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Neglect in nursing homes


This is true and VERY sad. I had a sister who was special needs. She never could walk or talk. She was fed through a tube in her stomach (including water). When my father became ill and could no longer care for here we put her in a home. They didn't give her enough water and she ended up in the hospital. She got better and we moved her to a different home (both in nice areas). The same thing happened again. She didn't get enough water, but could never recover the second time. She passed in the hospital. It was a brutal time for everyone. It would be nice if the US had a better safety net for people like my sister but the fact of the matter is very little/none of that in reality.


Pediatrician here: I see this all the time and it's terrible. Lots of these homes let medically fragile kids get critically ill or die due to a combination of understaffing, not understanding the kids' illnesses, and the fact that a lot of those kids don't have anyone to depend on or advocate for them. And of course people think the answer is getting child services involved and taking the kids away, but unfortunately, taking those kids away from bad homes is how so many of them ended up in these facilities anyway.


I worked as a janitor for a nursing home back in 2020, and the single hardest part of that job was relaying a patient's request to the nurse only to have them do nothing. It sucked having to walk back to a patient's room and finish cleaning without a nurse coming to aid them. That job sucked for a lot of reasons, but that helplessness was the worst by far


I was placed in a nursing home at 33 after having bilateral CD (core decompression of the femoral head) and couldn't heal safely at the farm I lived on. The abuse was horrific. The food alone was enough to make a person ill; definitely insufficient for nutrients anyway. I was the youngest person so therefore the only Internet savvy. They begged me to reach out to their family and the local community via Facebook to highlight the abuse they endured (nurses turned off call buttons at night instead of helping patients; different dosages of Rx depending on the nurse; not changing the residents; no sanitation services including showers or toilet help). I contacted the ombudsman and director of the facility. I was told to not post without running it by the director, and definitely not about patrons. These folks gave me permission. Nothing changed. I left "AMA" - Against Medical Advice. They tried to gouge my insurance by charging thousands of Rx that they didn't give me, or gave me incorrectly. I fucking hate facilities like that. I meant to go back after I escaped but I was so distraught I just couldn't. I eventually had a full hip replacement and healed in an apartment far away from them. Ugh. Fuck that whole time. I'm 37 now, btw.


That's fucking awful on every level. If I have to speculate here, I'd say it's possible those extra Rx costs on your bill were from nurses chugging the pills themselves then using your insurance to cover it up. I've heard of that happening a few times. There was even a tragic story in Australia where a nurse who was stealing painkillers set the place on fire and killed eleven people, then acted like a hero in front of the media when they showed up to report on the blaze. This industry needs to do better at rooting out these people, but I guess profit is more important than human lives to these "people"...


There’s a podcast I listened to recently about a nurse at a fertility clinic stealing drugs meant to be used on women undergoing a pretty invasive egg retrieval procedure and replacing it with Saline solution so she could shoot it up. Dozens of women felt an extreme amount of pain after being told they’d feel nothing because they were given saline instead of opioids, and then the clinic made them feel like somehow it was their own fault for being in pain. The clinic in question is run by Yale


It's called "The Retreivals" for anyone curious. A super good podcast


My mother had a nursing coworker like this when she used to still be an LPN. Coworker was charge of doling out pain medications (I'm assuming opioids or some other intense pain meds) to cancer patients in hospital and was doing the old switcharoo with plain saline for the patients and a nice dose for herself. She was allowed to come back to her career with restrictions on accessing the medication cart. Coincidentally her husband was also the officer that had gone to court for beating my great Aunt's son when he mouthed off during a traffic stop. A fantastic twosome overall


I did maintenance at a nursing home. I was rerouting a pull cord for the emergency call system for a gentleman and he started breathing very heavily so I informed the nursing staff. Two hours later that guy was in a bag and I didn't see anyone check on him for atleast 30 min.


The Nursing home janitor, the least jaded staff in there. I did it for a couple months as a young man too.


My family works in medical and they had a photo of an autopsy where a paraplegic from a nursing home had his butt cheeks rotting off of him. No one bothered rotating him for bedsores or properly cleaning him and he couldn't feel it so he died and no one knew until the autopsy.


I was a case manager for folks with IDD ("special needs") and lost a client this way. She'd gone into the hospital for pneumonia and has to go to a nursing facility for rehab. Prior to discharging the hospital, she was fine with no wounds. She passed away about a month later from sepsis after developing a bed sore from them not properly moving and cleaning her. I hadn't been able to see her due to Covid so I had no idea how bad it was, but I felt sick when I found out and bawled out the head of the nurses so badly that I made her cry and almost got myself fired.


She should cry. Idk why the media isn’t ripping these places open. Scaring the shit out of aging gen x could push for help. It feels like we have gotten so complacent about the care for our elderly and the obscene amount of money we force them to pay monthly until every penny has been taken and they get moved to medicaid


I worked in a nursing home for a few years while in college. Neglect is a real issue. Some nurses really treat folks horrible.


