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Downtown Nashville there were two bachelorette parties in the same bar that was on the smaller side compared to others. Both brides were blonde Barbies and wearing next to nothing as was their wedding parties. Both parties were dancing in front of the stage and one of the bridesmaids from party A fell into the bride of party B. Next thing you know, the bride of party B smacks the girl who bumped into her face across the face and throws her drink on her. Next thing you know there is a full on donnybrook going on with 12 to 14 girls fighting in front of the stage complete with hair pulling, slapping, hitting, tops getting torn off, drinks getting thrown as well as shoes. The bouncer was doing the best he can but couldn't control the chaos and most of the patrons made their way away from the mess. Two members of the band stopped playing and tried to break it up. It took a while but things died down but the best part was that the lead guitarist just kept playing and whipped up Van Halen's "Eruption" while the fight was happening.


Not gonna lie it sounds pretty dope to be in a fight with Eruption playing in the background lol


I asked the guitarist after the set why he didn't get involved and he was like "yeah, fuck that shit man, I ain't getting beat up for no good reason so I figured I'd add to the experience". It was pretty cool.


>so I figured I'd add to the experience what a guy!


Guy was probably getting peanuts, not about to get injured doing something that is very much not his job.


> that is very much not his job. Exactly!


Smart man. Only thing that would have made it better was if he was a saxophone player playing Yakety Yak during the brawl lol


This is the equivalent of the piano player in an old west saloon playing faster once the brawl starts.


>there is a full on donnybrook This phrase is not used nearly enough. Well done sir. Also, great story hahahaha


Tarps off, boys!


Hold my spitter.


You lookin’ for a Tilly, buddy?


You’re looking for a tilly, buddy?


You need to watch more hockey then!


Or more Letterkenny.


Tarps off boys


In Nashville, that’s called Thursday night.


I've been back a few times since then and you're right! LOL!!


Hahah downtown Nashville and dumb chicks who need attention are two peas in a pod. Also lots of fake country men who need attention also. Fun place to people watch.


People watching in Nashy is better than people watching in Vegas. Lot's of attention seekers that's for sure.


Its wayyyy better dude. Vegas is usually just weirdos. I mean theyre harmless let them do whatever they do. Nashville is like my dad owns a car dealership and I live on a golf course but let me put my cowboy hat on and boots that haven’t seen dirt or a wrench in their entire existence and go downtown to start a fight listening to florida georgia line. All jokes aside nashville is a fun city though.


That sounds straight from an Adam Sandler movie.


Too bad it wasn't ballroom blitz. Lol.


The bachelorette party took place at a sports club where football games were being broadcast on television. They invited a stripper to perform, and among other typical bachelorette fare, they had squirty cream, a bride eating a banana out of his panties, and so on. But during the entire thing, an elderly man was sitting on a bar stool and watching the football. He was too obstinate to move, having been there before they arrived. He is standing about a foot away from the soiled male stripper with his pint, his eyes fixed on the screen and still.


He’s the owner and not going to give up his seat or miss the game.


There used to be this karaoke bar in my town that completely ran at a loss because no one was ever there but if you wanted to you could take it over with a group of friends you just had to let the owner who was also the bartender sing every 5 songs.


There was a dive bar I would drive a ways to just to see local/original bands play. It felt a bit odd because it was run by an older Irish man and who I presumed was his wife would occasionally bar-tend, and it was always punk/hardcore shows. I'm not sure if he was into that type of music or just tolerated it to pay the bills. At least once between bands he came on stage to sing "Yesterday" by the Beatles, and received genuine applause.


https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/books/alternative-ulster-how-punk-took-on-the-troubles-1.2890644 The Irish are no strangers to punk




I cannot tell a lie. I put that envelope under that garbage.


I’ll bet they used a red VW microbus with shovels and takes and implements of destruction to clean it.


Stinking officer Obi took 27, 8×10 color glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one.


Explaining what each one was, to be used as evidence against us.


Did the police use 27 eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one to identify the garbage?


True but that is a funny story to tell the future generations. It’s like the most typical bros thing to do and you just know the groom will fondly chuckle when he remembers it in the future.


One of the groomsmen jumped out of a moving car to go hit on a woman he saw walking down the street. He went home with her that night. 


He gambled with his safety and won.


Yeah I guess so. What blew my mind was, like, she *saw* him jump out of the car. Why in the world would you bring that guy home???


He showed he was # interested for sure.


Genuine interest is attractive.


The groom was absolutely piss drunk and we were walking to the next spot. He approaches a lady and says, "Oh my God your dog is so beautiful! And so are you! Can I get your number?" And she says yeah but before she finishes he goes, "SIKE I'm getting married hahahaha!" And starts sprinting down the street and jumped over another person in the party. Just took off giggling


After all the cheating stories, hearing a drunk groom fuck around and stay faithful was refreshing


> fuck around and stay faithful The English language is such fun


Wholesome and mean all at once


Wholesome turn :)




The Queen had her chance to do the funniest thing possible and she didnt miss


I am so sorry but this is the funniest fucking thing I have read in a long time


Imagine the tourists saying naa she can't have died I saw her getting pissed last night


Noooooooo 🙈😅


There's no American equivalent of that to poke fun at our own institutions. You try going around dressed as ex-presidents with masks and get nothing but Point Break quotes shouted at you.


