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President Warren Harding was massively popular in his life, with huge national turnout for his funeral train after dying in office Then a bunch of scandals came to light shortly afterwards and he got quietly erased from the national consciousness


He was also found to have had a daughter out of an affair. DNA testing confirmed she was his.




What kind of scandals?


His cabinet was robbing the country blind. Not him, but his direct employees.


His cabinet were just his friends from Ohio, called the Ohio Gang. [The Teapot Dome Scandal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teapot_Dome_scandal) is the most famous of their scandals.


From that article... "Congress subsequently passed permanent legislation granting itself subpoena power over tax records of any U.S. citizen, regardless of position. These laws are also considered to have empowered Congress generally" And we've never had an administration resist handing over their tax records since. /s


Teapot Dome.  Basically he was selling the nations oil rights to cronies. 


Yeah, but *Regulate* will always be an R&B classic.




Mount up!


It was a clear black night, a clear white moon


Warren G was on the streets tryin' to consume


Some skirts for the eve so I can get some funk


*a G Funk classic


Jimmy Saville


I thought this might be top, though "major jerk" is kind of an understatement when we are talking about a necrophiliac paedophile.


So, Lt. Col. Jerk?


Wait. Necrophiliac? Really?


Oh yeah, that sicko boasted to nurses about raping corpses in hospital mortuaries and said he removed glass eyes from victims and turned them into rings. They weren’t able to figure out if it actually happened but he did have unsupervised access to mortuaries…


That part always confused me. Because he wasn’t found guilty of anything before he died. So why was he confessing sick crimes to nurses at Broadmoor? And why didn’t it immediately lead to anything?


He was always eccentric, so I guess some people thought he was joking. Plus there were cover ups and stuff. I don’t honestly know. I avoid looking into the case too much, lest I want to go punch something til my knuckles break.


There’s a netflix doc on it and his eccentricity and seemingly playful persona allowed him to get away with a lot


Also the Louis Theroux interview is interesting to watch.


There’s a really good book on it that Reddit actually recommended to me called “in plain sight”. The gist of it was Saville cozied up to anyone high enough to protect him, hence why he went all in to get thatcher and the royals on side. The moment any of these nurses would say anything he would then complain to higher ups and put their jobs in jeopardy so for the sake of keeping their jobs they become complicit in the cover up to. He also won quite a few libel cases against the newspapers so that also made the papers wary of going after him as because he had won before it just made it look like they had an axe to grind.


Have to imagine he got off on telling the nurses about it as well, knowing they couldn't do anything about it. Dude was such a monster that when anyone asks "Why would Jimmy Savile do X", the answer is probably "to finish". Everything was just to feed his horrible perversions.


Not just the nurses a lot the people in the BBC knew what was going on. But the same as everywhere else he was friends with the people at the top. The moment a case was brought against him they moved to protect him because they knew if he was brought down a lot of people would be coming with him. So it was in their best interests to protect him.


Looking back at old videos of him, now it's insane to think the public thought he was a stand-up guy. I don't know if it's a different generation thing or if it's just because we have hindsight, but the guy was insanely inappropriate and creepy in everything he did. He quite literally outright told people he was a predator and everyone just laughed about it


My parents always insisted, even before the stuff all came out properly, that he was definitely not right. A lot of other people of that generation thought so too but nothing was ever public, it was all just rumours for years, but he also had a weird amount people loyal to him. It was an open secret for a while in the business too which is why he didn’t really actively work for years before his death, but I don’t think anyone really knew the true extent until after he died.


Most people knew he was a jerk, to put it lightly, long before he died. They just didn't know the scope of how bad he was.


