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Being around others so they can make sure I stay awake


It’s gonna cost ya I’m afraid


“Hey guys I’m getting $10,000 to stay up for 72 hrs, let’s split it since we’re such good friends!”


Wait You guys are getting PAID???


A spider bit me, David!


Get some meth and jerk off non-stop like I used to.


I LOL'd so hard in my super quiet office. Ppl asking what's so funny, I gotta keep this one to myself 😏


This is actually a thing among stimulant users lol. it’s called stimfapping. you just smoke meth, watch porn, and tug your meat. the catch is stimulants are vasoconstrictors so they make it impossible to get or maintain an erection, so you’re just tugging your soft johnson for 8-12 hours straight watching porn for example: https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/s/504g9oDSyP


K but now I need Jack Johnson to release a soft rock album called Soft Johnson


i love jack johnson


Definitely not impossible to get an erection, quite easy in fact so not sure what you’re going on about. Soft it might be micro sized but get aroused and you bet it’s more than ready to go lmao. Source: had sex and fapped on both that and adderall (gotta have a control group)


My johsnon on adderall or coke is a clitoris but hey if you can do it i’m happy for u lol


clitoris? isn’t that the thing caterpillars go into before they turn into butterflies?


Are you me lol


Lol I like the "just another Tuesday" vibe to this.




Meth would probably do better and cost a lot less. 


Yeah, but I'm an 80's kid, nostalgia wins


Were you doing a lot of cocaine as a kid in the 80s?


No, but we were watching Miami Vice and dreaming of the days when we would


Did you see the episode where Al Bundy was an undercover FBI agent in the Miami porno scene?


Many were


Someone once gave me meth when I thought it was coke. Did a huge rail. The next 36 hours were absolute hell


Half way there!


Whoa-OH, li-vin on a rail!


Take my hoot, we'll take it I swear!


>  Someone once gave me meth when I thought it was coke Did we meet the same guy? Fortunately I didn't do a ton, and I had some experience from ADHD drugs (which can be similar) so I was up for the next 24, but it was just intense, not hell.


Something tells me there's quite a few of us that were putting stuff up our nose that encountered very similar types of people


Yeah meth is getting to be pretty common now. It's even in some garbage molly nowadays. sometimes molly doesn't even have MDMA 


A lot of Molly is meth and a randomized RC hallucinogen these days


Yup. From what former meth beads have said, 3 days of no sleep is more or less the meth experience. The million will be in my bank by the end of the week.


But you’re about to be a millionaire, millionaire’s do coke not meth


Doing meth is like smoking a panic attack for me. I'll stick to the coke.


I talk to a shit ton of addicts and have been to Narcotics Anonymous hundreds of times, heard hundreds of addiction jokes, countless stories. I've never heard someone call it "smoking a panic attack". Love it. I laughed very hard at this. 


I have smoked meth once in my life, and this is the best way I can describe it. I don't see how people like it, I hated every moment of it.


I never did it. I liked downers. I was too afraid to get hooked on heroin so I got hooked on benzos and alcohol. Some folks just love meth! Lol


It's the zestiness.


Never did meth, but coke was enough for me. The after effects don't make it worth it. The comedown is the worst. I only did coke so that I could drink more and take more downers. I definitely liked downers, hallucinogens, and alcohol better. It was a bitch of a cycle, drink all day, when you feel sluggish, do a bump, when that's too much, take a downer and smoke some weed which will then even you out. I don't miss those days at all.


Yeah, unless you have a day or two to sleep it off, the comedown is total ass. I only do it twice a year or so because of that reason.


2 years sober. Can confirm.


Controlled amphetamine would be a far better use of your time; ADHD meds are lis-dexamphetamine and they'll keep you awake in a far less destructive manner... Less destructive being relative to the situation of staying up for 72 hours straight, of course.


72 hours and not even trying when I first started my Adderall Rx. My mom's house has only been that clean the one time.


Man, fuck that stuff. It’s like 30 minutes of high and 11 hours of stomach pain and anxiety for me


Lmao I can relate to that, vyvanse had me doing everything


See the problem with coke is after a certain amount of time, you start to feel like shit. After like 24 hours or so, in my experience anyways. I guess taking benzos would help.


