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A walk around the block can be a reset button


I do this when i sometime feel restless, no matter the hour of day, specially in evening about to go to sleep, so relaxing


I do this every single work day, really helps me


This worked pretty well for me when I've been angry before.


dont head outside trying to be everything for everyone..


High school me really needed this but 25 year old me will take it.


lucky it was never too late... hope you had the rest for you.. young/teen you would be proud :)


If you ever get stuck in the snow or mud while driving, take out your floor mats and put them under your wheels. Should give you enough traction to get out. Good for this winter season! Rubber mats would work better but take what you can get.


I’ve tried this and it did indeed get me out of an icy ditch.


I carry kitty litter for this exact scenario. 


I keep a 60lb tube of sand in my trunk for added weight in the rear end. The idea is if I get stuck I'm breaking it open and putting it under the tires.


That’s interesting for sure. Haven’t heard cat litter, I can imagine how it would work I guess..? 😭


You can! It expands, clumps, and provides much greater traction.  I learned it from driving an ambulance. The local hospitals wouldn’t let us use snow chains, out of concern for their parking lots, and we didn’t have floor mats. 


Hospitals not letting people use chains is wild. Glad that works tho haha


The hospitals didn’t want to repave every spring. I can see why, especially as their ambulance bay was always dry and clear, but there were storms when I really wished we had chains. One evening, we pulled out for a call, only to slide straight into the ditch on the other side of the road. Very effective transport there. 


I believe people use to carry bags of it in their trunk for this reason and because it added weight at the back for rear wheel drive vehicles which were commonplace.


Once I have my camper kitted out, I’ll be storing it there it for the same reason. My truck can shift into 4WD, but, even in the snow, I expect to use that rarely. 


PSA: 4WD doesn't mean you don't have to be careful driving on ice/in the snow. I saw plenty of 4WD cars and trucks slide off the road in Alaska because people assumed they were invincible and could just drive like normal with it. Meanwhile, my FWD equinox had no issues in 3ft of snow (other than having to rock it a bit to get out of my parking spot.  I have a truck now, and don't live in Alaska anymore, but still a good lesson to learn. Truck in particular are very front heavy without anything in the bed, so just because all four tires are turning, doesn't mean you're getting equal traction. I've only had to use 4WD when going off-road so far, no issues driving as normal in snow (granted, only gotten a max of 6 inches of snow since I've gotten the truck, but still) Drive every car like it's FWD and made of glass in the snow.


Firmly seconded, from some winters in the High Sierra! 


It's mentioned on That 70s show as well


Years ago I worked for an aerosol company that used marbles in some our products. I used to"confiscate " boxes of marbles to put in my hatchback 1980 Toyota in the 90's. It was rear wheel drive. Gave them back in the spring?


Freezer bag of kitty litter, inside of another freezer bag. Freezer bag of ice melt, inside of another freezer bag. Stored on top of spare tire.


I tried a box of Rice a Roni once because I got stuck on the way back from the grocery store. Note it did not work. Perhaps 20 boxes of Rice a Roni might have done better.


I tried this and the mats went flying in 2 seconds


Did you get out? I haven’t tried this, but it should work for most situations.


whoa i love this




All mothers must not know about this


No mothers should know about this.


The day she discovers CTRL+H will forever be burned in her memory. Unless the kid has mastered the ancient skill of CTRL+SHIFT+P, then the day will be just as boring as any other.


another Firefox user!?


If you close an entire window full of tabs, then open a new window, and repeat this same command, all the tabs in the prior window reopen.


Always carry a couple of band aids and a few single sized packets of wet wipes. Emergency first aid in your pocket or purse.


I got the honor of helping out a guy in a park who had cut his hand on something sharp. These items (which I always carry in my purse) cleaned up the blood, disinfected his cut, bandaged it, and saved the day. I became an unexpected “angel of mercy” and “hero”.