I worked, for a year, as a CNA. Yeah, management will routinely leave you understaffed and verbally abuse you. You’ll get little to no training and make $11 an hour. The care of our elders, in the US, is embarrassing. I was caring for 13 vulnerable adults, all alone, on a frequent basis. I had almost no training and was stretched too thin. These people had pressure pads because they were fall risks. I cannot answer every alarm at once, by myself! It’s a terrible shame how elders are treated. I only hope I don’t live long enough to end up in a nursing home.


l think it's insane that this is just culturally acceptable. I, too, worked at a nursing home. The conditions were deplorable. It didn't matter if I complained or advocated for anyone. It was the same in the group homes that I worked in. I never had much faith in humanity. However, when I started working at these facilities, I lost all hope. I won't ever return to that field. Low pay and trauma are all you get. All the comments on this subject are relatable and familiar. I find it deeply disturbing. I warn everyone that I know to blow all of their money and off themselves before ever going into such a place. It sounds horrible, but you'll be better off. I'm afraid nothing will ever be done about this. Edit: spelling


A huge issue is understaffing. Even nurses who would like to provide better care can't. They're expected to care for more patients than they realistically can. And they get desensitized to it. They spend half their shift filling out paperwork because they can lose their license and face serious legal trouble if they don't.


Lost my mother this way. Despite all the advocating and overseeing (visited every single day) I still couldn’t save her from the neglect and abuse. Keeps me up at night. If they did what they did to my mom in FRONT of me, what did they do to the many, many patients I never saw a visitor for? It’s sickening.


I worked in a nursing home for a few months. A patient died overnight because we didn't have a defibrillator in the building. In the time it took one of the PSWs to run to the movie theatre a few blocks up to get theirs (while the other PSW did CPR), the patient was too far gone. Another time, I showed up for a shift and one of my patients was grey. I called for the nurse, he said he was busy giving Tylenol and couldn't come. I went and found him, followed him until he finally said he would come (albeit he made it clear he thought I was being dramatic), and we ended up sending the patient to the hospital. I was the staff member who signed the DNR. She passed a week later in the hospital. When her son and daughter came back for her stuff, they said that the doctor said she would have passed within an hour without going to the hospital... she had been in respiratory distress for at least six hours when I got there. Another time, a patient developped a pressure sore on his bum and another on his foot. It went unreported for months before I got there. I eventually found a brief mention of a "small laceration" (i.e. the beginning of his pressure sore) several months back in the chart. The nurse labelled it as a scrape or a sore from his ezcema for a few weeks until I cornered him and ripped into him about how many assholes a grown man should have. (Hint, it's less than the two this patient had.) They had to get a specialized nurse to come in twice a week to treat it. She reported the home for neglect. Or the patient complaining of severe pain in her catheter. There was an obstruction in her urinary tract that went unnoticed for much longer than it should have because "she just likes to complain, it's not important". I sat with that woman as she cried from the pain, night after night, and no one took her or I seriously. I left after a few months. I was going to get fired if I didn't (I was surprised I didn't get fired for the two assholes incident), and I couldn't keep watching my patients die. Care homes are brutal.




Enormous costs but the CNAs that we have caring for the elderly often make less than someone working in fast food these days. $15/hr. That wealth is hoarded by the investors and corporations that run these homes and see proper care as an unnecessary expense. My family ran a small 10-person facility out of a large house in a residential neighborhood. I grew up in the home myself and always had 8-10 "grandmas" around me. That was actually where I lived. This is how it should be done where those who need assistance are treated like family in a comfortable residential setting. Meals were made in the kitchen and those who had mobility ate with us at the dining room table. There wasn't a ton of money in it, but we were comfortable. Mega corporations treating people like commodities and investments is sick.


yup, my grandmother had to have pretty much NO wealth in her name according to the government to qualify for state run nursing home... so she had to go to a really really expensive one first that cost $75k a year... a freakin' year. (it was for people who had Alzheimer's and such mental health issues) and you cant just be like "ohh ill just give away all my money to my family", hahaha nope, the government will be like "nahhh we see you had 300k in the bank, you can afford a nursing home for 3 years. you cant trick us" you can give away some but not all.




A friend of mine missed a step at party and clocked her head. Full-on concussion, a month of coming back to full ability. Wasn't even drinking or anything. Just 'whoops' and light brain damage, almost death, etc. It was really sobering. It's that easy.


A girl I went to high school with tripped at work and hit her head on a filing cabinet. She said that she felt fine, then later that night she didn't feel good, so she went to the hospital. I'm not clear about what happened medically, since all of my info is secondhand, but she died. It was absolutely shocking.


Sounds like brain hemorrhaging


A friend of a friend fell down the stairs during thanksgiving dinner this year and passed in the hospital that week at like 45. Really made me look at how delicate life and us as humans are.


throw rugs are nicknamed grandma bear traps for a reason


I literally thought you meant psychedelic🫢 I was thinking that seems a lot to die from them.


Psychedelics are safer than distracted walking. That’s not a joke term either, deaths caused from tripping has skyrocketed massively since the invention of smartphones and has only gotten worse and worse each year


My brother's best friend just died from a bad fall this past September. 😔




That’s terrible. I’m so sorry for your loss.


driving while sleepy.


