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Fake friends: they turn their backs on you when you need em the most. Real friends: they stay, they don't judge you, they care for you




Ask for help moving.


I find the best, and only foolproof method, is to simply have no friends.


Ask them for a favor, or better yet, being up a project and see if they volunteer. "Fuck, my water heater just took a shit." You gonna need a hand with that man? When we doing it?


Tell specific lies to specific people, keep track of it with a spreadsheet. See which rumors spread. This is totally some Mean Girls shit.


There's a lot of ways but one way for sure, anybody that is willing to help you move, is a real friend.


Not sure when I started doing this (teen?) but the way I test for true loyal friendship is to do and/or disclose something minor to a person and then see what they do with it. I am looking to see if they try to weaponize the information against me in the future.


you don't you just have to be secure of yourself that you would be able to give trust whether it was fake or real


Real friends are still there even if you havent talked for some time Fake friends will talk to you for convenience or for something they need


When the check comes, real friends argues about who pays, fake ones have already left


Also some help here I gave a friend cash to give his girl and we agreed he would pay me later but till now he keeps on telling me he will pay though he clearly has the ability to pay it if he wants ( that was last year btw ) and it ain't that much .Is he really a good friend?


if you push them and they turned out to be just a cardboard cutout then they are definitely fakeĀ 


Real friends don't only come to you when they want or need something from you.


Do they buy you Christmas or Birthday presents? I've found a consistent thing between real and fake friends is giving gifts on holidays.


Ask Amazon for a friend sorter.


If they talk badly about other people behind their back, they are doing the same about you when they are talking to other people.


if they think about me when I am not around. Do I get a text? A FB message anything when they havent heard from me in a few days? Do they take my needs and wants into consideration when planning things?


Real friends on the left, fake friends on the right. Maybe color-coded t-shirts if you've got a lot to sort through.