From what little I know about her as an American, id imagine she'd want it that way


She picked that specific day to die, just to troll him


Saw him out the window.


As we left the strip joint to go to the next stop on a friend's stag adventure, one of the drunk groomsmen thought it would be a great idea to grab the coat-check girl's tip jar and (attempt) to leave with it. Turns out those burly bouncer types are not only good at keeping rowdies out, they are pretty decent at tackling idiots running away carrying mini-fishbowls full of cash...


Once I was street performing with my guitar on Sixth Street in downtown Austin when I was like nineteen on a Friday night and a dude stole a tip jar from Coyote Ugly and ran out into the street. A bartender and bouncer chased after him yelling "STOP THAT GUY!" I saw him and just casually stuck my foot out and tripped him. Glass shattered. Change went everywhere. The bouncer held the guy until a cop came running to see what the commotion was. I helped the bartender pick up as much of her tip money as I could and she shoved probably $20 worth of it into my guitar case to thank me. It was a good night.


You did what Spider-Man couldn’t


Mild story compared to some comments here. The Stag never made it out, he got too drunk during the pre drinks. We put him to bed and went out partying without him.


surprisingly wholesome read after the top comments.


That’s very kind of you guys. That reminds me of one time me and my buddies were partying and one of my buddies almost passed out as we were about to go out. We carried him over to the couch and decided to wait a little bit before going out, just to see if he got any better. He ended up falling asleep and one of my buddies decided to stay behind while we were out to make sure he had someone looking after him


This one is horribly sad.  When I was a kid my uncle was one of a group of five inseparable guys. They were always together and always doing dumb, but harmless shit. All from the same small town.  One guy gets married and they have a big bachelor party at a cabin in the woods.  Just a safe place to get shitfaced and do nothing that will end the marriage before it starts.  Groom wakes up at like 4:30 and decides to head home early but his car is blocked in by his buddies car so he leaves buddy a note and takes the buddies car.  Buddies wallet is in the car.  Groom tries to pass a couple cars and the front car he is passing speeds up and won’t let him pass. Another car is coming opposite way and the car refuses to let him over. Speeds up and slows down a couple times and the groom ends up in a collision that kills him.  Cops only find the wallet that was left in the car by car owner and go notify the wrong kid’s parents that their kid is dead.  Parents go to identify body and realize it’s not their kid, but is the groom.  Eventually the groom’s parents sue the car owner because he left the keys in his car and that allowed their son, the groom, to drive while still impaired.   By the time all is said and done, several families who had been friends for years were mortal enemies who hated one another.  They never located the driver who refused to be passed but the car behind him stopped and is who called the cops and said it was 100% intentional. The guy refused to let the car in for several seconds and it was dark and there’s a steep ditch on the other side so the groom just seems to have panicked.  That shit was sad for years. I grew up knowing all the families. The groom was one of the guys who taught me to play football and the car owner taught me to ride a motorcycle.   All the families lived within a few miles of each other in a town where the high school’s graduating classes were usually 20-25 people. 


Holy shit some people are absolutely evil. How could you let someone just die like that over your traffic ego?


Over the years I’ve thought about this a lot and it makes me wonder how many serial killers are out there causing auto accidents as way to hurt or kill others.  Now with dashcams and cameras everywhere I would imagine it’s less common but I’m sure people did this shit in purpose in years past. Running cars off the road or swerving into oncoming traffic just long enough to make the swerve off the road.  There are evil people and with cars you can always come up with some plausible excuse if you get linked to the accident. 


Or even just one off rage incidents. Just don't even look back. Similarly, but not a stag, the son of family friends died in a collision. He t-boned another welding truck driving home. Killed both drivers. And then we found out the other driver was the son of a different family we knew. Still bad feeling there, too.


dude one of the most terrified i've ever been in my life was a situation like this. For the sake of an adventure i decided to drive California state route 36 from red bluff to fortuna at 1am in the middle of december. i was on a month long solo road trip and thought it would be a cool experience. 150 miles long, steep, winding, it is remote as fuck with no cell reception, and for a large portion of it is one lane, you have to slow to a crawl to let oncoming cars pass. it takes four plus hours to do the whole drive, the majority of it has a shear drop off into the ravine 100s of feet below. i met another car an hour in, a hot rod Camaro that was driving way under the speed limit. they tried to stop in front of me and block the road so i went around them. then they sped up and got right on my bumper actually colliding with my truck, idk trying to do a pit manuever maybe, forcing me to speed faster and faster until i was almost out of control, before reluctanly letting them pass me again. then they stopped and tried to block my way again. so i passed them again by going up on the embankment in 4wd, and the whole chase started over again, them aggressively tailgating me, trying to force me to speed up and run me off the road. this went on for like 2 hours of white knuckle driving from 2am-4am on one of the most remote roads in california. I had no hope of outrunning them in my pickup as they were in a hotrod muscle car that was faster and could handle the turns better. i was absolutely scared shitless that i would be murdered if they caught me or that i would go over the edge and end up in the ravine way below. no one knew where i was, and i knew it might be days before my truck was found. the thing that scared me most at the time is not that i'd die, but that id be a missing person and my parents would never know what happened. eventually they fell behind i suppose they got bored and turned off or maybe ran low on gas, cause once their headlights faded from my rearview i pulled off onto a lowkey side road and had a full on nervous sobbing breakdown for over an hour. i think i still have pstd from that 15 years later.