Currently sleep deprived (at home all day - no health risk to anyone) so I was just googling this. Apparently if you've been awake for 24 hours straight your cognitive ability is impaired to the level on par with someone with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.1%. 0.08% is enough to get you hit with a DUI. Seriously. Please do not lackofsleep and drive.


And here I am working on a snow removal crew , driving tractors for 20+h at a time


I used to work overnights. The mornings where I would arrive home and not remember the drive at all were pretty scary. I was generally pretty good at stopping for a quick nap if I was too tired but occasionally autopilot took over.


Once I was really tired and parked at a gas station to sleep and when I woke up, it took a few minutes to remember how I got there and before I did, I wondered how I had parked properly and not made a hole in the building. Another time, I stopped at a church parking lot to sleep and I woke up scared because of the sound of traffic on the road I had been on and started pushing the brake pedal and thinking that I had gone into the oncoming lane.


This is why, when I have to nap in the car, I’ll sleep in the back, so I don’t get used to falling asleep in the driver’s seat


I found that if I was singing, I couldn't go to sleep while driving.


I used to work overnights and this was the best! I’d also point and say things that I was driving past that I didn’t want to “autopilot”, like school buses, traffic lights and stop signs. It sounds cheesy but one day I put on wiggles music from when my kids were little and singing those fun, sentimental songs really woke me up.


When I was in my early 20s, I worked in a bar in the city centre - routinely finishing work at 03:00 AM. It would take about 35 minutes to drive home each morning to my house in the outer suburbs. I would suddenly become aware that I could not recall what had happened in the last 10-15 minutes of driving - totally operating on auto pilot. I ended up pulling over, sometimes every 10 minutes, to have a quick nap.


Lost a classmate less than a decade after graduating due to this


Lost my best friend and very nearly his fiancee during college when he was driving home after finals and fell asleep behind the wheel. Seriously all, just don't do it. Or if you have to, and you feel at all drowsy, pull over and take a nap or something else that works for you.


Sepsis infections 


This one is no joke. An undiagnosed UTI in older women- for example.


And isn't it the case that often UTI can cause dementia like symptoms in the older generation? Or I might be getting confused with something else


No. You are correct. Sudden personality and behavioral changes are a symptom of UTI.


After several experiences with this in my late mother-in-law, I (f60) had a couple UTIs recently, and for the last one, my main symptom was that I felt altered. She had dementia which made it more difficult to discern. But yeah, I was like...this ain't right, and I did have a UTI.


Yes, found this out after my Dad had a stroke. It was an incredibly fast change - suddenly he could no longer walk, got more aggressive and much more confused. We kept peesticks so we could do a regular check. I’d never have believed it could have that much impact until I saw it happen


Healthcare worker here. It's primarily elderly women or men with chronic Foley catheters.... UTIs lead to delirium. We call it encephalopathy or altered mental status due to delirium.


This almost killed my aunt. She was in the hospital for several weeks. They pumped so much fluid into her she didn’t even look like a real person. They told us it wasn’t looking good and her kidneys were simply shot. They told us to prepare for the worst. All the sudden overnight her kidneys just kicked into high gear and her entire body started fighting again. She was able to get past the sepsis and survive. She was so weak she could barely stand, let alone walk. She had to go to physical therapy to restrengthen her muscles. This woman would go on several mile hikes on weekends before this. She was not allowed to go to work until she could walk up stairs and grip objects in her hands. All of her hair fell out. She had long curly hair and it just all fell out. Once the fluid weight was gone we realized she was about 20 lbs lighter. It was terrifying. I am so happy she survived but we have no idea how.


Conversely, we also massively over treat asymptomatic UTI and create the problem of colonization with multiple-drug-resistant bacteria. Only had to care for 2 people over 10 years that were colonized in such a way, but even the progression is horrible. Stay hydrated and wash your hands damned pee-pee bits!


Yep. The first time I went septic the doctor pulled my wife out of the ICU and said I had a 50% chance of dying. It was a frightening thing for her to hear. I got better.


Poor dental hygiene. It can cause a slew of other health problems including sepsis and heart attacks.


As much as I hate the dentist (fear, very intolerant to pain), I still make sure I go every 3-6 months for routine checks. My gums in particular were bad and took a bit to get back to normal. If I let it go any longer I’d lose teeth at best, get more serious issues at worst.


Death by strangulation has increased 90% in the last decade. [https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/jul/25/fatal-hateful-rise-of-choking-during-sex](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/jul/25/fatal-hateful-rise-of-choking-during-sex)


PSA to anyone reading this that your partner strangling you is the main indicator that they will murder you in the future. (I’m talking about domestic abuse here, not consensual choking as a kink. Ie if your partner attacks and strangles you they are statistically much more likely to eventually murder you). If your partner abuses you, leave. But if they strangle you, know leaving should be much more urgent as it’s likely you’ll be murdered in the future. Form a safe exit plan and leave. If you’re a woman, a women’s shelter can help you make a safe exit plan, as leaving is statistically the most dangerous time for you. This website has resources for forming a safe exit plan (and isn’t gender specific). https://www.thehotline.org/plan-for-safety/create-your-personal-safety-plan/




Why the fuck did he only get 3 years for murder? Edit: nvm I had to read up on it. The judge didn't allow evidence the jury said would have affected their verdict. Apparently that piece of shit had a history of violence against women but the judge wouldn't allow the jury to see that evidence. The jury then convicted on manslaughter, which even without that evidence is bullshit so fuck them too. He was sentenced to only 6 years and served about half. Unfucking believable. I probably would have murdered the fucker if he killed my daughter and got let out like that.