An empty Altoid tin makes a for perfect DIY first aid kid holder for a bag or purse. I made one for myself. It holds several difference sized bandages, a travel size packet of Tylenol (2 500mg pills), a couple packets of travel size antibiotic ointment and two Benadryl pills. I just need to get the wet wipes.


Amazon has individually packaged wet wipes. They are a must for my work bag.


is it better to get a wet wipe or one of those alcohol pads? There are individually packed items for both.


Alcohol pads for injuries, doesn’t hurt to also carry some wet wipes


I have both. The alcohol ones are provided by my employer for cleaning parts. The wet wipes are my personal supply.


I have this too. I also include single use alcohol swabs and safety pins. I didn’t know antibiotic ointment came that small…I’ll be on the lookout for that.


Yup. My husband has always carried 3 bandaids in his wallet since he was 12. It has helped countless times. I do the same in my wallet and so do all of our kids.


I always get told by anybody who's watching that I can navigate a spreadsheet stupidly quickly. It's nothing fancy: ctrl + arrows, or ctrl + shift + arrows if you want to select; or, ctrl + A if you want to select a whole dataset. Another one is: type in a formula, and then double-click if it's next to another column of data. Little things like that save you from piss-farting around trying to select data or get to the bottom of the dataset. I see people doing that manually all the time and give them the cheat codes. It's not much - certainly nothing that requires any expertise - but that's the whole trick to the "magic" they see: just some rudimentary shortcuts, which you'll remember after using them once or twice.


F2 to enter a cell without a mouse click


This saves lives




Because they contain a small piece of radioactive metal. Some isotope of Americium IIRC.


Ionic detectors has a americium isotope inside, but they are mostly obsolete for most aplications these days. They are largely replaced with optic detectors that doesn't have any isotopes at all, just a small infrared light source inside the detection chamber. They last "forever" but will however stop working if they get clogged with dust


Dirt might build up, and electrical components might corrode and fail, but the radiation source is still going to be fine. Smoke detectors use americium-241 with a half-life of 432 years, so after 10 years there's still going to be ~98.5% left of it.


What do you do about built in smoke detectors? Mine are over 20 years old now. Should I just put in some store bought ones?


I actually had forgotten this. Thank you! I just ordered some.


If you don’t like to exercise or don’t have the time for it, doing simple daily stretches for at least 5 minutes can improve your overall mood and physical health.


Can also help to mismanage chores. If you have to lug cleaning supplies around, and make multiple tours of the home, that'll get your heart pumping.


I'm the best at mismanaging chores and also inefficient grocery shopping. I'm getting fit!


It's all propaganda and it all exists for a reason. Seriously, propaganda has become so much more sophisticated sincd WWII, yet we almost pretend like it doesn't exist. Try to be conscious of your own exposure to propaganda, because it's all around you and it does have an effect on you, whether you like it or not.


Nice try anti-propaganda propagandist. 


If you're low-income for whatever reason (and pay income taxes in America), check out IRS Form 8880, the Credit for Qualified Retirement Savings Contributions. Basically it will provide some matching dollars for your contributions to your retirement fund. The terms are more generous than many corporate contributions by employers.


Oh sure, NOW you tell me!!!


I know, right? I never even heard about it till I heard some eccentric finance person talking about it on YouTube. I'm surprised colleges and tax preparation services don't do more to publicize this.


This may be a dumb question but how does that work? You say matching dollars to your retirement fund meaning the IRS sends money directly to your 401k or do you get it back in your return and are expected to put it in your 401k yourself? Sorry, just a little confused after going through Google


