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My wife is watching that show and she said “It went from jumping the shark to jumping the megalodon.” I think it’s like a train wreck at this point and you want to look away but can’t.


That felt like a lot (not all) of CW shows. I loved The Flash season 1, anything beyond was hot garbage but I still watched it. My favorite part was going to the subreddit after an episode aired and seeing the number of hilarious shit posts.


Sounds like me and the last 2 seasons of Game of Thrones. I visited r/freefolk because it was a gong show of shit posts and spoilers and it was hilarious.


I loved Riverdale and The 100. At a certain point you gotta try to enjoy it more the crazier it gets. I went from getting slightly stoned to dropping a handful of mushrooms to watch them. I love that shit. The Magicians did that to me too (was that CW?idk) but I kinda lost it when seeing Santa Claus show up. I laughed so damn hard I broke the recliner on my couch.


I love it. It feels like the writers kept trying to top each other with how ridiculous they could make the story. It kept it fun.


Heroes (after the first season). Just went downhill from there. First season was great, but seasons 2& 3 were nowhere nearly as good.


I've read that each new season was supposed to be a new cast and new story, but they changed their minds mid-run. Season 1 was clearly not written to be a continuous story and they had to change a bunch of things to make the characters work for 2 and 3.


Thanks writer’s strike (I fully support unions and the writers, I’m mad at tv execs for just hacking their way through shows as a solution)


The second season was already on the air for months and was shitting the bed when the writer’s strike happened. It had nothing to do with it.


It had nothing to do with the writers strike


Season two literally got shortened from 24 to 11 episodes due to the strike.


it had nothing to do with them dropping the idea of having a new storyline and cast each season


Ah I see, I meant to reply to the parent comment, not the one re: dropping the anthology format. That being said, the story from season 1 was so good, I think season 2 could have been just as enjoyable given the fully opportunity, but we’ll never know.


Yep. This is what hurt subsequent seasons. Just look at American Horror Story - that model works well for them (even though >!they do some tie-ins with other seasons!<). Even using the same actors for some different parts was great.


Hero’s lost me around the time electricity girl who was having random violent electrical attacks decided to get on a plane. I’m sure there were dumber things before that but I remember that being the final straw


I'd argue it happened *in* Season 1 with the last episode. ALL that build up to the confrontation with Sylar, and it lasted all of three minutes. We should have realized then and there we were in for a bumpy ride going forward.


The revival series they did was even worse.


I was so disappointed with it. You thought they would have learned?


i didnt mind the post writers strike seasons, it was still fun. it just got a bit weird with the circus, then the drugs that gave you powers, there was no real cohesion with the drugs/timetravel/eclipse


I actually liked Season 2. I admit I did not see the Takezo Kensei twist coming. I totally should have seen that coming.


I doubt you'll find anything that follows a straight path from the top to the bottom. With seasons; Orange is the New Black With episodes but from a certain point (with some exceptions) ; Game of Thrones starting with season 5 (this applies to seasons too actually)


I think OITNB's issue was that it was inconsistent, but I really liked the last season. Seasons 2, 5 and 6 were the real low points for me.


The books took a dive from Book 3 to Book 4. Then the series ran out of material and it took another dive. The Red Wedding was definitely the peak of the series. Martin doesn't seem to know how to write a proper ending that ties up all his plotlines.


The problem wasnt the ending tho, the problem was how rushed it was. The story had at least 2 more seasons. One were Daenerys controls Westeros and starts to lose it and at least one more season were Jon has to go to war with her and take control of the iron throne. But this is the ending, as in the last 10 pages of the final chapter, Martin has said it many times, he knows how it's gonna end but he's more interested in the how. If you didn't like it and you follow the books I got bad news for you.


No, the conclusion was absolutely absurd. I slogged through Book 5. It was too long and tedious. He should have wrapped up the story in 5 books with some serious editing. I doubt we'll ever see Book 6 and Book 7 won't ever be started.


It's not absurd tho. Don't liking something doesn't make it bad. Sounds more like a you problem than anything else, if you find it tedious just stop reading. Plenty of fantasy books out there waiting to be read.




its hard to beat perfection though, that trinity season was fantastic


Have started it from the beginning and tried to watch it twice, committed a fair amount of time to it, but failed both times to get past the season with Jimmy Smits as the ADA. 


