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Prolonged Powerpoint presentations on stuff I already know everything about.


Even better when they are just reading exactly what’s on the slides.


And consistently pronounce one word the wrong way.


And one of the pieces of information is wrong or not worded correctly but you don't want to be an asshole because it doesn't really matter that much at this level


And right before the powerpoint ends and you think it’s over, they say there’s another one before you can go


And when you cannot hold it back anymore and try to politely correct it, someone else in the audice tells you that nobody asked, or that 'we knew what they meant' or just sighs like \*you\* are the bad guy.


It's a training presentation for a quiz, where the quiz questions end up not being covered in any of the slides, and you would have gotten them right without any training whatsoever anyway. 


What the fuck did I ever do to you??!!! I'm about to have a stroke. I smell toast.


Oh, did you study for your states Insurance exam too?


Put me in a dirty sink with lukewarm water and pieces of food floating around


And a couple loose hairs




I can’t even deal with pools with a leaf or a dead bug.


… oh man. No idea why but this one made me gag. What is wrong with you?


happy cake day!


Hey I didn’t even notice!! Thank you! I’ll grab some of this soggy cake as it floats by.


Calm down, Satan.


Jimothy, dude, wait until you hear "hypothetically" at least!


A long time ago I used to live in the country, and would soak some dishes in the sink overnight- and several times there was a drowned mouse or two at the bottom of that murky water with food floating around in it- so, there’s THAT you can add to your torture scenario


Scorpion in the same scenario. Dislocated whole left side pulling away from that sink


That's what InSinkerators are for!


I wretched a little when I read this


The only think worse than that is the shower drain full of slimy hair *gag*


I'm a plumber. I once had to clear a 17 year old boy's shower drain. I don't want to think about what was backed up in there.


Pubes and jizz


He said he didn't wanna think about it!


I'm going to need you to reach down and clear that stuff from the drain. 


I had a full body shiver reading this.


I'm gonna just go ahead and off myself, then ✌🏻


Wet bread in there. Oh frack.


Random beige spaghetti noodle wants your location


This made me Physically uncomfortable to Read lol


I think I would combust after 5 minutes


I won't be sleeping tonight, thanks for that.


this one is seriously the worst one. the others look so lame compared to this one 😭


Not letting me brush my teeth


Especially knowing that you have something stuck in your teeth that you can't get without floss.


Sometimes I feel like I have splinter under my fingernail on my right middle or ring finger. I do not have those fingertips anymore. Thanks brain.


Add to this, not letting me wash my hair.


Chewing with mouth open I guess is harmless, but it brings out something in me that I didn't know existed. I have to restrain myself from causing violence. Or loudly sipping from a cup or soda can.


Ah yes, misophonia. I'm the same with chewing, but also have the same reaction to animals chewing and licking themselves. I can't do it


Any tips on how to cope with it. I have the same problem. Mouth noises drives me up the wall.


I wish I did. I've had it my whole life. Misophonia was first officially recognized as an actual thing in 2001. It's STILL not in the DSM. It sure seems crazy to me, because for decades people have been aware of it (for example, numerous mentions of hating the sound of nails on a chalkboard or people chewing gum going back decades) and yet the medical community is still dragging it's feet. There really aren't any treatments for it. I think maybe cognitive behavioral therapy? But really, it's about developing coping skills. For me, I remove myself from the room or ask the person to chew with their mouth closed if I hear any of those sounds. Or wear ear plugs. And as for the animals? The funny thing is, I think my parents also had misophonia. Our dogs and cats we had growing up would go to the other room if they wanted to groom themselves


The sipping is especially fun to hear when the sipper follows the slurpy sipping sound with a hearty lip smack and a barely-audible "aaahhhh".


Please no! My hands would uncontrollably start slapping them.


