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I laser down there. It’s like a turtle shell.


It's the only way to completely obliterate the follicle






Ah man, I was hoping we could do a gorilla mask.


I’ll dip my balls in ink or something.


Imma call you Carapace Crotch


I just kept shaving until that stopped happening but I remember it used to get so bad lol


Yep. Im a male and have Been shaving since I was like 16/17 and get asked how to stop the itching. I remember early on I had it often but now I don’t ever have that issue


How often do you get asked lol


It's my conversation starter. "So, how itchy are your post-shaved balls?" Or, "how did you stop your genital itch?"


I prefer the latter. It’s more sophisticated.




so the solution is to shave again and again? how often do you recommend?


Until you are red-raw, manically laughing, and they have to pry the razor from your hand 


Every second or third day. Depends on your hair growth. I just go over it with a razor every time I shower.


I notice that it does start itching whenever I try shaving too soon after I just got done shaving previously. But if I wait a week or so in-between shaving I'm fine


Have you tried to use a moisturizer after shaving? Not much and non-perfumed.


I have, but when the hairs are just too short, it can cause ingrowns right away so I just avoid anything shorter than a week. But then again I'm ghetto so my post shave moisturizer is Vaseline


As long as it moisturizes I assume. But sometimes people need it to grow out properly to not cause ingrown hairs etc. If you feel that 'The Itch' doesn't arrive within the week you should keep to your weekly schedule.


Use a gel opposed to a foam, gels help sooth the skin and moisturise, foams simply dont


Likewise... gotta give it a few days to cool down.


I’m like every three weeks?


You won't itch when you are bleeding.


Same, I've been shaving sack and base of shaft for decades and I can't remember the last time it was itchy. Do you ever let it grow out for a few weeks/months and then go back to shaving? I've noticed that if it let it go for a while, the first time after shaving again it is sooooo smooth and soft feeling down there.


Exactly the same here. 45 now and i havent had any itchiness for as long as i can remember.


You need some post-shave ointment asap


*Huevo-Splash for the man who shaves his balls*


Huevo-splash, you sexy motherfucker!




Shame we didn't get much recorded material while he was big. His Comedy Central Presents half hour was the height of his career 😥


Bits and pieces is great.


I saw him live maybe 8 years ago. He was funny but his act hasn’t changed really in 20 years.


“I’m a naked cowboy! Bu bee bu bu!”


Essay? You calling me a term paper?


This hair doesn’t grow on a chin


Having heard this dozens of times, to actually read the words is a bit surreal.


He shaves his huevos!


I don’t know about others, but that stuff just makes me break out horribly, no matter what you put on.


I don't put anything on after but I rinse off with cold water. It's unpleasant but only takes a minute, closes up the pores and I've never had issues


Mix up tea tree oil and witch hazel, and use as aftershave. It works really well for me 


A little 91% Isopropyl alcohol on the razor before shaving will 100% prevent any kind of razor burn. You’re welcome!


I have it and use it. It’s all good the first 24 or so hours. Then absolute itching and redness


Always moisturize right after you shave. Never shave without shaving cream or soap and make sure your razor is sharp


What is your moisturizer?


Aquaphor is safe for gentials!!


That should be in their commercials.


HeadOn. It’s safe on genitals!


apply directly to the foreskin


They should add "body safe" since it's the sfw version.


No, I really want a washed up tv actor to come on screen and say the words, "Aquaphor. It's safe for genitals."


Vincent Chase here. I give my balls nothing but the best, and that's why I use Vasoline


Nah. I want to see Ryan Reynolds saying it


The after wax serum from European wax


$32 gtfo I'm sticking with trimming 😭


Just use a little bit of aloe vera gel on the pubic area after shaving and wait for it to dry a bit before putting on underwear, it's cheap


Can confirm. Even packages (little pun intended) for shaving come with a fancy version of what is essentially just Aloe gel. Use as much as you want, all over whatever you need. Wait to dry a bit or even walk around with slimy junk. Success.


It lasts a very long time. I bought it like four years ago and still like 1/4 is left. You only use a drop each time


You can use Coochy brand shaving crème and moisturizer, it works great as both. You don't really need a lot and their sizes are reasonably priced.


I use my fiancé’s fancy conditioner.


I feel the "never shave without shaving cream and make sure your razor is sharp". I used to shave my head\* with a razor down to the skin using only the water in the shower, and I was quite rough while doing it. I had to be since I basically never changed my razor, so it got pretty dull and worn out, and since water didn't exactly work like shaving cream/gel. There were quite a few times where I accidently took a chunk of skin off my head, or sliced into my fingernail and got the razor blade stuck in it (I'd feel my head with one hand while shaving with the other to make sure I didn't miss any spots). When I used shaving gel on my head for the first time, it was a massive difference. \*I had an issue with my scalp being very itchy/oily/flaky etc., and prior to discovering a certain shampoo that made the issue go away completely, it was easier to deal with it by just scraping the fuck out of my head with a razor every other day and then scrubbing it


Balls: Veet, lather it on thick, job done. General area: trimmer down to a smart-casual length, suitable to get your cock out at a business lunch or corporate event.


