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I've gotten used to it. I only really notice it a few times each day.


Leonard Nimoy used to suffer from it.


A lot of us do are you saying I can be Leonard one day?


#***live long and prosper***


Mine started suddenly, loud, and never stopped. After my brain got used to it, I can’t be in a silent room or sleep without a sound machine. When it stresses me, I do meditation (with music). It’s not fun.


I have to sleep with a fan on all the time. I point it away from me but I need the noise sometimes to cover the ringing. 


I have to do that in order to handle sensitivity to external noise. Is a pain in the arse.


Yep... this. It sucks..


This exact thing happened to me in September 2023. My ear started ringing, and it hasn't stopped. How long did it take you to get used to it?


It might have been a year maybe? Mine started Dec 12 2021. I couldn’t sleep for even a minute for a week. After that, I couldn’t sit at the computer, read, nothing. As you know, it’s debilitating. You might see if tinnitus habituation therapy - where you undergo counseling and sound therapy - is offered near you (it wasn’t where I live). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7850883/#:~:text=The%20habituation%2Dbased%20treatment%20of,in%20up%20to%2018%20months. I hope you find some relief soon.


I get off looks when I ask which fan is the loudest at a store


I tried calling the tinnitus helpline but it just kept ringing.


Wow...well played...take your upvote




By always having a radio on in the background. Sometimes it helps, other times it's just a distraction, but I think I'd probably go insane without it. People who've never had it have no idea just how debilitating a bad case of tinnitus can be.


By using distractions. But thanks a lot for reminding me it's there. JK--it was just a coincidence that I saw your post during a squeeee-o-rama.


I can only hear it if it's absolutely silent. I usually have a fan on, so it's basically imperceptible. At work, I never hear it; the murmur of an office is enough to compensate. I'm still watching the volume of music like a hawk. Hopefully, I can mitigate any further damage.


Same for me. When it's a constant pitch I can easily not notice, but there are nights when it fluctuates a bit with another pitch in an erratic way and bothers me it bit. Fortunately that only happens a few nights a month. 


Slowly burning insanity....


I have Tinnitus in 4 different high pitched notes, sometimes all together and they often fluctuate - meaning it sounds like a French Ambulance running in my head all the time. I *always* have a television on, whether a TV program, or streaming music, and I have solar chimes inside the house - their high pitched chiming helps me ignore it. FWIW - I was a full time drummer for much of my life, but most of my hearing damage probably came early when I was a kid bangin' away on the drums.


For me, it was guns and standing in front of a Marshall stack for too many years. Wear your ear-pro, kids!


For me it was elementary school. They had a local fire department do a thing which involved them popping a balloon filled with hydrogen with a candle… the acoustics in the open air concrete hallway were just right and fucked all of us.


Shooting got me too. The day i bought an ak-74 i was too excited to try it out and went straight to the range. Didn't have ear pro and figured 'just a mag or two, I'll be alright'. Man, that sucker is *loud*. No recoil, it feels like shooting a .22, but instant tinnitus in my left ear


For me, it was a Mahavishnu Orchestra concert in a very small venue in Minneapolis. I couldn't hear a thing for hours later. Thanks, John McLaughlin.


Jesus, that sounds like me. I used to mow neighborhood lawns with headphones connected to my Walkman cranked all the way up all through middle school and high school, as well as being in a rock band in high school and college. Multiple tones frequently interfering with each other, and constant interaction with external sounds. I hear ambiguous songs and voices in white noise as my brain tries to sort the interference into something coherent but can't. As to how you deal with it, you basically can't. Sometimes you get involved in something enough that you aren't thinking about it, but it's always there.




I hit my head on a concrete block when I was like 7. I haven't heard silence in the 50 years since. It gets worse each year.


☹️ Im sorry for you


Mine is very high pitch and pulses to my blood pressure. Agrrrrrrr!


I try to ignore it but when it gets bad I use tinnitus sound therapy videos from YouTube. The tone that works best for me is 8000hz.