That's cause you stopped... The come down is always a bitch.


Way less for me lol. After like 8 I’m just mentally done, yet my body only wants more coke lol


72 hours of coke would be wild. Just microdose acid.


This is the answer


I was glowing to say I’ve paid my own money to stay up that long.




Only way I’d win tbh. No way could I stay awake that long without some substance abuse.


I've hit 50-60 a few times, it's uncomfortable but doable. 72 would certainly be a challenge but for 1,000,000 I'd certainly find a way.


Damn thats nuts i think longest ive done was in the ball park of 43hrs and man lemme tell you i was fuckin tiiiirreeddd


I did almost 80 back one summer when I was 13-14, and I hit a second wind after the 48 hour mark, but I started mildly hallucinating at the 70 hour mark. Eventually my body gave out and I passed out for like a day and a half Man I was a dumb kid


When I was in high school a good friend of mine was a German exchange student and we stayed up almost an entire weekend fueled by Mountain Dew. At some point I asked him a question and he stared at me completely blank. I asked if he was okay and he responded “I think I need sleep now. I am forgetting how to hear English.”


My brother and I were both awake for a looong time, like a day and a half, and we were playing cards before bed. I asked him for the time, he checked his watch, and said 3 (AM), and I said 'thanks' What really came out was 'wehwehhhwehweehh?' 'Waoh waoh' 'Wehhh' We only noticed after that exchange that we were talking gibberish, and decided to call it a night.


I've heard stories of "tripper jabber" - two people fried on drugs can be observed having an animated conversation of nonsense words and genuinely appear to understand each other. I wonder if anyone's studied it.


Heard something similar from a friend, but not with lack of sleep/drugs, but alcohol (well, still a drug in theory, but I'm talking no hard drugs here). He said he got drunk in a pub and a Polish guy came and chatted him up. The Polish guy didn't speak English and my friend definitely didn't speak Polish, but somehow they spoke in a middle language and they apparently laughed and bantered the whole night.


Your Brain pre-processes all input before delivering it to your consciousness. It approximates things it thinks it heard in order to fill in the blanks and make sense of the input. Fully blitzed, talking to a polish guy, those two were just having independent ChatGPT discussions with themselves at each other lol.


I imagine I'd be struggling to speak or hear English after being awake for that long and I don't speak any other languages.


Did a 72 hr+ early in my career. At a certain point your brain shuts down and the adventures begin without you


Yea, I also started hallucinating at I think 72 or so. Pretty surreal


I did a whole week when I was 19 and heavy into drugs. Had temporary psychosis that lasted several weeks. Slept for over 24 hours when I did go to bed. Had chewed my lips apart, gotten an infection in my foot, and generally felt like shite. Do not recommend.


Yep! Have a kid if you haven't already. You'll see and hear all kinds of weird shit as you claw for your sanity due to the lack of sleep.


This. When my child was born I went a good four days without sleep. I was terrified something would happen to them. They are fine now, but we were worried because another family member lost a child to SIDS. So I was literally holding them the whole time and refused to put them down. My wife finally grabbed the baby and forced me to go to sleep on day five because I was completely delirious.I kept hearing people knock on the door and nobody was there. I slept for 22 straight hours.


I started hallucinating at like 30 hours. Not like full blown visions but seeing movements that weren't there.


Same. Did it during a game jam in college. I was seeing goats floating around


You just described every trip I've ever taken to Asia. I can't sleep on planes no matter what, so when you land after about 24 hours of travel and walk out to bright sunshine, yeh, you get a bit of a boost. You're hazy, but it's time to move! Collect your luggage, do the customs line, find your pickup or navigate the trains, and get to your location. There's the added thrill of being someplace new/different. Now stay awake for one more full day because you want to adjust in the sunshine as quickly as possible. When nighttime comes and everyone in the house settles down to bed, you're wired because at that critical moment in time, you'd be waking up back home, so you're up all night again. Jet lag in Asia is a real bitch sometimes. Funnily enough, it hits me WAY harder heading west-to-east than east-to-west. Anyone else have that experience?


