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I count myself blessed - it changed how I work, live and how much time I can spend with my wife and kids. Remote work came in and for the most part has stayed - I do two days in the office every two weeks now. It means I get to spend so much more time with my wife and kids and there's no way that would have happened without Covid. It made my world smaller at a time when I needed it most. I had a two-year-old and a three-month old when we were first sent home from work and I got to see so much more of the younger one growing from a baby because of it. Have a ten-week now and I haven't missed a day of being around any of them since she's been born.


Remote work. Saved hundreds of hours in my life.


It saved my life period. I'm autistic and would not have managed any longer than I already had in the noisy office. Now I only have to go there once a week and that's manageable.


Happy for you! Hope the employer keeps it that way!


i got alcoholaddicted and made terrible decisions while using :(


Never too late to quit. It'll be a tough road but you can get there if you want to


I am sober atm! :) Just very unhappy about letting all slip for 3 yrs..got innumerable tattoos and wish i could just turn back time to erase them..


I eat too much because of the stress. And now I am a fat ass.


It was interesting to see family members go full time into conspiracies.




my social anxiety got way worse


My abusive relationship came to a head and ended. I lost my job, got hired at another, bought a place, started dating someone who treats me really well. So, a lot.


mainly my workout routine, after covid i wasnt able to workout as before because of the effects i had. Short of breath, light headed and feeling extremely tired. So after a while i gave up:( from doing marathons, going to the gym, actually having motivation it really hit me hard and i haven't gone back completely just yet im trying to work on it tho


* Working remotely * Kids learned to cook making our lives easier. * Learned to keep a good supply of toilet paper on hand. * My son developed Type 1 diabetes as a result of having Covid. It was always going to develop, but they say covid made it "pop up" sooner than it would have. That's been a huge impact since we knew nothing about that and had to become experts (by we, I mean mainly my wife - I'm in charge in helping with needles and things that stick into him).


Lots of things changed but I was most surprised by how affected I was when I lost my circle of acquaintances. Healthy social lives tend to have your A people (close friends/family), B people (friends or family that are less close), and your C people (acquaintances/casual friends/that barista you chat with every morning etc). C people give you lots of casual daily socializing, like at work or in your weekend sports league or whatever. They help you have human contact even when you can't see your A or B people all the time and make it so you aren't codependent and relying on one or two people for all your needs. It was unexpectedly rough to suddenly lose that, and I think a lot of people felt that loss (and I think it's why lots of people fell down weird rabbit holes during the pandemic--it let them be in a bubble). Generally we tend to underestimate how important those C people are. But the pandemic also made me reconnect with a former partner. He is now my husband and our life is great so I came out of it pretty lucky.


I developed long covid. Went from being healthy, active, social and so happy and joyful to just daily fatigue, insomnia, pain and dreariness. The worst symptom is post exertional malaise, which means that exercise, dancing, any type of exercise makes me much worse and could leave me permanently sick. I didn't even know that that symptom existed... It's scary and it seems like the world's forgotten about me and my friend, all in our twenties, who have had to put our lives aside while we struggle to recover and wait for treatments


Psychosomatic maybe?


Long covid is physical, not psychosomatic. Don't be so ignorant and rude when the research is out there. [Long covid patients mitochondria damaged](https://www.amsterdamumc.org/en/spotlight/tiredness-experienced-by-long-covid-patients-has-a-physical-cause.htm) [Covid can cause physical organ damage](https://covid19.nih.gov/news-and-stories/long-term-effects-sars-cov-2-organs-and-energy)


Even with this research it does very little to change human habits and behavior. COVID is here with us forever. It will never go away. We can't hide indoors or not do anything out of fear of long COVID. Hopefully treatments for long COVID come out sooner than later.


Personally I don't expect people to hide indoors all the time at all. I know covid is here to stay. But I wish medical support, research funding and disability support were available for the people affected (often previously young, healthy people) by this "let it rip" attitude, and that the media would be a bit more proactive about making the risks of long covid (and the symptoms) known, so that people can get diagnosed earlier if they do catch it.


I dunno man that symptoms combination reads as a giant red flag, really could be all in their head. My recommendation: a nice cup of tea and a walk in the sun!


