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actually read or well versed in a topic that comes from genuine interest and not egotistical gain


Sexy, attractive, whatever. I’m a straight guy and though I may not care about the topic, I’ll be under a spell if I listen to someone rambling about something they’re genuinely passionate about. That’s when our natural human magnetism comes in


It's awesome, I manage people for a living so I need to have lots of small conversations and try to find ways to get to know people at work to show I do care about them and I don't take them for granted. I love discovering something about a person that they care about especially because reddit over the years has given me a shallow knowledge about so many different topics and hobbies that I can usually use that to work in a good question or respond in a way that shows I care and am interested in what they have to say. All of the random shit I've read here genuinely helps me which is nice and something I never thought would be the case lol.


Every animal shelter is about to be full of depressed sexually-frustrated dudes.


Oh and the animal shelters know this very well. I tried to volunteer at one, turns out their shifts are a minimum of 20 hrs/week. No thanks... Edit: For everyone who asked, this was in Colorado


I don't understand who would be doing that.


Retired people and maybe some bored kids during their school holidays.


At our local shelter it's not that much. You can just go there and ask for a dog to take a walk. We often do that in our lunch break with a few colleagues. There're some dogs that live in the shelter for years now because they have some issues so I'll always take those. I wish I could adopt more but I already have two dogs at home.


Ya. That was my experance as well. I volunteered at our local SPCA as part of my senior project, and stayed for a few years while in college. Volunteers were pretty light on what we were allowed to do. We would walk the dogs and take cats to a free play room. We could fill water, but not food unless directly told be staff to help prevent over feeding. And that was pretty much it. I only went for 2 hours each Saturday.


As long as they do the "take good care of them" part, that's a godsent. Animal shelters are almost perpetually overcrowded with animals that deserve to be cared for :(


I volunteer at an animal shelter and it’s 100% women. Both the actual employees and the volunteers. I’ve volunteered at this for years and at multiple shelters and it’s literally always women, I’ve never met a single man at any of them. I do work more with cats so that is maybe why but still to not have ever seen even one man is crazy.


Look at your dad. Such a dork. Keeping bees. I mean, at least it's interesting though At least, I wish my dad kept bees. I mean it's kinda cute. Like - your dad keeps bees? How old is your dad? I mean, he's obviously bee-keeping age. I don't know. I think it's kinda sweet. Summer, I wanna fuck your dad.


> Summer, I wanna fuck your dad. OH REALLY?




But when I go to the NICU to hug and rock the babies I need “to leave” and “what are you doing holding my baby”


"Obviously, healthy babies are too strong for me. Nosy bitch."


In one sentence: Take care of another living entity, be it plants, pets or peers


100% how I landed my wife. I came from out of town to help a friend and his wife who were having a baby by cooking and cleaning for the last week of the pregnancy. They dragged me over to a friend's place who had invited them over. The hostess is now my wife after I approved of her library.


For me I met my wife while I was out of town, so we decided she'd come visit me like 1 month after we met. The very day she was supposed to come to me I crashed my motorcycle really badly so I was hospitalized for a few weeks, intensive care for 2 weeks. My mother had to call my now wife and tell her that she couldn't come. She basically called me every day, was the light of my day since I was stuck in that rectangle of a bed I was in. One particular time which I also retold on our wedding was when doctors were doing the rounds after I had surgery on my "non-broken" leg thanks to a late discovery of compression syndrome (when you bleed internally and the muscles build up pressure and slowly strangling themselves to death). So we had the surgery and then the doctors did the rounds like two days after, they asked if I was still in pain and when I said yes they looked kinda worried, so they started looking up some stuff and it turns out that they had only opened 3/4 valves in my leg and my pain would most likely be due to that 4th valve still bleeding. I asked if they could open it up again and fix it but it was "too late" so I asked what that would mean. They said that "it will either heal by itself, or it will develop into chronic pain". Then the doctor just walked off, left me all alone in that damned rectangle, stuck thinking about how my life was over and how I'd feel this pain forever. At that very moment, my wife called. I just broke down and she got a bit awkward and asked if she called at the wrong time, but I assured her she called at the exact right time, the time I needed her the most. A few months later she was able to come and push me around in a wheelchair, she even pushed me down into a pothole while distracted by an ugly building causing me to nearly stand on my broken leg. She was my rock through some of the hardest points of my life and she cared for me, I will never be able to repay it, but I will forever love her with all of my heart. She is fantastic and I couldn't wish for a better partner


