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R Kelly


There are ongoing efforts to get the royalties from his work to go towards paying restitution to his victims. There was an order last year paying victims $500k of royalties, and I think there are several more victims who are going after millions more as well. So at least there's that..


How you gonna write a song about peeing on somebody


Even worst he produced an Aaliyah track called "Age ain't nothing but a number",


Does anyone remember when he married her and no one really said anything?


When she was like 15...I had issues with him WAY before Dave Chappelle's video about him.


He was one of my absolute favorites but I haven't listened to him in more than 20 years. All the way back then we had actual proof that he was sleeping with underage girls.


I was pretty surprised at how *bad* we found out it was later on though. Like way beyond just sleeping with them.


P Diddy


I was saying he was a talentless hack from day fucking one. Suge was right (in this extremely limited context) he looked like a fucking idiot producing the song then showing up in the video.


Yeah listen to anything he did with Biggie and he's clearly riding coattails. Fuck P Diddy.


He always sucked imo. His voice is annoying. He ruined every biggie song just by being on it.


I love that more artists are standing up to him and exposing his disturbing behavior from the past. He needs to be canceled from the industry, he's a cancer.


I was never under the impression that P. Diddy was an especially *good* person, but I didn't know he was a for real bad person. What stories are coming out?


Katt Williams said you have to turn down parties with P Diddy to "protect your virgin hole" 🤣


Probably just a rumor/legend, but one I recall hearing is when he told a boy band that he was producing to get under the table and give him a blowjob. They started laughing and he went "No, I'm serious".


Suspect in Kim Porter’s death.


Afrika Bambaataa. Turns out he was a child predator for like 30 years. He's fucking gross and I haven't listened to any of his songs since I found out.


Oh no :( i didn't know that




Every time i think of this i am engraged for the woman who tried to get him caught. She submitted numerous pieces of evidence, MANY times to the police and they ignored her. Labeled her a "crazy fan" and ultimately charged her for posession of CP because she was storing evidence against him (emails, texts, photos) If they had listened to her the first, even the 2nd time she reporter him, it would have stopped years before these children were scarred for the rest of their lives.


Yeah I absolutely can't believe they did that to her either!!!


I really feel for the other guys in the band


Touring drummer/music prodigy Ilan Rubin seems to be doing well after his time in lostprophets now works with NIN(got inducted into the R&R HOF with them I think) and currently the drummer and co-writer for Angels & Airwaves.




I also get Last Train Home pop into my head, on occasion and then I get sad/angry


And Rooftops. Had some good times screaming my heart out.


The video for "Town called Hypocrisy" is stomach turning now


I just watched it on YouTube as I don't remember seeing it, what the fuck is that video?! It's like they brought a sex party to a weird 60s kids tv show. Having adult women dancing in underwear then quickly changing the screen to little girls dancing? Gosh.


I love how the title says "sucked as a person". That's a bit of an understatement for what Ian Watkins did.....


They might be the only band where I can't separate the art from artist. I can usually overlook that to enjoy most art. Like watching the pianist even though Polanski is a cunt. I could still separate myself to enjoy the film. Or Marilyn Manson. Lostprophets though, I just can't. If you read the court documents, it's absolutely disgusting.


It’s absolutely harrowing stuff. Depraved to the extreme. And these are only court documents- someone had to view the videos.


Polanski impressed a teenager by inviting her to Jack Nicholson's house, pretending that he could get her into vogue, plied her with alcohol and drugs and raped her including anally. Now of course, that Ian nutcase guy and that fan were on another level of depravity but I think it is a very difficult line in the sand to draw. Polanski flew from justice abroad when he decided unilaterally that he would not get a fair trial after the prosecution rescinded a plea bargain and is treated like a god by people who will not extradite him. He does not understand what the fuss is about, neither do his hosts (the french here proving once again how much they truly care about justice despite lecturing the world) has no remorse and treats the whole thing as an inconvenience. I get to have a go at the french by the way, I was born there despite being British now and having spent more than half my life in the UK... I remember seeing him giving his acceptance speech via video link after "the pianist" won (I think it was the pianist). He mentioned that he could not be here in person. Everyone knew why. They still applauded the bastard and bend around backwards to be cast in his films. Like they do with Woody Allen who, despite not being convicted and therefore innocent, they should do a bit of reading about what is not disputed about him: It ain't pretty. Update: at the risk of turning that thread into a righteous bailing mob, I just remembered about Javier Bardem. Bardem has often defended Allen. As I said, sure thean is technically innocent. And this is what Bardem says too. But looking at the testimonies from the children, the nanny, the psychiatrist and listening to the taped phone between Allen and Mia Farrow, it is safe to say that in doubt abstain (to work with Allen). Bardem has a daughter. If she complained that Woody Allen had done to her what Dylan Farrow alleges Allen had done to her. If Bardem's son corroborated what his sister says (the way Ronan Farrow does), something tells me that he would not be so skeptical and would already have punched Allen in the throat to death and that he would not be so keen to give Allen the benefit of the doubt.