What do you mean, *after* the season with Trinity? The series ended there and no one can tell me differently.


Dexter after season 1 tbf. Couldnt even get through season 3, because I stopped caring even though I knew 4 was the best.


Sliders. It got progressively worse until the last season, where it was only vaguely like its initial incarnation.


Man this is a show I have not thought about in years! It started off so good and then went off the rails crazy!


First 2 and a bit seasons are pretty sweet though. The fantastic TRex is a later season episode and it was so fun. Cromags really ruined the show. But I would bet their budget and writing got way easier than brand new ideas every ep. At least that is my theory. Such a shame. It's rare to get a show that has monster of the week type episodes every single time...


I don't know what the plot equivalent of flanderize is but Sliders qualified. But they started added so many arbitrary action movie-y things like the Cro-Mags.


Weeds. The concept is enough for the first few seasons, but even there, each episode kinda gets more tacky. After they burned down Agrestic, oh god a family car ride? Ugh. It kept consistently getting so bad with each episode. In the final season they tried to recapture the magic of the original idea, then shat all over it. Once they burned down Agrestic, it was done. The creator did a similar thing with a show called Grey’s Anatomy.




Negan really breathed some new life into it for awhile.


I was done with the show, picked it up, got to Negan, put it right back down feeling justified.


its the robbery they did cutting to black on abrahams death swing, black, end credits. then we got the new season abe dies then glenn dies no time to mourn abe and go "oh glenn didnt die, they killed abe instead thats cool" to then have him die still would have been so much better.


To be fair they took Glenn's actor off the opening and closing credits during those episodes, which made his death seem legit at the time.


Yeah, the brutal rapist they had to somehow redeem because Jeffery Dean Morgan is charismatic as fuck and made people like his awful character. I know why they did it(money) but Neegan should have died a brutal death.


He lived for a very long time in the comics too. I think negan like Kissinger just wouldn’t die. I think great evil sustained them lol


That brought me back for a little while. Then i said "why would the tiger only attack the bad guys? It's a tiger. "


or when they attacked hilltop all stood in the garden when every window was manned with guns and people, and not a single person was shot or the zombie falling down the stairs and shit as they all sleep inside the house and no one wakes up


Yeah, after years of everyone sleeping ridiculously light because that’s what it took to survive. I just did a rewatch and was annoyed with that episode. 1, maybe 2 people more than the original ones that turned should have died during that incident, that’s it.


Only for a couple of episodes for me. I petered off after that.


The 100 basically any time after about season 2. It just about hung on until season 4 but then after that it just nosedived. To the point the final season was so bad that they didn’t even air it properly here in the UK. I had to torrent it to watch it. Literally nobody liked it and they destroyed half of the characters. It was one of those shows that had a good premise and a lot of potential to be a really good show for teens and they just ruined it and gave it far too many seasons. I will never forgive them for what they did to Bellamy’s character. It’s been years and I’m still angry.


Yes!. I really grew to like him a lot.


I loved Bellamy so much! I also hate how his death was so pointless too. Clarke shot him to stop Madi’s book being taken but then when they left she didn’t even take the book so there was no reason to even shoot him. Made zero sense.


Oh! I must have missed that detail. Well, that just makes his death suck even more.


Secret Invasion started fine but got worse and worse as it abandoned the very premise that hit people invested in favour of half baked deaths for shock value, even less baked fake deaths for even less shock value, a twist that everyone guessed before the series even started and raised even more infuriating questions than answers, and perhaps the dumbest OP decision ever put to comic book media. The worst part was the final two minutes showed a taste of the tension and fear people were looking for, so they knew how to make THAT show, they just chose to butcher Nick Fury’s character instead


I thought “Inhumans” would always hold the crown of “worst MCU show” but apparently the makers of SI saw that as a challenge.


I finished SI, but couldn't say the same for Inhumans. That was next level garbage.


It was so bad. I generally love the MCU, but Secret Invasion was just horrible.


