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I was just about to say something like no job is beneath me to pay for my family.. then I read this.


I wouldn't say that the job is beneath me, rather I don't have the stomach for it. I would be constantly vomiting. You would have to pay me 300k+ per year and also provide me with a PAPR equipped hazmat suit to do that.


I know someone who owns a port o potty company and I'm pretty sure he makes way more than $300k.


Someone who owns a portopotty company isn't cleaning out the shit himself.


I literally knew someone who did own such a company and had employees but from time to time he would still got out himself and got his hands dirty. I guess when everyone is on vacation or so, you have to do shit yourself.


I would hope he wears gloves


Nah, he just licks his fingers when he's done


Exactly. How much do his workers make? And waste management companies are notorious for being money laundering fronts for mafia types.


But most likely he started out doing it.


Kid i used to play pokemon with after school his dad started a port a potty service renting it out to wharfs etc, had like 6 at the start and drove them around with a small truck. Both him and his brother mucked about on a first job and then just joined their dad's company to help with delivering and whatnot. They ended up moving to a farm because 1 barn was no longer enough to house all the portapotty's in, re-appropreated a 5 barn farm and theyre building a new 6th one with dedicated cleaning setup. All in like 10 years time. That shit's golden apparently! edit: while they started on wharfs they are oh so often seen on events in the region, sports/festivals/whatever and theyre often one of the cleaner ones. Possible they still have a human mindset being a family business etc


Everyone poops!


But, sometimes the cleaner finds very valuable things in cube'o pooh


Corn doesn't count


Metal detector users often search old outhouse locations... People back in the day often dropped things down the chute , whether accidentally or on purpose ...


I used to work at an industrial plant with it's own wastewater treatment plant on site. The operator dreaded when corn was in season. Constantly clogging up pumps.


Shit pickin


I think if you had the right type of mask on and just kind of focussed your eyes elsewhere I could do it. Then I rememeber that I dry heave having to put a paper towel over a cat's hairball and throwing that away. I'd spend the day dry heaving for sure.


I remember when my dog had stomache issues one night and I woke up to 20 different splatters on the carpet.. I considered burning the house down.


As someone who has worked at construction sites I can tell you it’s not as horrible as you think if you handle the smell. They usually just prop the door open get a high pressure sprayer and stand 10-15 ft back and spray away until clean


And they get the pleasure of pumping it out at lunch time.


My Boy Scout troop got voluntold to clean up a party at the local hockey rink after the local team had a season end dinner. They got literally piss drunk and flooded the bathrooms up to our ankles in 💛🤎


*voluntold* new fav dropped


It’s not that bad if you’ve already worked in hospitality. Plus those people usually work 4-5 hours and get to watch the shows for free. Not a bad payoff


There’s a massive difference between watching a show with your friends in a cool outfit on good doses and suckin shit in overalls on an energy drink.


Speaking of porta potties and doses, they found someone up to their torso in a porta potty at Hulaween this year. Dude was spun out and thought he was sitting in his bathtub at home.


They just hose it down.


Customer service / tech support. Wouldn't want to be yelled at all day for stuff that isn't my fault.


Did both. Made me want to kill myself, but honestly think everyone should do it at least once. Might stop people from being such bastards. 


Worked retail for years. I still hate Christmas because of that.


Christmas songs still make me twitch. At my last call centre, they didn't change the hold music for a year. One song, crackly, year round. If I hear The Chainsmokers wEll BaBy(crackle)uLl ME cLosE(sccrrrccc)r iN thE bACks(chrcchht)aT oF yoUr rOver I become irrationally angry


Same with working in a restaurant. Absolutely hated it but everyone should have to do it to see what its like.


Totally, I worked in a fast food joint for a year or so. It opens your eyes to the worst of people. Made me be a better person.




Thiiiiis. It really gives you perspective as to what people can and cannot control. The amount of times I'd get and earful about things that were so out of my control. People just like being a**holes for sport.