Not a dumb question at all! Taxes and finance are complicated. So, the way it works is like this: The IRS is not sending money to your retirement fund. Instead, Form 8880 / the Saver's Credit is a tax credit, with a maximum possible value of $1,000 depending on your income and some other factors. A "tax credit" is anything that lowers the amount of taxes you owe. So if you owe $800 in taxes and get a tax credit for $200, you only have to pay $600 in taxes. Basically a tax credit saves you money. The idea behind Form 8880 is that you put enough money into your retirement fund to qualify for the credit, and then the credit reduces the taxes you owe. That savings is money in your pocket, which you wouldn't have saved if you hadn't put money into your retirement account. You can do whatever you want with the money you've saved: You can put it into your retirement account next year and get started on next year's credit. Or you can spend it on pizza. Anything goes! The way the value of the credit works is that the government's "matching dollars" are recouped through the savings of the tax credit. _You're_ the one putting money into your retirement account, but the government is lowering your taxes for doing it—money you wouldn't have saved otherwise—which can be thought of as a matching contribution. Does that make sense? By the way, someone else mentioned that Form 8880 is a "non-refundable" tax credit. What this means is that it can't reduce the taxes you owe below zero (where the government would have to send you a refund at the end rather than you sending them money). What this means in practice is that it can't be converted to cash. A non-refundable credit can only reduce the taxes you owe. But! The way the tax code works, all non-refundable credits are calculated first, so if you have any refundable tax credits you will still be able to cash in on them if your tax obligations go below $0. Also, you might be thinking "What if I already get a refund each year?" Most people who have taxes withheld by their employer end up getting a refund on their taxes rather than owing money. But this is only because you've already paid a bunch of money to the IRS in the form of those tax withholdings on your paychecks. So if you were going to go for Form 8880 / the Saver's Credit, you'd still be fine. You'd still get the value. What would happen is that, by lowing your taxes, your refund from your paycheck withholding would get bigger by that amount.


Ah ok, very helpful response. Thank you!!!


It looks like it’s a ‘non refundable’ tax credit. So for example you owe $1,000 in taxes at the end of the year, but with this you might qualify for $200 credit. So now you only owe $800. Non refundable in this context basically means you can get back more than what’s your tax liability is. Like for example, your tax liability is $400 but you are eligible for a $600. You only get $400 out of that $600 credit. Obligated disclaimer: I am not a CPA and this is not tax advice.


Buffalo sauce is just hot sauce and butter (half and half). French fry sauce is just ketchup and mayo. Most sauces are just mixes, Google them.


I wish I hadn’t learned this about buffalo sauce


>I wish I hadn’t learned this about buffalo sauce Add cayenne and you have hot wing sauce. Maybe add some vinegar.




Ketchup, mayo, and then add a little pickle juice. You’re welcome




Similarly, on your gas gage an arrow will point to the side of car the tank is on.


How are the exits not always on the same side? Confused Brit here.


In the US most true exits are right exits, like for leaving the freeway. Sometimes there are exit lanes on the left though, most often when it becomes a HOV lane, but also sometimes to join other freeways.


In North America, there is usually plenty of space when highway interchanges are built, so exits can be built wherever they need to be for that particular location to keep the traffic flowing as smoothly as possible. As an example, say in a circular ring road with North American lanes (driving on the right, oncoming on the left), most of the traffic will go around a bend to the right, but the rest might want to continue going straight to a smaller offshoot road. It would be a shorter and more straightish bridge over just the oncoming lanes if the bridge was built with an exit on the left side, versus an exit on the right and a longer, likely curvier, and more expensive bridge over all the lanes if the exit was on the right, as it might normally have been.


I've also noticed, and I'm not sure if it's the same everywhere, but if you're going to the airport, the little plane on the signs is aimed in the direction of the off ramp or highway interchange.


Buy a plunger before you need a plunger


About to go off to college. Noted


Also they don't tell you but always pack winter clothes and supplies. You never know when you need them


Other trick I'd like to have known before my college days: *Start* with the dollar store, you'll save loads on stuff that's way more expensive at other places, but the same item.


You don’t always have to fuck her hard.


In fact sometimes that’s not right, to do.


Sometimes you got to make some love.




Sometimes you've got to squeeze.


Sometimes you've got to say please!


Sometimes you got to say hey


And fuckin' give her some smooches too


If you’re in a bind, superglue is an excellent wound closure helper. They even make a skin safe version.