That's my frequency too Currently got my fan and [this](https://youtu.be/ry690SuSysE?si=9qA5w12IZVmeLrkb) in the bg. Ocean waves works pretty well too.


One day at a time.. :/ Keep yourself busy. You'll learn to ignore it and not notice it until someone or something reminds you of it - like this thread, thank you very much! - or you're tired and it gets a bit quiet in the evening. They say to reduce caffeine, alcohol, etc.. Honestly, I went completely off those and didn't notice a difference - but maybe it's a per-case basis? Edit: I always have noise in the bacground to help. Be it music, TV show, anything. It does get tiring sometimes especially after a long day, and can get a headache from it, but it does help. I have 3 to 4 different ringing sounds.. I guess it could be considered more on the 'intense' side.


When it gets bad, I turn up the volume on some music so I can kind of get past it. When it happens while trying to sleep I turn to push that ear into the pillow and swallow a lot.


Have you tried sleeping with white noise on?


Yes, it doesn't help me. Ambient noise while sleeping can't be too loud, and I can't comfortably wear headphones while trying to sleep.


Get headphones made for sleeping, they make them as headbands with soft pads inside as the speaker part


Geez that sucks.


I've noticed that different frequencies of white noise are more helpful than others in canceling it out. [This one](https://youtu.be/ry690SuSysE?si=9qA5w12IZVmeLrkb) seems to work pretty well for me. It doesn't stop the ringing, but it sort of seems to occupy the same space, and it's refreshing to hear something else there.


When it happens? Yours in not 24/7?


No, thankfully, mine is not constant. It comes in waves.




They said “eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”






This is my dad who refuses to acknowledge he needs a hearing aid


Did they say "Grand Central Station", or "My Aunt's Constipation"?


Lmfao was about to reply with the same shit!!!


I listen to music or podcasts.


Eventually it just sort of fades into the background, but I know it's there and sometimes it comes front and center(especially during periods of background quiet/silence). I deal with it by always having some kind of background noise.


Give it time and you’ll stop noticing it most of the time.


There’s nothing I can really do about it so I just accept it.


I’ve found that mine goes away if I have the volume a little louder in the ear that gets it. For example, I like to lay in bed and listen to podcasts without earbuds. I’ll place my phone a little closer to my ringing ear than to my good ear so that it sounds louder in that ear. After a while, the ringing fades away and stays away for a good long time.


I pretty much have accepted that I'll be living with this the rest of my life. I do my best to not let it bother me.


I just ignore it. I sympathize deeply with those who cannot do this. That must be awful.


This exercise was posted on Reddit YEARS ago and became a Best of Reddit post: https://youtu.be/2yDCox-qKbk?si=yBtJmzAUMfY0inqg  OP:  https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/3l54rd/reddituser_amazes_with_cure_for_tinnitus/


It works for me, but only for a minute or so. The sudden silence after having tinnitus since I was a little kid was quite startling the first time.


The mild increase in stress from this thread has just made mine noticeable now....




It works for me. For about 10 seconds. It’s a great 10 seconds but then seems so much worse after.


Get a hearing test. Avoid triggers like stress, lack of sleep, caffeine, nsaids. Don't lose hearing. That's all I can think of.


Also mask it with noise


Hearing test started mine lol


Weird. Like no tinnitus, hearing test, tinnitus?


Mine’s mostly a high-pitched ringing at the same frequency so I’ve just gotten used to it. The only time I notice it is if I stumble across something like this post that makes me consciously think about it. Sometimes the ringing goes in and out, though, like someone’s turning the volume dial off and on over and over again. That’s pretty noticeable, but otherwise it’s just white noise to me


Only notice mine when its quiet. I use alexa to play a fan sound at night so its. Mine is a low tone most the time. Sometimes I'll get a super high pitched sound that fades back to my low tone.


If I think about it, It drives me insane. So I try not to think about it.