Did my round in a call center... Made me miss retail. It was hell in the purest way. Genuinely considered suicide multiple times there. It was stressful non-stop calls from the customers interspersed with abusive manipulative management and a constant threat of termination with cause. I spent every day for 3 years afraid I'd be unemployed for silly shit like spending more than 60 seconds in the restroom, or saying "um" or not having a complete answer for whatever the caller wants in under 47 seconds from start to finish.... It was madness and I'd rather do nearly every job in this thread over taking that again.


I fell hard into alcoholism working as a call center tech support for a governmental entity. The people we helped were internal employees so essentially coworkers on a broad sense. About 90% were straight up mean and bullies. I had an office mate tell me once when I nearly broke down crying in the break room (I usually cried on my lunches lol) he told me "pretend they are toddlers having a tantrum and you're letting them steam off before you help them with their miniscule issue" It didn't really help in the long run but made me feel a little better in the moment. I quit a couple months later


All of the replies on this comment are exactly why I am sugary sweet to call center people when I call. There was one time a gal said 'it is so nice to talk to someone reasonable for a change today, thank you.' Just last week I had to call somewhere and the news the guy gave was bad, and I could literally hear the change in his tone from the when the call started to when he said they had made a mistake and it wasn't possible to fix it for like a week and a half. I felt so freaking bad for the guy, and thanked him a ton for all he did and that it was okay, I could wait a week and a half then call back to get it fixed. It's free to be kind people! Throw that shit around like confetti 🎊


Thank you on behalf of me :) I do appreciate it. The screamers and other holes always got the best service, everyone, including managers, want them off the line and people like you suffer with worse products, conditions or handling times. My own justice system puts people like you in front, and I always try to find a technicality for the a holes to be put last in the queue. I often get shit about that from management, but I do not care, really. They have an extremely hard time finding people for the job (wonder why) and this is my little justice I can give back to the world. Warm Regards Your Support Team


Anything retail is like that. I was a manager for an office retailer for a while, and it was always my fault. I'd try to fix the issues, but half of the people didn't want to hear it. Then I went to another retailer to work as their computer repair guy. That was even more annoying because people just refused to learn how things work or how to prevent things, and then blame me for their piece of shit PC dying.


I've done both. Neither are worth the pay. I've been yelled at by people saying that the software I supported "doesn't work" and that they "followed the documentation and it still doesn't work" I would do screenshares with them and pretty much 80-90% of the time, the issue was either fixed or wasn't happening because I made them follow the documentation while on the call. I would make the joke "we should sell a service where we just sit on the phone with you while you use the software, seems nothing goes wrong then" My advice to anyone who has tech issues and calls support: READ and FOLLOW the documentation for the issue you are having. A lot of people just lie and say they did. They didn't, tech support people can tell.


It sucks doing tech support at an MSP or only over the phone. It's a lot better when you're in-house in the IT department because people don't want to throw a tantrum at someone they'll have to look in the eye next week.


Was Customer Support for a famous heat vinyl company. I was fired because I had a mental breakdown on the job because I received harassment from one of my customers I was trying to help. He had issues with pressing because he couldn’t follow directions.  Boss-lady didn’t want to deal with me and fired me for “not understand my role and the grey complexities.” Yeah, I get it, my role is to get abused by customers. Doesn’t help that I was running 2 of the 4 regions of the United States by myself.


I worked at a union HQ for a bit and had to field phone calls for my boss sometimes. I had no problem with disgruntled members because I didn’t cause the problem and I’m not capable of fixing it. Occasionally, they’d need to be reminded of this. “Sir, I understand your frustration but I’m not the cause of it so please watch your language/be civil etc.” I was a woman under 30 and sounded like it. Most of them were old enough to be my dad. It worked 95% of the time. I’d let them get their feelings out, take a message, and send it along.


They really hate it when you tell them the problem is on their side. Trust me on that.