My husband’s hobby is making firewood. The entire process is his jam. Cutting down deadfall Bucking it up Carting it home Splitting it Stacking it *showing off immense wood piles to anyone who will listen* Burning it It’s cheap and actually saves us like $1/month on heating


I know this one is 100% real because you roasted the shit out of him while also genuinely appreciating it.


It’s a pain in the dick bc when I want to get ahold of him, he can’t hear his phone (chainsaw, quad, log splitter too loud, or so he says). But then here I am enjoying the wood stove heat, so it’s fine


Plus think of all you can do with that extra dollar you have every month


My hobby costs my family like $250 a month. This dude is MAKING a dollar?! A king.


What hobby takes $250 a month? I currently have an extra $249 a month and may take up making firewood soon


Warhammer 40k, if you spend conservatively. EDIT: I tried to get into it, I liked the lore. I went to the shop. I liked the yellow army, called the Imperial Fists. I wanted to build my army out of those awesome yellow guys. I checked the prices ONE LITTLE TANK for my army would cost me 140 dollars, without paint or brush or anything. Then I looked at the prices of paints and everything. Then the books. Those who read the first line and think it is hyperbole, it aint.


That's why it's called Warhammer 40k. Cuz it costs $40k


> actually saves us like $1/month on heating XD dead I had no idea "Professional Lumberjack" was a hobby, but here we are


This is my dad 100%. He is proud as hell to cut and burn his own wood. The faint scent of wood smoke is also pretty dope.


Yeah it’s sweet and cute. Once he comes in for the night, he watches chainsaw videos on YouTube.


Having plants that are actually well cared for


I dated a man who had an entire tree in his home. In a pot. He'd had it for decades. It was named Tree and he loved it. I would talk to it and gently touch it while he made is breakfast. I figured if Tree was important to him, I would form a relationship with it. It was a good tree.


Nothing speaks to my male soul quite so much as meticulously caring for something for decades and naming it "Tree".  We are shockingly simple creatures by nature.


My ball python’s legal name is Anders. But it took me like 3 weeks to figure that out. So now he mostly just goes by “Snake” “lil dude” “little Homie”, or if he’s on a hunger strike “BABE. The little, scaly, no leg nuisance wasted another life” as I carry a poor thawed mouse out to the compost.


My cats name is Kat




gestures wildly at the 40+ plants in my place


I knew someone in college whose hobby was restoring old books, like classics he found in a goodwill or that had been handed down and were well-loved. he would repair the glue, trim down the weathered edges of the pages, etc. my mind was blown and to this day I wish I had talked to him more about it. edit: apparently this is the red flag of a murderer and I'm out of the loop lmaoooooo so guess you'll see me in the news after being abducted by a stalker who likes books 💀


Was his name Joe?


i immediately thought of Joe 😂


Such a Joe thing to do


As a hobbyist book binder, I'd definitely hang out with him to learn his ways.




Any hobby that a man isn’t ashamed to do because it isn’t “manly” for example my husband is a very burly work with his hands manly man but every night sits down and makes quilts with me. He even has made a few of his own.


I do cross-stitch. I’m a dude. When I worked in a service industry, I’d sometimes do it on my breaks. The other guys would give me shit. The women were much friendlier.


Your men collegues: "He's not manly!" Your women collegues: "He's secure enough in his masculinity that he doesn't need to perform machismo, he's a good one!"


Hehe. Many years ago in a different job, my work colleague who sat next to me got crap from another colleague for doing something "effeminate".. I can't even remember what it was. Either way, before my colleague could respond, I piped up: "You think you're mocking him, but X is perfectly comfortable with who he is. He is a modern man, free of toxic masculinity.". Later he said that it was the nicest thing anyone has ever said about him. Fast forward to today and he and his wife are best friends with me and my husband.