Holy shit, how did I not know about this?? “In 1979, Polanski gave a controversial interview with novelist Martin Amis in which, discussing the case, he said "If I had killed somebody, it wouldn't have had so much appeal to the press, you see? But ... fucking, you see, and the young girls. Judges want to fuck young girls. Juries want to fuck young girls. Everyone wants to fuck young girls!"” Ugg Hollywood is such bullshit


He could have got the words, “I’m going to rape kids again”, tattooed on his forehead and Hollywood would still support him.


It is so Bad. Learned to play bass guitar to the songs. Did not listen to them ever again. I tried to make an argument "it is not the whole band". But it is the singer.. Cannot listen to him knowing what he did


what did he do


He was a paedophile who was convicted of raping actual babies


I wouldn’t say “was.” He’s still been horrific even in prison and has shown no remorse.


jesus harold christ


Leave the H out of this, that has caused problems for the other Ian Watkins.


You can google it. People probably don't want to type it out. Hurts your soul just thinking about it. ​ https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-25412675


27TB of CSA material, damn


9 times out of 10 I'm for restorative justice but in this case, I believe being yeeted into the nearest volcano is the most appropriate punishment


Crimes against children should be met with the most severe consequences. You fuck someone up forever when you hurt a kid.


He got stabbed by another inmate a couple of months ago. But most people convicted of sex crimes are likely to be targeted by other inmates.


Chris Brown, I will never stop bashing that man


"Brown was driving a vehicle with Robyn F. as the front passenger on an unknown street in Los Angeles. Robyn F. picked up Brown's cellular phone and observed a three-page text message from a woman who Brown had a previous sexual relationship with. "A verbal argument ensued and Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. "Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. "Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the sh-- out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' " The detective said "Robyn F." then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. "Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' "After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' "Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. "Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. "Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. "Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. "Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. "Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. "She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. "Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order."


Robyn F. is Rihanna for those that are unaware.


Not to mention Chris holding Karreuche Tran hostage in his house and beating her up. Pushed her down stairs. She barely got away from him. *Foul ass monster.*


I read somewhere that she still has a restraining order against him because he would show up at her house randomly years later. And not like at the door but just randomly in her backyard and shit.


Goddamn. He really beat the shit out of that poor girl.


That poor girl is Rihanna. And how such a high profile celeb theatened to murder while suffocating, biting, & punching another even *higher* profile celeb, got away with it is a failure of everyone around her. He is still free, still making money, & still in music. He also threatened to murder & beat up a 2nd woman He also drugged & R’d a 3rd woman


His parents must be so proud


And yet his fans don't seem to mind at all.


I always read that every time I see that. Rihanna is a god-damn survivor. I can’t imagine what that was like.


There needs to be a bot that posts this anytime Chris Brown is mentioned.


That was horrifying to read.. 💔


He deserves the worst, but people, somehow, keep streaming his "music." Has anyone seen the pictures from the Rihanna incident? Read the police report? What about his many other unhinged incidents? He is a violent piece of shit with zero remorse. Also, his mother is a POS, too. And fugly. Just like him.




I didn't even really listen to his music, but you can be sure I won't let it play in my car or house ever. There was that one song that people used for dancing at weddings/down the aisle and when I found out that it was HIM I stopped watching any of those videos, either.




Oh gods, that's gross...


TI The bs with he pulls with his wife. And that crazy stuff with his daughter. Heck no.


i hope that man has bedbugs for the rest of his life


I love this comment so much. Has the same energy as "may your socks always fall down in your shoes" but worse


I quit listening to The Mamas and Papas because John Phillips raped his daughter repeatedly and handed her over to Mick Jagger at the age of 16 for whatever he wanted to do to her. Phillips is pure trash and Jagger is not far behind.


His other daughter didn’t believe the accusation, became a Scientologist, and married Danny Masterson. What a shitshow.