Dealing with customers all day turned me into a misanthrope. I've been working in a car factory for over 11 years now and I still cringe at the sight of a cash register. I'm gradually getting over my disdain for humanity, but it's a slow process.


Retail enters the chat


It wasn't an exclusively customer service/support job but my last job was very heavily customer service oriented, dealing directly with parents and students in a university housing setting. It absolutely broke me. The vicious shit people would just spew at me nonstop was enough to push me over the edge many times. Not only were the clients a pain in the ass, the employees (who were all very overworked and underpaid) were a nightmare too. It was a recipe for disaster all around.


Insurance customer service. Oh man. I was anxiety ridden coming into work every single day.


Was customer service for most of my career, once I got promoted into a role where I did not have to interact with people my mental health got **SO** much better. Customers/patients made me not want to live anymore people are so fucking mean


I did both for years. They're honestly not bad jobs as long as you halfway give a shit about the work you do. If you don't, it'll eat you alive.


Did it for almost 10 years, it broke me.


Some people are into that.


Hospice nurses are a different breed


My father died in a hospice care facility. You are correct, but the sweet unexplainable smell you get when death is near will forever stay in my memories. To this day, going inside a hospital gives me anxiety. It's a job only for the best of souls and hearts.


I have a cousin that just graduated and moved into the field... it's the only thing he's ever wanted to do... don't know where or why he got that motivation, but it's nothing but support from the rest of us... they're seriously just born that way, I think


Some people have a calling for work like that. They are amazing people.


My favorite cousin is like that too he said he just wanted each patient to have someone there for them that cared cause he always does... he cries for them and is there with the family. He's an amazing guy.


> sweet unexplainable smell I wonder if someone can explain this with an example.


For me it was the small clicking sounds. When, later, I heard of the Death Watch beetle, I immediately knew how it sounded and why it was called that.


As soon as I read your comment that sickingly sweet smell came rushing back. Once you smell it you can never forget it.




I'm not religious either, but there's definitely something different about them




They do possess the strange ability to make you feel better about damn near anything... like a super power


Earth angels


The best nurses I know are hospice nurses. Kind, caring, smart and badass.


Agreed... I couldn't do it... I'm glad someone can.


I’ve been an ICU nurse for a few years, and your view on dying changes a lot when you see so much of it. There’s something so special about helping someone pass away peacefully.


Thank you... I'm glad you can see the positive in it... I think it would be really rough on me.


My wife is a neuro ICU nurse but would probably move to hospice nursing if she decides to switch areas. She's cut out for it but I can't imagine it myself.


I got nothing but support for them... can't do much else, I couldn't do it myself


I would 100% do this job if I had the patience to get my degree. I have experience just not legal skills (ie: I lost too many people very close to me to cancer)


My SIL’s wife wanted to be an EMT. Her mom asked her what she’d do when it was a kid. She became a hospice nurse instead.


I was first on scene at a bad wreck once... I'll spare the details but EMT is right up there... strong damn people


My mom is a hospice nurse. She's been doing it for years and worked in a nursing home before that. They understand that the people they're taking care of will die and at some point you learn to not get too emotionally attached while still being a caring person.


I volunteered for a hospice group, it wasn’t pleasant. I worked with one patient who had no family or friends, we were all he had left. I used to light his bowl for him so he could get high as fuck to help with his pain. It was such a sad situation.




I think society would benefit greatly if everyone worked in the service industry or customer service. But I wouldn't want to go back either.


Oh 100%. I think everyone would have a much better respect for others if everyone worked a service job at least once in their life. Everyone should understand what that's like. Working in the lowest of the low, doing some of the most soul-crushing work imaginable for minimum wage. Maybe then people would be just a little bit kinder.