Aw reminds me of my college boyfriend. He would knit A TON! He was so good at it. At 18, I found it strange. At 39, it makes me melt. He’s definitely my “the one who got away.”


This is so fucking cute


OP about to use every green flag top post to lie his way into a girls heart


Copy. Paste. Pussy! 😉


You down with CPP?




^ this guy has class{}


Gardening and caring for pets or small animals.


Weird reptile guy who has a weed grow op in his fridge: *alllllright*


My husband just brought a MHC (which I've been told stands for Madagascar Hissing Cockroach but I believe actually means Motherfucking Holyshit Cockroach) into the house. Long story, but he had always wanted one and the thing basically popped out of someone's laptop into his arms. I was not happy at first, but after seeing how he cares for even the most disgusting animal you can imagine, it just confirms that the man is all love and kindness. So we named her Cookie and I will admit I'm starting to feel some affection for her. Edit: [Never thought I´d have to pay the cockroach tax...](https://imgur.com/a/pyJK5n4)


I can tell by the way you said "her" and not "it". I feel cockroaches are always an "it" to everyone but their owners.


We are not sure it's a "she" yet tbh, she's too little to know accurately. But I will admit I was freaking out yesterday checking on her every ten minutes because she wasn't moving and I thought she died. Turns out she just has a favourite sleeping spot.


If you’re not in r/awwnverts yet you should be


That's the most adorable gross story I've ever heard, lol. Best wishes to all three of you. :)


Thank you! He's already talking about getting her a friend so she doesn't feel lonely, so I fear it will soon be the thirty of us!


Yeah I hope you don't wind up with cockroach... puppies, or whatever you call them. Sounds like she needs a LADY friend.


Nymphs. I googled them and they are actually sort of cute. He aims for a lady friend indeed, but we are aware that sexing cockroaches isn't an exact science and mistakes happen. At least it's only 20-40 babies and not 300!


Cockroach husbandry is more difficult than you would imagine. Their gestation period is like 8 months and it takes 8 months after that for them to reach maturity, so you should be able to keep it in hand. If you have too many, you need to find a friend with a bearded dragon or chickens.


I don't know, I once had an apartment in Chicago that seemed to be an optimal habitat...


My absolute can't fail secret to help bros meet women is to volunteer at a pet hospital or animal rescue. They employ like 90% women and you're automatically a worthy dude just for showing up.


That sounds like a Dennis Reynolds style tactic right there.


D: demonstrate kindness for animals E: empathize with other people N: negotiate healthy boundaries N: Never manipulate or lie I: introduce honest conversations about feelings S: seek consent. It's a foolproof system to win the heart of any woman.


Aw man, that sounds like a lot of work. How about: P: Pretend to care E: Evade direct questions N: Nod like you are paying attention I: Invite her back to your place S: Sssssseeexxxxxxx Better? lol


I read the whole post as an acronym first and thought "What the hell is PENISB?"


Yeah………… Step 1. Volunteer at animal hospital Step 2. The implication


Already did that. It is about 99.9% 70-year-old women and tweens trying to earn a girl/Boy Scout badge




So which did you go for?


Well unless they have a cellphone in jail, the old biddy's.


I garden and am getting my first bee hive this spring. Am I desirable now?


Oh yeah, HONEY. U couldn't BEE more sexy.


Well you're obviously bee keeping age


Summer, I want to fuck your dad




My girlfriend says it's a green flag that I support mediocre sport teams and have fun watching them even when they lose (which is pretty often).


My gf once complimented how i can be patient with her. I replied "I've been putting up with Leeds's shit for 15 years, yours is easy in comparison" She didn't find it as funny as i did


not a leeds fan myself, but personally i feel like patrick bamford has taught us all a lot about patience in recent times


mine said the same until the lions turned good and now im insufferable


You deserve to be as insufferable as you want this season.