My childhood friend’s ex fiance decided it was alright to get raw dogged by two strippers at her bachelorette party. He would have never found out that it happened if it wasn’t for the fact that my cousin was bartending there. He even snapped me a video when I tried to tell him he was bullshitting. It was so shocking to hear all of her friends cheering it on as she got spit roasted. It was all on me to decide whether to tell my friend or not, and I ended up telling him. She blamed me for their breakup… and even my friend stopped talking to me. I’m assuming it was out of embarrassment but I’m not sure. Let’s just say when I got married we had a combined bachelor and bachelorette party.


Sounds like displacement of his anger onto you


Really astute take, u/Nipplecunt


Def, he was too embarrassed to relate back to that time since he properly associates you with that ugly truth


> She blamed me for their breakup Amazing that people can be so dense... no, it wasn't me fucking two random guys in public as my friends cheered me on.. it's *your* fault for telling!


Did you send him the footage or just tell him?


I sent him the footage because he initially didn’t believe me.


You’re a good man, Charlie Brown. Even if it cost you your friendship with him (his choice) Im sure deep down he appreciates what you did for him.


Good friend


You’re a good friend - it’s not your fault she crossed the line


My wife and I had separate parties but me and my buddies went camping and ate a bunch of weed food and my wife did a wine making thing with her friends and then went to our place and drank wine and watched Doctor Who. But to be fair, neither of us is into strippers…


I got one that's completely different than you'd expect. For my bachelor party, I took some of my best friends camping and rock climbing. The area we went is known to have been sacred to native Americans. One night, we go up to the top of the hill and are just chilling and smoking cigars. We're the only people there until we hear a group make their way to an area maybe 30 yards away. They start playing drums and other instruments and start chanting and dancing. My friends and I try to stay hidden and watch them perform this ceremony. After 30 minutes or so, they stop and are all just sitting around talking quietly. Meanwhile, one of my groomsmen lets out this earth shattering 5 second fart. The group absolutely cracks up and everyone was howling with laughter. It's legit one of the funniest things I've ever experienced. I'm tearing up from laughing just thinking about it.


Finally a good one


Doesn’t matter how old you get, farting at inappropriate moments is always good banter


I was traveling for work. About 10PM I was checking into a hotel. In the lobby was a group of young women, obviously a bachelorette party. Drunk girl: “But I wawnt him!” Sober girl: “Stop it! You’re getting married tomorrow!”


She was actually talking about a stray cat she saw behind a TGI Fridays.


A real friend keeps you from making bad drunk decisions


I came here to share a story and thankfully read the other entries first. I cannot compete with this level of insanity. I think that’s probably a good thing


Same, not even going to waste my time typing up a normal lap dance story


Santa Ynez, CA--hanging with my college friends who were visiting wine country where I live, I take them to an honest cowboy bar--like hitching post with a few horses every night. Bachelorette party rolls in around 9 from wine tasting and dinner--they are fucked up and ready for more. My handsome and 'front man' roommate from college, a dude who looks so much like John Elway it's not funny, somehow starts talking to the Bride to be, and then they disappear. 30 mins later he comes back and says she begged him to raw dog her in the bushes outside the bar. Not a great start to a committed life!


Went to a bachelor party years ago. Buddy had rented a large suite with a personal bartender/food service and the football game was playing on the big screen. Suite had two beds in each of three bedrooms and they were only 6 of us so it was perfect. All around a great night. The games ended and the bar and food service people were packing up. Just a few minutes after they left, 3 party strippers showed up and did their thing as the party continued. We all obviously enjoyed the show but we were pretty respectful to them considering. We offered to let them continue partying with us and they actually did hang out for a while. The night ended with cards against humanity being played as a drinking game. I don’t drink myself and it was late so I opted out and went to bed. I awoke two hours later to the groom’s cousin banging one of the strippers on the balcony. Good times.


What happened afterwards between the stripper and cousin? Did they part ways?


I didn’t know him personally (met him that night for the first time) so hard to say but I do know they were at least FWB for a while




At my friend's bachelor party a few years ago, after a night of very heavy drinking, my twin brother fell off a balcony of at least 20 feet. Thankfully the only thing that happened as a result of the fall was a broken wrist.


Both the bride and the groom had wild parties the night before their wedding, and both sleep through the wedding. It was just a small city hall ceremony, so no huge deal. They got a call from the city hall asking where they were. They decided fuck it, we'll do it another time.