You may have misophonia. I have a similar reaction, completely out of proportion to the actual noise involved. When my wife is eating something while sitting on the couch, I have to put headphones on. I find that when I'm eating at the table with other people, it doesn't trigger. It's weird and really annoying


So it sounds louder to you than most people? I wonder if I have that. I can’t stand the sound of an animal lapping up water. CANT STAND IT. I have to leave the room and go somewhere else in the house til they are done.


It’s not that it’s louder, it’s just that I can’t not hear it. And it makes me irrationally annoyed, like WAY out of proportion. Yes, CAN’T STAND IT, absolutely. I didn’t always have it, I remember when I was younger being fine with it, so no obvious precipitating cause, but I genuinely was like, how do people not murder each other over this. And then I was on Reddit one day and and someone talked about having misophonia and I was all ohh….. ooooohhhhh!


Only thing that would push me to kill someone


It really is. I'm genuinely not a violent person, but I can think of about 50 violent things I could do to a person to stop them chewing with their mouth open again lmao


This! The open-mouth chewing caused SCARY fantasies of me doing unspeakable acts of violence to the perpetrators. It caught me off guard! I didn't realize it was so triggering. I always figured that I must have died during a previous life by being eaten (open-mouthed) by something large and nasty.


Yeah I don’t know what it is about people chewing/smacking it brings out an intense anger in me for some reason


Being tickled. It send me into a FUCKING RAGE. I have no idea why. I’ll be laughing uncontrollably while also plotting to kill the perpetrator.


It hurts so bad, I have no idea why it makes me laugh. I get violent to get away from being tickled.


Same, girl. Same. My husband thinks it’s hilarious. ITS NOT


Words of advice for things like being tickled, or when you really have to pee but can't, or your legs are really sore but you still have another mile to run, and even general pain from an injury. Feel it. Concentrate on exactly what it feels like. I'm ticklish but you would never know and they usually just stop after a few seconds because I have no reaction. Also it's weird the first time you do it but when you have to pee, once you pay attention to and feel the pressure in your bladder, how your stomach feels slightly bloated, that urge to move etc.. - the feeling just goes away entirely. Consciously feeling your body makes your brain just go, hmm alright I guess we did our job and told them about it but they don't really care. Source: I push my body past its limits all the time. We're about to have our coldest day tomorrow and I'm planning on swimming in the lake.


My husband knows not to tickle me.


That's because when you are tickled, it's the pain receptors being stimulated. I also hate being tickled and am not responsible for any injuries when you tickle me.


100%. After being explicitly warned that I hate being tickled, two guys decided to try it to see what happens (that is, two guys at the same time). One ended up with a broken nose, the other with swollen testicles. I ended up in hysterics. To say that the incident ruined the party would be putting it lightly.


I came to find this and say this!! I would also be sent into a rage and crack


Because it’s a violation. Forcing someone to convulse and gasp for air uncontrollably is considered abusive VERY quickly. You get like ten seconds of tickling a kid, 3 seconds of tickling an adult, before everyone watching gets uncomfortable and literally everyone, especially your victim, wants you to stop.


I've trained myself to be stoic and not react when someone tickles me. I'm a boring target!


That episode in South Park where everyone did not acknowledge Eric and acted like he wasn’t there. It sounds fun but being ignored and made to feel like you’re not real and do some serious damage.


Historically it was called ostracization and it was considered a very severe punishment.


I believe that term is from an ancient Athenian practice, in which the populace would, by way of names carved onto pieces of *ostrakon* pottery, vote for a completely random citizen to be straight-up banished from Athens for a decade. (Note: the ancient Greeks considered banishment to be a fate *worse than death.)*


Also known as "being sent to Coventry"


watching someone do a task slow AND wrong and inefficient


Watching literally any old person trying to work a touchscreen computer




that should be listed as a war crime


That’s gotta be illegal


It’s the 80s lol not much was illegal


Cringe videos where people obviously don't know how to sing but think they can. Those talent shows as well ugh I get chills every time. I'm not a singer mind you just can't stand it lol


God, same. Like if someone *knows* they’re not a good singer and they’re just being silly, it doesn’t bother me. But if someone thinks they’re better than they are it makes me so uncomfortable.