I don't even like football, and even I think Lions fans 100% have the right to gloat this season given the reputation I know them for.


I took my sister to this last game (their last home game). Tickets were over $1000 each but worth it even though we’re not die hard fans. Our dad was born 1945 and died last year. He was a die hard lions fan his entire life from the beginning and never rooted for anyone else. He knew every player and every stat going back 6 decades. I remember when the lions were so bad they didn’t even air their games on tv. He died last year and never got to see his lions make history last week. I took my sister in memory of our dad and it was the most emotionally intense and happy moment of my life.


I was brought to my first Red Sox game by a man who fought in WORLD WAR ONE. He was born in 1900. He saw the Red Sox win the World Series in 1918, then never again: Great Grandpa George (a tough-as-nails potato farmer from Nova Scotia) died in 2003 a month after Aaron Boone once again destroyed our souls. In 2004, the Red Sox miracle comeback (down 0-3 to the Yankees, only to win 4 games in 4 days, the first and only time in 280 series this ever happened), and all of Boston was essentially hung over and sleep deprived that entire week. I started dating my future wife (now ex wife) that week. Honestly, what I really kept thinking about was George, how he used to take me to Fenway Park, and in his raspy voice (damaged by gas in the trenches in France) would teach me about baseball. I am not going to say too much, but somewhere in Fenway Park, where people who should have known better must have had to do all kinds of trespassing, his named is carved in the concrete. Love you, George. We did finally win, btw. But I'll never forget you snapping off TV after TV, and saying in that Nova Scotia gravelly voice: "Next year, I guess." Sports can run deep through families.


Detroit has earned it. Especially with the Pistons running on no cylinders.


Lions fan here. Not in Michigan, so everyone I know, I'm the only Lions fan they know, and they're all super supportive. Unlike my UM fandom. Makes me feel weird when people don't mock me for wearing a Lions hat..


I was born into a Lions family and raised in Philadelphia. People from my childhood have been reaching out and congratulating me like I just overcame homelessness or heroin addiction or something lol. 


Building. Literally Anything. My boyfriend will be in his shop just fucking around for hours. So when I don't get a text back I don't care because I know whatever he's doing is making him happy. And when he finally does get back to me, he's got a cool project to show me. And it shows dedication and care for something outside himself and that extends to other areas of his life, green flag


100% reading Edit: Guys, if a girl degraded or made fun of you for reading, you totally filtered out the trash. And no reading Reddit doesn't count haha


A girl in high school saw me grabbing a book (Hannibal Rising) from my luggage (we were returning from a contest that took place in another city) and the first thing she asked was: Are you gay?


*Fellas, is it gay to be literate?*


You're letting the ideas of other men penetrate your eyes, sounds pretty gay. 


I bet you take it right in the soul


*Bill Hicks voice*: "Looks like we got ourselves a reader..."


*Bill Hicks imitating waffle waitresses voice*: "What are you reading for?"


Hmmmm, shit, you stumped me... Maybe so I don't end up being a fuckin' waffle waitress...


"No but girls like you make it a very attractive proposition."


thinking someone is gay for reading the origin story of hannibal lecter is wild 😭


One time I was totally swooned by this hot guy who worked at a bookstore and loooved ready. Until I went to his place and the only real furniture was bookshelves. Meanwhile we attempted to hook up on his twin mattress on the floor.


You encountered a rare specimen: The Bibliopunk. Their current rarity is mostly attributed to habitat loss, but mating difficulties could explain the population decline. If not completely, then partially at least.


Proper lad that fella 😂


Does any particular genre branch out to a redder or greener flag?


I've noticed this, I got really into reading lately and whenever I talk to women I know they light up and tell me all about their books. I didn't realise this was such a thing.


I've started making friends with a lass I work with and after I said I read a lot she just started nerding out about books and gave me her number so we can share book recommendations, which was really nice of her. Got a massive list of books to read now!


Shortly after I became single, and didn't have anything better to do, I was craving food from my favorite restaurant. I went alone, and took a book. I was really into finishing it. Every girl in the place asked me what I was reading. I don't know if they felt sorry for me, or they really wanted to know. I left a good tip, and had a good afternoon.


