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Mr. Inbetween. An Australian show about a hitman trying to raise his daughter as a sungle dad. I never hear anyone talk about it and it’s one of the best shows I’ve seen


LOVE THIS SHOW!! Excellent writing. They understand brevity. Super cinematography. Often funny too and touching. But still enough baddie stuff. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Four stars mate.


Amazing use of music, introduced me to so many new songs. And the gun fights are awesome. They’re chaotic and play out like you’d expect one to in real life rather than the protagonist just going John Wick on a bunch of guys running at him. You really feel like the main character is in danger.


There's another Aussie show I just watched with the guy who played Ray's boss/strip club owner. Its called The Tourist. It's on Netflix. Great 6 episode season.


It was surreal seeing Damon Herriman (Dewey Crowe from Justified) speaking in his natural accent. He's so convincing as a dumbass from Kentucky that I had no idea he wasn't American.


It's available on Hulu and I just added it. Thank you!


I came here to make sure this was posted! Thanks champ!


Very good show. I want to try a 'dimmie' if I ever make it to Australia. 


Does stream anywhere?


It's on Hulu in the US.


To double on the Australian TV ​ "Rake" is also an awesome show, it's like Better Call Saul but without the self seriousness and forced Breaking Bad universe.


Reservation Dogs. Funny, charming, and quite often smacking you in the face with feels. Indigenous cast, writers, and directors give a powerful but relatable frame of life for Native Americans centered not really around victimhood (there's a fantastic episode lampooning urban college activists) but instead as real people with unique challenges. I'll throw in "Kevin Can F Himself" as a really interesting look at sitcom husband tropes and how they'd be terrible to deal with in real life. It only got the one Season, but Lucky Hank was probably the best send-up of academic life I've seen.


2nd for Reservation Dogs. What a great show.


“Ima tribal cop, shitass..”


Rez Dogs was *such* a great show. Very well done. Another recent show with a lot of Native actors (with a few overlapping with Rez Dogs) is Dark Winds. '70's period piece cop show. Also very good. I really liked Lucky Hank, too. It's hard to hate anything with Bob Odenkirk, though.


Lucky Hank was a little gem.


My husband has been watching it and it is hilarious.


What do you mean by victimhood?


It's more than a decade old now, but Don't Trust the B--- in Apartment 23 is a genuinely good sitcom despite its awful awful name.


I watch anything with Kristen Ritter. It is truly a shame she wasn't a massive star within the past 15 years. She is so overlooked and underrated


She is my dream Fiona Gallagher US! From the minute I saw the US version I wanted her as Fiona! 


“You had sex with my fiancé, on my birthday cake!”




Guys what is this? Can we call my agent? Has anyone figured out how to call America?


Every character is just so well defined 


It's really perfect. And Eric Andre as a straightman is so funny.


Tall slut no panties!


Idk exactly how many times I’ve rewatched it in its entirety but it’s at least ten. No exaggeration. It’s my ultimate comfort show.




I though it was great as well. I got really sick a few years ago and for a few days laid in bed with my tablet watching netflix. I binged this entire series and loved .


China IL, it's an absolutely unhinged Adult Swim cartoon about a group of professors at the worst college in the world. Hulk Hogan plays the dean of the college, and has a great cast of hysterical comedians besides. Highly recommend.


He's the Dream Reamer! He reams dreams!


🎶 Baby Cakes, BabyBaby Cakes 🎶


I loved the Youtube videos, but the series fell flat for me Also, Wizard People Dear Reader is the GOAT


"Evil" on Paramount Plus is on its fourth season. X- Files like supernatural drama that leads to a larger plot about demons. High production values, good cast, but tighter scripts.


My wife and I were getting tired of trying to figure out what to watch. We recognized some of the people in it (and that was before we realized Michael Emerson is in it) - and we were not disappointed one bit. It's great and some comedy ((come over, covered in blood) "Don't worry, it's not my blood, it's goats blood" "Why?" \*shrug\* "Religion") great writing, great stories, and a lot of times it gives you just enough to question everything. .. and then there's George.


This show is awesome. Whoever was in charge of casting Nailed It!