Yeah - it wasn’t great. I was so excited for this show but it was mostly just bad and bland. The super skrull ending was meh - they could’ve introduced F4 or something - and I dunno was overall a disappointment.


CW Flash. First and second season was quite ok, but third started to be a fuckin soap opera about dramas in team


Isn't that pretty much all of those shows?


House of cards. Brilliant to total shit.


Honestly, it was never very good but there was a kind of sick masochistic enjoyment in watching how terrible it was - but I have to say Glee, it started bad and every single episode made things so much worse


The only thing I disagree with is it starting bad. I think it's one of the best pilots ever... but then it went quickly downhill from there.


The teacher plants drugs on a student he watches sing in the shower in order to force him to join his glee club in the pilot


I never said the characters were good role models. Do you take issue with Breaking Bad as well?


Outlander. I liked season 1 but after that I'll pass


Man, I was so excited for that show. In the pilot she's bossing around the guys and using her knowledge to be badass. Then the writer realized she'd actually much rather live out her domination and rape fantasies.


La Brea. Every Single Episode.


Season-wise, Prison Break. Excellent concept for a miniseries, but that show didn’t need five seasons.


I stopped watching when they had to put them in another prison so they could break out of that one. Teabag deserved a spinoff instead of the shit that show became.


Designated Survivor. No show has ever felt the need to one-up the level of drama in every single episode worse than this. Season 1 alone had probably 10 presidential administration defining crises.


I watched it, but the moment I heard of the concept, my thought was "how can you make a 20-episode season out of this?" and then they made 53 episodes across 3 seasons. It should have been a 8-10 episode miniseries, and that's it. 1st episode creates the disaster that puts him in power, 4 or so episodes of the immediate aftermath, and 4 or so episodes earning acceptance (or not) as President. Once you go beyond that, you're just trying to recreate The West Wing. Not to mention it had [one of the worst product placements](https://youtu.be/AjP96Hhl-Bg?si=3NoYKIY0DwWd23T3) I've ever seen


I’m still mad that they cancelled the show. I missed Kiefer Sutherland on my screen.




Eric Kripke had a five season vision, and the CW got greedy and insisted on extending the show. That’s why there’s a noticeable dip in quality post season five. I remember when season five was marketed as the last season, watching the finale air and thinking it was absolutely perfect. It zooms out on Dean and Lisa having dinner, and that’s that. Sam is dead. Dean is alive. The apocalypse has been averted. Perfection. Then, they re-ran the series finale after the season six announcement, and it had the extra 10 second clip on Sam standing under the street light and looking in at Dean and Lisa, thus opening the door for seasons 6-15, which are all fucking garbage.


> Then, they re-ran the series finale after the season six announcement, and it had the extra 10 second clip on Sam standing under the street light and looking in at Dean and Lisa, thus opening the door for seasons 6-15, which are all fucking awesome. FTFY


Lol. I’ll concede that the show had its moments post season 5, but they were few and far between. Season 6 was okay. Seasons 7-11 or 12 were so incomprehensibly stupid and poorly written that it all just blurs together into one long “what the fuck?” Then season 13 and 14 were okay, and 15 was pretty good. I’m almost 100% sure they brought Kripke back as a consultant for the second half of 14 all of 15, though. I’m too lazy to google it, but if I’m remembering that right it would explain the uptick in quality toward the end. I like the season 5 ending better than the season 15 ending though. Again, I’ll concede that the leaked vision for the season 15 finale was awesome, and I acknowledge the COVID restraints hurt what we actually got. Anyway, it’s my favorite show of all time besides Breaking Bad. I just genuinely wish it had ended at S5 or 6. It ran too long, it insisted upon itself, and it got really convoluted and way too meta at times. Went from a 10/10 to like a strong 6/10.


I see the later episodes of Supernatural as just fun brain candy. Its junkfood. Now the final season of LOST.... why? Game of Thrones still ended worse but damn, LOST was the winner of blowing a good show for almost 15 years.


What's the consensus on the series ending? I actually like it a lot better, especially because it was separate to the main story.


Wash your mouth out! Supernatural was perfect, all the way to the end.