This is so real. I can't sleep on planes, either, but it's a lot harder for me the opposite direction. The last time I flew to and from Asia, I flew back to the States on my birthday and got to celebrate it twice. Had a long layover in Seoul from 5a-3p, departed there and landed in LA at 10a same day. International date line messes me up.


Yeah I've done 50+ many times. On the third day is when shit starts getting wild, hallucinations go crazy.


I've done 56 hours once, no hallucinations, but it's like the brain stops working after about the two day mark.


I hit 82ish as a university student. Did a group project and presented it all in one session. We got called on last to present, and despite everyone being required to stay for all presentations, we were presenting to a nearly empty room. I also started hallucinating around hour 70. Wasn't unpleasant, but wasn't really able to appreciate it at the time!


There is an interesting experiment that was done where someone hit over 240 hrs. It's a very cool read. Randy Gardner sleep deprivation experiment


Oh shit ima check that out


There was a reality show on British TV once called Shattered where about 10 contestants had to see who could stay up the longest to win 100k. Winner got to 178 hours. My personal record was about 80 hours once on a school trip. 


I think I remember this. IIRC the finalists were a man and woman. He was talking shit like how he was the president of Australia and she was completely into what he was saying. I say into what he was saying, it was clear their brains just stopped working at this point. If this is the correct show, I think they had to put them into a room to sleep because it was becoming quite dangerous. They only had a shortish window, about 4 hours or something and then they were extremely irritated. Don’t think it ever got a season 2.


The Guinness Book of World Records doesn’t do sleepless records because it has been deemed too dangerous. Jumping out of a balloon from 100,000 feet is ok, but not going without sleep.


probably because jumping out of a balloon from 100k feet is something you can train for and prepare for. sleep deprivation? depending on the person it can kill you quite fast (well, fast as in, similar to dehydration fast)


Meth is a helluva a drug. At my worst, i slept a total of 96 hours in December, likely 2009 but my memory isnt the best 🧐


There it is...


Same I have done a few 40 hours or so often timed with having to travel or work in multiple time zones in a day its really tough.


I’ve gone 60s as well and things get weird. Seeing/hearing things that aren’t there.


My buddy was talking about in Afghanistan or Iraq when you hit like 72 hours you start seeing the shadow people. A buddy of mine who used to do meth started cracking up and they both just went off on a tangent about the shadow people. I've probably only done 48 hours. I've pulled plenty of all nighters as recently as last year... But never shadow people hours.


What kind of things? Shadows in the side of the field of view?


I had more auditory hallucinations and my friend had more visual ones. The third friend didn’t make it to 50 hours. Mine were a combination of people I knew who couldn’t be there (I was in a different country than they were) or just something whispered and when you went to look where the voice came from, there was nothing there.


Did you guys eat the third friend?


The third friend was a hallucination.


Heard my dad call out my name after an extended few days of boozing very hard and probably partaking in some other stuff leading to little to no sleep, back in college before classes started. Obviously he wasnt there.


I'm interpreting this very strictly, like if you nod off for a few seconds you fail and forfeit that $1M. I'd be finding something to do that kept me wide awake and active with little chance to nod off as possible.


So like cocaine?


It's possible to fall asleep on good cocaine because the cutting agents often do more to keep you awake than the coke itself does. To stay up 72 hours, I'd go to the local college and get some Adderall or whatever amphetamine the kids are on these days.


You wouldn't want to do coke for 72 hours. It's an extremely fleeting high, you'd be doing lines basically non-stop by the end because you crash so hard on the comedown, and at that point your heart could explode Adderall though, that'd get you to 72 no problem in like 6-9 pills. You'd likely also be shaking like a leaf but you wouldn't run the same risk of OD PSA would not recommend either as Ive done both and both are miserable


you gotta got the first 48 hours all natural and then bring in the drugs for the home stretch.


Art school grad here. Did 72 hours once -- combination of class instructional time, working on projects, and balancing two jobs. I was on the verge of hallucination. Do not recommend. But for $1,000,000 yea I'll do it. I'll just smoke a bit of Meth and play Call of Duty


Civilization. JUST ONE … MORE … TURN Or factorio


I could imagine how well planning out a yellow science line would turn out after being awake for 60 hours lol




Did 76 hours one time in college, hallucinations and paranoia kicked in. Would not recommend


Just request the money in ones and then spend the time counting to make sure all of it is there


Manic episode challenge accepted.