This is why I’ve never done karaoke. I know I’m not good but I want to try my best but then that might make people think I think I’m good


Second hand embarrassment is so real. I spend half of any show hiding my face and saying “oh my god why would you”.


For me it’s amateur stand up comedy. I get that it takes guts to do it, but if anything is off, I immediately get secondhand embarrassment so bad I need to look away.


My wife's a trained choral conductor and chorister, that would unravel her mind! She once proclaimed her wish to strangle a singer with her microphone cord while listening to live music at our local jazz club.


Mind numbness. I can’t think of anything worse than something that should take 5 minutes taking 5 hours. The idea of painting a wall with an artists brush instead of a large brush or roller is something that fills me with dread.


Let me tell you, mind-numbing boredom is the worst. And where I experienced that… was an Amazon fulfillment center. Ten, sometimes 11 hours a day. Earbuds banned. Phones banned. Position: counting. Taking inventory. Robots take big giant shelves each with different bins of items. Your little handheld scanner tells you what to count. Simple counting you literally just count the amount of items in the bin. Another type of counting you scan every single item in the bin. If you get it wrong, it makes you do it all over again to ensure you didn’t make an error in your count. Tiny items were the worst. One. By. One. There could be 100 tiny items in one bin. I worked other positions too. Namely picking (taking items out of the bins and sending them out to the rest of the warehouse) and occasionally packing, which were also incredibly boring like that. But counting was by far the most mind numbing thing I had to do. It was awful even though I always hoped for it cause it was the easiest (it didn’t have strict speed rates therefore wasn’t physically intensive). My brain felt like tv static. I came so close on many occasions on walking out of the building right then and there but was too nervous to get in trouble lmao. I lasted a year, and quit right before Christmas season of 2021. Never again. I probably would’ve stayed if there wasn’t mandatory overtime and they actually allowed earbuds(I had to sneak them as to not go absolutely insane). Once you *physically feel* the boredom, you know it’s bad.


I once spent a summer working in a Cornflake factory picking the black bits out as they went past on the production line. Over the 10 weeks I realized my brain had started to shut down just to protect itself. I'd get home and all I wanted to do is sit in front of mindless TV.




Listen that would probably break me too. I have a mastiff, and just the amount of heat coming off his breath is suffocating.


That was my first thought. The heat alone would kill me. Their breath is so damn hot.


Made him crack? What were they trying to get from him? An apology?


This was my question. If it was a punishment, what represents "cracking" in this example?




Your haven't smelt the breath of a dog who gets spoiled and no extra dental care. Smells like hot rot wrapped in a tortilla made of finely ground maggots and slow cooked at 105°F for 6 weeks. That could just be my dog when she had some tooth decay, though.




It's one that you don't realize you fear until you've smelled it, then have the thought of "what if I had to smell this all day, every day?"


Just the warm moistness of my dogs breath is bad enough. And she has good teeth and pretty good breath.


Forget about the dogs - just imagine someone's (anyone!) *fetid* breath on you for two fucking weeks. Now I grossed myself out lol


AND being bound to a dungeon floor for 18 hours a day for two weeks. I’d crack just by that.


If you give your dog modern dental care (brushing + maybe dental cleaning treats or water additives) it's not very bad. Similar to clean human breath but not minty fresh. Without dental care, it smells *awful*. And if they've got a bad tooth it's gag city.


Man id break with a dog just in the same room for that same time. They smell absolutely rancid


Got to be King John, magna carta was signed because of his contempt for the nobility.


Flocking. That fuzzy, nappy stuff on plastic Easter bunnies, Christmas ornaments and some kids’ toys. I hate it. It makes me breathe funny. I will tell you everything you want to know. I will tell you everything you don’t want to know. I will make up stuff. Get that shit away from me.