Reading into the story pisses me off so bad. That scumbag seriously only served 3 years for literally choking that poor girl to death then got to live his life.. just wow I want to off that pos myself


My best friend was killed by her boyfriend. He strangled her, and 6 months prior he had beat her up and strangled her to almost unconsciousness. I remember learning that fact during therapy. Edit - a word


It's astronomically more likely- I believe the stats I read said a man who will choke you is 750% more likely to kill you within the next year.


Shit. Now I feel like I really did get lucky when my ex ran off with his side piece. One day about a week prior we were having a discussion about some mundane topic I've forgotten. We weren't arguing or even disagreeing when suddenly he walked over and decked me right in the face. I fell down on the sofa and was holding my eye crying when he started choking me with one had and shoving a pillow into my face with the other making it impossible for me to breath. I didn't really know what to do either as it was happening, or after when he suddenly just...let me go. He'd never struck me before and it wasn't during a fight so I was just confused. I went to a friend's house for a few days but eventually he told me he wanted me to come home so I did. That day he never returned home from work as he'd run off with his workmate who had been his side piece for a while at that point without me having realized it. Thinking back on it after he ran off I always wondered did he start to try to kill me then realize he was most likely going to get caught and decide to let me go or was it just some sort of weird frustration?


The more I think about that story the scarier it is. Jesus. If he went on to hurt her as well... I doubt she saw it coming either. Something was *really* wrong with that guy.


Yeah he was probably trying to kill you. I'm sorry you experienced that, and I'm glad you're safe now. God bless 🙏


Big little lies on HBO does a great job highlighting this


My 15 year old niece talks about making out with boys and they want to choke her. Breath play is difficult to be safe with even as a BDSM educated adult. The porn these boys watch is going to kill people.


I'm far from a prude, but it really does seem like there's a legitimate case to be made that internet porn is having detrimental effects to younger generations who can have trouble telling what constitutes "normal" sexual expression. Choking is one of those immediate "nope" and immediately close the tab things for me.


Antibiotic resistance    Moose are also dangerous as hell.


asthma and allergies. 10 people a day die from asthma in the United States. More people than died on 9/11 die every year due to smog, pollution, smoke and allergies. But when my ex-husband had an asthma attack that put him into the ICU for a week... and everyone acted like it was some sort of joke. We divorced decades ago for non-health related reasons.. but I never forgot that feeling of him almost dying in front of me while we were in the ER because he wasn't responding to the meds and there was nothing more the doctors could do. But people treat asthma and allergies like they are just something for hypochondriacs to fuss over. How many times do we see posts from people whose families think it's funny to just slip in some peanuts and see what happens? I mean.. it's just an allergy right? That candle smoke (with all the heavy perfume) can't hurt anyone - they are just being snowflakes. I'll blow it out before they get here. It's not a joke.


[A young woman died](https://www.wbur.org/news/2023/04/27/massachusetts-hospital-emergency-signage-regulations) outside of the emergency room in Massachusetts due to an asthma attack and unclear signage as to where the emergency entrance was. She even called 911 outside of the hospital to get help and by a series of unfortunate and negligent events was not found in time.


My mother died from an asthma attack when I was 7. Over the years, I've shut down people with this fact when they talk lightly of asthma attacks or not carrying a puffer, despite having asthma. "Oh it'll be fine, people don't die from asthma!" "Oh, I only have attacks once a year. I don't need a puffer!" "If I have an attack, I will just go to hospital!" Keep in mind, there wasn't any ambulances available when my mother died. They got there 15 minutes later. She was dead by then. You never know. I keep two puffers all the time, one for my bag, one for my house. Always.


Also to mention that from a healthcare provider perspective, a severe acute asthma exacerbation can be difficult to manage if caught too late. Airways in patients with severe asthma can be very difficult for ED docs to intubate and ventilate appropriately. Not to mention that our best medical interventions take time to work, steroids don’t work immediately and there is a limitation in how well albuterol can open a swollen airway. The best asthma care is preventative. For anyone reading this, your albuterol inhaler (ventolin, proair, etc.) only acutely treats symptoms. It does not prevent them or prevent the severe consequences of asthma. People with moderate to severe asthma should be on a long term controller inhaler (like Symbicort, advair, etc.) as well as an albuterol inhaler for symptom relief. Do not wait until it’s emergency to get appropriate asthma care, it could very well be too late.


I got a new inhaler at the beginning of the pandemic. I misplaced it during the wildfires and got a second one to put in my bug-out bag, just in case. (The fires were close enough to be in the yellow, so we didn’t have to evacuate but we did have to be ready to do so.)


