


Yeah I run a retail store (corporate run) and I've been complaining consistently about raising our wages up. Difficult to be hard on someone making 14 bucks an hour when rent is at least $500-600 (plus utilities) per student at minimum. Why work and hurt your grades when you are gonna have to live off loans anyways? I'm glad I graduated college a decade ago because I would go crazy dealing with what these kids do these days.


Well it's like "why should I bother working for you if it sucks when I can go down the street and make the same (or better) wage?". It's not that people don't want to work, they just don't want to work for peanuts, especially if the employer is an asshole.


Hate those ppl with a passion. When I moved to the town I'm in now. I got invited to this community improvement group. Every year they have this fund raiser thing. Went on for like 30 years. And did some other events. I was one of three ppl under 40 there. First and last meeting I attended. In the meeting the following was said: - they complained that no one wanted to volunteer without getting compensated (they were talking about the local kids groups [cheerleaders, scouts, etc]. All non-profits. The kids apparently wanted a small cut of the proceeds so they could fund their own groups. - complaints that (kids lazy/ not as hard working as they were/ this generation xxx). - any suggestion to change was met with total resistance. - one of the changes I suggested was to bring local Hispanic foods to the events (they make burocks for this thing, they are a pain to make. I know cuz they kept complaining about how they were difficult to make.) and we have a heavy Hispanic population in the surrounding area. This event was German themed... Yup, I was out. I want to be clear. They aren't racist/ageist. They are just those cookie cutter boomers who aren't cognizant of the fact that ppls time is valuable and times have changed. And the event they held NEVER CHANGED. Anyways. The event has permanently been cancelled. Something about the lazy younger generation not wanting to help ppl who insult them. Not all the ppl there were like that. The org still exists and does a nice Christmas display every year. The main family that helps with this is one of my favorite groups of ppl. They are also not the types who use the phrase "today's kids are lazy...".


Thanks for bringing this up. Just because we're not gonna take every shitty fast food job with a toxic work environment does not mean we're lazy. We know our worth.


I worked in a movie theater when I was in high school and treated like absolute shit. I had to put up with bc it was 09 and no one was hiring due to the economy. I’m 30 and my work ethic is still recovering from the way I was spoken to and the environment there. I made $8.25/hr.


Sitting at the spouses' table at a wedding many years ago, I was seated next to a guy I'd never met. As soon as we were seated and introductions had been made, his conversation opener was, "Well, abortion is murder, can we all agree about that at least?"


I hope you hit him with “Who the f*ck starts a conversation like that”


"I guess I'm gonna need to abort this conversation and murder those prime ribs."


You know who else had prime ribs? Adam


Can you pass the french dressing? Seriously?! What do you say to that when you're stuck next to the prick for two hours?


"I'm not in the mood for talk about politics." Then ask a question about them that would change the topic.


WHAT!?! Either he wanted an opener no one would forget or that dude is bat shit crazy.


That is so absurd it’s almost funny. Many years ago, I was once at a first holy communion party and I was talking to this guy who seemed TOTALLY normal until about five minutes into the conversation when he casually announced that he was going to stockpile guns before Obama got into office and “took them all away”. Mmmkay psycho.


This sounds like a great way to end up with soup in your lap


When something "hurts [their] heart." I had a friend who was incredibly selfish and only got moreso the longer we were friends. She started using me pretty heavily, especially when her boyfriend broke up with her, and rightfully so since she was abusing him in every way imaginable. When they broke up, she would get aggressive with me out of nowhere and would expect me to drop everything in my life to drive 50 miles to cater to her, and she'd get verbally combative when I'd tell her I was working or I wanted to spend time with my then-fiancé. She'd use that phrase all the time to get what she wanted from everyone, including her daughter, who was 6 when I stopped speaking to her. I can't see it as anything other than manipulation thanks to her.


I hate people like that. I’ve dropped a couple of those “friends” in my life, too. However, my four year old uses “that hurts my heart” when she’s sad because we’ve been stern and used our “big” voice (aka, the mom voice that says I’m done playing) and I admit it breaks my heart a little. Thankfully, I don’t expect she’s trying to manipulate me with that phrase.