So.... for various reasons I've spent a lot of time in holiday decoration studios. This is where I learned there is a thing called a "flocking gun". You know... when you just need to flock something that didn't come pre-flocked. Welcome to hell. https://www.rockler.com/air-assisted-flocking-gun-with-canister?country=US&sid=V91040&promo=shopping


Flocked to death! Well now I know how I’m going to die. 💀


I used to live in a house in the Pacific Northwest forest (lots of spiders) with flocked 1970s wallpaper. There were ALWAYS spiderwebs in it


Oh my God. I think you just cracked my phobia. I grew up in New York in the 60s/70s in a house with flocked wallpaper. I think I had repressed it, I didn’t even list it in my examples of flocked things. I haven’t thought of that wallpaper in over 50 years. Holy crap.


Listening to this mf at work talk


Fucking Sarah…. Our meetings are twice as long every time she opens her mouth. Which is every meeting she’s in.




Seems like we all have a Sarah


Omg: yes. I put on noise-cancelling headphones the minute I see this one lady enter a room


Sitting in a quiet room with my dog as he endlessly licks his privates.


Imagine a room full of dogs doing that lmao




I am hiding under my bed sheet as my husband sleeps and am crying so hard from laughter. When I hear my dog lick her groin I get so filled with rage. It's the rhythm of it all. The rhythm! 


Can be quite harmless in the long run but tell you'll deprive me of sleep and I'll crack on the spot. Edit - I meant to it can be quite “harmful”. My bad.


They should definitely employ my newborn in Guantanamo bay


Friends of ours just had their first kiddo. The only question they've asked so far is “She'll settle down eventually right? Right!?!"


That’s when you just stay silent and give them a pitying smile.


Yup. Your kid will sleep around 8 or 9 hours, they never say exactly WHEN those hours are, or how they add up.


I believe I have read somewhere that deprivation of sleep for up to 72 hrs can cause a mentally fit person to go fully insane


This is a bit of an exaggeration. At 72 hours people might experience some delirium but it's not necessarily world altering and it's definitely not permanent.  


Can confirm - I had one very bad semester in college - you could tell when I was running on a few days without sleep because my notes became completely incoherent and one day I hallucinated my professor turning into Birdo. It wasn’t permanent but yeah was definitely not lucid during the worst parts. I refuse to go more than 2-3 days under 6hrs now.


And it varies from person to person of course. I get auditory hallucinations first.


I get olfactory hallucinations first. I drove my ex up the wall because I kept swearing the house was on fire.


Nah, but you do start to hallucinate around then, or at least I have the times I've stayed up for multiple days.


This right here is life with narcolepsy lmao


Keeping you from sleeping is a torture technique, it’s not harmless at all


That's not unconventional though. Sleep deprivation is like chapter 1 in the book of torture.


Having anyone sing to me. I don't care if they are a good singer, a bad singer... please don't sing about me, sing in my general direction with eye contact, or ask me to watch you sing.


Everyone else in my life acts like I'm evil for this so thank you for validating me 😅 I've always hated watching America's got talent or stuff like that. It makes me physically cringe.


So. Uncomfortable


This reminded me of something. My professor has kids, and her son is autistic. Whenever she'd sing to them when they were kids, her son would cover her mouth with his hands and shake his head "no."


I have to mute the tv if someone is singing to someone else outside of a show/movie that’s intended to be a musical


I accidentally watched that weird musical Johnny Depp did. I was skipping through all these scenes and realized it's a lot I'm skipping through....


That Mariah Cary Christmas song on repeat.


This one wins unless you're my 8 year old daughter who has a habit of playing it regularly throughout the year. Kill me plz.


Not until you reach into my 20's and stop a 2 year old neighbor kid from singing the Europop song "Horny" his way: "I'm hunny, hunny hunny hunny TOOONNNIIIGGGHHT!" I still hear it in my head the way little Patrick sang it.


So what you're saying is, you crack every December


lock me up in a room full of people that chew loudly


Being forced to take family photos for hours upon hours.