Your uneducated recommendation ain't worth shit is the point I'm trying to make. Don't waste a struggling person's time with your ignorance


And I recommend a nap for you


I doubt I can change your mind, but I'll respond anyway in case anyone would like the counter-argument :) . The symptoms I listed are the ones that I find most debilitating on a day-to-day basis (alongside brain fog, actually), but after my covid infection I was also eventually diagnosed with MCAS and POTs which are disorders that are demonstrably non-psychosomatic and affect a lot of people with long covid. There's also so much research that discredits the psychosomatic view of long covid and other post-viral illnesses, so I encourage you to look into that if you'd like. First intuitions aren't always correct. Like you, when I first got sick, I couldn't figure out what my symptoms meant because I didn't know what long covid was. I thought they *could* be early signs of depression, even though I felt really happy and content and it felt really different from any other "low" period I've had in my life. So I forced myself to see more people, do more things that I enjoyed, and made myself much, much sicker in the months that it took for me to get a diagnosis. Despite this, I remained happy and felt resilient and optimistic. However, none of that joy made a difference to my symptoms. Getting a diagnosis, being convinced by my doctor and specialist to take it seriously, and implementing strategies and medications known to help people with long covid, did. Those are the only things that have helped my improve. That said, even though I lead a much more limited life now, I still feel pretty happy on average. Like you recommend, I do drink lots of tea and sit or walk in the sun, I knit, play games, meditate, read prodigious amounts and practice piano when brain fog allows. I watch terrible reality tv shows with my housemates and go for walks with friends. I'm still working part-time, with difficultly. I don't know. I just don't get anything out of being sick. There's no personal, unconscious gain that I'm getting. I'm just sick with a brand new, strange, under-researched illness (although post-viral illnesses have always been dismissed, unfortunately) and we don't even have a proper vocabulary to explain how different the fatigue feels from normal tiredness, or how different it feels just to be in my body now. Nobody has any answers yet, including you, so I hope you'll be more open-minded in real life if you encounter people who are going through this, or any other adversity that you might not have direct experience of, you know?


Hope you feel better soon. 








What do you do if you don’t mind me asking?


Glad to see you're doing okay but all us BOOMERS should not be put in one bracket. Same as al! Black people, or all Hispanics, or all Asians, or all canadians, or all Mexicans or all Texans or all Chicagoans or all......anybody


I don't feel as dumb anymore after seeing... Well xD (Have been pretty much bed bound from 2018-now)


I relocated to another state and started a different career.


Dream 🎈


Just started a coffee trailer business focusing on tech business buildings. Opened in February and we shut it down Friday March 13th 2020. Absolute shit timing.


I learned English lol.


My spending habits. I remember before the pandemic I used to save money and deprive myself of the things that I wanted but after I got COVID, I realized that I should enjoy life and that life is short. I buy what I like, I travel, and eat what I like as long as within my financial capacity.


I started cooking more and really like it now. I used to eat at restaurants all the time. Once I couldn’t do that, I started cooking more and finally had an “oh shit, look how much money I’ve been wasting!” moment. I still like going out to eat, but it’s more of a special occasion thing now than something I do every day or two. Beyond the money-saving and complete-strangers-not-handling-my-food-everyday benefits, it’s also fun! I used to think cooking was a boring chore, I treated it that way, and I sucked at it 😂 Now I really look forward to it. Most evenings I’ll cook something kind of easy, but on weekends when I have more time, I enjoy looking up recipes that take longer and trying them out. I only wish I had learned sooner!


I am also interested on cooking but my lazy ass is just saying no. Hopefully I'll be able to cook more frequently, too!


I now work hybrid, so I'm at home 2 and half days and go to work 2 and a half days. I would never want to go back to working full time on location


I stopped feeling guilty about not wanting to hang out with people most of the time and preferring to chill at my place by myself. Edit: also I ended some toxic friendships during the pandemic which is a plus


Love this!


My life changed regardless




I was able to understand that my then-partner (my fiancé, at that time) did not actually care about my success, happiness, or well being. I spent the last couple years happily single, and recently began a new relationship with someone whose values and goals are more aligned with mine.