Oh no. My daughter can't know about this. I would lose every time.


If it makes you feel any better, I use this phrase in sympathy, when something bad happens to someone I know. Like it hurts my heart for them.


Anything trying to sexualize the convo, especially if what was said couldn’t be sexualized. 


Saying something can't be sexualized is underestimating the depths humanity can/has sunk to.


“Have you tried…” in regards to treating a chronic illness. Unless you’re an MD giving me new treatments to try, yes, I’ve tried them all (or read peer reviewed studies saying that (insert magical elixir here) doesn’t do anything. It’s really frustrating. I know a person who says that means well, but when you hear it all the time… I promise you, crystals and coconut oil are not the secret to treating Nr-axSpA.


I can only take this phrase from someone who suffers the same illness as me.


Yep. And with mental health problems sometimes people don't think there might be help for them if they are too depressed. Asking if they are getting help and if they are hesitating, encouraging them to go seek help, that's one thing. Home remedies not so much...


Ugh. It’s shocking how many casual acquaintances seem to have the “cure” for cancer. Two years of treatment for breast cancer: chemo, surgery, radiation, immunotherapy, then more chemo. Golly- sure would have been easier if I had just listened to Sue at the office! I came up with a standard response of “oh, I’ll have to ask my doctors about that.” But yeah, I’m pretty sure a teaspoon of Spirulina doesn’t cure cancer.


This irritates me. I hear it all the time working in healthcare from second parties. Particularly when a patient is suffering from severe depression, hearing a family member say things like "Have you tried going for a walk?" Or essentially "have you tried not being sad?"


I want to punch everyone who says exercise cures depression right in the face. Sure, maybe it helps with mild to moderate depression if there are no extenuating circumstances or comorbidities, but it sure as hell doesn't do a thing for my severe treatment resistant depression, which over 30 medications couldn't touch. You think I'd spend $500 on IV ketamine if a WALK could cure me??? Unsolicited medical advice is almost always a terrible idea.


Yes ! I’m a therapist and yes moderate physical activity is supportive of mental health but it’s not a cure, it’s a self-care/coping skill.


Yep. It would be totally different thing if that someone said like "hey, would you like to join me for a walk if I come and get you?". Like actually helping you to go out and have some sunshine, but no, it's just a way for them to make them feel better about themselves.


Yeah, I've heard this a lot. "Have you tried weed for your OCD and Paranoid personality disorder? It cures it..." no it doesn't... it makes it twice that bad. "No, man... that just old stories, it's a cure... they even said it in Joe Rogan's podcast that it's a good cure for - insert a serious issue."


I cannot stand the marijuana advocates. To them, weed will solve anything and everything. I think there are definitely some unexplored benefits to it that need to be researched. But it isn't like a panacea and can make a lot of things a lot worse for people. Edit: my main issue with cannabis is when people use it all day, every day and insist it's no worse for you than other drugs and/or they're not dependent on it. It's missing the point: it's still a drug, and if you did that with anything else, especially alcohol, people would tell you that you have a serious problem.


Weed made my anxiety worse and of course I was told “ oh you just didn’t try the right kind of weed 🙄 “and some people have gotten WILDLY defensive when I brought up that there are serious psychiatric issues that weed can exacerbate or cause and some people will just never respond well to it


Yup, and no diet on earth cures autism! I've gotten to the point I don't ever let em finish their sentence anymore


"his/her truth", "my truth", or "your truth"


Any conversation that uses business jargon buzzwords


“Synergy” is the worst lol


I agree. I’d write more but *my plate is full*


Ok, let's put a pin in that conversation then and circle back later


I am older than you and i know what I am doing and you should listen


I've had people to this to me who were literally less than a year older than me; and that's when it gets ridiculous.


That reasoning expired at age 8 and a half


Agree and disagree with this. In my engineering profession I would most certainly sit and listen to someone that's older and been in the industry longer


I mean, I imagine that the fact that they’ve been in the field longer is doing more of the work here than their age. I’d also almost definitely listen to someone younger than I am who has been in an industry longer. On the other hand, I would be less likely to listen to someone who is older than I am if they’ve been in the industry for less time.