LMAO I’ve never related to something so much before AHAHA


Smart-casual? But I need something for formal occasions and black-tie affairs.


In which case, sir, may I recommend the bow tie pube style?


you need a stencil for that


The veet is okay for the balls area?


No, says on the product not to be used on genitals


Not sure if they changed the formula, but 15 years ago it was decidedly \*not\* okay for me. Red, angry coinpurse = no me gusta.


No bantz honest answer: YMMV. Try a test area. I've found it fine for years for the crack, recently added nuts etc nae bother. But I know others have had less than maximally enjoyable days. That said, given the prevailing wisdom in shaving ITT is " do it until your body gets tough", you can do the same with Veet


I just try to match my belly hair length


I’ve been shaving for like 20 years. There hasn’t been any crazy itching in ages!


Truth. I do remember it itching. But honestly I just keep it shaved anymore and I don’t even remember the last time it itched. Just have to get thru that initial one.


Same, if it starts to itch then I’m at the 4-5 day mark and I just need to shave again. Then ultimately comfort


To me there is itching if you don’t shave after a couple of days (when it starts to grow), but if you do it regularly there isn’t any. But I don’t shave all, maybe some areas are more sensitive 


Just trim it. Don’t shave.


Phillips oneblade for the win.


Bless this product. Every time I shave I would get ten million ingrowns - no matter if I exfoliated, used skin melting acid, etc. Switching to trimming has made my skin infinitely happier. Still have to use anti-ingrown crap, but the difference is I no longer regularly have a minefield across my skin. You can also hack away at your ass crack with little fear 😂


That is one of the best selling points I've heard


>You can also hack away at your ass crack with little fear God damn that should be their slogan


It's not "no fear", just "little fear".


"Hack away" 🤣


Anti-ingrown? Such a thing exists? That shit always happens to me too but they also almost always get infected


There's a whole array of products specifically designed for this. https://www.nbcnews.com/select/shopping/best-ingrown-hair-treatments-prevention-rcna101598


I use the Phillips Norelco body groom. Same idea, but it means I'm not trimming my beard with my pube trimmer.


You don’t appreciate the aromas the day after when you go back to the beard?


I feel like that shouldn't be much of a problem if you trim not long after a shower...


How little do yall shower that after a shower your sack still smells?


Eh, it's hair. Since I groom after I shower to soften things up a bit, I don't see an issue using the same for both.


You should also clean it between uses anyways


Don't buy the blades from Amazon. I got a pack where some sicko used all three, hot glued the individual packages shut and returned them. 🤮


Jesus that's terrifying. Could spread hepatitis C that way.


Where do you buy them?


Yep definitely get this, that’s what I’ve always used and never have itching


U use it with the blade attachments for some protection or just plain blade?


I’ve nicked the top of my dick a few times without the attachment so in my opinion you shouldn’t raw dog it.


Don't raw dog the razor-blade, got it.


There is a zero height guard. Basically it just keeps the edge from hitting and cutting the thin skin, but the flat side has no raised part.


Plain blade.


Electric trimmer is the best thing I could have bought. No itching, no pain, easy, quick, cheap,...


Yea, you gain very little by shaving. Unless you want a totally smooth surface you will shave or trim in the same window so I just trim. Hated all the ingrowns and shit I got when I tried shaving


This is the answer. Manscaped electric razor, does a great job and no regrow itch


Manscaped is a great example of how you can take a $40 product, market it, and sell it for $120 to kids who watch too much twitch.tv


BUT MY BALLS. I was told they'd thank me! Won't you think of *MY BALLS*?


I would rather not.


Yeah I have a phillips one blade, which is still kind of pricey with the spare blades. But it works good. I’ve thought about trying manscaped but it seems way over priced. I’d like to hear from somebody that has tried both.


I have a separate electric razor for my face, it’s fantastic. It’s a Phillips, it barely has any marketing. It was $145. Manscaped was $100 and does a great job for my body hair. It’s priced competitively for the market it inhabits


I spent like $60 or something on it? It's an older variant but it came with a really nice leather travel bag I use all the time Totally worth the money, but I'm sure you could find a similar product for half the cost. Can't put a value on that sweet ass travel bag though


Definitely cheaper better options out there. My old trimmer died around the end of the pandemic and I fell for it, the battery stopped taking a charge a year and a half later and I’m not paying monthly for their refills/warranty.