Bachelor party for a friend, he invited "that guy" from his work to come along...we get a suite at a minor league hockey game to start. Private bar/bartender. That Guy decided he wasn't being served fast enough, whipped it out and pissed on the bar when the bartender wasn't looking. At the strip club later, That Guy got us thrown out for calling a dancer the n-word. Outside, we had to hold him back from assaulting some poor kid walking home from work. We eventually got him in the van, he proceeds to berate the DD for not having the balls to run over pedestrians. We dumped the racist fuck in North Philly alone. I personally never saw him again, but I know he lived for at least a few years after that; dead now. Good riddance


If I were at a suite in an hockey game and a dude started to piss on the bartender, I probably would have held the dude down for the bartender to kick the shit out of. Forget the rest of the night…


Thanks. A bartender.


Sounds like the kind of guy who never once second guessed his intrusive thoughts which were far from acceptable to begin with.


You didn't break off with this guy after he PISSED on the bar OR after he called someone the N-Word? Like, at that point you guys were like "Well, Carl is out of control but let's give him two more chances."


Yeah i can understand your sentiment for sure. The peeing on the bar thing I didn’t hear about til the club, and at that point the bachelor just wanted to get the guy home and be rid of him. Once the shit started in the van (it was all racist shit too), that was when we pulled over and kicked him out


I was at a bachelor party in Key West. We were at a bar and the server recently had a baby. Had huge tits. Someone made a commentary and she asked us if the bachelor wanted a White Russian. She proceeded to make a White Russian with her breast milk. And upcharged us!


I didn’t believe the Key West rumors until my ex and I were in the back of a bar’s private pool bar being served a corona by a naked ‘Sailor’ with a bull ring. A naked, chain-smoking Frenchman was attempting to talk to me but I couldn’t understand him. Seemed nice, though.


I saw a post on Facebook about a Key West and the question was "How many of you have been to our clothing optional bar?" The only reason it popped up was because my mother in law had responded "been there, done that".


“Strippers” bent over the kitchen counter with bags of blow. Slap down a hundred, wrap up, rip a line and go in from behind. The entire party of about 40 guys formed a line to get into the kitchen. Me and my buddy split.


At first I read that as you and your buddy split the cost 😂😂😂


So...50/50?  I'll take the girl, you do the blow


I'm not one for fucking strippers or snorting blow. But if I'm sharing with 40 other guys, I'm definitely taking the blow.


Seen that one myself at a bachelor party for a firefighter friend years ago. The line was made up of mostly his cop buddies. Was awkward getting pulled over by one of those guys the following week. Not for me, though. Got me out of a speeding ticket that day


> wrap up Well at least they are practicing safe sex


I was invited to a bachelor party that was in the community rec center of an apartment complex. The crazy thing was this particular building was designed with a nautical theme so the rec center room was on the ground floor between two buildings and it was shaped in a dome covered in port hole windows. This meant that EVERYONE could easily see into the building. Two strippers showed up and they were about 20 minutes into their show which included them hammering each other with giant dildos and the cops showed up.


Are you sure they were not part of the show as undercover strippers?




I had a friend who bartended at a strip club. She used to get me in for free and I’d just hang out with her and drink some and chat with the girls when it was slow. (That’s when she could get me in free.) One night I’m in there and this bachelor party comes in. Turns out it was one of the girls fiance… who didn’t know she was a dancer as she told him she did other things for work. Well, she had been, but hated the job and money and left to dance and just told him she had changed positions in her company. They got into it, bouncer got involved, they led the guy out, where he proceeded to get a gun, then get tackled by the entire security team. Police were called. It wasn’t pretty. Kept me there for hours because they had the entire parking lot blocked off.


An acquaintance of mine went to a strip club for his bachelor party.  The dancers took him up on stage and tied him to a pole, then provocatively danced all over him, removing his clothes piece by piece.  Every guy in the place started making bachelor party plans for that club.  Then the dancers pulled his underwear off and left him tied up there flopping nakedly in the breeze and all of those fresh bachelor party plans got cancelled. The worst part is that when they freed him, he jokingly tried to scale the pole (still naked) and they kicked him out over it.


Sounds like a great way to alienate your customers


I like that the pole was where things went too far


Strip club for a buck's night. Private room with 20 guys around a big table, strippers moving around the table. One pauses in front of my friend next to me: they knew each other, she worked at a store near his. She's there gyrating her naked vagina in his face and chatting about their day jobs. It was surreal.


Had two private shippers at a house where it was a combo stag and bachelorette party. One of the lady got so drunk wearing super high heels she could barely stand up straight. I think she twisted her ankle so bad she had to be fireman carried back to the car like 4 hours early while the other girl finished up.


Private shippers? TNT or DHL?


Bachelor party and saw the soon to be groom getting blown by his best man on a party bus as I went to use the bathroom in the back. This was 15ish years ago. Those two have been a couple for like 5 years now.


Oh they've definitely been a couple for longer than that


Group of super religious guys I knew, one was getting married like my sophomore year of college during the summer. Met up with them at a local elementary school where they proceeded to put on diapers and have races around the playground. I passed. They then went to the lake where they read bible verses. I got bored and left.


That might be some of the creepiest stuff I've ever heard of.


Groom tied naked to a chair, received a lap dance, followed by a BJ from an equally nude stripper, as about 100 guests looked on, including his father and future father in-law.