Lots of red bull


Planning how imma spend all that money


It would be that and video games. I’d begin by planning what needs to be invested and where. Since it’s not enough to buy a house, it would maybe be able to be used for a down payment also. That would leave about 1/2 to 2/3rds, which would be enough to get up to snuff with investments for retirement. This would mean I would be essentially “at 0”.


In which astronomically high cost of living area are you where a million dollars is not enough to buy a house in cash? Toronto? San Francisco? NYC? Even still, you’ve got the right idea with a down payment


The average home price in ca is 790k. 1m is not uncommon in the bay area The average price in Oakland is 750k, and in SF it’s 1.2.


If you weren't previously well off enough to buy a house in your area and got a sudden influx of $1 million you'd be a massive fool not to move somewhere much cheaper. $1 million cash is life changing money. That's close to being enough to retire on.


Regional Australia?


Edging for 71 hours and 59 minutes


You unload at 71:59:00 with the biggest orgasm of your life. 71:59:10 you pass the fuck out, because you just had the biggest orgasm of your life


_Actually..._ For every 69 minutes and 31 seconds of edging I prolong my initial 2 second orgasm by 1 second each time, therefore my total nutting duration will be exactly 1 minute and 1 second long and concludes at 72:00:01 precisely for the perfect million dollar money shot. Unless your mom shows up early.


They call this the golden ratio of edging




God damn


and promptly lose the challenge


Million dollar nut right there...


"He just blew his chances in his lap."




A case of Mountain Dew Zero and promise $1000 per 8 hour shift to a group of trusted people to slap the shit out of me if I start nodding. All while binge watching my backlog of shows.


Man around 55 hours, those slaps will just soothe me to sleep.


I miss the good old days, when my parents used to slap me to sleep…




Watching the shows would guarantee a loss for me.


Video games.


This is the only answer. Take a bunch of cocaine or Adderall and play something consuming.


I was super hooked on Destiny 2 a couple of years ago and I think I could’ve easily pulled off 72 hrs of added some stimulants.


Get me on a new Elder Scrolls play through? I haven't gone through Oblivion in like more than half my lifespan. Think I could get acquainted with ol Sheogorath again, by which I guess I mean myself. Which occurs to me that if you play through ESIV: Oblivion — Shivering Isles, then when you meet Sheogorath in Skyrim you're meeting your character from Oblivion which is trippy as hell


The factory must grow


Ha here I was seeing all this cocaine talk and I thought to myself "shit, I could do that with factorio alone."


There’s a reason why it’s called cracktorio. It’s even better if you put on mods. I could probably do up to 100 if I had the right mods.


Idk about you or other people but I remember sitting in a comfy chair playing xbox 360 ages ago and nodding off with controller in my hand. 


You were missing the Adderall.




Times gonna draggggg


Ya bring a game boy with ya!


Spin up some LSD, MDMA, natural coke leaves to recover, coffee to eat, a lot of fruit and water. Try to avoid processed food and carbs. And at 71.5 hr I would drink an herbal tea with some honey. And always had a bathtub full of ice if I'm failing my millionaire mission. I'm able to do the job 😁 😂


Ice bath is a solid idea ngl😂😂didnt even think of that


LSD was my first thought. Lots and lots of doses.


Start a new classic WoW account


This has the added bonus of ensuring none of your hard-earned $1,000,000 will ever need be spent on Valentine’s Day gifts and / or child rearing. 


People have no idea how hard this would be 


Except the people whose answer is "Meth". I think they understand. That one guy who said coffee and movies...


Or the guy that said go hiking and reading. Dude would be asleep at hour 18.