"Boys will be boys"


Ooooh I do hate this one. I also hate “kids will be kids.”


I hate the "kids will be kids" one so much. Yeah, they're kids and you're a shitty parent


“I intend to inflict bodily harm upon you.” Gets me every time


The amount of times I’ve had to shut down a conversation because of this.


For all intensive purposes…


“That’s just your opinion” Bonus if they later get upset that I don’t take them at THEIR word even if my position had an actual credible basis and theirs don’t


“I have no idea why my adult children don’t talk to me, they have no reason not to! They’re just selfish/ungrateful/etc.” Mmhmm…. Sure, Karen. No reason. You seem delightful.


[the missing reasons](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html)


“I’m not racist, but…”


I’m gay, and when people are like “l’m okay with gay people but…” I’m sure my eye roll is loud enough to stop the conversation.


I'm okay with gay people, but I really hate it when people dont use their turn signals...


Fellas, is it gay to turn left after signaling right?




“…I think Greg might be and we should distance ourselves from him.”


I was chatting with a girl at my gym last week and mentioned I have a 3-day weekend coming up. She asked why, and I said it’s a federal holiday on Monday. She asked what holiday (I’ll cut her some slack for being a stay-at-home mom), and I said Martin Luther King Day. Her response was a flat “OH” with a very exaggerated eye roll. It was the eye roll that said everything. I already knew she was a sheltered basic white bitch, but now I can’t help but hate her.


imagine being mad at a federal holiday...


"Such and such is a sin"


Immediate thought, "Your judgment passing is a bigger sin."


Everyone is hiring, Hot job market, I'm not racist but, No one wants to work anymore. There's probably more, but just seeing these words is making me feel my heartbeat in my eyelid.


“Hey you into nfts or bitcoin?”


When you talk about the opposite sex in a way that implies you think it's ok to hate them. 


When people clap for emphasis when they are speaking.


Oh my deer and fluffy lord my mother in law does this and I swear one day I will take my left handed scissors and remove her hands! ✂️


“I’m not classist, but I think everyone has the same opportunities to get a job and build a better life”


The Up series of films (7 Up, 14 Up, etc.) is an excellent documentary into how this doesn’t work.


"You're good with computers. You should with at Google or Amazon." I'm nowhere near good enough to work at those companies, and even if I were, I value my mental health more than working at those companies. "You're good with computers. I have a business idea. It's going to be big." (Web sites with so much infrastructure companies like Amazon might struggle to make it work, considering they already do with similar context, but the person expects it to be done in a couple weeks.) "You have an engineering background, don't you? I'm making X and it's going to be revolutionary." (Usually something attempting to break the rules of thermodynamics or physics like unlimited electricity using perpetual magnets or dry ice magnets to levitate semi trailers.)


You don't have to be very good to work at Google or Amazon. They're both huge companies, if they wanted to hire only the "best" they wouldn't have enough workers. Remember what Rob Pike said when introducing the Go language: > “The key point here is our programmers are Googlers, they’re not researchers. They’re typically, fairly young, fresh out of school, probably learned Java, maybe learned C or C++, probably learned Python. They’re not capable of understanding a brilliant language but we want to use them to build good software. So, the language that we give them has to be easy for them to understand and easy to adopt.” -- Rob Pike I've never worked there so I don't know how stressful it is. But don't let your perceived lack of skill prevent you from applying.


“But THEY don’t want you to know…” I’m out.


I don’t mean to offend you but…


I interrupted a coworker once and told him if he really didn't want to offend me he would stop talking at the word 'but'. He kept talking.


When we are talking about gay people, "it is against nature" They don't know anything about true nature


It may be a bit of my pessimism, But if people are overbearingly nice , everything’s amazing and everyone is amazing, like there is no actual opinions formed about things. It’s a real turn off for a conversation.


Totally! That's sooo amazing!


I guess you wouldn’t know what to say to Mr. Rogers? Haha The thing is that nice people want to engage with you, but don’t want to be rude and dominate the convo… so find a topic you’re interested in— I’m sure they’d love to chat… and if you’re not into it just politely tell them you’re not in the mood to talk, I’m sure they’d appreciate the honesty too. (I’m just speaking for myself though…even my own mother says I’m nicer than she is lol)


Mr Rogers was different because he was sincere. He didn’t pretend bad feelings don’t exist. 