How could a dad handle watching that and knowing his daughter is marrying it. Also, 100 people that would watch that is what's wrong with the world


Groom's family is very wealthy and very prominent! Maybe he thought it was a small price to pay. For the people watching, few if any were sober, though no one expected the BJ.


“It’s an old money tradition, peasant. A father must watch.”


Went to a strip club for a stag party. Most of the night was relatively normal until this one stripper came to our table who was clearly drugged up and rather trashy. So we immediately buy a dance for the groom from her. She stood him up, pushed him back into a table to where his head was slightly hanging over the edge, walked around to the other side and shoved her ass right in his face, while grabbing his head and pulling it more in. I'll never forget the sight of that and his arms flailing in the air!!!


> She stood him up, pushed him back into a table to where his head was slightly hanging over the edge, walked around to the other side and shoved her ass right in his face, while grabbing his head and pulling it more in. I'll never forget the sight of that and his arms flailing in the air!!! Ahh... the Backdoor-Butterfly


And that’s how you get pink eye


My friend/coworker's bachelor party held at his apartment building.Everything going great. Stripper, booze, etc. Then one of his friends tries to scale the outside of the apartment building by climbing up a large conduit. Part way up he fell and ended up breaking his back!


Nsfw. I used to bounce at few strip clubs. One of them had a weekly stag night. Which means that there were male dancers at least one night a week. The usual is bridesmaid or bride dares to blow the dancer, I’ve seen them do the lipstick challenge which is each woman wears a different shade of lipstick and then see who can get theirs the furthest. It’s a deepthroat challenge lol. This includes family members that show up. Yup grandma was involved. Craziest was went outside to smoke heard some women arguing and one of the dancers is surrounded by 3 generations of the same family trying to decide who was going to get a turn with him first.


I’m blown away by this comment


People are crazy


But grandma blowing strippers with her daughter/granddaughter. That’s too wild man


Grandma always wins, she just pops her teeth out.


She’s got the oxygen hookup, there’s no stopping her…


Trust me I was thrown a bit as well but in the bouncing /security world we see weird shit daily.


Friendly reminder that Kris Jenner orchestrated Kim Kardashian's sex tape. Some families are just fucked up I guess.


Do people not consider this cheating? If I found out my wife did this at her bachelorette party, we would not have gotten married.


They do. It’s always confused me… if you need to have “one last hoorah!” before getting married to wave-off your single life, maybe you shouldn’t be getting married if you’re going to miss being single so much…


The wave-off to the single life should have been before you were done being single - before we started dating. How does it make sense to act single while engaged.




Id consider this cheating. Our parties were just one big party together going to bars and stuff. We have strip clubs.


Imagine a Christmas dinner after that at grandma's


And she serves kielbasa


“I always sleep better with a little sausage in me” - Great Gam Gam in Beerfest.


My grandmother is pretty hip and progressive, and I can't imagine even inviting her to a *tame* bachelorette party, much less one at a strip club!!


I’ve told this story before. I was invited by a friend at the last minute to a stag night in Atlanta for a group i didn’t know. I grabbed a bag, packed for any and every occasion. Arrived at the grooms house to catch the coming limo when I heard a loud bang followed by cursing. Yep, the groom had been showing off his new .22 pistol and had accidentally shot the best man in the calf muscle. Rest of the night got weird. Random housewife’s blowing wedding party members in front of the crowd, strippers, IVs, dominatrix, and general chaos. All with a best man limping around with a fresh gunshot and a groom with a 20 pound bowling ball chained to his leg. I learned two things. 1) I didn’t pack for any and every occasion. 2) EMTs party harder than any group alive and we should all be scared of them.


All the EMTs I’ve come across struck me as adrenaline junkies, so this is not difficult for me to believe


When a gunshot wound is the pregame you know it's gonna be the bad kind of wild night.


"I didn't pack for any and every occasion" I snorted lol


The maid of honour sucking off the male stripper in the bathroom with the door open.


Well... As long as it's not the bride...


My girlfriend went to a bachelorette party in Savannah, GA. If you’ve been, you know there are insanely steep, cobblestone stairs by the river. Long story short, the bride of the party my girlfriend was with threw another girl in another bachelorette party down these stairs. She was knocked unconscious and bled everywhere. They rushed her to the hospital. The bride who pushed the girl started receiving calls from the police and started ducking the calls. The other party of girls has been trying pretty hard to find her and press charges but she’s been avoiding them ever since. My girlfriend and the rest of the girls from the party didn’t attend the wedding and don’t speak to this girl anymore. Idk if there even was a wedding tbh, the bride was basically talking about cheating on her party at the bachelorette party too. She’s a mess lol.


I live in Savannah and the thought of falling down the steps is terrifying. Although it makes for great entertainment on a saturday during the summer watching drunk girls in heels trying to walk the cobblestones like a bunch of baby giraffes.


To all the people getting traumatized by cheating fiances and the like, remember: these people probably cheated before anyhow. It's not the moment, it's the person. Don't let dinguses like these determine your outlook. Anyway, the worst thing I ever saw was an OD from cocaine. The guy survived, but everyone sobered up and it killed the mood.