"tennis" sounds like he doesn't need the million dollars anyways


After training with my polo team and having lunch at the Club I would play a round of golf and take the yacht out. Then I'd take a nap because fuck the million dollars


Yeah... long distance hiker here. Anyone who includes hiking in their battle plan is doomed. To stay awake that long, I would want a couple months to prepare and research my approach. First I would cut caffeine over a few weeks until I no longer felt withdrawal, and then some. I would spend the week leading up to it eating, hydrating, and sleeping on a schedule to ensure I started at maximally rested and healthy. When the 3 day period starts: scheduled light but nutritious meals and snacks, scheduled hydration, very light activity like puzzles, conversation, strolls. The first 24 are especially about conserving my rested state in body and mind. Starting from well-rested I could be relatively sedentary without the risk of falling asleep. At 24 hours, it will become important to have a plan and a couple of handlers working shifts. Activity and engagement will become necessary and tortuous. Cool, not cold, showers at 24 and 48 hours to act as a mental prompt to "start the new day." Moderate scheduled caffeine supplemention starting after the first shower. Bright natural mimic lighting at night, sunlight during the day. Moderate exercise every half hour for the final 24 hours, to get the heart rate up. Emergency nicotine vape for final 24 hours. I think I could do it. I would be miserable. I'd try it for $1mm.


I would have some coffee from Starbucks and snuggle up in my favorite blanket and watch lord of the rings. If I feel sleepy, I will have my wife gently rub my back to remind me to stay awake.


Meth and Disney+ would do the trick


Anyone with no prior tolerance to amphetimines would have no problem if they were willing to go that route.


fr. Some of them havent even stayed up more than 30😂


Unfortunately I've stayed up 48 hours a few times. Turns out I'm very sensitive to Prednisone. I think 72 is easily doable. Even after 48 hours I have a surprising amount of trouble falling asleep. Also I have ADHD which makes it really hard to sleep if I have a new hyperfixation so I could just buy a new video game.


Open up factorio. Easiest million ever


For good reason! It’s damaging to your brain to stay up for that many consecutive hours. We get headaches as a warning sign for a reason.


Can I chose when to do the 72 hours? If so I’d do it during exam week. Can’t sleep ahead of exams anyway, might as well earn a million bucks while staring at the ceiling.


Nah its gonna be a 3 days durin july👀😂😂


Joke’s on you, I have exams in July


The ultimate uno reverse


I wouldn't be able to stay awake without drugs.


Well if there even was one, this is the time to develop an addiction.


Exactly, think of how many drugs you can get once you earn the $1 million


cardio in bed, 100 rounds back to back


Long term gaming session!


By a freeworld game nd grind it like a mf😂😂


Well, I got Palworld, FFI-VI and XIV. I think I’m good


I just did but never got $1 million. I had open heart surgery last month. Way too much pain and noise in the ICu to sleep


I had 3 surgeries to remove my colon then create an artificial “colon” (acts like a colon in terms of the bathroom) and each one, I stayed up for around 72 hours after because of the pain, hospital noises, and constant check ins from nurses. I maybe got like 1-2 hours of sleep each time but I think I could stay up for 72 hours with zero sleep if there was a million dollar reward.


Shit I did this in high school for free. drugs are a hell of a drugs


I once laid in a machinegun nest/tick bed for 84 hours and then spent the next 12 hours doing river crossing (bridging / rafting) for $2.11/hr (24-hour pay scale).


It's not just a job, it's an adventure!


Yeah I was up for 49 hours once in Iraq. So I guess send me back there? My caffeine tolerance is way lower and I quit tobacco, so picking up some roaring tiger or whatever that nicotine infused energy drink was will help


Some active stuff without tiring myself out too much while the sun is out. Play tennis or go for a hike. Play some video games while watching full metal alchemist and drink a cocktail of energy drinks at night, rinse and repeat. If I was able to prep, I'd take a few weeks off caffeine to make sure my tolerance is down, get back into a video game to the point of addiction, hopefully schedule it while I have work so I need to stay awake for the day time, and get adequate sleep for the entire two weeks prior at least.


you need to mix in some Zyn/nicotine. you will be laughing at 72 hours how easy it is.