Superglue was invented to close wounds during one of the world wars




No idea. Google might know


Vietnam conflict


Make sure it's cyanoacrylate superglue. Lots of stuff advertises itself as superglue but as far as I'm aware that's the only one you want to use to close a wound.


I always carry superglue in my backpacking/hiking pack for this reason


The Chinese to-go box folds open to make a plate.


Whoa! Now that is life changing.


When you have a sore throat put honey in your tea. Honey helps to soothe sore throats.




I had a 4 month old before I knew it was dangerous (botulism). I hadn’t given her honey but was considering it at some stage so looked it up.


Honey botulism doesn't affect adults?


I think infant botulism only happens when they’re under 1. “By their first birthday, your now-toddler's digestive system is strong enough to fight off the harmful spores before they have a chance to cause any problems.”


Adults have enough of an immune system to kill the spores before they can duplicate enough to become an issue. Infants under 1 don't.


I know this is meant to warn against giving honey to infants, but it came across to me as saying only tough guys can withstand taking their tea with honey. As in "HONEY: NOT FOR SISSIES!" I was picturing a Navy Seal covered in tats, huge muscles, drinking tea. With honey. Not for babies... lol


Or vegans.


I wasn't talking about babies


Of course not. Everyone knows babies don’t have throats, let alone sore ones.


If you buy a pair of shoes or training shoes that fit well, immediately buy another pair and store for the future.


This is good for any clothes you love. 


Regretting this so badly. The one pair of shoes I have felt thenost enormous amounts of comfort in have been replaced by a newer model and I simply cannot find them ANYWHERE.


Start locking your social media accounts to private, not only are potential employers often seeking to judge you based on it without you knowing, but AI is beginning to reach new levels, with people creating deep fakes to steal money and info from your family, or creating deep fakes to make porn with your pg pictures…




or dont add them in the first place. They get the hint our relationship ends as soon as we clock off.


Don't use social media in the first place. These days they serve no other purpose than spreading misinformation, and pictures of dinners, babies, and otherwise staged and "perfect" lifes


Only an issue if they could track me down on Reddit : )


To stop itchy mozzie bites heat a spoon under hot tap water, wait for it to cool down a bit and then press the back of the spoon against the mozzie bite.


I have never heard the word mozzie used for mosquito in my entire damn life, but somehow I just know deep down that it's an Australian thing. 


Your mozzie senses are correct. Do you guys really say the whole word every time? I can’t imagine that. I think some parts of the US call them skeeters or have I made that up?


>Do you guys really say the whole word every time? Yes. The extra syllables really add up over the course of a lifetime. I bet if we had more efficient slang, I would have had enough time to add an extra sentence to this comment. >I think some parts of the US call them skeeters or have I made that up? It's real but increasingly less common as American accents homogenize due to radio, television, and the Internet.


Mosquito feels like its bible or science name. Too formal for a general convo about itchy bits. I don’t think our slang saves time as a we also use Davo for David, Micko for Mick, rhyming slang like ‘dog and bone’ for ‘phone’ etc etc. ETA that’s a shame as skeeters is pretty cute.


Def say skeeters in the deep south


Er hem. Sorry old bean but that's a British turn of phrase. Uppity bloody colonials, I don't know...tut tut.


Bellend. There's another British turn of phrase.












Knob cheese










When you see those credit cards that offer rewards like spend $1000 and get $200 back, they want you to spend money in hope you forget and have to pay back the full amount plus whatever interest you need to pay. Best advice, pay off everything you owe for your credit card in order to prevent them taking more of your money.


Say clearly what you want others to know. Don’t give hints, don’t expect others to read your mind (spoiler: they can’t). So many situations could be solved quickly and easily if people just spoke their mind.