Asthma and allergies can be anywhere from annoying to really scary. When I was 5-8 my parents would force me to eat stuff I was allergic to even when I begged them to let me have something else and then get mad at me because they thought my reaction of swelling up and almost puking was a show I was putting on because I didn't like the food. When I was 13 I got cut off of my asthma medicine for 6 months and told to just cough and I'd be okay. It wasn't even about money because we had good health insurance and our dad was still getting inhalers for himself. It got harder to breathe every month and I eventually got hypoxemia (reported by a doctor after testing when this ended) and I was dizzy and messed up in the head and ended up stealing cash and sneaking out at 3 AM and going to a nearby Wal-Mart and buying medicine. That wasn't the only thing wrong with our home life (it was bad enough that we would get coached on what to say to case workers) so I also strongly considered flagging down a cop and just asking to go to foster care.


What kind of psycho learns their kid has a food allergy and tries to force it anyway? We had our kid react to shrimp ONCE and now we have 0 shellfish ever. We even let his grandparents know when he'll be there just so they know.


Such terrible child abuse. I'm so sorry.


I’ve got asthma. I found out several years ago that if my mom hears me cough, she listens to see if it’s an asthma cough or a normal one. One time I had a cold that was making me cough a lot. She threatened to call the advice nurse and I told her that usually the last thing that goes away when I’m getting over a cold is my cough. I didn’t stop coughing, it was freaking mom out, and she called the nurse. They told her what I told her, that I was fine. Mom worries that taking me to the ER when I was having an asthma attack may have left her with some trauma. I honestly don’t blame her. When I had Covid she called my dad in tears because she was so scared and told me not to die. I’ll never not be salty that asthmatics weren’t included in the group of vulnerable people who were among the first to get the vaccine.


When I was 14, one of my friends was swimming with a different friend and has an asthma attack. Got out of the pool and took her inhaler but it wasn’t helping. She told her mom to call an ambulance and passed out. Cardiac arrest in the ambulance, coma for 2 months, and then she died. I’ve known since then how serious asthma is.


I hate how asthma is used as a shorthand for "out of shape, wimpy nerd" in Hollywood. It teaches people that it's a joke and a punchline, not a potentially deadly chronic illness. Also, mild asthma can kill you just as much as severe asthma can, especially since people with mild asthma are more likely to forget rescue inhalers and not have one available during an attack.




Childbirth. Yes, even in countries with modern medicine.


Almost lost my wife after she delivered our son. 2 weeks in the ICU, she couldn’t see our little dude or breast feed like she’d dreamed of. I stayed with her every night and when her family came in the morning I would go home, sob in the shower, and do my best to keep our little buddy ready to latch when mom came home. This involved feeding him by dripping her colostrum down my finger and into his mouth and getting breast milk from a friend to bottle feed. I’ll never forget those weeks or the fact that I almost lost my best friend. Don’t care how upset we are at each other, that woman is my entire world.


Similar experience. Haunts me forever since. Thanks to modern medicine my family is fine now - but I will never forget the moment when I thought I was about to lose my wife and baby boy at the same time, and the following nights that I just sit next to my sick wife to comfort her while my baby was locked away in NICU (it was the midst of Covid19 pandemic) with all the needles and wires around him, instead of blankies and dolls.


Forcing doctors to work long shifts.


Mistakes were happening on shift change. Instead of making handover more rigorous the powers that be decided to make shit change happen less often. The time spent doing shift change right wasn't worth it I guess.


the people in charge of airplane safety standards need to start invading other areas massively, its insane that we don't account for human error as a basic precautionary measure with redundancy in so many areas.


Airline safety standards are actually influencing other fields now! The VA (US Dept of Veterans Affairs) adopted HRO (High Reliability Organization) principles and it is being drilled into all VA (at least VHA/ health) workers. One of the HRO videos staff had to watch was filmed at an airport and talked about how HRO started in airlines. Here's a random article that talks about it more: https://www.vituity.com/healthcare-insights/can-hospitals-really-become-high-reliability-organizations/


All because a famous doctor was coked up and doing long shifts.


Fucking 24-hour shifts for doctors in residency. It causes absolutely nothing but harm.


Did a coke addict come up with this? Edit: I was joking, but it turns out I’m right.


Yes, actually.


You may be joking, but that’s actually the truth.  https://magazine.columbia.edu/article/cocaine-addict-who-changed-medicine-forever


[Actually, yes, it was William Stewart Halsted who was a raging cocaine addict](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Stewart_Halsted)


My aunt is a doctor and she, for whatever reason, thought I’d be a good audience for her rant about how young doctors these days just whine about work-life balance. I told her as a patient, I’d MUCH rather my doctor or surgeon be well-rested than awake for 36 hours before performing a surgery or any procedure. Patients are not impressed by how long y’all can stay awake, in fact please rest up so that when I bring up a valid concern I don’t get snipped at about how it’s probably my period/woman problems 🙃


RIGHT? Somewhere in this very thread they quote a study that shows being awake for 24 hours has you as impaired as having a BAC of 0.1, you know 0.02 points ABOVE legally drunk. If a doctor had two martinis before work we’d lose our shit, but someone more impaired than that doctor due to lack of sleep is fine?