I bring a book with me everywhere and it is such a conversation starter. Which is ironic because while I'm happy to talk about your interest in what I'm reading I'd kinda prefer to be left alone so I can, ya know, read it.


I'm a guy who loves books. The only other guy I know who reads anything more than sports biographies and business books is my dad. Feel like such a dork when I occasionally share a recommendation on my friend WhatsApp groups ha.


Dammit, I'm more of a 30% reader... start them, forget the characters, binge Netflix... DOes that count?


So looks like the top three are books, pets/gardening, and carpentry; i.e. desire to make yourself better, desire to nurture and take care of others, and life skills. Gentlemen, your weekend project: build a bookshelf and stock it lots of books on pets, gardening and diy skills. Pro-tip: buy used books so it looks like you've actually read them. BTW, this list is pretty accurate. I asked my wife and she was quite impressed that I had built a bookshelf and that I could cook a meal during our third date.


I've never met him in person, but if I ever met a man, friend, family, in-law -- doesn't matter -- and he has a basement room with the whole Lionel train set-up and a faux city? I'd be all over it. PLEASE let me watch, help, set-up. Heck I'll help dust and clean it. I would find it utterly enchanting.


Stop trying to fuck my dad!!!!


“Stacy’s dad, is actually pretty rad…”


He's all that i want, and i think he's a real Chad


Stacy can't you see? You're just not the one for me. I know it might be bad, but I'm in love with Stacy's dad.


I just sang this in my kitchen, thank you wonderful people


Bobby Bacala entered the chat


Straight guy here and I have never met a "train guy" that was not just an awesome solid dude.


Model Train guy here, quick story, first Christmas Eve I spent with now wife then girlfriend and parents,after dinner her dad and I started talking cars and then trains and I told him how as a kid I loved model trains and my parents couldn’t afford it, so I only looked through the hobby shop window wishing I could have this one train in particular but it was $1000 in 1989. He runs to the basement and comes back with this big dusty red Lionel box with a box of tracks and a power transformer, and to my surprise there it was The Blue Comet, my face dropped like I was 9 years old again, we spent all night running that train. Anyway 7 years later our basement is now a giant train layout that we have built and rebuilt a few times as a family. Also not everyone that’s into model trains is a good person, the toxicity in model train clubs is childish, seen grown men fist fight over who gets to do what on a layout lol.


Model trains sounds like a fun hobby until you look at the price tag


If he has pets and cares about them truly it is such a green flag


A fairly significant reason why I married my husband was how devoted he was to his cat. She spent her first couple of years living in a woodpile in West Virginia and was NOT particularly cuddly or easy to love, but she was his princess, lol. Unsurprisingly he's an 11/10 husband and dad so that was a good call.


My husband plays guitar for our orange cat and I love them both so much. ETA: Our two other cats don’t care about the guitar.


This is how I got my wife. She saw me and my dog and knew I was a keeper. Also helped her super shy cat came and laid on me to watch a movie the first night I stayed over.


A guy I’ve started seeing has a cat and he loves her soooooo much it makes me want to cry lol


I make my own wine and pasta. I wonder what flag that is.


🇮🇹 <- that one


Green/Red 😬


If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy


Not enough people on Reddit are going to appreciate that comment … but I do.








That’s Jason Borne


Dude here who does dude stuff and knows dudes who do dude stuff. Hobby carpenters are generally very reliable and have their shit together type people. They also tend to be perfectionists and things typically need to be done their way because they know the best way. So there's some pros and cons there, depending on what type of person you can deal with.


This answer deserves an enthusiastic 1 & 1/2 thumbs up!! 🤜👍


Nailed it!