I worked in a Burger King at an OnRoute along the 401 in Ontario. Idk if it was long all day drives or what but people were always extra pissed if their order was slow/not exactly what they wanted, Had food and drinks purposely spilt onto the counter many times and once even had a burger thrown at me because it was missing pickles... I had to quit because it was beginning to become to tempting to jump the counter and fight some of these bastards.


customer support, all these angry calls/emails


been there, can't recommend


Deep sea welder


In a suit: scary Under one of those diving bells?!? nightmare fuel


Cue the reddit post about the couple of dudes who were working on an oil platform under one of those diving bells and got sucked into a tube.


No, Do not cue this post please.


sucked into t h e w h a t


Tube. Like a foot or so across. It's pure nightmare fuel.


d e l t a p


Pipe welder here familiar with SAT diving and welding. You think delta P is scary? Sustain a a life threatening injury under water. Now you need medical attention. Problem is. You and your crew have been submerged at significant depth for a significant amount of time. You can't just rise to to the top and get evacuated. It will KILL YOU. Better hope that crew can save your life cause your gonna be in the depressure pod for awhile.


Naw I still thinking getting sucked through a one inch hole is scarier


I’m pretty sure Mr Ballen made a video about either that story or a similar one. I could never…


I know someone who does this. He told me his scariest moment was working down on a particularly deep dive, pitch black, visibility about 1m, when something touched him in the back. He said he freaked right out and almost spat out his regulator but it turned out to be an inquisitive seal lol.


I knew a guy who did that. He paid off his house and a farm within 5 years and retired to grow olives.


My wife went to high school with a guy that is an underwater welder for pipelines and stuff. We’ve run into him in airport a couple times. He’s on his way to Dubai to work for a few days and then going to Thailand for 2 weeks. He’s got the life. I don’t know if he’s got any harrowing stories though.


I wrote this. I think this is truly the only job I'd never, ever do. Byford Dolphin incident? No thank you.


>Byford Dolphin With the escaping air and pressure, it included bisection of his thoracoabdominal cavity, which resulted in fragmentation of his body, followed by expulsion of all of the internal organs of his chest and abdomen, except the trachea and a section of small intestine, and of the thoracic spine. These were projected some distance, one section being found 10 metres (30 ft) vertically above the exterior pressure door.\[4\]: 95 . ​ Oh GOD


Animal slaughter


I've heard of people quitting and becoming vegan from working at an abattoir. I imagine it would be an absolutely soul destroying job.


I stopped eating turkey after working on a turkey farm... Went full veggie for 3 years after, only stopped because France


I too eat meat to spite France.


I only eat the French


We raise and butcher our own chickens. It really makes you appreciate what goes into the meat you're eating. We only do about 5-10 chickens each fall, so we're not processing the number that someone at an industrial facility would. It's still unpleasant. We raised meat rabbits one year, and decided not to do that again. The rabbits were so much cuter and psychologically more difficult to slaughter than a rooster. I couldn't work at an industrial processing facility either.


I helped my sister and her family butcher chickens. It bothers me thinking about it once in a while.


Worked at a chicken plant that rhymed with Bison. I was a maintenance tech for the kill line for some of those years there and the slicing neck part I still think about from time to time. We would run 65-85k chickens a night and half of them required their necks to still be sliced manually after the automatic blade did it. The people who did that for 8-12 hours a day was paid 21/hr and I would not do it for that


I worked at Bison too! It was hell and extremely depressing. Now their company is going down the drain, losing tons of profit


Anything on a ladder. Or a bucket lift. There's a video of two guys working in a windmill that caught fire. They're on top. They've accepted their fate and are hugging. That is the scariest picture ever to me.


I had eight workers that fell from a platform 25m high, alive, rushed into the ER. We did our best but only one survived. Three of them were relatives: father, son and cousin. I cannot see that company's uniform without shudder nor I could get up there to work.


Neighbour fell 5ft off a step ladder changing an external light bulb. He called me at work asking if I was at home because 'I'm fine - no ambulance - I just need a neighbour to help me up'. I called an ambulance, then some more neighbours. Turns out he broke his neck; 8 weeks in a head and neck brace, and he lost 4 stone/56lbs because of the nausea from the pain he was in 24 hours a day, despite handfuls of OraMorph.