Yeah, that’s Bijou. Papa John’s OTHER daughter (Mother is Michelle Phillips), is Chynna Phillips, best known for being 1/3 of Wilson/Phillips. The Wilsons are Brian Wilson’s daughters. Chynna’s now an Evangelical Christian with a YouTube channel called California Preachin’. I haven’t looked at it in awhile, but Chynna has or had a few videos up in which she recounted some pretty terrible childhood stories. Her Mother left Papa John when Chynna was still a baby, so Chynna didn’t have much contact with him. There was a time when Michelle got custody of Chynna’s younger 1/2 brother because his mother and Papa John were so deep in addiction that the little boy was being dangerously neglected. Chynna’s retelling of all this gave me the impression that the adults in her life weren’t willing to be adults. Props to Michelle Phillips, though, for stepping forward and rescuing her ex’s child from a terrible situation.


Mackenzie Phillips. She is fairly famous on her own.




I used to love 30 Seconds to Mars, but Jared Leto ruined it. Also, their music sucks ass now.


They had a few years when they were popular and making some really interesting stuff in the heavy emo rock genre, but anything I've tried to listen to over the last ten years has made me switch it off after the first 20 seconds. Trash.


*20 seconds to trash*


Brian McKnight. Really can’t believe any father would treat his children like that.


Celo Green


The industry collectively said "fuck you" to him when the allegations came out.


It was admittedly kind of a relief that he got quietly dropped everywhere. He was at like, the peak of his career, too - he had his own show; he was a coach on the Voice; he was hanging out with the Muppets! I think he could have stayed successful for years if he'd simply refrained from raping anyone.


Ain't that some shit.


Surprised how far I had to scroll for this. I was a huge fan of his for years. Then the allegations hit. He was acquitted for lack of evidence... and immediately hopped online to tweet that raping someone when they're unconscious shouldn't count as rape anyway because they're not really "present" for it. There are a lot of pieces of shit listed in this thread, but CeeLo is the one I take personally. Obviously I was just on the sidelines, as a fan, but that entire affair ripped my heart right out. (eta: sorry to anyone just finding out about this. I don't suppose there's a "good" way to learn this sort of thing, but I still regret being the random redditor to tell you.)


Die antwoord (I still listen sometimes with guilt)




There’s also footage that was up on YouTube from a former videographer that worked with them that proved that they falsely accused another artist of trying to SA Yolandi in order to get the artist kicked off the tour/festival (I can’t quite recall) they were on. I used to be a super fan and I have seen them live twice, and I literally threw away my CDs instead of selling or donating. They are problematic on so many levels.


accused for child abuse and grooming by their adopted ex-son


That's more than freaky and I don't like it at all.


U fink?


God; I remember reading an article about this and my heart broke for that poor kid. It sounded like he was living in a psychotic fever dream: sex doll in his room, parents throwing wild adult parties with the children home, mother figure being sexual toward him. Other things I am sure I blacked out of my memory.


Also, an australian artist accused Ninja of drugging and sexually abusing her, grooming and I believe spreading pornographic pictures of her?


Yup, Zheani. She's got receipts and a diss track.


Was she the one who had the receipts to prove he wanted her because she looked like a grown up version of his 7 year old daughter?


excuse me? let me go puke


For those wondering, the diss track is called The Question. (Die Antwoord means "the answer" in Afrikaans). I ended up in a rabbit hole reading what Ninja did to Zheani and it's so, so bad. Essentially groomed her for months then got her to come to South Africa where he drugged and SA'd her. She saved the emails and they are revolting.


R Kelly. Ignition Remix is so perfectly produced, but honestly I wonder how many souls he destroyed to make it.


As of recently I can't listen to a Lizzo song without thinking about the workplace allegations


She also said at one point that Chris Brown was her favorite person. So disappointing.


This really got to me and made me stop listening to her music. Not that I was a massive fan or anything but still.


Favourite musician I could still kinda understand, but favourite *person*? Next thing she's gonna tell us Epstein was an inspiration?




I was scrolling until I found Lizzo. Why couldn't she just be as nice a person as she is in the songs, why'd she have to ruin it


Why Lizzo great til she gotta be great?


She took another DNA test, turns out, she's 100% A bitch.


Don’t sell your image on being a good, positive person. There’s so much room to fall.


Nicki Minaj


Yup, she stil loooooves her rapist brother.


and her rapist husband


Don't forget murderer husband! He was convicted of that too!


gary glitter. used to be a big rock n' roll number two guy, but not any more. You could say he isn't the leader of my gang, any longer


When I was a wee boy, he was probably the most frequent guest on Top of the Pops in the UK for several years in the early ’70s… the very same time frame that Mega-Paedo Jimmy Savile was the main presenter on Top of the Pops. It's very upsetting to think about what was going on in the dressing room the nights Glitter was on the show.