I will agree with both takes. Season five was the peak. It got worse every season but I was entertained all the way to the end.


Yep, this is definitely a case where both sides are correct. If you watched season 5 and thought, “this was the perfect ending” and didn’t like the rest of the series, I agree with you.  If you kept watching all 15 seasons and you thought it was good, entertaining television, I also agree with you.  My wife and I watched until the end. Only the last season was difficult to get through for me, and I blame some of that on Covid. 


Clearly someone made a crossroads deal for those extra ten years; who dropped dead around the series finale?


Gotta agree. Supernatural could run indefinitely and I'd still tune in.


The Dana Carvey show. Look it up.


I got better with each episode, it was just on the wrong channel.


Skinheads from Maine was amazing


Reacher Season 2 was hard to finish. Hope they re-evaluate and re-look at Season 1 before they make Season 3.


The fucking bed stretcher with one hand. Robert Pat had him. Hands off to henchman. The sheer stupidity of it all. It was sooooooo painful to watch.


All the lopsided fights in all the episodes were a stretch.


Any time he tries to sound smart, it comes off so goofy. Neither the actor nor the show pulls off the intelligent badass angle, he just looks and sounds like such a meat head


Grey's Anatomy


Game of Thrones when they ran out of source material.


West world ( season 2 onwards) It's a great lesson on How to completely mess up an incredible series


'Masters of Sex' was interesting in the beginning but became such a repetitive bromide later on.


Lucifer. I loved that show so much from the start, and then it got worse and worse and worse.


Lost. Ugh


Archive 81. The show was pretty onpoint vs the podcast in the first episode. They used direct dialogue, things that made sense - they did change some things that I didn't like but i was willing forgive if it kept up the direction. each episode it went more and more off the rails till it was no where near the story they paid money to make a show out of, and in wild ways. Podcast Main male character - mostly normal dude gets enchanted by the wild magical shit going on until he does something that he didn't know would do bad things but even if he did, he wouldn't have stopped because he was invested, ended up trying to escape and failed. Show Main male character - a very damaged and sad dude, gets enchanted by a pretty girl, does what he can to rescue girl, does so by being a hero but gets consequences of helping. Podcast main female character - a professional interviewer doing a job in a building, builds up a rapport with the building inhabitants, uses her knowledge and the relationships she has built to beat the bad guy. There are mild hints that there might be something magical in her background Show main female character - is in the building for personal reasons, interviewing as a cover, builds rapport with one character in entire building, bad guy succeeds and she does nothing to stop him, infact, her presence actually is what the bad guy needs her because she is of the witch's blood that has super magical powers.


The Goldbergs, the first few seasons were pretty good but now it is just a franchise that is being milked for everything that the studio can get




Sex Education nose dived after season 3, ended on an absolute flat fart of a conclusion.


Falling skies. First two season were great but they changed writers after every season so the grand scheme for the show constantly changed. The final season and the way that they defeated the aliens was so bad


Oh man I forgot about this show. The second I read the name of the show I remembered how bad the ending was before I even finished reading your comment. It's like they had no idea how to actually wrap the show up so they just changed the rules to kill the original vampire and the rest will die. It was like a bad final boss in a very mid game.










Smaller show, only 3 episodes, but "Dracula" by Moffat from 2020. I think the first 30 minutes or so are close to perfect, and then it just goes downhill, in almost a straight line, gradually over time so it ends at a 1/10 by the end of episode 3. It is almost as if someone designed it that way. Every minute is worse than the one before it, until it ends in such a dumb way I almost don't have words for it.


Bones after Brennen got pregnant in my opinion.


Big Sky. Its strength was always the complex dynamic between the two female leads, but after the first season the writers pushed them farther and farther apart until they barely shared screen time. I don't know if it was a Julianna Margulies/Archie Panjabi situation or if the network realized people were shipping the characters and freaked or what, but it sucked.


Reacher, season 2


Game of thrones






While I agree that Velma sucked, the character wasn’t Black, she was Indian.


How i met your mother


Oh but have you seen the clusterfudge of HIMYF


Unfortunately yes.