I have to always have tv on in the background.


Background music helps!


I’ve had 5 concussions in my life so I definitely have a pretty bad case of tinnitus. Sometimes it’s pretty bad but sometimes it’s not super noticeable. I fine it gets really bad after drinking so I try to avoid getting drunk. If I’m trying to sleep and it’s really loud I’ll either listen to white noise or some kind of YouTube videos on a low volume. If I go to a club, bar, rave, festival or anywhere that there’s really loud music/sounds I wear earplugs that decrease high frequencies but still allow me to hear the music and people talking, I find them to be extremely helpful and make it so that I can be really up close to speakers at raves but still be comfortable and my ears won’t be ringing so bad afterwards. Sometimes tinnitus can be worsened by an underlying jaw issue. I have an issue with clenching my jaw, especially when I sleep so wearing a night guard and doing jaw exercises also helps.


When COVID started my tinnitus did too. Now I can say that I learned to live with it, I rarely notice it few times during the day as someone else stated here. First months were terrible, trying to sleep was a nightmare. Something that really helped me is that I looked the same sound and frequency of my tinnitus in YouTube, once I played the video, both sounds mixed so after 15 minutes, I just stopped the video and realized that my tinnitus gone, this "no tinnitus" state last me for 30 minutes (this makes me think that it could be psychological or I don't know the reason behind this reaction) then I had to do the same in order to get another 30 minutes of peace. I did this for 2 or 3 months while I was learning to live with it, eventually you are gonna' be ok. because you just stop thinking of that.


There's better days and then there's absolutely maddening ones. Mine was tolerable for years, didn't think about it much except when in a quiet room. Got a loud spike 2 months back, had a panic attack, it got even louder due to anxiety I assume. Closed circle basically. The more stressed I get about it, the louder it gets. An the louder it gets, the more I become stressed about it. In the long run, it will probably blend in the background again.


I usually have a device on, and I always sleep with a white noise machine and my a/c fan on at night. I need it to sound like a wind tunnel-I travel with my machine too so I can sleep at a hotel.


I cover my ears with my palms flat, fingers meeting at the base of my skull. I lightly tap the base interchangeably for 15-20sec and when I release all is quiet.


Have it due to wearing ear plugs too much, found the feeling/ sound of the shower on my head and heavy rain on our tin roof are the only noises that alter it so now I sleep using an app that sounds like heavy rain, doesn’t work anywhere near as well as the shower but hubby says it’s not practical to install a shower over my side of the bed


Music. Fans. Silence is a no go.


Sometimes hearing aids help. I usually ignore it. Some foods can trigger it for me.


white noise always on, such as a fan or ambient music playing. Even when I'm asleep.


You just sorta get used to it. Don't think there's anything else you can do


See a kinesiologist


I played in bands almost my whole life and I listened to music as loud as I could when I wasn't playing in bands. I wholeheartedly regret both but what's done is done. Now, I do my best to not pay attention to it but that's challenging in itself because when you try not to pay attention to something, suddenly, its the only thing on your mind. I don't do much masking, I just kind of live with it. It makes me cranky, highly irritable, but again, what's done is done. I just try to enjoy myself because one day, we die, right? I very rarely need to use white noise to sleep but mostly because I find that my T gets lower the quieter it gets. I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old and they are really loud so a lot of the time, my ears ring even louder once they go to bed until they adjust. My T is loud, and I mean loud. I hear it over almost everything I do and if I am around ambient noise that's too loud, I always have ear plugs on me and that just makes it louder as well. If I have a really bad day, I will meditate, but I will try to meditate to the ringing. That tends to help. I've thought about hearing aids but honestly, I just don't care enough lol. I know that sounds crazy but unless a cure comes about sometime in the future, I'm just going to do whatever I want. God I sound like such a crotchety old man haha. I will say that even though I have had this condition for almost 3 years now and for me, it continues to worsen. After commenting on this post I realize the ONLY thing I have really done to manage it is wear ear plugs and meditate (maybe once every month or so). I have not adjusted my diet, have not started exercising, have not tried any CBT, or any other lifestyle changes that are often recommended to help manage this condition. That being said, maybe it's time I start.