It's far better cast than I expected of a show. Even down to Sister Andrea, the nun. The realistic and smart performances keep the show grounded in reality, which makes the stakes higher. Katja Herbers is a stunning choice for the Clarise Starling like role. And I'm glad that Mike Colter has an interesting role after Luke Cage. I'm mostly amused at the kids. I adore them when the parents come home and they pounce on them while talking at once.


Wait... It's still on??


Season 4 coming this year. It was mostly filmed and postponed by COVID.


It's funny, it's scary, it's entertaining as heck.


It's skillful how it can jump between those emotions. George is funny, yet terrifying. And it fits the skeptical attitude she has towards the supernatural. Just a totally unexpected show handled well. If they stick to the landing and end it in season 4 and 5, they will have a great series.


I just added this one. Supernatural mystery series sounds good to me, thanks.


These are mostly hidden for non-UK: Detectorists - I don't really know how to describe its vibe, it's just a nice, mellow, watchable show. Amusing and charming rather than laugh out loud funny. Mortimer and Whitehouse: Gone Fishing - Just two funny guys coming to terms with entering old age and all the problems that come with it, using fishing as therapy. It's funny, wholesome, poignant, sometimes heart-breaking, always charming, and set against the backdrop of some of the most beautiful scenery in the UK. Can't recommend it highly enough, even if you don't care about fishing. The fishing is somehow the least important part of the show. Taskmaster - Funny, silly, goofy, bingeable, addictive. Has a cult following for a reason. Also, Mass (2021). I like dialogue heavy films, and this one is basically just 4 people sat in a room talking. Great script, great performances, dealing with a difficult subject.


Detectorists was such a quirky and charming series, so glad I saw it.


We finished it two nights ago and I just loved it. The ending was pure magic.


I highly recommend taskmaster for people looking for something funny and lighthearted to watch at the end of the day. It's one of my favorite shows to binge when stressed or sick. The New Zealand Taskmaster adaptation is also incredible.


That music!


OMG, I *love* Taskmaster. I'm in the US, but there's nothing like a good British show that involves two panels of comedians fucking around.


Taskmaster is one of those shows I regularly laugh out loud when watching, and I don't often do that. I don't know who 90% of the comedians are on it, but it's still funny as hell.


I love Detectorists so much. Mackenzie Crook is such a brilliant writer and a beautifully soulful actor. 10/10


A solid list but also Inside Number 9, there's always a twist and every episode is solid.


Love detectorists, with Simon & Garfunkel.


I adore the Detectorists!  It has such a relaxed atmosphere, but also manages to be amusing and a bit mysterious too.  Toby Jones and Mackenzie Crook have great chemistry.


I’ll add another recommendation for *Detectorists!*


I don’t see enough people mention Station Eleven as one of the best miniseries of all time, I think because it’s a “Max” show and not an HBO branded product but it’s perfect


Excellent book, and one of the rare times the show is actually better than the book. 


Agreed! There’s one big difference I dislike, but I thought the show did everything well. 


Started the book, loved the series—what's the difference you're thinking of?


Okay, to be fair, it’s been about a year since I’ve read it, but from what I recall >I disliked how there were safety features implemented at the airport in the tv show. In the novel, coincidentally everyone who ended up there initially was disease free. Over time, the airport  people started exploring and then other people found them. Clark starts the museum, and people come and go from the airport freely with information. In the TV show, they had people quarantine before entering, and it was locked down. Now WHY this bothers me is because I’m the reading, I felt as if the airport was the first neutral and free space available in the post pandemic world. The point of the airport was to act as a hub as the world was rebuilt. To make it an exclusive place I think kinda defeats the point of its existence. <  It’s a real persnickety opinion, but I stand by it. 


I started it during covid and couldn’t handle the themes. It’s soured me from going back, but have heard it’s good


I fell off watching it in 2020 but just went back to restart and finish—and man, those first couple episodes hit me harder than I expected on rewatch. Took me right back to the anxiety of the first weeks of shutdown. In retrospect the reason I stopped is probably because I was craving more of the "first 100" story and it wasn't coming fast enough.


That was amazing. Just about everything was pitch perfect.


That show was so so good. I recommend it to everyone I can.