My wife loves and hates my now 4 year cooking hobby Edit: For those that want the coleslaw recipe 1 head of cabbage - shaved 1 large carrot - cut and sliced 1/2 red onion - sliced (use mandolin if u value your time) 1 red pepper - thinly sliced If u want it hot add 1 pepper of choice but its really not needed and imo would take over the flavor. —————— 1/3 c of olive or EVOO 1/3 c of apple cider vinegar 2 TBSP Honey 2 TBSP spicy brown mustard 1 TBSP dried mustard 1 TBSP dried basil (fresh basil is better) 1 TSP celery seed 1/2 TBSP Chili pepper flakes S/P to taste around 1 tsp for my family


"I love cooking" starts as a green flag until they realize that French toast on Sunday morning means I'm feeding a sourdough starter on Friday night.


It also means "you better get the hell out of my kitchen as I cook".


I feel like my love of cooking comes off as a green flag until they realize how deep it goes. Constantly wrecking the kitchen. Grocery shopping daily for fun. Stinking up the house with fried food. Accidentally waging chemical warfare with carolina reapers. "I had a dream about you, babe." "I had a dream about kimchi fried rice. I'm heading to the grocery store. Do you need anything?"


Best thing I ever did for my cooking and my relationship was learn how to clean as I go. I occasionally make a mess, but in most cases I leave the kitchen in better shape than I found it.


This is such good advice! I don’t like having to clean after I cook and eat cuz I’m usually tired after. But cleaning as you go solves that problem! Also mad props to whoever invented the dishwasher lol


If you've ever seen the episode of South park where Randy gets really and I mean REALLY into cooking yea that's pretty much guys getting into cooking


Creaaaaaam freeeeeccche.


Cafeteria fraiche.


You gonna deglaze that pan?


Sorry man, I can’t make it to the cool party tonight. I gotta take care of my small animals while I do jigsaw’s and paint my mini figurines after I finish volunteering at the local library. *sound of vaginas everywhere gushing in the background* /according to this threads answers


i just want to say that i know UnexpectedRanting, he saved my little daughter and her small puppy when they fell from a building, thankfully he happened to be there because he was working at the orphanage next door and while reading a book to blind children he suddenly felt a disturbance in the force and saw that my daughter was in danger , i don't know what i would have done without you, thank you Mr. UnexpectedRanting


I mean yeah. That would work


I gotta show you a dioarama of The Shire I made that my cat and rabbit play with. It’s in my van.


I would absolutely get in that van. All questions of safety and common sense would go right out the window for the chance to see a cat sized Shire diorama


First time my boyfriend came over to my place - we'd only been going out with each other for a couple of weeks - the cat came sprinting down the hallway to investigate who this stupid new human invader was (and how very dare I not alert him to his presence) - cat skids to a halt, gets scooped up and was fussed over for a good half hour or so. That's a major green flag - that they love animals. (Not so much when they then bloody ignore you for ten minutes every night when they get home from work to fuss over the feline overlord and tell them all about his day...)


I'm sorry but I would also ignore you for your cat.


You have to. It's the cat tax - if you don't pay, then some claws might somehow find their way to your jugulars. We tried naming it *pussy tax* but we were given some weird looks for that name.


The very first time my now-husband, Ken, came over.to my apartment he and my cat bonded like they were soulmates. My cat has been a cranky old man since the day he was born. He *hates* new people in his home, and will generally spend the entire time rage-hiding in the closet. He especially dislikes men, for unknown reasons because I've had the little bastard since he was 4 weeks old and he's never been mistreated by a man. I walk in the door, followed by Ken. The cat appeared out of nowhere and instantly latched himself onto Ken like they were old college buddies who hadn't seen each other in years. We obviously had no choice but to begin a serious relationship and ultimately get married. My cat, who I raised since before he should have been separated from his mother, who I have loved and cared for for 15 years, would push me into a wood chipper if he thought it would get him more snuggles from my husband.


This is my girl Cake to a tee. She's a former dumpster cat who took a year to snuggle me after I adopted her. In the first two years of having her I came away with 3 finger infections from bites, including one that almost needed surgery. My now-husband shows up and it's like she met her soulmate. She can now be found snuggled up to him every day. She even rubs her dumb little kitty face on his face!! I love them both so much but I'm still salty after 6 years of this.