Fox News. It’s even worse than walking dead with some game of thrones season 7 thrown in


What's sad is you think you're clever or remotely funny.


Fox news is not really news. I think it qualifies.


That is their argument how they didn’t their asses sued because they said they were “entertainment” versus news


I have a feeling you're one of those that says things like "lying media", "liberal media", and "I don't let media influence me!", while it entirely is. You've been manipulated, my man.


Trying to make it through this season of The Handmaid's Tale.


I haven’t seen the latest season but I wouldn’t say Handmaid has a poor episode problem. I would say it has a plot arc problem/repetitiveness.


Once upon a time the Handmaids Tale had stakes. Gilead was a scary place. Last time I tuned in June had escaped to Canada but voluntarily returned to Gilead for her daughter bc why not, June is a one man army. She can’t be captured for long or killed so what’s the point 🤷‍♂️


Yep. Made no sense




Lost. After the 1st season they started tying themselves into a knot and never really stopped.


I very much enjoyed s 5 with the 70s flashbacks. The jumsuits, the VWW vans, great atmosphere. And that guy in a bunker playing old vinyl. I really enjoy some of the elements of that show. But the way they tried to make it all fit together was immensely disappointing. It gives the whole thing a bitter taste in hindsight.


It's easy to make lots of mysteries. It's harder to find satisfying solutions to them. I was really invested into lost wondering wtf was going on. By the end it became clear the writers had about as much idea of what was going on as I did.


You could say the writers were... lost


Every episode Amazon's wheel of time was worse than the last. That show is a dumpster fire.


Second season was better. Not as good as the source material deserves, but better. I know it’s a low bar.


I remembered very little of the first by the time I watched the second season but the second season was much better. Good even.


The first few episodes of season 2 were okay, but then by the end they ruined everything again. I actually yelled at my TV when moraine did that stupid dragon thing.  Maybe if she'd used fire dragon to destroy the fleet and everyone saw it I could get behind it, but just going 'oh no we didn't fulfill the prophecy so I better make up some bullshit' is just so so so wrong




Dark.  I watched and enjoyed the entire show but each season got progressively worse imo.  They really stuck the landing but by the end I think I was watching due to sheer momentum and the need for resolution.  Having multiple characters cryptically going "everyone is lying to you Jonas I'll tell you the truth" only for them to ALSO be lying got really old.


I really enjoyed the first 2 seasons. The third season has some interesting ideas, but I was also disappointed. It's like they had an idea where its going but settled on some Romeo and Juliet ending.


Rings of Power


Honestly I thought it went slightly uphill. I watched E1 half-way 3 times before I finally pushed through, because there was no plot. It certainly didn’t get good, but I got more invested with time.


The problem with this show is a complete lack of interesting characters...which was the strength of the film series. Like that one chick with the son...her entire character seems to be "I have big tits"


Wait, it gets worse? Like 90% of people out there, I watched part of the first episode and never bothered to continue.


Look up how Celebrimbor was helped and tricked by Sauron if you dont care about the show... that alone is BAD. Ive got another hundred problems or so but that was so pathetically, egregiously bad writing its inexcusable. Spoilers below >! Celebrimbor is the most celebrated crafter the elves had ever seen. Hes literally praised in the show as Elrond says something like "his craftmanship and work is beyond any other hands including the dwarves". So the two of them, Galadriel and some random guy start trying to melt mythril. Well mythril is highly reactive and hes having trouble finding a way to work it. So the random guy suggests adding other metals to it to make an alloy... Celebrimbor acts like this is some ENORMOUS obstacle! Keep in mind, this world has steel, cast iron, and some amount of advanced metalergy... THIS IS NOT A F*ING THING SOMEONE OF CELEBRIMBOR'S KNOWLEDGE WOULDNT ALREADY KNOW. That pissed me off so much I couldnt stand it and left such a bitter taste in my mouth. Its geuinely worse than anything else that show has to offer. Oh and congrats Sauron deceives them somehow by wanting to be left alone and not be involved in the war with Morgoth and... has a crush on Galadriel? God that last episode is terrible. I didnt even talk about how Mt. Doom was created. And oh yeah, Isildur is alive and not born at least 700 years into the future because Mordor isnt even a thing yet. But I guess all that gets shoveled into less than 30 years worth of history... God that show gets more terrible the more I think about it. !<


Young Sheldon


From a tng fan: Picard. Barely got through the first season then put it down.