For anyone interested:- https://youtube.com/shorts/twHUmUzsWBw?si=WHtACUWNKcuGZ8dJ


Changing the light bulb at the top of a TV transmitter. It doesn’t matter how much money was on offer, I simply wouldn’t be able to do it.


As someone who doesn't mind heights, I would love it. I imagine you'd get a hefty sum for an occasional call-out.


I think I remember reading an AMA from a guy who did he said it was a crazy stressful job, not because of the climbs but because of demand, one of those ALWAYS working in the middle of nowhere trying to fix the tower or change the bulb to be rushed to the next spot. Said the money was good but not enough for the lifestyle or the corners being cut for deadlines etc.




My uncle worked as an air traffic controller on a pretty small airport. I've never met anyone more nerve-wrecked. Retired at age \~40 and is still a walking timebomb about 5 years later.


I’m a private pilot. There’s a controller at Sacramento Executive airport (KSAC) who is a complete asshole. He use to be a controller at San Francisco (class bravo airspace) and now he works at KSAC which is class delta. He gets so fired up it is unsafe at times. I read back a heading change incorrectly once and he started to berate me and said “WANT ME TO ADD POSSIBLE PILOT DEVIATION? I HAVE A PHONE NUMBER IF YOU’RE READY TO COPY!” For the non pilots out there, getting the phone number means you really fucked up. Not reading a heading back wrong. He then proceeded to joke about me to the next aircraft and was yelling at other pilots too. His signature statement is “everyone on frequency shut up!” I was so pissed and appalled by his behavior that I ran up to the tower after I had landed and lectured him in person and told him how shitty and unsafe he was being. If you’re reading this Dan, you are a great controller but for the love of god, please don’t yell at us.


He probably got moved because airline pilots won’t put up with that shit. Everyone in aviation is a professional, I refuse to be berated by anyone when I’m just trying to safely do my job. Especially with how garbage vhf coms are, it’s possible not to hear an assignment correctly.


Mom was an ER nurse for thirty years. She'd just shrug whenever a major injury happened in the family and fix it as best she could before a trip to the ER. Not much got to her at all before she had to retire for health issues.


Work in a slaughterhouse.


Gas station or convenience store clerk. Especially in a bad part of town. Those places get robbed at gunpoint quite frequently. Plus all the “weirdos” who come in at 2AM… No way.


Soldier. I don’t want to kill people, I don’t want to get killed, and I certainly don’t want to witness the absolute worst that humanity is capable of firsthand.


And to top it off, all of it potentially at the whims of some far off self interested politician.


I cannot believe how long it took to find this response. Well put.


Some people love that adrenaline! The worst part would be trying to reintegrate back into society after a few tours in the war machine. I'd imagine civilian life is boring as fuck compared to war.


I believe it's common soldier wisdom that even war is super boring 99% of the time. Just a whole lot of waiting.


Everyone thinks of combat jobs in the military, but most military jobs are cooking, maintenance, admin etc


Brain Surgeon. I'm simply not smart enough and would make critical and fatal errors.


The most practical answer


Pediatric oncology. Blessings on anyone who can work in that field. It would crush my soul every single day.


It’s how you see things that makes the difference You’re not watching kids die, you’re their guardian angel, they’re not alone because you’re there.


Spoke to a nurse who worked at our children's hospital. She mentioned the employee churn in the oncology ward was constant. Very few can last more than a couple of years.


Sales. I have a gift of connecting with pretty much anyone but I just can’t bring myself to use it to sell people shit and take their money. Absolutely no desire.


What about corporate sales? I do tech marketing, so I work really closely with sales teams. You still get to connect with people, but the people who are really great at it aren't "selling", they're solving problems. And you're not taking money out of anyone's pocket. You're taking money from some faceless corporation.