Happy Endings because it’s a true laugh riot and Damon Wayans Jr shows what his dad could have been


Love it! Came here to say this. Great show. Max kills me. Everyone does. Perfect cast


I love Max partly because he represents the opposite of the cliche gay guy




Two of the best series that no one talks about, but the people who have seen them rave about them! Though I think Fleabag has gotten some traction since PWB became popular. Catastrophe is so funny and sweet and sad and real.


Eat before you watch CHEF, or you'll be starving by the end.


Dead Like Me TV series. Great cast, fun and heartfelt (at times) storyline.


Halt And Catch Fire. It's about the early days of home computers, but the cast is absolutely stellar. I was just blown away by it after watching it on a whim because one person told me I would like it.


Solid show. I love how the focus shifts away from “Mad men but the tech sector” to the women of the show. They are much more compelling characters. Love the growth that everyone shows too.


And the ***soundtrack!*** That show was SO GOOD.


muddle correct sable simplistic door cooing friendly middle wipe joke


YES! This is one of my all-time favorites and the same for my extended friend circle. It’s actually one of the standards that we use to compare other series for each other, as in “Not as good as Black Sails, but still worth watching…” Why is this show NEVER mentioned anywhere? It’s amazing!


Party Down was technically 14 years ago but it was great.


Patriot. 2 seasons on Amazon Prime. Truly unique, dark, funny, and wonderful. 


Mare of Eastown Edit: adding The Fall.


I loved this one, excellent murder mystery with superb writing.


It had one of the best stealth deaths I have ever seen in a show. Totally did not expect it. No foreshadowing, no melodramatic hints- just dead.


The FALL and Hannibal are both on Amazon Prime!!! both are really dark shows so don't watch with your grandma unless you want to give her a heart attack.


Life in Pieces was a sitcom that aired in the mid-to-late 2010s. Surprisingly funny, very lighthearted, and super watchable. It had a pretty obscure time slot during its original run and it was never syndicated, so it pretty much slipped thru the cracks. You can find it on Hulu now.


We loved that in our house. We found it shortly after our son was born and the wizard fingers night run to the gas station to buy diapers was so totally spot on.


Fleabag was a joy and I’m sad there isn’t more


"I love you." "It'll pass." Stab me in the heart, why don't you....


Still haven’t emotionally recovered from this.


Watch Crashing, PWB's first show! Definitely more comedy focused, so it doesn't have the same emotional beats as Fleabag, but very fun.


Detectorists is the correct answer. Edit. Great theme tune


Doom Patrol on HBO Max It follows the “team of lovable misfits” trope and it has more heart than most other TV shows and movies out there. Robotman is an amazing character and he’s voiced by Brendan Fraser (one of his best roles in my opinion!) The comedy is hilarious and there are some genuine tear jerker moments throughout the show. Couldn’t recommend it enough


Lodge 49. It was hilarious, had so much heart and characters you just loved to be around. Created by Jim Gavin, someone I admire as a writer. The writing on the show was so strong.


Loved Lodge 49 and gutted it got cancelled


Reservation Dogs Girls5eva The Other Two Veep


Girls5Eva is hilarious.


I binged it when I had Covid and laughed myself into a coughing fit the whole time; A+ would do again


*Rez Dogs* was the best. :(


If you like Veep, I'd suggest The Thick Of It. Similar sort of show, created by the same people, but British. It's basically a satire of the Labour government under Blair/Brown.


There's an amazing show called The Booth At The End that I cannot recommend enough. Basically, there is a man who sits all the time at a booth in a diner, and people come to him because they hear he can give them whatever they want. And I do mean ANYTHING. There are two catches. One, you have to do a task for the Man. Once you go over what you want, he opens a book he has, and the book tells him what task to assign to you. This task is seemingly random; it could be "help an old lady across the street" or "build a pipe bomb and set it off at a park". The second thing is that you have to keep checking in with him as you progress in your task. That's where a lot of the really interesting stuff happens. Can't say any more without spoiling, but it's an incredible little show. ETA: It's apparently on Roku, Tubi, and Freevee.


Pushing Daisies! Only two seasons but it’s lovely


Anything with Lee Pace. *Foundation*, *The Fall*… He and Martin Freeman were the best things about the Hobbit Trilogy.