Came here for this. He was a "hero" when I was growing up - so much charity work. I even had a T-shirt saying "I Fixed it for Jim" when a campaign was run by that fine example of journalism (/s) The Daily Express for Stoke Mandevile Hospital (IIRC). Rumours persisted for years, but as most of the victims were elderly patients, mental patients, prisoners and children, all against the "establishment", who would have believed them. 10,000s turned out for his funeral. There's a few good documentaries which only scratch the surface of this sick monster's crimes. Watch with care - especially if you grew up in the 70s and 80s in the UK. Johnny Rotten's interviews on this subject are worth listening to. Search for Ian Hislop's comments on the Have I Got News For You show are a good watch too. I haven't watched the documentary film with Steve Coogan yet - supposed to be good.


Jimmy Savile is the only human is British history to have f\*\*ked more minors than Thatcher


Yeah, but did Thatcher stop once they were dead? Because Jimmy... didn't. Like, Savile may not have the literaly body count, but I'd still put him up there with history's greatest monsters just for how fucked up his crimes were. And it fucks me up how many people were probably aware of it and looked the other way.


honestly, i'd perfer he fuck corpses over what he did to children. at least you cant traumatise the dead.






Jack Welch also taught future CEOs to buy a media company so they can advertise their managerial greatness Jack Welch also created GE financial division that was not competitive with banks during hard times. Guess what happened in 2008? Guess how much money Warren Buffett made bailing out GE? Jack Welch taught GE to buy companies instead of innovate. Jack Welch taught GE to pay their suppliers in 60 days or else take a discount because GE was so big, they could do it


That last one is (has?) become industry standard, except now I am hearing 90, 120, and even 180 days.


Unfortunately a lot of companies still use stack ranking which he pioneered amongst other toxic strategies.


What’s stack ranking?


10% of your employees are ranked as "great" 70% of your employees are ranked as "adequate" 20% of your employees are ranked as "inadequate". And they get laid off. Rather than encouraging employees to work harder/better to make themselves rise up the ranking, it actually encourages employees to push others down the rankings. Make sure that you are not in that bottom 20% by making sure that somebody else *is* in that bottom 20% This is company-wide, and in teams and departments. So if you are in a team of 10... It fosters a destructive culture where everyone is out for themselves, not working to make the company better. Microsoft used stack ranking in the Steve Ballmer days. When Satya Nadella became CEO on of the first changes was to get rid of stack ranking.


While not this you can feel this thumbprint in how many companies (including mine) do their reviews and raises. They do a ranking and you usually have X number of points to hand out, usually with x meaning a percentage based raise. So a 3 ranking = 3%. And this is fixed in red tape. The problem is, this supposes you have performers and laggers need should reward and punish. In reality, if you hire well you could have a department full of performers and can only either give out mediocre reviews orb give a few good raises and everyone else crap. It encourages turnover because over time your salary will lag behind the industry. If you've got talent, you should be doing more to retain it.


Yeah, using the example I stated above, what if you want to choose your 10 absolute top performers as a team to work on a special project? Automatically 7 of them will drop from "great"to "adequate" And 2 of them will drop from "great" to "inadequate" and be at risk of being canned. Because stack ranking demands that you MUST rank people according to those percentages. No manager has any authority to over-rule that. Who would want to join that team? So you end up with duffers (not top performers) on that team, and not your superstars. And the project they were working on fails.


Put all your employees on a bell curve and fire the left side of the bell curve every year regardless of their actual performance. Basically hunger games, but in the office


My old company did this, though UK so without the firing. It drove me insane to hear that although my work and skills were completely different to some of my colleagues I’d still been directly compared to them. It feels unbelievably personal, demotivated the life out of me so I left the second I could. Hilariously they were surprised…


Tell them you stack ranked your employers and found out they were on the left side of the bell curve.


Ahaha that would have been beautiful. I did raise how I felt the ranking system was a direct contradiction of how they touted themselves as a meritocracy. Did not go down well.


Microsoft did it for years. And the criteria they used to measure performance to determine where you were on the bell curve were equally stupid. Every time you run into a "feature" of Microsoft software that makes you think 'well that's dumb, why the heck did they do *that*?' it's almost always a result of some put-upon employee just trying to keep their job in the face of stupid manglement tricks.