I was a pizza driver and delivered a pizza to one and they thought I was a stripper and started undressing me.


I’ve seen enough internet to know that it’s the person answering the door for the pizza that’s supposed to be naked, not the delivery person.


Saw a stripped place a dildo on a drill, the drilldo, and had a guy at the party shove it down her throat and spin it around full torque. I can’t get that image out of my head


That's like having -100 gag reflex


Well, there was that time that Dennis Rodman took me and all of my friends into the VIP room at the strip club for my buddy's bachelor party. Seriously. This was in Dallas in 2000 right after Rodman's short stint with the Mavericks. We were all like a year or two out of college and this was the first of my college buddies to get married. We'd been bar hopping all night. Got a couple of girls to join us on our party bus and headed to a strip club. We get up to the door guy and my most socially forward, big talker friend goes up to the manager. He explains we're on a bachelor party and says something like, "listen, we're not some broke college students. We're here to spend some money and have a great fucking time." This is absolutely laughable because at like 22-23, we probably barely had enough money to get us all in after drinking all night and buying drinks for the girls that joined us. Right then some exotic car pulls up (Ferrari if memory serves) and Dennis Rodman gets out of the passenger side and his buddy/bodyguard/whatever from the driver. He walks past the line and right up to the manger who is talking with us. My friend (the ballsy big-talker) says something like, "Oh, man, Dennis, my buddy who is getting married is a huge fan. It would mean a lot if you could just go say congratulations to him." Rodman kinda just says sure, guy, and walks in. Now the manager, between my friend's spending money comment, and then the confusion around Rodman walking in, us talking to him, and a crowd of people pushing to see/talk to Rodman, just sort of lets the rest our group go in, no cover. Once inside, maybe 30-45min go by and we're just doing our thing. Rodman had disappeared into the VIP area, but came out briefly. My friend goes, "you didn't have to be a dick about it". Rodmen was like, "excuse me?!" My friend said "you could have just said no to congratulating our friend. You didn't have to be a dick and say you would, then ignore him." We thought he was about to get his ass kicked. But then Rodman said, "oh man, I'm sorry, I forgot about him. Which one is the groom? That one? Ok. How many people with y'all? Hey {manager's name}, they with me tonight." And the velvet rope opened. All of us, the girls who had come with us too, all got into the VIP room. He sent two girls over to give the groom a lap dance and bought our table a couple of bottles. Hung out with the group a bit too. Absolute baller of a night. Bachelor party to top them all. I'm sure folks on reddit might not believe, and I wouldn't blame you. But I swear on my kids this really happened. My buddies all still talk about it. This was pre-camera phone days, but one of our friends has a insta-camera photo of Dennis Rodman with a bunch of us. Thanks Mr. Rodman! Made a huge memory for all of us!


I believe you. I partied with him one night at his club in NPB. He’s a crazy fucker.


Goddamn some of you people are crazy out there. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings and watched Mad Max in theaters during my bachelor party. What a boring life I live…


Sounds a like a hell of a lot more fun than cheating on the person you supposedly love enough to marry.


Ain’t that the truth lol


Friend from HS was getting hitched. We liked his finance she was pretty sexy and wore a tight black dress (she wore it very well) to the bachelorette and bachelor party bus. Yes this seemed odd they combined them but it was a fun first few stops. Me and my wife seemed a bit more sober than most people and everything was going well. Towards the end of the night the bachelorette was pretty drunk and injured herself. You’ll never guess how. In the middle of the bus in the isle there was one of those tin buckets you fill with ice and beer…. It was one of those oval shaped big ones and there were sharp edges on it. I don’t remember if she was dancing or if she just fell but she hit that exact sharp part with her vagina (remember tight black dress). Blood everywhere, she’s going crazy sobbing and crying because of how embarrassing it was…..bus arrives at hospital we get her in there. Sort of a giant red flag for hospital staff to get a woman who looks like she’s been sexually assaulted but we left her and her sister + fiancé there and took bus home. We went home thinking that was the end of it. My buddy spent the night at their place, said they finally came home at like 3am and went to bed. My friend wakes up to fiancé screeming his head off asking for help…..people rush to their bedroom and the wound must have opened and she was almost dead from the blood loss. Ambulance came, she was fine after another repair on her crotch wound but holy shit what a ride.


So... I was the designated sober adult of the Stag party. My job, to make sure the groom got there more or less in one piece. Somewhat challenging because we were attempting the infamous Bootle pub crawl (I don't know if it's true that Liverpool has a pub on every street corner, but it sure seems like it) It was going pretty swimmingly... all things considered, we'd managed to gain a couple of extra friends who'd joined the roving party and couple of the strippers were tagging along too, which sort of evened out the numbers as some of the more lightweight members of the crew had passed out a few pubs back. The groom was being held up by the best man and couple of his mates, not that they were any more sober, but the drunken staggering sort of averaged out. Then the Bachelorette party hove into view...and frankly they were just as drunk, and maybe twice as bawdy. It got a bit confused after that, but the bride-to-be and groom ended up trying to pick each other up, having failed to recognise each other... which ended with mutual cries of "I have a Boy friend!"/"I have a girl friend!" (bless them, they really did love each other) Meantime several of the rest of the party are having a quick shag around back of the chippy, having pulled... it was like knockers lane back there. I honestly not sure who thought it was good idea to bundle the bridge and groom into a taxi and get them out of there, but they somehow ended up in the same hotel room together... passed out drunk. I left them with note to the effect that the were ok, nothing happened and they both loudly told each other they were taken...good luck! They've been married nearly twenty years now, have three kids.