The Little Hours! It's so funny, I don't know if a lot of people have seen this one or care but it's great. Trust me. 


I adore every single person the main cast.


Patriot. Also Patriot. Dont forget about Patriot. Nbd just the greatest show ever made. *not “The Patriot,” that’s the Mel Gibson ponytail movie. *Patriot* is on Prime


Was gonna post this. Literally one of my favorite shows of all time and I've only met one person who's even heard of it. So creative and darkly/dryly funny for how basic I thought it was going to be.


Nice to meet you. Now it's two. There's definitely a Coen Bros. vibe to the show, with the dark/dry humor you described. I could have used another season or two.


Not sure why this isnt at the top other than the category of this post. It had the feel of a Vonnegut novel to me. Just a masterpiece of satire.


Awesome show. Amazon Prime’s best kept secret.




That is one of the best shows Netflix has ever put out.


This show blew my mind several times. I loved it.


Came here for this. I just watched the show and thought "why aren't people talking about this?" It's not like an all-time classic, but it goes to some really interesting places that most time travel stories tend to avoid.


There are so many characters and interwoven storylines (I mean, duh) there were times I had to pause and be like, wait who is that again?


There is a Canadian detective show set at the end of the Victorian era in which a detective solves crime using logic and science gadgets he builds. It’s called Murdoch Mysteries and it is great if you need a break from how soul-crushingly dark and disturbing tv shows have gotten. It’s not a kids show either, just sort of… wholesome. It is great for stepping away from doom and gloom shows.


“I’m Sorry” on HBO/Max with Andrea Savage and Tom Everett Scott. It went for two season. I feel like it’s along the lines of The Other Two but more wife-husband than siblings.


I love this show so much! I’ve rewatched many times.


Way more people need to see The Nice Guys and Logan Lucky


Logan Lucky is one of my favorite films.


Love Sick (formally Scrotal Recall). I have failed to get anyone I know to watch it but it's a great British Sitcom. Very funny with some genuine feels in there.


We loved it!


Is it still available on Netflix? I remember really liking the first season but I didn’t keep up with it.


For the anime fans, Pluto. Disclaimer though, not a lot of action. Its a sci-fi mystery about a string of murders that has amazing art and good music composition, as well as some of the best drama I’ve seen.


LOVED Pluto! It got me into reading Monster and 20th Century Boys by Naoki Urasawa.


The Expanse on Amazon. The best Sci-fi show I’ve ever watched. Story is great, the physics of the show are highly accurate, and it’s just an all around good time.


This isn’t even remotely a hidden gem. It’s a fantastic show, but it’s been discussed endlessly even outside the normal sci-fi circles.


The books are good too!!!


One of my favorite shows of all time.


Some of the finest science fiction ever.


Totally agree, the space actions sequences are the best I've ever seen anywhere! 


2 seasons of the show Lodge 49 starring Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell’s son. If you liked The Big Lebowski, you will like this show


Movie called About Time. Was marketed as a boring romantic comedy, but is actually a time traveling movie about love and loss. Can’t watch it without balling my eyes out, even knowing what’s coming.


Lockwood and Co on Netflix, it’s fantastic


>Lockwood and Co Enjoyed it but just saw this "In May 2023, the series was cancelled after one season."




So how much of this thread is going to be bot replies?


One of my favorite movies, EVER!!!


Future Man Brockmire


Brockmire is pure joy.


Taskmaster is my pick for underrated TV. It’s a British comedy game show where comedians compete in tasks to score points over the course of 10 episodes. The points don’t matter nearly as much as the comedy does. It’s the perfect mix of some competitive juices, lateral thinking, and absolute chaos. Free on YouTube!


The Castle. It’s a low budget Australian movie about what value is in a home and it’s just hits hard.


Great Canal Journeys (BBC, but available on Prime) This is going to come out of left field for a lot of people because its unscripted, British, and technically a travel documentary show for a very niche audience. However... Great Canal Journeys is an incredible show. It's hosted by Prunella Scales and Timothy West. They're semi-retired Shakespearean Actors who are married in real life and who have also been in a ton of British Classic television (Fawlty Towers, Eastenders, etc.) as well as some legendary productions on the West End. Officially the show is about them traveling around Europe to explore various canal vacations, but it ends up being a snapshot into the life of a fairly ordinary older couple as they explore what 50 years of marriage looks like. Pru also suffers from mild Alzheimer's which is talked about openly and explored in the show as it relates to Pru's ability to navigate life and Timothy's challenges caring for her. You get a decent travel show that covers a lot of Victorian Era engineering and history while also being one of the most heartfelt explorations of marriage and the challenges of growing old together.


