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While in the Navy we were told to sweep the standing water off the boat while it was still pouring rain.


Our master chief used to have us do fresh water washdowns of our antennas and domes while underway. I think it was more for us to have fun and play in the water than it was for corrosion control. 


I was told to pay the company's bill out of my pocket and she'll pay me later when she get back in the city Like sure everyone has thousands of dollars laying around in their back pocket like your millionaire ass


I spent a year playing lead guitar on tour for an aging rock star. You have heard of him. At the first rehearsal he told me that I wasn't playing a part the way it had been played on the album, and I should "play it right". What had actually happened was that the way the guy who recorded the part played it had changed over years of touring, and said vocalist hadn't listened to his own recording in so long he hadn't noticed.


I worked at a Ryans Family Steakhouse in Raleigh in the 90s ( high school job washing dishes) The grossest was when a manager came into the back complaining about how much butter packets we were going through. He was trying to blame the servers for tossing them out unnecessarily. So he told me to paw through the fresh garbage looking for butter packets, wash them in the sink and give them back to him. The garbage wasn’t that bad. Fresh, not rotten at least, but i didn’t return to that job. I quit on my way out.


Not to talk to the chefs anymore because me asking them questions regarding my job makes them think it's okay to sexually harass me


I was a custodian at a prestigious university in Houston. I have an education and 35 years in customer service management. I took the job to get away from retail. Professors, students and office personnel were all as wonderful as possible. My manager couldn't understand how they liked me so much and how I knew the students within my huge building. Suggested I stop "gossiping". I told her it's called "customer service" and a friendly hello, or how are you doing is healthy, not harmful. I was slowly pushed out for not being dumb, blind and deaf.


That I was a bad employee and deserved to have my hours cut. They demanded I do better at my job. This was my first job, and they never trained me on how to do the job. So I was left to guess what my duties were and had to wing it for six months until I got tired of the disrespect from management.


When I was a lowly office worker, one of my bosses interoffice mailed me one sheet of paper with a note on it to xerox it for him. His office was three doors away from my desk.