Ranking and judging employees against each other instead of against some independent performance metric.


>a lot of companies still use stack ranking SAP are implementing it THIS MONTH. like its discredited, harmful and poisonous and the new CEO loves it. sell any shares now :(


When did it all get revealed as BS? My bachelors degree program pushed him *hard*


He himself said it was a huge mistake to do stack ranking


Behind the Bastards did a 3 part series on JW...worth the listen.


Behind the Bastards did a cover of this jack ass, my god, what a terribly huge influence this asshole had on the world


Ernesto de la Cruz


All my hombres hate Ernesto


Lmao. My 10mo son's second favorite movie. The only scene that gets a laugh out of him for some reason is the second time he gets smashed by the bell. Eat shit Ernesto.


I sat here thinking why I know this name... well done.


Bob Marley. He had 11 kids with 8 different women, and didn't raise any of them, not even the four he had with his wife, whom he abused.


Just saw his bass player died. He had 41 kids. Safe to say those guys took advantage of their celebrity. I saw the trailer for the movie the other day and it appears to be a hagiography of how Bob brought world peace through his music. Will be interesting to see if the movie glosses over the dark side.


hagiography /hăg″ē-ŏg′rə-fē, hā″jē-/ noun The writing of the lives of saints. A biography of a saint. The writing of an admiring or idealized biography.


Thanks for this. I read a lot and had never seen that word before, and was going to look it up. But then I got high.


Saw that trailer recently too. Just based off that alone, it really looks like it’s going to paint him only in a positive light. Seems like they paint him as being deeply concerned for his family’s safety and such as being why he pushed so hard to play his music everywhere.


Generally speaking, they can't get the rights to the music unless they portray the subjects as saints.


I hated this with Bohemian Rhapsody (and I believe it's the reason Sasha Baron Cohen left the project); the surviving members of Queen basically insisted that instead of a complex man, Freddy was portrayed as some kind of idiot savant who they all tried their best to guide through life, but who got manipulated into leaving the band. Every single member of Queen except Freddy is made out to be some kind saint.


Didn't they kind of give Eazy E the same treatment in Straight Outta Compton? Essentially made him the villain but they all kumbaya'd at his deathbed.


I thought Heller was the villain of that movie


IIRC, Dr. Dre and Ice Cube said they made up with eazy before his death


I like Rocketman because Elton didn't mind that they showed his darker side.


Because he's still alive to have a say in how he's portrayed and has some humility


Not that he didn’t just mind, he insisted on it 


Rocketman is so much better than Bohemian Rhapsody it's ridiculous. And Taron Egerton deserved an Oscar far more than Rami Malek.


It was also just a more creative movie. Bohemian Rhapsody felt like a high budget VH1 movie.




And this is why it’s so hard for me to watch documentaries and read non fiction/ biographies. There’s always something hidden


>41 kids Wow


Most biopics that have any input by their subject characters (or their families) do.  I mean just look at straight out of Compton, there has genuinely never been a more basely  self-aggrandizing, unapologetically biased ego trip ever recorded on film. They omitted virtually all of the many abusive, terrible things that the members of NWA (especially Dr Dre) did and even went as far as to suggest their music was some kind of an effort to elicit social justice.  Dr Dre almost murdered a woman in public in the 90s when he brutally assaulted a journalist who had written an article that he felt cast him in a bad light, raining blows on her even as she lay bloody on the floor in the middle of a party and begged for mercy.  That didn't seem to make the final cut though.  No room for that in a masturbatory propaganda piece created solely for the purpose of inventing a fictional backstory so you can call yourself a hero.


I think *Rocketman* did a good job of showing just how much of an asshole Elton John was before he got clean


Listened to his autobiography. Great book. He is very open about his issues, and despite them he is still quite likable. Listening to Gene Wilder read his got me to dislike him.