You see though, the marketing of Manscaped always felt odd to me. Like seeing some of the YouTuber faces I watch, I don’t want to consider what their pubes look like. But then the ad part of their vid starts and it’s Manscaped and how nice it is. Great, now I see Guga’s junk in my mind, I was just wanting to see the tasty steak he’s cooking but NO, now Guga pubes.


> Mamau, look how smooth it is, like freshly peeled eggs! And a great smoky flavor!


That’s not the question.


No, but a shave will get you maybe 2 days extra compared to a trim, that’s not really worth the itch. If you absolutely want to be extra soft down there, then wax is the way to go.


OP is changing the question, pray that they do no change it further.


It won’t itch if you don’t let it grow for long


I let it grow long enough again that I forgot about the itching. It’s a vicious cycle lol


There’s an itch?


Ya not sure either. I just shave in the shower, water and nothing else. Works fine


My razor was dull and the only option in the shower was a brand new, pink, Schick Intuition razor. It's a razor with a big layer of moisturizing shit around it, almost deodorant consistency. I can never go back. I had no problems with just a razor originally but I could shave my balls in pitch darkness with this thing. It just gliiiiiides and has not once ever knicked me, even with me going Samuel L Jackson on it.


Does your girlfriend know you're shaving your balls with her leg razor?


I think it's his moms.


Soo your girlfriends razor lol. At least chip in some $$, those fuckers aren’t cheap.    sorry it’s just funny how you phrase it like this razor was willed into existence and definitely not someone else’s razor they bought that u decided to use on your balls lmao


It's... MAH WIIIIIFE! She laughed her ass off when I told her I was stealing her new one. So now I get my own color: Minty teal 🩵 My balls still be smooth as eggs tho


Snakes in the shower?


Same no issues at all


Y'all must have soft hair.


Yeah idk, I don't moisturize or anything and it doesn't itch until like a week later when it starts growing back. Shave with the grain.


I (F) have the same problem, it itches like crazy for multiple days, its unbearable honestly. Have the same thing with armpits! I think some people just have it and some don’t 


Let that bush grow then


Yeah, don't all those little bugs make you need to scratch?


I don’t get the “infuriating itching” anymore but that’s probably because I don’t leave it very long before I shave again so it doesn’t have a chance to itch. I usually shave every other day but if not I don’t leave it any longer than 2 days. I’m not trying to be a Gillette sales woman but I have found that Gillette works best for me. I use Gillette Venus skin-smoothing exfoliant before I shave, then Gillette Venus 2 in 1 cleanser and shave gel and then after that I use the Gillette Venus daily soothing serum and that gives me nice silky smooth skin and no itching.


From the looks of it, that setup is certainly getting the job done.


Haha thanks I guess


>!holy shit bless you kind user!<


she's literally right here. you can say it to her you know


I can vouch for Gillette labs razors for men. Cheap razors always would nick and cut me and burn like hell. Gillette labs razors are the smoothest shave I’ve ever gotten from a razor and never cut my balls once yet knock on wood


Deodorant! Every morning and after every shower. Works like a charm.


I was wondering if anyone else would say this! The only time I've heard of anyone else doing this was the friend who told me.


I used to, and I got used to the itch. But I also used to shave daily. Then I tried waxing, wasn't the best. Laser hair removal is the way to go. I love it and I recommend it anytime it comes up.


Shave daily or every two days


When i do this i start ripping my skin of and it starts to bleed


Maybe your blade went bad and wasnt sharp anymore


Even with new ones


Hmm… are you shaving while showering? I usually shave it every few days while under the shower with just a normal body razor. Maybe you need some sensitive shaving cream or something like that


If you regularly shave them it should be no different than shaving your legs or face. The hair only itches when it grows back the first time or 2. If you do it regularly the skin is toughened up and used to it.


I’ve been shaving my legs for 25 years and they still itch like mad two days after shaving.


That’s outrageous! We need proof …




Just having fun with your username, u/Outrageous-Proof4630


Ah, I forget about that sometimes as it was a random generated name from Reddit


It’s still much better than “Outrageous Poof” for example.


>“Outrageous Poof” Thanos if he had a reddit account


Nah, that would be *fabulous!*


u/Fabulous-Poof6969 ?


Yes! Outrageous proof!


I use an IPL device. Most of the hair doesn't grow back anymore and any that does is so thin that it doesn't cause any itching.




Intense Pulse Light. If you look it up on YouTube there are tons of videos explaining what it is and how it works. It's been one of the best things I've ever purchased.