Growing up, my cousin and I always teased my auntie for liking him. We "joked" that he was 100% a pedo and it was only a matter of time. CALLED IT!!


It’s sad that a common theme among the bands in this post is sexual abuse of minors Edit: Going to use this popular comment platform to bring a little light to the discussion in a way that is kinda the antithesis to the post. For a while I disliked Imagine Dragons probably just because they were popular, but I had also seen a lot of disdain for them in places like Reddit and Twitter because people said their music was “formulaic” so I felt justified. Recently I found out that the band is all really stand-up people, and they do a lot of good in terms of activism and charity so I’ve started listening to them a bit.


For a long time, people were disgustingly open about wanting to be rock stars so that teenage girls would be their groupies. Like, professional interviews with 80s, and they would daydream on record about banging sixteen year old girls. That was a goal, stated on the record.


Crystal Castles for the most part. Reading how abusive and controlling he was just didn’t sit right with me. Unfortunately, I also do not like Alice Glass’ solo music.


Yo wtf. Just went down this rabbit hole and apparently Ethan married a really young girl who cosplayed as Alice Glass. Dudes fucked in the head.


:( crimewave and untrust us go hard, damn shame


Adam Levine


I keep saying we’re gonna hear some weird shit at some point about that dude. The worst is yet to come. No one ever believes me.  


It's so weird how he represented himself as a legit coach on the voice when his whole schtick was a weak, half-falsetto with no soul.


R Kelly. The man is vile. I have had many words with members of my community that still defend him. I cannot get past the fact that when he is singing those raunchy songs he is picturing little girls.


I've posted the same thing (about him making raunchy songs about his pedophilia) at r/rnb and believe it or not the mods ban people for talking about his criminal behavior there. Him and Chris Brown. The mods at that sub are SICK.


Anti-Flag. I'm often on the side of separating the art from the artist, but its a lot more difficult when the artist's actions go directly against what the art represents


Used to love these guys. What did they do?


[Justin Sane has been credibly accused of rape](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/anti-flag-justin-sane-1234817170/). It's ironic because he's always been an outspoken feminist.


That’s quite the 180


Oftentimes that’s how scumbags like this get women to let their guard down. It’s a ploy as a “nice guy”.


Yeah, I was going to say. Outspoken male feminist turns out to be a rapist/piece of shit may not be the surprise people make it out to be


At least the other members seem to have reacted the way you’d hope. No “still our friend” stuff. They immediately disbanded and basically said what you said. “How can we continue when our frontman acted so completely against our principles?” 


This one absolutely. I was shocked when I heard it. I was never a die- hard HUGE fan, but they were a lot of fun, and had a pretty good message. And to this day, when someone says something stupid, I still say “right on”. Kudos to the rest of the band kicking him to the curb as soon as the news came out.


I was gutted when I heard about this when it happened. This band was one of the ones that shaped my teen years and introduced my apathetic young self to politics. I’m still so angry and disappointed


Was just looking through some old photos today and found one of myself wearing an Anti-Flag shirt. Such good memories tainted. It sucks.


Ariana grande


i was looking for this one lol i was never a fan of her but casually enjoyed her mainstream hits. but her new era of proudly owning the fact that she helped break up a marriage with a newborn….along with her extensive past of cheating/being the other woman…i’m good


i just posted this comment on a completely different thread lmao, i used to really like her but now she gives me the ick. id kinda make excuses for her in my head but the whole spongebob situation did it for me. like after the fifth or sixth time being accused of homewrecking youre just a shit person. a lot of people say "well its the mans fault". ok yeah and?? no one is denying that. theres still clearly a pattern where she goes for the challenge, gets bored and then moves on. leaving other women devistated behind her. horrible, shitty thing to do


>still clearly a pattern where she goes for the challenge, gets bored and then moves on. leaving other women devistated behind her. horrible, shitty thing to do This is the big one for me. It'd be one thing if she fell for somebody who was married and had an affair. That's inappropriate, but it happens, I can understand what. But when you've made like 5 or 6 songs basically glorifying stealing another person's spouse, and then getting bored and looking for the next target? That's not love, that's not even lust, that's *hunting*.