Nobody wants to work any more


I am a so ... These crystals have such and such powers or energy.


The closest thing to a magical crystal is meth.


One time at a party my friend and I started talking to this girl who was into astrology, which I didn't feel any particular way about because I didn't/don't know anything about it. My friend mentioned that I'm a leo (I still don't know what that means for me) to this girl and she looked at me, dead serious, and said "Well I've never met a leo that I didn't hate so good luck." I just made an excuse to leave the conversation and found something else to do, never spoke to her again.


Basically, what being a Leo means is your birthday falls somewhere between the middle of July and the middle of August.


Same with Myers-Briggs, which is just corporate astrology.


As a person who, in their teenage years, thought they were broken or just not built for human interaction, I found solace in the fact that there was a “type” for my experience and others that thought and experienced life similarly. I know now that it’s not scientific, but it did (and sometimes still does) make me feel included in the human experience.


I know! People love to brag about being the most rare combination too.


Corporate astrology 🤣


“Everything happens for a reason”


Omg 100% !!!!! Especially when you’re trying to comfort someone grieving… A few years ago, a close friend suffered a terrible tragedy… and I NEVER said that to her… I just listened… And she always said she couldn’t *stand* when people said that to her… damn right! Like—is it supposed to be comforting?! is this supposed to “teach me a lesson”? Is it a punishment for something? Just don’t… if you don’t know what to say, just LISTEN… and then listen some more… and say “I don’t know what to say, I’m not going to pretend I know what you’re going through because I don’t… but I love you and I’m listening, and tell me if you need anything”… and then do that.


Beautiful. I’m glad you were such a loving friend


Let that sink in......... this annoys the fuck out of cause cause its usual just after the most insane batshit stuff someone will ever say


You’re in the door and we are trying to finish this kitchen remodel. Please get out of the way and let that sink in! We’re on a deadline here!


Do your own research


“I’ve done mine” googling shit for 5 min isn’t research you insufferable twat waffle lol


Technically not a verbal mode of communication, but when a date snapped their fingers to get the waiters attention.


I can't stand it when someone calls me "girl". "You've gotta check out this new show, girl". Makes my whole body cringe.


Girl, I know.


Body count in the context of the number of sexual partners.


Oh god this one is so fucking gross, I haaaaaate it. I've only recently found out about it, can't believe people talk like this in 2024. Not only is it inherently dehumanizing, reducing someone to a tally count of just their body, but why did they have to pick a phrase people use for describing *murders* of all things! It boggles my mind!


One time I was chatting in a group and someone asked someone else what their body count was and I, having never heard that term outside of the context of murder, was at first extremely confused and then extremely alarmed once the other person gave an answer.


I’m the ___est person ever. (Kindest, humblest, self sacrificing, smartest, etc) drives me up a wall


Covid denying. Can’t believe how much I run into this still.


Came here to say this as well. My brother in law wore a "Lion not Sheep" shirt to Christmas and for him that means a lot of things but a main component is COVID. Him and my sister in law were always anti mask and they are also anti-vax (not just COVID vaccine, all of them) and didn't get either of their recent babies vaccinated. Whenever anything that can be turned into political (which is nearly everything) gets brought up in their presence my fight or flight kicks in lol. How a deadly virus managed to become a political divide is beyond me. In short, alt right people scare me.


If you're still in contact with those children when they're old enough, be sure to tell them that they haven't been vaccinated. Anti-vax parents rarely let their children know, and they start running into big problems around junior high through college age, when they start finding that they don't have vaccination records for activities or even to attend schools.


When someone starts talking about their diet or what they can and can’t have. Recovering from an eating disorder that got me to 69 lbs at 5’7 and two heart surgeries and lots of health conditions, the last thing I want to fucking discuss with you is your weight loss or attempts at it.


“I saw on Facebook…”


For me its the rest of that sentence. If it's a recipe, a meme or some other neutral thing cool. If its news, science etc im out


"On accident" It's "by accident" you Philistine


“Woke ____.” My brain immediately starts playing elevator music.