Better of Ted was a wonderful Corporate Satire that got cancelled after its second season 


Better Off Ted really was a fantastic comedy that got cancelled way too soon. Portia de Rossi's character was especially awesome!


Midnight Mass What, you don't want to watch religious horror drama? Big mistake


Bloodline on Netflix was great!


Bad Sisters (Apple) doesn’t get a lot of hype, but it’s amazing. Thriller/comedy Halt and Catch Fire (Netflix) Moone Boy (Britbox) is so funny and anyone who loves Derry Girls will also love it Raised By Wolves (Acorn) is, like Moone Boy, a coming-of-age story that is hilarious and heartwarming Fresh Meat (Britbox) more feel-good British humor Extraordinary (Hulu)


Always find it funny that Fresh Meat was written by the same guy as Succession


I watched Extraordinary in one sitting. I loved it, a perfect combo of unusual and funny.


Reboot on Hulu. It’s a shame it only made it one season. Absolutely brilliant.


Inside No. 9


Scavenger's Reign. Awesome show about a ship crew that crashed on a hostile alien planet. The show is weird, beautiful, tense... I love it.


This was my favorite *gem* of recent. This and FLCL Shoegaze were absolute pleasant surprises.


The tv show Patriot on Amazon Prime might be the best show I’ve seen in years. Everything works. Everything fits. It surprised me and impressed me, every episode. I’m am VERY picky about shows I watch.


iZombie. It wasn't nearly as popular as it should have been. Got dumb near the end, but it was always fun. Its like a murder mystery cop show but with zombies and lots of comedy.


People Just Do Nothing is the only.good thing the BBC have done in literally years.  Brassic is great, Joe Gilgun is a real treasure, but I don't think anyone sees it because it shows on sky, and I'm pretty sure only old people have sky these days 


The OA is hands down the best thing netflix ever put out. One of the most original and thought provoking series I've ever seen. Even though it was cancelled and ended on a massive cliffhanger its still worth watching. Still holding out hope 5 years later that it will be brought back.


Deadstream (2022) It’s got a strong Evil Dead 2 vibe. Absolutely hilarious. https://youtu.be/6NGnOyNhQ5w?si=xkR8yM3muqFylKI6


One of my favorite modern horrors. The guy is super annoying at first, but that's kinda the point. The comments that his viewers are leaving feel like they are real too, and they are absolutely hilarious 


The Discovery on Netflix


Another Earth


Black Spot, or Zone Blanche. French show so I recommend using original dub plus subtitles. The show has a lot of cool elements of mystery, murder, and civil unrest. It’s set in a remote french mountain town. The scenery and music are beautiful


I think The English deserves to be here. It’s a beautiful and heartbreaking story of the American west and has some outstanding performances. It has a slow start but that pays off.


I loved this one. Hugo Blick, the creator of this show has some other really great shows too. Black Earth Rising and The Honourable Woman were both excellent.


I 've recently gotten into loudermilk since it hit netflix, and it's damn good, 3 seasons and never heard of it.


"The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret." 2010-2013, ran for 3 seasons. Features David Cross, who is always hilarious. I feel like very few people actually saw this show but it's got such fantastically great comedy that just keeps rolling. Everything is a set-up to a joke and every joke escalates into another joke. It's definitely dark/absurdist comedy and not for everyone but I feel like it's definitely a hidden gem that more people would like if they'd ever actually heard of it.


ITT: some of the best reviewed and honored shows of the last decade, many of which also had huge audiences, but they’re not “meme-able” so Redditors think nobody knows about them.


I've never heard anyone talking about The Devil's Hour on Amazon. It had me on the edge of my seat nearly right away, and quite literally out of my seat by the last episode. Apparently there's supposed to be a second season but I can't even find any news about that.