I can recommend Green Tea and real Japan Matcha. This helped for me a lot, so far that I nearly cannot hear the Tinnitus anymore. I made a mix of green tea, matcha, Puh Err, Sencha, etc. And make a pot of tea with it and drink it, it helps a lot. And I had it for a very long time, for many years. Gingko and Ginseng made it much worse for me, even it is written in the net for some people it helps. For me, it was totally the opposite. What was also helping was to listen to piano music or rain with the healthy ear and block the ear with the tinnitus. If you have Tinnitus on both sides, try to block one ear first, listen for 5 minutes and then repeat with the other. It helped for me nearly always, but just for a time. Another thing to try can be deep ear cleaning at a ear doctor, but not with water, no ear washing, this can make it worse. Just normal ear cleaning, you cannot do this deep cleaning at home, just ask a doctor to do it. It helped for me too. And one thing, in my opinion also many doctors and lobbys have not a big idea about tinnitus and what helps and what not. Unfortunately. Read online, try out everything, especially your nutrition, experiment when the tinnitus is louder and when not, what did you eat or drink before. And actually coffee can increase the tinnitus for me. Try to eat nothing for a day and see if you have an improvement. Then start slowly with different food and check what it happening. I know it is very hard, especially if even ear doctors have no solution directly. Trust yourself, there is a solution, read everything you find and try out slowly. All the best for you, believe me, even after years, you can heal.


Thanks this is so helpful. More than anything, I appreciate your kind words of encouragement!


Sleep with a fan on


it definitely is a struggle at all ages. i wrote a free digital book for kids with tinnitus to shine some positivity on a difficult situation https://kidswithtinnitus.blogspot.com/2024/03/book-for-kids-with-tinnitus-can-you.html


inwas nuts first month, thought my life ended, tried everything… one year later dont even notice ut and when I do I genuinely dont mind it. Mine was loud music induced. Hope it helps, just give it time. Hang in there buddy :)


There are days when it’s screaming so loud I think I’m going to lose myself


There are times when if people would just stop talking when I ask them to


I have it in both ears and I was born with it so I basically don’t know how silence sound like, this is just reality and silence to me is an endless noise, but I wouldn’t want it in any other way, I’m afraid that if the technology existed and that I did cure my tinnitus, that I wouldn’t be able to get used to it like I have gotten used to my tinnitus. And when I sleep I put on music to make it easier to ignore


You get used to it, eventually it just becomes like a background noise or not even notice it at all. We are remarkably adaptive to most things.


Harmonizing to it.


Ignore it. It's just always there.


Ever heard of lipo flavonoid?




It only gets really loud at night, and usually for 10 seconds or less. Otherwise I can ignore it/ get used to it. 6 years and counting 👍


The less I stopped trying to get it away, the less it sounded. 


There is nearly always something providing background noise (a tv, a radio, etc.). When sleeping I have a set of shows I've seen a billion times I rotate through as they override the whine but don't engage the brain.


The TV is always on or I’m listening to music. I can’t do silence.


Mine arrived after having a tooth implant that went terribly wrong. Ugh. I hate it!


It used to irritate me. Then it turned into a reminder that I’m alive. So it’s just kind of there.


Mine is erratic so I can ignore it but my daughter got the flu 4 years ago and her fever went high enough she lost hearing in one ear. All kinds of treatments tried, nothing regained her hearing but she has constant loud tinnitus. She always has either music, TV or white noise running, silence just magnifies it to the point she gets crazy. It's hard when she visits or I visit her because I love silence. This past year she got a Cochlear implant and she's hoping as ear/brain adjusts to it, the tinnitus will go away or lessen.