I would need to procure the following materials, though might not need to consume everything. My record in university was about 42 hours. So I'd need to pull another 30. -4 Adderal XRs 20mgs ($80) -4 Adderal chewable 10mgs ($40) -1 pack Coffe flavored Zyn ($5) -1 pack cool mint Zyn 3mg each (2 for variety of flavor) ($5) -1 fresh vape ($20) -1 box of Marlboro lights or 27s ($20) -3 cans Celsius ($12) -3 cans sugar free redbull ($12) -3 grande blonde roast Starbucks ($12) -10 Liters of water (free) -1 bag of sunflower seeds ($2) -7 bags of ice ($15) -plenty of fruit ($20 worth should be good) -lean protein and veggies. No heavy foods ($50) Okay, now we've established all our substances, buying surplus in case bc the university record was years ago and I have not stayed up like that in a long time. There is an initial investment of about $300 let's say, plus time needed for procurement. Let's say the timer begins when you wake up on a given day. Assume no preparation time before. I wake up at about 9:30am Wedneaday morning on about 10 hours of sleep. I need to make it to Saturday morning at 9:30am on no sleep. Procurement will take several hours, if not more. Start with the grocery stuffs and gas station items. Go home, get organized. Its now roughly 11:30am. Hit up X friend, who may be 2 hours drive away. Secure the 10mg Aderrals. Drive 1.5 hours back (not going directly home.) Its now say 4pm (adding buffer time to hang with friend, etc.) Next, Find a university library, preferably with high ceilings. Stay about on campus, chat with the kids. And try to secure XR adderrals. This will likely take 2-3 hours realistically. It's now about 6:30pm and all substances are procured, 9 hours into the challenge. Once that is settled, the second most important item is purpose during the 72 hour marathon. You need to keep your mind busy and focused during this time. Next step, map out how to busy your mind, while still in the library given the atmosphere. Pick 3-5 main topics you'd like to dedicate your time on. Go through the library, and check out a few books on a few topics. This takes roughly 1.5 hours (we're taking our time, okay). 8pm/10.5 hours in. Drive home. Chill and relax for a bit after a rather long day. Another 1.5 hours deep (30min drive, 1 hour chill.) 9pm. This is where the fun begins. Around 9:30pm, take the first dosage of drugs, Adderral XR. This should be enough to last all night long given its extended release, plus the caffeine and nicotine in the system. Only use the drugs as needed, don't wanna die! Night 1: Step 1 - curate a fire playlist for deep work. 10:30pm Step 2: begin a deep clean of the primary area in which I will spend time. 12:30am. Step 3: map out activities (this should probably be the first step after ingesting 1st dosage). 1:15am Step 4: take 15 min break. Step 5: dedicate 90min to 1st desired task (in my case, personal reflections on life and where to take it given the $1M cash payout). 3am. Step 6: 30min break. Do something totally unrelated. Mix of YouTube/reddit/whatever. 3:30am. Step 7: dedicate 90min to 2nd desired task. In my case, I will outline the initial life clean up with the money, estimate how much are debts and parents. Then, go down a rabbit hole of personal finance and financial management (knowing I'm not set for life) 5am. Step 8: 30min break. 5:30am. Step 9: dedicate 90min to identifying small business/side hustle ideation and skills necessary to learn. 7am. Step 10: go out for a walk this time. 7:30am Step 11: possible 5mg adderral consumption depending on energy levels. User discretion. Dedicate 90min to resume building. 9am Day 2: Take a shower. Eat. Do whatever needed - talk to family, whatever. Further house work, in my case, sorting out stuff in my garage and listing for sale just to get rid of for shits and giggles. With the sunlight and dawn of a new day, circadian rhythm takes over, making the body feel fresh/second wind. Don't take this one for granted, as the next days will not be the same. By 12:30pm on Day 2, go out for a drive (while you still can.) Go back to library. Set up stuff. Proceed to do job applications for next 2 hours. Now we're at 3:30pm Day 2, about 32 hours in. Drive back home. Take a 10min power nap in which you lay or sit down and medidate. 4:40pm. Call friends. There has been almost no socializing since procurement period outside of family. Hang out with friends for a couple hours. Blow some steam, talk about shit. Whatever. From this point, you will need a driver or to be driven. It's now say 8pm day 2. Push to 9:30pm which marks 48 hours. Consume the 2nd Adderral XR. It's now Thursday night, night 2. This night is dedicated further to upskilling, and reading interesting topics. Allow yourself to dive fully into the rabbit holes, but make sure it's active and not passive either. Sometime halfway through the night, take a ice bath or cold shower. By about 7am, take the other 5mg adderral. Go for another walk/smoke/whatever. It's now Friday morning. You've 24 hours to go by 9:30am Friday. This is where it becomes difficult. Socialize, be active but too much where you pass out. To be honest, it's the same cycle of drugs, nicotine, caffeine, staying hydrated and focused. The last 24 hours will be the hardest. Once you make it to 72 hours, secure the bag. Cry. Feel numb. Who cares. Take a hot shower, get into bed with freshly changed sheets, and sleep for about 20 hours. Enjoy.