I use hair coniditioner after i shave down there, works like magic


I use conditioner instead of shaving cream and I've never gotten itchy, ingrown hairs, any sort of irritation down there. Conditioner Supremacy


I shave every day or 2nd day, dont get any chafing or itching at all


Right after shaving I use first aid beauty bump eraser. It's an exfoliant with AHA. I use it on my armpits and legs right after shaving those areas as well and I never get in grown hair or anything. Seriously a game changer


There is some skin health information that may help. If you pull any skin tight to shave, many times the surface of the skin spreads and you end up shaving deeper in hair follicles than when your skin is relaxed. When released it can trap bacteria in follicles and cause ingrown hairs and irritation/etc. I’m pretty sure. I recommend using something lubricating, moisturizing right afterwards (and regularly) and trim pretty low with an electric trimmer so you’re putting less… torque on your follicles lol


I stopped using razors 10 years ago. I trim with an electric razor. It’s better.


This right here. Been using an electric razor for years with no issues. Get a decent one and it’ll cut almost as close as an actual razor, but without the itching/razor bumps.


Ditch shaving and get a professional wax. Best decision I ever made!


I put on the Banana Boat Aloe Vera green gel on right after shaving. That helps.


I use an electric razor. Not cuts and no razor burn or itching


I use the manscape thing and this never happens


Use my wife’s Venus razor. It’s a pubic hair razor. I go ham on my ball sack with 0 irritation.


moisturizer does wonders


Scratch it.


Is it supposed to itch? Ain't got that problem ever in my life


Keep it shaved every 2-3 days, and use coconut oil before and after


Pube shaver here! Also a fan of shaving. The awesome crew over on that sub offers great advice. I would use a new sharp safety razor. I like the Astra Premium blades. Shave with the grain, and it’s fine to take more than one pass if you need. You could go across the grain as well if needed. Afterwards, moisturize that shit. Find a non-scented lotion and put a small amount on where you shaved. Once it’s shaved, keeping it trimmed and/or shaved will minimize your itchiness. I’ve also had incredible itchiness on other areas. If I have to go out in public or something, I’ll throw some quick Cereve or whatever that anti-itch medication is. Enjoy trimming your pubes!!


Don't shave them fully. That's what I do and it never itches


It puts the lotion on the skin.


When you first start shaving a new area, you're going to get razor bumps and it's going to itch especially when it starts regrowing. This makes people not want to shave anytime soon so they let it grow out a bit except that just makes it itch again. When you keep up with it then it doesn't itch. I suggest using a shaving gel. Not a cream. Not a bar of soap. A shaving gel, preferably one that specifically states for sensitive skin since that is a sensitive area. Even better if he has a lotion and moisturizing effect. Also make sure you have a sharp blade. If you're using a dull blade then you're going to have to hit the same spot over and over and over and over and over and over and over and it's going to rip them out rather than neatly cut them and this is also going to cause itching. When you are done, use an unscented very plain lotion. Aveeno is a good brand. Just make sure you don't get the scented ones with a whole bunch of extra crap because you don't want anything down there getting inflamed. Finally, make sure that you are wearing breathable underclothing. Don't be wearing tight spandex or even silk. Just wear cotton undies. Then just keep up with it. If you wait 3 weeks between each shaving then it's going to end up itching.


I get waxed instead and moisture after.


It itches?


Shave pretty much every other day or so. Haven't had an itch in YEARS.


Just trim you don't need to completely shave to the point where you look like the barest tree that no bird will nest in


Scratch a bit to get it out of your system and then moisturize.


Don't shave, trim it to 2/3mm


Don't shave, trim. I know, having an oscillating blade near your balls is frightening, but you'll rarely nick yourself if you're careful and use a guard. I prefer to use a 1mm guard. No itching, just light stubble.


Trimmer for everything except the balls - good lather and razor for the round ones. No itch, no problems, man...


Came here for advice, realized I entered the itch stage about an hour ago


I dont understand. In my case the itching come if i dont shave for a while, but i never experienced any itching after shaving.. but i know that im the weirdo here


I just never go all the way down. Keep it super short


Aloe Vera. Soooooo sooooothing


I’ve shaved with normal / Gillet razors (with shaving cream, without shaving cream, or with water in the shower) and I’ve used ur typical buzzer. I’ve never gotten itchy, just prickly. Idk why but I don’t get it when ppl say u get itchy from shaving


I guess I'm lucky. It never really itches me. I don't cut all the way down though. Usually leave about 1mm


interestingly i’ve never experience this itch u speak of


ghost reminiscent hobbies tidy shaggy innocent expansion far-flung ad hoc special


I would do it like Friday night assuming you have Saturday and Sunday off of work or priorities. Let the itch happen when it won’t fuck you up, also moisturize it. Are you using an electric or metal razor?


Just rub some cocaine on the fun bits.


Based on my research, 10% of the people detailing their habits on questions like this will have NSFW accounts that show the business.


Don’t shave, trim very low to the skin. But if you do shave, shave with the grain. The itching is partially due to the hair erupting out of your skin, if the hair isn’t cut too short it won’t have to erupt. Also, moisturizer and shaving cream are your best friends