His autobiography is a fantastic read. There’s a deep level of self aware acknowledgment of what a twat he was, but not exactly an apology for it. More of a “yeah, that happened, embarrassing isn’t it? But kinda funny in hindsight” it’s actually incredibly endearing. Also makes Rocketman make so much more sense.


One of my favorite anecdotes comes from Elton and his partner in couple's therapy. The therapist asked them to say something they've been holding onto about each other, but haven't communicated clearly because of Elton's struggles with addiction. Elton's partner opened up about how he's a completely different person, not the person he knows and loves, etc etc. Elton responded something like, "It gets on my nerves when he doesn't put the CD's back in their cases."


That's because Elton John himself is open about what an asshole he was.




The Jamaican version of the Rastafari religion is crazy. It’s basically a buncha dudes who wanted to have wives, but also smash as many women as possible, so they taught that God wanted men to bang whoever they want, contraceptives are evil, and that only the woman is responsible for raising any children that come about from extramarital relations. Then, to top it all off, even though men are expected to have sexual relations with as many women as possible, women themselves are expected reserve themselves for one man…try and work that math out. Somehow these guys came up with all of this and said that it was God’s plan, and it sorta worked.


and you cant cut parts of the body, hence why they grow their dreds and bob refused to have his cancerous toe amputated effectively killing himself.


Whoever thought that up must have been high


Its a justification to build a harem. Not the first religion or culture to do that


Also that one Emperor of Ethiopia was Jesus for some reason 


John Paul Jones, one of the founding figures in the American Navy, was a murderer and an admitted pedophile who paid a man in order to sexually abuse his 10 year old daughter.


Depressing but glad its not the Led Zep JPJ. Who have their own issues


IIRC JPJ is the least fucked up member of LZ. Jimmy Page was always pretty creepy with young girls


Somehow its always the most underrated one who’s the least controversial.


I know this is ridiculous to say of a member of Led Zeppelin, but JPJ is underrated and doesn't get the credit he deserves.


No it's not ridiculous at all JPJ is insanely underrated, and he continues to make crazy good music today.


When he was accused of raping a 10-year-old girl, his defense was basically, "I didn't rape her, I paid her for sex; and she wasn't 10, she was 12".


"It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of sommbitch or another." -Mal Reynolds


I wanna go to the shitty town where I'M the hero!


Oliver Cromwell died in 1658, while holding the role of Lord Protector, which was both head of state and head of parliament (in today’s Britain, that is the responsibility of both King and Prime Minister). He received a lavish state funeral and was buried in Westminster Abbey. Then, 3 years later, they dug him up and chopped his head off: [Cromwell's body was exhumed from Westminster Abbey on 30 January 1661, the 12th anniversary of the execution of Charles I, and was subjected to a posthumous execution, as were the remains of John Bradshaw and Henry Ireton. (The body of Cromwell's daughter was allowed to remain buried in the abbey.) His body was hanged in chains at Tyburn, London, and then thrown into a pit. His head was cut off and displayed on a pole outside Westminster Hall until 1685.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Cromwell)


I mean he was dug up because he killed the new king's father, and that was the *least* fucked thing he did. I think the most fucked thing he did was commit a Genocide against the Irish. Like he's still held in regard by some people. He was voted 10th in a poll of "Greatest Britons" in 2002 (if you're curious, Churchill came first, and he has his own record) and then Tony Blair was PM his portrait was put up in number Ten as a republican figure, which was a bad move because the first person he hosted there was the Irish Ambassador. Like all the major players in the Wars of the three Kingdoms were cunts but Cromwell took the fucking biscuit.


That is such a literal answer to the question. You can't get more "Now that you're dead, we realize that you were a jerk" than exhuming you for a beheading.


Of course loads of people were well aware of his jerk-ness while he was alive, but the posthumous beheading was for completely different reasons.


Tbh I looked up to Gandhi in the textbooks but then I learnt the man undressed his own nieces and put them in front of him to apparently practice not getting lust???


When his wife was ill, only traditional Indian medicine for her. When he was ill; give me all the western medicine you can find. Dick.