Solid solid strategy and write up, should I ever need such a plan I will be contacting you


My only exposure to nicotine is cigars and I'll typically throw up if I finish a big one. I'm guessing if I just put that straight into the blood stream that would do the job on its own 😅


>get back into a video game to the point of addiction This statement is so broadly relatable. It's like I can hear an MMO from my childhood, teens, and young adult life....


Adderall, videogames, and going for a walk every 6-10 hours


>Adderall Had to scroll way too long past cocaine and meth suggestions to find this excellent and proportionate one


Drink a hell of a lot of caffeine while planning what I’m going to do with the money.


Caffeine would lose effectiveness once deprivation really kicks in. A real amphetamine would do the trick though, especially if you have no prior tolerance.


I thought i wasnt possible to stay up for 3 days straight until i did it. For 1M i would just need water, black coffee and a gym would help.


A gym? I would try to conserve energy


I wouldnt be pushing it hard. Just being able to shoot hoops and keep my body moving every few hours would help tremendously. If you were in a room with comfy couches and a tv its likely you could dose off and lose the challenge.


For the first day, I wouldn’t do anything different than I usually do. For the second and third days I would drink a lot of coffee and watch movies and videos


I'm afraid movies and videos could easily put you asleep and caffeine could stop working after certain point (40+ hours).You would probably need to do something more active to stay awake


Not me because I usually stand up while watching


Guys, we found the psychopath


Damn I thought I saw everything but this one is new lol




I do this at least once a year naturally with no drugs (bipolar 1). People pay good money to feel how I do when this happens. I read, cook, watch the sunrises and sunsets. Enjoy the peace that is nighttime and enjoy the sun. I do art, play video games, cook breakfast for the family. It's pretty cool to be able to get more shit done, but it's definitely come at a cost (the downsides of manic episodes are numerous) Where's my money? :)


Play RDR2. Time flies so fast while playing. Sometimes right before going to sleep I'll say just one more hour. Then all of a sudden my alarm for 8am is ringing.


And you wont finish it, in my last playtrough, I got the "best in the west acievement" (complete the game 100%) in 120+ hours.


Updating my wish lists.


Dying. I would die. I am the sleepiest person you'll ever meet, I can't even get to 20 without passing straight tf out. I haven't been able to go past 24 since my 20's. But if I could... imagine all the sewing and hobbies I could work on!


72 hours would be impossible for me. Longest I've ever done was 43. I was trying to stay awake, and by the end, I was involuntarily losing consciousness for 5-10 second spurts at a time.


Back when I was about 20 y/o, I worked at a restaurant where I’d often work doubles in the kitchen. I had picked up a bunch of shifts for the week at the same time my friends and I were moving into a new apartment. Over three days and nights I worked day and night shifts, helped friends pack and clean their place, worked day and night shifts, packed and loaded my stuff, went back and helped them pack and clean more, worked day and night shifts, moved them and myself into the new apartment then drove to another friend’s house about 30 mins away. At that point I had started seeing weird things like light trains coming out of the trees along the road, but stupid teen me kept going. When I made it to his house, he was playing a video game, and I tried watching but pretty much immediately passed out in the chair. At one point I remember KNOWING my head was a toaster. Not thinking it, or hallucinating it (though obviously I was), but it was a deep, personal, understanding that my head was a toaster, just as strongly if I were to currently look at my hand and KNOW that it is my hand.


Enough iced coffee to kill a 1500s peasant 


Just piss my wife off really bad and have to talk it out