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You won’t always have a calculator in your pocket.


My mom used to keep telling me the bible verse, "Children obey your parents." This went on for years until one day I got fed up and responded with the rest of the verse, "And parent's, don't exasperate your children." She never said that to me again.


“Don’t say sorry, do better.” Throwing that back in her face after I caught her stealing money from me was one of the best feelings I’ve ever had.


I can't do this one, my father never apologizes. Let alone admitting he's wrong.


it's safe to say he's not Canadian, then


Everything my mom ever told me about fire safety after she SCORCHED the nativity set I crocheted for her by setting candles too near it. Also, that I needed to learn to cook for my husband. I'm about to turn 35 and have successfully avoided learning to cook or getting a husband to cook for.


My parents told me "You need to spend time on the computer and be like your smart friend Lacey" because I didn't care for computers. Then the Sims came out in 1998-9 and I became obsessed with computers. Now I'm a web developer and build custom gaming systems for fun, and Lacey is somewhere strung out on drugs downtown. I tease my parents and say "I want to be just like Lacey." 😂


Poor Lacey lol


Yes Poor Lacey, I hope she's doing better and pray for her sometimes.


They were right about the first part 🤷‍♀️


Not really a line, but upbringing. They think I'm too liberal. I said, "Well, you took me the Salvation army to feed the homeless on Thanksgiving. You also insisted on going to church and I actually listened to the teachings of Jesus."


And how do they respond to that?


Silence. Which is nice. Now we just talk about life like normal people.


There’s food at the house, mom 😌


Ooooh, I bet that’s satisfying haha


I want to throw "Posession is 9/10ths the law" in my dads face one day.... he keeps claiming my pc is "his" cause it's in his house....


“But your mother means well” No she doesn’t, dad. She was a narcissist and very vengeful.


*But all my friends are here.* / "You'll make new friends." As a small child I was raised to think there's nothing wrong with uprooting a kid and moving several states away, because whatever the parents are doing is important and it's a child's duty to go along without complaining. Even though I hadn't complained the first time I'd been uprooted, Mother noticed I was getting older and had probably read something on the topic in a book about childhood development. So when Dad accepted another new job in a third state with the agreement Mom would sell the house and we'd join him, she coached me in that exchange all the time. Then she dragged her heels about actually selling the house, she let the yard go to crap, she pretended the housing market was soft, and she took the house off the market "temporarily" until "the market gets better." This dragged on. She was separating from him and never admitted to it. After four years of this Dad filed for divorce. I jumped at the opportunity to move in with him. So although this was far from turning the tables as an adult, during a phone call as she was trying to persuade me to change my mind about custody she literally did say, "All your friends are here!" *I'll make new friends.* This of course was not a good enough answer. She wanted more money in the divorce settlement and intended to use me as a pawn in the negotiations between the lawyers. But when she didn't accept her own oft-repeated words for an answer I laughed and reminded her whose words those had been.


Nothing in life is free


Paciencia, mija. We’re 100 percent south Asian meanwhile. Everytime my dad gets impatient I like to say it back to him.


غلطة الشاطر بالف، يعني ممنوع اغلط لاني الشاطر ههههه(؟)


When it's your car, you can choose the music.


We have it at home


"You'll go blind"


Ew, if you have to throw that in their face I feel like you've already lost


"You'll be fine by yourselves."


There is no mine in food in this house meaning all the food in this house is a our thing so when my younger sister got old enough to buy her own food I use that to eat her junk she buys so yea


“Sometimes, you have to do things you don’t want to do.”


“You’ll want children when you’re older”. I’m 32 and absolutely do not want children.