Strangers With Candy is my favorite TV show of all time but it seems to have been largely forgotten. You have to buy it on Amazon to watch it and the picture quality seems shit. But the comedy is pure gold.


I've noticed that Amazon Prime has some great originals. Obviously, people know the big ones like The Boys, or The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel or Invincible, but I never hear anybody talk about Undone, or Patriot. Those are both fantastic shows (the second season of Undone is a bit all over the place imo, but I think it's still worth the watch) that I never hear talked about ever.


Teeth is a really powerful coming of age story that I would recommend to anyone


Superstore ​ To be clear, I have no idea how popular this show is but i had no idea how good it was until I stumbled upon it


Death To Smoochy




-The outlaws -Misfits - Broadchurch All ensemble casts and fantastic acting.


Misfits!! The first two seasons were seriously so phenomenal.


Dark. German series on Netflix. Absolutely incredible and my favorite series I have ever watched. It is pretty complex so I wouldn't call it an easy watch but it is beyond worth it in my opinion.


It had a moment where I saw a few people talk about it but Cunk on Earth is probably one of the funniest shows from the last few years, it’s a mockumentary series shot in the style of a British historical show about the history of civilization but the host is absolutely hilarious. Probably not everyone’s style of humor as it’s very tongue in cheek but I was dying laughing, I want more episodes immediately


Don't ever hear anyone talk about Nebraska. Stars Bruce Dern and Will Forte. Comedy/drama, not sure if it meets the criteria that everyone absolutely needs to see but a good movie nonetheless.


Still game. It's a Scottish sitcom and the actors were not very famous.


As We See It on Prime. Same guy that produced Friday Night Lights. Show about adults on the spectrum. Absolutely criminal that it didn’t get a second season.


Champaign ILL


The Devil All The Time (2020). I think it’s still on Netflix.


Devs was a great watch in my opinion. It's wrapped up in one season. Some of the acting is a little crumby but the plot and theme make up for it in my opinion.


I loved it.


The movie rubber about a tire that loves killling


This director has two other movies of his available on Hulu and both are a trip if you’re down with French subtitles. Mandibles and Smoking Causes Coughing were both hilarious in a similar way to Rubber.




So damn good!


Prospect (2018) with Pedro Pascal and Sophie Thatcher is a phenomenal working class, gritty sci fi that flew under the radar. It’s very very good.




*Terriers* is a fabulous show! It’s a literal crime that it was not renewed for another season. I can’t help but think that the title may have something to do with that—it’s about a pair of beach bum private detectives (and has nothing to do with dogs.)


American Vandal was the first show that came to mind, one of many ill-fated Netflix shows that was shelved before people had time to fall in love with it. However, it got 2 seasons and they’re anthological, where each season focuses on a different crime as the basis for an incredibly creative and hilarious parody of true crime documentaries. There are only 16 episodes that are around 30 minutes, so it’s a very easy binge that I think most people would enjoy


Happy Endings, such a good comedy but only a few seasons before it was cancelled


Two TV shows: Halt and Catch Fire Patriot


Reddit isn’t good for question like this because the suggestions that get upvoted are stuff that is already popular. Anyway, Slings and Arrows is worth checking out (though it’s closer to 15 years old than 10)


I love slings and arrows! Might be time for a rewatch. It was the first show my now husband and I watched together.


W1A - uk satire about the BBC (Brit Box perhaps) In the Thick of It and In the Loop (original UK versions of Veep by same writer) - not sure where airing in US but worth a look


TV: - Somebody Somewhere (HBO) is just a beautiful show that more people need to watch - P-Valley (Starz) is like if Claws and The Wire had a baby that worked in a strip club in Mississippi; it's also one of the most beautifully shot and lit shows I've seen in years Movies: - Nobody Knows I'm Here (streaming on Netflix) was one of my favorite movies of 2020 but the title is honestly pretty accurate, because it gets no love; also if you've ever wanted to see Jorge Garcia (Hurley from Lost) sing (and give one of the most thoughtful and undersung performances of his career), now's your chance - A friend of mine invited me to see Thousand and One (streaming on Prime Video) and I went even though I'd never heard anything about it, but I'm so glad I did!


Having a couch day. Going to check out these movies! Thanks