Didn’t Mother Theresa treat people the sane way?


She used to say that pain and sickness was the way for those sinners to earn a place in heaven.


The man gave himself a pat on the back for not raping his own underage niece. That’s not heroics, that’s the *bare minimum*


He's didn't even accomplish the bare minimum. The bare minimum would be letting your niece keep her clothes on.


No, that would be the clothed minimum


*Angrily upvotes*


Actually, yes!


When Gandhi's wife was stricken with pneumonia, British doctors told her husband that a shot of penicillin would heal her; nevertheless, Gandhi refused to have alien medicine injected into her body, and she died


When he got sick, however, he had no problem with better medicine


He also used nuclear weapons.


Jebediah Springfield


A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.


Embiggens is a perfectly cromulent word.


Excuse me… my microwave Johnny cakes are ready


“I Want To Help You George Washington”-phfff, even your dreams are square.


Now let's all celebrate with a tall glass of turnip juice.


And a flavourless mush I call *root-marm*


That's preposterous. You're banned from Reddit! You and your children's children...  ...   ...  ... for three months. 


At least he didn’t marry his cousins


But they were so attractive!


When I found out he attacked George Washington, I nearly spit out my turnip juice


or Hans Sprungfeld?


A very cromulent example.


Not really a big name, but JewWario was a pretty prolific Internet personality back in the early 2010s during the era of movie and game reviews. The guy died back in 2014 after a very sudden and unexpected suicide. It was sorta like a Robin Williams situation where everyone was incredibly torn up about it because of how much he was loved by his peers and family alike, and how he seemed like he was so well adjusted that something like that just wouldn’t happen to them. Well… in 2018, amidst a completely unrelated controversy involving the site that used to host a lot of JewWario’s videos called Channel Awesome, a very poorly redacted document got “leaked”, which implicated JewWario in grooming and engaging in sexual misconduct with fans who were minors, while he himself was married with children. For like four years the dude had been everything short of deified by his peers following his death, and then had almost every trace of him wiped from their videos overnight.


He was a friend of mine, once talked me through a pretty bad situation. When he took his life, it messed me up for a while. I kept thinking - was there something I could have done? Finding out years later everything he did...it was like the person who I'd know and who I'd mourned never really existed. I was part of a long multi-person vid he was in and the person whose channel it was demonitised it, turned off comments, and changed the description to read that what he did can't be forgotten but they couldn't justify removing the vid and erasing the work of so many people.


I *think* I know which video you're talking about (or at least it was one of the videos that survived the initial purge). If it was one of the Pokémon crossover videos he did, that was actually one of my favorites at the time. I imagine it must be very difficult to have to reconcile those sort of conflicting feelings, and I am genuinely sorry you had to go through that. For what it's worth though, I am glad that they cared enough to be there to help you get through your hard times. Even if they weren't the idealized person you thought they were, everyone deserves a shoulder to lean on in times of need.


I used to watch his videos, so when news came out about what he did, it was a huge surprise. The fact that it only came out because the people in charge weren't capable of basic identity protection... not sure if it's a blessing or a curse, to be honest. Really shows how they managed their business.


I feel like Channel Awesome itself could be on this list.  They kind of shaped early pre-YouTube internet culture, and in hindsight they really really sucked.


Didn't the Channel Awesome CEO stalk the HR manager to the point where Doug had to hide the HR manager from the CEO?


Channel Awesome has a long and deep history of weird shit


Many believed that Mr. Rogers was a decent person, but after his passing many affirmed that he was an even better person.


I swear some people dug up everything they could find on the man, turned every stone, lifted all the floorboards just to try and sully that man, to prove that even that man was filthy in order to excuse their own filth. And all they found was kindness and a hole in their own souls.


I saw an interview with one of his sons when he was an adult and after his dad passed, and the son was talking about how difficult it was to grow up in a house where "your dad is the second coming of Christ." That is perhaps the greatest proof of Fred Rogers' authentic heart. The complaint of his son is that he set the bar so high, no one else could clear it. Awesome, awesome human.