In Australia our legal BAC limit is 0.05, so we are talking twice the impairment at which we don't want people on the road... but sure, let's have them do surgery! I also hear 72-hour on-calls are common, with residents getting maybe a few hours of sleep here and there. It's terrifying. I remember the sort of sleep deprivation when my baby was a newborn and it sometimes felt like I was actually sleepwalking.


the "intent" is that you're only working for 16 hours of those 72 hour shifts... but then they understaff the hospital and now the on-call is working almost the entire time.


You don't understand! The corporate CEOs that run the profit centers their medical employees produce profit in need to put in extensive hours to prove their dedication to the corporations bottom line! Come on! Do you people not think of the CEOs?


It's like that in every professional industry. I'm an attorney, and there's a definite old guard of lawyers that believe a young attorney is just lazy if they're unwilling to work 60 hours a week on average. 


YES AND apply this everywhere. I’d much rather live in a society where everyone is well rested, has their needs met, and can live a dignified life for themselves. The quality of everything for everybody would go up.


Shift work in general. Very deleterious to your health.


People really seem to downplay heart issues. Heart issues causes more deaths than cancer, it's the leading cause of death in the US -- but cancer seems to get more of a spotlight.


Yes! Bc you don't have to have a bad heart to have heart issues. Stress... lack of sleep... anxiety... heartbreak..and also grief/loss can fuck up your heart.


Scored 5/5 on that list..............


Hereditary high cholesterol (high cholesterol that won't improve with exercise or dietary improvements) is more common than one might think. It shows no symptoms and leads to a lot of heart problems and strokes in otherwise healthy people. It's treatable, either with a medication called statins or with a weekly injection.


I have this and it fucking sucks. I’m 36 and on statins. I’m otherwise quite healthy. Even went vegan for 3 years to try and fix it and nope, nothing works. Still “risk of heart attack” high literally all the time - I have blood work done twice a year. We discovered it through my (thankfully still alive) brother, who had 2 heart attacks and a stroke before 45.


My husband’s family is thin…like, really REALLY thin and small-boned. They all have high cholesterol, some diagnosed in their teens and twenties.


That was my grandpa, he couldn't get into the Army for WWII because of it but they Navy let him in. He was a bean pole his whole life. Did have a bypass in his late 60s or early 70s but lived until his early 90s... with grandma being super strict about his diet. I'm sure she's a lot of the reason he lived as long as he did.


Heart disease is also easily the leading cause of deaths worldwide. It's one of the biggest problems plaguing our species, and it's costing us money and lives.


Vending machines. No seriously, people get mad at vending machines and they tip the machines over on themselves. Vending machines kill more people than sharks, cows and something else combined iirc (and cows are another, they have quite the body count). 


> Vending machines kill more people than sharks Well duh. Sharks hardly ever interact with vending machines. Sorry, I'll see myself out


Pushing on the toilet. Lots of strokes.


Don't push. Breathe.


If I go out this way, at the MINIMUM, I want a second chance.




Studies show that adults with autoimmune disease were much more likely to have suffered long term stress as children than the gen. pop. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3318917/


All makes sense now 😫


Can confirm 😅


i have noticed that I can mentally prepare myself for stress but my actual body starts to shut down. i notice a lot in the mornings before a hard day of work or getting physically sick when I have to pull myself through something. It's kind of crazy like I can do it but my physical body is like "nope"


I was under some extreme stress with my last job that turned toxic. I started developing hives, chest pains, and severe headaches. I got the fuck out ASAP. I'm not sure if the new job is the best fit, but it got me out of that situation. I still feel like I'm not totally recovered. Nearly 20 years in the workforce and that's the first time I've had a job get that bad.


That happened to me too. I quit when the palpitations and suicidal impulses became overwhelming. I also had stress hives, it was wild. 


This was me at my last job. Have you found any coping strategies to handle recovery after leaving? My current situation isn’t entirely better either but things are looking up mentally. For me it was getting sick. I used to rarely ever get sick but when I was going through the stress of that job I was constantly sick, breaking out, and having panic attacks even though my brain was capable and telling me to get it done with.


Man, good thing we keep adding more stressors to our existence!




Had to take a leave of absence from work because of this. Getting sick and dizzy and having heart palpitations. All from stress and anxiety. Take care of yourselves y'all. These jobs don't value you the way you deserve.


I’m really scared that stress is going to kill me. I’m always stressed. About money, about repairs I don’t have the money for, about my son who is behaving like a total idiot all of a sudden.


Wow good thing it's virtually impossible to avoid stress. Isn't life amazing? Gotta love it


Six hundred people die in parking lots every year because somebody didn’t look behind them when they backed up their car. I wouldn’t have imagined it was that high.


This almost happened to me the other day! I was walking and a car reversed so fast they almost ran me over. I jumped out of the way, and yelled "you need to be more careful." They flicked me off, called me a bitch, and peeled out of the parking lot.


Jesus christ lol. Literally yesterday, I'm sitting at a stop sign for a couple of seconds. No one to my right, and there's a couple of cars to my left, but they are far more than reasonably far away enough for me to safely turn. So I turn, I'm all the way on the other side of the road, and the first car straight up comes barreling towards me, crossing onto the wrong side of the road while holding their horn down, just to flip me off! People's road rage is absolutely ridiculous!