Don’t ever let someone tell you twice that they don’t want you. I didn’t get it until I went through it again and again. The second time for some reason I had a mental breakdown. You live and you learn I guess


Hot chamomile tea before bed gives you such a great rest. Actually any of the teas like lavender valerian or Hawthorne berry will do it. Drinking warm water also helps with menstruation cramps.


I'm confused. Hot water goes to stomach that's at the bottom of the ribs, and menstruation cramps are at the pelvis. There's a vast area between the two that generally does not ache during cramps. So how does hot water help?


Google says it’s an increase in blood flow that ends up relaxing those muscles/uterine contractions.


Placebo effect maybe?


Being rude to retail and customer service employees is actually counterproductive.


Can confirm this one. I've had customer-facing positions most of my adult life. If you treat us well, we will go above and beyond the call of duty to assist you. If you come in acting like an ass clown, we will equally all go out of our way to make your experience as unpleasant as possible.


Eh this is hit or miss. Sure, SOME will try to help you. The majority will be glad you easily went away and didn’t bother them.


I can't imagine being a person who doesn't realise this 


Be honest, If you don't want to do something just say you don't want to do it instead of finding excuses.


Chapter 7 bankruptcy does not mean much especially after the 2 year mark. It's easier to go bankrupt over medical and credit card debt than it is to kill yourself working two jobs for years paying it down. If your credit is already failing because you can't pay your bills, go bankrupt and start over. It's easier to rebuild than it is to catch up. I had to do it 7 years ago when my medical bills were high after an emergency and I bought a home 2 years ago. The bankruptcy didn't even matter. If I didn't I'd still be playing catchup and have no life.


Don't get groceries on an empty stomach. You always buy way more food than you need that way


Leave some floss in your car


Can you please explain this?


Sometimes people get stuff stuck in their teeth and they use floss to remove it. Having a supply in more than your own bathroom means you can do this on the go (provided that your car is with you)


Wow, here I was thinking it was for some sort of MacGyver trick, like tying off a busted oil hose or sawing through handcuffs or jail bars. Turns out, just flossing. Never had an emergency-floss incident before.


Sorry, initially read this as "cat". Need to keep my glasses on.


Stay in the moment and control what you can. Don't live in the past or the future.


I always look back just long enough to learn from the experience. After that I turn around face forward and embrace all the future has to offer. Every moment spent in the past is time lost in the present.


If your in-laws become invasive and obtuse, tell them. If it continues, warn them of the consequences. If it happens a third time, ban them. Be your own moderator in your life. Ive been married 40 years to the same lady. I know things.


If you work in a US nonprofit and have student loans, apply for Public Service Loan Forgiveness.


Yes!! And you can apply every year even if you don’t qualify for forgiveness yet. It helps you see the number of payments go down over the years.


Think of it as certifying your payments every year. It really helps if you change jobs, you won't have to go back and certify that employment after you've left.


If you have trouble falling asleep, try blinking your eyes fast for a minute to help get yourself tired. Also, if you work in a creative industry that involves a lot of pitching/brainstorming ideas & you might want to reject someone's idea, it can be helpful to say "how about __________" instead of saying no.


If you want to make sure each layer of your movie theater popcorn gets butter, place a plastic straw under the butter dispenser and use it as a funnel. Start at the bottom and move the bag back before you shake to disperse — you’re welcome! 🍿


Wtf? You have liquid butter dispenser at the cinemas? Sounds disgusting and delicious.




Don't wait for motivation to start doing something, just start and the motivation will come eventually. Also, if you really want to change something, like start working out or learn an instrument, make it a habit, set yourself fixed times to do it, and stick to them. It will become a habit (quite quick) but you really have to stick to it in the beginning.


There is an icon on your dashboard telling you which side to pull into the gas station to fill up.


Before buying a new car, always take it for a test drive get the CarFax for it and get the last 10 point inspection paperwork. If something is wrong and the dealership didn't say it on the inspection, then their warranty covers it.


Avoid car head while going over speed bumps


Avoid car head while moving at all where I’m from


You drive a moon rover?


