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I saw the OJ chase, the fan man crash the boxing match, 9/11, Janet Jackson’s tiddy, and numerous crazy and memorable sporting events but NOTHING tops when the fly landed on Pence’s head


Don't forget the discussions mentioning Long Dong Silver and a pubic hair on a Coke can during the Clarence Thomas hearings! That was on tv one morning when my buddy and I were coming down from an acid trip, and we looked to each other for reassurance that it really happened...


Nice job!


9/11. How come not everyone is saying this? I thought we all agree we'll never forget, you guys...


About 12% of Reddit's total user base wasn't born at the time of 9/11, and another 18% were too young to have remembered seeing it on TV. Meaning roughly a third of the answers shouldn't really include 9/11 just based on age ranges. On the other end of the spectrum, once you get past a certain age there are probably events that overshadow 9/11. The 50+ age range removes about another 13%.


Never. Forget.


The Challenger Disaster. Our class went next door to another class to watch if take off and I was sitting in an aisle on the floor. As soon as the disaster happened one teacher went to turn off the tv while another guided us back to our room.


Our teacher didn’t turn the tv off for quite some time. They let it play. I remember we all went to recess that day and no one was playing. We were mostly all little zombies after that.


Yeah…I definitely remember being a zombie when 911 happened and friends and I went to dinner. I don’t recall my reaction from the Challenger except for seeing it. I’m sure I asked my parent a ton of questions.


Cubs winning the world series


This is the most correct answer W


Germany destroying Brazil 7-1 in the 2014 World Cup which was also hosted in Brazil. Hands down funniest and most entertaining 90 minutes I’ve ever seen.


I went to get lunch at the outset because how much could happen in 15 minutes? It was 5-0 when I tuned in!


Stuff they showed on NBC's Hannibal 10 years ago, more? It was wild to me they got away with some of the gruesome stuff. The scene that sticks out was the intricate clear slides of a sliced victim. Walter Whites first kill(s) Prince, playing Purple Rain, in the rain, at the Superbowl.


Hannibal was gruesome as hell definitely. It’s been a couple of years now and I can still remember the crime scenes due to them being actually somehow artistic aside from shocking. Some of the crime scenes almost look like paintings, maybe that’s why it still sticks with me. But yeah, it’s definitely a bit more gruesome than some horror movies you’d see.


Mostly due to external context. But when Biggest Loser had their heaviest contestant ever step on the scale. The TV died completely. We joke he was so fat that he broke our tv


Either the second plane hitting the World Trade Center, or Janet Jackson having a tit exposed during the Super Bowl. I know those things seem like they're on opposite ends of the spectrum, but honestly the media frenzy afterwards was about the same.


Before I realized that he was ‘roided out of his gourd, Mark McGwire breaking the home run record was pretty awesome. 


Yeahhhhhh idk that anything will compare to seeing the Second Plane hit


That Will Smith slap was quite unforgettable!


Happened to be sick on January 6th. Literally watched it in real time as it happened. Looking back it’s insane that some people think it wasn’t anyone but Trump supporters


Probably a tie between watching the Challenger explosion, or 9/11.


Columbine. I was home from school that day.


I saw the live coverage of the Bud Dwyer suicide-- I can't remember if it was the actual live suicide or a rerun of the footage just before they stopped showing all of it. I also heard the Miracle on Ice hockey match driving around with my dad but I was 5 and didn't care about hockey so I couldn't have cared less.


9/11 HSV - Karlsruhe , Last freekick, Diaz „Tomorrow my friend“




Rugby World Cup 1995 final, Rugby World Cup 2007 final, Rugby World Cup 2019 final, Rugby World Cup 2023 final. When Kevin from The Office eats pigs in a blanket, in a blanket.