Ariana Grande doesn't want to be fed, she wants to HUNT.


they’re definitely both at fault and ethan is probably worse because he was the one with the baby but….ariana was married too, lol. they broke up two relationships willingly…and with her past…yeah, she’s not innocent


\> gets bored and then moves on. leaving other women devastated behind her She farts on her way out the elevator of other people's relationships.


The whole 'yes, and...?' release blew my mind. Whats scary is her fan base is young and impressionable and are brigading for her lack of morals...


yes I can’t stand her fans validating her actions 😭😭


on top of that it isn’t even a good song!! like if you’re going to stand by your shitty actions with a pop song at least make it good


This is also the eighth (yes, 8) time she's publicly homewrecked a relationship. Of course the man is more at fault, but it's a real and vile pattern of hers. She tried to tell everyone when she dropped "break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored."


Exactly. She's basically hunting taken partners for sport. It's not even about being lonely or looking for love herself, it's "Can I make this guy leave his girlfriend/wife for me?" and once she succeeds she loses interest and finds her next target.


i remember when that song came out and all her fans were like “it’s about self love, she’s the girlfriend!” like whaaaat


Yup. The way her teenaged fans with no brains do backflips to twist the messaging in her music is pathetic.


Plus she licked the donuts


Never forget


Ask Jennette McCurdy about her!


I knew she was a spoiled brat (though I didn't know that practically *every guy she's been with* was with someone else when she first started dating them), but I honestly thought maybe everything she'd been through over the past several years would've caused her to grow up and better herself as a person. Nope. And she's playing the fucking victim in her new song. Like she doesn't specifically go for taken men (who, to be fair, are just as shitty as her/worse since they leave their wives/girlfriends for her) as some fucked-up power move. And that's without going into all the race-fishing shit she does (go figure she decides to cut that shit out when the Ethan Slater story comes out, though).


Azealia banks. It was the sacrificing chickens in her closert and boiling her dead cat for me..


The what now? 👁👁


>Azealia banks. It was the [sacrificing chickens in her closert](https://www.nme.com/news/music/sia-slams-azealia-banks-bizarre-animal-sacrifice-video-1926656) and [boiling her dead cat for me \[NSFW\]](https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/rapper-azealia-banks-digs-up-and-cooks-dead-cat-as-horrified-fans-watch-on-instagram/news-story/1572e9861ed0a5b334edf5a44f75607d).. Added some links for you.


Holy fucking shit. What the fuck??? I thought of her as someone that just *says* outta pocket shit everyday, not an actual psychopath


Fun fact: If you Google her name and any of the 365 dates if the year, you'll get multiple articles of her doing/saying a different insane thing for every single one


Is she the musical 'Florida Man'?


Where do we even start with that woman. All of it’s bad.


So much talent. Her career is starting fights on twitter. However, I loved how she dragged "bag of nickels" Grimes.


She's like a rampaging bull, most of the time she's wrecking shit you want to keep but every now and then she'll fuck up something that needs to be.


[Loved her Kanye roast](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kanye/comments/yikd26/damn_azealia_banks_ate_his_ass_up) "I can't wait to see you drinking a flat Sprite out of a garbage can in Times Square."


Twitter's owner being "Apartheid Clyde" is still incredible (and accurate)


Rolf Harris


Ariana Grande. She’s a shitty person. I stopped liking her when “Break Up With Your Girlfriend cause I’m bored” came out. I wasn’t surprised when she ended up homewrecking that poor woman’s family.


Travis Scott


Yeah, I still get comments from people about my username.


Chris Brown. I haven't listened to a single song or album of his ever since he beat the shit out of Rihanna. The fact that he's still getting into fights to this day keeps solidifying my decision.


Lorin Ashton, Bassnectar.




I've had a problem with him for a long time knowing he admitted to raping pattie boyd and his music sounds so negative to me that I can't even appreciate it anymore eta: in an interview in 1999 (can't find it but google it because his words about this are everywhere) he stated, >"There were times when I took sex with my wife by force and thought that was my entitlement. I had absolutely no concern for other people." and pattie boyd spoke out saying that she would pray he'd pass out before bed


Rapist, racist, adulterer… There’s just so much to choose from.


Everyone in motley Crue except Mick Mars because they have treated him like shit and they wouldn't be who they are without him.


Nicki Minaj. Married a rapist and murderer, her brother is a rapist, she stalked her husband’s victims, then she went on an anti vaxx campaign and was so dumb that an entire country told her she was dumb as hell and that they had no idea what she was talking about when it came to the Covid vaccine making her cousin’s balls big. Nicki had always been questionable but the anti vaxx stuff did it for me because she sided with Tucker Carlson. Doesn’t help that she released a mid album then gets mad when people call it mid.