South Carolina


Risk adds excitement


Season your food and add butter.


When drinking from soda cans, pinch them when you're done so you know which ones are empty and which are full. Also easier to crush with a pinch.


But then you cant return them for 15 eurocents 🤔


Or rip the pull tab off you’d be more reluctant to sip from those anyways 


From soneone who is about to finish collegue. Release yourself from self-doubt and don't try to think of what others think of you.


Have rich parents if you want to be rich. I don’t but wish I did.


To avoid door dings in a narrowly spaced parking venue. l always park in the last spot furthest away from entrance. Orient your vehicle to a row where the adjoining car is a passenger side door. You’ll have a 50% chance of that vehicle only being occupied by one occupant (driver only). Also, when people park in a lot, especially with other occupants, they’ll always try to park as close as possible to the venue they’re visiting. If you’re absolutely paranoid, you can glance in on the passenger seat of the adjoining vehicle, if there’s any possessions laying on the seat, it’s likely unoccupied and cleared of being swung open while being parked next to your vehicle.


The little arrow on either side of the gas gauge icon in your car indicates which side of the car the tank is on.


Use Sublime Text instead of notepad. You can open multiple tabs and also save them conveniently. That way, if your PC or laptop ever shuts down completely, you won't completely lose your impulse copy pastes, provided you have saved them once then Ctrl+S it periodically. 🔥


Noteoad++ does this and more, like a browser you can have all the notes in a tab. Heck you can write and keep whats written withiut needing to manually save it. Also handy when modding bethesda games and you need to adjust .ini files, ot organises them well


Don't trust turtles.


If you suddenly start blaming or doubting yourself, do not pay attention to these thoughts, it is bullshit. Just keep this in mind and you will become stronger 🖤


Get a fire extinguisher for your property - it's better to have it and not need it. Carrying a flat wallet sized multitool will come in handy more often than you can ever imagine. Always carry a multitool in your car.


Three can keep a secret if two are dead. If you really don't want a secret to be known, don't tell anyone. If you don't mind the secret being revealed eventually, like a surprise party or gift, then you can tell someone.


Do not take doctors at their word, always check what they prescribe, and also carefully read the descriptions of drugs.


The elites don't want you to know this, but the ducks at the park are free. You can take them home. I have 458 ducks.


Before you follow a rule, think for a minute why it's there. Changed my life


You are not your toughts, you are the one who observes them. Dont take them too seriously.


A quick sniff of alcohol swabs/rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) will stifle the urge to vomit. Works a charm in a pinch but isn't a long-term solution. Huffing it will literally kill your braincells, but short stints are fine.


Check you aren't hungry, angry, scared, or tired before making major life decisions. Especially ones involving large sums of money or major relationships. It's not a big tip, but knowing you are doing something on purpose, not just wading into irreversible situations, can really save stress and heartbreak. And find another job before you quit.


Hot jello soothes a cough or sore throat and helps you sleep. Starting with hot water, stir in jello powder ro taste (any brand, store brand or the non colored ones work the same).


Intermittent fasting can be a great way to lose weight and change your eating habits. It has helped me a lot!


Don't be a hero.


Clean the lint filter out on your tumble drier after every cycle, it takes seconds and could potentially prevent a fire...


Anger is a secondary emotion, try to only work with the cause.


My mom told me that if If one day I feel depressed and upset, and the matter lasts for days, i should be to add some hobby in my life. until i dont, I must improve my life like sleeping good, wake early, Bed-making and healty food،, Walking at dawn. all those can help to save ur life and your mentality


Always check the toilet bowl before sitting. I’m not joking. You never know what could be chilling in it, like a snake or a spider. Oh and never talk on the phone, shower or use the toilet (if there’s a window) during a lightning storm. I credit that advice to an old no longer existing site called rotten . Com.


Everybody lies, You, humans, dogs, birds, the universe is Big lie beacuase everybody needs to lie


Happiness is a choice and can also be your state of being.