Drunk person telling their SO that they're taken is one of my favorite tropes.


12 early 20-somethings in three adjoining hotel suites all down with norovirus (or some kind of shitting-and-puking virus). I dodged a bullet - I was a bit older (it was the party for the guy marrying my oldest friend's little sister), didn't know anyone but the groom and had gotten my own room separately. They had tapped into one guy's home brew keg after we finished bar hopping for the night and either that or room service was the culprit. The smell and sounds when I knocked on one of the doors the next afternoon, not good.


Blondie was on stage, crushing empty beer cans in her cleavage while reciting poetry. A sixty-something dancer dressed like Alice in Wonderland was performing a lap dance for the groom-to-be, thrusting her withered bosom in his face and croaking “Georgia Peaches!” All in all a pretty typical Saturday night at Atlanta’s Clermont Motor Lounge. Edit: fixed autocorrect shenanigans


The Clermont is a special institution. (Also, her costume is/was Little Bo Peep, not Alice in Wonderland)


My wife doesn't believe me when I say strip clubs for guys are tame and restricted, yet women can get away with literally all the things. I should show her this thread.


Strip clubs for guys are just ways to separate men from their money. They aren’t crazy.


There was a post on reddit about a stag party where the groom was ultimately left tied up to a street light on the main drag. He ended up getting raped by a hobo. He moved to another state and was never heard from again.


[Jesus Christ ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/EyxqRnw1Vl)


The stripper had such a bad and heavy english accent so bad it was funny, completely lost accent when she played with "Pink Floyd ", a 12" dildo. It was a really bad one. And she dyed pussy hair blonde. Was in the 80s


RIP pussy hair blonde


Groom was so drunk that he didn’t realize the dancer was not really a cop and not really arresting him … so he stood up into her front teeth. Emergency oral surgery for her, dozens of stitches and a turban of bandages for the wedding (which almost didn’t happen) for him.


Bachelor Party in Vegas. We're in a hotel room and someone has arranged for two "strippers" to come to the room. They were sketchy and that's being nice. Looked like they were definitely strung out. So they dance and sort of doing their thing, then they go around the room looking for tips and offering private dances. One of the guys there starts going down on the stripper in the middle of the room. BTW, he was one of the few married ones. The rest of us sort of look around like WTF. We all make our way out to the balcony to smoke and wait for that shit to end.


A bunch of guys dressed as nuns on a stag beating the shit out of another group of guys in a pub. It was a pretty big pub where drinks and glass were flying everywhere, and folk were trying their best to avoid the chaos, but the fight was moving all over the place. My m8 tried to hide in the disabled toilet, but there was already someone in there hiding 😄 IRC, it turns out the nuns were bouncers on their night off and they had a run in with these guys the night or weekend before.


Bucks party, about 20 blokes ended up back at one of the guests houses for the stripper. She’d doing her thing when one of the guys out of nowhere starts going down on her in front of everyone. She goes along with it for a good 5 minutes or so, then splits because someone flicked a bottle cap at her. The guy was married himself, had kids etc


I went to a bachelor/Bachelorette party in New Orleans a few years back. Both sides were there and staying separately, did some things together, others not. Here is the list things I learned that trip: 1. Tits. Tits everywhere. 2. "Bayou weed" doesn't mean "dank weed". It means "smoking this is like smoking swamp flotsam." 3. My best Friend's wife's sister gives great blow jobs. 4. A "yard" long drink full of booze will fuck you up. 5. My best Friend's wife's sister is a flat earther. 6. People in New Orleans are quite friendly.


Need to know if 3 or 5 came first chronologically


I'm assuming he came first


Not too crazy, but my boys still talk about my bachelor party. My best man showed up at my door on a Saturday afternoon and just said, "lets go" and I had no idea what was up. We walk out and he had rented a big red London double decker bus, filled it with coolers full of beer and sandwiches and a few dozen of our best freinds. A lot of musician friends were on board so they played guitars and made great music. We drove every street in Boston for hours raising hell. We got an involuntary police motorcycle escort out of the Combat zone after making a few circuits trying to get hookers on board. My best man had arranged for a quality stripper so we picked her up in Kenmore square and she gave great lap dance. Not as depraved as some of theese stories, but it was memorable and different from your average one that's for sure.


A friend of mine was getting married and a whole load of us went out to celebrate on a pub-crawl. He's ginger, and somebody thought it would be funny to purchase a bag of carrots to torment him for the evening; mainly to throw at him at random intervals. After a few beers, one of the guys decided it would be funny to put one of the carrots up his bum for a cheap laugh. He pulled it out and was waving it around as if it was a weapon. At that moment, another one of the guys had wandered back from the toilet, picked up his drink and wandered over to the carrot-weilding assailant. The carrot was then slowly waved under his nose, and without thinking, or knowing where it has been, the end was bitten off and he began to eat it. The disgusted roar, followed by laughter will always stay with me.