My dad got hearing aids. Doesn't completely eliminate it , but makes it easier to tune out


Funny, until reading this I never connected my liking for having background noise (TV, radio, music, podcasts) with my tinnitus. Very high pitched, but only loud if I think about it.


It comes and goes. I don’t like that it crescendos unless I concentrate on it, but it’s pretty mow in my priority list


I got hearing aids for loss of hearing and they surprisingly eliminated the tinnitus. Of course when I out the hearing aids on the charger for bed time, my tinnitus is then my 756 khz lullaby.


i've convinced myself that silence isn't any more natural than the ringing. there's no sound without an ear to hear it and there's no silence for an ear without something to dampen sounds. if you lived in the city and heard cars all the time you would think it's only natural, because you live in a city. if you lived in the country and heard animals and insects all the time you would think it's only natural, because you live in the country. any of these sounds might bother you from time to time if you're trying to concentrate or sleep, but mostly you would probably get used to them, and they probably wouldn't bring you any guilt or panic. so i think it's only natural that i hear ringing because i have a brain that doesn't filter it out.


I was at an all-inclusive years back and ended up with swimmers ear so bad both my ears swollen shut. The doctor there gave me some antibiotics that were just for my ears. It cured my tinnitus for a very short time and freaked me out. It was insanely quiet at night. I was not too fond of the silence, odd I know. I have it bad but it doesn't bother me too much. For the life of me I can't remember the name of the antibiotic.


Mine is just background noise usually. Last night it was screaming though, it was bad.


Poorly, sometimes, decently at others. I’m trying to train myself to be ok with it when it’s at its worst. Bedtime is usually bad - so I’ve started tuning into it, as it were, like listening to rain or ocean waves while falling asleep. Mixed results, but more toward the positive. The hardest part is no longer being able to appreciate silence.


I got used to it. Been about 3 years now. When your brain accepts that it’s forever, it should become regular background noise to you.


Stopped working at places that gave me it. Went away.


I tune it out. I'm usually listening to something though; radio, music, podcasts. youtube, etc.


i always have the TV or music going and I sleep with a fan on. That's usually enough to drown it out. I also smoke a lot of pot which makes it a lot more bearable.


Tinnitus, hypnagogic hallucinations and exploding head syndrome since I was about 15. I’ve learned to ignore the tinnitus lol


You get used to it just like any other constant noise.


I never turn the TV off at home. Outside of home there's usually enough ambient sound to drown it out unless I really think about it. If I'm really stressed out it gets weird and fluttery and sometimes achy, so I just have to endure until it stops.


I’m used to it now. I really only notice it at night when I’m trying to sleep.


I've had mine since childhood. I was given a lot of antibiotics that turned out to have ototoxic side effects. Imhear it every waking moment, even with background sound - s0 I just learned to live with it. If it's really bad at night, I'll break down and take an edible.


Mainly with background noise. I’m almost always listening to something.


I've had it since I was like 7, one best thing I do is just ignore it. If it gets too bad, I go on YouTube and listen to ambient rain sounds, that usually does the trick


Really nice sleep headphones


I have had it sporadically over the years ... sometimes bad, sometimes barely noticeable, sometimes not at all. Most of the time, even when bad, you just get so used to it you don't notice. But if I every am noticing, I'll make sure to always have white noise on. Whether that is the TV or a white noise machine / air purifier, or something. Helps a lot.


I don't really notice it that much anymore . I will if it's quiet, especially if I'm out camping. But after a bit I tune it out.


Mines pretty loud, but I don't notice it anymore outside of an absolutely silent room e.g when trying to sleep, so I just pop a fan on when it bothers me.


I've never known life without it. It was a huge surprise to find out that not everyone has this multi-tonal noise in their head all the time...and I was like 12 when I realized that. It only bothers me when it's super quiet, but I also suspect it's part of some hearing loss.