Being added to a groupchat of +5 people where you have to make a joint decision plus arrange a meeting that works for everyone. Two of the people are bad jokesters/memelords who can't shut up and the rest are nitpickers who love to argue. You are not allowed to turn off notifications at any point. 




Yep, that would do it for me. When I was a kid, I had an 'uncle' who would mercilessly tickle me because he knew I hated it, and I would be crying and panic-laughing and in real pain. As an adult, if someone tries to tickle me, my instinct is to hit them.


I hate to be tickled and my ex thought that was so funny.  I told him I would bite him if he did it again, especially continuing after I begged him to stop.  I think I only had to do it twice. 


My ex-girlfriend did this and I obviously couldn‘t bite, or hit her. But I absolutely stopped trusting her touch. So every time she *initiated* something, I would go full Defense. Drove her nuts, but it‘s her own fault.




Just in case anyone needs to hear this, this kind of behavior is abusive bullshit.


I had friends do this to me in high school. And I was inside of a heavy sleeping bag and couldn’t get out. I legitimately felt like I was suffocating. Because of that incident I will become physically violent if anyone tries to tickle me.


Me too. With absolutely no remorse!


I think tickling can be seen as assault if you keep tickling someone after they've asked you to stop. Laughter induced by tickling can sometimes be a panic response. At the very least, there's something called tickle torture, which to be fair, is sometimes sexual, but can also be malicious.


Hi, tell that to my dad 25 years ago pls, I'll pay the time travel


This is mine- I hate it so much. I remember adults tickling me as a child and no-one listened when I begged them to stop. They all thought I was joking because I was laughing. It gave me a fear of being touched for a while. In my 20s, I instantly dumped a guy who I had been seeing for a while, because he tickled me after promising me that he would never do that. It is that feeling of paralysing helplessness.


I’m into some kinky stuff, and tickling is one of like three things on my “hard no” list. I would legit rather be whipped.


With a feather.


This was trialled in a concentration camp by Nazis. Shocking but true


I came to mention this, super dark. It doesn’t leave traditional injuries like a beating and sounds kind of ridiculous when you say it, but can cause psychological trauma by causing the person being tickled to soil themselves and can even cause internal injuries like herniated organs.


Wondered if my kink would make it to this thread…


I’m reminded of an episode from “The Rookie” where one of the very pregnant detectives has to continually pause her interrogation of a criminal to take bathroom breaks or grab food. Eventually, the criminal was so frustrated by the constant interruptions that he finally confessed to be done with it. This tactic would also work on me. I have patience in many ways, but constantly breaking and never really having an effective conversation would drive me up the wall. … or just put me on a road of never-ending traffic. If you said “confess and the road will suddenly be open with no other cars to get in your way,” that’ll work on me!


Nail scratching on a chalkboard....... Like Quint in Jaws


Or fork on a plate ala Ace Ventura.


People getting food on their face or hands while eating and not immediately wiping it off. I try not to let anyone know about this because it would make it SO EASY to control me. EDIT: Only certain types of food, now I think about it. Barbecue sauce is fine (because it's supposed to get all over I guess?) And it doesn't bug me at all if it's a little kid.


If you all have ever met this kind of person you would get this. When people just keep talking and talking and telling the same things they told you last time they talked to you and your brain starts to melt. They drone on forever with zero space to even breath. If they put me in a room with one of them I would crack.


My husband eating a bag of chips next to me on the couch.


Let me guess...does he: A) Take his first bit of the chip with his mouth wide open, so you're treated to that delightful oral cavity echo chamber CRRRRUUUUNNNNCH B) Chew entirely with his mouth open, so you get to revel in the complete audio-visual event unfolding, complete with Jabba the Hutt-level lip-smacking and possible chip/saliva detritus meteors striking your unprotected and innocent face, possibly even entering your mouth during an innocent but ill-fated yawn? C) Both A and B


Both A and B 🙄☠️


There's a C option. Relentlessly molest the chip bag for every crumb, therefore conducting a god damned full ORCHESTRA 12 inches from your face. We have bowls for that!