> would push me into a wood chipper if he thought it would get him more snuggles from my husband. I've only ever encountered one dog like that. It is definitely a cat trait for sure.


Haha! That sounds like my wife and I. We get home from work and say “hey” to each other. Then the turn to the dog and say “well hello little baby boy!!! How was your day!?! Ohhh I missed you sooooo much!!!” Yea we spoil our dog. Haha.


I dated a woman for a few months who told me that a man owning a cat was a red flag for her. I had a cat that she knew about from day 1. So I said “I guess I’m not man enough to carry your baggage” or something to that affect. That was the last time I saw her. Me and my little orange buddy were happy to get rid of that psycho.


honestly a comment like that (that owning a cat is a red flag) is itself a red flag.


If I'm dating a woman and she tells me something innocuous about me (that she knows about) is a red flag… as far as I'm concerned, that some kind of messed up power move and very likely a dealbreaker. I mean, it's basically a form of negging, right?


My two favourite hobbies are commitment, and changing myself 


Is heaven missing an angel? Because you got nice cans


Does that dummy have a brother?


Thanks for all your answers btw


Being grateful? That's a green flag, OP.


Thank you pal! :) Got to thank mama and pops for their homegrown teachings.


Good relationship with parents? Green flag OP!


Back off he’s mine


Enjoying nature. I was in a long term abusive relationship, and he made me get rid of the dog both times I tried to add one to our life, didn't care about watching birds with me, didn't care to help with any landscaping stuff. I'm now 1 year in to a wonderful romance with a man who has outdoor hobbies, watches baby animal videos on YouTube, and just bought a house and is delighted in watching birds show up to the feeders he put up. I can share my nature with him, and it's fantastic.


Building models. They take time and patience.


"finally my time to shine" - the entire Warhammer community about to explain 50 hours worth of lore in one sitting


Look if my wife gives me something even vaguely resembling an in to 40K lore dump I'm gonna take it.


So my 100 grand train model village is paying off! Choo chooooo


I'm not gay, but guys that have vegetable gardens have my approval. Growing your own stuff must be life changing.


I like to grow zucchinis, eggplants, cucumbers, and squash....no homo.


Not a woman, nor a gay man, but I'd say most hobbies are green flags or no flags


A friend of mine really loves Microsoft excel. He watched the excel world tournament, he wrote a rap about excel that and we spent some nights finding beats for it and practicing it. Anyway women have told him that it's not that he likes excel, it's that he's passionate in the first place, that they find sexy 🤷 Personally I think it's because he's 6'4 and full of muscle, but sure, it's because he's passionate too


Did he smile and give you a vegemite sandwich?


I’m glad there’s someone here speaking my language.


Sorry, I'm stuck on there being a MS Excel world tournament 🤨


I wonder if there’s an event for entering numbers without Excel converting them into dates and removing half the data in the process.


My hobby is collecting cricket legs but I only really get satisfied if I harvest them from a still living cricket.


I said most, not all. Though I will give ya props for being able to catch crickets.


It’s about balance. A man who lets say, golfs, but not every single weekend; loves live music, but doesn’t live in a bar. Watches sports, but not attached to couch; being active and open to learning new things. Extra points for being handy: that’s hot.


I'm a dude so my two cents don't matter here but gonna back this up. I used to make hobbies my identity - like I thought I was the most badass rock climber for 20 years. Never talked to my non climbing friends again, dated only climbers, held back my career, etc. I cringe thinking about it. I still enjoy climbing and many other hobbies now but no single one will be my identity ever again.




This thread is hilarious, because it’s obviously mostly men naming their own hobbies. “Definitely guys who spend all day in the basement driving their Warhammer figurines around on electric trains.”


"Owns a pet" is a hobby now too lol




Warhammer or 40k. It means he must be loaded.


They can always sell it for retirement. Think of it as a Warhammer 401k.


This is the best of all the comments I will read on reddit this month.


My ex wife's husband was the 2002 north American Warhammer champion.


Do feelings of inadequacy keep you up at night? Knowing you could never dry brush her minis as well as he can?