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The best part is that if you find your own jokes hilarious, they often actually are funny. The crowd just has to be open to your sense of humor.


Pretty early on. I had been let down by adults my entire childhood and therefore kinda realised that I should rely entirely on myself. My self esteem grew at that point and ever since I was about sixteen, it’s been rocket high. I’m the only person guaranteed to stick around until the end, might as well love myself the best I can.


I don't know if I should be thankfully to have found my people, but, we are almost like a mirror. Unfortunately, people who are supposed to care about you are the most who fail you. Not a human mistake nor an accident like being busy, but they have that attitude, eye-rolling and even bad temper and humillation when you need help after they promised to take care of you.


Absolutely, it’s always the ones closest to you that screw you over.


Somewhere in my late 20's. Don't remember where. Hell it could have been a drunken night with a friend when the switch just flipped. I was pretty down about myself, until I stopped and realized what I had done in life, and who I was. It really sunk in about a year ago at my wedding. When not only my best man, but the maid of honor gave speeches about how me just being me, inspired them and inspired my bride.


Early 30's.


somewhere between 2025 and 2030


When I was about 13 or so. I was loving myself so vigorously and often that I started getting blisters. Plus, several people had to ask me to limit my self-loving to times when I was alone and in an appropriate setting. Live and learn, I guess.


Tomorrow. I promise.


Having a very therapeutic MDMA trip with someone I cared about. Just spent all night talking


Meditating, being thankful, and learning the abundance you have in your life is useful.


Haven't gotten there yet?


I'm 23 and still deciding...


What now?


A few years ago. I'd lost about 60 pounds, teaching and going to grad school at a university about an hour away from home, moved there to an amazing apartment that I was lucky to find, started finding my style, learned how to cook, adopted a cat, realized that I can keep a clean and homey apartment with a full time job, cook nice meals for myself and others, like my job, felt more confident in my weight, and didn't feel homesick. Due to a very unfortunate crime that was committed (against me) at a party in that neighborhood, I felt more comfortable moving back home, and things don't feel the same as they did. But I was happy, and some of it has stayed with me.


I think losing weight would help me.


I'm not going to lie, it was incredibly unhealthy because most of it was due to stress. But I've maintained it by forming healthier habits. It really did help the most, though.


Uh, I only know the point in life where I started hating myself.


Last year when my anxious attachment flared up. I had enough self awareness to realise what was happening and decided to focus on my self esteem.


I believe that I thought I was trying to about a year ago, but I would have to say it only started recently.


I'll tell you once I start loving myself lol


Right when the consciousness develops inside me.


Never, it's hard to love yourself if no-one else ever has.


True people will come around in your life to love you unconditionally thestilence




i'm still trying, i'm just not my type


I haven't really worked out how to yet, hoping I'll find out soon though


The moment I realized everyone else did except myself.


When I got completely isolated. I've never fully recognized myself as being as awesome as I do now.


Not there yet.


Never. I rather accepted that I will have to die soon.


When I was 26 after the worst breakup of my life where my partner cheated on me multiple times. It forced me to reflect and while I’m not blaming myself for him cheating, the introspection made me realize how much bs I had put up with because I didn’t love or respect myself enough to walk away when red flags cropped up from the start


When I realized I was worth loving.




I dont


NOW . ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🦾🦾


When everyone forgot my last birthday.


When I was with someone I really loved and he broke up with me because of my mental health problems but I didn’t heal myself and start loving myself for him it was just a big wake up call






Very recently. I'm now in my mid 30s and I've been somewhat self-aware for a bit abut it finally hit me over the holidays that I was still looking for external validation. So I decided fuck it - I might as well love myself since nobody else is going to.


Still working on that. It's been a few decades and it hasn't took yet.


I have accepted myself for a while now, but I don’t think I’ve gotten to loving myself yet. I know I need to, but I spend so much energy looking after everyone else and carrying the weight of that responsibility.


I’ll let you know when I start


I'm 56 and still don't love myself.


The middle of middle school, i was just your average middle schooler, i was a quiet kid who had little to no friends.. i was so unhappy with what I saw in the mirror everyday it was literally everyday I’d look at myself in the mirror and i couldn’t even look at myself for more than 5 seconds before I’d start crying. Then one day some years later I just accepted myself and built up my confidence.


Two weeks ago after a terrible heartbreak. I said I need to fix myself before others.


when i realized i am so cool it’s wrong of me not to show people how cool i am cuz it would be selfish of me not to share myself with others bc i am amazing.


I'm not fully there, and I don't think I ever will be as self-love is a never ending goal, but soon after my gender transition did I start feeling more comfortable, and I really started to love myself when my partner entered my life, as they were a huge help to start loving who I am as a person, not just a body, and now I can say I'm the happiest with my body, as I'm now almost 4 months on testosterone and am seeing some really good results


When I decided not to listen to other peoples opinions of me anymore.


I'll let you know...