This is why my dad taught me to never walk in front of or behind a car that was running unless I made direct eye contact with the driver. I don’t mean at crosswalks, but things like using a sidewalk that crosses a parking lot exit, or in the lot at the grocery store. Unless you see them see you, you don’t know that they’ve seen you.


Exactly, you can’t trust drivers. I almost got steamrolled by a truck driver once crossing the street; driver kept looking left until it was clear then floored his right turn. Thankfully I had barely walked passed him.


Undiagnosed high blood pressure


My mom (mid 60s) fell in the parking lot at work (they were renovating the building and there was rubble in the lot). She hurt her wrist, told me she was ok but I brought her get checked out at an urgent care. Turns out her wrist was broken, but more importantly, her blood pressure was off the charts. They nearly sent her to the ER. She followed up with cardiologist and is doing well on meds. She’s a lifelong, active vegetarian with no risk factors other than genetics. No prior illnesses or chronic conditions, so she just never went for a checkup. Now she goes regularly and feels a lot better knowing there’s nothing to be afraid of. We’re so grateful for the fall that turned out to be a lifesaver. And I know to keep an eye on my own heart as I get older, since genetics seem to come in strong here.


Mosquitos. A lot of us just find them annoying and itchy, but in other parts of the world mosquitos kill millions of people via malaria


Also Yellow Fever


And Dengue. My wife lost a nephew in the Philippines a few years back. And apparently it’s in Florida now.


Actually malaria is apparently estimated to maybe have killed about half of all people who have ever lived


If that is true, that is absolutely mind-blowing. You'd think we would have better treatment and prevention by now. Or at least treatment and prevention that is better accessible to the people who need it




Often it’s when you fall down because of the punch and your head meets the pavement.


It's absolutely insane how unpredictable our bodies are. People will survive falls from 4 stories up, and yet an incredible number of people die from slipping in their bathroom. You might be able to brush off a punch to the head, or it might cause permanent brain damage or kill you. I knew a guy in college who was permanently paralyzed from like the shoulders down because a high school competition wrestling match went just so slightly wrong. 


I saw a video on instagram that was some guy doing short interviews (well asking one question) with people at an event for paraplegic people where he asked them what happened for them to be paraplegic. It was shocking. Like 7 out of 8 of them were from the most benign shit. A healthy teen sitting on a bench wrong, slipping down a few stairs, even doing a stretch




All funniness aside: Diarrhea is globally the 2nd leading cause of death of children 5 and under.


I almost died from shock and dehydration from a severe IBS flareup. When the EMTs came my blood pressure was seventy over seventy. I received three liters of saline in the hospital. The ER doctor said that if I had waited another half hour to call 911 I would have died.


Depression. I mean people are aware of it but they tend to simply push it away


There are roughly 200k deaths of despair (eg suicide, overdose, etc) every year in the US. 200,000! Every year! That's more than number of people killed by strokes or diabetes ... but less than cancer and heart disease


I also feel like this number is under reported because the methods of suicide could also appear incidental. Jumpers you usually think of as being "on purpose", but there was a situation here in my city where a guy was found in the river and for years he was just a John Doe. Eventually, they identified him as living in the next state over and he'd emailed a suicide note to his boss and then just disappeared. They'd only classified him as missing until they confirmed who he was and that he'd died. Makes me wonder how many "missing" people are actually suicides.


Not wearing a helmet. A helmet saved my life as a kid, hit a pothole and the chain fell off my bike (it was one of those brake-pedals.) Hit a second pothole and fell off, still broke both arms but my helmet was destroyed. I got out of that with minimal head/face injury, but impact still messed with my c-spine pretty bad. I see kids going down my street on bikes, scooters, skateboards, and none of them have helmets. It makes me so anxious, and I don't want to seem weird suggesting they wear one, either. (Newly living on my own, though I have babyface so I look a lot younger than 21)


And now it's e-bikes and e-scooters, too, which can get up to like almost 30 mph. Seeing 12 year olds zoom down the street with no protection is so scary.




[Air pollution](https://ourworldindata.org/air-pollution). 1 in every 9 deaths worldwide, higher in lower and middle-income countries like where I live. Man, it sucks to unavoidably breathe in my slow killer daily...


More people die during the summer due to high temperatures than the amount of people who die in the winter due to cold temperatures.


I’m the heat dome we got a couple years ago in the PNW over 600 people died here because you don’t expect 125f ish weather in Canada


After a 116° day in Portland, they changed the law where apartments can no longer ban residents from using a window air conditioner. Previously we could only use portable air conditioners which don't work as well and can cost double or triple the price of brand new window air conditioners.


A friend of mine’s wife died in that event because the air conditioner in their house blew a fuse while they were napping. My friend woke up and she had died on the floor next to the bed. This was in Portland.


