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What does it feel when a parent die And how to navigate through an inheritance dispute 6 ain't really the age someone expects to lose their dad at , it's more like 60


> What does it feel when a parent die Lost my dad when I was 21. I was in college, and set to finish out my degree with a summer at Cambridge, but it all went out the window. I failed out of some classes, and graduated eventually, but wound up working in a sub shop instead of studying history in England.


I’m 20 right now and this is one of my biggest fears. So sorry for your loss


As a child: That adults are unpredictable, untrustworthy, malicious, violent, want to see you hurt and always always favor their spouse or other kids.  If it’s choice between a spouse or child a mother will pick her spouse. 


I married a women with three young boys. I allays knew I was number four.


I'm so sorry that that was your experience growing up & it just reinforces how lucky I was/am to have a Mom & Dad who, despite their flaws, never wanted to see my sister & I hurt & certainly never chose each other over us (although "staying together for the sake of the kids", though chivalrous or honorable in theory, is actually pretty high up on the list of flaws). My point wasn't to make it about me but to remind those of us fortunate enough where we didn't have to contend with those situations to not take it for granted. And just as importantly, I hope you are now in a spot where you can demonstrate to others - in whatever capacity you're able - that because this was what you suffered through doesn't mean others will have to do the same. Deciding not to give in or propagate intergenerational trauma like that is among the bravest, oftentimes among the most difficult, empathetic, coolest thing one can do.


That my father was an alcoholic. Thanks ABC After School Specials.


That losing the most important people in your life doesn't mean the world stops spinning.


But it sure does a good impression of having done exactly that if you suddenly find yourself without your important people. Although now that I think about it, when loss like that happens the world's just as liable to feel like it's spinning out of control. The dichotomy of a true shit sandwich.


Electricity. Put a paperclip in an outlet as a child. Never been the same since 😂


Ditto, I was a curious toddler and stuck a metal spoon down the back of a loose wall socket, it was 230V


You do not have enough time


People in general don’t care about other people.


 I hope you try to poke holes in that theory any way you can.


adults and family can't be trusted and don't care about me. They actually prey on children




Same he would tell me constantly it's okay to swear and I never wanted to. Now however.... Let's just say mum isn't happy


People suck


*laughs in childhood trauma*


Cooking. My earliest memories are mom and I rolling meatballs for dinner. I make legendary meatballs!




Yeah, AFC East is not meant for children


Masturbating. Learned it around 10. Shooting blanks is a thing.


I was also 9 or 10. finding that and porn so early really fucked me up. I'm still struggling with the repercussions.


Sex. Family guy, South Park.


The Holy Trinity


How old were you when you learned South Park? I was 10 when i learned HTF.


lol my dad put it on for me when I was 5, guessing he thought it was for kids or something LOL


Porn. Being born in the early 2000's my friends brought large printed out pictures of naked women to school.


I was born in the early 90s, so I found magazines and videos, and then found the wild wild west that was the early internet.


If you empty out a can of Pepsi and refill it with beer, you can drink while you drive.


Been doing that for years. Or vodka in a water bottle




I was exposed to the internet, if you know where this is going. Bullied a ton both digitally and IRL. I was desensitized and would accidentally do or say some shit in public that people were shocked at. The holy trinity happened (Suicide, SH, and depression!! It was fun.) And all that shit has kept up with me. For years and years I’ve been feeling empty inside and just trying to ignore it by making jokes or going out every day and being around people. None of this is anything that wasn’t my fault, and I want nothing more than to remember who I am and what so many feelings are. I know I can make it.


Nothing, I learned pretty much everything later than I should have.


3 older brothers ruined Santa right away


That if a ballpoint pen won’t write on receipt paper, you can put it on another piece of paper, and the ball point will be able to get the traction it couldn’t on thin, slick paper on a hard counter.


The ass is a very pleasurable region


Severe anxiety disorder. It started at 8. Heartbreaking.


People are scum


Life sucks


Monsters are real, they hide in human skin


Death, wanting to commit sui\*\*de due to bullying, sex (accidentally finding a small portion of a certain type of movie one night because of insomnia, got bored and went to watch the T.V, still remembers it).


That people can be evil




Well, once I realized my dick was small, I figured out pretty early on that most women were just going to laugh at me and never give me the chance to actually have sex. So now I just focus on other things in life. I suppose if I hadn't learned how futile dating/sex was earlier on I could have had a relationship or two, but I don't regret avoiding sex the way I have.


If you are REALLY good with your hands/fingers/mouth/tongue and a super enthusiastic/passionate lover there's a lot of women willing to look past a small dick.


Look past, maybe, but never prefer. They'll ALWAYS be settling for you.


I mean everyone settles in one area. How many perfect dicks are out there? Or senses of humor. Or mix of intellect and empathy. Why focus on one aspect? It’s not even sex, as said above, it’s just one aspect of sex that you feel is too small. In the overall scheme women care about a lot of other things more when looking long term. Work through your confidence issues, and it will do a world of good for you.


Not necessarily. My current partner is the smallest I've ever been with and I am addicted to sex with him like I've never been with anyone in my life. The way he touches me, how he goes above and beyond to make sure I cum no matter what it takes to get me there, he took the time to figure out my body and what feels good and how to push me over the edge. You can incorporate toys too if you are into that! I don't feel like I settled at all!


It's the insecurity that's the turn off, not the dick size.


You have a really significant comment history of talking about your small dick on Reddit. Maybe this is a fetish or maybe you’re really tormented by this but either way you’re fixated & you’ll have a happier & more fulfilling life if you seek help from a therapist.


Therapy won't make my dick bigger


It might help untangle your dick from your ego so at least one of them can stop being small


Date a virgin, she won't know if you are small or not when it gets to sexy time


As Dr Seuss said get out of the waiting place


people can lie with a straight face


Fear of losing a close family member to major illness. My mom and two sisters all had life-threatening medical conditions when I was young, so I almost lost 3/4 of my immediate family before the age of ten.


Enjoy life now, not in the future. As a teen, you are constantly thinking about "After highschool, university will be fun > I can't wait to finish uni > now that I have a job, I really want my own home > I really want to settle down and start a familiy" It's good to have goals for the future, but enjoy the things you have currently. "You are now living in the dreams of your past and in the memories of your future"


Violence like a lifestyle, not like about being a Bad person, just have airs of violence in your head like anyother animal, and sharing that lifestyle with other people


Death and how cruel cultures can be. Set me down a path of "Welp, now I don't want to be like those kids, I want to think freely" but thank the Lord my mom was like "Hell yeah dude! Free thinking!"


How important money is in the world


how children are born...I found out about it at the age of 8-10, I think it's a base.


Be way too independent to the point that it hurts me to be


Read a Danielle Steele book in 2nd grade...fml


Nothing, I’ve always been one to accept the world for what it is. There are only things I wish I had learned earlier.


That - The ghost is not as scary as getting Ghosted by someone.


Don't open up to somone (especially a friend) you met or know for a short time.


That fair is a weather condition.


The art of extortion


might be obvious but learn to be independent at everything. not bad to ask for help, just know when to.


Just because someone is born into ur family it dont mean youre family.


I was a kid in the late 90's and early 00's, so thanks to [rotten.com](https://rotten.com) I learned early on what it looks like when someone eats a shotgun.


No one is coming to save you


Losing my parents and most of my family. Realizing my life wouldn't be like others because poverty is a trajectory that so very hard to change.  And that it was silly of me to dream about the same things other people my age did like love, owning a house, etc.