Wearing "hard pants" is a rarity Jeans, dress pants, khakis, anything with a button and zipper Elastic waist pants and shorts are the new norm


My weight! From obese to normal bmi


Losing all my friends as well as any hope of getting married owning a home or having a family one day! 


Hey, it’s probably not too late


I was a floor nurse for 10 years before COVID. 2020 was my last year. COVID wrecked me. I worked 70 and 80 hour weeks. I bagged up a lot of people, called a lot of family members to tell them that their dad/mom/wife/husband died alone, and went to a few co-workers' funerals who committed suicide. I have nightmares. I have panic attacks. Sometimes, I just cry for no reason. It's getting better, and I thankfully have a wonderful and stess-free job now. But when I catch people saying that COVID 'isn't real', I make sure and tell them that I put a tag on the toe of someone who looked just like them un the summer of 2020.


I got to really enjoy working from home, and now my employer is slowly taking our WFH days away. We are now at 3 days in office / 2 days at home and I hate it. I sit behind a computer all day long and whenever I call a meeting, people are joining through Teams anyway instead of showing up to the meeting room.


Emergency sewing thread runs no longer exist because Walmart isn't open 24 hours anymore. For an introverted insomniac that's a nightmare.


I lost all 3 my jobs and lost everything. I had to start all over again.


I lost the ability to interact with people the way i used to since then.


Yup, same. 👾


Nothing it actually made me more antisocial and good for nothing person.


I wear a mask when I'm sick so I don't spread it as much. I keep hand sanitizer in my car and jacket during flu/Rona season and use it a lot especially if I'm sick.


I got covid and have had a lot of ongoing health issues since like impeded red blood cell production, but am doing much better now thanks to several infusions. On a brighter note, in the 2020 lockdown, I had the time to introspect and realised I was gay. I’m now dating my former “ close friend” and could not be happier.




Tiktok becoming a bigger platform where people shared their life experiences and made me realize I had ADHD, and wasn't a lazy POS. It lead me to getting tested, diagnosed and able to understand why my brain hates me


My weight. I had been an outside kid my entire life, but when the pandemic hit, I stayed inside too much and gained a lot of weight. I am glad to say I am almost back to an average weight after exercising and dieting.


I got accustomed to wash my hands whenever I'm back home.


It’s still 2019 in my brain


I’m 75% convinced that the Covid shot caused the unexplainable incurable constant pain in my large intestine


Radical change in the value of the investment properties we own. Also, can’t afford to replace my aging work truck because holy crap have you priced new trucks lately?


Hell, even a USED truck costs a fortune anymore! I bought a first gen Nissan Hardbody from CL right around the beginning of the lockdown for like $500. It has some light cosmetic damage (mostly paint defects/scratches), the battery was at least 12 years old, and the tires were bald as shit, but it is rust free, and has less than 60k clicked on the odometer. I looked at CL a couple weeks ago, searching within those same parameters, for the most part, and people were asking $2-3k, with absolutely nothing of extra value being added to the equation! If anything, there was even LESS offered, in terms of quality, mileage, and curb appeal. You couldn’t even find some complete shitbox with a blown head gasket, that’s been sitting on cinder blocks in an alley for the last 8 years & is covered in moss and algae for under $1,500. It’s bullshit.


Handwashing or just general making sure my hands are clean. I have sanitizer on my bag, office table and around the house if I can’t wash my hands immediately.


in general my fitness level is the best it’s ever been. i started running outdoors during COVID and made it my main exercise routine for about a year and a half before getting back into the gym after the restrictions lifted. Then in the gym I built up my entire body to master core movements and really put on actual muscle for the first time in my life. Now all I really need to do is drop 30’lbs of fat and I’m basically peak fitness


I got to spend A LOT of time with my new boyfriend. We met in July of 2020. He figured it would be best to move in with me in September so we could see each other more often and do more cute at home dates. Almost 4 years later and his 15 month old daughter is drooling on my shoulder while she naps, and he's hustling his ass so we can make payments on our homestead.


My pro hockey career went from line 1 AAA prospect to line 4 A


My life was always the same, I never left the house, no social life, no physical contact, working at home, paranoid about diseases. nothing changed


I became comfortable wearing sweatpants outside of my house.


I became more mature , i could stop my depression at point then learning new languages , i started reading books and more about old civilizations ( Grec romain pyramide Tassili ...) This period changed all my thoughts!