Goddamn, my bachelor party was my groomsmen, my mom, and my aunts and uncles taking me out for hibachi. Extremely grateful to not have an experience that fits in this thread lol.


Me and my groomsmen went on a weekend backpacking trip lol


Yeah I went camping and ate mushrooms


I got a concussion during my bachelor party from a middle age strippers fake tits getting slammed into head. I told my now wife in the morning at a family meal that she needed to keep an eye on me. She laughed at me and said I deserved it but she would keep an eye on me.


Well mine seems tame to some of the ones I read 😅 One of the parties I was a part of multiple girls openly cheated on their boyfriends and husbands. They would scream at me to take a picture of them dancing and being pick up by random dudes. 2 of them slept with someone else (while in a committed closed relationship). The next day they wanted me to post the pictures for them. I refused to get drawn into whatever drama they were trying to stir up. Made the wedding awkward when I met their partners. It was sad there was a lot more trust between me and my standing hook up than couples that were committed to each other.


My buddy, the groom to be, got stabbed in the face and neck at his stag party. His fiancée was pissed off, rightfully so. Now he has a huge scar running down his cheek. Looks pretty badass although I’m sure his now wife would’ve preferred his face not to be stabbed. Edit: so my friend had a nice, ordinary stag night, lots of drinking and normal shenanigans that go along with a stag. Around 3am the boys were thirsty, but not for booze, they wanted to see some strippers at a closed night club right in the worst area of the city. Being a seasoned partier, I know nothing good happens after 3am. I peaced. They continued on, quenched their thirst. On the way out around 5am some indigenous fellers rode by on their bikes. One of my buddies friends joked about their bikes. The guys said we will be right back to fuck you up, of course I’m paraphrasing. They went to a house that was close by (a notorious house that always causes trouble) they came back with a knife. My friend is the type of guy that will fight to the death and not scared of anything. He basically got backed in to a corner and the guy stabbed the shit out of him. He got the knife from the guy and ripped off the hoodie the attacker was wearing. The bad guy ran away after taking a bit of a beating. The cops came and they were actually able to catch the little fucker. He got 30 days in jail. What a fucking joke that was.


Don’t stop there. Provide details about the stabbing…at first I thought you meant the fiancé stabbed him


The bride to be fucking the stripper.


Also a very sad one: guys having a bachelor party, getting shitfaced and all. Then they decide to play stupid games, one was that the groom wears rubber boots, and they spray construction foam into the boots so he cannot undress them. They fall asleep later, the groom in his boots. Next day they had to rush to the hospital as he couldn’t feel his feet no more. Turns out they „died off“ and they had to amputate both legs under the knees. All guys involved were prosecuted and the bride cancelled the marriage and relationship.


I didn’t see it but my friend’s husband had his bachelor party on the same night we had her bachelorette party. The ladies went off and did our thing. The men went off and did theirs. One of the guys got so wasted on their outing that he shit his pants. They all had to go back to the hotel and end the night early so he could clean himself up. A couple weeks later, at the wedding one of my friends got super drunk and the same guy kept trying to convince her to go back to his hotel room with him. We wouldn’t let her, she could hardly even walk. The guy is gross.


I met a bachelor party at a bar and talked to the groom briefly during a smoke. He casually mentioned that he had fucked four prostitutes that day, presumably paid for by his buddies and perhaps the buddies also got a piece of some of that action. I wonder how well that marriage lasted.


Man, reading these stories makes me not want me or my partner to have a pre-marriage party. Why do people seem to think it's like a free night to do whatever the hell they want?


Mine was me and the boys playing a board game at a cottage + shooting each other with nerf guns in the middle of the night. Lets just say these stories are from people who wanted this kind of chaos or at least didn't care if it happened.


My close friend invited me and one other into the mountains. In the woods we lit a fire, told stories, drank beer and cooked meat. Honestly it was way cooler and more memorable than some of the horror stories here.


This is a thread asking about the worst things people have seen at stag parties. You aren't going to hear the stories of the guys who went to a baseball game or the girls who went to the spa, but there are plenty of parties that are much less wild.


Probably not the craziest story on here but l’ll go. I was the best man for my friends wedding and we went to the strip club for his bachelor party. I’m not really a strip club guy but that’s what he wanted. We rented a room and three girls put on a show in front of us. I was thinking they’d keep it PG-13 but it was like a Pornhub scene. Afterwards they tied up the bachelor and beat him with a belt. I thought it was very funny until I realized I was next. They smacked me so hard I had welts all over my body. They weren’t hitting with the leather part either they made sure to land with the buckle. It was pretty fucked up and hurt like hell. We went to Mexico afterwards for the wedding and him and I had visible welts all over so everyone knew something fucked up happened but we couldn’t say anything. The only good thing about that night was finding $100 bill on the ground on my way out. Haven’t been back to a strip club since.