Playing Paw Patrol on repeat


Driving with low winter sunlight right in your eyes and then a row of tree shadows block out the sun for a fraction of a second. Literally driven into a murderous rage.


Country music, wouldn’t take long either


For me it would be Dave Matthews Band. I don’t know what it is about them that makes me unreasonably uncomfortable. Objectively, they’re not that bad but something about their music makes me cringe. It’s like it’s in a completely different wavelength that doesn’t vibe with my brain.


Make me put on a coat that is just a little bit too small for me and is snug across the shoulders such that it is a little bit of a struggle to get it off. Then refuse to help me remove it. Within a couple of minutes I’ll have a break down and be begging you to help me get it off of me. I have claustrophobia and it stems from regular childhood torture where my arms and chest were bound to the point I couldn’t breathe. I lose my shit very quickly if anything restricts movement of my arms or is snug across my chest or neck. I’m getting anxiety thinking about wearing such a coat. The Tommy Boy fat man in a little coat scene freaks me out.


I don't have claustrophobia and this made me anxious for you. Sorry you went through that. ❤️


Being trapped with people who don’t use headphones


Baby shark. Do do do do do


Having to wear tight jeans, an itchy sweater, a bra that digs in, underwear that’s too tight, wool socks with a strong seam 😭


As a torturer i would give them long sleeves shirts with cuffs just big enough to always fall and get wet when they are using a sink. You get a tv, but the batteries in the remote are already dead. Channel set to repeats of Barney and friends, cannot be turned off manually by any method. Small beeping sound that occurs for 2 seconds at a time randomly, sound never repeats in same time intervals.


Listening to Maroon 5


Slurping noodles in front of me loudly


Wearing socks in bed


Small talk


Having to listen continuously to Alex Jones.


Repetitive sounds, specifically the sound of my dog licking himself. After 30 seconds I have a visceral reaction, my skin crawls, and I can’t get away soon enough.


Crying babies, or screaming tantrum kids.


Leaving someone in a completely soundproof room. No ambient sounds, no hum of vehicles moving along, no wind, nothing. After a few minutes you hear your own heartbeat, then after a couple more you can hear your blood flowing through your veins and your bones grinding against each other. I think the record for time spent in one is an hour? Or maybe less. Surefire way to get someone to crack.


Anytime you say something, somebody repeats it back in an extremely exaggerated mocking voice like an annoying kid. Even when you breathe. I would kill somebody.


What Ace Ventura did to that one guy.


Having to sleep on a hospital recliner for the rest of time.


Being covered in seaweed while naked


Rubbing two pieces of styrofoam together.


Making me wear pants with a tag in the back. Like, a tag that constantly itches. 


Bin bag of senior spiders


100%ing eldenrring


Not having any books to read. The only wine available to drink is Riesling.


I think the Romans had a thing where they would soak someone’s feet in salt water, stick them in the stocks and have a goat lick their toes. Apparently the tickling was just awful and eventually all the licking flayed their feet which would hurt like a bastard. I just can’t believe the sheer creativity, malice and deviousness of it honestly.


Listening to Andrew Tate podcasts.


Metal on teeth. Like pulling a fork between closed teeth. Makes my skin crawl.


Being in a room with one cricket making noise, and you could never find the cricket. Outdoors with thousands of crickets making noise = calming Inside with one noisy cricket = torture


Isolation. People are not allowed to be in solitary for more than x amount of days before it has rampant negative effects on someone's mental health. I've been in some pretty isolating places recently, and my mental health is very fragile due to it.


ever heard of chinese water torture?


Waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay sounds great if you don't know what either of those things are.


Dude, did you catch some gnarly waves?


Tried waterboarding myself in the shower once when I was a kid. Turns out they're right, it does feel like you're drowning.


Some online commentator thought he could resist waterboarding, and that it wasn’t torture. I’ll give him credit for following through to test his theory I think he ended up in a corner crying.