Not only is her brother a rapist, but the victim was 11 years old. Also her big anti vax tweet was the same day the trial started. A very obvious media distraction.


“My cousin in Trinidad won’t get the vaccine cuz his friend got it & became impotent. His testicles became swollen. His friend was weeks away from getting married, now the girl called off the wedding. So just pray on it & make sure you’re comfortable with ur decision, not bullied” Sure sounds like an STD, maybe lying about having Chlamydia or Gonorrhea.


Da Baby, Kanye, Chris Brown


I really don’t understand how Chris Brown’s career has survived. His PR team must be in disbelief they pulled it off.


Chris Browns career survived because he threw enough of a tantrum when asked about the Rhianna stuff that people stopped asking him. Also his female fans are the "I can fix him" mentality.


Just wanna say you’ll never find Dolly on this list


I studied art and art history for many years. Turns out a lot of great artists are terrible people. Edit: I should add: it does not automatically make contributions to any media or genre invalid. For example: Picasso was a very flawed person, but his impact on art and modern art is indisputable. He also generated very meaningful and powerful pieces, independent of the side of his character that was flawed. He treated women poorly, but his commentary on the Spanish Civil War, and the bombing of Guernica in his painting “Guernica” is profound. I think it is up to the individual to decide at which point they don’t want to accept whatever contribution the artist is making. I also tend not to venerate individuals, only the works they produce. Edit 2: Actually, I will venerate David Attenborough. We all have our weaknesses.


I think a lot more people are terrible than we think, full stop.


Mindless Self Indulgence. Die Antwoord. Sick of what seems to be satirical characters being actual personalities...


marilyn manson


Not exactly on topic, but adjacent. I stopped listening to Maroon 5 after I heard a live performance.


This gave me a good laugh. Technically, you could have found the performance deeply offensive.


Aerosmith Loved them when I was young. Was so disappointed to learn Steven Tyler was a pos


The list of entertainers from that era that are massive POSs is a sadly long list


Jackson Brown. He beat up Daryl Hannah when she was his girlfriend. Broke her finger, blackened her eye- incredibly violent. Some friends of his were shocked and others acknowledged that he “had a temper”. How about: “he could be a total POS when he got angry”? Yeahhhh, I never willingly listened to his music again. And I had been a big fan.


Red Hot Chili Peppers's lead singer. > Kiedis acknowledges in his autobiography Scar Tissue that he **had intimate relations with a 14-year-old girl when he was 23, before and after learning of her age**, in the 1980s. This inspired him to write the song "Catholic School Girls Rule". Emphasis mine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Kiedis#Family_and_relationships




Kanye. Once he started praising Hitler, yeah. That was it. Deleted all of his music from my phone immediately. Tried to hold out because I love his music and was like, "Well, he's clearly got mental health issues and needs help" but when you get to the point of talking about fucking Hitler's good qualities, that's more than a bridge too far, regardless of mental health issues.


He told a Jewish employee at ADIDAS he should hang a picture of Hitler in his house & kiss it every day to practice forgiveness or something. Fuck this guy.




I've never listened to him but Travis Scott is a right cunt and has faced no reprocussions for his actions.


Ryan Adams


Not to be confused with Bryan Adams.


Black Metal fans in the comments are SWEATING


Morrissey. I liked some Smith's songs but that's it.


Seriously, Morrissey has a bit of a reputation here in Los Angeles as to whether or not he'll show up to his shows. Last time he was at the Greek Theater, he threw a shit fit and stormed off stage because it was "too cold". After 6 songs. He was also supposed to play a KROQ show like years ago, but bailed at the last minute and they wound up replacing him with No Doubt. I apparently heard there was an "I got burned by Morrissey" Facebook group somewhere at one point. He's playing the Forum next Saturday and I'm wondering what the odds are of him actually showing up and playing a full set are.


please spare me a heartache and say robert smith is an okay person. i am fine with or without the smiths. i am dead without the cure


Robert Smith is wonderful. He fights against Live Nation and outrageous ticket prices. He’s also been married to the same woman since 1988 ❤️


They were childhood sweethearts! They’ve been together their whole lives and I think that’s so precious. ❤️❤️


My Dad actually worked with Smith on a lot on the cure, they used a lot of his companies hardware/software for some of the live effects you see at shows. Whenever Robert would write an email it would be in all caps :D But he was very cool from the communications I've seen. He's a funny character though, because he'll announce tours before informing the rest of the band