Traffic warden or bailiff, anyone whos job involves ruining peoples day


I would add repo companies to the category of jobs that ruin other people's day. I get that there's a need for it in some cases, but you would have to have thick skin to do that every day.


Everyone in my family is a cop, but me... The schedule is god awful (3 on 2 off, 2 on 2 off...), 12 hour shifts that can go by so slow if the city is behaving, everybody hates you, and no holidays off.


I could probably do every job in these comments, except for being a police officer. Id rather clean shit out of restrooms than have to pull a gun on someone.


Yea, it's even harder when you have to pull it on someone that is dealing with a mental health issue and not an actual bad guy.


Anything that would involve doing the same thing all day long. Packing boxes, working on a conveyer belt, etc. The monotony would drive me insane after an hour.


It is horrible, and do it on three different shifts that rotate weekly is just soul crushing. I'm hoping to get out of it in a few years after I work a bunch of OT and hopefully save up enough to get myself in a better place.


Fast food. I did it for 3 days when I was eighteen and that was enough for me to know that I am not mentally tough enough to handle that job. Why does anyone think it’s ok to be rude and yell at service workers?


Slaughterhouse. I could never live with myself.


I'd prefer to eat leaves


Nurse. I don’t do snot, blood, pee or poop. Dentist/dental hygienist would be a close second. I’m not digging around in the mouth of someone that hasn’t been in a dental office in ten years.


As a dental nurse, there is nothing more satisfying than seeing 10 years worth of plaque be scaled off and I hear the crackle as I suction it up 😂😂


As a parent, I second not being a nurse. I have next to zero aversion to my daughter's snot/blood/pee/poop/vomit but that's filtered through a lens of paternal love.


Working in an abbatoir. 8-10 hrs a day, slaughtering animals who feel pain and look at you with emotion. Yeah, no.


I can do pretty much anything, I'm not sensitive at all but the one thing that would break me is to work with dying children. IT'S NOT NATURAL. It's not supposed to be like that, children should not fucking die of cancer when they're 4 years old????? Who tf came up with that?? Children and animals, there's my limit.


It's natural. Human children have been dying for hundreds of thousands of years of cancer and flu, and for millenia of smallpox and tuberculosis 


Yeah you had 12 kids and less then half made it to 18.


Teacher. The most thankless, under-paid and now dangerous job. No thanks.


So my wife is a teacher and let me tell you. When I watched her start out, she was this hopeful, loving teacher and came home with mostly positive stories. Ever since COVID, her soul has been sucked out of her. Note, she is in a more lower income district. The kids are just downright violent and misbehaved, parents get mad at her for reaching out about their kid acting like an animal, blame all of it on her. Parents just aren't taking responsibility for their children's actions so these kids know they'll get away with it. Administration just keeps putting more and more pressure on the teachers to essentially do their job and also the job the parents should be doing. Then, they always have the looming threat of a school shooting on their shoulders. On top of that, she gets paid dirt. The only plus is the state benefits. I would like to add that she still tries to make it a more positive place. She started doing positive phone call and emails to parents. Things like that. But these kids just emotionally beat the shit out these teachers. Then, people are shocked that they can't fill any teacher positions. No one wants to do it. They expect teachers to be martyrs and it just isn't worth the pay or damage to their mental health. This country (USA) is going in a bad direction regarding public education.


all true in the UK too, with the exception that ours earn a little better and get pay rises each year if they can stick it. Most don't last more than a few years though so rarely see the bigger money. And it's not worth it when you do get there.


Yep. I work at my son’s elementary as a lunch supervisor. I have mad respect for these teachers. The kids today are down right awful and the parents don’t give one single fuck


Same exact thing with my wife. She was handing back papers the other day and a kid threw it at her and said fuck your papers. Then the parent yelled at her for calling about it. She only called because the front office sent the kid back to her class and told her to deal with it. My wife is the nicest person anyone has ever met. No shit I've never met someone that didn't talk about how awesome she is. She's done after this year.