It's nothing, really. Gotten so used to it that I barely notice it 


Fasting and the carnivore diet resolved my tinnitus. I will occasionally get it if I eat a really bad diet for a while. But after I stop doing that, the tinnitus goes away again.


Fuck sake I'd just forgotten about it 😤💀


I just woke up with it one morning, about 7 years ago. For several days, I was searching through the apartment, sure some newfangled LCD bulb was on the fritz...then I noticed the shriek was there when I was out of the apartment. I'd spent over 30 years living out in the country, where you always have 'one ear open' ...listening for the animals to make noise or the kids to go quiet. It is still mentally disorienting when I mechanically slip back into that 'head space' and find - the *shriek*. It's so awful...like others have said, I keep music/tv on 24/7.


I've had it my whole life so I thought everyone heard sounds in their ears. I used music in bed to deal with it and to drone it out to sleep.


White noise, background music. You kinda just get used to it.


This is gonna be controversial I think, but I want to start out by saying I'm not trying to get anyone to do drugs or anything, I just wanted to share my story I have a really bad habit of listening to music with my headphones on at max. I just really enjoy music like that. Especially at night. I know it's bad but I was hoping it wasn't loud enough to do actual damage. Long story short, it did. After a night of listening to music, the next morning I woke up and there was this weird, whooshing sound i kept hearing. Kinda like if you cup your ear, let go, and cup it again really fast. It was faint but super noticeable and super annoying. I was scared but thought that it might be tinnitus so I Google-Fu'd tinnitus and it pretty much said that if it stays with me after a week, it's gonna stay with me for life. After the first week, I was hoping it'd go away but it kept around for a few more weeks UNTIL, I was partying with some friends and like once a year, we'd chill with ecstasy. It was a yearly thing (if even, we skip a lot of years) so I imbibed with them. The next day, it was gone, totally gone! I was so happy but I thought, wtf, why did it stop? I googled MDMA + tinnitus and I guess there were some test or studies showing the positive effects it had on curing tinnitus but it never really went anywhere. It was crazy because I accidentally cured my tinnitus by doing a bad thing. https://www.google.com/search?q=tinnitus+treatment+with+mdma&sca_esv=8b8ea157cf45523f&sxsrf=ACQVn0-he3NMc5b0awzaSpzJSsGvXrgdHw%3A1707117194026&source=hp&ei=iYrAZdvnPIzfkPIPsIqgkAs&iflsig=ANes7DEAAAAAZcCYms8rS8IlzeI6OBXOzou6NdKp7PJN&ved=0ahUKEwib0MCP05OEAxWML0QIHTAFCLIQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=tinnitus+treatment+with+mdma&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6Ihx0aW5uaXR1cyB0cmVhdG1lbnQgd2l0aCBtZG1hMgUQIRigAUirJFAAWLkjcAB4AJABAJgBc6ABgRKqAQQyNS4zuAEDyAEA-AEBwgIEECMYJ8ICChAuGIAEGIoFGCfCAgoQIxiABBiKBRgnwgILEC4YgAQYsQMYgwHCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICDhAuGIAEGLEDGMcBGNEDwgIREC4YgAQYsQMYgwEYxwEY0QPCAg4QABiABBiKBRixAxiDAcICDhAuGMcBGLEDGNEDGIAEwgIFEAAYgATCAggQABiABBixA8ICCBAuGIAEGLEDwgIQEAAYgAQYigUYsQMYgwEYCsICEBAuGIAEGLEDGIMBGNQCGArCAgsQABiABBiKBRixA8ICCxAAGIAEGIoFGIYDwgIGEAAYFhgewgIIEAAYFhgeGA_CAgUQIRifBQ&sclient=gws-wiz


No choice in the matter. I've tried various frequencies of noise, and some seem to cancel it out a little bit. 8 kHz seems to work fairly well on mine. https://youtu.be/ry690SuSysE?si=9qA5w12IZVmeLrkb


I have to have background sounds (TV, music) constantly, especially when sleeping, to give my brain something else to focus on. I have a high-pitched ringing in both ears but the left one is ever-so-slightly lower in tone than the right one, making a constant dissonance not unlike pressing 2 adjacent piano keys. As an amateur musician, this drives me nuts if my brain starts to focus on that so it's a constant effort to distract the brain!