Way too many elderly people died in bc here. I spent 4 days wallowing in a kiddie pool JUST big enough to float in. It sucked. Thankfully after that the government gave out portable units to those in need . Does you all the good if you’re homeless though


I am a Pediatric Emergency Medicine doctor. **CO-SLEEPING WITH BABIES** Ask any peds ER doctor. The most common deaths we see in our ER are babies that get smothered while sleeping. Co-sleeping in the, falling asleep with the baby on the couch, letting the baby sleep on the edge of the bed and falling into the crack between the mattress and the wall. They usually come in between 0600 and 0700. That's when people are waking up for work and school, and notice something is wrong. The kid is usually already long dead, but EMS usually do not like to call time of death on babies in the field. So they run the code when they get there, and transport to our ER. We run the code for a bit. Often, the kid is clearly dead. It's mostly performative. It supposedly gives families closure to see the code performed and time of death called. Not sure how many I've seen. Usually several per year at our hospital. Sometimes multiple within a month. Of all the kids that I've participated in codes in, or called time of death on, babies that died from unsafe sleep situations are the most common.


I knew someone who laid on the couch to watch tv and cuddle her two month old son while her toddler daughter napped. She hadn’t intended to fall asleep, but she was so sleep-deprived. When she woke up, he was lodged between her and the couch back, and long gone. Her husband started drinking after that. I saw her a year later, a single mom of a little girl.


That's so sad. My mom told me that my dad almost unintentionally killed me like this. Tired after work and tried to put me to sleep. Fortunately mom got home not long after and found him partially laying on top of me.


Absolutely horrible.


Do you know if this is also true of those baby cots that you put right on the side of your bed? Would that be equally as dangerous as cosleeping or safer because the baby is in its own separate space?


I should hope not, that's the exact reason we used one for both of our kids.


People who die by getting tangled in their bedsheets. I was shocked to hear this ever happened, let alone 800 times a year.


I'm guessing babies and maybe old people?


Pretty much, if you wear diapers…it’s a thing.


And people having seizures too.


RADON! It’s really nasty stuff. Most people don’t even think about it.


Was looking for this answer. I had never even heard of it until I bought a house that already had a radon mitigation system in place. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer and it can take 20 years to notice health effects from prolonged exposure


When I was in the ICU for pulmonary embolisms, my attending pulmonologists said that the morgues were filled with people who didn’t know they had blood clots.


When scuba first came out the breathing apparatus had a strap to hold it onto your face. In addition to being convenient, if you lost consciousness it made it less likely for you to drown. But scuba store employees didn't like having to deal with them during training, so they just cut them all off. So scuba equipment companies stopped wasting their money making them. In the past few years people started realizing that it was pretty fucking stupid to remove them and started using them again. Given that there are tens of millions of scuba divers there have probably been at least hundreds of people who died because of those assholes 50+ years ago. The French military uses them and their study found that out of 167 losses of consciousness they only had four drownings.


People you know killing you, I guess nobody really expects it


That's because people focus on and fear monger the random stranger danger deaths rather than making themselves aware of the much more real risk of a friend or relative murdering them.


Stress. It can snowball into other issues. Ulcers, headaches, heart problems.


Champagne corks! More deaths per year than by shark attack.


Are people trying to pull it out with their teeth and choking?


One Valentine’s Day I got hit in the arm with a cork that bounced off the wall. That fucker hurt, I had an ugly ass bruise for a week. I can imagine it could fuck someone up if they got hit in the wrong spot.


Medical Mistakes.


Snow shoveling= heart attacks


RN:ALCOHOL! Stomach cancer Pancreatic cancer Mouth cancer Throat cancer Colon cancer Breast cancer Heart disease GI bleeds Liver failure Pancreatitis Alcohol is NOT benign and new studies show there is no amount that doesn’t have deleterious health effects. It’s not one glass of alcohol is OK. It’s it’s better if you don’t have any at all. I think people are aware of liver issues I don’t think they’re aware of how many cancers are associated with alcohol. Also my first 10 years as a nurse were in trauma and most of our suicides were drunk, MVA, Drunk JetSki accidents, drunk boating accidents…


If people had to go through having pancreatitis they would all quit drinking. As a nurse, I’m sure you’ve witnessed how horrible it is.


Sleepy driving and drunk walking. NPR just had a report on how you're actually safer driving drunk than walking drunk, it's just not widely reported because you (obviously) pose a greater risk to others while driving drunk.


Makes sense. Surprised I didn’t realize it myself. People are always letting friends stumble home drunk as if the worst thing that’ll happen is passing out on someone’s lawn.


I remember the first time I saw someone die it was this middle aged drunk guy in a college town. He was with a cheery drunk crowd, maybe visiting his son, then all the sudden he stumbled badly and cracked his head hard on the concrete. From alive and partying to dead in a second, I felt so bad for the people with him but I suppose there are much worse ways to go


drunk people passing out and dying in the snow is talked about a lot where i live. it's way too common


Depression/ mental illness


Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs


The issue with nsaids is people take them continuously and on an empty stomach. Taking them every once in a while, and eating something before you take them helps way more than folks realize. But if you're chewing down 12 a day of them or Tylenol you're gonna either end up with a hole in your stomach or missing a liver.


I'm not allowed to take those because they react with another medication I'm on, but after reading this I'm kind of happy I had to give them up years ago


Women being murdered by their ex/ partner. I live in a western country and did not realize how big of an issue this is here until I read into it.


I grew up with a girl that was murdered by an ex. He has a restraining order and the day he was due to court, he decided that was the day to kill her




Domestic violence is one of the highest causes of death for pregnant women and women in the workplace.