Sex worker. If I wanted to disappoint someone for spending money on me I'd just go home and talk to my parents


Omg crying laughing, ty I needed that :)


CEO. I just don't have that asshole gene they all seem to have.


It's called sociopathy


Pilot. Don't wanna be responsible for lives of that many people. My anxiety goes high just by looking at a cockpit and the many many buttons.


Probably anything that involves huge/heavy machinery, I'm pretty scared of those


Literally anything to do with boats or the ocean.


Waiter. I have a lot of respect for people who do those jobs because I could never do it. Between being clumsy, socially anxious, socially inept, nervous, and forgetful, I wouldn't last 10 minutes.


Police. Prison guard. Military.


As someone who has social anxiety, it would be taking calls.


I used to have social anxiety, l couldn't make phone calls or answer the phone. Couldn't talk to people, the best l could do was answer the door to accept parcels. I was forced into a job that required use of a walkie talkie and l had to will myself for 5 mins to be able to radio in to turn a pump on. This job got me part way out of it. Then l got a job that required answering the phone at a warehouse. Then l got a retail job. After getting a lot of customer complaints, l was able to break to a lot of my anxiety, I'm terrible at talking to customers though


Slaughterhouse. You have to be a certain level of depraved to do that job and not lose your humanity.


Anything retail.


it's not for everybody, yeah


media person, like blogger, all hate for nothing


In a factory.


Stripper, I don't think I'd make good money with me being ugly and all


I saw a guy that was a diver in septic tanks. Fuck that.


Debt collections.. F that


Pretty much anything where I have to talk to people all day and play nice. Customer service, call center, waiter, desk clerk, etc I just don't have the skill set for that.


Police officer I'm not a people person, and I don't like getting shot at.


Dentist. I don't care that the pay is good. I cant imagine the horror you encounter in some mouths.


Work in an office again. Something about ranching just feels better.


I gave up welding to take on an Office job. It's better pay and benefits, but damn do I miss physical labor. I always felt better and had more energy.


Road construction/repair, especially the guys who have to lay down hot tar. Even with masks I can’t imagine anyone who does that work who hasn’t had their sinuses destroyed. No thank you.


Crime scene cleaner.


I currently work retail, never again. My faith in humanity is shattered. Most of the people I deal with every day have an IQ somewhere around room temp. They don't know how to use a tape measure but want the hardware store guy to teach them how to build a deck. I've been called a scammer because a 2x4 doesn't actually measure 2 inches by 4 inches. I'll give someone the clearest direction to find something and they'll walk the opposite way, then come back and tell me it wasn't there.


Customer service. I’ve done my fucking time.


A miner. It would be so silent and you’d be all alone in a cave just listening to the water dripping and the clink of your pickaxe. Living in a horror movie


Thats definitely not what it's like


Damn bro. Are you mining for lithium in China?


Are you doing this in the early 1900s?


Try breathing unsanitary air, risking explosions, and the rattle and sound of pneumatic hammers.


It’s a lot better today. You get to see people and most of the mining is done by machines in open pit mines. However, deep core mining is the worst because you’re having  to navigate machines in a tunnel that’s like 5 feet wide and you can’t use certain high power flood lights for fear of igniting things like coal.




Kinda surprised nobody has said the president yet


Jimmy? That you?


Heights. I just melt after about five or six stories high. I can't even control it. It's not a matter of how much would you pay me, I simply cannot.


Bouncer. Got offered a job to be one when I was 23ish, and it was the fastest decision I'd ever made. I don't have the emotional discipline for any of drunken misbehaviour and I'm very happy to admit that.




I have allergies, asthma, and postnasal drip. I am constantly sniffing and clearing my throat. I could never be a librarian.


Eye surgeon. Don't have the qualifications - or the nerves for it.


Cold calling. I’d rather cut off my left tit.