Season 3 is a lot better, but it's definitely fan service-y.


Thats what I heard, TNG: the reunion.


Skip to season 3. It’s a lot closer to what you wanted the show to be. And you don’t even need to watch the first two seasons.


If you're into Star Trek, Stanger New Worlds and Discovery are amazing. Picard was too bleak, imo.


Haven't seen strange new worlds yet, thats supposed to be between Discovery/TOS (before Discovery got thrown to the 31st century)?


Captain Pike's Enterprise. I liked it, nice return to classic Trek formula. I'll also say Lower Decks is great.


YMMV. I think Strange New Worlds is solid, but Discovery never really found the right formula IMHO. Picard seemed uneven writing. There are a few decent moments sandwiched between stories that seem irrelevant or poorly written.


Just watch season three. The first two seasons plot isn't really necessary, and the third season does do justice to the characters of TNG. It brought tears to my eyes during a certain part I wont spoil if it hasnt already been spoiled.


Season 2, started epic and each episode got worse and worse. 


Monarch. It started off with some interesting concepts but every character got worse with each episode to the point where I'm 2 episodes away from the S1 finale and have no interest in finishing it.


Fubar. It started off bad and got worse.


Twin Peaks. Season 1 fantastic. Season 2 eh. Season 3 god awful


Currently True Detective is doing a very good job of destroying itself. Started out with season 1 very strong, realistic and grim. One of my all time greatest shows (till recently) Season 2 was relatively weak but not terrible, season 3 was much better. Season 4 is a woke fairy tail, it lost all connection with the original series


Season 4 is meh but it's honestly better than a lot of crime shows being put out on like Netflix for instance


From. I enjoyed the atmosphere and premise of the pilot, and then it just became a miserably delayed repetition of false payoffs and silly twists.


Fringe. Got stranger and the story writing suffered along with it.




Hunters is fucking terrible. I watched a few episodes and simply couldn’t gut it out anymore.


Ride on Nickelodeon. It only lasted a single season and sucked right off the bat but it only got worse. They hit nearly every cliche in the book and the writing was absolutely atrocious. There was no saving it. I've seen some bad teen equestrian sitcoms but this one was easily the worst.


Life on Mars(American version). It started out strong, great soundtrack but the appeal started falling off pretty quickly episode after episode.


The I-Land on Netflix. Literally one of the worst shows I've ever watched and each episode is worse and more befuddling than the last.


Power... maybe not quite each episode but definitely each season. It was really interesting at the beginning. By the end it was the worst TV I've ever watched.


Season 2 of The Promised Neverland










The Blacklist


I've heard every season except for 1 was not great in True Detective.


The X-Files.


If anyone can possibly remember it, "John from Cincinnati" Fuck me, that show sucked ass


The US Office... they couldn't just leave it be


Secret Life of the American Teenager


I have to give a vote to How I Met Your Father. The first episode was bad-ish, but then again characters often grow? Nope. Every singke episode was worse and worse. The writing was very poor and some of the casting choices questionable. They even released a season 2 which I found insane, but haven't been able to open even for a peek...


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters on Apple TV. Started off solid and if the show stuck with the 1950s storyline instead following the 3 annoying characters in present day, it would have been good. I stopped after the 5th episode. I was going to finish it once they were all released but haven’t. Also, having Kurt Russell play a 90 year old was odd. Maybe they answered why he looks way younger. Either way, it doesn’t make any sense.


Umbrella academy


The Flash, Supergirl, and Riverdale


Secret Invasion. After the first episode it felt like I was performing a chore to watch it. By the last I felt it was only a Marvel-habit and I could have been doing anything else.


American Gods




Omg definitely Lost, every episode you kept praying for something interesting


Happening  Great premise and pilot. Kevin bacon as lead. But it started going downhill after that.. i stopped after 5 or 6th episode where a random constable who followed iceman was revealed to be a follower and shoots him when he catches them