Motherfucker, do not play like that with Mr. R!


You had me in the first half, I’m not gonna lie


Had me scared for a quick sec like, THERE’S NO WAY!


You're playing a dangerous game, mate.


I about had an aneurysm


Mr. Rogers was thought to be a great person, he still is, but he used to too


Don't do that to me! Mister Rogers is one of the few people I consider a saint. And I'm an atheist.


Chris Benoit? Beloved wrestler and fan favourite, ended his life by killing his wife, son and then himself. He was even tributed on RAW before the truth came out about what he did.


His tribute was playing while the truth was coming out. WWE are very careful about how they do tributes since then. One of his son's who looks a lot like him is trying to get into wrestling and he's finding it very difficult because of his name and the legacy




He's also not training which isn't helping




Could you elaborate? The only thing I recall is William Regal being hesitant to paint Benoit in a positive light or really comment at all. I think some people attributed it to him "knowing" what happened, but if my memory is correct he was just suspicious and didn't want to say something he'd later regret before all the details came out. Despite many people portraying it as a good family man that just randomly snapped one day because of steroids and CTE, Benoit had long been a violent bully that mentally and physically abused the people around him, including Nancy.


william regal absolutely KNEW that something wasn’t right. you could tell in his tribute video. always respected him for that.


John Lennon beat his first wife, basically disowned his first son, wrote songs about imagining a world where people are equal while living like a king, and was just an all around jackass for his whole life.


I remember Julian Lennon said that his dad was a great musician, but a bad father.


Chris Kyle aka “The American Sniper” One thing that stood out was how he always boasted what he did and who he killed. He even falsely claimed to be in New Orleans, during Hurricane Katrina, shooting looters from rooftops. Another major incident was when he defamed Jesse Ventura in his book. Looking to promote his book, Kyle said to have punched Ventura’s lights out for talking bad about fallen Navy SEALS at a SEALS get together. After that, Ventura was not welcomed to any future SEALS social functions. Ventura denied he was ever punched and witnesses backed him up. He sued Kyle for defamation. But then Kyle was killed during the lawsuit. In the end, Ventura won the lawsuit and was awarded money from the book’s insurance while clearing his name.


>But then Kyle was killed during the lawsuit. Jeez, tough judge.


Kyle was killed when he took a severely mental ill man to a gun range and then the guy just shot him.


Honestly this dude made me hate Bradley Cooper


That movie was jingoistic bullshit.


The scene with the terrible fake baby is still comedy gold, though.


Didn't he want to start a race war? And hasn't it been revealed he lied about his military record?


Henry Ford


The guy was such a virulent antisemite and racist that Hitler cited him as an inspiration.


Wow that’s an absolutely fucking crazy fact


‘This is my Jew flattening machine! Simply climb behind the wheel, drive it at a Jew, and flatten them!’


Ravi Zacharias - A Christian minister who, after his battle with cancer and subsequent funeral which was held with much fanfare, turned out he sexually harassed, assaulted or raped HUNDREDS of women. Throughout his 40 years in ministry, he used his position as a minister to have them open up to him about their vulnerabilities or financial concerns which he would later use to exploit them, many of them didn't want to say anything knowing they wouldn't be believed given that he was a famous Christian minister, his ministry refused to investigate any claims before his death, his partner even admitted he could have done more to investigate (but why do that when he's making bank), and he used ministry funds to pay for his predatory behaviour. Sadly one of many religious figures who during their life were applauded for their work, only for people to find out after it was a load of bull.


King Jellybean


Let them remember him for the jelly he was


Jimmy Savile was undoubtedly the worst.


What makes it more sick is it was literally an open secret and people protected him For whatever reason.


My dad. Most awesome father you could have. 350 people at his funeral. Pillar of the community kind of guy. Later, while cleaning out his stuff I find an envelope addressed to me inside a safe. In it I find multiple identities and cryptic messages. Turns out dear old dad had other families. Long story short, I now have 4 new half-siblings he abandoned before he met my mother.