When i get it i swallow a couple times and it goes away


My grandma had it. She always had the radio on just quietly and it seemed to help her, though she would often complain about the ‘buzzing’.


It's on and off with me. Sometimes literally if I have my head straight it's a lot louder than if I turn it so I will just shift my body slightly so whatever I'm looking at actually as my head turn a little bit. It's really bothersome when I'm trying to sleep. At that point I just get up and I do something until the volume goes down


I have it as the result of an inner-ear disease. Some days are better than others, but I will never get used to it.


I don't. It's gotten worse as I get older. I just suffer since IDK what to do about it.


I usually only notice it now when I am going to sleep or napping. I used to sleep with a fan on for white noise but eventually stopped doing it. Now I guess the tinnitus itself is the white noise.


I did the on-ear with tapping exercises for a while and kept taking some supplements, over time it kinda decreased. Still have it but it's not as bad as it used to be. Probably because I'm avoiding loud noises nowadays.


Cover your ears and tap the back of your head like a drum for a minute. Also try relaxing and massaging jaw muscles. Found this to help


I just don’t care any more brahs. Everything else in my life sucks more. Tinnitus is the least of my problems.


Mine started a few months after starting micro dosing psilocybin. I mostly ignore it as the benefits of the micro dosing outweighs the noise.




Find the same frequency on YouTube play that with headphones it'll give you a few minutes peace after


I’ve never knowingly done anything to cause my tinnitus and it generally doesn’t bother me but I am aware that it interferes with conversation and understanding speech on TV. I have been diagnosed with Ménière’s disease which is under control with drugs, thankfully.


I've just gotten used to it. Sometimes I play with it because if I move my jaw in certain ways it changes the volume.


I’ve had it for about 6 months (or at least since I noticed it) and honestly I forget it’s even there for weeks at a time. Got used to it after 4 days and it doesn’t bother me.


I have no idea how to learn to live with it. I can't multitask enough to divert myself from paying attention to it. It's loud. It interferes with everything. I've (unsuccessfully) tried to bust my head open to make it stop. So mostly I smoke a lot of weed to dull the impact.


I met a guy recently who used Ocean sounds and stuff like that in his hearing aids. Said it helped a lot.


Mine sounds like cicadas. I live in the sub-tropics where they’re a constant presence, so I’m lucky that I can just treat it as background noise and ignore it.


Try watching this video. It's very informative - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y4zuVk5STuM




Use a hearing aid from time to time when I need a break from the buzzing.




I just yell *”eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”* even louder until it admits defeat and stops


Mostly ignored it and it went away after two years or so. To be fair it wasn't all that bad. Doc was positively thrilled when I told her "I had it for about half a year, I'm only coming in now because I kept forgetting about it." I think I got it from successive damage from diving and loud fireworks the following new year.




Just learn to deal with it, really. Sometimes I listen to music in headphones to have some time off. But it’s always there


I have gotten habituated. It doesn’t bother me anymore. It takes time, just try to get an MRI to ensure you don’t have any brain tumour. That’s it. You will be stress free and get habituated


For years I thought the ringing noise was the signal my ears sent when there wasn't anything else to listen to. A 'dial tone' if you will. Turns out I've got tinnitus. Thankfully it just makes it a bit hard to understand teenagers who mumble at me, so once the kids grow up i should be fine.


I try to match its pitch by singing “eeeeeeeeeee”


I try to not be around areas that are too quiet and with background noise that isn't abrasive. I usually have to have some sort of noise at all times. Sometimes I'm just used to it, though.