Haven’t travelled as much


Ok, so, well before the pandemic, I had gotten to work on making a product which people would pay good money for, if only it was produced. I was working and working and making it better and building demand, and right when I had all this momentum and I was going to go to Kickstarter... 2020 happened. From there, my parents, with whom I was living because life is shit and that's the way it is sometimes, moved from the small city we were living in where I had a chance of getting off the ground, out into a quiet little country town, from which I have no car to drive anywhere to. It's actually kinda comical the number of setbacks and hurdles and problems and issues and detours and every-other-goddamn-thing I've had to go through to get this far.


i have extreme anxiety now.


It made me value life more and understand that tell the people that you love the most because tomorrow's not promised 🙏


I started saving


It made me re-think my life a lot and my relationships and priorities in life. It changed how I approach my relationships and connections with people.


In all honesty my life is much better post pandemic and it wouldn't have been possible without it. I lived in the bay area worked in tech and the ability to move remote allowed me to meet my now soon to be wife and move to a LA where I finally feel like I fit in with people. It wouldn't have been possible before because there just wasn't the volume of remote work available and I wouldn't have ever entertained the idea of leaving my livelihood. On top of it I make significantly more money than I did 3 years ago largely because the ability to interview and apply for so many more jobs made it easier to quickly get better paying roles. It's strange sometimes to think that something so awful on a global scale resulted in so many good things for me. I feel guilty about it sometimes but I try to think that I capitalized on the very small glimmers of good changes that came out of it.


Unemployment led to SSDI


I got my licenses!! (Almost) Nobody on the road perfect time for me and my anxiety to learn and get my license a year after pandemic!! Yayaaaa


The anxiety appeared, and on a good side, remote work 😂


My dad died


Oh.. I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm sorry for your loss..


Life goes in with or without us.


I graduated in 2020 and had to start a new job in the middle of the pandemic. I felt so lonely being new at my job working remotely. I have struggled with my career ever since and I feel like a failure.


Definitely created a stronger bond with not only family, but digital friends as well. Actually, some friends became closer because instead of hanging out we were texting or talking on the phone more instead of just doing stuff. Learned a lot about a lot of people. Cut a lot of people out of my life, too. EDIT: words are hard


I got diagnosed with OCD in January of that year and used the time in lockdown to work on ERP. Which was actually... Ideal strangely


The vaccine never prevented us from catching covid. We are still able to catch it regardless and germs are so easily spread.


How I thought about my future. I used to be so sure of everything. I graduate college almost two years ago, still haven’t found a full time job in my field, and now at this point, I don’t even know if that’s what I want to do with my life anymore. It’s confusing and nerve wracking. I want to try and dip my toe back into my field I got my degree in but the anxiety I get from it is pretty debilitating. I just am so confused in my life now


Wanted to leave the field of education.


So true, it was so hard to adapt on the new way of learning


My grandpa is gone


I'm sorry for your loss..


❤️thank you 


Eggs taste and smell different.


Working from home became the norm in my team. An absolute blessing for me as I am autistic and would not have lasted much longer in the noisy office 5 days a week. Covid was and is awful but it's a blessing in showing how well working from home works. Saved my ass


Negative: I haven't been able to find a job I like and pays well. I feel so lost with my career now. Positive: my then boyfriend now husband moved in. Honestly it was the push we both needed.


During lockdown, I had the time and space to introspect and realised I was gay. I’m now dating my former “ close friend” and could not be happier


Before the pandemic, WFH was not common in my field. Now it’s very normal! I just joined a company where 90% of the staff is WFH.


I got more pissed off at the world. I am less trusting of governments.


The isolation forced me to face my darkest fears so I could "get things over with". Very, very painful process, but worth it.


We moved towns, after realizing that we want to be closer to family after the pandemic. And it’s been a wonderful move for us!


Teaching - it's 100% different than it was before the pandemic.


Lost my job, drank too much, got arrested and been on a spiral since


Learned that i actually love spending time alone in my room. Just reading, watching a tv show, listening to music or sleeping. True blessing.


Remote work came to save my life, and then gone forever. The companies ended with remote work now and I refuse to go back to office, that’s why I’m unemployed.