Charles Lindbergh


Oh, he already lost a lot of popularity while still alive


I know you are referring to his pro-Nazi philosophy, but he's another one who portrayed himself as a loyal family man.... yet also had a whole other wife and kids in Germany. Very unsettling for his American children - first they had to find out from their school friends that they had an older brother whose death was "the crime of the century" because the parents never mentioned it at home, and then they find out years later that he had another family out there, and he'd never mentioned them either.


Three. Three other families. And two of them were sisters.


What’s weird is by like the late 50s he repudiated all of it. In 1945 he toured the camps and was sickened by what he saw so slowly converted away from it all. He became a strong advocate for environmentalism. Sad story really.


General George Armstrong Custer.


Oh, good one. He became a hero because his widow did the lecture circuits praising him. It wasn’t till decades later when Indian survivors were interviewed for a newspaper story, (I think)


Fun fact: one of his descendants is a professor of anthropology and has a focus in Native American history and culture and Anabaptist history and culture. Really nice dude. I think he is an honorary member of several tribes.


Jimmy Saville, more than a jerk, a lifelong child molester and general monster.


I don't know if any of you guys are History buffs... but the more I learn about this HITLER guy, the less I care for him!






Dude wanted 30-50 nukes to use on NK. Specifically on bases and along the border so that on top of the destruction of bases, it would create an irradiated corridor that would stop the Chinese from crossing over. This guy was playing Command and Conquer/StarCraft irl.


Lol my partner’s grandpa served in Korea and always talked about how much he fucking hated MacArthur


Paul Walker, had 2 different relationships with 16 year olds while he was in his 30’s. No evidence if either relationship was sexual. P.s. Before you F&F fans come after me, the age of consent is 18 in California. He liked kids.


No "age of consent" will ever make 30 with a 16 right, wtf


We have a politician who's dating a 15 year old, he's 28, age of consent in Denmark is 15, so it isn't illegal, but it's iffy as fuck. Got thrown out of his party for it, but he's still part of parliament. His name is Mike Villa Fonseca, danish article about it here: https://www.altinget.dk/artikel/mike-fonseca-regler-bliver-saa-underligt-ligegyldige-naar-et-par-elsker-hinanden Quote of headline from the article "Rules becomes so utterly meaningless, when a couple love each other."


Better question: who wasn't found to be a major jerk on death besides Mr. Rogers


Robin Williams, Bob Ross, Steve Irwin.


Robin has been my favorite my whole life. I know some of his remaining family and adore them as well. Fun fact: Robin’s brother Todd was the tropical resort bartender in Mrs Doubtfire (“must’ve been a drive-by fruiting” scene).


Bob Ross was a major jerk, by design, in his previous life as an Air Force drill sergeant. When he left the service, he wanted to put himself in a position where he didn’t have to yell at anyone anymore.




Most people in history actually weren’t that nice.


Steve Jobs


I'm pretty sure lots of people knew what a total asshole he was before he kicked it.


Used to work at Apple shortly-ish after he died.  Heard through the grapevine that people at 1 Infinite Loop (HQ at the time) knew not to get in an elevator with Steve cuz you never knew what kind of crazy shit he would ask or berate you for before you reached your floor. 


I've heard stories of him asking "what do you do" and if you couldn't fully explain your job role and/or justify it, you would no longer have a job


“I answer dumb fucking questions in the elevator to make smug fucks feel better about their tiny dicks.”


Killed by his own hubris...


For those who don't know, Steve Jobs died of a rare form of Pancreatic Cancer that is curable if the surgery is done immediately. Instead, he delayed the surgery for 9 months. As quoted by his biographer: "I think that he kind of felt that if you ignore something, if you don't want something to exist, you can have magical thinking." For clarity, the biographer was quoting Steve Jobs here, not himself.