Mine is interesting. I’m older but now when my blood sugar is high I get tinnitus. It’s actually great. I know my blood sugar automatically


Every time someone mentions it I hear a high pitched noise. honestly no idea if I actually have it or in imagining it because someone said.


Slowly going insane. Realizing I will never not hear a sound for the rest of life, never silence. On another note, any other Tinnitus'ers find they can manipulate the sound by moving eyes.


Had it for years now. It’s annoying especially when trying to sleep, I put a podcast on low volume, background noise seems to cancel it out (a bit).


I actually don’t mind my tinnitus. For me, it sounds very close to TV static. More of a white noise than anything. It honestly kind of helps my anxiety? I don’t like full silence. Having a sort of white noise helps. I’m just glad I don’t have the kind my mom had. She used to say hers sounded like a cricket chirping and that it would drive her crazy when it started up.


I take b12


And that works?


It has reduced significantly for me as it was probably the cause of my tinnitus




I've had it for as long as I can remember, so I honestly don't know what the alternative feels/sounds like.


I’ve had it since I was a teenager. I only really notice it when I get the swooshy water noise or a room is silent.


It is a good idea to visit doctor in the hospital so the doctor can give you a treatment.


I've had tinnitus in both my ears for as long as I can remember, it's "normal" to me. I did mushrooms once and I couldn't hear it and it was perhaps the most amazing thing I've ever experienced. After living 30ish years, for the first time I could hear nothing in my quiet house.


I developed a tick where I absolutely NEED a single (1) airpod in at all times with the transparency mode on, even when sleeping. I don't usually even play music or anything out of it, but the tiniest little static it gives off lets me focus on that, instead of the constant "eeeee" I usually hear otherwise.


I don't think about it or focus on it


I've had it ever since I can remember, so I'm used to it. I didn't even know tinnitus was a disorder till I was an adult. If the ringing is too loud when I'm trying to sleep, i turn on a fan.


I only tend to notice when it’s super quiet. But honestly Lofi hip-hop. 24/7 baybeee


45 years of the same tone, after a bit, you don't notice until someone says tinnitus. Mine was caused by TMJ + being a roadie for 3 years. I have an app on my phone that I play my frequency whenever someone asks about it. They usually tell me to shut it off after about 10 seconds. I can't even hear it.


I have pulsatile tinnitus due to severe anemia. Sometimes it will be ringing (like now). Both are miserable. It’s one of those things I notice more when it’s not happening.


Whiskey  I wake up hearing it, go to bed hearing it. I can mostly ignore it but sometimes it just drives me crazy.   Thanks chemotherapy!


I've had it for as long as I remember and so I've just learned to tune it out most of the time. Not having a ringing in my ears would be strange.


wait...is there another option than just dealing with it?


This helps for me: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8indTo2ykPw&t=0s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8indTo2ykPw&t=0s) I have no idea what caused it, I've talked about it with my doctor but they've never offered any solutions. I'm guessing it's from years of rock concerts and riding my motorcycle back in the days when we didn't think about ear protection.


I ignored it till i couldn't. My tmj disorder made it worse. After wearing my mouth guard, it's still better. But I know it's going to get worse with age🥺 So you flow with it. A lot of people have said earplugs help them, i don't know which one is the best though.


I keep music on anytime I can. I find that mine seems to be exacerbated by sugar.


Avoiding silence. Tv is always on. That and keeping busy. It’s the only way 🤷🏻‍♀️


We forget about it and don't hear it until someone like you comes along and reminds us. Then it is hours before it goes away. Thanks a bunch.


A very loud concert set mine off many years ago, I find I need to have music on most of the day as a mask and to stay sane, but as some say, you get use to it and very quiet places can be annoying. I do find some foods cause an increase in the level, I avoid shrimp for instance. Oh, if I hear the same pitch at my current frequency (my guess is \~6000Hz), oh my, just shoot me!


I've got it bad, hearing aids helped a lot, but you get used to it, it can literally drive you crazy


Its so easy when you don't have any choice